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View Full Version : D20 Frog Classes

Frog Dragon
2009-11-08, 08:30 AM
Here I shall put all the classes I make for D20 Frog.

Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7274650&postcount=2)

Frog Dragon
2009-11-08, 08:36 AM
A fighter is the ultimate expert at combat. He knows all the tricks of the battlefield.

Vitality bonus: If a character has a level of fighter as his first character level he gets a +2 Vitality bonus.


Skills: The Fighter has 4+Int Mod (2x at level 1) Skill points per level. He may pick two skill sets.

Combat Routine
Fighters train to overcome whatever challenge thrown at them and quite Adept at adapting to new situations and shifting focus. To represent this, fighters gain Combat Routines as they advance in level. You can only have one combat routine activea at a time and you can change or activate Combat Routines with a Standard Action.
Basic: +1 to Attack and Reflex Defense
Defensive: +2 to Reflex Defense, -1 to Attack
Offensive: +1 Attack, +3 Damage, -1 to Reflex Defense
Advanced Basic: +2 to Attack and Reflex Defense
Advanced Defensive: +3 to Reflex Defense, -1 to Attack
Advanced Offensive: +2 Attack, +4 Damage, -1 to Reflex Defense
Evolved Basic: +3 to Attack and Reflex Defense
Evolved Defensive: +4 to Reflex Deflex Defense, -1 to Attack
Evolved Offensive: +3 Attack, +5 Damage, -1 to Reflex Defense
Peerless Basic: +4 to Attack and Reflex Defense
Peerless Defensive: +5 to Reflex Deflex Defense -1 to Attack
Peerless Offensive: +4 Attack, +6 Damage, -1 to Reflex Defense

Combat Form
Fighters usually wind up training with some weapons more than the others and thus wind up with more experience with certain weapons than others
This means that each time the fighter gains more combat form he gains a new level of Weapon Focus Feat for a weapon group. He may use combat form to gain weapon focus again for other weapon groups too.

Blade Against Mind
Fighters are effective, not only the battlegrounds of the physical, but those of the mind too.
Blade is actually an application of Combat Routine and is activated in the same way and has the same restrictions and cannot be used in conjunction with the other Combat Routines
Blade Against Mind gives the Indicated bonus to Will Defense.

2009-11-08, 09:09 AM
Are we going to get them in althabetical order? if not, can I see a caster next, it'll tell me whether or not I truely like the casting mechanic.

Frog Dragon
2009-11-08, 09:25 AM
In the links yes.

Also. As it happens, the Sorcerer is the next I've had in line.

Frog Dragon
2009-11-28, 11:43 AM
I upped the Vitality bonus since now character's start with 20 points base I figured I needed to boost the combat classes Vitality a bit.