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2009-11-02, 07:29 PM
The night air envelopes you, its chill piercing your cloak and penetrating to the bone. You ignore it. Cold is one of the things you get used to after dying.

From your perch on the ramparts of the abandoned fortress, you survey the manor. It's an ostentatious construction, obviously new and built for comfort. The windows are long and tall, shaped like tombstones and offering a decent view of the interior. You can see plush velvet furniture in some of them, tall four-poster beds in others. Where the roof intersects above each window, you can make out a cast-iron eye raised up on a pole. The Watcher's sign is there as a showy display of faith, not to keep out those such as yourself, but it will still have to be removed if you wish to gain access through the windows. The roof is flat at the very top, ringed with decorative poles forming a crude fence at the point where it begins to slant. Smoke pours from three of the chimneys.

The grounds of the manor are ringed with a metal fence of a purely decorative nature, topped with the same designs seen on the roof. In the light cast by the windows, you can see a pair of guards, clad in leather and clutching spears, circling the house. Another guard stands at each entrance.

Below Baron Valdez' manor, the shabby wooden houses that make up the village that also bears the Baron's name sit, silent and dark, as if afraid of the titanic house towering above them.

Valdez is a three days ride from Duke Marrith's city of Westfall, but for someone possessing several scrolls of Overland Flight inscribed by the Duke's most powerful wizard, the trip has only taken a day and a half. A night and a half, actually, for the convention of measuring trips in days was started by creatures more diurnal than yourself. The Baron possesses an amulet, which is of interest to the Duke for reasons he did not bother to explain. You have been sent to retrieve it and carry it back to the Duke with all haste. You are expected back by dawn tomorrow, even if it means you must travel by day.

2009-11-02, 07:36 PM
Flying down to the ground, Jallorn heads to the village and looks for someone, preferably someone strong with a weak mind.

[spoiler]Search check?: [roll0]

2009-11-02, 07:44 PM
You see a boy in his teens sitting by himself outside one of the few buildings that's still lit. Judging by the stack of wooden kegs from which the boy is filling his cup and the shouts from inside at this hour, you surmise that this is the local tavern.

2009-11-02, 07:50 PM
Approaching the boy, Jallorn taps him on the shoulder and then attempts to crush the boys will with a gaze.

Will save, DC:19

2009-11-02, 07:52 PM
The boy's gaze becomes unfocused as you feel his mind submitting to your will.

2009-11-02, 07:53 PM
"Can you climb boy?"

2009-11-02, 07:55 PM
"Climb? Well enough, I suppose."

2009-11-02, 07:56 PM
"Climb the manor and remove the Watcher's Symbol from the top. Hide it somewhere, then forget me."

2009-11-02, 08:01 PM
You feel the boy's mind break free of your grasp. "Why in the nine hells would I do something that stupid? Baron'd have me flayed if I didn't break my neck falling. Get out of here, freak."

2009-11-02, 08:02 PM
Impatiently, Jallorn grabs hold of the boy, flying up into the air. Once up high enough, he heads for the Baron's manor.

2009-11-02, 08:09 PM
Grapple Check:[roll0]

2009-11-02, 08:11 PM
The boy yells loudly, and the sounds from inside the tavern stop as you lift into the air. He kicks and squirms, but you keep your hold on him. His yelling attracts the attention of the guards as you approach the manor, and they look up confusedly, reaching for their weapons.

2009-11-02, 08:38 PM
Flying over the manor, Jallorn drops the boy such that he will, hopefully, land on and break the eye.

attack roll?: [roll0] ranged -4 for improvised weapon

2009-11-02, 08:51 PM
The boy lands on the roof with a sickening thud before sliding down the incline and tumbling to the ground, limp, accompanied by shingles and splinters. From your vantage point, you cannot determine if the holy symbol is among the debris.

The broken body lands on the ground with another thud, drawing the attention of the guards, who run towards it with their spears ready.

2009-11-02, 08:56 PM
Jallorn shifts to gaseous form and cautiously floats towards the roof to see if he is prevented from approaching it.

2009-11-02, 09:02 PM
Hide check: [roll0]

2009-11-02, 09:03 PM
You see that the wooden block the symbol was attached to has fallen. Down below, the guards have reached the body and are now examining it. One of them glances upwards, but shows no sign of having spotted you against the clouded sky.

2009-11-02, 09:05 PM
Jallorn floats towards the window, looking to see if anyone's inside.

2009-11-02, 09:13 PM
You look in and see a bedroom. A four-poster bed occupies the left wall, its curtains drawn. There is a chest, painted light blue, on the right side, adjacent to small desk covered in scraps of parchment, above which hangs a portrait of a horse grazing in a field. A single candle burns in the holder by the closed door.

2009-11-02, 09:14 PM
Jallorn eases into the room and retakes his form. He then takes a more careful look around.

2009-11-02, 09:16 PM
Nothing you did not see through the window becomes apparent upon entering the room. It is neat and spotless, except for the mess on the desk.

2009-11-02, 09:47 PM
Quietly, Jallorn moves to the door and eases it open, looking outside.

2009-11-02, 09:55 PM
You are in a hallway. The walls are adorned with candle holders and portraits, and the carpeting soft and red. There are two doors on the wall opposite you, and two others at either end of the hallway. To your left, the walls give way to railings, and you can see the staircase descending down to the first floor. You've been told the amulet is likely in the trophy room, but have no idea where that is.

2009-11-02, 10:11 PM
Jallorn decides to try to find a servant somewhere he can ask questions. Descending the stairs, he searches for someone, but attempts to remain unknown, hiding when someone approaches so he can assess them first.

2009-11-02, 10:15 PM
The open areas of the first floor appear deserted. Almost immediately after you reach this conclusion, the main door opens and four guards enter from outside.

2009-11-02, 10:34 PM
Quickly, Jallorn tries to find someplace to hide.

Hide: [roll0]

2009-11-02, 10:36 PM
Move Silently: [roll0]

2009-11-02, 10:40 PM
You find refuse behind a velvet couch facing the wall opposite the door. You hear one of the guards giving orders.

"Pate and Gabon, sweep this floor and the cellar. Fremon, upstairs with me. Careful not to wake anyone. Especially that damned dog."

You hear the stairs creak as the two guards ascend. One of the guards on this floor instructs the other to search the kitchen. You hear one set of footsteps walk away and another set approach your hiding place.

2009-11-02, 10:42 PM
Jallorn waits, prepared to make eye contact and try to dominate if he's found.

2009-11-02, 10:46 PM
The guard glances at the ground you lie on as he passes by your location. The two of you lock eyes, engaging in a brief moment of mental combat as you try and fail to take control of his mind.

"Intruder! Intruder in the parlor!"

2009-11-03, 08:10 PM
"What?" exclaims Jallorn, "I thought you were the intruders! I am an emissary from Duke Nasper, here to speak with your lord. I hid because it seemed safest."

Bluff check: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 08:17 PM
The guard's brow furls as he mulls over this new information. He appears to believe you, but you can hear his partner running towards you. Upstairs, the heavy footsteps of the two guards can be heard thudding towards the stairs, along with a loud barking and the creeping of floorboards as the Duke and his family rouse themselves, sleepy-eyed, awoken by the shout.

2009-11-03, 08:21 PM
"Perhaps it would be best if I returned later. Your master will be much upset at these events and not inclined to listen to my message. And believe me when I say that is bad for the both of us." Jallorn waits a moment before adding, "He might also believe me to be an actual intruder as I haven't met the good Baron yet."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 08:34 PM
"Seems to me you are an intruder, emissary or no. Funny time of night to call, especially unannounced." The captain of the guards has his spear lowered, with another guard on either side in the same position. "Pate, take his weapons and search him." Above, you see a middle aged man with stark blonde hair appear on the railing, with a large black dog at his side. The dog growls deeply at the sight of you, causing the guard who discovered you - Pate, evidently - to glance up uneasily.

2009-11-03, 08:48 PM
"Can you at least tell me what that yelling was? It sounded pretty terrible."


2009-11-03, 08:53 PM
The guards ignore you. The one called Pate steps forward, spear held loosely in his off hand, and reaches for your belt.

2009-11-03, 08:59 PM
Jallorn moves slightly, as if inconsequentially, so as to move the naginata further from the guard's hands, while saying, "If you tell me I will more than cooperate, I will help. Technically, you would be treating me, a messenger, improperly to imprison me, but I understand the fear...

2009-11-03, 09:07 PM
"You have broken into my home. If anyone has behaved improperly, it is you, messenger," comes the voice of the blonde man from the railing above. Pate, taking this as an endorsement of his actions, grabs the hilt of your kukri and begins to take it from you.

2009-11-03, 09:09 PM
"I most certainly did not break in! A pale older man who said he was your advisor let me in!"

Total bluff: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 09:19 PM
"You're a very bad liar, you know." Pate sets your kukri on the end table and reaches for the other one.

2009-11-03, 09:37 PM
Init: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 09:41 PM
Jallorn lunged for the kukri, planning to shift into gaseous form when he had a hold of it.

2009-11-03, 09:43 PM
spot: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 09:51 PM
The guards yell as you lunge for the kukri. You feel a spear pierce through your skin from behind, and the force of another one glancing off your armor. Pate scrambles backwards, dropping his spear. The dog bounds down the stairs as the blonde man sprints off the balcony.

You lose 1 HP.

2009-11-03, 10:07 PM
Kukri in hand, you shift to gaseous form. The guards stab at you, but their spears pass through you. The dog lunges for your throat, but passes through you to land almost comically on the ground.

2009-11-03, 10:11 PM
Laughing, Jallorn attempts to dominate one of the guards.

2009-11-03, 10:14 PM
You lock eyes with the captain, but he shrugs off your mental attack with ease. As the dog scrambles to find purchase, the blonde man reappears on the balcony, crossbow in hand. Surprised at seeing you flying, his shot misses wildly.

2009-11-03, 10:15 PM
Floating towards the blond man, Jallorn attempts to dominate him.

2009-11-03, 10:20 PM
The man is dazed, but otherwise unaffected. The shouting has drawn the other guards in from outside, who stare up at your floating form slack-jawed.

2009-11-03, 10:23 PM
Jallorn continues to focus on the blond man, trying to crush his mind.

2009-11-03, 10:24 PM
Your next attempt succeeds, and his gaze slips out of focus.

2009-11-03, 10:26 PM
Just before he turns, Jallorn whispers to the man, "Lie down," before turning back to the captain and attempting to crush his will again as well.

2009-11-03, 10:30 PM
You succeed, but not before one of the guards yells "Vampire!" and flees out the door, continuing to shout his warning. The others take his word at face value and begin to flee as well.

2009-11-03, 10:32 PM
Turning to his controlled minions, Jallorn says, "I am looking for an amulet, do you know where it is?"

(assuming I have a description i can give them.)

2009-11-03, 10:39 PM
"Trophy room. Case in the right corner."

2009-11-03, 10:40 PM
"Lead me there."

2009-11-03, 10:48 PM
The blonde man turns to your right, away from the hallway. He leads you to the single door there and opens it, turning right and walking to a display case. Inside, on a dark red velvet pillow, rests a shining gold amulet, with a stone so black it seems to make the entire room darker inset on the disk hanging from the chain. Triangular patterns dance around the stone.

2009-11-03, 10:50 PM
Solidifying, Jallorn breaks the glass and takes the amulet before resuming gaseous form. Floating over to the blond haired man, Jallorn says to him, "The captain is a traitor to your baron, you are the only one who can stop him," then heads back up to the room with the broken holy symbol.

2009-11-03, 10:53 PM
The posters on the bed have been drawn back, and a woman now sits on the side of the bed, clutching a young girl. She screams as you enter the room, and the child begins crying.

2009-11-03, 11:14 PM
Jallorn ignores them,passing out the window, and then retakes physical form. Ascending into the sky, he moves up until no one can see him, and then heads home. An hour before dawn, he begins to descend to find somewhere to hide from the sun.

2009-11-04, 10:28 AM
Below, you see farmland stretching out as far as the eye can see to the west, the Bryson Woods to the east, and the Stranglethorn River dividing the two.

2009-11-04, 03:24 PM
Uncertain, Jallorn scans for a farmhouse somewhere.

(BTW, can I have Darkvision since I'm a night creature now?)

2009-11-04, 03:30 PM
As you descend towards the farmlands, several farmhouses come into view below you. Light from candles lit by early rising farmers shows in some of the windows.

(Sure, why not.)

2009-11-04, 03:32 PM
Jallorn heads for the closest and knocks on the door.

2009-11-04, 03:38 PM
After about half a minute, a large, hairy man with no shirt on answers the door. "Who're you?"

2009-11-04, 03:52 PM
"I'm a traveler looking for a place to rest. My sister is sick and I've traveled for 2 days and nights, but now I must rest. Please, may I stay here? I will of course pay."

Bluff: [roll0]

2009-11-04, 04:57 PM
The man chews his tongue and looks you up and down. "How much?"

2009-11-04, 08:00 PM
"20 gold is all I have. Is that enough?"

bluff: [roll0]

2009-11-04, 09:16 PM
The farmer's eyebrows raise ever so slightly. "Yeah, that'll do."

2009-11-04, 09:17 PM
"So I can come in and sleep?"

2009-11-04, 09:19 PM
"Money first."

2009-11-04, 09:26 PM
Jallorn tosses his money purse to the man, enters the house, and then turns and locks eyes with the man and attempts to dominate him.

2009-11-04, 09:27 PM
The man's gaze becomes unfocused as his mind submits to your will.

2009-11-04, 09:28 PM
"Return my purse. And tell me, is there anyone else in this house?"

2009-11-04, 09:29 PM
"M'wife and the baby." He hands you the bulging coin purse.

2009-11-04, 09:30 PM
"Lead me to your wife."

2009-11-04, 09:32 PM
The man turns and clomps over to the nearest door. He opens it to reveal a simple bed. On the left half, a woman stirs sleepily. A foot or so from the woman is a small crib with an infant child sleeping soundly, wrapped in a dirty blanket.

2009-11-04, 09:33 PM
Jallorn locks eyes with the woman, attempting to crush their will.

2009-11-04, 09:34 PM
The woman's eyes remain firmly shut.

2009-11-04, 09:36 PM
Patiently, Jallorn wakes the woman, locking eyes with her and attempting to dominate.

2009-11-04, 09:39 PM
She stares up at you, a frightened expression on her face. Her fear melts away as her mind slips under your control.

2009-11-04, 09:41 PM
"I will remain in your cellar for the day. You will act as if I am not there, and I will leave tonight. Understood?"

2009-11-04, 09:42 PM
She nods and drifts back into the world of dreams.

2009-11-04, 09:44 PM
Jallorn turns to the man, "Take me to the cellar and then resume your day as usual."

2009-11-04, 09:45 PM
"We don'ave a cellar."

2009-11-04, 09:46 PM
"Do you have any place where I might remain hidden from the sun?"

2009-11-04, 09:48 PM
"We could put you behind a haystack in tha barn."

2009-11-04, 09:49 PM
"Very well."

2009-11-04, 09:58 PM
The man leads you to the barn and brings you up to the loft. He moves a few bales of hay around to make a fort blocking the sun's rays. You lie down on the itchy hay as he descends the ladder.

You sleep soundly throughout the day, awakening that night to the hooting of owls.

2009-11-04, 09:59 PM
That night, Jallorn rises, enchants himself with the gifted spell, and returns on his way to his lord baron.

2009-11-04, 10:02 PM
You pass over more farms and hamlets, until finally the towering city of Westfall begins to show on the horizon.

2009-11-04, 10:04 PM
Jallorn makes his way to the duke's castle, approaching the lord's chambers(not sleeping).

2009-11-04, 10:15 PM
You pass over the sleepy city just as dawn begins to break. Your skin stinging slightly from the rays of light piercing the clouds, you fly to the castle the locals call the Dark Keep. After passing through the window of the tower the Duke has set aside for fliers to use, you descend the staircase and navigate the maze of passages to the sitting room where he receives guests. Here stand two guards. You order one to inform the Duke's advisor of your arrival and enter the room, taking a seat to wait patiently for your lord to awake and receive you.

After about an hour, the Duke enters the room, accompanied by his advisor, a greying old man and powerful wizard named Anastor. He licks his lips in anticiption. "You have it?"

2009-11-04, 10:19 PM
"Yes m'lord," Jallorn says, bowing before handing over the amulet.

2009-11-04, 10:23 PM
"Excellent, excellent." The Duke reaches out with a long-fingered hand to accept the golden amulet. "Very good. You have done well." He eyes the black gemstone with a hungry look before slipping the amulet into the pocket of his robe. "Rest now. I will have another task for you soon." With that, he turns to leave, dismissing you with a curt nod.

2009-11-04, 10:25 PM
Jallorn returns to whatever chambers he has to await his lords next summons, sleeping so as to pass the time in pleasant dream rather than any actual need for sleep.

2009-11-04, 10:27 PM
You awake that night to find that nobody has called on you. All is still in the Dark Keep.

2009-11-04, 10:50 PM
Jallorn wanders the castle, seeking someone to speak with, preferably someone familiar, if not friendly.

2009-11-06, 12:01 AM
In the hallway outside the kitchens, you encounter Raven Obstra, one of the stronger vampires in the Duke's service, despite being roughly the same age as you. A powerful sorcerer with few compunctions against killing, his ruthless competency has made him one of the Duke's favorites. He seems a little fonder of you than you of him, though for what reason he may have taken a liking to you, you cannot say.

"Jallorn. I'm hurt. You returned and I wasn't made aware?"

2009-11-06, 03:31 PM
"I'm sure you were busy. I returned at dawn."

2009-11-06, 04:15 PM
"Indeed? You must be eager to revisit the sights of Westfall, then."

2009-11-06, 08:28 PM
"Maybe, I haven't decided yet."

2009-11-06, 08:43 PM
"Don't tell me you plan on staying in this godsforsaken castle all night? I leave for the Vale in less than a week, we should make the most of it while we can."

2009-11-06, 09:11 PM
"It sounds enjoyable, but I may yet be needed. We shall see."

2009-11-06, 09:16 PM
"Well poo. You're no fun at all." Raven stalks off towards the staircase.

2009-11-09, 03:25 PM
Jallorn shakes his head, "Sometimes you have to play their game Raven," he mutters. Pondering many things, Jallorn heads up to the roof to survey the surrounding lands.

2009-11-09, 05:50 PM
Westfall is built in a large bend of the Stranglethorn River, which served as the demarcation between kingdoms in ages past, but now neatly bisects Duke Marrith's lands. Westfall, in its original construction, was a small fort that served as a watchtower, and grew larger over the years as travelers settled there. One of the Duke's first acts after assuming power was to order that the walls be expanded to encompass the entire city, which had far outgrown the old boundaries.

Except for the crooked line of the river, all around the city is farms and woods. The greatest of the latter is the Foxwoods, which encompass the southern wall of the city and the Eastern shore.

2009-11-11, 07:23 PM
Jallorn stays on the roof to see what might happen down below.

2009-11-11, 07:38 PM
Night watchmen patrol the castle. A few drunkards stagger along the streets outside the Dark Keep. The city sleeps.

2009-11-12, 08:51 PM
Jallorn returns down from the roof and wanders the castle aimlessly.

(Should I instigate something?)

2009-11-12, 09:06 PM
You come across nothing out of the ordinary. The guards stand at their posts, silent, and do not acknowledge you.

2009-11-12, 09:11 PM
Deciding the castle to be far too boring at the moment, he leaves a message with one of the guards, "If the Baron desires my presence, tell him I'm in town." He then headed out into town, looking in particular for a promising tavern where he might find a good fight.

2009-11-12, 09:17 PM
You come to the Checkered Knight, a dumpy little tavern and brothel in one of the seedier parts of town. You step in the door and are greeted by a rush of warmth and light from the fire and candles. Most of the patrons are moody and sullen, but one group at a table in the corner is boisterously jovial. Other noises come from the upstairs, where brothel patrons are... mingling with the employees.

2009-11-12, 09:28 PM
Jallorn takes a seat at a table near the boisterous group, listening in on their conversation.

2009-11-12, 10:17 PM
"...tits the size of melons," a brown-haired boy says, indicating as much with his hands. The rest of the group bursts into laughter.

2009-11-12, 10:19 PM
Jallorn sits back and waits for something interesting to wait, ordering a fine wine if a waitress comes by.

2009-11-12, 10:24 PM
The group next to you continues discussing each member's sexual exploits. You suspect their conversation is responsible for the barmaid's avoiding your table for longer than she would have normally. When she finally does make her way over, you attempt to order a wine, but she shakes her head. "No wine, sweety. Just beer, mead and ale."

2009-11-12, 10:25 PM
"I'll have an ale then, best you've got."

2009-11-12, 10:27 PM
"That ain't saying much." She wanders back to the bar and returns minutes later with a wooden cup topped with white foam.

2009-11-12, 10:28 PM
Silently, Jallorn surveys the other patrons, sipping from his mug and scheming.

2009-11-12, 10:30 PM
The raucous group number five. There are eight other patrons, all sitting at the bar, none doing anything more than stare vacantly at their glasses and drink.

2009-11-12, 10:35 PM
Bored, Jallorn calls to the 5, "If half of what you claimed was true, I'd praise you as the most interesting men in the world, but as it is, I peg you simply as liars."

2009-11-12, 10:37 PM
The five grow silent, causing heads to turn from the bar. "Piss off, tweedlebird," says the one who was discussing melons earlier.

2009-11-12, 10:39 PM
"Hah, weak words from a lying coward, as I thought."

2009-11-12, 10:40 PM
"Who're you calling a coward, rumpeater?" The brown-haired boy stumbles to his feet.

2009-11-12, 10:45 PM
"You, you dog****. If you'd care to prove me wrong," here Jallorn gives the boy a smile, his features and actions far less emotional than his words would indicate, "then let's step outside. I'll even agree to let you have one of your friends help. And I won't use any weapons but these," here Jallorn holds up his fists.

2009-11-12, 10:57 PM
The boy hesitates, your confident demeanor giving him second thoughts about his chances. However, the alcohol and the desire to not appear a coward in front of his friends win out. "I don't need help. You're gonna be sorry you came in here, asswipe."

2009-11-12, 10:58 PM
With a smile, Jallorn stands and walks outside, turning at the doorway if the boy isn't following.

2009-11-12, 10:58 PM
The two of you proceed outside. The boy attempts to deck you the moment the door is shut, but his swing misses, throwing him off balance.

2009-11-12, 11:02 PM
Jallorn makes to trip the boy, knocking him to the ground, then stepping away to let him up.

Touch Attack:[roll0]
Strength Check: [roll1]

2009-11-12, 11:07 PM
The boy falls flat on his back, and slowly stands up again, winded and breathing heavily.

2009-11-12, 11:08 PM
Jallorn watches the boy, and assumes a defensive stance, saying nothing.

2009-11-12, 11:10 PM
The boy lunges at you. You easily sidestep his punch.

2009-11-12, 11:13 PM
Jallorn takes the opportunity to hit the boy across the back of the head.

Attack: [roll0] [roll1]
Damag: [roll2] [roll3]

2009-11-12, 11:14 PM
New damage: [roll0] [roll1]

2009-11-12, 11:16 PM
Only one of your blows hits, but it is enough to send the boy sprawling to the ground unconscious.

2009-11-12, 11:17 PM
Bored, Jallorn drops a gold piece onto the boy saying, "For your troubles." He then wanders off to find a more interesting person.

2009-11-12, 11:19 PM
You wander the streets for a while, but come across only more drunkards.

2009-11-12, 11:20 PM
Jallorn decides to ask around and see if there's anyone interesting around.

Gather Info: [roll0]

2009-11-14, 03:58 PM
"Adventurers?" The barmaid in the tavern you've ducked into laughs. "Honey, half the people in here tell me they've killed some dragon or another. Though to be honest," she says, lowering her voice, "I think that man in the corner might just be the real thing." You follow her gaze to a robed figure in the corner, sitting by himself with a cup of mead.

2009-11-14, 04:00 PM
Jallorn thanks the barmaid, then settles down at a table to watch the man.

2009-11-14, 04:05 PM
Little happens. Around you, patrons stumble out, others (some also stumbling) replace them. The man sits, hardly drinking his mead. From the little of his face you can make out, his eyes seem to come to rest on you a little more than normal.

2009-11-14, 04:11 PM
Jallorn approaches the man and says, "Can I help you?"

2009-11-14, 04:13 PM
An awkward silence follows. Then - "Why would you think I need help?"

2009-11-14, 04:16 PM
"You're staring..."

2009-11-14, 06:28 PM
The old man gives you a queer look.

2009-11-14, 06:31 PM
"You keep staring at me. So I figured there was something you were looking for."

2009-11-14, 07:01 PM
"And you were staring at me. So I could ask you the same question."

2009-11-14, 07:03 PM
"You're the only interesting person in here. Besides, I'm pretty sure you were staring first."

2009-11-14, 07:04 PM
"This childish bickering annoys me. I came here to enjoy a drink in private, and I would thank you to respect that."

2009-11-14, 07:08 PM
"You're lying," Jallorn says simply, "You just have the drink so no one will bother you, you're barely drinking. This means that you're either waiting for someone, or looking for something. Since you were interested in me, I can't help but feel," Jallorn pauses as if grasping for the proper words, then says, "in danger," somewhat sinisterly. "So why don't you tell me what you want so I can feel... safe."

2009-11-14, 07:24 PM
The old man guffaws. "You're hilariously wrong, but I like the way you think. Have a drink on me." He waves for the barmaid.

2009-11-14, 07:26 PM
"Why not," Jallorn asks, smiling warmly as he sits down. "So what are you doing here?"

2009-11-14, 07:35 PM
"I told you. An ale for my friend," he tells the barmaid.

2009-11-14, 07:36 PM
"I mean why are you in town? I'm sure I'd remember you if I'd seen you before."

2009-11-14, 07:38 PM
"It's a big town, kid."

2009-11-14, 07:39 PM
"Fine keep your secrets. I'm rather bored though, I know where there's a vampire if you're interested."

2009-11-14, 07:44 PM
"Really. I might be. What's in it for you?" The barmaid smiles at the hooded man as she sets your cup down in front of you.

2009-11-14, 07:46 PM
"Some fun."

2009-11-14, 07:50 PM
"Mm. And you're trying to recruit a total stranger to help you, why?" He takes a large swig of his mead.

2009-11-14, 07:52 PM
"Because it's more fun that way."

2009-11-14, 07:54 PM
He chuckles. "I like you, kid. You've made me laugh more since I met you than I had in the last week." He takes another swig of mead. "You a priest or something?"

2009-11-14, 07:58 PM
"Nah," Jallorn takes a swig of his drink, "Guard for the baron. Gets boring standing around all day when you're trained to fight, you know?"

2009-11-14, 08:15 PM
Your last few words are choked off by an intense burning in your mouth and throat. You cough uncontrollably, clutching your throat, as the man reaches over to grab your arm. His hand feels white hot, and you feel wounds tear themselves open on your torso. "Nice to know you weren't lying about knowing where to find a vampire."

You take 32 damage.

2009-11-14, 08:27 PM
Jallorn throws his arm outs upon feeling the pain, slamming the man with both of them (assuming successful attack rolls).

[roll0] damage: [roll1]
[roll2] damage 2: [roll3]

2009-11-14, 08:44 PM
The man is thrown backwards off his chair. His hood falls off, revealing a bald head and a scruffy grey beard. He scrambles to his feet and pulls out an iron carving of the Watcher's Eye, from which you recoil as if burned. You feel a sharp pain in your back.

You take 2 damage and are held at bay by the hooded man.

2009-11-14, 08:48 PM
Reeling back, Jallorn pulls out a dagger and tosses it at the symbol in the man's hand.

Move to draw, standard to throw.

120+11 [roll0]

2009-11-14, 08:49 PM
attack roll: [roll0]

2009-11-14, 09:03 PM
The dagger flies over the man's shoulder. You feel another sharp pain in your back. "Elena! Drop the knife and come to me!"

You take 3 damage.

2009-11-14, 09:04 PM
Jallorn spins around, seeking where the dagger in his back came from.

2009-11-14, 09:06 PM
You see the barmaid, holding a knife covered in your blood. The other patrons are hesitantly getting up to join the fight.

2009-11-14, 09:27 PM
Furious, Jallorn grabs the barmaid, and begins to draw blood.

Grapple touch attack: [roll0]

2009-11-14, 09:33 PM
You bat aside the hand holding the knife and sink your teeth into the woman's throat as she screams, struggling to break free of your grip. The bar patrons freeze, eyes widening as they realize exactly what they're dealing with. You here a shout of "Elena!" behind you.

2009-11-14, 09:35 PM
Jallorn continues to draw blood until the woman becomes one of his servants.

2009-11-14, 09:38 PM
Before you have the chance, a pair of white-hot hands grasp your throat, causing you to lose your grip. The woman falls to the ground as you try to break free of the hooded man's grip. Patrons begin fleeing the bar.

You take 7 damage.

2009-11-14, 09:42 PM
Jallorn attempts to force his way out of the man's grasp and grab him instead, drawing his blood if possible.


2009-11-14, 09:49 PM
You wrestle free of the man's grasp, grabbing him and sinking your teeth into his throat. He yells, then utters a short incantation as he grabs your neck, searing the skin there as he pulls you off. At the same time, you feel a sharp pain in your calf.

You take 8 damage.

2009-11-14, 09:50 PM
will: [roll0]

2009-11-14, 09:55 PM
grapple: [roll0]

2009-11-14, 09:59 PM
Jallorn makes another grab for the man, attempting once again to sink his teeth into the man's throat.


2009-11-14, 10:01 PM
Before you can succeed, he brandishes the Eye at you. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the barmaid - Elena - standing up unsteadily.

2009-11-14, 10:03 PM
Dissatisfied, Jallorn locks eyes with the barmaid, attempting to dominate her.

2009-11-14, 10:04 PM
You succeed in bringing her under your control. The hooded man pulls a scroll out of his cloak.

2009-11-14, 10:06 PM
"Get that holy symbol from him," Jallorn commands.

2009-11-14, 10:10 PM
The man's eyes widen as Elena moves towards him. Realizing what is happening, he runs towards her, lays a hand on her and utters an incantation. She ceases her attempts to grab the eye and he begins to unravel the scroll.

2009-11-14, 10:10 PM
Jallorn grabs another dagger and hurls it through the scroll.


2009-11-14, 10:16 PM
Jallorn draws his naginata and attacks from a slight distance, ripping through the scroll and at the man.

[roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2009-11-14, 10:39 PM
You pierce through the paper and drive the blade of the naginata straight into the man's chest. He chokes, sputters, then goes limp. Elena screams and runs, reaching the door just as you pull the naginata free.

2009-11-14, 10:51 PM
Dropping his naginata, Jallorn draws his bow and chases the girl out into the street, releasing an arrow off at her.

[roll0] [roll1]

2009-11-14, 11:02 PM
The street is abandoned, the fleeing bar patrons several blocks away by this point. You loose the arrow and it strikes her in the back. She falls forward and does not get up.

2009-11-14, 11:03 PM
Jallorn returns to the bar to draw the man's blood. He then returns to the girl to drain her.

2009-11-14, 11:10 PM
You crawl on top of the woman's still-warm body, and lean down to bite her throat. Your teeth slide into the holes you made earlier, and as you drink deeply, you fumble for her arm, grabbing her wrist. You feel her pulse slow to a crawl as her lifeblood slide down your throat, until finally her heart gives out.

2009-11-14, 11:11 PM
Jallorn stabs the man in the neck with his kukri to disguise the puncture wounds. He then takes the girls body to the quickest route out of town, trying not to be seen.

2009-11-14, 11:24 PM
You drag both of the bodies to the riverside and lie them in a rowboat. You push off, paddling downstream.

2009-11-14, 11:26 PM
Jallorn looks for a place to hide the bodies while they revive.

2009-11-14, 11:26 PM
About a mile downstream, on the opposite bank, you see a copse of trees.

2009-11-14, 11:27 PM
Jallorn docks the ship and drags the bodies up the trees and hides them up there. Afterwards, Jallorn returns to the castle.

2009-11-14, 11:30 PM
You reach the castle just as the barest edges of light are beginning to appear over the plains to the east.

2009-11-14, 11:31 PM
Jallorn enters the castle quickly to hide from the sun, making his way to the duke's audience hall to report on the scuffle.

2009-11-14, 11:54 PM
Day breaks over the castle, unnoticed by you. You wait for several hours before Duke Marrith finally comes to meet you. He has only one question after your explanation. His voice has an edge of worry. "Did anyone else in the tavern know your true nature?"

2009-11-14, 11:55 PM
"Probably lord, but I doubt they got a good look at me."

2009-11-15, 12:08 AM
"You did nothing during the fight that would make them suspicious?"

2009-11-15, 12:09 AM
"I drew some blood from a patron in an attempt to shift the battle to my favor."

2009-11-15, 03:01 PM
The Duke pauses. "In front of an entire tavern."

2009-11-15, 03:09 PM
"On the plus side lord, I did turn the cleric. I believe we could use him. Here's my plan. I also converted his assistant. We disguise her as me using a spell, then myself and the cleric drag her out into the public during the day. The cleric announces that although I was seen the other day as a vampire, it is in fact this other one disguised as me. We dispel the disguise, and then destroy her. I will endure the sun for that, although we may have to shield her as she is unlikely to be strong enough to survive the sun."

2009-11-15, 03:49 PM
The Duke sighs and rests his head in his hands. "That is ridiculously impractical, and would solve nothing in the unlikely event that it does not come across as wholly contrived. You fail to appreciate the danger. The people of this city fear the undead, led on by those pious fools in the Tower of the Eye. The death of one vampire will not be enough to slake their bloodthirst."

He rises. "You will not be punished for this. You are young and ignorant of these matters. But see to it that you use your newfound power more responsibly from now on." He walks to the door, stopping at the threshold. "You are not to leave the castle until told otherwise. It is not safe to be out alone at night now, vampire or no." He exits, without waiting for a response.

2009-11-15, 03:50 PM
Jallorn bows, "Yes lord, I will do as you say."

2009-11-15, 03:51 PM
If the Duke has heard your words, he does not acknowledge them. You hear his footsteps growing fainter in the hallway.

2009-11-15, 03:57 PM
Jallorn returns to his chambers to wait until he is called for.

2009-11-15, 04:14 PM
The next two days pass uneventfully--for those inside the castle. Stories of stakings, burnings and riots filter in through the walls, and priests from the Tower can often be seen preaching to a large crowd in the square outside the front gate, which has remained shut since your return. Neither of your minions have presented themselves. In the afternoon on the third day, you are woken from your coffin by a member of the Duke's personal guard and informed that you have been summoned to his audience chamber.

2009-11-15, 04:16 PM
Jallorn follows the guard to the duke's chambers.

2009-11-15, 04:21 PM
The Duke is sitting in his usual chair. "Do not sit," he says in a cold voice. "Can you think of any reason why I might have summoned you here?"

2009-11-15, 04:22 PM
"Many lord, most of them not good."

2009-11-15, 04:27 PM
"You are becoming more astute. This reflects well on you." The Duke studies your face for a moment. "There has been a rider from Valdez. Did you not think it prudent to mention the fighting that went on, nor that you were recognized as a vampire during the fight?"

2009-11-15, 04:28 PM
"You were busy lord, and then other matters closer to home sent the thoughts from my mind."

2009-11-15, 04:34 PM
"Yes, I believe we can all see how those "matters" turned out," the Duke says dryly. "If the repercussions of having one of my bannermen assaulted and robbed by a vampire were not severe enough, it has also come to pass that the Baron was killed that night. He evidently tried to murder his captain of the guard, who killed him in self-defense before fleeing. Can you think of any reason he might have done that?"

2009-11-15, 04:41 PM
"Yes lord, I can, it was to sow chaos and confusion. I did not expect the baron to perish. I will make assumptions regarding your actions, but I will say that I am willing to do... almost anything for you lord."

2009-11-15, 04:52 PM
"Recent events have led me to reconsider whether or not you are competent enough to be trusted with "almost anything". There are those who know my true nature. They will learn that the object you retrieved was stolen by a vampire, and they will begin to suspect. And now I must tread even more carefully, to avoid arousing their suspicions further." The Duke stands.

"I have a task for you that will, hopefully, keep you out of trouble and teach you a few important lessons in subtlety. You will accompany Raven to the Vale and assist him in his task. During this time, you are to do nothing that Raven has not given you permission to do. Is that clear?"

2009-11-15, 04:53 PM
Jallorn's eyes narrow slightly, but he bows and says, "Yes lord."

2009-11-15, 05:09 PM
"Very good. Now leave me. I need to see to the task of resurrecting the Baron."

2009-11-15, 05:11 PM
Silently, Jallorn leaves to find Raven.

2009-11-15, 05:15 PM
You find him in the kitchen, gorging himself on chicken with one of his female servants hanging onto his arm.

2009-11-15, 05:15 PM
"Hey Raven, you hear what happened?"

2009-11-15, 05:20 PM
"I did, at that," he says, taking a large bite of chicken.

2009-11-15, 05:21 PM
"And what did you think?"

2009-11-15, 05:23 PM
"It'll be nice to have some intelligent company." The woman laughs.

2009-11-15, 05:25 PM
Jallorn raises an eyebrow, "You approve of my actions?"

2009-11-15, 05:29 PM
"'course not. You were a complete idiot and I'll stake you if you do something like that when we're in the Vale. But hey, if Mary thinks you need some instruction from me, so much the better."

2009-11-15, 05:31 PM
"It was worth it... more or less. We should have some company within a day or two." Jallorn smiles at Raven.

2009-11-15, 05:33 PM
"Yeah, Duke told me about that. You're gonna have to wait a while. Our Spawn aren't all that important for this, so they're gonna have to make their own way down."

2009-11-17, 04:01 PM
Jallorn says nothing, standing stiffly in front of Raven.

2009-11-17, 04:36 PM
Raven grins mockingly. "Upset? Mary thought you would be. Said it would be an additional punishment."

2009-11-17, 06:41 PM
Jallorn raises an eyebrow, "Nonsense, I can always get other servants."

2009-11-17, 06:57 PM
"Well, they'll instinctively seek you out after they rise, so I'm sure they'll show up in a month or so."

2009-11-17, 09:23 PM
"I know. When are we leaving?"

2009-11-18, 12:53 AM
"Our ship leaves tomorrow morning."

2009-11-18, 09:42 PM
"And what shall we do in the interim?"

2009-11-18, 11:56 PM
"Lie in our coffins pretending to be dead, of course."

2009-11-19, 01:47 PM
"Works for me."

2009-11-19, 02:23 PM
"Great." Raven wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Once they offload us, we're gonna wait for night, then hop out and swim up shore a bit. Then hike up into the mountains, find a place to stash our coffins, and get to work."

2009-11-21, 04:10 PM

OOC: I guess that means they won't be rising until we're on the ship, yes?

2009-11-22, 08:06 PM
Before dawn breaks the next morning, you and Raven fly to the waterfront under the influence of a variety of spells, courtesy of Anastor. Your coffins have been shrunk to pocket size, and the two of you invisible as you glide down to the dock, where the wooden box that will be your home for the next week awaits. After some hurried searching, you find it sitting amongst the other boxes of cargo, marked with a small red X by the ones who delivered it to the dock. The two of you place your coffins within, side by side, and Raven dismisses the spells on them, causing them to expand to fill the box. They make a loud noise as they bump against the sides of the container, and the two of you hurriedly climb inside the coffins. You hear Raven magically slam the container shut, and drift off to sleep.

You are rudely jostled awake some time later by the rough handling of the sailors as they load the cargo aboard. When they finally do set you down (roughly), you drift off to sleep again, only to be awoken to the sound of a large box being dropped on your head as more containers are piled on top of you.

The next time you awake is far more peaceful. You hear nothing but distant voices, and feel the swaying of the ship underneath you. You are unable to tell in the pitch blackness, but you judge that it is unlikely that you would have awoken before nightfall.

2009-11-22, 08:22 PM
Time jump, changed my mind.

2009-11-23, 05:39 PM
The next six days of the voyage can only be described as stiflingly boring. Trapped in your coffin, unable to move more than a little bit, your only entertainment an occasional conversation with Raven via magic. When you complain to him of this, he only snickers and reminds you that this is a punishment. Raven surely feels the same discomfort, but never mentions it.

Finally, you hear the sailors burst into the cargo bay and begin carrying out boxes, eventually reaching yours and bringing the two of you to the dock. For the first time in a week, you can see light creeping in between the cracks in the box. Unfortunately, the burning sensation of the sunlight and the anticipation at being so close to freedom make the experience even more painful. After hours, you hear voices.

"And this one?"

"Private shipment. Says that someone will be along to pick it up. Just leave it."

Finally, after another eternity, the cracks of light vanish. Still nothing happens, as there are still likely to be people nearby this soon after sundown. Finally, Raven's voice whispers in your ear that all is clear, and you hear the lid of the box creak open.

2009-11-29, 12:56 AM
Jallorn opens the coffin and looks around.

2009-11-29, 01:16 AM
You see Raven climbing from his coffin, glancing around nervously. You step from your coffin, ecstatic over finally having the chance to stretch your legs. The town is well-lit and noisy, but the docks themselves appear deserted at first glance. Your heart skips a beat when you notice a form lying prone on the dock, but you gradually calm down as he fails to notice you. Most likely passed out.
"Stop fooling around! Grab your coffin and get in the water!"

2009-11-29, 01:24 AM
Jallorn does as he's told, though inside he is greatly angered by Raven's tone.

2009-12-08, 10:49 PM
You get 1000 XP for the barfight you got into.

2009-12-15, 08:40 PM
Raven slams the lid of his coffin shut. "That's it, then. Give me a second." He makes a few gestures and mutters an incantation, and both your coffins vanish.

The swim and trek up into the mountains have taken two grueling weeks. You actually miss the relative comfort of the trip down. At least then you weren't lugging a coffin dozens of miles a day.

Raven sits down and pulls out a crude map. "We're here," he says, jabbing a finger at the appropriate spot. "I assume the Duke told you what we're doing?"


2009-12-15, 08:49 PM
"No, he didn't," Jallorn says simply.