View Full Version : The Embraced.

2009-11-02, 04:44 PM
You wake up in total darkness, lying on something hard, feels like sheet metal and sounds thin when you move about. You constantly hear a whisper in a language that you almost seem to understand, but yet, you do not. The air is cold and dry and with no sounds of the night except for the constant whisper.

All of a sudden you make out the following among the whispers ...Gauntlet is weakening...Intruders...Must not be here...

2009-11-02, 05:10 PM
<I am assuming I should be talking in first person, if not, I'll change it next time>

David wakes up, surprised by the complete darkness. "What time is it? Where am I? I'm not in my haven. Why is it so dark?"

He feels his clothes, his face, to check if everything is alright. His fingers glide over every part of his body, his hands, his arms, his feet, his torso. His hair, his back, his neck.

He used to find the darkness threatening, long ago, however now it is easier for him to get used to it. He doesn't panic and, deep inside him, the mystery of this place somewhat intrigues him, fascinates him. "What could this steel plate be and how did I get here?" He moves over it with his hands, touching it, like if he was a blind and if the floor was something like a book of braille. All of this happens in a just a few milliseconds, before he hear the voices.

When he hear them, speaking in a strange language, he freezes. "Who are they? Can they see me? Where are they?" He tries to remain as silent as possible, learning more about his environment, the situation and the people around him, before deciding what to do. He liked to be in control, which right now, he isn't.

2009-11-02, 05:25 PM
Samuel is up in an instant as soon as his eyes are open. A long time ago he might have taken his time getting up, yawning and stretching and rubbing his eyes. The first few times he was thrown into the arena while sleeping cured him of that habit, and in a moment he was looking around the room and straining his eyes in the darkness to see what lay about him.

As he was looking for any possible threats, Samuel rummaged through his clothing in search of his weapons. Last he remembers, he was carrying one of his combats knives and his revolver. Hopefully he still had them...Samuel had a feeling something seriously wrong was going on. If he can find his knife Samuel takes it out.

Samuel desperately tries to calm himself as he begins to fully understand his situation. The last time he woke up in a cold dark place...no. It wasn't possible. He wasn't going back to that hell. He'd fall upon his own knife before he was taken back to Arcadia.

But what if he'd never left? Samuel had heard tales of Lost who's Keepers had caused them to believe they had escaped. Sometimes the fantasies had gone on for quite some time before they were brought crashing down.

With a tremendous and not quite successful effort, Samuel pushes the thoughts from his mind. All he could do was look forward and try and figure things out. Whatever had happened before was out of his control.

"Who's there?" Samuel hoarsely whispers into the darkness.

2009-11-02, 06:00 PM
You find that you have all of your equipment on you.

2009-11-03, 03:32 AM
Calvin awakes in the darkness sleepily and makes loud banging noises on the metal as he gets to his feet groggily. Slowly he looks around and realizes he doesn't remember how he got here. He shrugs not much new there. The rest of it is though. He speaks aloud to himself and the dark. "Oh what IS this ****? Calvin man you've got to stop waking up in strange places and get yourself a decent haven.

He looks around as the whispering starts. OH hell no. Knock that creepy whispering **** off. That ain't cool. Ok Calvin it's time to go. There are better places to be than here.

Calvin looks for an exit, groping blindly if it's too dark to see. As he goes he starts shouting at the top of his lungs. Hello anybody out there?

2009-11-03, 01:36 PM
David hears Calvin shout. Judging from his words and voice, he seems lost AND close. Maybe a possible victim, ally or enemy?
"I am here! Idenfity yourself!"

2009-11-03, 05:05 PM
Samuel winces as the other man starts shouting, then turns his head in the direction of his voice. It seems there are a couple others in the same situation as him.

"Stop shouting, dammit," He calls in that direction. "I'm guessing you don't know what the hell's up either, but making all that noise isn't going to help!""

Looking around, tries vainly to figure out was happening. Where was that whispering voice coming from? "Could make things worse..." he mutters.

Glancing down at the knife in his hand, Samuel wonders about it briefly. Why would whoever brought them here leave him his weapons? It was a very strange thing to do. A crazy thing to do. A very Fae thing to do, the thought crosses Samuel's mind briefly but he once again pushes it away.

Lowering his weapon to his side so no one gets stabbed accidentally, he decided to go ahead and give out his name. One or more of these people might not be as confused as they seem, but at least from what he could see they all appear to be in the same boat. "Samuel Stone's my name."

His fake name, that is.

2009-11-04, 02:56 AM
"Well it COULD... you don't know." Calvin responds. Still loud enough to carry but more softly than before. Calvin walks in the direction of the voice. "Beats the whispering anyways." Calvin mutters.

"Call me Cal." he talks as he walks over. What do you think is going on? Have we been kidnapped? That'd be pretty exciting. Or maybe we're game. The most dangerous game. You know like the movie. Or maybe it's a practical joke.... Cal blathers on.

The sound of his own voice was far preferable to him than creepy whispers, uptight strangers and strange locations.

2009-11-05, 07:44 PM
All of a sudden the trunk doors to the van you are in bursts up with a loud bang and outside you can see a large city in the distance. Above you, you can see the Aurora Borealis, in all colours, quite unusual for this region. Still, all you can hear is each other and the constant whispering in the unknown language.

2009-11-05, 09:20 PM
Alana figured it was her time to speak up, after staring . "Nice view, i guess. And since you all seem quite disoriented, i don't suppose you know much about what's happening here."

She was certainly pissed, her routine had been interrupted, and now she had been stucked inside a big van, with these...people.

Bumbling morons, you find yourselves on a strange place and the first thing you do is make a ruckus about it?" at least some of you had enough common sense to try whispering first...

Checking that her belongings where in place again, she steped a bit out of the deeper shadows, glancing at the city. Are we still near New York?

Activating Auspex 1: Heightened senses on Sight and Smell.

2009-11-05, 09:34 PM
You smell nothing at all. (And neither does the rest of you btw). You can definately see the outline of what appears to be Manhattan, but to your amazement, no headlights from cars are present anywhere.

Everyone make an Occult+Intelligence roll

The way we are going to do this, is that everyone rolls as normal, but then also rolls a slew of re-rolls equal to the number of dice rolled. Like this: (Or the thing where you roll once, and it has all the numbers show up, someone please tell me how to do it)



Use the rerolls in order, resolving all rerolls from the primary roll first.

2009-11-06, 12:23 AM
Intelligence(3) + Occult(2)



2009-11-06, 02:32 PM
David, stands up, shouting annoyed: "Why would we whisper? If somebody tricked us and placed us here, they already know WE ARE HERE!"

The lights he finds interesting, but he is somewhat getting annoyed because he's so uncertain about what to do.

Intelligence(2) + Occult(0)

reroll: [roll1]

2009-11-06, 08:42 PM
Whoa smooth ride! I should buy me one of these.
Calvin yells over the sound of the wind.

With maybe a driver Calvin thought to himself. A mobile haven? Has that been done before? I should check on that. He made a mental note to himself before turning his attention back to the possible mortal peril.

Int 2 + Occult 0 -3
Chance Die

Remember Ichneumon there's a -3 penalty for having no dots in a mental skill.

2009-11-07, 04:24 PM
David looks to the city skyline at the horizon. Did he recognise it from somewhere? "Why aren't there any lights?"

Now he thinks it over, the others might have been right. "My name is David. Who are you? Where are you?"

David tries to walk in the direction of the others.

2009-11-07, 04:39 PM
All of a sudden, New Yorks building and street lights all turn on instantly, as if someone had hit the off-switch and now turning it on again all across the grid. From a nearby hilltop, you can see a silhoutte standing, you judge it to be about 7 feet tall, humanoid. After about 10 seconds, it turns into a wolf and runs away.

For those with the occult rolls, you all have no clue as to where you are, although Malmagor, you are certain that it is not the "real" world anymore.

2009-11-08, 03:33 PM
Samuel jerks his head around to face New York as the lights turn on, shielding his eyes against the sudden flash of light. He notices the strange changing silhouette.

"What the hell..." This wasn't good. Even if this was really New York, which Samuel was starting to wonder about, something much stranger and most likely worse than a simple kidnapping was going on here.

Turning back to the group of people around him, he takes a look at them to see if he can actually see them now that the city lights have mysteriously turned on.

2009-11-08, 05:38 PM
You can see them since all of the lights have been turned on, although still no lights from any cars of anything.

2009-11-10, 03:37 AM
Well there's the city he emphasizes with a point of his finger. Maybe we should ditch the mystery ride and walk back? Calvin walks to the edge of the opening and peers down at the ground passing underneath.

2009-11-10, 04:36 PM
"Did you see that?" David points at the wolf-figure far away. We should be careful.

2009-11-15, 03:06 AM
Huh? Calvin asks not paying any attention. Distracted he turns to look back and pivots on his feet, losing his footing. He promptly falls out of the van. Whoooooooh he manages to yell as he falls.