View Full Version : Daddy, I want a Dragon!

2009-11-01, 08:22 PM
Please feel free to use this as a tabula rasa. All role-playing should, obviously be viewed by all. Greystone has done a great job linking his PC to Barucca, and it seems everyone interested is likely to do the same.
I'd rather not have another thread for OOC so please 'spoil' your OOC for everyone.
Once we get started I will start a dice roller thread (sooner if needs be).
As the weekends are often filled for me I don't expect anyone to post but if you do I will endeavor to answer in kind.

2009-11-01, 08:39 PM
"Thank the Host!" Barucca murmured to herself as she perused Marianna's missive.
It would be great to have her old friend at her side for this. She had to admit that Marianna, despite her sedentary life, was far more experienced in this sort of thing. My only experience is in battle, she thought to herself. Marrianna was well known in their circle, actually she had had some of her exploits covered in the Courier. That old geezer of a head-master would find it difficult to condescend to Marianna, actually Marianna would find it hard to tolerate the excursion's scholarly leader's condescending tone. Barucca chuckled.
Father had not taken her application well, and he had liked the King's insistence that Barucca undertake the excursion even less. He had been miserable and unhelpful throughout the preparations. Not that she had had any luck finding anyone to accompany her. Marianna's arrival, although not an acceptance as yet, bode well for Barucca.
Interviewing the very few applicants for hire had been tiresome and boring. if she had to suffer through one more pompous ass' idea of greatness she would thrust her sword through her throat.
What was even more annoying was the time it had taken for any reply from her comrades of old. Marianna was the first reply she had received and it was already a month since she had sent out her missives. Rhaan was approaching and if things went as slowly as they had been going she would be leading this excursion in winter. She hated winter. Chainmail did not provide as much warmth as one would think. And trekking through mountains in winter was ill-advised stupidity.
Marianna's arrival should spur some action, Barucca hoped.

2009-11-01, 09:28 PM
The ariship ride had been, like most, boring. Oh sure, the view had been wonderful, and she had even managed to coax a tan out of her pale Karnnathi skin, but when she finally stepped of the docks and into her friends city, well- it was a relief.

She called a carriage to her, no sense in walking through the streets of s'Dium. The mechanical device pulled up and she sighed. Why didn't anyone just use horses anymore. Once in the carriage, with her baggage safely stowed in the upper compartment, she examined herself critically. Her long crimson hair was worn long and she wore a black bodice with dark red lace, bottomed with a pair of leather pants.

She always wore pants, Soldiers didn't wear skirts... though she did have one fine evening-

Her thoughts were cut-off when she finally pulled up to the palace. A guard stopped them.

"Who goes there?" he asked gruffly.

"Lady Captain Marianna Von Krunveld." she holds out Barucca's letter "I have replied to the Lady Barucca's summons"

2009-11-02, 08:39 PM
The city of s'Dium can be compared to any medium sized city. Although the king is a ruler there is easy access to his offices. That, too, can be said of the stables where Barucca's office is located. In fact it is quite easy to gain access to Barucca. As for the city itself, although it is Eberron, because of the family's ties to House Vadalis, horses of exceptional breeding are prevalent. As this city gains its wealth from travelers, martial protection and husbandry it is quite less formal than most king's realms and as such dispenses with formality.

Still no replies! She fumed her way to the stables and was beset by Pendaril. Daddy's lap dog! Although, he had been very kind to her in the past and the two had similar interests she was always a little suspicious of Pen. He had been Daddy's bodyguard and she assumed that with that role, even though Daddy had made him 'game-keeper,' that there was a much more underlying their relationship, a steadfast loyalty that would supersede any friendship that he had.
"Ahh Princess Barucca, as always I am honored by your presence. To what do I owe this pleasure?.......A quest to find you a dragon?......I'm not sure I could refuse, even if I had the option.....Whatever the journey, you have my pledge as always, m'lady," said the game keeper as polite as always. As informed as always.
Although, one could not have helped hearing of her 'adventure' and her little dispute with Daddy. The game-keeper was always well informed of goings on. She decided to push aside her suspicion and confront the man as always, as a good companion.
"Pen! I hadn't thought to ask if you'd be interested. With your duties to my father, and his...dislike...for my 'little adventure' I really thought you'd look upon this quest as off limits. I haven't even finished speaking with my applicants and I am expecting friends soon. But, if father allows it, I will consider your offer."
She had been abrupt. He hadn't even had a chance to reply. Well there were other things to attend to. Father had begun working his 'royal' influence at the university and there was an inordinate amount of pressure on the provost there. It seems father had begun to charge the university for the rooms they used at the stables. And had found a way to work even more monetary pressure into a sweeping budgetary response to some 'fiscal emergency.' According to the provost, and Grimwaulf, the expedition leader--grumpy old fart-- who had taken to visiting her hourly to report the university diminishing underwriting fund, the funds were indeed diminishing and besides Grimwaulf and his staff of five the entire expedition force had been 'reallocated'. It was all very discouraging and she could see her dream coming to end soon if she didn't make a move.
Where were her friends! Marianna should have been here weeks ago...
"Lady Captain Marianna Von Krunveld." Marianna said holding out a letter to...Arnauld...gods.
"I have replied to the Lady Barucca's summons," continued Marianna, always one for formalities. She would be hard-pressed in s'Dium to find the courtly homage she received in her homeland.
"Arnauld! Dear, please leave the people alone! Now how did you get a hold of your armor?" she chided the older man.
"Marianna, you little kitten!" she cooed, playfully, to Marianna who would either laugh or slap her for her jest. Barucca cared little which, she was excited to see her friend and relieved, too.
"My armor! I can do what I want. And what I want is to keep riffraff from the grounds."
"Yes, Arnauld my sweet but shouldn't the privy be attended to? The animals have had quite a long morning..." she chastised.
"Marianna, my stable master, Arnauld. Arnauld, the Lady Marianna," she made the introductions. She was still awaiting a slap but it seems Marianna was a bit dumbfounded by Arnauld.
"Arnauld, love, why don't you escort us to my offices?" she said taking his arm.

2009-11-02, 08:55 PM
Marianna huffed slightly "Damn it Barucca, do you and your family run a palace or a meet and greet!"

Still frowing, she allows herself to be led away from the courtyard and she snapped a finger at the driver "You, please take my bags to the guest chamber" She tossed a couple coins to him to assure her stuff was not... molested.

She turns back, pausing to read just the ceremonial sword at her belt "Now Princess, what did you call me for eh?" she tossed her majestic head "I hope it was worth that damnable airship ride"

Mr. Mud
2009-11-02, 08:57 PM
Howw's horse had an odd resemble to him; it's jet black coat, has a milky streak, present from the left shoulder to the right hip, just as Howw's hair has a streak of pure white trailing across his head from left to right. Needless to say, many heads looking up for a moment, and starred in awe. He could even see a mistress in a black bodice stare from her carriage at the duo.

The courier seemed uncomfortable, but Howw didn't have the energy to put him at ease. His mind was on other things.

Why would Barruca need me for an expedition for a dragon? Furthermore, why a dragon in the Mournlands? Is this her fathers doing...? It doesn't seem likely, but I suppose it's alwa--

Howw looked up, to see the courier speaking with a gate guard, and then he was leading his horse again. At the stairs to the palace, he offered to take the horse to the royal stable, and Howw agreed. Again, he tipped him, and made his way to the palace...

((OCC: Grey, if youi'd like you could have your character call mine from afar, and he stops and turns around. They meet, and walk into her office together or something? Or would you rather have her walk in on Barruca and Howw conversing?))

King Tius
2009-11-02, 09:27 PM
A familiar smirk creeps across Pen's face as Barucca tersely dismisses him. The girl had spunk, there was no denying it. Without a word he turns and heads towards the King's receiving room, his cloak flowing out in a wide arc along with his hair. As he strides towards his meeting with the King he allows himself to change shape. Leaping forward with two feet and landing with four, Pen takes off at a quick pace in his more graceful and powerful feline form. Those nearby see a large and muscular cat, almost more a bear in the way it bears itself, with deep blue fur and mystical white markings along its body. Most notable is the Dragonmark of the Lyrandar house which maintains its shape, transitioning from a mask of lines across Pen's human face to a sigil on the top of his feline head.

Without the need for admittance or announcement he slips into the King's chamber through a side door, opened for him by one of the guards. Gracefully he pads forward towards the King's throne where the man sits. As the King concludes his business with his guests Pen sits quietly behind the small crowd on the floor, still in his cat form. When they turn to leave, one of the women in the group gives a frightful shout, much to the King and Pen's amusement. Pen strides forward, cutting a path through the frightened guests, changing gracefully back into his human form as he does so. When he approaches the King's throne, he bows respectfully and awaits his turn to speak.

"M'Lord, it seems your daughter will not protest overly much to my accompanying her. As you wish I shall make her safety my only priority and will see her safely through the Mournland. Now, shall I contact my House about anything before we depart? Perhaps I can arrange to have a liaison sent to your palace while I am gone."


Not that it's my call, but I REALLY hate dice roller threads. Could we just spoiler them, too?

2009-11-02, 09:45 PM
Marinna was following Barucca as movement caught her eye. She once again turned slightly, and her jaw tightened in shock as she spied Howw. That damned-

She raised her voice "Howw, you useless layabout What in Khyber are you doing here" she glances at Barucca "Maybe the Princess needed a new stable hand"

Mr. Mud
2009-11-02, 09:51 PM
An amused smirk came upon Howw's face, as he ran up to The Captain

Maria, you hag. Is the fair Princess short a wench for her tavern, or something? Surely you're not here for the same reason as I! He called, as he ran up to the women. He winked a friendly hello to Marianna, and Greeted Barruca.

And then it hit him.

Wait!? You two are acquainted? He exclaimed, taken aback.

2009-11-02, 10:00 PM
Marianna rolls her eyes "I've told you not to call me Maria you impossible man" she sniffs "And I would think you should know better than think I'd be a wench"

She blinks, and comments at the same time Howw does "You know the Princess"

Mr. Mud
2009-11-03, 08:50 AM
Ah, well yes... I've known her since my youth. What a peculiar expedition this will turn out to be... He looks around coolly, making sure only the three of them are within ear shot. He sniffs the air loudly, and then in a low, serious tone:

Barru, what is the meaning of this? Why do you need us all? I know of your heritage, and love for dragons, but... He pauses, pensively...

But the Mournlands? I love treasure ad glory as much as you, but The Mournlands?

He looks to Marriana

I'll follow you to the pits, Barru.

2009-11-03, 03:39 PM
"Well, I'm not to be out bid by a man who really is only a amateur" she grins like the wild cat she occasionally can be "We need details Princess, let us discuss"

She holds out a hand, and opens the office door.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-03, 03:56 PM
Howw watches Barru move through the door, and then gets down mockingly on one knees and pretends to kiss Marianna's knuckle.

Elite battle captains before the amateurs fair maiden. He smirked, and his eyes shown brightly.

2009-11-03, 10:01 PM
Shuffling her two friends into her office Barruca sighed in exasperation. Finally, some progress. But she was damned if she'd allow daddy's little cat man the opportunity to undermine this expedition. And she was still awaiting replies from some of her friends. It seemed her whole world was mired in quicksand and she was sinking fast.
Her two friends seemed a little more than just acquaintances. I'll leave them to their flirtation.
"I appreciate you two coming," she started, frustrated by the formal tone she took and equally frustrated at where to start, "My letter did nothing more than bark an explanation and for that I apologize. The reason for this quest is more than a personal whim. I've been having visions..."
She hesitated and cursed herself for doing so. These two would pounce on her words like ravenous hounds. She felt small and stupid now that the explaining was at hand. It had seemed so clear before she had confronted Daddy but now that she had to lay out the last few months' dream dances, as real and frightening as they were for her, she felt stupid.
"I have been visited by spirits. I know, I know stupid...But the way these dreams occur, the feelings, senses, experiences, are all so real. It speaks to me. A small little voice and it calls for my help! I see the lair so clearly I could get us there and we could retrieve..."
This wasn't an explanation it was a tome of fancy! She felt like a bloody damsel in distress and was about as coherent. She had been most eloquent when she had petitioned the university for aid in her endeavor. Of course she had used the research given her by the undergraduate sage that had been researching her family, rather than using her dreams as a basis for the expedition. But now she felt a child in their presence.
She glared at her friends daring them to interrupt hoping they would. She was not herself and they would see that. Maybe, if they interrupted, she could regroup and assault this beast of an explanation again.

OOC: I want to wait a few days for a few more 'interested parties' to get their act together. I would really like two more people before I get into the meat of the story and then we can start the actual XP earning and 'dark and stormy night' stuff keep posting and I will follow up in kind. I will get a 'story so far' site up.

King Tius
2009-11-03, 10:04 PM
OOC: Should I RP the King or do you want to do that?

2009-11-03, 10:14 PM
"Thank you, Pen. Barucca is exceedingly troublesome on this matter and I have had some trouble in distracting her. I would rather she think you coming along is her idea rather than me forcing you upon her. And I believe that that should happen soon."
Marc, paused, briefly and his face darkened. He shook his head as though clearing his vision and smiled, tentatively, at the Druid.
"Yes, soon. Listen, Pen, I need some relaxation. Care to join me for some game? The hawks have need of some time in the sky I believe, no?"
Not waiting for a reply, the King stood and retired to his chambers. Pen followed.

2009-11-03, 11:20 PM
Marianna huffed and swept passed the fool of a man. She settled herself into an armchair and waited as Barruca began her story. She raised an eyebrow as it continued.

"So let me get this straight" she paused "You want us to go into the gods-damned remnents of Cyre, just because you have had visions"

She leaned back and smiled "Well, good, because if the dead can walk than maybe if a Princess gets visions... their true."

Mr. Mud
2009-11-03, 11:31 PM
Howw politely declined his seat, and stood be hind his chair, nonchalantly. His hands were clapsed to the upper part of the back of the chair.

He was silent for awhile after she finished her story. Suddenly he said, These... Visions. Do they pain you? Do they hurt you, Barruca? His knuckles turned white against the back of the chair.

Before we rush off to risk life and limb, we know what we are after. Exactly, what are we to do? Save this poor beast?

2009-11-03, 11:37 PM
Marianna glances at Howwand begins to raise an eyebrow. Any comment died in her throat. It was not the time to make THOSE comments.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-04, 03:33 PM
OCC:Eh? What was wrong with those questions/comments? Howw is supposed to be a tad social awkward, granted, but I didn't see a problem. Did I RP player information, and not character?

2009-11-04, 06:32 PM
No not you, she was going to comment on how Howw seemed so protective, and make some innuendo's- but she realized that at that moment she shouldn't tease

Mr. Mud
2009-11-04, 06:37 PM
No not you, she was going to comment on how Howw seemed so protective, and make some innuendo's- but she realized that at that moment she shouldn't tease

OCC:Ah, okay I was kinda worried for a moment there.

Howw looks to Marianna. You've been to the Mournlands, right Marianna?

2009-11-04, 06:45 PM
Maianna turns her eyes to face the other man fully. She paused for a moment, as if collecting herself, before she spoke.

"Yes.... once" her eyes glazed over slightly, as if she saw the battle from before "We went in... and most were swalloed by the fog"

Mr. Mud
2009-11-04, 06:51 PM
He looks at companions I lost companions there, too... He frowns and looks away face hardening.

2009-11-04, 08:40 PM
Barucca sat and listened to her friends. They were indeed, that. She had met Marianna on the battlefield and Howw she had done her best to keep him alive on more than one occasion they were definitely more than just professional acquaintances. And it seems, no matter how addled she was, they would remain so.
"Listen, the visions, well they're not really visions. They're real. I have visited the aerie myself at night. Almost as if something has magicked me there. And I have walked the caverns. And a small voice calls to me begging for help. I'm not sure how to describe it. I feel on edge, very much battle ready, awaiting the morning's fight! And something rumbles deep in that keep..." she paused to get her wind. She looked at her two compatriots, faces set, listening intently. She waited for them to interrupt, laugh, poke fun but the stillness seemed to radiate throughout the room, pushing the outside world further away.
It was time for something more substantive: "Nevertheless, this expedition is to my ancestral home on the other side of this mountain range. A sage, a member of the university did his studies on my family's history and found quite a bit referencing the breeding and raising of dragons. Hundreds of years ago, before the war! He was so convincing that the president of the university called upon my father to show him the findings. Father was impressed but little interested but something seemed to call out to me and that is when the visions started."

2009-11-04, 08:46 PM
"Pen?" queried the King as his hawk soared through the crisp blue sky, "What do you know of visions, dreams?"
The King seemed tense and distracted. His handling of his hawk was cursory and the bird cried its annoyance with its handler. The King fumbled with the restraining strap and Pen could feel the king's gaze upon him.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-04, 09:21 PM
Howw nods, pensively. Have you seen what's crying out to you, Barru? Do you know why? Howw looked worried. His placid green pupils were now green flames; he was tense.

King Tius
2009-11-05, 10:27 AM
"I'm afraid I do not know much, m'lord. There are keepers of the woods such as I who can see into men's thoughts and even walk among them, but not I. What troubles you my King? Is it your daughter's quest, or something more?"

2009-11-06, 08:30 PM
OOC: Can everyone post there PC's to this thread please. I have a few saved for my own reference but I'm lazy so if you wouldn't mind.
Also, thanks for all the hard work and patience. This weekend is busy for me so I will be unable to post, although I often find time anyway. We should start on a 'formal' campaign this week. I want to tie up some loose RP stuff and bring everyone together.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-06, 09:38 PM
As I don't have a Myth-Weavers sheet, and my regular sheet is un-openable unless you have D&D Character Builder, here is a spoilered version:

Howw====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Howw, level 11
Longtooth Shifter, Ranger, Stormwarden
Build: Two-Blade Ranger
Fighting Style: Two-Blade Fighting Style

Str 23, Con 11, Dex 17, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 9.

Str 18, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

AC: 22 Fort: 22 Reflex: 20 Will: 17
HP: 83 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 20

Nature +12, Stealth +12, Perception +12, Acrobatics +12, Athletics +17

Arcana +5, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +6, Heal +7, History +5, Insight +7, Intimidate +4, Religion +5, Streetwise +4, Thievery +7

Level 1: Lethal Hunter
Level 2: Improved Initiative
Level 4: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 6: Two-Weapon Defense
Level 8: Mounted Combat
Level 10: Power Attack
Level 11: Two-Weapon Opening

Ranger at-will 1: Hit and Run
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Dire Wolverine Strike
Ranger daily 1: Sudden Strike
Ranger utility 2: Unbalancing Parry
Ranger encounter 3: Thundertusk Boar Strike
Ranger daily 5: Two-Wolf Pounce
Ranger utility 6: Yield Ground
Ranger encounter 7: Claws of the Griffon
Ranger daily 9: Swirling Leaves of Steel
Ranger utility 10: Expeditious Stride

Lightning Longsword +2 (2), Adventurer's Kit, Hunter's Kit, Pouch, Belt (empty) (5), Hide Armor, Handy Haversack (heroic tier), Riding Horse, Longbow, Dagger (2)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

2009-11-07, 09:53 PM
The questions. She hadn't expected the questions or the reactions of her comrades. This was why she picked her friends so very carefully. They were unexpected in their ways. She smiled to herself.
"No, I don't know what is crying out. But I do know, I seem to feel, that I am receiving these visions from that being. It is intelligent and naive all at once. it's hard to explain," she gasped, she'd been holding her breath and was surprised at how coherent she was becoming, "The other, well, that's different, I think it feels me, I know, It searches for me and seems little aware of the smaller mind, well not smaller, just less malevolent I guess. They're connected, somehow, its not clear how. The visions are exhausting and I think they are as draining to the one that calls. I have only had a few in the last months and lately none at all."
Her friends await her response, she could see that, but she had nothing more to say. It was hard enough to understand herself. She glanced at her wall clock and noticed the time.
"Host! We have an appointment, well I have an appointment at the university. Care to join me?"

Mr. Mud
2009-11-07, 09:55 PM
But of course, Barru. He rose from his seat, and stiffed the ruffles in his clothes. He glanced to Marianna, and awaited departure.

2009-11-07, 09:58 PM
"No, not of my daughter per se, no. But somehow, I feel, that this dream has something to do with her," the King explained, slowly twirling the hawks restraints.
The hawk screeched in boredom and the king fumbled and let it fly again. He watched the beauty of its flight with a long and lost look in his eyes.
"It is recurring and dark, twisted," continued the king, "hard to explain, really."
"Pen, I can't order you to accompany my daughter, nor can I order her to take you but it is imperative that you are part of this mission. Imperative. I have received her acceptance to a private dinner tonight. I need you to be there. TO convince her that you must go. Can you...will you do that?

2009-11-07, 09:58 PM

marianna stands and shifts her longsword into a more comfortable position. "Very well, then let us make haste"

2009-11-07, 10:01 PM
"Aarn! Aarn! Damnable...wake up! Stop your daydreaming," growled an eerily aged voice. One that Aarn was all to familiar with: Grimwaulf.
"The esteemed princess will be here momentarily," continued Grimwaulf his lack of respect and distaste for the meeting dripping from every syllable.
"Maps! Consignments! Please, hurry. I want little of my time wasted on this spectacularly boring task," shouted the man as he stalked away from Aarn's table.

King Tius
2009-11-07, 10:07 PM
"Absolutely m'Lord. It is an honor and a privilege to serve you. Now, Let me see if I can scare up some quarry for you."

Pen melds back into his feline form and takes point for the king, stalking through the brush looking for game.

2009-11-09, 09:34 AM
Minoras found his way to Marc's Manor, his sword strapped to his side and his pack upon his back. It had been a while since he'd last taken the time to drop in to visit Marc, and he found himself regretting it. It seemed so serene, when the rest of the world could be so bustling and hostile. He slowly made his way up the road to the Manor's front door. Beyond, he knew, would be the regal trappings that bound Marc to his place, far from the world of conflict that they had known quite intimately together once. The battlefield never left you, he knew, far more than most, although you could leave it. He had spent more time hunting recreationally in recent times when Minoras had visited. No matter how old the Marc got, he still seemed more alive with a sword by his side and danger around each bend of the road.

He pushed the door open as quietly as he could. He had barely made it a few steps into the manor before he was confronted by a servant. "Can I help you, sah?"
"Erm, yeah. I'm here to see King Marc. He said it was urgent." Minoras replied.
"Sire Marc is currently out, hunting. You may whait for him here if you whish."
Minoras shook his head, no.
"I know the place. thank you for your time." he said, already half way out the door.
"Humpf," The servant said, to noone in particular, after Minoras had left. "No need to hurreah, his lordship rareleah takes more than a day."

Character Sheet-Minoras Ethilon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=164771)

2009-11-09, 01:10 PM
OOC: Hey guys! I was pondering this game the other night and I have a (what I think) is a great idea for a first encounter (no spoilers). And as I thought about the time I would spend initiating and implementing this encounter I thought how easy it would be if we were all in the same room and how time consuming it would be if we weren't (for me not for you). Either way it will happen. Anyway, I am running a Shadowfell walk through and the first encounter took a week. I ran it, just for fun with my own PC's and it took fifteen minutes. Big time disparity. And I thought how could we expedite this first encounter and I thought we could do it by Skype or something similar. Any thoughts?

2009-11-09, 01:18 PM
OOC: That sounds fine to me, time is the only problem. By voice or by chat? ((I'm at GMT, just by the by.))

Mr. Mud
2009-11-09, 02:19 PM
OOC: Hey guys! I was pondering this game the other night and I have a (what I think) is a great idea for a first encounter (no spoilers). And as I thought about the time I would spend initiating and implementing this encounter I thought how easy it would be if we were all in the same room and how time consuming it would be if we weren't (for me not for you). Either way it will happen. Anyway, I am running a Shadowfell walk through and the first encounter took a week. I ran it, just for fun with my own PC's and it took fifteen minutes. Big time disparity. And I thought how could we expedite this first encounter and I thought we could do it by Skype or something similar. Any thoughts?

Skype works for me. Anytime (for the next few days, at least).

Alternatively, we could use MapTool. It's a pretty great tool for DMs.

2009-11-09, 10:20 PM
It was a comfortable walk to the university. It wasn't far from the estate but she could tell Marianna was rather annoyed at the lack of 'royal' accoutrements. Howw, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy his time outdoors.
They left talk of the 'visions' in her office and now bantered easily as they proceeded through the streets of her city.
This meeting was a cursory one. Really, she didn't need to attend. It was simply another inventory of provisions and personnel and an excuse for Grimwaulf to state, yet again, that this 'adventure' was anything but and should stay the purview of the academic world. She detested the man.
As they entered the university Barucca guided her friends through the labyrinthian corridors of the provost building. Reaching a non-descript door she burst in.
"Ah, my lord Grimwaulf! Pleased to see you. And his mighty assistant, too!" exclaimed a animated Barucca.
Grimwaulf shivered with rage. He was a rather grumpy today. His gaunt and stringy frame shivered with contempt and Barucca smiled.
"Hey Aarn," she whispered as Grimwaulf began grumbling, "The curmudgeon keeping you busy?"
Aarn was a good sort. Adept and eager. He had been working with Grimwaulf for quite some time and seemed to, despite the older man's lack of leadership, flourish under his tutelage. Aarn had become a well-liked member of her scholarly escort.
Before Grimwaulf could level his acerbic tongue the provost marshal herself entered the room.
"My lady," she nodded curtly and rushed past to take a seat at the head of the table.
It was purposeful slight but Barucca decided to ignore it and, playfully, took a seat next to Grimwaulf. She nodded to Marianna and Howw to take the seats next to her.
"I would like to dispense with the pleasantries and the itinerary for this meeting," began the provost in curt and clipped words, "I am afraid that we must cancel this expedition."
Aghast, Barucca sat with her mouth agape. Marianna surged to her feet and Howw quietly pulled her back to her seat.
"As I expected," blurted Grimwaulf, "without the proper leadership this expedition was doomed from the start."
Grabbing Marianna's quickly thrust arm, Barucca sighed quietly. She should have let her hit the man. But the provost had an agenda in mind and it was not clear to Barucca what her motives were.
"I see," Barucca began, "I understand that you and the university are under an increasing amount of pressure, Provost Marshall. I apologize for that and I have an appointment with my father this evening to discuss just that topic. I can assure you that this expedition is days from beginning as are your troubles. Is there nothing I can say to dissuade you from your position?"
"Days?" said the provost and Grimwaulf, equally surprised and outraged at her presumption.
"Yes. I have my team in order and Professor Grimwaulf is exceedingly talented as your representative. We will leave three days from now."
Marianna grabbed her wrist under the table and she heard Howw hiss away a comment. She hoped her friends would tolerate her ambush and at the same time knew they would. She could apologize later. A lovely chateau wine was waiting for each of them in her quarters.
"Three days?" their tones had not shifted from their previous outburst.
"Is there a problem, besides the unstated concern the provost referenced at the outset of this meeting. Are you not ready to go Grimwaulf? You have been exceedingly clear as to your status these past weeks and I was under the impression that I was your only hurdle," Barucca continued. She would hi-jack this meeting and turn it to her advantage, she was adamant.
Grimwaulf, surprisingly, shut his mouth. The provost was another matter.
"Regardless of your present state of preparedness the university is rescinding its credit marker. We just do not have the funds," was her curt reply.
"Madame Provost, I will match King Boranel's funding to the copper, from my own funds. I do not need your funding. I would, however, extend a courtesy invitation to Professor Grimwaulf's team so that the University's interests in this expedition are still represented," said Barucca.
Her hands shook at her check-mate move. She had been over her holdings and liquidity and knew that she would be hard pressed to meet her obligations but, somehow, she would. Destitution seemed an easy fate compared to the fate her visions held if she failed.
"My lady..." stammered the provost.
"It is settled. Grimwaulf do I have your support?" Barucca asked, turning to the aged wizard.
"Yes!" piped up Aarn. Although considered an assistant to Grimwaulf, Aarn had tenure at the university and could speak as a representative. Barucca smiled at the man and noticed the grimaces of both Grimwaulf and the provost.
"Then it is settled. I expect the university team to be ready on the morning of the third day hence. Thank you for your time, provost, professor," smiled Barucca nodding to both.
She laughed as she left the room and gulped back her chortle as she saw Howw's and Marianna's faces.

2009-11-09, 10:28 PM
The hunting had relieved some of King Marc's tension and as they approached the estate a figure could be seen walking from the trail leading to the woods that bordered the grounds. King Marc peered ahead and smiled broadly.
"Pen, I have a great friend for you to meet, perhaps you won't be alone on your journey with my daughter," laughed the King as he broke into an easy trot towards the figure.
Gaining ground fast the King slowed his pace and approached the figure. As tall as the King the eladrin stood stoic as the King approached.
"Minoras! Friend! Well met!" spoke the King, "Introductions! Pendaril d'Lyrandar, meet Minoras Ethilon. Host! It's good to see you man!"
The King led the two to his quarters explaining each of their histories to the other and gamboling quite like a young warrior. Pen marveled at the change in his King.

2009-11-10, 09:44 PM
OOC: Due to a gross oversite on my part some of the things I need for the first encounter are on myth-weavers--which has been all but inaccessible for the past day and a half. I am working diligently to reconstruct the first encounter. Please have patience I will start the actual game play in the next day! Thanks in advance.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-11, 10:25 AM
Howw lets out a long sigh, and looks to Barruca for a moment. It's been a long time, Barru... He isn't sure exactly what he means by the statement, but sees Barruca in a different light now.

He then shakes himself from his trance, to his usual, jovial state. I'll fetch my things, from Rokk. I think I left all my gold in his saddlebag... Barru, what are your plans for tonight? Are we doing something special?

2009-11-11, 08:58 PM
The dinner was as extravagant as it was uncomfortable for everyone.
Before leaving the university Barucca had impulsively invited Aarn to the dinner. The scholar had shown a good amount of presence during the pleasantries and Barucca was glad that she had another person in her corner, albeit one whose goal was aligned with hers for quite different reasons. It seemed Daddy had plucked old allies out of thin air. It didn't help that he was joined by and Eladrin, and elf, and, of course the lap dog. She was being hard on Pen, he had been nothing but supportive of her in the past and was quite a good companion but she knew that he was loyal to the king first.
The dinner party actually enjoyed themselves for a good part of the evening but as dessert was laid on the table the onus of the night's actual purpose began to weigh heavily.
"I have decided to leave in three days, father," she blurted hoping to gain a good position in this battle.
"What! Damnable university! How did you get them to..." spat the king before Barucca riposted.
"Get them to pay for it? I have means of my own father. And you can't change King Boranel's mind. We leave in three days," she held his gaze throughout the long silence.
She was exhausted, mentally, by the time the king spoke.
"Aye, there is nothing for it. I will speak with the university and get you your funding back. I will even throw in my support, on one condition," growled the king.
She had known that this was coming. She knew that Pen would be ordered to accompany her. She had expected it and, frankly, welcomed it. She and Pen had been on a few missions for the king and he was good in battle. She resigned herself to her father's whim.
"Pen and Minoras will accompany you. Before you object," interrupted the King, because Barucca was about to do just that, "I will remind you that both these men are known to me, and you. I trust them, explicitly, as you can. These are my terms. If not do not expect to leave. I can turn your quarters into a very comfortable cell."
She really had no idea what was in store. And the more hands the better. She bristled a little though as she replied: "Of course, father, shall I expect your presence, too?"
"Barucca, please! I am adamant. I am against this expedition...Cyre is no place to walk about aimlessly," grumbled the King.
His tone, his whole countenance darkened with worry. She was struck dumb by his earnest appearance and felt little urge to bandy about with words. In the past few weeks she really had not broached the subject of her mission with her father. They were at such logger-heads over the whole affair. She could see now that he was deeply moved in his concern for her. But the visions dragged her attention towards the aerie in Cyre. She was little able to ignore such a moving plea from the dream presence. It was imperative that she go on this mission.

The dinner had actually ended quite well. Barucca had spoken with Pen and Minoras before leaving and had set up a planning meeting for the next day. She, Howw, Marianna and Aarn had retired to her suite. She still owed them that wine.
Her quarters were as spacious as her father's. They had once been her mother's before her death. The foursome sat around the hearth, it was a rather chilly night, and spoke in a casual manner. Aarn fell into the little cabal quite quickly.
The room was warm and filled with light. A huge portrait of Barucca and her mother hung above the hearth. On the wall opposite her bedroom hung her sword and various other weapons of war she had used over the years. The wine was beyond description and had aired well. She hoped the vintage was not lost on Marianna.
"Well, I hope you aren't put off by my father's hi-jacking of the mission," she said as a knock sounded on the door.

In the King's room:
Quite warm and cozy, despite the martial decorations, King Marc's quarters were actually quite modest for the lord of the city. His sitting room faced a hearth that burned brightly. Swords, halbreds, bows, and sundry other weapons hung on the walls around the common area. The mood was actually light as the king seeemed heartened by his daughter's reaction to his demands. Minoras, and Pen had hit it off well and his man-at-arms, Morn'il had been regaling the men with songs of battle.
It was rather abrupt that Morn'il's song was interrupted by a knock at his door.

OOC: The wait is over! Please take a look at the maps: Barucca (http://www.chrisandtheresa.net/chris%26theresa.net/Barucca) for those with Barucca this evening and King Marc (http://www.chrisandtheresa.net/chris%26theresa.net/King_Marc) for those with King Marc.
Please note your preferred position using the grid (Barucca is at K3 on her map; King Marc at K3, Morn'il at L4 on the King's map).

As for rolls, Mr. Mud has shown a propensity for eschewing the dice roll thread. Unless someone is enthralled by the thread I will leave it to you to roll for yourselves. I have a lovely set of dice that I will use. I will use the honor system. Of course, and I highly doubt this happenstance, if on our first encounter someone keeps rolling natural 20's I will open the dreaded dice thread. (Insert devastatingly intimidating stare here)

After everyone has placed themselves we will continue.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-11, 09:44 PM
Howw, who is immersed in personal thought as he sips the rather bland wine--he was never one for anything besides ale, brandy, and the harder spirits--casually browses the walls, looking at the stonework, and the various decorations. He then takes up a comfortable spot leaning against the wall adjacent to the fire and next to Barruca. He's holding his wine with surprising elegance. He is alert, as always, but feels rather relaxed in the presence of his three compatriots.

((Place me in K2 good sir!))

2009-11-11, 10:11 PM
Marianna took slow drinks from her glass and seems to savor the wine. Leaning by her side is her halberd, her weapon of choice. She was planning on practicing with it a little later in the night.

"Excellent vintage Barucca, much better than the brand that filters its way up north"

OOC- O3, in the chair

2009-11-12, 09:11 AM
Minoras was enjoying himself. He always enjoyed sharing tales of war with others of his ilk, it was far more enjoyable than creating those self-same stories. He had met Morn'il only a few times before, and the ballad he was singing was a tale Minoras hadn't heard before. And the wine flowing freely kept his mind off the dark undercurrent of the tales, and the banter was free flowing. When the knock echoed through the door, Minoras snapped out of his happy stupor, Minoras looked over at Marc.

"Will I answer that, sire?"

OOC-Minoras in N4, lounging in the chair.

King Tius
2009-11-12, 10:59 AM
Pen has been lounging by the fire in cat form. He often prefers his primal form, and with now free chairs left by the fire, he'd rather show off than drag a chair from the table. At the knock at the door he shifts back to his half-elf form and stands by the fireplace at P2.

2009-11-12, 07:54 PM
OOC: Everyone has replied except Rael. If there is no reply I will continue tonight.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-12, 08:00 PM
OCC: Unless the two groups are related, could the Barru's group proceed whilst you wait for Rael?

2009-11-12, 08:42 PM
OOC: Who says DM's are infallible. Excellent suggestion. Please, if you are in Barucca's chambers, refrain from reading further. I will tag my replies as spoilers from this point, designating which party is 'up.' And, apologies, Mr. Mud but Rael is in your group. I will GMPC Aarn if I receive no reply by 10 EST.

King's Room:

"No, no, thank you Minoras. You are a guest," replies the king as he rises and gets to the door, "You are my guest, enjoy your port."
"My king!" blurts an elf as the door is opened.
"Eldril! What is the matter?" asks the king.
"A guildmaster is in the lower hall demanding an audience. He is adamant and will not explain himself to me," replies the agitated man.
"At this hour? Refuse him! Host, man its late what can be the problem?" growls Marc.
"He is very agitated my lord, he is inconsolable," continues Eldril.
"Fine, I will get presentable," growls the king turning...

OOC: Please note your positions if they have changed and roll insight checks please (post only the result and your position). Here is the MAP (http://www.chrisandtheresa.net/chris%26theresa.net/King_Marc)

King Tius
2009-11-12, 08:49 PM
no position change.
Insight: [roll0]

2009-11-12, 09:53 PM
Barucca's Room:

"That's odd," mumbles Barucca rising from her seat and answering the door.
"My lady," growls a rather large Goliath man, "there is a serious problem with the Griffon male in the stable."
"Was tonight the mating? It's a little early, no?" replies Barucca.
"He is extremely agitated, my lady. You know he is particular to you..." rumbles the large man.
"Fine, fine. I will get my stable garb..."
She turns and moves towards her bedchamber.

OOC: Please note your positions if they have changed and roll insight checks please (post only the result and your position). Here is the MAP (http://www.chrisandtheresa.net/chris%26theresa.net/Barucca)

2009-11-12, 10:49 PM
(I will be using the honor system, I despise this sites rolling)

19 total for insight.

2009-11-13, 02:32 AM
OOC: No position change, unless detect something via insight,

Mr. Mud
2009-11-13, 06:03 PM
Howw, ever the bigot of Goliaths, draws one sword part way out of it's sheath. He catches Marianna, and realizes where he is, and what actions are appropriate. He snarls, spits into the fire, and sheaths his sword.


2009-11-13, 07:54 PM
King's Room

As the king turns towards his bedchamber Pen sees the sword drawn...
A Flash of steel and the major domo's countenance morphs into a twisted shape from a dream...a tiger's face!

OOC: King Tius, initiative roll please.

2009-11-13, 08:17 PM
Barucca's Room

As Barucca turns towards her bed chamber she hears a muffled cry from Aarn who stares past her at her stablemaster.

Aarn sees the face shimmer for a second and suddenly it is replaced by a smiling tiger visage...and it holds a short sword...

Time seems to speed up as the 'stable' team takes action. The 'stable master' (S1) whispers something under his breath and Barucca sighs, looking dazed. Another (S2) moves into the room, sword drawn. Two of the remaining group (S3 & S4) dive at Barucca who manages to dodge one blade only to be struck by the other.

Aarn, moves his hands and whispers glaring at the tiger-faced enemy beleaguering Barucca, whose motion seems to slow as the words leave Aarn's mouth.

OOC: Results of surprise round:

S1 is slowed.
Barucca is hit for 9 damage and is dazed until next round.

Roll initiative please.
MAP (http://www.chrisandtheresa.net/chris%26theresa.net/Barucca)

Mr. Mud
2009-11-13, 09:57 PM
((Can I use a utility power to cutoff the surprise round? I mean, within the rules I can, but would you rather if the surpise round happened?))BARRUCA! roars Howw, as he charges forward to meet the assailants. He draws both his blades (minor action) and they turn into blue lightning.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry on S2
Move: Move to O8.
Standard: Two Wolf Pounce. (I get to shift 2 with this, thus I move to O10)

To hit:
Main Hand: [roll0]
Offhand: [roll1]*

Damage: All Damage is lightning Damage.
Main Hand: [roll2]
Offhand: [roll3]*

I'm also using Hunter's Quarry after I make the attack to see if I deal extra damage.

?*I'm applying Hunter's Quarry to my offhand weapon damage. I'll use the honor system, since I can't edit a new roll. +9 damage.

King Tius
2009-11-13, 09:59 PM
Initiative Roll: [roll0]

OOG: What up, Surprise round!

Mr. Mud
2009-11-13, 10:01 PM
*facepalm*. I just realized diagonal moves count as two, right?

I use a homebrew rule that let's them act as 1 movement when I'm DM... :smallsigh:. Sorry. I'll get your response Cebova, then edit accordingly.

2009-11-13, 10:36 PM
20 on init.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-13, 10:38 PM
Initivate: [roll0]. How'd I forget that, and make my move already... >.> I'm so out of whack right now...

2009-11-14, 02:00 PM
Barucca's Room

OOC: Okay Mr. Mud, I assume you use Evade Ambush (I have Yield Ground as your 6 lvl Utility power). In 4e, as I read it as long as your diagonal path does not cross a corner of a square filled by an obstacle it counts as 1 (that being said even though the lounge chairs fall into that category I can still get you to O10). The other consideration is Evade Ambush (and this is a nit-picky thing) states the power can be used for any allies, gramatically you cannot be your own ally so although you use the power you cannot be the grantee of the power. That being said I assume you use the power for Marianna, and Barucca.
I will accept any and all arguments for or against. But as of now you cannot attack, Greystone has a surprise round action. As does Barucca. After we work out these rule changes I will ask for normal round initiative you may re-roll or keep your current roll.

2009-11-14, 02:07 PM
King's Room

King Marc, surprised by Pen's shout, turns to see his assailant close on him. The tiger visaged man whispers something under his breath.
The other three assailants move into the room.

OOC: King Tius, surprise round action please.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-14, 02:55 PM
OOC: Sorry for the confusion, cebova. I guess I'll reserve that action until the first round of regular combat, assuming no one moves? If they do, I'll change it up a tad. Does that work for you?

Sorry for the hassle.

2009-11-14, 03:09 PM
Barucca's Room:

OOC: NP! I was a little worried about my heavy-handed DM style. Anyway, new rules new game, you know. As soon as Greystone posts action we'll get on the way!

Mr. Mud
2009-11-14, 05:28 PM
OOC: Cool, thanks. I won't be able to post until later tonight 9pm EST, but after than I'll be on for the majority of the night, me thinks. And hopes. :smallbiggrin:.

King Tius
2009-11-17, 12:17 AM

Pen's surprise action will be to rush forward to Q8, getting in that guy's face.

2009-11-18, 07:41 PM
OOC: Hope there is no confusion but I suppose there is. And I apologize to the 'King's Room' participants I should have, and thought I had, asked for initiative rolls.

Barucca's Room: (Howw, Aarn, and Marianna): awaiting Howw's decision on wether to use Evade Ambush Power or not and if so who is the beneficiary. While we wait initiative rolls for Marianna, Howw and Aarn

King's Room: (Pen and Minoras) I need initiative roll from Minoras.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-18, 08:41 PM
I'm not using my Evade Ambush.

Initiative: 1d20+12

King Tius
2009-11-18, 08:50 PM
Weird. I could have sworn I already rolled initiative.

INIT: [roll0]

2009-11-19, 03:18 AM
Kuing Titus already rolled an Initiative of 23, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7311790&postcount=61).

Minoras' Initiative-[roll0]

Mr. Mud
2009-11-19, 07:18 AM
As mine didn't work, here you go:


2009-11-20, 07:23 PM
OOC: I apologize for my absence everyone, I communicated with cebova by PM that I had been hospitalized with MRSA. Just wanted you all to know what happened, and that I'll post Aarn's actions for the next round after Marianna.

Initiative [roll0]

2009-11-20, 08:56 PM
I am sorry, very sorry, I had a great little adventure to play. I have to spend quite amount of time on personal matters and cannot finish this. Again, my apologies and thanks.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-20, 09:02 PM
Wait, so the game is off? If so, good luck in your endeavors mate, and don't worry about it :smallbiggrin:.

2009-11-21, 05:04 AM
Sorry to see this go, but thanks for the work you put in cebova. I hope your personal matters go well.

2009-11-23, 07:41 PM
indeed, i second all motions

see ya'll