View Full Version : [3.5] Awakened Trees - how to handle type?

2009-11-04, 10:56 AM
The Awaken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/awaken.htm) spell, when applied to trees, creates what it essentially an Animated Object the same size as the tree, except with 3d6 for mental ability scores, and the Plant type rather than Construct. It's that latter part that gets me. Does that mean you use everything in the Plant type (both features and traits), essentially re-building the "Animated Object" creature from the ground up with a different type? (As in, d8 rather than d10 for HD, a Constitution score, good Fort saves, and such?) Or do they count like an "augmented" (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#augmentedSubtype) type, getting Construct features and Plant traits?

I'm leaning toward the first interpretation, both because it makes sense and because, in the case of Awakened animals, the spell flat-out states they're "augmented" (i.e. animal features, magical beast traits), while it says nothing of the sort for plants. But just making sure, since the text "it gains the plant type" might lead to an alternate interpretation...

EDIT - One last thing: The spell says nothing about Awakened trees getting skills. However, since they're creatures with an Intelligence score, it makes sense that they should. So, do they really get skills? Which ones, since Animated Objects have none to begin with?

Nate the Snake
2009-11-04, 06:27 PM
The simplest answer is to treat the awakened tree as an animated object that shows up under detect animals or plants. It's probably best to go with that. Maybe add the modifications from the living construct subtype too, with Con 10 so the modifier doesn't change.

As for what skills it has, the SRD says constructs and plants both get 2+Int skill points. It doesn't specify which skills are in-class, but the Pathfinder SRD does: plants have Perception (Spot and Listen) and Stealth (Hide and Move Silently) as class skills, while constructs have no class skills.

WotC really should have explained this better in the spell description.