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View Full Version : Emerald Apocalypse Crown [Exalted]

The Demented One
2009-11-05, 09:50 PM
Emerald Apocalypse Crown
Cost: – (+4m)
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Vitriolic Corona Endowment

Hail to the king. This Charm permanently enhances Vitriolic Corona Endowment. Whenever the Infernal invokes it, he may spend four additional motes to do so reflexively, rather than as a simple action. As he does, a crown of green flame flickers into being upon the Infernal's brow, casting a baleful light that forces metal to shine with strange and eerie glows. The enchanted weapon bursts into emerald fire, granting it the benefit of Green Sun Nimbus Flare for one scene, rather than Vitriolic Corona Endowment's normal effect. In addition, any Charms that the Infernal knows that enhance Green Sun Nimbus Flare also enhance attacks made with his weapons, as if he had invoked it normally. The Infernal cannot invoke Green Sun Nimbus Flare to stack its benefits doubly with those already granted to the weapon.