View Full Version : Snappy Comebacks ITP

2009-11-01, 10:05 PM
Specifically, millisecond decisions regarding comebacks. Is it better, in your opinion to
a)Spout off the first thing that comes into your mind to insult a buddy, risking sounding like an idiot by misusing a word etc
b)Pause for a moment, and mentally play your comeback in your mind, possibly sounding like an idiot if called on your hesitation?

2009-11-01, 10:17 PM
c) Respond with "That's what she said!" no matter what the situation is.

2009-11-01, 10:19 PM
c) Respond with "That's what she said!" no matter what the situation is.

That's what she said!

2009-11-01, 10:33 PM
That's what she said!

That's what she said!

2009-11-01, 10:37 PM
That's what she said!

That's what she said.

2009-11-01, 10:37 PM
that wasn't what she said last night.

but no, I agree with them.

that, and "no".

2009-11-01, 10:41 PM
c) Respond with "That's what she said!" no matter what the situation is.

That's what she said!

That's what she said!

That's what she said.

What have I done? :smalleek: (That's what she said.)

2009-11-01, 10:42 PM
What have I done? :smalleek:

That's what she said.

2009-11-01, 10:46 PM
That's what she said.

That's what she said!

I typically do b), relieve I'm taking too long and do a).

Blue Ghost
2009-11-01, 10:50 PM
c) Respond with "That's what she said!" no matter what the situation is.

That's the thing that annoys me the most about this generation.

Typically, I do not respond at all, unless I spontaneously think of something witty to say, in which case I go for it immediately.

2009-11-01, 10:52 PM
That's the thing that annoys me the most about this generation.

Typically, I do not respond at all, unless I spontaneously think of something witty to say, in which case I go for it immediately.

That's what she said!

2009-11-01, 10:53 PM
What have I done? :smalleek: (That's what she said.)

You, uh... you fight like a cow!

2009-11-01, 10:54 PM
You, uh... you fight like a cow!

How appropriate, you fight like a farmer!

2009-11-01, 10:55 PM
That's what she said.

I beat you to the punch there, Moon. I don't blame you though, those 2.6 seconds can make all the difference. :smalltongue:

2009-11-01, 10:56 PM
Specifically, millisecond decisions regarding comebacks. Is it better, in your opinion to
a)Spout off the first thing that comes into your mind to insult a buddy, risking sounding like an idiot by misusing a word etc
b)Pause for a moment, and mentally play your comeback in your mind, possibly sounding like an idiot if called on your hesitation?

If it's a friend, you generally will have an idea of how their quips will come. Try thinking of a few cut-and-paste retorts so you can easily return fire, should the situation warrant it. Say your buddy is partial to "your mom jokes:"

F: Man, I got on the wrong bus and it went all over town! *grin* A bit like your mother actually.

Y: *false concern* You know, I've noticed you talk about mothers a lot recently, and I'm getting a little worried. *hand on shoulder* If you ever need to talk about your mom - you know, about how her phone number is on every bathroom stall in a three-province radius - you can always talk to me. I'm here for you, buddy.

But, if you're put on the spot, don't worry about pausing for a second. Act it off, like you're astounded at the lameness of his quip, or that it didn't even phase you, then let loose. The extra moment to load is usually worth it.

I don't blame you though, those 2.6 seconds can make all the difference.

That's what she said.

Mystic Muse
2009-11-01, 10:57 PM
that's what HE said

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-01, 11:00 PM
That's what I said!

Depending on my mood, I use either 1 or 2. I don't have a preferance. :smalltongue:

2009-11-01, 11:01 PM
Farewell, wit. You will be remembered always.

2009-11-01, 11:03 PM
That's what she said.

*slow clap*

Well played, Catch. Well played.


I would definitely take time to think of a retort if a good one doesn't immediately come to mind. It's easy enough to work the pause into what you're saying, and I think it's much better to have a good comeback a bit later than a terrible one right away.

2009-11-01, 11:03 PM
Farewell, wit. You will be remembered always.

That's what she said.

Blue Ghost
2009-11-01, 11:07 PM
All right, if the "that's what she said" continues, some harder words may need to be spoken. Delayed blast fireball.

2009-11-01, 11:08 PM
All right, if the "that's what she said" continues, some harder words may need to be spoken. Delayed blast fireball.

If you know what I mean.

Blue Ghost
2009-11-01, 11:10 PM
If you know what I mean.

*arcane rampage*

2009-11-01, 11:11 PM
*arcane rampage*

In your pan-

Actually, I probably shouldn't say that.

2009-11-01, 11:11 PM
:smallbiggrin: This thread never had a chance.

2009-11-01, 11:12 PM
:smallbiggrin: This thread never had a chance.

There are just so many things one could do with this!

But to get back on track, I would go with option B. I'd rather wait a little while and sound witty than instantly respond and sound like a buffoon.

2009-11-01, 11:15 PM
I have some harder words for you right here! *points at crotch*

On topic, I have a funny story about snappy comebacks. My friend Morgan and I were talking about superpowers. She, jokingly, said "I can move objects with my mind!". I replied quickly "I can move minds with my object". It was funny.

Of course, my "object" is located in my pants.

Berserk Monk
2009-11-02, 12:46 AM
That's what she said.

That's what she said.

2009-11-02, 02:00 AM
If you know what your mom said. :smallamused:
The combination of three gasp-inspiring comments into one tiny moment of pure, unbridled pleasure that actually works.
(So easy a caveman could do it?)
(that's what she said)

2009-11-02, 02:40 AM
Enemies fall to the ground when they see me coming!

2009-11-02, 02:55 AM
Try to respond by adding "Your face is [insert insult they used]" :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-02, 03:15 AM
Enemies fall to the ground when they see me coming!

Even before they smell your breath?

2009-11-02, 03:31 AM
"You mum = x," to pretty much any insult said to me.

I used to bother with intricately worded burns and comebacks, but now I really don't care enough to put that sort of effort in.

Actually, now that I think of it, I don't think I've directly insulted anyone for years...

2009-11-02, 03:44 AM
Actually, now that I think of it, I don't think I've directly insulted anyone for years...

You've fallen off the wagon! Quick, go out and insult peoples' mothers, or their sisters, or even their fathers (though for some reason those ones always sound creepier)!

On topic, I generally do B, but in my excitement talk too quickly for my brain and end up sounding the buffoon. C'est la vie.

2009-11-02, 04:21 AM
That's what Michael Scott said. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-wf2pP7T0Y)

It reminds me of the time I once found some gold but it was just electroplated.

2009-11-02, 04:40 AM
That's what yo momma said!

2009-11-02, 04:53 AM
Even before they smell your breath?

You're as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee!

2009-11-02, 04:55 AM
Your face is a snappy comeback!

As demonstrated, I tend to go for the your face is the "x" when "x" is any subject discussed, no matter how inappropriate. And yes, my face is an "x".

Ecks Dee
2009-11-02, 05:01 AM
I'd discuss your inappropriate matters, if you know what I mean.

2009-11-02, 05:10 AM
Yer Maw!

Nuff said. No need to elaborate with why or what. Just.. Yer Maw.
In my social circle, that's usually immediately followed by a 'Touché!' and then the discussion's over.

2009-11-02, 06:06 AM
You're as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee!

I look that much like your fiancée?

Yer Maw!

Nuff said. No need to elaborate with why or what. Just.. Yer Maw.
In my social circle, that's usually immediately followed by a 'Touché!' and then the discussion's over.

The same goes around here, too. It's a Scottish thing.

2009-11-02, 09:24 AM
:smallbiggrin: This thread never had a chance.


...sorry, it was just such a perfect chance.

2009-11-02, 09:52 AM
Funny, because in Russian, "your mother" is an actual curse, usually employed in the direction of unruly objects, with another, harsher word implied at the beginning of the phrase. So if you use that as a comeback in the Motherland, expect some face-punchings.

*The more you know.*

2009-11-02, 10:14 AM
You guys just don't get it. The only appropriate comeback is:

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"

Which of course must be said in a really bad French accent, and followed by catapulting a live cow over your castle's wall.

2009-11-02, 10:21 AM
You guys just don't get it. The only appropriate comeback is:

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"

Which of course must be said in a really bad French accent, and followed by catapulting a live cow over your castle's wall.

I fart in your general direction.

2009-11-02, 10:21 AM
Funny, because in Russian, "your mother" is an actual curse, usually employed in the direction of unruly objects, with another, harsher word implied at the beginning of the phrase. So if you use that as a comeback in the Motherland, expect some face-punchings.

Polish, too. And the harsh word you're describing comes from Latin word for turning (as in, on the road).

2009-11-02, 11:33 AM

...sorry, it was just such a perfect chance.

Thats what she said:smallamused:

2009-11-02, 09:03 PM
Your face is a snappy comeback!

As demonstrated, I tend to go for the your face is the "x" when "x" is any subject discussed, no matter how inappropriate. And yes, my face is an "x".
I also employ this method.

There is much pleasure in this thread for me.

As for myself, I like to interrupt the person in my queeniest voice to say, "Shut your dirty whore mouth."

2009-11-04, 03:15 PM
I also employ this method.

There is much pleasure in this thread for me.

As for myself, I like to interrupt the person in my queeniest voice to say, "Shut your dirty whore mouth."

That would draw some interesting looks.

2009-11-04, 03:21 PM
I rarely use the "that's what she said" but I made an exception when a co-worker tried to put a large lid on a medium cup and said "Why did I think that would fit, it's much too big!"

As for topic, I will general go with the first thing. I save the good stuff for IM and text message comebacks!

2009-11-04, 10:50 PM
The only people who ever insult me are stupid people in my gym class, so I normally say something rude about them that they don't understand because the words are too long.

"You are dumb," really freaks them out because they don't know any of the words. :smalltongue: "You're luck *religious figure* watches over fools," or maybe (only as a retort) "So? I can spell every word in that sentence and you can't." <-- Priceless if it's true.

2009-11-04, 11:25 PM
I rarely use the "that's what she said" but I made an exception when a co-worker tried to put a large lid on a medium cup and said "Why did I think that would fit, it's much too big!"

As for topic, I will general go with the first thing. I save the good stuff for IM and text message comebacks!

That's what she said.

2009-11-05, 06:39 AM
That's what she said.

...or he said.

2009-11-05, 07:12 AM
Your Mother... is also my Mother!

Yeah, I said that to my brother once. It was funny at the time. :smallwink: