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The Demented One
2009-11-08, 04:33 PM
Want to see a homebrew charm, but don't want to write it up yourself? If no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire...The Demented One.

How to Request a Charm!
It's really pretty easy. Just give me the this...

Charm Type: What type of Charm you want to see–Solar, Lunar, Spirit, Jadeborn.

Ability: Whether it's Melee, Occult, Stealth, or whatnot. For charms that don't use abilities, like Lunar charms, Infernal charms, or Jadeborn charms, just post whatever trait they work off of.

Essence Range: Give me a range to put it at. Something like 1-2, or 4-5, or 6-10. Don't have to be too specific.

Idea!: This is the important one. Tell me what you want the charm to do, what you need a charm for, or just a cool name for a charm in general. Anything I should know about it.

I'll try and get a response to all requests up as fast as I can. Shoot away!

Past Requests

• Abyssal Charm to reverse age: Void-Defying Youth Treatment (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Void-Defying_Youth_Treatment)

• Lunar Charms based off of A Whole New World: Unbelievable Sights Unseen (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Unbelievable_Sights_Unseen) , Indescribable Feelings Aroused (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Indescribable_Feelings_Arou sed), Whole-New-World Honeymoon (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Whole-New-World_Honeymoon)

• Abyssal Charm to spread plague: Becoming the Taint (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Becoming_the_Taint)

• Abyssal Charms to fill mortals with darkness: Neverborn Essence Heart (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Neverborn_Essence_Heart), Oblivion's Opened Eye (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Oblivion's_Opened_Eye), Fallen Lotus Petals (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Fallen_Lotus_Petals), Students Before the Crypt (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Students_Before_the_Crypt), Monstrance-Chaining Spiteful Blessing (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Monstrance-Chaining_Spiteful_Blessing)

• Lunar Meta-Anima Charm: Luna's Light Awakened (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Luna%27s_Light_Awakened)

• Abyssal Charm with hideous shadow worms: Dance of Stitching Shadow-Maggots (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Dance_of_Stitching_Shadow-Maggots)

• Solar Charm to boost health levels: Aureate Flesh Perfection (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Aureate_Flesh_Perfection)

• Pokemon-Based Charms: Rising Solar Fury, Burning Wheel Slash (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7280773&postcount=29)

• Solar Charm to perfect dodge without charm activation: Invincible God Step (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7282928&postcount=39)

• Raksha Charms with silly names: Eternal Maelstrom of a Curious Industry (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Eternal_Maelstrom_of_a_Curi ous_Industry), Colorful Incarnation of a Million Youth (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Colorful_Incarnation_of_a_M illion_Youth), Consuming the Self Brings Nothing (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Consuming_the_Self_Brings_N othing), Cutting Through Happiness Like A Knife (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Cutting_Through_Happiness_L ike_A_Knife), Unbreakable Writ Playwright Brilliance (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Unbreakable_Writ_Playwright _Brilliance), Artifice Becomes Thought and Wisdom (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Artifice_Becomes_Thought_an d_Wisdom), Suddenly, Bees! Everywhere! (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Suddenly,_Bees!_Everywhere! ), True Magnificence of Indignity (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:True_Magnificence_of_Indign ity)

• Solar Charm to make people join in with your singing: Irresistible Chorus Line Harmony (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Irresistible_Chorus_Line_Ha rmony)

• Infernal Crafting Charms: Designs of Mere Essence, Cacophonic Brazen Furnance Brilliance, World-and-Wonder Enlightenment (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7288072&postcount=64)

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-08, 04:36 PM
I still want Void-Defying Youth Treatment to be written. Go and work on that.

Also, survival Charms based on A Whole New World from Aladdin. Exalt type not important (can even be Lunar Stamina Charms, as long as they are based on survival).

2009-11-08, 05:12 PM
Oh my. This is ambitious. It could result in a crap load of work for you, you know.

Which is kind the question I'm asking, would it be okay if I put up a suggestion for a charm despite the chances of me actually using the charm is slim? Like, if I only wanted it for, y'know, it'd be cool? I felt like that was okay in the vote threads, but if you're going to have a shot at EVERY request, it'd be crappy to take up time.

The Demented One
2009-11-08, 05:24 PM
Which is kind the question I'm asking, would it be okay if I put up a suggestion for a charm despite the chances of me actually using the charm is slim? Like, if I only wanted it for, y'know, it'd be cool? I felt like that was okay in the vote threads, but if you're going to have a shot at EVERY request, it'd be crappy to take up time.
Oh no, go ahead with whatever you want to see. You might not use it, but I'm sure someone will.

2009-11-08, 05:34 PM
Oh, that's good to know.


The Demented One
2009-11-08, 06:14 PM
I still want Void-Defying Youth Treatment to be written. Go and work on that.

Tweaked it a bit to bring it in line with the Solar charm it's mirroring, but here we go. Abyssal immortality.

Void-Defying Youth Treatment
Cost: 20m, 3wp or 10m, 1wp
Mins: Medicine 7, Essence 7
Type: Simple (One dramatic action) or Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Youth-Restoring Benison), Obvious, Shaping, Spectral Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Bone Graft Technique, Pestilence-Bearing Touch

Mortal flesh weakens and wearies as it ages, succumbing to the irresistible call of the Void. But the Abyssals are given certain rights over even the Void, and may decide who it shall consume, and who it shall spare. This Charm requires a twelve-hour long medical procedure in which the Abyssal drains the very age away from a mortal's body, forcing the taint of death to suppurate out of their essence flows. The Abyssal's patient is restored to the prime of his physical youth–18 years of age for a human, or the equivalent for animals and other races. The target retains all memories and skills, although any debilities of advanced age are healed. However, each year taken from the patient is accrued by the Abyssal, stored within his very Exaltation. Though he does not age to match his burden, he immediately accrues a point of Resonance for every 50 years he takes on himself–it is not pleasing to the Neverborn to see their work undone. In addition, each day the Abyssal carries a burden of age, he accrues an additional point of Resonance. The burden of age from multiple patients is cumulative.

However, it is possible for the Abyssal to divest himself of this burden of age by forcing it on another. He may spend 10 motes and a point of Willpower to invoke this Charm as a Simple action with Speed 5. He makes must touch a living character to force the burden of years upon them, requiring an attack roll if they are unwilling. The victim is aged as a Shaping attack, taking on each and every year the Abyssal has taken from his patients. If this increases his physical age beyond his maximum lifespan, he dies, crumbling to dust and bones. If the age burden the Abyssal carries exceeds the number of years required to exceed the victim's lifespan, than only those necessary to do so are consumed, rather than the whole burden. Otherwise, the entirety of the age burden is consumed. This aging does not allow a character to bypass age limits on increasing their Permanent Essence–it is wholly a physical effect, rather than the hundreds of years of enlightenment required to transcend spiritual limits.

The Demented One
2009-11-08, 06:35 PM
Oh, that's good to know.

Becoming the Taint
Cost: – (+10m)
Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Pestilence-Bearing Touch

Every Deathknight is a weapon to match the Great Contagion itself. They have only to realize their true potential. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal's Pestilence-Bearing Touch. When they invoke it to spread a non-magical, they may spend an additional ten motes to suspire a cloud of contagion, exposing all living beings within (Essence x 10) to the disease, rather than making a touch attack. At Essence 6, they do so with supernatural diseases of the First and Second Circles, and at Essence 8, with Third Circle supernatural diseases.

A second purchase of this Charm further heightens the pestilent potency of the Abyssal. Any disease they spread with Becoming the Taint becomes truly contagious, its victims capable of spreading it through normal vectors. However, supernatural diseases have their Virulence halved when spread by victims of this Charm, their full potency muted. The Abyssal may instantly recognize whether any character he sees is victim to a disease spread by this Charm.

A third purchase of this Charm at Essence 5 allows the Abyssal to become one with his diseases in spirit, omnipresent where his victims suffer. By reflexively spending a single mote, the Abyssal may see through the eyes of any victim of a disease spread by this Charm, as long as both are within the same realm of existence. So long as he takes no other action, the Deathknight may see and perceive the world through the senses of his chosen victim. He need not know where they are, although he must know who they are, and that they have been infected.

A fourth purchase at Essence 7 makes the Abyssal as deathly and far-reaching as plague itself, letting him walk where disease does. While seeing through the eyes of one of his victims, he may reflexively spend 20 motes to infect them with his soul. The Deathknight's body rots or deliquesces, his souls and Exaltation traveling instantly to his intended victim. Their flesh swells with cancerous tumors and necrotic rot, before bursting in a disgusting display–after which the Abyssal is revealed, in his new body. Only Extras can have their bodies usurped in this way. This abominable journey only transports the Abyssal, not his equipment or artifacts. Any attunements he has are broken, though there are no other deleterious effects.

The Demented One
2009-11-08, 06:44 PM
Also, survival Charms based on A Whole New World from Aladdin. Exalt type not important (can even be Lunar Stamina Charms, as long as they are based on survival).
Just something to survive at high altitudes? I think most Exalted can already do that. Solars with Element-Resisting Prana, Lunars with Fertile Breath Inversion and North Mastery Technique, even Dragon-Bloods with Unbreathing Earth Meditation and Extension of the Air Dragon's Blessing.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-08, 06:57 PM
Just something to survive at high altitudes? I think most Exalted can already do that. Solars with Element-Resisting Prana, Lunars with Fertile Breath Inversion and North Mastery Technique, even Dragon-Bloods with Unbreathing Earth Meditation and Extension of the Air Dragon's Blessing.

No, I mean the way you did with I'll Make a Man Out of You.

If you have a better theme in mind, you can go with that.

2009-11-08, 07:04 PM
Becoming the TaintThat was... quick.

And completely wonderful!

It's an excellent representation of what I had in mind. Masterfully executed, as always, of course.

2009-11-08, 07:07 PM
uhmmm.. can i request Peacock's Irresistible Grace from the first Vote up a Charm thread?

2009-11-08, 07:11 PM
uhmmm.. can i request Peacock's Irresistible Grace from the first Vote up a Charm thread?

That one has actually been done - for the first thread, The Demented One did all of the suggestions.

That said, I wouldn't mind seeing Neverborn Essence Heart.

2009-11-08, 07:20 PM
I just noticed that! That's even more awesome.

Seriously, how does he do that? How does he produce that glorious homebrews all the freaking time? I mean, he's not even taking BREAKS!

Edit: It struck me as soon as I had posted. Naturally TD1 has the Second Craft Excellency.

Edit 2: Or would it be Lore?

The Demented One
2009-11-08, 07:34 PM
No, I mean the way you did with I'll Make a Man Out of You.

If you have a better theme in mind, you can go with that.
Hmm, I can't see how they could work out for Survival...but maybe...

Unbelievable Sights Unseen
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Perception 2, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Keen (Sense) Technique

Though all the world may lie to them, the Lunar's senses always scream the truth. Suffusing his senses with silvery essence, the Lunar Exalt becomes immune to Illusions for the scene. However, there is one weakness to this defense–if the Lunar's Perception is exceeded by his Solar Bond rating, then his Solar Mate's illusions can cut through this mental defense as if it were not there.

Indescribable Feelings Aroused
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Wyld
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Irresistible Silver Spirit

The Lunar Exalted do the impossible, drawing the power of the Wyld into their very hearts to awaken emotions and passion no mortal could feel. Invoking this Charm, the Lunar gains the capacity to wyld stunt, just as a raksha does (see Graceful Wicked Masques, page 119). In addition, he gains access to a pool of (Essence + Appearance) stunt dice. Whenever the Lunar takes an action, he may add dice from his stunt pool to it: one die while in Creation or tainted lands, two dice in Bordermarches, Middlemarches, uncapped demesnes or freeholds, and three dice in the Deep Wyld and Pure Chaos.

There is no difference between stunt dice added by this Charm and stunt dice awarded by the Storyteller—both function just the same and can allow the Lunar to recover Essence or Willpower on a successful roll. The Storyteller remains free to grant stunt dice and should always have the opportunity to do so before the player spends from his pool of stunt dice. Regardless of the source of the stunt dice, the player can never add more than three stunt dice to any single roll.

Whole-New-World Honeymoon Ecstasy
Cost: –
Mins: Wits 6, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Limitless Argent Protectorate

The Lunar Exalted are the serene night to the glorious day of the Solar Exalted, and their power waxes when they are together. Whenever the Lunar accompanies her Solar Mate when he uses Wyld-Shaping Technique, the Lawgiver adds (Solar Bond) additional successes to each roll, and the interval of each roll is divided by the Lunar's Essence. If the Lunar knows the Harmony with Reality Technique or Ritual of Lunar Stability Charms, she may apply either or both of them to whatever her mate shapes by spending a point of Willpower. In addition, when a Lunar uses Limitless Argent Protectorate while accompanied by her Solar Mate, she too adds (Solar Bond) successes to each roll, and divides the time interval by the Solar's Essence.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-08, 07:36 PM
Hmm, I can't see how they could work out for Survival...but maybe...

Marry me you wonderful man you.

((I mostly said Survival because they felt like Wyld-traversing Charm names to me.))

The Demented One
2009-11-08, 07:46 PM
That one has actually been done - for the first thread, The Demented One did all of the suggestions.

That said, I wouldn't mind seeing Neverborn Essence Heart.
Umm, this one actually is gonna end up as a Lore charm, because I figured out something cooler to do with it. My apologies to Krimm.

Neverborn Essence Heart
Cost: – (+5m)
Mins: Lore 5, Whispers 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (5), Enlightening, Mirror (Golden Savant's Largess)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Teaching Incomprehensible Truths

As the Abyssal gouges his students' minds with the secrets of death, so too may he mar their souls. This Charm permanently enhances the Deathknight's Teaching Incomprehensible Truths. Whenever he invokes it to grant a mortal student Whispers, he may commit 5 motes to that student to awaken their essence, raising their Permanent Essence to 2 and granting them a pool of 15 motes. However, their essence is warped and damaged, causing them to become a creature of death, respiring essence accordingly. They gain the ability to learn Abyssal Charms at a cost of 10 XP each. The target can access his mote pool and Abyssal Charms only for as long as the Abyssal commits the essence to him, though he remains a creature of death regardless. In addition, so long as the Abyssal maintains his commitment, he need not spend a Willpower every day to maintain the student's Whispers rating if he does not spend the XP to permanently gain them.

2009-11-08, 08:35 PM
I'd love to see some more Meta-Anima Charms, especially a Lunar version of Shedding Infinite Radiance. I'd love to see some Solar equivalents to the Greater Signs--big effects that stretch your anima to the limit and then breaks them so for a number of days, at least, you can't call on your anima power.

Oh. And I want a Spell that lets me supercharge my anima into a tangible force. Like Jean Gray with the Phoenix Raptor. That's my biggest influence for animas.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 12:50 AM
I'd love to see some more Meta-Anima Charms, especially a Lunar version of Shedding Infinite Radiance. I'd love to see some Solar equivalents to the Greater Signs--big effects that stretch your anima to the limit and then breaks them so for a number of days, at least, you can't call on your anima power.

Luna's Light Awakes
Cost: –
Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Lion Defense

The Lunar Exalted have faced the wrath of countless enemies and the insidious subversion of their very exaltation...and they have survived, and they have triumphed. Sacrificing everything in himself that stands in the way of his survival, the Lunar becomes a totemic avatar of his caste, embodying all that it is to be Chosen by Luna. This Charm cannot be learned by non-Lunar Exalted under any circumstances.

• Full Moon: The minimum damage of any attack the Exalt makes while his anima flares at the (11+) mote level is increased by 2.

• Changing Moon: The Exalt's anima becomes a light-shattering blaze of essence when it flares at the (11+) mote level, subtracting (Essence) dice from the attack pool of any enemy who attacks him as an internal penalty, so long as they can see him.

• No Moon:The Willpower cost of any sorcery spell the Exalt casts while his anima flares at the (11+) mote level is reduced by one, to a minimum of zero. This benefit does not apply to necromancy.

• Casteless: Casteless Lunars benefit from this Charm according to whatever Caste's anima they are emulating at the time.

In the First Age, Lunars of the now-lost castes gained the following benefits:

• Waxing Moon: When employing his anima power, the Exalt doubles the normal soak benefit against creatures of the Wyld. While his anima flares at the (11+) mote level, the minimum damage of attacks directed at
creatures of the Wyld is raised by one die.

• Half Moon: Whenever the Exalt makes a Join Battle, Join Debate, or Join War roll while his anima is at the (11+) mote level, he is treated as having rolled a number of successes equal to the highest rolled by any combatant, acting on the first tick of battle along with them–unless the Lunar's own roll is higher than any other characters. In addition, he receives (Essence + 2), rather than (Essence), bonus dice on rolls to detect unexpected attacks.

• Waning Moon: The benefits gained by Waning Moon Lunars are identical to those of Changing Moon Lunars.

Awakening the Dragon-Self
Cost: –
Mins: Integrity 2, Breeding 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Purity (5)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Oath of the Ten-Thousand Dragons

To be Exalted of the Dragons is to know the blood of countless heroes in your veins, to be at once empowered and embodied of one of the primal elements from which Creation was wrought. Suffusing his anima with unrestrained power, the Dragon-Blood becomes the ideal of the Princes of the Earth. This Charm cannot be learned by non-Terrestrial Exalted under any circumstances.

• Air Aspect: While the Exalt's anima flares at the (11+) mote level, he may fly at a speed equal to his Move speed, although he must remain at least (Essence x 5) yards above a solid surface while doing so.

• Earth Aspect: While the Exalt's anima flares at the (11+) mote level, his natural bashing and lethal soak are doubled. In addition, the amount he may add to rolls to resist grappling or knockback increases to (Essence x 2).

• Fire Aspect: Any damage inflicted by his Anima Flux or Anima Effect ignores Hardness from armor.

• Water Aspect: While the Exalt's anima flares at the (11+) mote level, his unarmed attacks may deal lethal or bashing damage, and he may parry lethal attacks unarmed. In addition, he adds (Essence) to the damage of all unarmed attacks.

• Woods Aspect: Whenever the Exalt has 11 or more motes of Peripheral Essence active, the difficulty to resist his poison is increased by 2.

2009-11-09, 01:57 AM
As a Medicine Charm of Essence 3 (http://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/326/05/), Essence 4 (http://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/326/10/), or Essence 5 (http://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/341/04-05/), I'd like to ask for Dance of Stitching Shadow-Worms.

The Tygre
2009-11-09, 02:03 AM
Dance of Stitching Shadow-Maggots

Hideous. Spectral. Worms. You owe me hideous. Spectral. Worms.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 02:42 AM
Dance of Stitching Shadow-Maggots
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Pestilence-Bearing Touch

With a touch, shadowy essence flows into the Abyssal's hapless patient, coalescing and coagulating into hideous spectral worms that writhe and squirm through his flesh. The Abyssal must touch his subject, requiring an unarmed attack if they are unwilling to submit to his ghoulish experiments. Once the Abyssal has infested a patient with his stitching shadow-maggots, he may reflexively spend a mote to consult with them from any distance, so long as both he and the patient are within the same realm of existence, learning from the worms how many levels of damage the victim has suffered, as well as any Crippling, Poison, or Sickness effects he suffers from. In addition, he may take any Medicine-based dramatic to care for the victim from afar, instructing the worms to carry out unspeakable surgeries. He is capable of using Medicine Charms to enhance or carry out such actions. Alternatively, the Abyssal can direct the maggots to devour their host from inside-out in a suicidal orgy of over-gorging, dealing (Essence) dice of unsoakable damage to them as a shaping attack. Doing so destroys the worms as they feed themselves to death, ending the effect of this Charm.

2009-11-09, 02:58 AM
You know, there's a charm I'd like to request, but I only have a concept for it. This would defenitely be Abyssal or Infernal, and probably the latter, but not sure.

Okay. You know that scene in the Matrix (the first one) where the Agents are interrogating Neo, and then his mouth starts fusing together? Yeah, that.

Now, what I'm thinking of is that, but applicable to arms and legs as well. So, the arms fuse to the body, and the legs fuse together.

Or maybe a low Essence version that only fuses the mouth of the target, and a higher-essence version that fuses his/her arms and legs as well.

...if it helps, this idea creeps me out as well.

I won't be able to read it until I get back from a holiday in about ten days. :smalltongue:

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 03:44 AM
Okay. You know that scene in the Matrix (the first one) where the Agents are interrogating Neo, and then his mouth starts fusing together? Yeah, that.

Interestingly, there's a Lunar charm in Glories does exactly that, plus some other stuff.

2009-11-09, 03:45 AM
Some ideas...

I've had a couple of ideas for charms in my head for a while, but I'm not that good at making charms yet... plus, I'm not sure what essence levels these should be at.

A Solar Integrity (maybe) charm that allows you to have more than ten points of temporary willpower; like the Spirit charm Reserve of Will. A lower Essence version would require you to buy it multiple times, like Ox-Body Technique, but a higher Essence version could increase your Temporary Willpower pool by your Integrity or Essence score.

Resistance charm that allows you to commit motes to it to get extra health levels; maybe needs Ox-body Technique as prerequisite. I would imagine that every type of Exalt could have their own version of this charm.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 03:57 AM
A Solar Integrity (maybe) charm that allows you to have more than ten points of temporary willpower; like the Spirit charm Reserve of Will. A lower Essence version would require you to buy it multiple times, like Ox-Body Technique, but a higher Essence version could increase your Temporary Willpower pool by your Integrity or Essence score.
I think this one'd be a bad idea, based on the fact that Willpower is meant to be a limited resource for the Exalted. Spirits can get away with Reserve of Will because it doesn't mean as much to them, with already-awesome stats and free combos, but it'd be overpowering for Exalts. However, you might want to take a look at Ascending Phoenix Arete (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Ascending_Phoenix_Arete) and Pure-Hearted Innocence Approach (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Pure-Hearted_Innocence_Approach), which let you use Virtue Channels instead of Willpower for some things.

Resistance charm that allows you to commit motes to it to get extra health levels; maybe needs Ox-body Technique as prerequisite. I would imagine that every type of Exalt could have their own version of this charm.
I think temporary health levels are just a meh design space, given how messy they are to handle when you add them in or lose them. Motes for health levels is also gonna always be a bad trade, simply because it'll inevitably be more efficient to use motes on defensive charms. If I were gonna do extra health level stuff, it'd be something permanent like Unassailable Ogre Becoming (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Unassailable_Ogre_Becoming) , which you could pretty neatly extrapolate for other Exalt types. Something like...

Unyielding Orichalcum Flesh
Cost: –
Mins: Resistance 6, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ox-Body Technique (x3)

The Lawgivers do not fall, no matter what pain they must endure. This Charm permanently enhances the Solar's Ox-Body Technique Charm. Each purchase of it grants the Solar an additional two -2 levels. At Essence 7, each purchase also grants an additional -1 level. At Essence 8, each purchase instead grants two additional -1 levels, instead of only one. At Essence 9, each purchase grants an additional -0 level, and at Essence 10, this increases to two -0 levels.

2009-11-09, 04:24 AM
Just like Haunting The Hen House was a way for me to get a Lunar who could use Agility/Dodge, I'd like to see some more Pokemon inspired charms. Solarbeam (Slowly Rising Solar Fury!), Fire Spin (Caldera Toss Technique! Volcano Blasting Martial Arts!), Hydropump (Actually, this one could definitely just be an artifact weapon as-is, no need to jazz it up too much), Grass Knot (Size Differential Punishment Blow!), and even Rest (Perfect Sacrifice Gamble!) could all be pretty awesome Charms/Artifacts/Styles/Whatever else there is to spend XP on.

2009-11-09, 04:48 AM
Interestingly, there's a Lunar charm in Glories does exactly that, plus some other stuff.


Unfortunately, I don't have that book...

may look into getting it.

2009-11-09, 05:33 AM
Dance of Stitching Shadow-Maggots
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Pestilence-Bearing Touch

With a touch, shadowy essence flows into the Abyssal's hapless patient, coalescing and coagulating into hideous spectral worms that writhe and squirm through his flesh. The Abyssal must touch his subject, requiring an unarmed attack if they are unwilling to submit to his ghoulish experiments. Once the Abyssal has infested a patient with his stitching shadow-maggots, he may reflexively spend a mote to consult with them from any distance, so long as both he and the patient are within the same realm of existence, learning from the worms how many levels of damage the victim has suffered, as well as any Crippling, Poison, or Sickness effects he suffers from. In addition, he may take any Medicine-based dramatic to care for the victim from afar, instructing the worms to carry out unspeakable surgeries. He is capable of using Medicine Charms to enhance or carry out such actions. Alternatively, the Abyssal can direct the maggots to devour their host from inside-out in a suicidal orgy of over-gorging, dealing (Essence) dice of unsoakable damage to them as a shaping attack. Doing so destroys the worms as they feed themselves to death, ending the effect of this Charm.

It's more Matou (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/8/82/Matou_kariya.png)than Kakuzu, but it's still absolutely awesome. Thanks!

Why do you not work for White Wolf? :smallconfused::smallbiggrin:

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 09:50 AM
Solarbeam (Slowly Rising Solar Fury!)
Rising Solar Fury
Cost: – (+5m)
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Immaculate Golden Bow or Solar Flare Methodology

Just like the sun cresting above the horizon at dawn, so too does the wrath of the Lawgivers rise as the forces of darkness assail them. This Charm permanently enhances the Solar's Immaculate Golden Bow and Solar Flare Methodology Charms. The Solar may spend an additional 5 motes when invoking either to imbue the weapons summoned with his own waxing wrath. The raw damage of the bow conjured by Immaculate Golden Bow becomes (Essence + Willpower), while the rate of the firewand summoned with the Solar Flare Methodology becomes (Essence). In addition, each time the Solar successfully hits an enemy with either, the Accuracy bonus of that weapon rises by one for the duration of the scene. This bonus is cumulative, and has no limit.

Fire Spin (Caldera Toss Technique! Volcano Blasting Martial Arts!)
Burning Wheel Slash
Cost: 8m, 1wp
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ringing Anvil Onslaught

To assault the Dragon-Blood is to assault the volcano–every moment one lingers invites boundless burning wrath! This Charm enhances a single Melee-based attack. The Dragon-Blood may apply it to all enemies adjacent to him, to a maximum of (Melee) different enemies. If any of the characters he hits and damages are part of a coordinated attack targeting him, they immediately drop out of the coordinated ability, losing the ability to benefit from it.

Grass Knot (Size Differential Punishment Blow!)
I honestly never played whichever game that was in.

Rest (Perfect Sacrifice Gamble!)
...yeah, I'm stumped on this one. "Falling asleep" doesn't really sound like an Exalted combat power.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 09:51 AM

Unfortunately, I don't have that book...

may look into getting it.
You really should, because they are fantastic. If you've got 15 dollars going spare, you can get all three on rpg.drivethrustuff.com.

2009-11-09, 11:03 AM
Has something like 'Answer for everything technique' been done?

It sounds like something that would be pretty similar to Protection of Celestial Bliss, apart from being a dodge charm for abyssals, and probably needing a slightly lower permanent Essence (3-4 instead of 5.)

Although I'm pretty sure you can come up with something more original than that.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 12:42 PM
Has something like 'Answer for everything technique' been done?

It sounds like something that would be pretty similar to Protection of Celestial Bliss, apart from being a dodge charm for abyssals, and probably needing a slightly lower permanent Essence (3-4 instead of 5.)

Although I'm pretty sure you can come up with something more original than that.
As in, a perfect defense against everything? Sidereals have that, with Duck Fate.

2009-11-09, 01:30 PM
Protection of Celestial Bliss is the one that lets you store up an HGD and use it freely at a later time. It allows you to get around things like the martial arts rules and the reflexive charm rules but it doesn't break the game because you can't do it that often.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 02:24 PM
Protection of Celestial Bliss is the one that lets you store up an HGD and use it freely at a later time. It allows you to get around things like the martial arts rules and the reflexive charm rules but it doesn't break the game because you can't do it that often.
I'm not totally sure what you want me to make - just a Protection of Celestial Bliss for dodge? Or some sort of all-encompassing thing that lets you SSE/IPP/EDD/whatever without charm use?

2009-11-09, 02:57 PM
I'm not totally sure what you want me to make - just a Protection of Celestial Bliss for dodge? Or some sort of all-encompassing thing that lets you SSE/IPP/EDD/whatever without charm use?

I think a version of Protection of Celestial Bliss for abyssals and dodge would be pretty cool - having one that lets you do everything from WMN to SSE might be a bit on the powerful side.

2009-11-09, 03:25 PM
Grass Knot deals damage according to size/weight- the heavier a foe is, the more damage they take. Now that I'm thinking about it, this would end a lot of epic fights far too prematurely.

As for Rest, maybe it could be combined with a Parivir (Dual-katana wielding elemental samurai from FFTA2) ability wherein the Paravir gives up his own life to completely heal all allies and get rid of all of their negative status conditions. By giving up a significant portion of his own life and leaving himself defenseless for a time, his allies are both healed and empowered.

Other attacks that could be pretty cool:

Sandstorm- Whirl sand and rocks around the Exalted, damaging and (perhaps permanently) blinding foes

Blizzard- As Sandstorm, but with snow and hail, and instead of blinding them it slows them down, making it more costly for them to do anything but the most basic of actions

Quick Attack- An attack that lets the Exalted go out of order in the initiative, or shoots them to the top of the order at the beginning of a fight, and lets them move to and make a basic attack against a foe.

Trick Room- Lets the slower Pokemon act first for a few rounds, so perhaps it lets the Exalted reverse the flow of time and put the turn order backwards for a round or few?

Mirror Coat- "Counter a foe's attack at double the power." While double might be a bit much, it seems pretty obvious how this one should work.

Luster Purge- "Attacks with a burst of light and lowers the target's special defense". Discharges peripheral anima and makes the target more susceptible to the Exalted's actions that require anima.

Brick Break- Deals extra damage if the foe has any sort of defense and breaks or weakens said defense in the process.

Superpower- Raises Strength significantly, but lowers all other abilities some.

Hyrdopump- A pair of big cannons that are worn like a yoke and blast the sea itself it the Exalted's foes.

Octazooka- Weaker than hydropump, but reduces the foe's accuracy.

Crabhammer- A martial arts technique where each hit deals more damage than the last.

Ingrain- The Exalted gives up movement and heals himself every turn.

Leech Seed- As long as the Exalted stays within a certain distance of the foe and follows him, the Exalted steals some of his health.

Needle Arm- A martial arts / medicine charm that aims to disable foes (or worse) by targeting pressure points.

Vine Whip- A martial arts charm that turns the martial arts attack into a ranged ability that may or may not be able to hit several foes.

Quite a few of those are from Diamond and Pearl and can only be learned by a few Pokemon, which might explain why you aren't familiar with them.

The Tygre
2009-11-09, 03:43 PM
Why do you not work for White Wolf? :smallconfused::smallbiggrin:

Because then they'd have to open Black Dog again for the sheer awesome.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 04:57 PM
I'm sorry I'm blowing you off, but all of these concepts seem to either already be handled pretty well within the existing system, or to just not work well within it.

Grass Knot deals damage according to size/weight- the heavier a foe is, the more damage they take. Now that I'm thinking about it, this would end a lot of epic fights far too prematurely.
Oh. That's just how clinching works, normally.

As for Rest, maybe it could be combined with a Parivir (Dual-katana wielding elemental samurai from FFTA2) ability wherein the Paravir gives up his own life to completely heal all allies and get rid of all of their negative status conditions. By giving up a significant portion of his own life and leaving himself defenseless for a time, his allies are both healed and empowered.
Hmm, not liking this. It's too Cleric-y for Exalted, cure light wounds just isn't an effect they're meant to have.

Sandstorm- Whirl sand and rocks around the Exalted, damaging and (perhaps permanently) blinding foes

Blizzard- As Sandstorm, but with snow and hail, and instead of blinding them it slows them down, making it more costly for them to do anything but the most basic of actions
That's basically what Dragon-Blood anima banners.

Quick Attack- An attack that lets the Exalted go out of order in the initiative, or shoots them to the top of the order at the beginning of a fight, and lets them move to and make a basic attack against a foe.
I've done something like that, Humble Sage Audacity (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Humble_Sage_Audacity). Part of a martial art, though.

Trick Room- Lets the slower Pokemon act first for a few rounds, so perhaps it lets the Exalted reverse the flow of time and put the turn order backwards for a round or few?
Playing around with initiative in Exalted is just more headache than it's worth, past a certain point. This just reminds me of that Charm in 1e Alchemicals that let you rewind a scene back to a certain point–too much bookkeeping entirely.

Mirror Coat- "Counter a foe's attack at double the power." While double might be a bit much, it seems pretty obvious how this one should work.
There're already counterattack charms aplenty; Snake Strikes the Heel from Snake Style and Empowering Justice Redirection from Crane Style get more powerful based on the strength of your foe's attack, which seems to be what you're looking for.

Luster Purge- "Attacks with a burst of light and lowers the target's special defense". Discharges peripheral anima and makes the target more susceptible to the Exalted's actions that require anima.
Huh...there's plenty of burst of light attacks, like Blazing Solar Bolt. I don't think the concept of "special defense" maps very well to Exalted, there's just no analogue.

Brick Break- Deals extra damage if the foe has any sort of defense and breaks or weakens said defense in the process.
Armor-Shattering Strike is basically this.

Superpower- Raises Strength significantly, but lowers all other abilities some.
Increasing Strength Exercise seems to cover this space pretty well.

Hyrdopump- A pair of big cannons that are worn like a yoke and blast the sea itself it the Exalted's foes.

Octazooka- Weaker than hydropump, but reduces the foe's accuracy.
This seems to be what the water-version of Elemental Bolt Attack already does.

Crabhammer- A martial arts technique where each hit deals more damage than the last.
Seems to be just an extension of onslaught penalties; lots of Martial Arts charms will boost those.

Ingrain- The Exalted gives up movement and heals himself every turn.

Leech Seed- As long as the Exalted stays within a certain distance of the foe and follows him, the Exalted steals some of his health.

Combat healing...I think pretty much everyone who should be able to do that has a way to do that. I'm just not sure how to make it work without overlapping with an important niche.

Needle Arm- A martial arts / medicine charm that aims to disable foes (or worse) by targeting pressure points.
There's already a whole host of crippling attacks that could cover this.

Vine Whip- A martial arts charm that turns the martial arts attack into a ranged ability that may or may not be able to hit several foes.
Couple charms already do this; Crane Form and Flickering Moonsilver Approach standing out the most to my mind.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 05:08 PM
I think a version of Protection of Celestial Bliss for abyssals and dodge would be pretty cool - having one that lets you do everything from WMN to SSE might be a bit on the powerful side.
Hmm. The problem with doing that is that they would stack–having one perfect parry stashed away is one thing, but having a perfect parry and a perfect dodge, which would let you cycle between them to always have a free perfect defense–that'd be problematic. Maybe something like a super anti-ninja charm, something that gives you a good layer of defense without the nasty interaction with Protection of Celestial Bliss. So...

Invincible God Step
Cost: –
Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Reflex Sidestep Technique, Seven Shadow Evasion

Nothing strikes the Lawgivers. Nothing. This Charm allows the Solar to prepare a single invocation of Seven Shadow Evasion in advance, invoking it normally and committing the three motes of its cost. Whenever the Lawgiver is targeted by an unexpected attack, he may choose to end his commitment, rendering the attack expected and defending against it with the Seven Shadow Evasion. However, it cannot be used to defend against attacks which the Solar is aware of. Preparing the Charm counts as Charm use, but invoking it later does not. The Solar may only have a single invocation readied at one time. He may not enhance the Seven Shadow Evasion Charm with any other Charms that would enhance its duration.

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 05:12 PM
Why do you not work for White Wolf? :smallconfused::smallbiggrin:
Because they've got folk like Holden and Neph working for them. :smalltongue:

2009-11-09, 06:22 PM
Good to know that Pokemon already fits into Exalted so well! :smallbiggrin:

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 09:25 PM
Good to know that Pokemon already fits into Exalted so well! :smallbiggrin:
Hehe, yeah. Mass producing pokemon-esque mutants would actually be a trivially easy feat with a certain Solar circle spell.

2009-11-09, 09:31 PM
Hehe, yeah. Mass producing pokemon-esque mutants would actually be a trivially easy feat with a certain Solar circle spell.

With that in mind, is there a charm that lets you enslave an opponent's mind (ie, capture) instead of killing them, perhaps drastically reducing their power to make them viable (and not too unbalancing) minions in the process?

Grey Paladin
2009-11-09, 09:33 PM
All you need is First Edition Spawning of Monsters

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 09:36 PM
With that in mind, is there a charm that lets you enslave an opponent's mind (ie, capture) instead of killing them, perhaps drastically reducing their power to make them viable (and not too unbalancing) minions in the process?
Worshipful Lackey Acquisition does this for people, Spirit-Tied Pet does it for animals.

EDIT: Also, just noticed that you're from Bama too. Awesome!

2009-11-09, 10:48 PM
Eternal Maelstrom of a Curious Industry

Cacophony of Unlimited Brilliance

Cutting Through Happiness Like a Knife

Inconsistency of Time and Matter

Aging Like Wine, Aging Like Milk

Colorful Incarnation of a Million Youths

Revealed From Nothing is More Nothing

Artifacts Become Thoughts and Wisdom

Artificer of Unbreakable Writ Brilliance

2009-11-09, 11:56 PM
True Magnificence of Indignity

Scorpions... Everywhere!

Lying to the Clock

Indescribable Scope of Ten Thousand Fingers

Lashing Out Against Splendor

Thinking Thoughts You Never Had

Consuming The Self Brings Nothing

Sitting Outside of Nothing

The Demented One
2009-11-09, 11:58 PM
True Magnificence of Indignity

Scorpions... Everywhere!

Lying to the Clock

Indescribable Scope of Ten Thousand Fingers

Lashing Out Against Splendor

Thinking Thoughts You Never Had

Consuming The Self Brings Nothing

Sitting Outside of Nothing
If you were a woman, my passion for you would transcend time and space.

2009-11-10, 12:26 AM
I knew there was a balance issue with that - I completely missed the synergy between PCB and a charm doing the same thing for AST/WMN or SSE/FWT there. Although the Essence 7 version of PCB allows you to prepare a number of HGDs equal to your melee score (I guess you could have made an Essence 7 dodge charm or a resistance charm that permanently enhances PCB to allow you to use the higher of your resistance/dodge and melee, and also allows you to save up AST/WMN and SSE/FWT).

I'm not too experienced at Exalted, as you might be able to tell.

Still, nicely fixed. The "use SSE vs. unexpected attacks" charm looks quite good.

I think it might need the line "although this charm allows the prepared Seven Shadow Evasion charm to be used against an unexpected attack, any other requirements on its use must be met when it is used".

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 12:41 AM
Eternal Maelstrom of a Curious Industry

Eternal Maelstrom of a Curious Industry
Cost: 20m
Mins: Ring 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Unshaped-Only
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Translucent Dream Sheathing Technology

With this Charm an Emanation can call up countless treasures in unlimited surfeit from the warm womb of the Unshaped. Invoking it, he transforms the Freehold-nature of its Unshaped into a mad wonderful factory of dreams and nightmares, ranging from a massive gossamer web filled with copper and brazen spiders that forge wonders from shimmering crystal flies to paradisiac gardens where every tree is orichalcum and silver and every river is liquid adamant to grotesque mockeries of the Factory-Cathedrals of the Exalted. So long as the Emanation keeps the motes committed to this Charm, he may invoke Essence-Forging Art, Gossamer-Forging Art, Crafter’s Arsenal, Armor Which Is Not, Unreal Shipwright’s Methodology, Principle of Worlds, and Translucent Dream Sheathing Technology without needing to commit motes to the wonders he creates. Nor does he need to let his treasures steep in the Wyld for a season–they spill fully-formed from his mind, intact and perfect. Should the Emanation end his commitment to this Charm, any treasures he has created without committing motes dissipate into nothingness.

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 12:44 AM
I'm not too experienced at Exalted, as you might be able to tell.
No worries, Charm design is a monstrous marriage of math, economics, and overflowing hallucinatory imagination.

I think it might need the line "although this charm allows the prepared Seven Shadow Evasion charm to be used against an unexpected attack, any other requirements on its use must be met when it is used".
Nah, the way it's worded, that's inherent in it.

2009-11-10, 01:22 AM
If you were a woman, my passion for you would transcend time and space.

Transhumanism is the future, my friend.

Nightmares Remain Unknown

Everything Is Ruined Forever

Reveling in What Have You

Counterpoint To Innocence

Wavering Urges

2009-11-10, 01:39 AM
EDIT: Also, just noticed that you're from Bama too. Awesome!

Well, I'm from Georgia, but I'm here in Alabama going to Auburn.

Also, to build on what Krimm is throwin' down,

Monstrous Tarantula Trap!

What You Call The Disease I Call The Cure

Rascal King Diplomacy

Become Fear

I Am The Night

Dark Vigilante Visage

Og Smash Head With Rock

Spear Throw That Slays The Mammoth

Superfriends, Assemble!

Commune With Luna's Smallest Children

Miniscule Parasite Martial Arts

Majestic Dreamscape Parade

Disco Fever Boogie

Color Shifting Tambourine Form

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 02:03 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, NO MORE RAKSHA CHARMS!

I've currently got a good...three dozen or so concepts tucked away for them, and am trying my Borgstromantic best to think sideways enough to execute them all. Until then, no more! For my fragile sanity's sake, no more! Just stick to normal charms, please!

2009-11-10, 02:15 AM
Unscrupulous Consumption of Zeal

Encroaching on the Paths of Seduction

Clutching the Heart of the Future

Perspective Changes Everything

Reenact Your Greatest Failures

Your Blood is On All Our Hands Now

The Tools of Love Are the Tools of War

Edit: Damn!

2009-11-10, 06:04 AM
I don't care what Exalt type gets it, or what ability, attribute or theme it relates to, but you MUST produce Everything Is Ruined Forever!

2009-11-10, 06:21 AM
I noticed a glaring lack in the core charms while putting my latest character together - perhaps if it already exists in another source, you can point me at it, and if not, create something.

I would like a Solar Performance charm or tree, pitched around the Essence 2-3 range, to let you draw bystanders into a spontaneous song-and-dance routine (and give them the competence to pull off their parts, too). An application or variant charm to let you defuse conflicts with it, a la "Beat It", wouldn't go amiss.

(Also, I second the call for Everything is Ruined Forever.)

2009-11-10, 06:35 AM
I third "Everything is Ruined Forever". :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-10, 08:50 AM
I fourth Everything is Ruined Forever. :smallbiggrin:

Bandwagons are fun...

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 09:32 AM
Unscrupulous Consumption of Zeal

Encroaching on the Paths of Seduction

Clutching the Heart of the Future

Perspective Changes Everything

Reenact Your Greatest Failures

Your Blood is On All Our Hands Now

The Tools of Love Are the Tools of War

Edit: Damn!
God damn it I'll do those too...

I don't care what Exalt type gets it, or what ability, attribute or theme it relates to, but you MUST produce Everything Is Ruined Forever!
I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it!

I would like a Solar Performance charm or tree, pitched around the Essence 2-3 range, to let you draw bystanders into a spontaneous song-and-dance routine (and give them the competence to pull off their parts, too). An application or variant charm to let you defuse conflicts with it, a la "Beat It", wouldn't go amiss.
What you want, sir, is Irresistible Chorus Line Harmony (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Irresistible_Chorus_Line_Ha rmony).

2009-11-10, 09:35 AM
What you want, sir, is Irresistible Chorus Line Harmony (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Irresistible_Chorus_Line_Ha rmony).

Hot diggitty. Thankee kindly.

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 11:45 AM
Here's some Sword charms.

Artifice Becomes Thought And Wisdom
Cost: 4m, 1g
Mins: Sword 4, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Primordial Spirit

The raksha puzzle over the wonders of Creation–how strange, that there can be treasures not forged of graces! It is stark and plain evidence of the depraved rationality of Creation, and the fey are always keen to correct the world’s error. This Charm allows a raksha to embed one of their Graces into an unattuned artifact, immediately attuning themselves to it without the need to commit motes–instead, the motes committed to this Charm replace the attunement cost. This also confers ownership of the artifact upon them. As long as the raksha is attuned to the artifact, he may withdraw his Grace from it freely at any time, though doing so breaks his attunement. However, this attunement must be maintained normally–if the artifact leaves the raksha’s side for a day or longer (or within the Wyld, for a tale) then their attunement is broken. If another character attunes to the artifact, then they gain ownership over the embedded grace.

Suddenly, Bees! Everywhere!
Cost: – (+2g)
Mins: Sword 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Glamour
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Transient Works of Flesh and Bone

Killer bees kill. That’s their job. If they didn’t kill people, they couldn’t be killer bees. That’s the rule! This Charm permanently enhances the raksha’s Transient Works of Flesh and Bone Charm. Whenever they use it to summon a monster or an army of extras, they can shatter the narrative structure of their minion at a cost of two additional gossamer, creating a swarm of adorable miniature behemoths or a boundless, mostly-amorphous army of Extras who blur together. When used in the Wyld, this grants the shaping weapon the raksha conjures infinite Rate (Like all infinite rate weapons, they can’t attack in the absence of any dice pool to do so, even with additional successes supplied by Excellencies or other Charms).

When used in Creation, behemoths summoned by this Charm dissipate into a massive swarm. The behemoth-swarm covers an area of (Stamina x 20) yards, and can’t take any non-Move actions, except a special “apply environmental damage” miscellaneous action that can’t be flurried. Characters within the behemoth-swarm’s space are subject to an environmental attack with a damage of the raksha’s (Sword)L/action and a trauma of 2. The behemoth-swarm can still observe its environment and apply its Dodge DV to attacks. The behemoth-swarm is immune to any attack that fails to encompass one-fifth of its total area, with sufficiently large attacks counting as unblockable.

Armies swell with formless and fungible Extras, their effective Magnitude becoming equal to the raksha’s (Sword x 2), regardless of the actual Magnitude of the army. However, this does not prevent them from taking damage and losing points of actual Magnitude, and a unit reduced to an actual Magnitude of 0 still dissipates normally.

Glamour Resistance: In addition to the standard Glamour Resistance afforded by Transient Works of Flesh and Bone, this Charm has its own weaknesses. Behemoth-swarms created by it cannot deal environmental damage to characters whose (Wits + Essence) exceed the raksha’s War, and such characters may attack and damage the behemoth-swarm with attacks that are not sufficiently large. Army-swarms suffer Magnitude loss normally as a result of damage from mass combat units whose (Drill + Might) exceed the raksha’s War.

True Magnificence of Indignity
Cost: 4mp
Mins: Sword 4, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mutation
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None

The Fair Folk are perfect and flawless and even if you see them falling down the stairs with a bucket over their head they probably look really cool doing it. Whenever a raksha who carries this mutation fails an (Attribute + Ability) roll, he may reap a reward as if he had performed a 1-die stunt, so long as he describes his failure in an amusing or still-heroic fashion. If he botched, it is instead treated as a 2-die stunt. He can spend stunt dice from his Style pool, if he has one, to increase the effective rating of these failure stunts to determine the rewards he gains, but this does not grant him any actual dice bonus. The raksha can benefit from only one failure stunt each action–once he is awarded one, he cannot receive any others until his next action tick.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-10, 12:32 PM
I want an Infernal version of Wonder-Forging Genius. Preferably with a unique Pyrian twist. Can you do that, oh great one?

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 01:19 PM
I want an Infernal version of Wonder-Forging Genius. Preferably with a unique Pyrian twist. Can you do that, oh great one?
I can do you three times better, good chap.

Designs of Mere Essence
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: 1st She Who Lives In Her Name Excellency, Experimental Acceleration Mastery

She Who Lives In Her Name cannot conceive of anything except as patterns of essence, set in the proper place within the hierarchy of being. Such stark simplicity of vision lays bare many insights. The Infernal may ignore the Craft, Lore, Medicine, or Occult prerequisites to craft or repair any Artifact with a rating of (Essence) or less, as well as the Craft, Lore, and Occult prerequisites required to design a Manse with a rating of (Essence) or less.

Cacophonic Brazen Furnace Brilliance
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Any Malfeas Excellency, Incomparable Anvil Heart (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Incomparable_Anvil_Heart) (x2)

Malfeas has no patience for paltry trinkets–the treasures he forges are things of world-shaping, world-destroying power! Purchase of this Charm
reduces by one dot each the minimum Craft, Lore, Medicine and Occult requirements to build or repair artifacts—to a minimum requirement of one dot for any Ability normally required for the task. Purchasing this Charm also reduces by three the total number of dots the character must allocate among Craft, Lore and Occult to design manses. However, as the Infernal turns his vision to great things, so too must he leave behind things beneath his notice–he can no longer design or craft artifacts or manses with a rating of one dot.

At Essence 4, the Infernal's vision swells. The Ability requirements for crafting and repairing artifacts are reduced by an additional dot, while the number of dots he must distribute among Craft, Lore and Occult to design manses is also reduced by an additional three dots. However, he is now incapable of planning or forging artifacts or manse with a rating of two dots or less.

World-and-Wonder Enlightenment
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Bespoke Engineering Genius (x3)

Autocthon's genius at artifice surpasses all limit, allowing him to dream of impossible wonders and forge them into being. When crafting or repairing an artifact, he need only meet one of its Craft, Lore, Medicine, or Occult prerequisites, rather than all of them.

At Essence 5, the Ability prerequisites for any artifact he crafts or repairs are reduced by one. At Essence 6, they are instead reduced by two, and at Essence 7, all such requirements are done away with altogether. At Essence 8, Autocthon may forge artifacts without need for any exotic components.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-10, 02:11 PM
I can do you three times better, good chap.

Designs of Mere Essence
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Any She Who Lives In Her Name Excellency, Experimental Acceleration Mastery, Tool-Transcending Constructs

She Who Lives In Her Name cannot conceive of anything except as patterns of essence, set in the proper place within the hierarchy of being. Such stark simplicity of vision lays bare many insights. The Infernal may ignore the Craft, Lore, Medicine, or Occult prerequisites to craft or repair any Artifact with a rating of (Essence) or less, as well as the Craft, Lore, and Occult prerequisites required to design a Manse with a rating of (Essence) or less.

So you can create any craftable artifact with using your knowledge of Essence alone?

Are you sure that's balanced?

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 02:18 PM
So you can create any craftable artifact with using your knowledge of Essence alone?

Are you sure that's balanced?
The effect it provides is effectively the same–at Essence 5, you can craft artifacts up to 5 dots. The only difference is that it costs more XP in prerequisites, requiring the Excellency, while the Solar version requires you to actually have five dots in the abilities, which this doesn't.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-10, 02:24 PM
Also, I don't think you need to list Tool-Transcending Constructs as a prerequisite, since Experimental Acceleration Mastery already does that.

I like the non-Pyrian ones, though.

Also, are there more Autochthon charms somewhere?

EDIT: Also also, since Second Yozi Excellencies require the First Yozi Excellency and since they don't have the Third Excellency, you can just list First She Who Lives in Her Name Excellency instead of saying "any". That's what the Infernals book does.

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 02:29 PM
Also, are there more Autochthon charms somewhere?

Only on my hard drive.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-10, 02:32 PM

Also, someone now needs to start an Infernals game so I can play Doctor Chiaroscuro, the transcendent Defiler.

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 02:38 PM

Also, someone now needs to start an Infernals game so I can play Doctor Chiaroscuro, the transcendent Defiler.
I've still gotta finish the set. For instance, without being able to see Bespoke Engineering Genius and Patron-Pleasing Obsequious Minion, World-and-Wonder Enlightenment looks pretty gimpy next to a Solar with Wonder-Forging Genius.

2009-11-10, 04:03 PM
I don't have a cool title, but a charm to start off a Terrestrial Martial Art with Dragon Kings in mind could be quite interesting since I just picked up Scroll of Fallen Races (and being a terrestrial martial art, it would be fairly generic).

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 04:03 PM
I don't have a cool title, but a charm to start off a Terrestrial Martial Art with Dragon Kings in mind could be quite interesting since I just picked up Scroll of Fallen Races.
Dragon Kings, Dragon Kings...I'm not intimately acquainted with them, so it'd take a while, but I'll put it on the backburner.

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 04:47 PM
Staff Charms!

Colorful Incarnation of a Million Youth
Cost: – (+1g per Magnitude)
Mins: Staff 6, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Unshaped-Only
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ecstatic Reproduction Method

With little more than a whim, the Princes of Chaos can evoke armies of raksha. This Charm permanently enhances an Emanation’s Ecstatic Reproduction Method. They may choose to create multiple raksha with a single invocation of it, at a cost of one additional gossamer per Magnitude of the mass group of raksha they are attempting to create. The Emanation still makes a single shaping roll, as normal, and is successful, creates many raksha, just as if he had made them all individually. The maximum Magnitude of raksha the Emanation may create depends on their nature. Common raksha are limited to a Magnitude of the higher of (Willpower) or (Essence), heroic commoners are limited to a Magnitude of (Essence), and noble raksha are limited to a Magnitude of (Essence/2).

Consuming the Self Brings Nothing
Cost: 5m
Mins: Staff 3, Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping, Training
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ecstatic Reproduction Method

The pregnant belly of chaos is swollen with the flesh of its children. Invoking this Charm, the raksha must devour any Heart Grace that he owns–other than his, of course–coincidentally annihilating the raksha it belonged to. The raksha, sampling the flavors of the consumed grace, discerns the Motivation, Intimacies, and all raksha Charms of his erstwhile victim. He may replace his own Motivation with the victim’s at no cost, and may also acquire any or all of the victim’s Intimacies. He may learn any one raksha Charm known by the victim as a training effect.

Cutting Through Happiness Like A Knife
Cost: 1g
Mins: Staff 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Emotion, Glamour, Mutation
Duration: Assumption
Prerequisite Charms: Beguilement

A raksha’s avarice knows no bounds–he would steal the happiness from a child’s smile, the passion from a lover’s heart, the zeal from a crusader’s words. When used in conjunction with an Assumption, Cutting Through Happiness Like A Knife bestows the following innate power upon the raksha.

Innate Power (10m, 1wp): The raksha must interact with their target socially and spend ten motes and a point of temporary Willpower. Doing so, they become aware of all their victim’s Intimacies–and with one cruel, disheartening comment, they can forevermore strip him of one of them. The raksha’s player rolls (Manipulation + Presence) against a difficulty of the target’s Essence. If he succeeds, the target loses the chosen Intimacy–and the raksha may steal it away from them, a sphere of shimmering rainbow essence manifesting within their hands, the embodiment of that Intimacy.

If the raksha knows any of the Great Works of the (Grace) Charms, he may forge grace magic out of the Intimacy, using it in the stead of a grace. Intimacies based on love, desire, passion, or positive emotion can be used as Cup Graces; those based on self-identity or commitment to an ideology, ethic, or belief serve as Ring Graces; those that relate to membership or participation within a group, society, or culture act as Staff Graces; and those embodying hatred, negative emotion, anger, or spite serve as Sword Graces. Most stolen Intimacies are treated as having a rating of only 1. However, if stolen from a character with a Compassion or Conviction rated at 5, they have a rating of 2–and if the character has both Compassion 5 and Conviction 5, they are rated at 3.

So long as the raksha retains the stolen Intimacy, their victim cannot regain it. They can establish a new Intimacy to the object of the old one, but it cannot have the same emotional context (albeit it can have a similar one). If the victim is able to reclaim the stolen Intimacy from the raksha, or to destroy a grace magic which it has been forged into, he immediately regains his lost Intimacy.

Glamour Resistance: This Charm is a work of Glamour. It cannot steal the Intimacies of a Creation-Born whose (Integrity + Essence) exceeds the raksha’s Manipulation.

Unbreakable Writ Playwright Brilliance
Cost: 20m, 4g
Mins: Staff 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Glamour, Shaped-Only, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Monstrous Conceit

The raksha sow seeds of gossamer wonder in Creation’s soils, and reap a harvest of dreams and nightmares. This Charm allows a raksha to perform a shaping attack against Creation itself, in much the same way he can make shaping attacks against a waypoint. The raksha rolls a Cup, Ring, or Sword shaping attack, and lays a potent curse upon Creation if he succeeds. The number of successes determines the scope of the curse–with one success, it afflicts a small area such as a village of up to 25 people in size; with five successes, it can fall upon a village or city capable of supporting 1,000 people; and with ten successes, it can affect an entire kingdom of up to 100,000 people. The effects of this curse vary, based on whether the raksha chooses to ravish, incumber, or vex Creation.

Ravishing: When a raksha ravishes Creation, they drain away its potential to hold Virtue. The raksha must choose a single Virtue to afflict. The rating of this Virtue is reduced to 1 for all characters in the ravished land, and they may not act in accordance with the higher rating. This cannot reduce the primary Virtues of the Exalted. Ravishing Creation itself fully restores the raksha’s mote pool, incidentally.

Incumberment: When a raksha incumbers Creation, they yoke it to their chosen purpose. The raksha may lay a Compulsion effect on the cursed land, which applies to all characters within it. The Compulsion can be anything the raksha imagines, although it must be possible and cannot consist of unacceptable orders. Characters may resist this unnatural mental influence for a scene by spending a point of temporary Willpower, and develop permanent resilience against it once they have spent (Staff) Willpower.

Vexation: When a raksha vexes Creation, they assert their dominance over it. The raksha gains mystical ownership of the land he curses, so long as it is not already owned by an Essence channeler. The raksha may use Perception with any appropriate Abilities to notice or seek out things within the vexed land. Anything that normally would be a valid target for such a roll in their presence becomes a valid target if it lies within the vexed land. This awareness of the cursed land does not conflict with normal awareness of the raksha’s surroundings, and unusual events within the vexed land merit reflexive (Perception + Awareness) rolls.

The curse recedes by one step every season–thus, a vexation afflicting a kingdom of 100,000 people would recede to a city-sized area of 1,000 people after one season, then to a town-sized area of 25 people after two, and then dissipate entirely after a third. In addition, the Wyld-Shaping Technique and similar Charms can be employed within the cursed land in an attempt to negate the shaping. Once the character using the Charm has accumulated successes equal to those the raksha gained on her initial shaping attack, the curse is lifted. Wyld-Shaping Technique cannot be used for any other purpose within the cursed land.

Glamour Resistance: This Charm is a work of glamour. The raksha’s curse cannot afflict characters whose (Wits + Essence) exceeds the raksha’s Intelligence. Their Virtues are not affected by a ravished land, they cannot be influenced by the Compulsion of an incumbered land, and the raksha cannot perceive them mystically within a vexed land, nor can the raksha vex away land they already own.

2009-11-10, 09:58 PM
Your work for Exalted is nothing, but pure awesome. However, I am working on a conversion using Exalted material, and I am compelled to use you material, because it is so good. All I got to say is STOP MAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-11-10, 10:34 PM
STOP MAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!That is always a terrible plan.

2009-11-10, 10:38 PM
instant transmission

The Demented One
2009-11-10, 10:54 PM
instant transmission
Teleportation's a no-go, best you'd get is just going really fast. I could make a upgrade to Racing Hare that'd let you do some superspeed shenanigans; or is that not what you want?

2009-11-11, 07:00 AM
instant transmission

I don't see that happening, really.

An abyssal charm with the spectral keyword that does that sort of thing might be possible, although it would still be limited to short distances.

There would also be a solar charm that allows you to go really fast and is functionally identical apart from being cheaper while in Creation.

2009-11-11, 02:56 PM
upgrade racing hare
oops my bad

2009-11-11, 03:21 PM
upgrade racing hare


:smallconfused: Perhaps you'd like to edit that to be a bit more kosher (and a lot less offensive)?

EDIT: Thank ye, mods!

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-11, 04:04 PM
Oh! Oh! I got it!

Funeral Pyre Auspice!

Preferably something that is upgradeable, starting at at least Essence 4. Either a Sidereal Charm (in which case it might not be upgradeable) or an Abyssal Charm (in which case it should probably have a Solar mirror). Ability and other details are up to you.

EDIT: Also, a good idea would be to have an index of these Charms and an index of requests already made.

The Demented One
2009-11-11, 04:47 PM
EDIT: Also, a good idea would be to have an index of these Charms and an index of requests already made.
Check my signature, the link contains a complete index of everything of mine I've been happy enough with to put on the wiki. I'll stick a list of requests up.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-11, 05:01 PM
So should I be expecting Funeral Pyre Auspice soon?

The Demented One
2009-11-11, 05:29 PM
So should I be expecting Funeral Pyre Auspice soon?

Funeral Pyre Auspice
Cost: 12m, 1wp
Mins: Awareness 5, Whispers 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Avatar (5), Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Piercing Gaze of the Unmaker

All things end in blood. Invoking this Charm, the Deathknight must name a foe, and stare into the depths of a flame, a silvered mirror, or utter darkness. In a single moment he witnesses his foe dying a thousand times over, a thousand possible deaths. He rolls (Awareness + Whispers), recording the number of successes rolled. As long as he maintains his mote commitment to Funeral Pyre Auspice, the Abyssal receives bonus dice on all attack rolls made against the named foe equal to the number of success rolled, to a maximum of (Awareness + Whispers) bonus dice. These count as bonus dice from Charms. If the Abyssal wishes to keep this Charm invoked for more than one day, he must spend a point of Willpower each day, unless he is in the Underworld.

2009-11-11, 06:12 PM
You there! I noticed the Dragonblooded errata came out recently, and I'm interested to see some Melee charms based on it. No ideas beyond that just now.

The Demented One
2009-11-11, 06:16 PM
You there! I noticed the Dragonblooded errata came out recently, and I'm interested to see some Melee charms based on it. No ideas beyond that just now.
How convenient! So was I.

Concession-Forcing Elder’s Masterstroke
Cost: 2m
Mins: Melee 3, Breeding 2, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Leader, Purity, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Melee Excellency

Only fools defy their elders, and it is the duty of elders to discipline fools. This Charm enhances any Melee attack the Dragon-Blood makes against a descendant, causing his weapon to pulse with scarlet light. Any Charms his descendent invokes to defend against the attack have their cost increased by three motes. In mass combat, this Charm can be used to enhance any attack against a unit led by one of the Dragon-Blood’s descendants, or a unit that consists primarily of the Dragon-Blood’s descendants.

May The Stars Fall
Cost: –
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Portentous Comet-Deflecting Mode

So long as a Dragon-Blood has spirit in him to fight, he will not fall. Not against the Anathema, not against the Titans, not even against the end of the world. This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood’s Portentous Comet-Deflecting Mode. Each time the Dragon-Blood invokes it, the cost to do so again in the same action is reduced by one mote, to a minimum of 0.

At Essence 5, this Charm allows the Dragon-Blood a defense that might even rival that of the Anathema. If he has reduced the mote cost of Portentous Comet-Deflecting Mode to 0m, he may replace its Willpower cost with three motes (this does not benefit from the mote cost reduction from multiple invocations).

Primeval Cataclysm Blade
Cost: 2m per element, 1wp
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Keywords: Elemental, Leader
Duration: One scene
Keywords: Dragon-Graced Weapon

A sword can know no greater honor than to be wielded by the Terrestrial Exalted, to become a vessel of the elemental power that shaped Creation itself. Invoking this Charm, the Dragon-Blood may enchant a single melee weapon, granting it the benefits of Dragon-Graced Weapon for an entire scene. He may apply as many elements as he wishes to the weapon, paying two motes for each one. The Dragon-Blood cannot invoke Dragon-Graced Weapon to stack its benefits doubly with those already granted to the weapon.

Thousand-Eyes Blinding Flash
Cost: – (+3m, 1wp)
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Blinding Spark Distraction

With every stroke of his sword, the Dragon-Blood pays tribute to its forging, unlimbering countless shining sparks to sing the glory of Hesiesh. This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood’s Blind Spark Distraction Charm. Whenever they invoke it, they may spend an additional three motes and a point of temporary Willpower to unleash a blinding burst of radiance. Should the victim of their counterattack fail his roll to look away, he is permanently blinded as a crippling effect. Celestial Exalted and characters with a Permanent Essence that exceeds the Dragon-Blood’s regain their sight at the end of the scene.

2009-11-11, 07:12 PM
You there! I noticed the Dragonblooded errata came out recently, and I'm interested to see some Melee charms based on it. No ideas beyond that just now.Two questions.

1) What exactly is "errata"?

2) Where can I find it?

2009-11-11, 07:27 PM
Two questions.

1) What exactly is "errata"?

Dictionary.com defines it as: "a list of errors and their corrections inserted, usually on a separate page or slip of paper, in a book or other publication; corrigenda."

2) Where can I find it?

Here. (http://download.white-wolf.com/download/download.php?file_id=1259)

The Demented One
2009-11-11, 07:30 PM
Dictionary.com defines it as: "a list of errors and their corrections inserted, usually on a separate page or slip of paper, in a book or other publication; corrigenda."

As relates to role-playing games, its corrections or updates to a printed book. Although in this case, it's less "corrections or updates" and more "Neph rewrote the entire Dragon-Blooded charmset to make it work, holy bloop!"

2009-11-11, 07:49 PM
Thanks for that *hugs*

2009-11-11, 08:21 PM
As relates to role-playing games, its corrections or updates to a printed book. Although in this case, it's less "corrections or updates" and more "Neph rewrote the entire Dragon-Blooded charmset to make it work, holy bloop!"

What was wrong with them before?

I just picked up MoEP:Dragonbloods and Infernals, so this is kind of relevant to me.

Is the Ebon Dragon's wife who I think it might be?

2009-11-11, 08:40 PM
Not that I'm in any way qualified to answer, and I bet TD1 will clearify more, but I heard that the Dragonblooded book was written, like, before even core. Which means that some things are blatantly wrong in it.

There's for example a Performance charm that benefits you with making it unnecessary for you to have a specialization in an instrument to be considered proficient with it. Thing is, by core, that's not required in the first place! But the Dragonblooded book was written before core, so some of the old ideas show in it. This means that you either have to suffer with having a charm that literally does NOTHING if you want to get to the later ones in the tree, or have your ST homebrew it.

I bet there are more problems too.

Edit: I just checked; the charm I'm on about is called Talented Improvisation, it is now Reflexive and removes all external penalties on a Performance roll as well as increase the Stunt level by +1 (to a max of +3) if it's used to perform an on-the-spot performance, rather than a rehearsed work. Instead of, y'know, nothing.

The Demented One
2009-11-11, 09:23 PM
What was wrong with them before?

I just picked up MoEP:Dragonbloods and Infernals, so this is kind of relevant to me.
The revised set polishes up lackluster charms, fixes a few broken effects, gives keywords to things that desperately need keywords, and gave the whole charmset greater utility in war.

Is the Ebon Dragon's wife who I think it might be?
Yes. Yes it is.

2009-11-11, 09:30 PM
Wait, so the Scarlet Empress is the Ebon Dragon's wife? Or am I totally off base? And if so, do they give any reason that she's doing this?

2009-11-11, 09:33 PM
The revised set polishes up lackluster charms, fixes a few broken effects, gives keywords to things that desperately need keywords, and gave the whole charmset greater utility in war.

Yes. Yes it is.

All I can say is that Creation might experience... a spot of bother during the Reclamation.

For some reason, I found the Acts of Villainy quite entertaining. I can see why this book was so highly recommended.

Wait, so the Scarlet Empress is the Ebon Dragon's wife? Or am I totally off base? And if so, do they give any reason that she's doing this?

That's what I'm thinking as well, although I assumed it qualified as a spoiler.

How come everyone knew exactly who I thought it was though?

Aside from everyone having the exact same clues as to what happened.

2009-11-11, 09:36 PM
See, this is my biggest problem with some campaign settings: it's almost impossible to get straight answers about anything.

2009-11-11, 11:01 PM
See, this is my biggest problem with some campaign settings: it's almost impossible to get straight answers about anything.

Because they haven't explained it yet. Nobody can tell you exactly why this is, because nobody really knows. In fact, they've never explicitly said where the Empress is or specified the identity of the Ebon Dragon's bride-to-be—it's hinted at very strongly in the Infernals and Sidereals books, but not outright stated as fact. Presumably, this is so that Storytellers will be free to change it without explicitly breaking from the default setting.

I seem to remember there being a possible future supplement dealing with the Empress's situation, but that would rather invalidate the reason I just gave for why they're being so oblique. Not sure what's going on there, really.

2009-11-11, 11:09 PM
Because they haven't explained it yet. Nobody can tell you exactly why this is, because nobody really knows. In fact, they've never explicitly said where the Empress is or specified the identity of the Ebon Dragon's bride-to-be—it's hinted at very strongly in the Infernals and Sidereals books, but not outright stated as fact. Presumably, this is so that Storytellers will be free to change it without explicitly breaking from the default setting.

I seem to remember there being a possible future supplement dealing with the Empress's situation, but that would rather invalidate the reason I just gave for why they're being so oblique. Not sure what's going on there, really.

It's a little more than "possible" considering the fact that Amazon.com is taking preorders for it, and there is apparently cover art for it. Link (http://www.amazon.com/Exalted-Return-Scarlet-Empress-White/dp/1588463915/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257999233&sr=8-1).

2009-11-12, 12:16 AM
See, this is my biggest problem with some campaign settings: it's almost impossible to get straight answers about anything.

The Snark is right, I think. It is very strongly hinted in the Infernal books that the Scarlet Empress is the Ebon Dragon's bride, but I think it's deliberately kept a secret in most of the books so that storytellers still have some space to say "no, it's actually xyz".

I don't have MoEP:Sidereals, but the Infernals book was very clear that the Ebon Dragon welcomed his bride five years ago (the scarlet empress disappeared five years ago), and that the Ebon Dragon's bride has a 'surprise' for the Realm involving high-essence charms known only to her, and relate to many blood relatives of hers in positions of authority in the realm.

Releasing a supplement dealing with it doesn't really change the amount of 'space' STs have, because they can simply ignore the book.

If I had to make a really outlandish guess, she might have been a pawn of the yozis from the start, and deliberately set things up so that the Realm would fall apart when she left it behind. The reasons, if any, are really up to the ST though.

However, as was said, from what we've been told so far, the Ebon Dragon's bride could quite easily have been something truly bizarre.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 02:27 AM
However, as was said, from what we've been told so far, the Ebon Dragon's bride could quite easily have been something truly bizarre.
It's definitely M-R-L-.

So, charms? Anyone?

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-12, 02:28 AM
Sacred Dragon Bearing Womb Understanding!

It's pretty much what it says on the tin. Probably a Solar Charm.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 03:00 AM
Sacred Dragon Bearing Womb Understanding!

It's pretty much what it says on the tin. Probably a Solar Charm.
Solar charm? Pshaw!

Sacred Dragon-Bearing Womb
Cost: 10m, 2wp
Mins: Medicine 3, Breeding 1, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Purity (1), Wanton
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Medicine Excellency

The Dragon-Blooded are revered as soldiers, sages, and scions of Creation itself. But there is no greater honor to be had among the Terrestrial Exalted, no higher esteem than to sire a puissant child. Whenever the Dragon-Blood conceives a child, they may reflexively invoke this Charm. Doing so allows them to predetermine the gender and appearance of their child, selecting in plausible height, weight, and complexion based on their own and their mate's. If both the father and mother of the child invoke this Charm to choose their child's appearance, they may grant it an additional dot of Appearance as a training effect. If the parents disagree while using this Charm, they make make an opposed (Essence + Breeding) roll to determine whose vision prevails. The mother receives bonus successes equal to her (Stamina).

A Dragon-Blood with Breeding 2 may also choose one Favored Ability of his child. Their progeny is guaranteed to be born as a heroic mortal. If both parents invoke this Charm and possess Breeding 2, they may grant the child one additional Ability dot towards any of its Favored Abilities as a training effect.

A Dragon-Blood with Breeding 3 and Essence 3 may choose the Attribute prioritization of his child. If both parents invoke this Charm and possess Breeding 3 and Essence 3, they may grant their child one additional Attribute dot towards any of its primary Attributes as a training effect.

A Dragon-Blood with Breeding 4 and Essence 4 may choose how his child's Attribute dots are distributed, using the standard heroic mortal character creation rules. If both parents invoke this Charm and possess Breeding 4 and Essence 4, they may grant it a single Dragon-Blood Charm known by either parent as a training effect, which the child gains access to upon successfully exalting (a child who does not exalt can never access the Charm, unless the Storyteller deems extenuating circumstances sufficiently interesting to allow it).

Verdant Gaia's Motherhood Method
Cost: –
Mins: Medicine 5, Breeding 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Dynasty, Purity (5)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Most Beneficent Seed of the Five Dragons, Sacred Dragon-Bearing Womb

Just as Gaia brought forth the Elemental Dragons, so too can the Dragon-Blooded bring forth mighty heirs and power scions. This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood's Sacred Dragon-Bearing Womb Charm. Whenever they invoke it, they may choose the Elemental Aspect of their child, should their roll to Exalt prove successful. If both parents know Verdant Gaia's Motherhood Method and invoke Sacred Dragon-Bearing Womb, they may grant their child an additional dot of Permanent Essence as a training effect. The child only gains the additional essence upon successfully exalting.

Five-Fold Dynasty-Founding Fertility Prana
Cost: –
Mins: Medicine 6, Breeding 5, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Dynasty, Purity (5)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Verdant Gaia's Motherhood Method

A Terrestrial bloodline is no mere mortal genealogy, but a thing of power in and of itself! This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood's Sacred Dragon-Bearing Womb. Whenever they successfully use it to predetermine their child's traits, they may choose to extend its effects, creating a template of essence within their child that contains whatever decisions they made in using the Charm. Whenever that descendant sires or conceives a child of his own, that child has his traits predetermined as if the original Dragon-Blood had used Sacred Dragon-Bearing Womb, repeating all decisions stored in the template of Essence. If either of the child's parents attempt to use Sacred Dragon-Bearing Womb, they must make a successful (Breeding + Essence) roll, at a difficulty of the Dragon-Blood's (Breeding), to overcome the essence template. The child does not carry the essence template himself. At Essence 7, the essence template is passed on to any children the descendant has, although not to their own children. At Essence 8, the template can be passed down to the Dragon-Blood's children's children's children, spanning three generations.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-12, 03:04 AM
But how will Queen Merela create the Scarlet Dynasty without a Charm that allows her to bear Dragon-blooded children?

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 03:07 AM
But how will Queen Merela create the Scarlet Dynasty without a Charm that allows her to bear Dragon-blooded children?
With the Setting-Breaking Prana and the Niche-Stealing Mien, of course!

2009-11-12, 05:43 AM
How's Everything Is Ruined Forever coming along? ^^

2009-11-12, 05:58 AM
Make some for this handsome fellow (http://nny2.deviantart.com/art/Day-Caste-Abyssal-143346754).

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 09:11 AM
How's Everything Is Ruined Forever coming along? ^^
Way charm to ruin someone's past and future. Need a better mechanic execution than I currently have.

2009-11-12, 09:19 AM
Way charm to ruin someone's past and future. Need a better mechanic execution than I currently have.

Huh, I would have thought a mental attack that makes the target incapable of perceiving anything good about his circumstances from then on. Seemed Fey-appropriate. (Out of curiosity, what's a "Way" charm?)

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-12, 09:22 AM
Huh, I would have thought a mental attack that makes the target incapable of perceiving anything good about his circumstances from then on. Seemed Fey-appropriate. (Out of curiosity, what's a "Way" charm?)

It's a Charm based on the Way grace.


Way Grace and some of its mechanics can be found in the Lords of Chaos chapter.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 09:32 AM
Huh, I would have thought a mental attack that makes the target incapable of perceiving anything good about his circumstances from then on. Seemed Fey-appropriate. (Out of curiosity, what's a "Way" charm?)
I'm a literalist. "Everything Is Ruined Forever" is going to be the equivalent of traveling to every single point in time of a person's life and kicking them in the nuts.

2009-11-12, 09:33 AM
It's a Charm based on the Way grace.


Way Grace and some of its mechanics can be found in the Lords of Chaos chapter.

Ah, I was under the impression Fair Folk charms were divided up on lines resembling Tarot suits. I guess it was silly of me to ask, rather than simply buying and reading through every available Exalted sourcebook, which from your response I gather is considered the proper approach. Actually, perhaps I should do that anyway, since I'm again merely assuming that "the Way Grace" is indeed a Fair Folk thing.

In any case, the charm should be interesting to see.

I'm a literalist. "Everything Is Ruined Forever" is going to be the equivalent of traveling to every single point in time of a person's life and kicking them in the nuts.

Now I want to play Wowbagger as a Fey.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-12, 09:38 AM
Ah, I was under the impression Fair Folk charms were divided up on lines resembling Tarot suits. I guess it was silly of me to ask, rather than simply buying and reading through every available Exalted sourcebook, which from your response I gather is considered the proper approach. Actually, perhaps I should do that anyway, since I'm again merely assuming that "the Way Grace" is indeed a Fair Folk thing.

Well, the .pdf's are considerably cheaper than the hardcopies. But if you must have the hardcopy, then I don't suggest getting every Exalted book out there.

But yes, the Way Grace is a Grace some Fair Folk have to define themselves, although it is considerably less important than the Five Graces, which define Virtues and Willpower.

I assume everyone has every Second Edition book except Dreams of the First Age, because I do. Silly me for doing that.

2009-11-12, 10:05 AM
I ve got´an idea for an Abyssal manipulation or medicine, dunno which, charm under the name Plagueing Demands Appelation .It should let the Deathknight supplement a charm that compels the target to do something with a geass/geis that inflicts some kind of a horrible disease on him who violates said compulsion. The disease should have some additional efgfect, like decreasing Appereance, (since the poor chap is rotting away alive), or at a higer level it may even be lethal and make those who die from it into an undead critter obessed with fulfilling their geas. At even higer ssence it should be able to spread,infecting others with both the compulsion and PDA itself. Btw I think it would fit nicely into Ess 6
Thanks a lot in andvance. And my apologies for being so wordy.
Also for the absolutely horrible pun.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 01:40 PM
Did someone ask for Lunar knacks? At high Essence? No? Oh. How awkward.

Heroic Spirit Legacy
Prerequisites: Flickering Star Infusion, Essence 4, Appearance 4

With a supreme feat of essence manipulation, a Lunar may shift not only the shape of his body, but the very nature of his anima. Whenever the Lunar shapeshifts into a human form obtained from one of the Exalted, their anima banner is replaced with that of the character whose shape they wear, both in appearance and effect. This does not change the Lunar’s caste mark, nor does it prevent him from using his own anima ability. At the (8+) level, the Lunar’s anima reverts to its true silver light, and the Lunar is locked into his true forms as normal.

Sweet Nectar Gullet
Prerequisites: Life of the Hummingbird, Essence 2, Wits 4

This Knack enhances the Lunar’s Life of the Hummingbird Knack, allowing them to retain forms for longer than a day. Whenever the Lunar uses it to acquire a new shape, they may reflexively commit three motes to that shape. As long as they maintain this commitment, they do not lose the shape at the end of the day. The Lunar can maintain this commitment for up to a maximum of (Essence + Wits) additional days, after which they must release it.

Unshaped Chimera Shaping
Prerequisites: Constant Quicksilver Rearrangement, Essence 6, Wits 6

At the height of their shapechanging prowess, a Lunar’s shape becomes little more than a thing of convenience, easily changed should new need arise. This Knack enhances the Lunar’s Constant Quicksilver Rearrangement Knack, allowing them to change shape twice per tick while using it. At Essence 8, they may instead change up to (Essence) times per tick, and at Essence 10, their is no limitation to how many times they may change shape.

Miniscule Shrew Shrinking
Prerequisites: Emerald Grasshopper Form, Dexterity 5, Essence 5

The Lunar Exalted are not brutes or barbarians, nor are they limited only to overwhelming strength. When need be, they can become subtle and all but unseen. A Lunar with this Knack may spend a point of temporary Willpower when donning their spirit shape to make it small enough to go almost unseen, shrinking down to the size of a fly. The Lunar’s Dexterity is increased by her (Essence), and she becomes extremely difficult to see–a character must succeed on a reflexive (Perception + Awareness) roll at a difficulty of (Dexterity/2) to even notice her, and supernatural senses are required to make out any details of her form. Any attack the Lunar makes against a character that fails to notice her is unexpected, although afterward that character make another reflexive roll to notice her, with a cumulative -1 decrease to the roll’s Difficulty. If a character uses a Charm to negate the unexpected quality of an attack due to small size, they become aware of the Lunar for the rest of the scene, although she may still use Stealth to conceal herself normally against them.

However, extremely small size has its disadvantages. The Lunar’s Strength and Stamina are both reduced to 1, and any attack she makes is incapable of dealing more than (Essence/2) levels of damage. Assuming a spirit shape with Miniscule Shrew Shrinking takes time–the Speed of the shapeshifting action is measured in long ticks, and even a Lunar using Lighting Quick-Change Style requires one long tick to activate Miniscule Shrew Shrinking.

Pygmy Species Novelty
Prerequisites: Miniscule Shrew Shrinking, Tyrant Mouse Dominion, Essence 5, Dexterity 6.

This Knack permits a Lunar to spend an extra point of Willpower to apply the benefits of Miniscule Shrew Shrinking to any animal form in her Heart’s Blood library.

Infinitesimal Motic Beast-Shape
Prerequisites: Miniscule Shrew Shrinking, Essence 10, Dexterity 10

This Knack enhances the Lunar’s Miniscule Shrew Shrinking Knack, allowing them to retreat down to ludicrous sizes, shrinking down to the level of dust-particles and essence motes. By spending an additional two points of Willpower when invoking Miniscule Shrew Shrinking, the Lunar becomes an infinitesimal motic beast. In addition to the normal benefits of Miniscule Shrew Shrinking, she adds (Essence x 10) the difficulty to notice her, calculating her Dodge DV, and rolls to establish stealth, climb, or avoid danger or hazards. However, the Lunar’s absurd size reduces her soak and Hardness from all sources except Charms to 0. In addition, any attack she makes deals only minimum damage, even if it overcomes its victim’s soak, and can never deal more than a single level of damage.

Goat-and Lion Menagerie Genesis
Prerequisites: Hybrid Body Rearrangement, Essence 5, Wits 5

Not even Luna knew what powers her Chosen would come to master, what boundaries their genius would surpass. This Knack allows a Lunar to combine two animal shapes in their Heart’s Blood library to create a wholly new shape.

They must choose one animal serve as the base of the new shape, and another that acts as a template applied to it. The new shape has the statistics of the base animal, but uses the higher of both the base and template’s Dexterity and Stamina ratings. The new shape may use the Strength of either the base or the template, and its size is equal to that of the shape that provided its Strength rating. The new shape has all the natural attacks of the base shape, although the Lunar may replace any one natural attack with one belonging to the template shape. The Lunar may apply (Essence) points of mutations to the new shape, which must all relate to the template animal.

Creating the new shape requires the Lunar to spend six hours in meditation, and to make a successful (Wits + Essence) roll, at difficulty 3. However, it is possible for the Lunar to create new shapes as a reflexive action, without need for a roll, when they absolutely must. However, they take a -4 external penalty to all actions while in such shapes until they actually spend six hours to properly establish them.

A Lunar with Essence 6 and the appropriate form acquisition Knacks may also use Goat-and-Lion Menagerie Genesis to combine demon, god, elemental, plant, raksha, and ghost shapes. However, they cannot combine shapes of different types–they could combine two demons to birth a new form, but could not combine a demon with a god, or a raksha with a human. New shapes created this way use the rules for creating new animal shapes.

Lunars with Essential Mirror Form are able to endow their new shapes with Charms. When combining two shapes of a type they are able to access the Charms of, the new shape has all the Charms of the base. However, the Lunar may replace up to (Essence) Charms with Charms of the template shape. All Charms retain any limits or specifications innate to their original shape.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 01:45 PM
I ve got´an idea for an Abyssal manipulation or medicine, dunno which, charm under the name Plagueing Demands Appelation .It should let the Deathknight supplement a charm that compels the target to do something with a geass/geis that inflicts some kind of a horrible disease on him who violates said compulsion.
I'm actually going to hold off on this one, because Abyssal's can inflict Drunken Moth Sickness with their plain ol' Pestilence-Bearing Touch. It's a supernatural disease that forces the victim to do whatever the Abyssal wants, so it's pretty much what you want. The higher essence versions are pretty much contained within Becoming the Plague.

2009-11-12, 04:04 PM
Perhaps Caveman Martial Arts? Or Pirate Martial Arts/Charms?

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 04:08 PM
Perhaps Caveman Martial Arts? Or Pirate Martial Arts/Charms?
Caveman martial arts, I might think on. For Pirate Martial Arts, see Seafaring Hero Style.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-12, 04:10 PM
The Moonchild Must Hunt!

A permanent Lunar Charm that gives a wide array of bonuses in exchange for certain drawbacks for not hunting with a certain frequency. Probably the frequency becomes higher as Essence of the Lunar increases. I don't know. It can even be a knack.

2009-11-12, 04:22 PM
Becoming the Taint

Under the design principle that each Solar charm has an Abyssal equivalent, and vice-versa, I demand the Solar equivalency charm for Becoming the Taint.

Absolute Purification could do as a name.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 04:22 PM
The Moonchild Must Hunt!

A permanent Lunar Charm that gives a wide array of bonuses in exchange for certain drawbacks for not hunting with a certain frequency. Probably the frequency becomes higher as Essence of the Lunar increases. I don't know. It can even be a knack.
The Moonchild Must Hunt
Cost: –
Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Any Stamina Excellency

The Lunars are born to the hunt, and are unfaltering in their pursuit. The Lunar may ignore all fatigue penalties while engaging in the Sacred Hunt, and counts the duration of the hunt as resting for alleviating fatigue. At Essence 4, he also counts it at meditation for Essence recovery. At Essence 5, the Lunar may count any day in which he carries out a Sacred Hunt as a day of training for any Physical Attribute, Knack, or Lunar Charm.

However, this Charm stirs an insatiable hunger. Each month they go without performing a Sacred Hunt, they take a cumulative -1 penalty on all actions. This penalty lasts until they successfully carry out a Hunt, or succeed on a prayer roll to Luna for mercy.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 04:24 PM
Under the design principle that each Solar charm has an Abyssal equivalent, and vice-versa, I demand the Solar equivalency charm for Becoming the Taint.
That's not actually a design principle; higher-essence Abyssal charms branch away from mirroring Solar magic to become something all their own. As such, Becoming the Taint has no reasonable Solar counterpart.

2009-11-12, 04:32 PM
Way charm to ruin someone's past and future. Need a better mechanic execution than I currently have.Wow. That's... wait, isn't that impossible?

I'm thinking about casuality here. If some charm screwed up exactly everything of importance happening in someone's life, it'd lead to that life looking drastically different after about... three events. You can't really evaluate how that character would have acted if he had failed instead of won at something, at some time. Is it really possible to model?

And if it is, it'd have to be DAMN high Essence.

The Demented One
2009-11-12, 04:49 PM
Wow. That's... wait, isn't that impossible?

I'm thinking about casuality here. If some charm screwed up exactly everything of importance happening in someone's life, it'd lead to that life looking drastically different after about... three events. You can't really evaluate how that character would have acted if he had failed instead of won at something, at some time. Is it really possible to model?

And if it is, it'd have to be DAMN high Essence.
My rule for raksha-time altering charms is that they don't change the past, but they could convince someone they did, if they didn't know much about Creation's metaphysics. So yeah, it's easily modeled.

2009-11-13, 01:13 PM
Let's try for some high essence Abyssal charms...

Spattering Ribcage Harvest

Woe-Reaping Black Devil Prana

Blood Sheath Mortal Carcass

Death Ends All Emotion

Pit of Black Rage

The Demented One
2009-11-13, 02:06 PM
Spattering Ribcage Harvest
Cost: 16m, 1wp
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling, Mirror (Shining Razor Wind), Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Artful Maiming Onslaught

The Deathknight is a virtuoso of agony, every battlefield he leaves a masterpiece painted in bloody carcasses. Invoking this Charm, the Abyssal empowers a single melee weapon with Artful Maiming Onslaught for a scene, rather than a single attack. In addition, the Abyssal suffers no external penalty for using Artful Maiming Onslaught.

At Essence 6, an Abyssal that knows the Soul-Cleaving Wound Charm empowers his blade to carve through both flesh and spirit. Whenever he successfully deals at least one level of damage with a melee attack, he may spend a point of Willpower and inflict either a crippling amputation, or one of the spiritual crippling effects of Soul-Cleaving Wound, mangling his foes' Essence, Virtues, or Willpower.

Woe-Reaping Black Devil Prana
Cost: 4m per DV, 1wp
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Mirror (Flashing Edge of Dawn)
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Five Shadow Feint

The Abyssal Exalted move with supernatural speed, striking faster than blade should be able to. Every four motes the Abyssal commits to this Charm reduces the DV of any enemy he makes a melee attack against by one, as the Five Shadow Feint Charm. If the Abyssal invokes Five Shadow Feint normally, its effects stack with those of this Charm.

Blood Sheath, Mortal Carcass
Cost: –
Mins: Melee 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Void Sheath Technique

The Abyssal Exalted can hardly draw their blades without cutting down the foes of Oblivion. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal's Void Sheath Technique Charm. Whenever the Deathknight summons a weapon he has stored with the Void Sheath Technique, he may choose not to summon it back to his hand, but within the very flesh of any mortal within (Essence x 10) yards. The weapon bursts through the mortal's body before flying to the Abyssal's hand, dealing (Essence + Weapon Damage) dice of damage that ignore soak and hardness from armor, as an undodgeable and unblockable attack that succeeds without need for an attack roll. Extras are instantly killed by this, exploding in a fountain of streaming blood and excessive gore.

Pit of Black Rage
Cost: 1m
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Eye of the Tempest

To struggle against Oblivion is hopeless. Every heroic effort, every feat of might and prowess merely feeds the endless Void, bringing on the inevitable. So to do the Abyssal Exalted grow stronger on whatever opposition is thrown against them. This Charm is used in response to an attack. If the Deathknight successfully defends against it with his Parry DV, he respires one mote for every three motes spent to enhance that attack. No combination of Charms including Pit of Black Despair can allow the Abyssal to regain more than twenty motes in a single action.

2009-11-13, 02:51 PM
Melee Charms? Sadness. Melee gets all the love when it comes to Abyssals (and Solars)—how about some Thrown charms? Maybe Archery too, but Thrown seems to be the neglected younger sibling among the various combat abilities.

I'm not coming up with much in the way of names, but: Careless Scornful Retribution, Pin the Struggling Butterfly... Concept-wise, enhancements to Improvised Assassin's Trick and Crypt Bolt Attack would be neat, too.

And I have no idea what it should be, but: The Cracked Bell Tolls.

2009-11-13, 03:32 PM
Infernals maybe. The higher Essence the better.

Talons of Crimson, Talons of Black

Structured Under The Green Sun

Brass Heart Consumption

Malevolent Arcing Finger Burst

Seeing Through Hatred

The Demented One
2009-11-13, 03:51 PM
I'm not coming up with much in the way of names, but: Careless Scornful Retribution, Pin the Struggling Butterfly... Concept-wise, enhancements to Improvised Assassin's Trick and Crypt Bolt Attack would be neat, too.

And I have no idea what it should be, but: The Cracked Bell Tolls.

Careless Scornful Retribution
Cost: 3m
Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Mirror (Rebounding Happenstance Strike (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Rebounding_Happenstance_Str ike))
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Missile Technique

No man escapes Oblivion. Whenever a Thrown attack the Solar makes misses, he may invoke this Charm to make a counterattack against the same target in Step 9, causing to dissipate into shadowy nothing. If successful, it reappears jutting out of his victim's flesh. Otherwise, it manifests within the Deathknight's hand. Note that this Charm is exceptional in that the Abyssal can only invoke it to make a counterattack during his own attack, rather than a foe’s.

Pin the Struggling Butterfly
Cost: 3m (+1wp)
Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Mirror (Inevitable Thunderbolt-Flinging Hand (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Inevitable_Thunderbolt-Flinging_Hand))
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Thrown Excellency, Improvised Assassin's Trick

There is no greater pleasure than to watch a helpless victim struggling to escape, and knowing he cannot. This Charm supplements a Thrown attack, causing it to cut through tendons and shatter bones. If the attack deals any damage, the Abyssal may spend an additional point of Willpower to hobble their foe, reducing their Move and Dash speeds to 0, and preventing them from taking any Dexterity-based Athletics action. They may crawl along the ground at one-tenth of their normal speed. Heroic characters may spend a point of Willpower to move at half-speed for one action. The Exalted and other characters with awakened essence recover from this maiming at the end of the scene. Mortals do not.

Pockets Full of Murder
Cost: –
Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Improvised Assassin's Trick

Nothing knows not the touch of Oblivion, nothing cannot be weapon. The benefits of Improvised Assassin's Trick are applied to all Thrown-based attacks the Abyssal makes. If he invokes it normally, he may render an attack made with an improvised weapon unexpected–the victim must succeed on a (Perception + Awareness) roll at a difficulty of (Essence) to successfully notice it. The difficulty of this roll is reduced by one for each time the Abyssal uses Improvised Assassin's Trick in this way in a scene, and characters who already know the Abyssal can turn anything into a weapon receive one bonus success on their rolls to notice it.

The Cracked Bell Tolls
Cost: –
Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Improvised Assassin's Trick

The Deathknights are not limited to throwing knives and spears. If need be they can throw shadows and nightmares, hatred and fear. This Charm enhances the Abyssal's Improvised Assassin's Trick Charm. When they invoke it, they need not have an improvised weapon to throw–they can instead beguile their victim with an illusion, making them believe they have been attacked. Doing so functions just as a normal attack, except that the Abyssal needs nothing to throw. The illusionary weapon uses the normal statistics of an improvised projectile. A character may spend three points of temporary Willpower to become immune to this unnatural mental influence for the rest of the scene.

Ominous Killing Glare
Cost: – (+5m, 1wp)
Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Eyes Like Daggers Glance

An Abyssal can kill with nothing more than hatred. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal's Crypt Bolt Attack, allowing them to invoke it without the Obvious keyword when they do so through their eyes alone, at a cost of 5 additional motes and a point of temporary Willpower. Their is no blast of necrotic essence as they attack–only a withering glare that melts flesh from the bone. This renders any attack the Abyssal makes with the Crypt Bolt Attack becomes unblockable–how can you parry a glance? In addition, while the Exalted and other characters with awakened essence can sense the unseen essence of Oblivion this attack releases, mere mortals cannot. Such attacks are also unexpected against them. It is possible to discern that the Abyssal has made an attack even if one cannot see or sense it; doing so requires a (Wits + Awareness) roll at difficulty (Essence) to read his body language. This does not allow the attack's victim to defend against it, but does allow him and bystanders to realize that the Abyssal has made an attack after the fact.

The Demented One
2009-11-13, 05:39 PM
Infernals maybe. The higher Essence the better.

Talons of Crimson, Talons of Black

Structured Under The Green Sun

Brass Heart Consumption

Malevolent Arcing Finger Burst

Seeing Through Hatred
Not really getting any inspiration for these; I'll take a pass.

2009-11-13, 06:00 PM
I have yet another, i hope i won´t be redundant this time. Abyssal Linguistics charm Self propagating accrused letters Yeah, you guessed it ,its a chain letter that you can combine an with UMI written ataack and then carry out the curse you specify for not forwarding copies/fulfiling the attached influence. Later it can allow you to scry on peole who got the letter or even teleport to them. (Wait, how would the teleport work? I tought fate maniupulation . but, yeah, abyssals. Then, would unmaking amd reconstructuring oneself with a Shaping effect do? But woah, that sounds trippy. :smalltongue:

And here is yet anoether Abyssal one, Lore this time Grim tales of the city Allows you to seed urban legens an them make them true after enough peole belive in them, and even control what they do.

2009-11-13, 07:56 PM
That's not actually a design principle; higher-essence Abyssal charms branch away from mirroring Solar magic to become something all their own. As such, Becoming the Taint has no reasonable Solar counterpart.

So if an Abyssal with that charm was transformed into a Solar, what would Becoming the Taint turn into during the process?

2009-11-13, 09:29 PM
So if an Abyssal with that charm was transformed into a Solar, what would Becoming the Taint turn into during the process?

You'd just get another Charm in its place A Solar transformed into an Abyssal loses all Solar charms and gains an equivalent number of Abyssal ones; generally, you're supposed to purchase Mirror charms when possible, but if there's no Mirror you pick something different.

Re Thrown charms: Awesome! The Cracked Bell Tolls is not at all what I was expecting (not that I know what I was expecting), but is possibly the best of the bunch. Thanks muchly for fleshing out my vague ideas. Next time, I'll have something less vague for you... *plots*

The Demented One
2009-11-14, 02:11 AM
Self propagating accrused letters
You should check out Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment. Idyl-Undermining Catchphrase is this.

And here is yet anoether Abyssal one, Lore this time Grim tales of the city Allows you to seed urban legens an them make them true after enough peole belive in them, and even control what they do.
That doesn't really fit Abyssal themes at all, but I could see it as a raksha charm...I'll add it to the list.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-15, 11:25 AM
I want an Autochthon Charm named Earthless Divinity Building Technology. I don't care what it does, but I want it to exist.

2009-11-15, 02:31 PM
I've been on kind of an Abyssals obsession lately and if I'm going to make a chainklave-wielding mad scientist warrior, he's probably going to need defensive charms. Go forth, Demented One, and defend my mad Daybreak Caste.

The Demented One
2009-11-15, 03:01 PM
I've been on kind of an Abyssals obsession lately and if I'm going to make a chainklave-wielding mad scientist warrior, he's probably going to need defensive charms. Go forth, Demented One, and defend my mad Daybreak Caste.
Did you say "defensive charms," or did you say "patch the entire Abyssal defensive suite because it's borked?" I couldn't hear you properly.

Dead to the World
Cost: – (+2m)
Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Wisp Technique

It is no hard thing for the Deathknights to step outside of existence–having already died, it is almost easier than not. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal’s Flickering Wisp Technique Charm. Whenever he invokes it, he may spend two additional motes. If he does, he does not reform until the end of the tick.

At Essence 5, the Abyssal may instead spend five additional motes, and not reform until he takes his next action. However, using this ability outside of the Underworld and places of death costs a point of temporary Willpower, in addition to the Willpower that must be spent due to Flickering Wisp Technique’s Spectral keyword.

Laughing Over Conquered Corpses
Cost: –
Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Foe-Shaming Defense

With preternatural grace and uncanny finesse, a Deathknight can happily sidestep blow after blow, mocking his impotent foes. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal’s Foe-Shaming Defense Charm. The counterattack it grants always succeeds without need for a roll, although perfect defenses still cause it to fail.

Bone Oracle, Sanguine Portents
Cost: –
Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Uncanny Impulse Evasion

Before the blade is drawn for its sheath, the Deathknight has already evaded it. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal’s Uncanny Impulse Evasion Charm. He gains no Resonance for invoking it to defend against unexpected attacks made by living characters, negating its cost. Invoking it still counts as Charm activation.

One Hundred Unseen Razors
Cost: –
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hundred Razor Circle

When heroes draw their swords against the Deathknights, it is against their own throats. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal’s Hundred Razor Circle Charm. Its type changes to Reflexive (Step 9), and it gains the Counterattack keyword.

Sacraments of Blood
Cost: –
Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Blood Before Surrender

Wherever the Deathknights walk, the Void follows after. By the spilling of their profane blood may they consecrate Creation to the Neverborn, calling up the dark forces of the Underworld. The Abyssal may take a level of unsoakable lethal damage in place of spending a point of temporary Willpower when he invokes a Charm with the Spectral keyword. However, taking this Charm maims the living essence flows of the Abyssal Exalt, making it impossible for any Charms or magic other than Abyssal Charms or necromancy to heal levels of damage they have suffered.

Black Hearts Still Bleed
Cost: –
Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Ascending Phoenix Arete (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Ascending_Phoenix_Arete))
Duration: Permanent 

Prerequisite Charms: Blood Before Surrender

The Abyssal Exalted have no need of the flesh–as they embrace their agonies and their suffering, they transcend it, understanding the world as the Neverborn must. The Abyssal may take a level of unsoakable lethal damage in place of spending a point of temporary Willpower in order to activate a Combo. However, taking this Charm maims the living essence flows of the Abyssal Exalt, making it impossible for any Charms or magic other than Abyssal Charms or necromancy to heal levels of damage they have suffered.

Kine-and-Kindred Understanding
Cost: –
Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Corpse Needs No Food

The blood of Creation is awash with essence, awash with mortal vitae. As the Abyssal drinks it deep, he may renew the living flesh that embodies his unliving essence. Whenever the Abyssal would regain motes from feeding on the living (including the use of the Ravening Maw of (Ability) Charms), he may instead heal a single level of lethal damage. He cannot heal more than a single level of lethal damage per action with this Charm.

A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5 allows the Abyssal to also heal aggravated damage with this Charm. This damage counts towards the maximum of lethal damage that can be healed. However, he cannot do so while exposed to the light of the sun–the Unconquered Sun will not see the gravest foes of Creation saved from his wrath.

Red-Lipped Insatiable Gluttony
Cost: –
Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Kine-and-Kindred Understanding

So long as the living still have blood to offer up, the Deathknights may never fall. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal’s Kine-and-Kindred Understanding Charm. He may heal up to (Essence) levels of lethal damage each action with it.

An Abyssal with two purchases of Kine-and-Kindred Understanding may buy this Charm a second time at Essence 6. Doing so allows him to heal up to two levels of aggravated damage each action, which still counts towards the maximum amount of lethal damage that can be healed.

2009-11-16, 02:04 AM
Have you read MS paint adventures? Insanity has no equal. Except for MS paint adventures. Do you do research, or should I explain in more detail.

In any case, I would love to have some sweet charms based of the detectives of 'Problem Sleuth.' If you cannot, then I must, and I think these charms might be too advanced, nay, MAJESTIC in scope to tackle on my first Exalted homebrew.


The Demented One
2009-11-16, 02:33 AM
In any case, I would love to have some sweet charms based of the detectives of 'Problem Sleuth.' If you cannot, then I must, and I think these charms might be too advanced, nay, MAJESTIC in scope to tackle on my first Exalted homebrew.

Um. So I think the idea of making Investigation charms is awesome, but it's 2:38 and my bloodstream is running full of whatever chemicals make up Bawls and my brain has shut down all functions other than breathing and homebrewing, so I really can't play through a text adventure. Any specifics you can give me?

The Demented One
2009-11-16, 04:15 PM
Random Solar Archery!

Golden Spirit Quiver
Cost: 5m per effect, 1wp
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Essence Arrow Attack

Golden fire limns every arrow in the arsenal of the Lawgivers, marking them as ordained weapons of the Unconquered Sun. Invoking this Charm, the Solar may enchant a single archery weapon, granting it the benefits of Essence Arrow Attack for an entire scene. He may apply as many effects as he wishes to the weapon, paying five motes for each one. The Exalt cannot invoke Essence Arrow Attack to stack its benefits doubly with those already granted to the weapon.

Impossible Accuracy Fortune
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: There Is No Wind

As the Solar draws back his bowstring, all the world falls away–there is only him, and his enemy, and the arrow. This Charm allows the character to enchant an archery weapon with There Is No Wind for the duration of the scene, rather than a single attack. This both negates all penalties on attacks made with that weapon, excluding wound and multiple action penalties, and extends its range to the Solar’s maximum visibility range.

Golden Siege Machine Meditation
Cost: 20m, 1wp
Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple (Speed 7)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Solar Flare Methodology

When the Lawgivers go to war, the armies of the unrighteous quake before their full unlimbered rage. Invoking this Charm, the Solar gestures skyward–and even if the sky is dark, even if he stands in the Underworld or in Hell, a ray of golden light descends, bathing the entire battlefield in essence-born light for one shining instant. As the light fades, it coalesces into a single shining war machine of essence. The Lawgiver may shape the essence into any mundane archery-based artillery weapon, such as a ballista or a fire cannon, with a Resources value of (Essence) or less. Alternatively, he may shape it into an artifact artillery weapon, such as an essence cannon or implosion bow, with a Resources value of (Essence/2) or less. Artifact weapons require no further expenditures of essence to be fired.

2009-11-16, 04:15 PM
Wlllll, I'll start with saying that the game/story has two types of charm: Battle technique and Combat Operandi. The majority of Battle Techniques can be executed freely upon command. Combat Operandi however may require ELF TEARS, WEASEL SNOT, HOG SLOP or PIE FILLING.

I think we had best start with:
SEPULCHRITUDE (CO): (Problem Sleuth)
>The Ultimate Attack. Note: This attack has been attempted numerous times, but it was held off on being successfully used. The hero is usually distracted, or changes his mind. This is the main problem faced when using it. Also, it is now known this requires the expenditure of an eighth level COMB RAVE. (You know. Comb Raves. Common currency.)
When used, it transforms Problem Sleuth into an armor-clad warrior, outfitted with wings, and grants him unbelievable power.

Here, if you'd like to read more.


Split yourself in two, sending one to the past and another to the future. Due to some unknown mechanism of the ability, possibly to avoid confusion, duplicates are color-coded. This ability may be used multiple times, and its effects stack. Each pickle inspector is a different colour.

It is unknown whether PI has control over where in time he sends his duplicates to, but all four of them managed to appear precisely when they were needed. Funny how time travel works out, sometimes.

And one more...

You show the beast what you, and fat kids everywhere, are made of.
Imitating the move once done by Chunk from the Goonies. Initially, the first level of this attack does nothing and involves getting Ace killed in the Imaginary World, but he soon discovers how to unleash its terrible power upon bigger and heavier opponents. The Truffle Shuffle is also more effective when there are more Ace ***** involved, and does a surprisingly insane amount of damage for something so moronic.

These would make excellent charms.

Also I note a grievous crime. Although this thread specifies Charms I had to bring it up. In all your homebrew that you link too, you have no Sidereal martial arts! None at all! I think it is clear that the noble sleuths of Problem Sleuth are sidereal exalts, dealing as they do with the nature of time, space, and obscene amount of Weird Puzzle ****. THEREFORE!!

>Sleuth Diplomacy: Allows you to acquaint recipient with your brand of diplomacy. It's much more peaceful when the other side is dead. Usually involves a Tommy Gun.

LVL 2: Fair Shake: Using a Extradimensional Window and a Tommy Gun, Problem Sleuth showers the whole area in bullets. Kills most low-level bad guys in a huge area.

>Abstracted Thought: Allows Pickle Inspector to operate in the real world while he is in his Imagination.

Also, check out MS paint adventures. Its a webcomic/game that you write in suggestions for! So you can play it! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!
Worth your time, but be careful, it can suck you in.

The Demented One
2009-11-16, 04:34 PM
I think we had best start with:
SEPULCHRITUDE (CO): (Problem Sleuth)
>The Ultimate Attack. Note: This attack has been attempted numerous times, but it was held off on being successfully used. The hero is usually distracted, or changes his mind. This is the main problem faced when using it. Also, it is now known this requires the expenditure of an eighth level COMB RAVE. (You know. Comb Raves. Common currency.)
When used, it transforms Problem Sleuth into an armor-clad warrior, outfitted with wings, and grants him unbelievable power.
Hmm, so some kind of combat buff based off of Charisma? The armor-summoning is already done by Glorious Solar Plate, but I'll bite.

Exceedingly Righteous Paragon Attitude
Cost: 6m, 1wp
Mins: Presence 3, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Obvious, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment

Breathing deep the essence of the sun's light, the Solar is filled with renewed zeal, tempering him into a weapon to smite down the foes of Creation. This Charm enchants every attack the Solar makes with Holy magic, causing them to deal aggravated damage to creatures of darkness. When used in social combat, this Charm halves the MDV's of creatures of darkness against social attacks the Solar makes that employ guilt, shame, or fear, and renders such influence unnatural.


Split yourself in two, sending one to the past and another to the future. Due to some unknown mechanism of the ability, possibly to avoid confusion, duplicates are color-coded. This ability may be used multiple times, and its effects stack. Each pickle inspector is a different colour.

It is unknown whether PI has control over where in time he sends his duplicates to, but all four of them managed to appear precisely when they were needed. Funny how time travel works out, sometimes.
Time travel's sort of a no-no, and duplication powers already exist, albeit brokenly.

And one more...

You show the beast what you, and fat kids everywhere, are made of.
Imitating the move once done by Chunk from the Goonies. Initially, the first level of this attack does nothing and involves getting Ace killed in the Imaginary World, but he soon discovers how to unleash its terrible power upon bigger and heavier opponents. The Truffle Shuffle is also more effective when there are more Ace ***** involved, and does a surprisingly insane amount of damage for something so moronic.

Pathetic Worthless Carp Flailing
Cost: 4m
Mins: Larceny 2, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Leader (4)
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Any Larceny Excellency

Sometimes, the Dragon-Blooded do things they aren't proud of. A wounded soldier on the battlefield can only rise to fight another day if he survives–and sometimes, survival involves looking to pathetic to coup de grace. The Dragon-Blood may invoke this Charm whenever he takes an Inactive action, and may do so even when he is unconscious. He seems so pathetic, so unfit for battle, so worthless, that the notion of delivering a coup de grace seems like a waste of time. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on all who see the Dragon-Blood, filling them with such scorn that they will not attack him while he is helpless. They may overcome this unnatural mental influence by spend two points of Willpower. At Essence 4, this Charm gains the Leader keyword, allowing the Dragon-Blood to lead entire legions in pathetic cowering maneuvers. For obvious reasons, this is not a popular use of the Charm.

In all your homebrew that you link too, you have no Sidereal martial arts!
With good reason. I've made a good couple Sidereal styles, and they all suck.

2009-11-16, 05:22 PM
Pathetic Worthless Carp Flailing
Cost: 2m
Mins: Larceny 4, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Leader (4)
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Any Larceny Excellency, Observer Awareness Method

Sometimes, the Dragon-Blooded do things they aren't proud of. A wounded soldier on the battlefield can only rise to fight another day if he survives–and sometimes, survival involves looking to pathetic to coup de grace. This Charm supplements an Inactive action, and may be used even when the Dragon-Blood is unconscious. He seems so pathetic, so unfit for battle, so worthless, that the notion of delivering a coup de grace seems like a waste of time. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on all who see the Dragon-Blood, filling them with such scorn that they will not attack him while he is helpless. They may overcome this unnatural mental influence by spend two points of Willpower. At Essence 5, this Charm gains the Leader keyword, allowing the Dragon-Blood to lead entire legions in pathetic cowering maneuvers. For obvious reasons, this is not a popular use of the Charm.

I love this charm. :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-16, 08:20 PM
Instead of time-travel to the past, how about time-travel to the future? The other replica would stay in the present and continue as normal, until such a time as their duplicate arrived. Would that be feasible?

Also, SEPULCHRITUDE should be more of an epic holy-and-fate charisma based divine apotheosis. Once you activate it, the world will never be the same, at least for you. Although I do really like the charm as written.

The Demented One
2009-11-16, 08:22 PM
Instead of time-travel to the past, how about time-travel to the future? The other replica would stay in the present and continue as normal, until such a time as their duplicate arrived. Would that be feasible?
I'm not sure how that would differ from self-replication, save for the time delay for the future-traveling double to show up.

The Demented One
2009-11-17, 02:02 PM
Did someone request high-Essence Solar Dodge Charms? No? Well, too bad.

Shadow Step, Heaven Body
Cost: –
Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flow Like Blood

It is no difficult thing to dodge one blade, to dodge ten blades, to dodge a hundred blades, to dodge an army, to dodge an avalanche, to dodge an earthquake, to dodge the falling stars, to dodge the footfalls of behemoth and titan, to dodge the end of the world. This Charm permanently enhances the Solar's Flow Like Blood Charm. It negates all penalties to the Lawgiver's Dodge DV, rather than only those from onslaught penalties and coordinated attacks.

A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5 allows the Solar to dodge what he does not know is there. As long as he has Flow Like Blood active, he is aware of all attacks against him, allowing him to defend against unexpected attacks with his Dodge DV. This does not remove the unexpected quality of the attacks, however.

A third purchase of this Charm at Essence 8 allows the Solar to invoke Flow Like Blood as a reflexive Charm in Step 2 of attack resolution. In addition, while he has Flow Like Blood active, he may dodge even attacks that specify they cannot be dodged.

A fourth purchase at Essence 10 seals the Solar's invincibility. He gains the benefits of Flow Like Blood as a permanent effect, without needing to invoke it or commit motes to it.

One Hundred Sparks Meditation
Cost: –
Mins: Dodge 6, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Flow Like Blood, Leaping Dodge Method

The Solar Exalted dance on the wind, effortlessly evading flurries of blows and volleys of arrows. He can seem to be in a hundred places at once, dodging and leaping faster than mortal eyes can see. Whenever the Lawgiver defends against an attack with his Dodge DV while he has Flow Like Blood active, he may leap away as a counterattack in Step 9, as if he had invoked Leaping Dodge Method. Doing so costs nothing, and does not count as Charm activation.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-17, 02:10 PM
What about Earthless Divinity Building Technology?

2009-11-17, 02:38 PM
Still no good mechanism for Everything Is Ruined Forever? :/

The Demented One
2009-11-17, 03:48 PM
What about Earthless Divinity Building Technology?
I've got an idea for it, but it'd require some tweaking of the name. Can you survive that?

Still no good mechanism for Everything Is Ruined Forever? :/
Not yet.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-17, 03:49 PM
Depends on the tweaking. I want to keep the Earthless Divinity part, due to the roots of the name Autochthon.

The Demented One
2009-11-17, 05:00 PM
Depends on the tweaking. I want to keep the Earthless Divinity part, due to the roots of the name Autochthon.
The "Earthless" part is what's giving me trouble. it doesn't make much sense for the god-making charm.

(Also, isn't the root of Autochthon just...autochthon? self+soil=native?)

2009-11-17, 05:45 PM
Okay hm... a couple of things I'd like to see. The first would be some high essence excellencies, for each exalt type if you can. The second thing I'd like to see is a charm idea I had a long time ago, which was something along the lines of causing your skeleton to burst from your body to form a suit of bone power armor, with a second purchase to make the suit Soulsteel. For Abyssals, obviously.

The Demented One
2009-11-17, 05:48 PM
Okay hm... a couple of things I'd like to see. The first would be some high essence excellencies, for each exalt type if you can.

Unconquered (Ability) Champion
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: (Ability) 4, Essence 4
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Infinite (Ability) Mastery

The Solar Exalted are not well accustomed to failure. This Charm can enhance any action made with the chosen Ability, causing it to automatically succeed without need for a roll, with a threshold of (Essence) extra successes. If used to enhance a static value derived from the chosen Ability, such as Defense Values or Move speed, it instead causes that static value to be calculated as if the Solar had the chosen Ability at a rating of (Essence x 3). This Charm can never provide a perfect defense. If opposed by the effect of another Charm, Unconquered (Ability) Champion adds (Essence) automatic successes to the opposed roll to overcome that effect. This Charm only applies its listed Willpower cost the first time it is invoked in an action. Subsequent invocations cost only 5 motes.

A second purchase at Essence 6 allows the Lawgiver to spend 5 extra motes when activating this Charm to extend its duration to one action. Its effects apply to every action the Solar makes with the chosen Ability for the duration of a single action. However, the Solar cannot extend this Charm's duration when using it to enhance any action that opposes his main Virtue, and if he takes an action that opposes his main Virtue during its duration, that invocation of Unconquered (Ability) Champion ends.He may still invoke Unconquered (Ability) Champion to enhance a single action normally.

A third purchase at Essence 8 allows the Lawgiver to endow himself with unconquerable power to surpass all others. When invoking this Charm, they may spend an additional 15 motes and a point of temporary Willpower to extend its duration to one scene. When invoked in this way, this Charm loses the Combo-OK keyword, instead gaining the Combo-Basic keyword. However, if the Lawgiver ever suppresses his primary Virtue, his own righteousness is shaken, rendering him impotent. Unconquered (Ability) Champion deactivates, and he may not reactivate it again with a scene-length duration for the rest of the scene. He may still invoke Unconquered (Ability) Champion to invoke a single action normally.

A third purchase at Essence 10 allows the Solar to rest assured of his ultimate power. He gains the benefits of Unconquered (Ability) Champion as a permanent effect, without need to invoke it or commit motes to it. He still loses this benefit for a scene if he suppresses his primary Virtue.

All-Surpassing (Attribute) Supremacy
Cost: 3m, 1wp
Mins: (Attribute) 6, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Instinctive (Attribute) Unity

The Lunar Exalted defy all boundaries placed upon them, ascending to nigh-infinite splendor. This Charm can enhance any action made with the chosen Attribute. The Lunar is always treated as having rolled a minimum of (Essence + Attribute) successes, even if he rolled under that amount. In addition, if the action is opposed by any effect that always succeeds (with the exception of perfect defenses), the Lunar and that Charm's user make a contested roll, as under the rules for resolving two opposed effects that always succeed. All-Surpassing (Attribute) Supremacy adds (Essence/2) dice to the roll. If used to enhance a static value derived from the chosen Ability, such as Defense Values or Move speed, it instead causes that static value to be calculated as if the Solar had the chosen Ability at a rating of (Attribute + Essence). In addition, the resultant static value cannot be decreased by any penalty.

A second purchase at Essence 7 allows the Lunar to spend 5 extra motes when activating this Charm to extend its duration to one action. Its effects apply to every action the Solar makes with the chosen Attribute for the duration of a single action.

A third purchase at Essence 9 allows the Lunar to endow their bestial shape with incontestable supremacy. This grants the Gift keyword to All-Surpassing (Attribute) Supremacy.

Allied (Ability) Teamwork
Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Cooperative
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Any (Ability) Excellency

United as one, their is nothing the Ten Thousand Dragons cannot stand against. This Charm reduces the mote cost of the first three (Ability) Excellencies by one mote, to a minimum of zero. Multiple Dragon-Bloods who know this Charm for the same Ability may invoke it together to achieve even greater power. When activated cooperatively, the mote discount provided by this Charm becomes equal to the number of Dragon-Blooded who invoked it, to a maximum of (Essence). At Essence 5, their is no limit to the discount that can be gained through cooperative activations of Allied (Ability) Teamwork.

Dragon-Bloods may purchase this Charm a second time at Essence 7, the peak of Terrestrial Power. Doing so allows it to be invoked reflexively, in which case it gains the Combo-Basic keyword. In addition, the mote discount granted by this charm increases to two motes, plus an additional two motes for each other Dragon-Blood invoking it if activated cooperatively.

Crushing (Ability) Domination
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 4
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror [Unconquered (Ability) Champion], Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Infinite (Ability) Mastery

Nothing can stand against Oblivion and triumph. This Charm can enhance any action made with the chosen Ability, reducing the difficulty of the action to 0. Any actions opposing the Abyssal's fail automatically. If used to enhance a static value derived from the chosen Ability, such as Defense Values or Move speed, it instead causes that static value to be calculated as if the Deathknight had the chosen Ability at a rating of (Essence x 3). This Charm can never provide a perfect defense. If opposed by the effect of another Charm, Crushing (Ability) Domination adds (Essence) automatic successes to the opposed roll to overcome that effect. This Charm only applies its listed Willpower cost the first time it is invoked in an action. Subsequent invocations cost only 5 motes.

A second purchase at Essence 6 allows the Deathknight to spend 5 extra motes when activating this Charm to extend its duration to one action. If they are not in the Underworld or a place of death, they must instead pay 10 additional motes. Its effects apply to every action the Abyssal makes with the chosen Ability for the duration of a single action.

A third purchase at Essence 8 allows the Abyssal to conquer any who dare stand against him. When invoking this Charm, they may spend an additional 15 motes and a point of temporary Willpower to extend its duration to one scene. He must spend another point of temporary Willpower if not in the Underworld or a place of death. When invoked in this way, this Charm loses the Combo-OK keyword, instead gaining the Combo-Basic keyword.

A fourth purchase at Essence 10 makes any defiance unimaginable. The Abyssal gains the benefits of Crushing (Ability) Domination as a permanent effect, without need to invoke it or commit motes to it. However, if the Abyssal is not in the Underworld or a place of death, he must spend a point of temporary Willpower at the beginning of a scene to gain this benefit. Doing so does not count as Charm activation.

I Am Become (Yozi)
Cost: – (5m, 1wp)
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: (Yozi) Inevitability Technique, (Yozi) Mythos Exultant

The majesty of the Yozis is never diminished. This Charm permanently enhances the Infernal's First (Yozi) Excellency. Whenever they invoke it, they may spend five motes and a point of temporary Willpower to cause any action enhanced by it to succeed automatically without need for a roll, with a threshold of (Essence) successes. If used to enhance a static value derived from the chosen Ability, such as Defense Values or Move speed, it instead causes that static value to be calculated as if the Infernal had the chosen Ability at a rating of (Essence x 3). This Charm can never provide a perfect defense. If opposed by the effect of another Charm, I Am Become (Yozi) adds (Essence) automatic successes to the opposed roll to overcome that effect. This use of the First (Yozi) Excellency does not benefit from the mote discount provided by Effortless (Yozi) Dominance.This Charm only applies its listed Willpower cost the first time it is invoked in an action. Subsequent invocations cost only 5 motes.

A second purchase at Essence 6 allows the Infernal to spend 5 extra motes when enhancing the 1st (Yozi) Excellency with this Charm to extend its duration to one action. Its effects apply to every action that Yozi's Excellency can validly enhance for a single action. However, if the Infernal takes any actions that the chosen 1st (Yozi) Excellency explicitly cannot enhance during the duration of the effect, they automatically fail. This includes actions that are subtle or restrained for Malfeas, actions that resist random misfortune or thwart plans unrelated to the Infernal's agenda for Cecelyne, actions that spread chaos or show empathy for She Who Lives In Her Name, actions that are planned for Adorjan, or actions that do not help escape an immediate imprisonment, benefit others more than the Infernal, or that are honest without being malevolent for the Ebon Dragon

A second purchase at Essence 8 lets the Infernal draw on infinite power at any moment. When they enhance the First (Yozi) Excellency with this Charm, they may spend an additional 15 motes and a point of temporary Willpower to extend its duration to one scene, causing any action that could be enhanced by the First (Yozi) Excellency to automatically succeed. If they do, the First (Yozi) Excellency loses the Combo-OK keyword, instead gaining the Combo-Basic keyword. However, whenever he takes an action that explicitly cannot be enhanced by the chosen Yozi excellency, it automatically fails.

A third purchase at Essence 10 makes the Infernal's perfection an inseparable part of themselves. The Infernal gains the benefits of I Am Become (Yozi) as a permanent effect, without need to invoke it or commit motes to it. He still automatically fails any action that the chosen (Yozi) Excellency explicitly cannot enhance.

The Demented One
2009-11-17, 05:51 PM
The second thing I'd like to see is a charm idea I had a long time ago, which was something along the lines of causing your skeleton to burst from your body to form a suit of bone power armor, with a second purchase to make the suit Soulsteel. For Abyssals, obviously.
Um. Inauspicious Inner Aegis is precisely this.

2009-11-17, 05:55 PM
Um. Inauspicious Inner Aegis is precisely this.

Oh. Then maybe something to improve upon it...?

The Demented One
2009-11-17, 05:58 PM
Oh. Then maybe something to improve upon it...?
Um. Ka-Hundredfold Facets! (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Word_of_Ghostly_Protection)

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-17, 06:00 PM
(Also, isn't the root of Autochthon just...autochthon? self+soil=native?)

It has several meanings, but it means "a mortal born from the earth" in one of them, which is the one I was going for. An Earthless Divinity is the opposite of what an autochthon is, you see.

The Demented One
2009-11-17, 06:21 PM
It has several meanings, but it means "a mortal born from the earth" in one of them, which is the one I was going for. An Earthless Divinity is the opposite of what an autochthon is, you see.
Ah. Perhaps instead of earthless...Celestial?

Celestial Divinity Assembly Technology
Cost: 10m per dot of Essence, 5m per dot of Virtue, 3wp
Mins: Essence 6
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Bountiful Treasure Cache Ingenuity

It was by Primordial hands that the divinities of Creation were devised, and Autocthon still retains the power to create gods out of nothing. This Charm can be used to create a deity, be they a Celestial God or a Terrestrial God. The Charm's user must spend 10 motes for every dot of Essence they wish to grant they god, and cannot grant it a Permanent Essence score higher than their own. The god begins with every Virtue at 1, and the creator may distribute 5 additional dots among them, though he cannot raise any Virtue above four. He may add additional Virtue dots at a cost of 5 motes each, to a maximum of five dots. Once the god's Essence and Virtues have been calculated, this Charm's user designs them according to the normal guidelines (see Roll of Glorious Divinity I, pages 170-172). Doing so takes one day for every dot of Essence the god has.

At the Storyteller's discretion, the character may vary from the guidelines presented for creating spirits–as a general rule of thumb, they may sacrifice dots of Abilities or Attributes or Charms in exchange for the number of bonus points that would normally be required to purchase them, which can then be spent improving other traits. If the god's traits change–if the ratings of its Virtues or Essence fluctuate, or it gains a Cult–its traits change accordingly. This Charm does not give any influence over gods created with it, although the Primordials had other Charms for that purpose.

This Charm, along with higher-essence upgrades that allowed created gods to be imbued with unique panoply Charms, were common to all Primordials in Creation's prehistory, although it still originated with Autocthon. It was used to create all of Creation's deities, up to and including the Celestial Incarna. The Yozi lack the authority to exercise this Charm in their diminished state, and the Neverborn have lost all powers of their former Primordial glory. Only Autocthon and Gaia still retain use of this Charm, and they only rarely invoke it.

2009-11-17, 10:27 PM
Ah. Perhaps instead of earthless...Celestial?

Celestial Divinity Assembly Technology
Cost: 10m per dot of Essence, 5m per dot of Virtue, 3wp
Mins: Essence 6
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Bountiful Treasure Cache Ingenuity

It was by Primordial hands that the divinities of Creation were devised, and Autocthon still retains the power to create gods out of nothing. This Charm can be used to create a deity, be they a Celestial God or a Terrestrial God. The Charm's user must spend 10 motes for every dot of Essence they wish to grant they god, and cannot grant it a Permanent Essence score higher than their own. The god begins with every Virtue at 1, and the creator may distribute 5 additional dots among them, though he cannot raise any Virtue above four. He may add additional Virtue dots at a cost of 5 motes each, to a maximum of five dots. Once the god's Essence and Virtues have been calculated, this Charm's user designs them according to the normal guidelines (see Roll of Glorious Divinity I, pages 170-172). Doing so takes one day for every dot of Essence the god has.

At the Storyteller's discretion, the character may vary from the guidelines presented for creating spirits–as a general rule of thumb, they may sacrifice dots of Abilities or Attributes or Charms in exchange for the number of bonus points that would normally be required to purchase them, which can then be spent improving other traits. If the god's traits change–if the ratings of its Virtues or Essence fluctuate, or it gains a Cult–its traits change accordingly. This Charm does not give any influence over gods created with it, although the Primordials had other Charms for that purpose.

This Charm, along with higher-essence upgrades that allowed created gods to be imbued with unique panoply Charms, were common to all Primordials in Creation's prehistory, although it still originated with Autocthon. It was used to create all of Creation's deities, up to and including the Celestial Incarna. The Yozi lack the authority to exercise this Charm in their diminished state, and the Neverborn have lost all powers of their former Primordial glory. Only Autocthon and Gaia still retain use of this Charm, and they only rarely invoke it.

First of all: http://assets.knowyourmeme.com/i/1570/original/so_much_win.png?1240906921.

Second, is there any chance of seeing your take on First Autochthon Excellency?

Also throwing out some names:
Lawgiver's Unbreakable Bulwark.

You Are Not Worthy

Like Flies Before Me

Cutting Through Reeds Maneuver

Skull Crushing Grasp

2009-11-17, 11:21 PM
Let's go for some Terrestrials.

Dragon's Elemental Fang

Creation Stands Stronger Than A False Sun

Gullet Of The Dragon

Blood Flows Like Fire

The Demented One
2009-11-18, 12:53 AM
Second, is there any chance of seeing your take on First Autochthon Excellency?

1st Autocthon Excellency
Cost: 1m per die
Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

See Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, pages 104-107.

Autocthon excels in acts of creation, innovation, and design. He forges potent artifacts and unimaginable wonders, showing ingenuity and masterful skill. While he is thorough and painstaking, he is also efficient and capable of attending to many different projects. Though he shies away from conflict, he is more than capable of arming his allies and himself. He is most productive when serving a patron, crafting implements and tools for others to use.

Characters may apply this Charm to any action that requires creativity and careful thought. Any action that creates something new can be enhanced, regardless of what is created. It also assists in making use of tools to solve problems that no one else can. This Charm cannot assist any action that is solely destructive–if they are not inspired by ingenuity or do not lead to some greater good, Autocthon's power is impotent. Autocthon also cannot enhance any action that relies on pure physical prowess or vigor, unaugmented by any artifice or cunning.

Also throwing out some names:
Lawgiver's Unbreakable Bulwark.

Lawgiver's Unbreakable Bulwark
Cost: 3m per 1B/1L
Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Armored Scout's Invigoration

An armor taken up by the Chosen of the Sun becomes as a cathedral, devoted to the highest of holies. Can it be right for so righteous a temple to fall? This Charm enhances any armor the Lawgiver wears, increasing its bashing and lethal soak by one each for every three motes the Solar commits. In addition, the armor's bashing and lethal Hardness is increased by one for every six motes committed (this can grant a Hardness rating to armors that normally do not have one). In addition, for as long as this Charms remains active, the enchanted armor cannot be destroyed or damaged, nor can the Solar's attunement to it be broken by any Shaping effect.

You Are Not Worthy

Like Flies Before Me

Cutting Through Reeds Maneuver

I had all three of these as a tree, but then I realized it'd work better in a single charm. Sorry about that...

You Are Not Worthy
Cost: –
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Time-Scything Technique

Men stand, corpses fall. Such is the passage of the Deathknight. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal's Unfurling Iron Lotus and Time-Scything Technique Charms. When using them, attacks made against Extras do not count towards the maximum number of attacks the Deathknight may make. It may improve other Melee extra action Charms at the Storyteller's discretion.

Skull Crushing Grasp

Skull-Crushing Grasp
Cost: – (+5m)
Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form

It is not so hard to choke the life out of a man, to choke and squeeze and strangle until he is no more. After all, the hands of the Deathknights must strangle the very world itself–how can any lesser foe hope to survive? This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal's Dead Man's Grasp Charm. When they activate it, they may spend 5 motes to add (Essence x 2) dice of pre-soak damage to the grapple attack. This damage increases by one each turn, as normal. If the post-soak damage of a grappling attack enhanced by this Charm ever exceeds the victim's total health levels, the Abyssal may choose to deal as many automatic levels of damage as he wishes. He may also inflict a crippling amputation on his victim in addition to the damage.

At Essence 9, an Abyssal may spend an additional 10 motes when using Dead Man's Grasp. If he does, and successfully attacks his victim, he may deal inflict as many automatic levels of damage as desired to targets regardless of his total dice in Step Eight. He may also inflict any number of crippling amputations he can imagine, and, with stunts, can perform feats such as ripping out organs and entire pieces of their victim's skeleton.

2009-11-18, 07:55 AM
1st Autocthon Excellency
Cost: 1m per die
Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

See Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, pages 104-107.

Autocthon excels in acts of creation, innovation, and design. He forges potent artifacts and unimaginable wonders, showing ingenuity and masterful skill. While he is thorough and painstaking, he is also efficient and capable of attending to many different projects. Though he shies away from conflict, he is more than capable of arming his allies and himself. He is most productive when serving a patron, crafting implements and tools for others to use.

Characters may apply this Charm to any action that requires creativity and careful thought. Any action that creates something new can be enhanced, regardless of what is created. It also assists in making use of tools to solve problems that no one else can. This Charm cannot assist any action that is solely destructive–if they are not inspired by ingenuity or do not lead to some greater good, Autocthon's power is impotent. Autocthon also cannot enhance any action that relies on pure physical prowess or vigor, unaugmented by any artifice or cunning.

Lawgiver's Unbreakable Bulwark
Cost: 3m per 1B/1L
Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Armored Scout's Invigoration

An armor taken up by the Chosen of the Sun becomes as a cathedral, devoted to the highest of holies. Can it be right for so righteous a temple to fall? This Charm enhances any armor the Lawgiver wears, increasing its bashing and lethal soak by one each for every three motes the Solar commits. In addition, the armor's bashing and lethal Hardness is increased by one for every six motes committed (this can grant a Hardness rating to armors that normally do not have one). In addition, for as long as this Charms remains active, the enchanted armor cannot be destroyed or damaged, nor can the Solar's attunement to it be broken by any Shaping effect.

I had all three of these as a tree, but then I realized it'd work better in a single charm. Sorry about that...

You Are Not Worthy
Cost: –
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Time-Scything Technique

Men stand, corpses fall. Such is the passage of the Deathknight. This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal's Unfurling Iron Lotus and Time-Scything Technique Charms. When using them, attacks made against Extras do not count towards the maximum number of attacks the Deathknight may make. It may improve other Melee extra action Charms at the Storyteller's discretion.

Skull-Crushing Grasp
Cost: – (+5m)
Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form

It is not so hard to choke the life out of a man, to choke and squeeze and strangle until he is no more. After all, the hands of the Deathknights must strangle the very world itself–how can any lesser foe hope to survive? This Charm permanently enhances the Abyssal's Dead Man's Grasp Charm. When they activate it, they may spend 5 motes to add (Essence x 2) dice of pre-soak damage to the grapple attack. This damage increases by one each turn, as normal. If the post-soak damage of a grappling attack enhanced by this Charm ever exceeds the victim's total health levels, the Abyssal may choose to deal as many automatic levels of damage as he wishes. He may also inflict a crippling amputation on his victim in addition to the damage.

At Essence 9, an Abyssal may spend an additional 10 motes when using Dead Man's Grasp. If he does, and successfully attacks his victim, he may deal inflict as many automatic levels of damage as desired to targets regardless of his total dice in Step Eight. He may also inflict any number of crippling amputations he can imagine, and, with stunts, can perform feats such as ripping out organs and entire pieces of their victim's skeleton.

There is no emoticon that can express this feeling of awesome I have.

I have no idea what a name would be, but a Solar Hero expansion charm that lets you go through walls like the Kool-Aid Man. Oh yeah!

Throwing some names out:

A Challenger Approaches

In Brightest Day

What is Yours is Mine

My Hatred Knows No Bounds

No More Second Chances

Bear Hurling Might

Joyous Midwife Practice

The Demented One
2009-11-18, 11:09 PM
So I just got back from a play, and I now know what to do with Everything Is Ruined Forever.

Everything Is Ruined Forever
Cost: Cup 4, Essence 4
Cost: 5m, 5g
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Glamour, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Abiding Gift

The Fair Folk are not without gifts and wonders, treasures to beguile and comforts to offer solace. But those who seek the answer to their wishes within the mercy of the Wyld will only find that everything has been ruined forever. The Raksha may invoke this Charm whenever he hears one of the Creation-born wish for something–and he is given power to answer. By successfully making a (Manipulation + Socialize) roll at a difficulty of the Creation-born's Permanent Essence, he may inflict a shaping effect on them. The raksha has absolute freedom in choosing the nature of the shaping effect, so long as it technically answers some interpretation of the mortal's wish. From a narrative standpoint, the shaping effect forces the victim to abide by the normal rules for acceding to or ignoring shaping effects (see Graceful Wicked Masques, p. 117). The shaping effect can impose a Wyld penalty of -(Essence) on the victim if they resist it, but does not penalize others who refuse to accede to it. This glamour works normally, even in Creation, but lasts for only one season, or until the raksha's Assumption ends. However, if the duration of the shaping effect ends, the raksha may renew it for another season by reflexively spending five gossamer. They cannot do so if they end their Assumption.

Glamour Resistance: This Charm is a work of glamour. In the Wyld, its effects function normally, but in Creation, it is incapable of affecting Creation-born whose (Integrity + Essence) exceeds the raksha's Manipulation.

The Demented One
2009-11-18, 11:44 PM
Dragon's Elemental Fang

Dragon's Elemental Fang
Cost: –
Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Cooperative
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Bolt Attack

When the Dragon-Blooded Host stands united in wrath, no foe can ever hope to survive their furious anger. This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood's Elemental Bolt Attack. Whenever they activate it cooperatively, they add an additional +1 to the Accuracy of the attack, and +2L to its damage. In addition, if at least three of the Dragon-Bloods invoking Elemental Bolt Attack together know this Charm, then all participants in the combined attack may spend an additional two motes to render it unblockable. If five Dragon-Bloods know if, then all participants may spend an additional four motes to render it both unblockable and undodgeable.

Creation Stands Stronger Than A False Sun

Creation Stands Stronger Than a False Sun
Cost: – (+5m)
Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Defense-from-Anathema Method

So long as Gaia's mercy stands, there will always be grace given to her Dragon-Blooded Children that they might know strength in the face of darkness. This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood's Defense-from-Anathema Method. By spending 5 additional motes, they may also grant that Charm the effects of Chaos-Warding Prana. While the shaping immunity granted by Chaos-Warding Prana is still ineffectual against shaping effects wielded by the Celestial Exalted when they wield magic beyond the Terrestrial Exaltation's scope, it does increase the difficulty to use any such shaping effect by one. If their is no difficulty to use the shaping effect, then the character using it must successfully make an Essence roll to effect the Dragon-Blood. The Dragon-Blood may share this effect with other characters, as with Chaos-Warding Prana, at a cost of 8 motes for each additional character affected.

Gullet Of The Dragon

Gullet of the Dragon
Cost: 3m
Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Naked Thief Style

A thief must sometimes conceal ill-gotten gains. This Charm allows the Dragon-Blood to swallow any object he could hold in one hand, letting him store it within his innards without harm to either him or the object. He may disgorge it at will as a miscellaneous action. The Dragon-Blood can only keep one item in his belly at a time, and doing so is not wholly reliable. A character may notice the presence of an item within the Dragon-Blood's gullet by making a successful (Perception + Awareness) roll at a difficulty of (Essence + Larceny). In addition, whenever a character would have the option of inflicting a crippling amputation effect on the Dragon-Blood, they may choose to instead cut the stored object out of their innards.

Blood Flows Like Fire

Blood Flows Like Fire
Cost: – (+3m)
Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ringing Anvil Onslaught

Even as the armies of darkness and damnation close in around them, the Dragon-Blooded defy all, cutting down any who dare defy their righteousness. This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood's Ringing Anvil Onslaught. Whenever they invoke it, they may spend an additional 3 motes to unleash a whirling slash that cuts down all foes around them. They add one die to the Charm's activation roll for every enemy adjacent to them beyond the first, but must make at least one attack against every adjacent enemy with the flurry, if possible. In addition, attacks made as part of the flurry inflict onslaught penalties based on the total number of attacks the Dragon-Blood has made as part of the flurry, not just the number of attacks he has made against a specific enemy.

2009-11-19, 01:12 AM
Okay, because I still need and love investigation charms, how about a few named after film noir films? The Big Heat, Gun Crazy, The Set-Up, Night and the City. Either Terrestrial charms, if they're police-force type charms, or Solars if its a private-eye style investigation.

Infernal Charms: An occult power inspired by HP Lovecraft? You could make one out of "We live on a placid island of ignorance"and another one "in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. " Perhaps, though, that is an example that is too poetic. how about "The Rats in the Walls" Or "The Shadow Out of Time?"

Terrestrial Charms. They aren't super-powered, but they are subtle, effective, and long lasting. Which is what you need when you're on the run.
I need a charm that does a particular thing. I have a character in my game who is always on the run, runnig away from some of the most powerful and decadent noble houses in the campaign world. And she needs a charm that will let her do that. I want it to disrupt investigation attempts that are made against her, or to connect her to information that they know. She basically isn't connected informationally to anyone, the files with her name on it get lost, and anyone connected with her is extremely difficult to find for questioning. The people who do know about her and those who are sent to find her don't forget, but other people tend to, not because the charm affects their memory in any way, but just because their minds don't connect her to anything specific.This charm doesn't make it impossible to locate her, but it does buy her a lot of time. Probably if the big bad took action against himself it wouldn't take long to track her down, but she doesn't merit that personal touch to it yet.

The second level of this charm lets her stand next to people who know her, and they won't realize who she is, unless they specifically expect to see her. For example, of she ran into her brother on the subway, he wouldn't know her unless she spoke to him. However, if hired goons knock down her door, then they know she's there, and the charm fails against them.
This charm also works less well against people who best recognize her.

The Demented One
2009-11-19, 10:41 AM
Okay, because I still need and love investigation charms, how about a few named after film noir films? The Big Heat, Gun Crazy, The Set-Up, Night and the City.
What Exalt type? While I don't think I could swing Charms named after films, I think I could manage some references. Double Indemnity Detection Method, Blossoming Rose Bud Realization...

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-19, 10:47 AM
Flawless Essence Reprocessing Technology!

Probably a Solar Lore or Occult Charm, or an Autochthon Charm (or possibly an Alchemical upgrade).

The Demented One
2009-11-19, 12:23 PM
I have no idea what a name would be, but a Solar Hero expansion charm that lets you go through walls like the Kool-Aid Man. Oh yeah!
Sounds more like an Athletics charm to me.

Stone-Shattering Step
Cost: 6m
Mins: Athletics 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Lightning Speed

With superhuman strength and speed, the Sun's Chosen can walk through walls, shattering wood and stone to make way for their passage. This Charm enhances any Dash action the Solar takes. If they move directly into a barrier or obstacle that impedes their movement, they may make a feat of strength to break it as a reflexive action, allowing them to shatter walls and continue moving through them. If the Solar has used Charms or other magic to supernaturally enhance their Dash speed, they add one die to their feat of strength pool for every additional yard added to his speed, which counts as dice from Charms.

A Challenger Approaches

Golden Challenger Approach
Cost: 4m
Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Unsurpassed (Sense) Discipline

The Lawgiver's supernal senses let them react to danger with ultimate speed. This Charm supplements a Join Battle roll. The Solar is always treated as having rolled a number of successes equal to one greater than the result of any other combatant (unless their own roll was the highest). Even if a character uses a Charm that allows them to perfectly succeed on their Join Battle roll, automatically acting first, the Solar still acts on the same tick as them.

In Brightest Day

In Brightest Day
Cost: 7m
Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Rising Sun Spirit

No evil shall escape the Lawgiver's sight. Those who worship darkness's might must beware their power–the golden sun's light! Invoking this Charm, the Lawgiver's banner flares to its full iconic glory, and remains there for the whole of the scene. On each action, any creature of darkness that is within sunlight of the Solar's anima banner takes (Essence) aggravated damage as an environmental hazard.

What is Yours is Mine

What Is Yours Is Mine
Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Stealing from Plain Sight Spirit

It is given unto the Lawgivers to take whatever treasures they have need of. This Charm allows the Lawgiver to steal metaphysical ownership of an item away from its actual owner with a touch, as a shaping effect. If the item is an artifact, any attunements to it are broken. If the object is being worn or held by that character, the Solar must make an unarmed attack against it to successfully touch it. In addition, if used against an artifact, the Lawgiver may reflexively attempt an (Wits + Larceny) check at a difficulty of (Artifact Rating). If they succeed, they may immediately commit the motes to attune to it. If the artifact is forged of a material that does not resonate with the Solar, the roll's difficulty is increased by 3, and the Solar must commit double the normal attunement cost. This Charm cannot normally be used on living characters–but it can be used to steal ownership of characters that are already owned, such as slaves or livestock.

My Hatred Knows No Bounds

No More Second Chances
Anything I could ever do with these would only ever be a less awesome version of Terrible Sun-King Condemnation. :smallfrown:

Bear Hurling Might

Bear-Hurling Might
Cost: 5m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Solar Hero Form

No burden can hope to resist the Lawgiver's strength. This Charm supplements a feat of strength, adding twice the Solar's Martial Arts to the (Strength + Athletics) pool to determine valid feats. This counts as bonus dice from Charms. If the Lawgiver has Solar Hero Form active, this Charm can be invoked without counting as Charm activation.

Joyous Midwife Practice

Joyous Midwife Practice
Cost: 10m
Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Medicine Excellency

In the First Age, any child blessed enough to be brought into the world by Solar hands was assured a lifetime of prosperity and wellness. In this lesser age, the only hope the unborn can have is that they might know the mercy of the Sun's Chosen. This Charm is a dramatic action to treat a pregnant patient. The Solar rolls (Intelligence + Medicine) at a difficulty of (7 - patient's Stamina). If they succeed, they ensure the success of the pregnancy. Any damage that would be dealt to the unborn child is prevented perfectly for the duration of the pregnancy, and it is immune to any Crippling, Poison, and Sickness effects, even if they affect its mother. At the end of the pregnancy, the child is born live, without birth defects, and without complications. If the mother is killed, the unborn child survives–although without immediate medical intervention, it will almost surely die of dehydration, and they may be incapable of surviving if extremely premature. In addition, if used to treat unusual patients who could not normally be patient–for instance, a man who has become pregnant as a result of Wyld energies–this Charm allows them to bear the child to term, although surgery will be required to deliver the child.

2009-11-19, 12:44 PM
In Brightest Day scares me a little - a permanent charm that basically allows you to dust abyssals for a very small number of motes (and bypassing at least one perfect defence) seems a little over the top.

2009-11-19, 01:02 PM
What Exalt type? While I don't think I could swing Charms named after films, I think I could manage some references. Double Indemnity Detection Method, Blossoming Rose Bud Realization...

Yeah, for those one's I'm not suggesting them as names.... simply as inspiration for those charms. The same goes for the HP Lovecraft charms.

What do you think of the two specific charms I suggested? Let me know if you intend on building them, because if you do not, then I must endeavor to do so myself...

The Demented One
2009-11-19, 01:43 PM
In Brightest Day scares me a little - a permanent charm that basically allows you to dust abyssals for a very small number of motes (and bypassing at least one perfect defence) seems a little over the top.
It has been tweaked. And note that against Abyssals, it doesn't bypass any of their perfect defenses.

Yeah, for those one's I'm not suggesting them as names.... simply as inspiration for those charms. The same goes for the HP Lovecraft charms.
Okay. Specific ideas or Exalt types would be cool.

What do you think of the two specific charms I suggested? Let me know if you intend on building them, because if you do not, then I must endeavor to do so myself...
I'm having trouble with doing the first one in a way that isn't just "Arcane Fate, but Solars have it!" It isn't a very Solar Stealth effect. The second one seems like it's just a weaker, more limited Vanishing from Mind's Eye method.

2009-11-19, 03:19 PM
Could Stone-Shattering Step be used offensively?

2009-11-19, 03:32 PM
I have a few ideas taken from the Black Sabbath song War Pigs. Tell me if they're good ideas.

Generals Gathered In Their Masses, Just Like Witches At Black Masses
For Destroyer caste Infernals of course.

Sorcerers Of Deaths Construction
Augments sorcerery and necromancy. For Day Break and Midnight caste Abyssals only.

Death And Hatred To Mankind
Abyssal caste Moonshadow social charm.

Poisoning Their Brainwashed Minds
Fiend caste Infernal social charm.

2009-11-19, 04:14 PM
Here's another one for you. How about something that makes Lunar charms fury better?

2009-11-19, 04:25 PM
Okay. Specific ideas or Exalt types would be cool.

I edited my original post so its more specific. I hope its in a format that's pleasing to you.

also, I'm trying to solicit ideas for homebrewing an exalted-inspired storytelling system using game. Check it out if you have a minute, I could use some advice.


The Demented One
2009-11-19, 05:45 PM
Could Stone-Shattering Step be used offensively?
What do you mean? It's pretty much, "I run into wall, it breaks." That's it. If you can think of a situation where that could be used offensively, like running through the pillars holding up something important, then yeah.

Okay, because I still need and love investigation charms, how about a few named after film noir films? The Big Heat, Gun Crazy, The Set-Up, Night and the City.
Hmm, I think I'll make some Dragon-Blood type stuff here. Solars already have all they need to be a hard-boiled detective.

Indemnity-Detecting Insights
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Falsehood-Unearthing Attitude

There's no such thing as a perfect crime. There's always a motive, and the motive will always out. This Charm is a dramatic action to contemplate a particular act or event. Though this can be investigating the scene of a crime, it need not be–the Dragon-Blood could use it while pondering the details of a case over a warm flask of whiskey, or as he lies awake in bed. By making a successful (Intelligence + Investigation) roll, the Dragon-Blood learns every single character that he knows whose Motivation the action would have resonated with. He need not know their Motivations, nor does this Charm reveal them–he only learns that they might have had cause to commit the act.

Blossoming Rosebud Realization
Cost: 2m
Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Investigation Excellency

Duplicities and double entendre do nothing to baffle the Dragon-Blooded. The Dragon-Blood may invoke this Charm to understand the meaning of any statement they hear. This allows them to understand coded words or phrases as if they were spoken plainly, see the intended meanings of cryptic riddles or koans, or simply understand the purpose of an engimatic statement. They must make a successful (Intelligence + Investigation) roll at a difficulty of the speaker's Parry MDV, but calculating it using their Manipulation. This Charm cannot be used to translate statements–it unravels ambiguity or deliberate deception, not linguistic barriers.

Laying Bare the Set-Up Meditation
Cost: –
Mins: Investigation 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Revelation of Associates Hunch

The Dragon-Blooded are not easily kept in the dark. No man is an island, no criminal is without his contacts. This Charm permanently enhances the Dragon-Blood's Revelation of Associates Hunch. Whenever they invoke it, they learn the nature of the relationship between the target and each revealed ally, including whether either had an Intimacy for each other, the context of the Intimacy, and any financial, political, or hierarchical relationships between the two.

The Demented One
2009-11-19, 05:47 PM
Here's another one for you. How about something that makes Lunar charms fury better?
You know what makes fury charms better? More Fury effects!

Driving Mantis Shrimp Claw
Cost: –
Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Wings Carry Technique

The strength of the Lunar Exalted flows out from them, a driving force that cannot be denied. This Charm permanently enhances the Lunar's Wind-Wings Carry Technique, allowing it to increase the range of Melee and Martial Arts attacks at the same cost to do so for ranged attacks, rather than twice it. In addition, this Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Wind-Wings Carry Technique. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar doubles the range of all attacks he makes.

Bear Seeks Honey
Cost: –
Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Agitation of the Swarm Technique

No matter how calm a foe is, no matter how sure their tactics or how diligent their planning, they can never hope to be assailed by the savage bestial fury of the Lunar Exalted and hold their own. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Agitation of the Swarm Technique. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar applies its effects to all attacks he makes.

Bellowing Hippo Jaws
Cost: –
Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Prey-Hobbling Bite

Once the wrath of the Moon’s Chosen has been awoken, none can hope to escape them. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Prey-Hobbling Bite. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar applies its effects to all attacks he makes. In addition, the Lunar may choose to invoke Unstoppable Lunar Wound multiple times, stacking the penalties to speed from each with every attack he makes. Each invocation counts separately towards the maximum number of Charms the Lunar may invoke with Relentless Lunar Fury.

Defiant Beast-King Contempt
Cost: –
Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Unstoppable Lunar Wound

None may question the Moon’s Chosen and not endure the contempt of their savage claws. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Unstoppable Lunar Wound. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar may convert a single die of post-soak damage to an automatic level of damage on all attacks he makes. In addition, the Lunar may choose to invoke Unstoppable Lunar Wound multiple times, stacking the automatic levels of damage from each. Each invocation counts separately towards the maximum number of Charms the Lunar may invoke with Relentless Lunar Fury.

Boundless Lunar Brawn
Cost: –
Mins: Strength 4, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Impressions of Strength

The strength of the Lunar Exalted is insuperable. This Charm permanently enhances the Steward’s Impressions of Strength Charm. When using it to apply more than one edge to an attack, they need not pay additional motes for any edges beyond the first. In addition, when the Lunar uses Impressions of Strength with Relentless Lunar Fury, they may apply any number of edges that they know to their attacks for the scene. They must spend 2 motes for each additional edge invoked as a Fury-OK effect. However, Impressions of Strength still only counts as one Charm towards the maximum that can be invoked with Relentless Lunar Fury, regardless of how many edges are applied.

Countless Meerkat Sentries Method
Cost: –
Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wary Swallow Method

The Lunar Exalted cannot be caught unawares, even in the grips of unthinking rage. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Wary Swallow Method. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar may apply his Dodge and Parry DV’s against unexpected attacks. Note that this does not negate the unexpected quality of those attacks.

Leaf on the Wind
Cost: –
Mins: Dexterity 6, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Dancing Method

The Stewards move with the wind, floating and drifting as if little more than thin airs. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Wind-Dancing Method. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar may leap away as a reflexive counterattack in Step 9 of any attack against him, as if he had Wind-Dancing Method normally.

Lone Deer Defies the Wolf Pack
Cost: –
Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ground-Denying Defense

A Lunar Exalt can dance through armies, effortlessly evading countless thousands of blades. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Ground-Denying Defense. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar’s DV cannot be reduced by onslaught penalties or coordinated attack penalties.

Teaching-the-Tortoise Method
Cost: –
Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Instinct-Driven Beast Movement

When the Lunar ranges on the hunt, all things learn the meaning of speed. This Charm permanently enhances the Lunar's Instinct-Driven Beast Movement Charm. While it is invoked, Dashing carries a DV penalty of -0, and the Lunar may Dash reflexively each tick. In addition, this Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Instinct Driven-Beast Movement. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar adds (Stamina) yards to his Move and Dash speeds. In addition, the Lunar may choose to invoke Instinct Driven-Beast Movement multiple times, stacking the speed bonus of each. Each invocation counts separately towards the maximum number of Charms the Lunar may invoke with Relentless Lunar Fury.

Silver Lunar Guardianship Spirit
Cost: –
Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 6
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance

So long as one Lunar stands, Creation shall never fall. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar may perfectly block any attack directed at a character they are protecting with a Defend Other action once per tick. This perfect defense suffers the same Flaw of Invulnerability as the one suffered by the Lunar’s Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance.

Diamond Scarab Carapace
Cost: –
Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hide-Toughening Essence

Some Lunars have wallowed in the gore of their enemies with knives and arrows dangling from their skin, forgetting what it means to die. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Hide-Toughening Essence. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar adds +4B/4L to his natural soak. In addition, the Lunar may choose to invoke Instinct Driven-Beast Movement multiple times, stacking the soak of each. Each invocation counts separately towards the maximum number of Charms the Lunar may invoke with Relentless Lunar Fury.

Coiling Chimera Shaping
Cost: –
Mins: Stamina 7, Essence 7
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Crashing Beast-Storm Face (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Crashing_Beast-Storm_Face) (x2)

There is no limit to the furious power the Lunar Exalted can call upon. This Charm permanently enhances the Lunar’s Relentless Lunar Fury Charm. There is no limit to how many Fury-OK Charms they may invoke along with it. However, if the Lunar does invoke Charms over the amount allowed by Crashing-Beast Storm Face, each one over the limit costs three motes, rather than two, to activate.

Insatiable Demon-Hunting Gluttony
Cost: –
Mins: Perception 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: God-Cutting Essence

The first prey of the Lunar Exalted were the titans themselves, the primordials invincible and unkillable. And they were killed. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to God-Cutting Essence. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar’s attacks may harm immaterial spirits, and deal aggravated damage to them. In addition, the raw damage of any attack he makes against immaterial spirits is doubled.

Firefly-Amid-Darkness Spirit
Cost: –
Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Withdrawal of Assumptions

Where the Lunar Exalted walk, Creation knows its saviors. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Withdrawal of Assumptions. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar’s attacks gain the Holy keyword, dealing aggravated damage to all creatures of darkness.

Mother-Feeds-Eaglets Method
Cost: –
Mins: Wits 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Eagle Method

When the mother eagle fears for her chicks, there is no fury she will not unleash. The Lunar Exalted have much more to fear from Creation’s foes, and much more fury to unleash. This Charm grants the Fury-OK keyword to Hungry Eagle Method. When it is used with Relentless Lunar Fury, the Lunar may make a Melee or Martial Arts counterattack in Step 9 of any attack against him, as if he had used Hungry Eagle Method normally.

2009-11-19, 06:01 PM
It has been tweaked. And note that against Abyssals, it doesn't bypass any of their perfect defenses.

I didn't think that DDT would always be applicable. Same goes for HGD (if we're counting Deathlords and UHF).

I don't think it can be read as dusting abyssals in a few ticks for a tiny number of motes any more, although I might have misread the original version.

The Demented One
2009-11-19, 06:05 PM
I didn't think that DDT would always be applicable. Same goes for HGD (if we're counting Deathlords and UHF).
Yes, it would. Here's the criteria for HGD/DDT:

• Is it an attack? (And not, for instance, a social attack, a shaping effect, or whatnot).

• Am I aware of it? (That is, it can't be unexpected).

If the answer to both of those is yes, you can block it. It doesn't matter if it's a wave of flames, the Imperial Mountain being dropped on you, or Sol Invictus nutshotting you. You block.

2009-11-19, 08:34 PM
This (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Answers01#Perfect_Defenses_and_Att acks) bit of errata is an immense help when trying to figure out when perfect defenses should be applicable.

Now, for something as weird as parrying sunlight, I'd probably ask the player what it looks like—in other words, I'd require a stunt for it to work. But it's not like that's a horribly onerous requirement.

The Demented One
2009-11-19, 08:35 PM
Infernal Charms: An occult power inspired by HP Lovecraft? You could make one out of "We live on a placid island of ignorance"and another one "in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. " Perhaps, though, that is an example that is too poetic. how about "The Rats in the Walls" Or "The Shadow Out of Time?"

Black Seas of Infinity
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: None
Prerequisite Charms: Ultimate Darkness Internalization

The Ebon Dragon has spoken with the unliving crypt-selves of the Neverborn, and he has learned much of their secrets. This Charm allows the Infernal to purchase dots of Whispers at a cost of 3 XP each while he has Ultimate Darkness Internalization active. However, he loses access to the Whispers if he ends the Charm, only regaining them when he next invokes it. In addition, while Ultimate Darkness Internalization is invoked, the Infernal may trigger a resonance eruption in the same way that an Abyssal can, using his Limit in place of Resonance.

Terrestrial Charms. They aren't super-powered, but they are subtle, effective, and long lasting. Which is what you need when you're on the run.

Evidence-Shadowing Sleight
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Trackless Walk Style

Cautious and discrete Dragon-Bloods sometimes use this Charm to vouchsafe their own privacy. More often, it is merely use to conceal crimes and espionage. As long as this Charm is active, the Dragon-Blood becomes nondescript, an utter blur in the mind of anyone who thinks about her. The difficulty of any Investigation or Lore rolls to gather information about her are increased by (Essence/2). This obfuscation does not impede the efforts of Celestial Exalts, nor characters with a higher Essence than the Dragon-Blood's own.

Identity-Denying Gesture
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Trackless Passage Style

Sometimes, it is inconvenient to be remembered. With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can prevent a person from recognizing them, imposing an absolute mental block on them. The Dragon-Blood rolls (Manipulation + Stealth), at a difficulty of their target's Dodge MDV. If they succeed, the target loses the ability to recognize them as who they are. Though they retain all memories of the Dragon-Blood, they do not associate them with her, even if reminded of them. This unnatural mental influence can be resisted at a cost of two points of Willpower. Characters with an Intimacy for the character may instead resist by spending a single point of Willpower to channel Compassion (if a positive Intimacy) or Conviction (if a negative Intimacy).

The Demented One
2009-11-19, 08:36 PM
I have a few ideas taken from the Black Sabbath song War Pigs. Tell me if they're good ideas.

Generals Gathered In Their Masses, Just Like Witches At Black Masses
For Destroyer caste Infernals of course.

Sorcerers Of Deaths Construction
Augments sorcerery and necromancy. For Day Break and Midnight caste Abyssals only.

Death And Hatred To Mankind
Abyssal caste Moonshadow social charm.

Poisoning Their Brainwashed Minds
Fiend caste Infernal social charm.
Hmm, not giving me much in the way of inspiration. 'fraid I'm not too big a fan of metal.

2009-11-19, 08:58 PM
Hmm, not giving me much in the way of inspiration. 'fraid I'm not too big a fan of metal.

Oh, maybe Krimm might be interested.

2009-11-20, 04:57 AM
Oh, maybe Krimm might be interested.

Once I get a grasp of the system, maybe.

The Demented One
2009-11-20, 01:32 PM
Flawless Essence Reprocessing Technology!

Probably a Solar Lore or Occult Charm, or an Autochthon Charm (or possibly an Alchemical upgrade).

Flawless Essence Reprocessing Technology
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Lore 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wyld-Shaping Technique

Having mastered the art of shaping essence into being, dissolving being into nothingness becomes just as easy. The Lawgiver may use this Charm to unshape anything created with the Wyld-Shaping Technique Charm or similar Charms, causing it to become nothing more than Wyld energies. Doing so allows him to absorb the essence used to shape it–the next time he uses Wyld-Shaping Technique, he gains automatic successes equal to those needed to create whatever he dissolved. The Lawgiver cannot stack multiple sources of successes by unshaping multiple things. While the Solar can unshape only part of a thing–only a small piece of land shaped from chaos, or only one person out of a group of extras–he gains no bonus successes unless he unshapes the totality of a thing. If the Solar attempts to unshape something created by another character, he must successfully make an (Intelligence + Lore) check at a difficulty of their Essence. This Charm cannot unshape real things, such as those created with Wyld Cauldron Technology.

2009-11-21, 08:43 AM
A Lunar charm to allow them to eat or drink anything might be interesting.

The Demented One
2009-11-21, 10:06 AM
A Lunar charm to allow them to eat or drink anything might be interesting.
They've got one, Moonsilver Stomach Conversion.

2009-11-21, 10:11 AM
They've got one, Moonsilver Stomach Conversion.

Whoops. Right after Fertile Breath Inversion as well.

Did you have any ideas for the dragon king orientated martial art?

The Demented One
2009-11-21, 10:27 AM
Whoops. Right after Fertile Breath Inversion as well.

Did you have any ideas for the dragon king orientated martial art?
I actually have one that combines that idea with the earlier caveman martial art idea. Savage Ape style, developed by the Dragon Kings in imitation of savage, uncivilized humans. Still gotta figure out what it does.

2009-11-21, 10:43 AM
I actually have one that combines that idea with the earlier caveman martial art idea. Savage Ape style, developed by the Dragon Kings in imitation of savage, uncivilized humans. Still gotta figure out what it does.

That sounds quite interesting.

I actually imagined something that might have been created nearer to the Primordial War, possibly by Sidereals.

2009-11-21, 11:40 AM
Here are some new ideas, althiugh I ´m starting to feel a little bad about gvinig you more work
Sagacious Hero-comparising Argument yeah exactly,:smallwink: How about i try making up bare-bones mechanics too? feel like to modify them as you like.
But here goes..
For an expediture of Wiilpower you can make a contested roll of (Wits + Performance) against (Charisma+lore) and the winner gets (surplus successses on contested roll) as bonus successes on current social attack.

and I ve tought of a a Rakshasa charm too Insidious Lotus Feeds the Heart which basically is this trope (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LotusEaterMachine), that you can trigger after observing the target for, say, a week I think it would work well as a work of gossamer so (Essence+ Integrity) against Performance to resist.
Maybe it can let you drain gossamer from the trapped chracter or even let you use a Training effect on him.
And got an idea for a follow- up on this Sea of Dreams Unravels the Soul that allows you to utterly oblitterate a Creation-born Extra and remake him into a Rakshsa a or a gossamer creature. I must admit I have no idea how this is supposed to work, though:smallconfused:

The Demented One
2009-11-21, 12:14 PM
Sagacious Hero-comparising Argument yeah exactly,:smallwink: How about i try making up bare-bones mechanics too? feel like to modify them as you like.
But here goes..
For an expediture of Wiilpower you can make a contested roll of (Wits + Performance) against (Charisma+lore) and the winner gets (surplus successses on contested roll) as bonus successes on current social attack.
That's...conceptually confusing, and not really how social charms work. There is an astrological charm that makes you better at combat with folk who aren't as smart as you, Well-Schooled Pedant Defense.

and I ve tought of a a Rakshasa charm too Insidious Lotus Feeds the Heart which basically is this trope (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LotusEaterMachine), that you can trigger after observing the target for, say, a week I think it would work well as a work of gossamer so (Essence+ Integrity) against Performance to resist.
Maybe it can let you drain gossamer from the trapped chracter or even let you use a Training effect on him.
That's just one of the many things raksha can already do with Undetectable Lie.

And got an idea for a follow- up on this Sea of Dreams Unravels the Soul that allows you to utterly oblitterate a Creation-born Extra and remake him into a Rakshsa a or a gossamer creature. I must admit I have no idea how this is supposed to work, though:smallconfused:
Behemoth-Forging Meditation basically does this, although as monsters instead of raksha.

2009-11-22, 12:25 AM
Lunar, originally created by Argent Florence and her cadre of moonsilver magitech servitors:

Shimmering Mirror Entrancement - Manipulation, proto-Sorcery, makes an area take on some properties of the Wyld?
Fading Glamour Practice - Perception, proto-Sorcery, anti-Raksha countermagic
Rabbit-Lion Spirit Ascention - Charisma. I have no specific ideas.
Lamb and Knife Paradox - Appearance, maybe it makes it hard for observers to tell who is attacking whom?

And the tree she'll invent when she allies with and eventually redeems her Abyssal mate:

Dark-Heartbeat Detection
Descending the Shadowed Stairs
Kindling in the Darkness

And let's not forget those horrible charms created by the monstrous Babbling Princess (first Akuma of Zamechatnerya)

Tragic Romance Magnetism
Desiring Love and Revenge
Incessant Onomotopea Pronunciation
Beautiful Freak Shintai
Envenomed Adoration
Endless Amorous Pursuit
Beloved-Claiming Clamor
Unreadable Intention Assumption (aka, the Impenetrable Poker Face)
Rough Love Ruination

The Demented One
2009-11-22, 01:26 AM
Shimmering Mirror Entrancement - Manipulation, proto-Sorcery, makes an area take on some properties of the Wyld?
Fading Glamour Practice - Perception, proto-Sorcery, anti-Raksha countermagic
Rabbit-Lion Spirit Ascention - Charisma. I have no specific ideas.
Lamb and Knife Paradox - Appearance, maybe it makes it hard for observers to tell who is attacking whom?
I see what you did there.

Currently making sure drunk girl who thinks I'm her husband doesn't end up choking to death on vomit as she sleeps. Will homebrew tomorrow.

The Rose Dragon
2009-11-23, 04:00 PM
Black Widow's Legs Stance, an Abyssal-only expansion to Dark Messiah that is an extra action charm with a twist. What the twist is will be for you to decide.

The Demented One
2009-11-23, 04:49 PM
Lunar, originally created by Argent Florence and her cadre of moonsilver magitech servitors:

Shimmering Mirror Entrancement
Cost: 1m (+10m)
Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 4
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Counting the Elephant’s Wrinkles

The Stewards become what they must to defend their Creation. There is no monster they cannot become just as monstrous to fight, ever shining with silver light. The Lunar may invoke this Charm in response to another character activating a Charm or spell within (Essence x 5) yards of him. With a successful (Intelligence + Occult) roll at a difficulty of the minimum Essence of the Charm (or for spells, the minimum Essence required to learn the appropriate Sorcery Charm), the Lunar recognizes the Charm activation or spell as if it were Obvious, and knows the effects of the Charm or spell. If it is a Charm that the Lunar is capable of learning and using normally, or a spell that he has the appropriate Sorcery Charm to cast, he may commit ten motes for the duration of the scene to copy it. He need not meet the prerequisites of a Charm, although he must meet all Ability, Attribute, or Essence minimums. Although the Lunar’s knowledge of the magic fades at the end of the scene, he retains traces of knowledge–he needs no tutor to learn the Charm or spell, and divides the training time required by his Intelligence.

All Glamour Fades
Cost: 10m
Mins: Perception 4+, Essence 2+
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Resisting the Lure of Madness

Faced with the authority of Luna’s Chosen, even the Wyld must accede to their order. How quickly its glamour fades. With a successful (Perception + Occult) roll, the Lunar may unweave all works of glamour within (Essence x 10) yards of himself, so long as the successes he rolled exceeds the appropriate Shaping trait of the raksha who created the glamour. Even permanent works of glamour can be unwoven, with a difficulty of the (Essence x 2) of the raksha who created it. However, each work of permanent glamour undone requires the Lunar to spend an additional 5 motes.

Who Is The Lamb, Who Is The Knife?
Cost: 5m
Mins: Appearance 4, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: New Friend Aroma

To cut down the defends of Creation is a monstrous thing, and those who do so know themselves as monsters. Activating this Charm, the Lunar may exert unnatural mental influence as a counterattack. He rolls (Charisma + Presence) against his attacker’s MDV. If the Lunar succeeds, his attacker develops a supernatural Intimacy of love for the Lunar, a love that he cannot bear to fight against. If he attacks the Lunar, he uses the lower of his Dodge MDV’s value or the success of his attack roll to determine if he hits the Lunar’s DV’s, although he may spend a point of Willpower to negate this for one action. An enemy who spends (Essence) Willpower is freed of this Emotion effect, although they retain the Intimacy. If the character already has a positive Intimacy for the Lunar, then they cannot attack him at all without spending a point of Willpower, and still use the lower of their Dodge MDV or their rolled success to determine if they hit. They too must spend (Essence) Willpower to overcome this influence.

Rabbit-Lion Spirit Ascension
Prerequisites: Changing Plumage Mastery, Essence 4, Appearance 4

Even a rabbit-hearted Lunar can become a lion when Creation needs her. Whenever the Lunar shapeshifts into his human or animal true shapes, or into any shape from her Heart’s Blood library, he may spend 5 additional motes. Doing so, she may take on the appearance and size of one shape, but using the statistics of another. For example, she might take on the shape of a rabbit, but with the statistics of a tyrant lizard. Although she uses the statistics of one shape, they are adapted to that of the shape whose appearance she takes on–for example, if using an octopus’s tentacle attacks while in the shape of a dog, she would use her claws, not suddenly grow tentacles. If the Lunar uses this Charm alongside one that alters the appearance and statistics of a shape, such as Emperor Ox Expansion, it alters the appearance and size of the form she seems to be, and the statistics of the form she actually uses.

And the tree she'll invent when she allies with and eventually redeems her Abyssal mate:

Dark Hearts Symphony
Cost: –
Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Sacred Guardian Renewal

The Neverborn were able to twist and mutilate the essence of the Solar Exaltations they stole, twisting them into the Abyssal Exalted–but they could not maim the love of a Lunar for her mate. Even as the Deathknights arise to Creation, there are Lunars who once again feel a love beyond love stirring in their hearts, a love for a thing now tainted and tormented. To love such a thing is to become it. In order to learn this Charm, the Lunar must have one of the Abyssal Exalted as a mate. They gain a Whispers rating equal to that of their mate, and increase their Solar Bond dice pool by an amount equal to their mate’s Whispers. Finally, in any scene in which the Lunar interacts with their mate in such a way as to build or strengthen an Intimacy–regardless of that Intimacy’s emotional context–they may spend a point of temporary Willpower to grant their mate an additional dot of Whispers as a training effect, tearing their heart open with love or hatred that they might better hear the Neverborn, as if to drown out their own emotions. They may not do so more than once a week.

Descending the Shadowed Stairway
Cost: –
Mins: Charisma 3, Whispers 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (3)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Hearts Symphony

A Lunar can become a thing just as dark, just as terrible as the dark things they love. As long as the Lunar is in the presence of her Abyssal Mate, she may respire essence within the Underworld, as if she were a creature of death. In addition, she may use Lunar Charms with the Wyld keyword while in the Underworld and in places of death. If relevant, she treats shadowlands as Bordermarches, the Underworld as a Middlemarch, the Labyrinth as the Deep Wyld, and the tomb-bodies of the Neverborn as Pure Chaos. Finally, for as long as the Lunar is in the presence of her Abyssal mate, she is considered a creature of darkness–the Unconquered Sun cannot abide to see one of the Exalted laid low by such unholy love.

Silver Bride Mercy
Cost: –
Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keyword: Holy
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Sacred Guardian Renewal

No matter how far the Abyssal Exalted have fallen, they will always know the love of their still-faithful Lunar mates. Not even they are beyond redemption, not even they are undeserving of love in Luna’s eyes. In order to learn this Charm, the Lunar must have one of the Abyssal Exalted as a mate. The Lunar may choose to take the wrath of the Neverborn for her love upon herself. By reflexively spending a point of Willpower in the presence of her Abyssal mate, she may roll (Solar Bond), with each success removing a point of Resonance from her mate. However, the Lunar suffers a necrotic backlash as death-essence courses through her, undergoing a resonance eruption in the form of stigmata, based on the number of Resonance points she removed. As long as she rolled any successes, her Solar Bond dice pool is fully restored, and grants the Lunar a point of Willpower for each success rolled, although this cannot increase her temporary Willpower above her Permanent Willpower.

Love Endures
Cost: –
Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keyword: Holy
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Silver Bride Mercy

The love a Lunar knows for her Solar mate is greater than any wickedness he could bring. It is greater than the evil of the Neverborn. It is great enough to encompass the infinitudes of the Primordials. It is triumphant. The Lunar Exalted love beyond death, and because Exaltation is the one eternal thing, they alone can love forever. Even if Oblivion wins. And that is glorious. As long as the Lunar is in the presence of her Abyssal Mate, he may respire essence in Creation as if he were not a creature of death. In addition, whenever her mate activates a Charm with the Spectral keyword in Creation while in her presence, the Lunar may choose to spend a single die from her Solar Bond pool to waive the Willpower surcharge. Finally, for as long as the Lunar is in the presence of her Abyssal mate, he is not considered a creature of darkness–even the Unconquered Sun can be reminded of the hope of redemption.

The Demented One
2009-11-23, 08:01 PM
Black Widow's Legs Stance, an Abyssal-only expansion to Dark Messiah that is an extra action charm with a twist. What the twist is will be for you to decide.

Black Widow's Legs Stance
Cost: 6m
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form

Death comes without honor or humanity, conquering and claiming all without anything of pity or mercy. It is with such callous, unfeeling cruelty that the Deathknight may enter the Black Widow's Legs Stance, lashing out with all of his body to crush a foe. This Charm allows the Abyssal to make a flurry of unarmed Martial Arts attacks. He may attack once with each of his hands, using either a punch, or a form weapon held in that hand, and once with each foot, again using either a kick or a suitable weapon. If the Abyssal is wielding a two-handed weapon, he may make only a single attack with it. These attacks are made regardless of any of the weapons' rate, without multiple action penalties, and with a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any one attack.

A second purchase at Essence 4 allows the Abyssal to inflict even more agonizing pain. By spending an additional point of Willpower, he may make two attacks with each limb. If he is wielding a two-handed form weapon, he may instead make two attacks with it.

2009-11-24, 10:53 AM
An Abyssal Charm to boost Resplendent Shadow Blade would be awesome.

The Tygre
2009-11-24, 08:15 PM
I've had a few ideas kicking around in my head for a while now. Namely, Evangelion-charms. Now let me finish. If you've ever watched Rebuild, you'll understand how simply BADASS it is. It's got more in common with Gurren Lagan than it's source material. It's like somebody transfused the crazy and angst with awesome and heartwarming, with just hints of the usual Eva horrifying and weird. That said, before I cut into the fat, juicy turkey that is rebuild, I'm going to through the morbid, mangy crow of the first series:

Unerring Gaze of Madness - Lunar - You gonna' get blanky stared at. (Ask a Rei person.)
Lance of Psychic Desolation - Raksha or Infernal - "It's raping my mind!"
Ascension of the Humble Prince - Solar - "I... -hate- myself. But I can -like- myself too!"
Assuring Mantra of the Timid - Solar - "Imustn'trunawayImustn'trunawayImustn'trunaway..."
Lay Low the Anathema - Terrestrial - "Baka! Hentai! You're pathetic!"

I understand Eva might not be your cup of tea, and I respect that. But try to watch Rebuild if you can.

Robert Frost
2009-11-25, 03:04 AM
He Who Walks Behind

None are able to flee or hide from the inevitable onslaught of the Abyss. This charm allows the user to literally become another persons shadow.

How would that work.

2009-11-25, 03:19 AM
He Who Walks Behind

None are able to flee or hide from the inevitable onslaught of the Abyss. This charm allows the user to literally become another persons shadow.

I'd like to see this as a fairly high-level charm. It has obvious combat utility, but also serves a few stealth-and-spying related purposes, so I think you can winch it up there. See how creepy you can make it too: think about it, the Abyssal become their shadow. Of such stuff horror movies are made.

Robert Frost
2009-11-25, 03:32 AM
Also it's a reference, check it out on Urban Dictionary if you don't get it - if you do, good job!

2009-11-25, 07:24 AM
Neverborn Incarnation
Abyssal charm that lets you act as if you're channeling Resonance. Like say, for when you'd want to. Walk into an imperial city, spill out a fake Resonance 5 and suddenly everyone in town is close to death/miscarrying/losing farm animals/pets etc... Maybe something that lets you ignore certain penalties when it comes to such an action.

Another idea that's less of a charm idea, more of a necromantic spell idea. One that has you plant a seed that turns into a black, leafless tree that bleeds when you bite into it and lets you regain essence as if actually devouring someone.

The Demented One
2009-11-25, 01:34 PM
An Abyssal Charm to boost Resplendent Shadow Blade would be awesome.
Take a look at Hatred to the Quick, from Hundredfold Facets. Exactly what you want.

2009-11-25, 01:37 PM
Take a look at Hatred to the Quick, from Hundredfold Facets. Exactly what you want.

Finally a reason to see what all the fuss is about. Thanks.

The Demented One
2009-11-25, 02:10 PM
Unerring Gaze of Madness - Lunar - You gonna' get blanky stared at. (Ask a Rei person.)
Changed the name of this to fit the concept I had better.

Blank-Eyed Doe Visage
Cost: 8m
Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: One of the Herd

Swallowing down every trace of passion and emotion, the Lunar seems calm as clear water, off-puttingly serene. All who look upon her eerie emotionlessness feel an overwhelming urge to avoid her, to leave her alone. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on all characters who can see the Lunar, compelling them to leave her presence. Characters that have already engaged the Lunar in combat or social combat are immune to this, while others may resist at a cost of one point of Willpower. In addition, empathizing with the Lunar enough to meaningfully interact with her becomes all but impossible–anyone attempting to make a social attack against the Lunar must succeed on a Compassion roll to do so for an action. This is unnatural mental influence, and may be resisted for three points of temporary Willpower.

Lance of Psychic Desolation - Raksha or Infernal - "It's raping my mind!"

Lance of Psychic Desolation
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mind-Hand Manipulation (x2)

She Who Lives In Her Name is intimately familiar with the madness of Creation, the madness that drove gods and exalts to rise up against their betters. It is a sickness, and it is within her power to cure it. Whenever the Infernal could inflict a Crippling amputation on a victim, they may choose to instead inflict a derangement on them at the level of a debility, shattering their mind through unbearable agony. At Essence 5, they may instead inflict them at the level of deformity. The Infernal's victims may resist the unnatural mental influence of their derangement for one scene by spending a point of temporary Willpower. Once they have done so (Essence x 2) times, they are freed of their derangement.

Ascension of the Humble Prince - Solar - "I... -hate- myself. But I can -like- myself too!"
Assuring Mantra of the Timid - Solar - "Imustn'trunawayImustn'trunawayImustn'trunaway..."
Did these both in one Charm:

Ascension of the Humble Prince
Cost: 5m
Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None

Even the humblest Lawgiver can draw on the righteous zeal of the Unconquered Sun, even the most frightful and cowardly of the chosen can become as a lion. Invoking this Charm, the Solar raises one of his Virtues to 5 for the duration of the scene. However, its opposite Virtue is also lowered to 1 (or, if it is the Solar's primary Virtue, to a minimum of 3). If the Virtue is already rated at 5, he instead adds (Essence) to the dice he receives from channeling the chosen Virtue.

Lay Low the Anathema - Terrestrial - "Baka! Hentai! You're pathetic!"

Lay Low the Anathema
Cost: 6m
Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Moth to the Candle

The Princes of the Earth speak with such self-assured righteousness that the Anathema of this world must pay them heed. This Charm enhances any Presence-based social attack against anathema (a category which encompasses all Celestial Exalted as well as all creatures of darkness). The social attack is treated as unnatural mental influence costing one point of Willpower to resist, and it is undodgeable.

The Tygre
2009-11-25, 02:39 PM
Is there any proper way I can say 'Incredibly Awesome'? Are there any meaningful praises I can heap upon you that have already not been done so before? You're like the Tesla of Exalted, you know that? You're the kind of crazy awesome that this world just isn't ready for. There needs to be a memorial to your awesome.

The Demented One
2009-11-25, 02:56 PM
Is there any proper way I can say 'Incredibly Awesome'? Are there any meaningful praises I can heap upon you that have already not been done so before? You're like the Tesla of Exalted, you know that? You're the kind of crazy awesome that this world just isn't ready for. There needs to be a memorial to your awesome.
Hah, thanks. Just find an excuse to use them.

2009-11-25, 05:31 PM
Oh here are a few more for a certain Carnifex we all know and love.

Black Steel Infusion Brand
Craft charm that lets you give certain bonuses to non-Soulsteel metals if forged with a Soulsteel hammer(or fist...?). Lesser benefits for non-artifact metals, and things like gaining the mote-sapping and a lessened attunement cost for an Abyssal to wield for example, Moonsilver.

Blood-Soaked Essence Draw
Maybe melee charm that lets you reduce the mote cost of certain charms so long as you've killed someone in the last scene. Small reduction, but multiple death stack(maybe not the deaths of extras, and definitely not creatures of death).

Agony-Tempered Flesh
Craft charm that creates stronger necrotech if the subjects that are being used to create it were alive when you started, and ceased to be until only shortly after it's completion. The higher essence of the subject the better.

Edit: Also because I'm worried for the life of Lotus, maybe some Solar charms that deal with economics. Maybe something Echo could benefit from.

The Demented One
2009-11-25, 06:39 PM
Edit: Also because I'm worried for the life of Lotus, maybe some Solar charms that deal with economics. Maybe something Echo could benefit from.
Normal people don't make economics-related superpowers in airports. Screw normal people.

All-Desirable Treasure of Heaven
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Illusion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Frugal Merchant Method, Insightful Buyer Technique

It is left to the Sun's Chosen to dictate what is treasure, and what is dross. With a successful (Manipulation + Bureaucracy) roll, the Solar can make any object he touches appear to be a treasure of price beyond imagining. Any character who witnesses the object and has a Dodge MDV less than the Solar's rolled successes immediately gains a magical Intimacy of desire for that object, and would be willing to purchase it as if it had a Resources value of half the number of rolled successes, to a maximum of 5, if convinced to buy it. If the Solar actually uses this Charm to make high-priced sales at a given Resources value, he only receives enough Resources to make a single purchase of that value, not sufficient to permanently raise his Resources background to that value.This Charm has a incidental effect of concealing artifacts, allowing the Solar to disguise any artifact as a mundane but opulent treasure, if his rolled successes are sufficient to generate a Resources value of the artifact's rating plus two. However, this illusion only persuades those with the supernatural Intimacy from this Charm. This unnatural mental influence can be resisted by spending two points of Willpower. The Intimacy from this Charm can be eroded normally, but a character must spend a point of Willpower in each scene he attempts to do so.

Nation-Shaping Economic Policy Administration
Cost: 20m, 1wp
Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Market-Commanding Proclamation (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Market-Commanding_Proclamation)

A Lawgiver can destroy economies or deal out prosperity on a whim, creating abundance or depression as he wills. Nation-Shaping Economic Policy Administration is an extended dramatic action, as the Solar shapes economies to his will. The Solar rolls (Intelligence + Bureaucracy), with an interval of one day. The difficulty of the roll depends on the scope of the economy the Solar attempts to meddle with: 1 for a collection of villages or a city, anything with a population of less than ten thousand people; 3 for a principality or prefecture, or a collection of small cities, with a population of up to one hundred thousand; 5 for a kingdom, dominion, or an extremely large city, up to a population of up to a million; and 10 for an entire direction of Creation, affecting up to one hundred million people. If a Solar were attempt to alter the economy of all Creation (and this was not a feat untried in the First Age), the roll would be made with a difficulty of 25. In addition, it is almost impossible to use this Charm without sufficient infrastructure. The Solar takes an internal penalty equal to (9 - Magnitude of group led) when using this Charm. A Solar must either lead a group that could feasibly operate economically on the scale the Solar is attempting to affect, or have sufficient Backing to mobilize the group over that scale.

The Solar can choose to affect the fortunes of various political, social, or economic classes of people, granting each individual Resources dots up to a maximum of 5, or decreasing their individual Resources to a minimum of 0. When interacting with backgrounds such as Salary or Wealth that also grant effective Resources, this Charm treats every dot of background as being equivalent to two dots of Resources. However, this Charm cannot grant dots of either background to those who do not already possess it. In order to affect a class of people, he must spend successes equal to twice the Magnitude of the social unit that would be made up by all members of that class, plus an additional five successes for each dot of Resources he wishes to grant or remove. A Solar can affect a maximum of (Essence) distinct classes with a single use of this Charm. Heroic characters may resist this Charm if they have an (Intelligence + Bureaucracy) that exceeds the Solar's, negating one dot of Resouces added or removed for each die their pool exceeds the Solar's by. They may use Excellencies, if they have them, to increase this pool. While use of this Charm is rarely without greater economic consequences, they are left to the Storyteller to adjudicate. Such decisions should follow the general intent of the Solar's player.

2009-11-25, 07:26 PM
Just a single idea:

Golden God Hand - Something kind of like the Infernal Monster Charm One Hand Fury, except for Solar Hero Style. Except (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GodHand)... well. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAga2AjfZlg)

The Demented One
2009-11-26, 01:42 PM
He Who Walks Behind

None are able to flee or hide from the inevitable onslaught of the Abyss. This charm allows the user to literally become another persons shadow.

How would that work.
I'm honestly coming up blank on this. Nothing I could think of that wouldn't just be a less cool Atrocity Without Witness.

Neverborn Incarnation
Abyssal charm that lets you act as if you're channeling Resonance. Like say, for when you'd want to. Walk into an imperial city, spill out a fake Resonance 5 and suddenly everyone in town is close to death/miscarrying/losing farm animals/pets etc... Maybe something that lets you ignore certain penalties when it comes to such an action.
That would be silly broken.

Another idea that's less of a charm idea, more of a necromantic spell idea. One that has you plant a seed that turns into a black, leafless tree that bleeds when you bite into it and lets you regain essence as if actually devouring someone.
I don't really do much in the way of spells, but here goes:

Bloody Feast of the Black Grove
Shadowlands Circle Necromancy
Cost: 15m
Target: One corpse

Burying a corpse still warm with life, the necromancer pours out a libation of sanguine essence. Over the next five nights, a bone-white tree arises from the buried corpse, a tree whose leaves are withered black and sere, and that bears grotesque, meaty fruit. The tree bears a harvest of bloody gobbets, one for every Health Level the victim had, including his Dying levels. Any creature of death that eats one of the carnal fruit regains one mote. Fruit plucked from the tree wither and rot after a scene, and the tree itself deliquesces into a meaty ooze after five nights, as measured on the Calendar of Setesh.

Black Steel Infusion Brand
Craft charm that lets you give certain bonuses to non-Soulsteel metals if forged with a Soulsteel hammer(or fist...?). Lesser benefits for non-artifact metals, and things like gaining the mote-sapping and a lessened attunement cost for an Abyssal to wield for example, Moonsilver.
Honestly, there's a one-dot artifact that already does this. I've been kicking around a Solar version, and it just ends up coming out lame.

Blood-Soaked Essence Draw
Maybe melee charm that lets you reduce the mote cost of certain charms so long as you've killed someone in the last scene. Small reduction, but multiple death stack(maybe not the deaths of extras, and definitely not creatures of death).

Agony-Tempered Flesh
Craft charm that creates stronger necrotech if the subjects that are being used to create it were alive when you started, and ceased to be until only shortly after it's completion. The higher essence of the subject the better.

Agony-Tempered Flesh
Cost: 10m, 2wp
Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Bone Graft Technique

A master of necrosurgery can capture a moment of agony in unliving flesh, crystallize the pain of death within the corpses he leaves behind. This Charm enhances an action to create a work of necrotech, granting the resulting creation a single additional creation point for each of its coil ranks. However, the Abyssal must work with "raw materials" that he killed himself–every corpse or carcass used in the assembly must have been slaughtered at the Abyssal's hand. This Charm is specifically permitted to enhance rolls based on other Abilities.

Just a single idea:

Golden God Hand - Something kind of like the Infernal Monster Charm One Hand Fury, except for Solar Hero Style. Except... well.
I wouldn't want to step on One Hand's dramatic niche.

2009-11-26, 03:30 PM
I had this crazy idea one time.. What about some charms based off classical literature? :smalltongue:
What about Galley crushes hideous fiends as terrestrial Sail charm at like Essence 3 {is Lovecraft a classic writer actually? At least his works are a classic amonst geeks I'd say] And another lovecraft one Feverish visions of cyclopean cities an Lore Charm at ess 4 that allws you to consacrate an obelisk or a similar featur and send out visions that compel mortals to worship you there, givig you anb army of lackeys etc. I somehow think that allowing it to spread Compulsively Misplaced Soul Sickness (from the wiki) would be rally cool
And an upgrade to that horific libations to the sleeping ones Mass (preferaby)human sacrifice for some unholy boosts and next up is Grim soul-binding oaththat bind mortals orexalts with less Essence than you with a geas of fealty to you and the Sacred site, (the option to bind exalts should cost a ton of XP, probably)
Also Sinister Grimoire Pennmanship Method Lets you write a book of dark magic that lets mortals who read it summon demons or some other dark stuff, but with a some sort of ironic Faustian twist. Infernal Lore for Ess 6
and Tales of the Dark angel you write a book which randomly binds itself to a mortal an when the condition are met it tranforms the is to magnicent and terrifying angel of fury with four black wings. Knights of Malfean Skies follow up to the last one. Transforms a couple of mortals into demonic knights who serve the Dark knight and can be resurrected if they fall. (Horray for Magical girl lyrical Nanoha references!)
Plese play this one for some serious angst , because having somebody bound to serve his mortal enemy through unending ages by the wiil of the Yozis is just cool. Just like you are, The Demented One.
More ideas will come tommorow.
ScIaDrD out.

The Demented One
2009-11-26, 10:38 PM
What about Galley crushes hideous fiends as terrestrial Sail charm at like Essence 3
This should really be a martial art that uses boats as a form weapon. I'll stick that on the back-burner.

And another lovecraft one Feverish visions of cyclopean cities an Lore Charm at ess 4 that allws you to consacrate an obelisk or a similar featur and send out visions that compel mortals to worship you there, givig you anb army of lackeys etc. I somehow think that allowing it to spread Compulsively Misplaced Soul Sickness (from the wiki) would be rally cool
And an upgrade to that horific libations to the sleeping ones Mass (preferaby)human sacrifice for some unholy boosts
Cecelyne's Infernals already have a lot of charms for doing this kind of stuff.

and next up is Grim soul-binding oaththat bind mortals orexalts with less Essence than you with a geas of fealty to you and the Sacred site, (the option to bind exalts should cost a ton of XP, probably)
Between Fiend oaths and Cecelyne's wishes, there are already plenty of effects like this.

Also Sinister Grimoire Pennmanship Method Lets you write a book of dark magic that lets mortals who read it summon demons or some other dark stuff, but with a some sort of ironic Faustian twist. Infernal Lore for Ess 6
and Tales of the Dark angel you write a book which randomly binds itself to a mortal an when the condition are met it tranforms the is to magnicent and terrifying angel of fury with four black wings. Knights of Malfean Skies follow up to the last one. Transforms a couple of mortals into demonic knights who serve the Dark knight and can be resurrected if they fall. (Horray for Magical girl lyrical Nanoha references!)
This would sort of overlap with the role of the Broken-Winged Crane.

2009-11-27, 04:44 PM
Here I am with more stuff Sorry in advance if I am am bit incomprehensible, my brain is fried alredy.
But to continue with the classical literature theme, I present some ideas for infernal War is Peace, as a Bureaucracy charm for Fiend , Freedom is Slavery as manipulation Delfiers and finally Ignorace is Bliss as Infernal Manipualiton. All of theese shuld be like ess 5 Then comes [B]Exhortation of Mindless hate as ess 4 Presence for Celecyne-folksThen Fateful maiden violated by corrupting darkness Manipulaton ess 4 Her ever watchful Eyes as ess 4 SWLIHN Investigation. Another deflier, (or Ebon Dragon I´m not sure which) one is Eess 5 Linguistics Conflicting Paradoxes comforting diochotomy, Inpure tought is the root of all sin and Truncated Language Perfection both ess 5 Deflier Linguistics.
The place Where there is no darkness Ess 4 Performance
Maiden Beautiiful in Her Corruption ess 5 Socialise
The Song That Outlasts Kingdoms and performance for the
Ebon dragon Innocuos Scholar facade es 3 Stealth
Shatterd sancity of Coral and Glass ees 5 For the Ebon Dragon and finally How many fingers are there inquiry ess 5 Manipulation for SWLIHN
Feel frree to tweak thse as you see fit.
More coming up f I leel like it.

The Demented One
2009-11-27, 08:36 PM
Here I am with more stuff Sorry in advance if I am am bit incomprehensible, my brain is fried alredy.
Um, just for what it's worth–Infernal charms don't have Abilities they're associated with. Just Yozis. I think I can work with some of these, albeit I might have to stray from your concepts and names a bit.

But to continue with the classical literature theme, I present some ideas for infernal War is Peace, as a Bureaucracy charm for Fiend ,
While it lacks the reference, Raising the Shadow Parliament (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Raising_the_Shadow_Parliame nt) is basically the epitome of this. Great for going to war with Eastasia.

Freedom is Slavery as manipulation Delfiers
Likewise, but for Principles of Ordered Society (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Principles_of_Ordered_Socie ty). It's honestly weird how may Infernal charms I've already made based on 1984.

and finally Ignorace is Bliss as Infernal Manipualiton.

Blissful Blind Fools
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Seeing is Blindness

The Ebon Dragon deadens both joy and hatred, cultivating detachment and apathy that he might know better playthings. Ignorance is bliss, and it is his greatest gift to the world. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on a victim to crush their passions, stifling both love and hatred. The warlock rolls (Manipulatuon + Presence) at a difficulty of their victim's Dodge MDV. If they succeed, all of the target's Intimacies are mutilated, their emotional context becoming one of distaste and apathy. The victim may resist this emotional deadening at a cost of one point of Willpower for each Intimacy shielded, and spending 3 points of Willpower negates this unnatural mental influence altogether. The only Intimacies this Charm cannot pervade are those with the Ebon Dragon, the Yozis, or the Infernal himself as their object–the Ebon Dragon can abide by love and hate, but boredom is his sole bane. If the Infernal successfully deadens all their victim's Intimacies (barring those specifically excepted), the target's Motivation is forcibly changed to a mundane and unheroic one, incidentally turning heroic mortals into extras, and making them ineligible for Solar or Lunar Exaltations (those destined to exalt as Sidereals cannot be diminished).

Then comes [B]Exhortation of Mindless hate as ess 4 Presence for Celecyne-folksThen Fateful maiden violated by corrupting darkness Manipulaton ess 4
Um, not really working for me.

Her ever watchful Eyes as ess 4 SWLIHN Investigation.
Yeah, that's basically what Dissonance-Detecting Scan (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Dissonance-Detecting_Scan) does. Thoughtcrime radar.

Another deflier, (or Ebon Dragon I´m not sure which) one is Eess 5 Linguistics Conflicting Paradoxes comforting diochotomy, Inpure tought is the root of all sin and Truncated Language Perfection both ess 5 Deflier Linguistics.
Dude, stop reading my mind! Here's Orthodox Mind Vocabulary (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Orthodox_Mind_Vocabulary) and Programmed Culture Revolution (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Programmed_Culture_Revoluti on).

The place Where there is no darkness Ess 4 Performance

finally How many fingers are there inquiry ess 5 Manipulation for SWLIHN
Infernals already have Will-Crushing Force as the premier torture charm. Can't really think of anything that'd beat that.

Maiden Beautiiful in Her Corruption ess 5 Socialise
Yeah, I'm gonna tweak the hell out of this one.

Ravished Maiden Beauty
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Crack Exploitation

Narcissism is immanently understood by the Ebon Dragon, as it is his own awful pride, his own self-seduced enamorment that allows him to understand all other love. This Charm permanently enhances the Infernal's Soul Crack Exploitation, allowing him to better seduce those who he has already become antithesis to. Whenever the Infernal supplements a social attack with Soul Crack Exploitation, he may use his Manipulation in place of his Appearance. In addition, if the social attack is a seduction attempt, it becomes unblockable, and is treated as unnatural mental influence.

The Song That Outlasts Kingdoms and performance for the Ebon dragon
This doesn't really sound like an Ebon Dragon thing.

Innocuos Scholar facade es 3 Stealth
Loom-Snarling Deception already exists as the disguise charm par excellence.

Shatterd sancity of Coral and Glass ees 5 For the Ebon Dragon

Shattered Sanctity of Coral and Glass
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Keywords: Life-Denying Hate

The Ebon Dragon still seethes with indignity at the notion that he could be betrayed, that the Father of Treachery could be bested at his own game. His hatred is poison to divinity, anathema to all the gods of Creation. It is that same hatred that Infernal calls up with this Charm, rolling (Manipulation + Occult) to curse an elemental or god, at a difficulty of the spirit's Permanent Essence. If he succeeds, then he lays sorcerous bonds upon the spirit that make it obvious to his sight, even when dematerialized. The spirit can still take stealth actions to hide from the Infernal, but the Infernal receives (Essence) extra successes on all Awareness-based rolls to discern it. The Infernal may touch, attack, and interact with the spirit as if it were material, although this does not allow the spirit to affect the Infernal when dematerialized. Finally, the Infernal may enter the god's sanctum without any difficulty, as if its gateway were merely a mundane door.

The Demented One
2009-11-27, 09:30 PM
An answer to an offsite request...

Suzerainty Over the Demon's Heart
Celestial Circle Sorcery
Cost: 30m
Target: One bound demon

Channeling essence through the Five Fingers Reclaiming Mudra, the sorcerer exploits and misinterprets an ancillary clause in the surrender terms of the Yozi to forcibly bind a demon to his own essence. The sorcerer must have summoned and bound the demon beforehand using an abcissic template. Casting this spell requires a ritual of five hours, culminating with the sorcerer imprisoning the demon within himself. Doing so grants him formidable power, allowing him to choose up to ten of the demon's spirit charms, claiming access to them for the duration of this spell, though it cannot grant access to the panoply charms of third circle demons. In addition, his body warps and twists to take on a semblance in twisted mockery of the demon's, though his own identity still remains obvious. Finally, he gains access to a fragment of the demon's essence and force of will–his peripheral essence pool increases by 5 motes per circle of the bound demon, and he gains one additional point of temporary Willpower over his normal maximum per circle of the bound demon, which can exceed his Permanent Willpower.

However, binding a demon in this way entails considerable mental consequences. Whenever the sorcerer takes an action that opposes the demon's Motivation, he rolls dice equal to the demon's Permanent Essence, gaining Limit equal to the number of successes rolled. Whenever he takes an action that opposes one of the demons' Intimacies, he rolls a single die, receiving a single point of Limit if it comes up a success. If he enters Limit Break, he uses either his own normal Flaw or the Limit Break of the abcissic template the demon was bound by, at the Storyteller's discretion of which would be worse, though abcissic Limit Breaks have their duration reduced to a single day. For characters who do not suffer Limit Break, they instead lose points of temporary Willpower in place of gaining Limit, and automatically enter the appropriate abcissic Limit Break if reduced to 0 Willpower, lasting until they recover a single point of temporary Willpower or a day passes, whichever is longer. Finally, if a sorcerer binds a demon whose Permanent Essence exceeds their own, they must spend temporary Willpower equal to the demon's circle at the beginning of each scene, or else have their own Motivation and Intimacies replaced with the demon's own for the duration of the scene. The sorcerer can maintain this spell for five days, after which the demon is extricated from his essence. However, it cannot force a demon to serve beyond the duration of its binding–if the year and day expires, the demon vanishes back to Malfeas.

2009-11-28, 07:13 AM
Abyssal Perform Charms

Pyrrhic Leader Performance
Put on a performance that causes undead and cultist fanatics to go into a frenzy, becoming more powerful at the cost of their own flesh. Sort of like an epic mosh-pit.

Black Metal Soul
Similar to the one above, but affect yourself. If it would end up killing you, it should just end the effect. Maybe at the cost of a Willpower or something.

Neverborn At Heart
Perform to make something like Arise and Slaughter, but works to rise a cult of the living to you that commit suicide at the same point your zombies would crumble. Possibly usable as zombie material?

Infernal Perform Charms

Hellish Heart Explosion
Strike your instrument, hit it on the ground or simply scream your lungs out and explode with burning white sand(or other things based on your Yozi or whatever). Either flat damage or causing the environment to become hostile for a scene.

Make Everything Metal(Probably in need of a better name)
Everyone you get to devote themselves to you gains some demonic benefit and becomes a creature of darkness. Give them a single use of a charm you know, if they're an extra they use it an immediately die, or if they're heroic give them an essence pool and a number of your Charms equal to your permanent Essence, the pool can't be refueled unless under extenuating circumstances and once it dries up they die.

Twisted Heart Transformation
Reverse the attitude of a certain creatures intimacies(or a group if they're not Exalted) and not only that but react unnaturally toward things they normally would. Like when they see a comedian they like performing they can't help but react with violent hatred instead of laughter and glee.

Also I take no responsibility for terrible/redundant ideas.

The Demented One
2009-11-28, 10:19 AM
I'm gonna do all of those as Abyssal, just because that's so clearly what Dethklok is.

2009-11-28, 06:22 PM
I'm gonna do all of those as Abyssal, just because that's so clearly what Dethklok is.

Then maybe some Infernal Bureaucracy charms.

Edit: Like maybe some that aid a group of Abyssals into becoming world-famous slaughter gods.

The Tygre
2009-11-28, 07:37 PM
Then maybe some Infernal Bureaucracy charms.

Edit: Like maybe some that aid a group of Abyssals into becoming world-famous slaughter gods.

So charms based off Offdensen? Because two immediately come to mind:

Amoral Oath of Submission - "Well, for the record, I tried."
Stunning Declaration of Battle - "That's my bread and butter your ****ing with."

2009-11-29, 06:17 AM

Dance Beneath The Diamond Sky

Always Angry. All The Time.

And Gaia Weeps

Mouse Triumphs Over Lion Ambition

Gouging Out the Mind's Eye

You Have Chosen Poorly

The Tygre
2009-11-29, 11:06 PM
Looking at him closer, would Offdensen really be an Infernal? I'm not saying that we shouldn't design Charms off him, he is badass, but he always struck me more as a Sidereal. The Liz Lemon job, the patience, the secrecy... the martial arts.

2009-11-29, 11:12 PM
That's true. Maybe there needs to be an Offdensen-based SMA style.

The Demented One
2009-11-29, 11:46 PM
That's true. Maybe there needs to be an Offdensen-based SMA style.
Don't say those words. Not now. Not while I have three freakin' charms left for IGoC.

The Tygre
2009-11-30, 01:34 AM
Don't say those words. Not now. Not while I have three freakin' charms left for IGoC.

It's okay. It's okay. The SMA styles can't hurt you now. You're safe here. Shhh... You send those SMA demons right back to Hell.

The Demented One
2009-11-30, 02:08 AM
It's okay. It's okay. The SMA styles can't hurt you now. You're safe here. Shhh... You send those SMA demons right back to Hell.
If anyone can think of three high-end SMA charm concepts for a style that focus on games and fortune, I will do happiness to them. The corresponding sutra lines for them are:

She just smiled,

and baffled her enemies.

They couldn't read her poker face.

2009-12-04, 12:39 PM
Here's another idea, one you should probably do after all the Abyssal Perform charms.

A Lunar Knack and/or Scourge charm that lets you turn into a natural disaster.

2009-12-04, 12:57 PM
If anyone can think of three high-end SMA charm concepts for a style that focus on games and fortune, I will do happiness to them. The corresponding sutra lines for them are:Right, I'm really bad at this, but I'll give it a try.

She just smiled
Disregarding Failure's Price
Fate smiles upon those willing to take chances, and those who dedicate themselves to it will soon find meaning in that practice alone. Every time your Exalt succeeds on a roll that has not been enhanced by an Excellency, and the dice show at least her enemies Essence number of 10s, she may apply any relevant Excellency to her next roll, reflexively and for free.

and baffled her enemies.
Game-Breaking System Analysis
No merited strategy evade the eye of the Exalt. Her unerring, Fate-enhanced intuition can determine the actions of her sloppy opponent well in advance, as well as planning the most efficient path to victory. For Essence actions, she will always defend perfectly against attacks where at least one die come up as 1. Furthermore, all Charms activated during this period have their mote cost decreased by 4.

They couldn't read her poker face.
The Pleasure Is To Play
Um, yeah. I like the name, but I can't actually come up with anything :/

These Charms are way too low Essence, aren't they? It feels like that.

The Rose Dragon
2009-12-04, 12:58 PM
I need Sorcery, Necromancy, Oneiromancy and Adjuration improving, permanent Charms with no non-Permanent prerequisites by the boatload.

Can you do that?

Preferably with a maximum Essence of 5.

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 01:31 PM
Pyrrhic Leader Performance

Black Metal Soul

Make Everything Metal

Let's see if we can't do these all in one.

Go Forth and Die
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Performance 4, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social, War
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Desiccating Style

Go forth, be conquered. Go forth and die. The song of Oblivion commands only this, and it is the finest music of the Deathknights. Activating this Charm, the Abyssal rolls (Charisma + Performance). For the rest of the scene, every character with a Dodge MDV lower than the successes rolled enters a murderous rage, as unnatural mental influence. This social attack always aligns with a character's Valor. Characters that succumb to this rage cannot do anything but fight, incapable of speech or retreat. All they can do is advance towards the nearest enemy they perceive, attack enemies, or wait for an enemy to attack them–they can take no other actions. Enraged characters gain three bonus dice on all combat-related pools, and ignore wound penalties. They can distinguish friend from foe, but any character that acts in a hostile fashion or resembles an enemy may draw an afflicted character's rage if they do not know them. If a character cannot perceive any enemies, their battle-rage ends. In mass combat, the Abyssal may use this Charm to enrage a complementary unit he leads or is part of, making his roll at a difficulty of twice the unit's Magnitude. If successful, the entire mass unit–including the Abyssal–fall to this battle-rage. This unnatural mental influence may be resisted for two points of Willpower, and a character already in a battle-rage may end it prematurely by spending three points of Willpower (which counts as resisting unnatural mental influence).

Neverborn At Heart
Oh my, yes.

Bow Before the Lords of Death
Cost: 15m, 1wp
Mins: Performance 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Go Forth and Die, Lies That Tell Themselves

The Abyssal Exalted reach deep into the Void, and bring up gifts of madness and death for the living world. Upon activating this Charm, the Abyssal rolls (Charisma + Performance). Every character with a Dodge MDV lower than the successes rolled immediately attempts to commit suicide, killing themselves in the most expedient and excruciating manner possible. This Charm is specifically capable of forcing this otherwise-unacceptable order on those who succumb to it. This unnatural mental influence may be resisted by spending one point of temporary Willpower, and the Exalted may resist it even if they have no Willpower remaining by accepting a point of Limit...but Extras are incapable of resisting this Compulsion. Each time a character compelled by this Charm successfully kills themselves, the Abyssal may choose either to respire motes equal to that character's health levels (including Dying levels), or to regain a single point of temporary Willpower. If he is assisted in his Performance roll by other characters, he may choose to grant them motes or Willpower rather than keeping it for himself, dividing up the total rewards as he pleases. Alternatively, the Deathknight may choose to treat the mass suicide as an offering to enhance any prayer roll he makes, so long as he does so within the same scene.

Hellish Heart Explosion
Take a look at Withering Phantasmagoria.

Twisted Heart Transformation
Pretty much what Broken Heart Triumph does.

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 01:42 PM
I need Sorcery, Necromancy, Oneiromancy and Adjuration improving, permanent Charms with no non-Permanent prerequisites by the boatload.

Can you do that?

Preferably with a maximum Essence of 5.
Those are generally a bad idea.

The Rose Dragon
2009-12-04, 01:45 PM
At a maximum Essence of 5 or at all?

Cause the game I have in mind has only those four available to Celestial Exalted, and permanent Charms.

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 01:50 PM
At a maximum Essence of 5 or at all?

Cause the game I have in mind has only those four available to Celestial Exalted, and permanent Charms.
At all. Metasorcery tends to balance very poorly. The Absorptions are probably the furthest you could take them, and they're itty bitty effects.

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 03:07 PM
Amoral Oath of Submission - "Well, for the record, I tried."
Can't say this one does anything for me, but...

Stunning Declaration of Battle - "That's my bread and butter your ****ing with."
Oh yeah. I think I'm gonna take this and run with it.

All (Virtue) Undone
Cost: –
Mins: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Witness to Darkness

The Ebon Dragon is a dark mirror held up to all Virtue, casting back a skewed shadow. Infernal Exalts can purchase this Charm once per dot of Integrity (to a maximum of four times), with each purchase enhancing one Virtue rated at 5. The choice can’t be altered, but the Charm’s effects recede if the Infernal lacks a sufficient Virtue rating for whatever reason. Whenever the Infernal would roll dice for a Virtue enhanced by this Charm (whether as a pool by itself or bonus dice from a channel), he adds his Manipulation to the total number of dice rolled. Everything of the Ebon Dragon, after all, ultimately stems from deception, even if it is self-deception. This does not count as dice added by Charms. In addition, in any scene in which the Infernal prevents a character from achieving their Motivation or from taking an action that would further his Motivation, he regains one channel of each Virtue enhanced by this Charm. He may only do so once per scene. See below for how the Virtues express themselves differently through this Charm.

All (Virtue) Undone has the Paradigm keyword. This denotes Charms that alter the functioning of a Virtue. A character may not alter or enhance a single Virtue with more than one Paradigm Charm–once he has learned a Paradigm Charm corresponding to a Virtue, that Virtue's new function and context become a permanent and immanent part of himself. The Paradigm keyword should also be appended to Cosmic Transcendence of (Virtue) and Epic Zeal of (Virtue), as well as to any similar Charm that alters the context, meaning, or function of one of the character's Virtues.

Compassion: There is only one being worthy of the Ebon Dragon's love, and that is himself. The Infernal becomes incapable of empathizing with or caring for anything other than himself–he can only assess other characters in terms of their usefulness to him and his goals. This is not simply the same as Conviction–while that represents the character's willingness to further his own goals, Compassion skewed by this Charm represents narcissistic self-love, the willingness to indulge one's own desires. The Infernal may channel Compassion on any action that benefits or pleases him, and no longer needs to suppress his Compassion in order to commit acts of cruelty towards helpless victims, or to ignore such acts. However, he must fail a Compassion roll in order to abstain from any act that would bring him pleasure or satisfaction.

Conviction: It is through inhuman extremes of Conviction that the Ebon Dragon understands the value of others. The Infernal's Conviction no longer encompasses his own good, but also that of those who are of use to him. The Infernal may channel Conviction to enhance any action to aid or defend a character that is of some pragmatic, practical value to him. In addition, if he has an Intimacy to such a character, then he may count that character as himself for purposes of Charms that rely on acting in his own self-interest: he gains the benefits of Selfishness is Power when acting on that character's behalf, may apply his Charms to melee attacks against an enemy who has dealt lethal or aggravated damage to that character if he has Cornered Titan Desperation, and so on. However, the Infernal is not compelled by his Conviction to act on their behalf or to spare them suffering–they are only tools, after all, and the Ebon Dragon's skewed Conviction is not Compassion.

Temperance: The Ebon Dragon is intemperate in every excess, all vices unrestrained–but when he must lie or beguile, there is nothing in him that is not deliberate, nothing that is uncalculated. The Infernal's Temperance no longer applies to moderation or restraint, but to controlling the outward appearance of himself he portrays. The Infernal may channel Temperance to enhance any action that deceives, confuses, misdirects, or beguiles another character, or to any action that relies on the Infernal seeming to act or behave in a certain way. He no longer needs to suppress his Temperance to act dishonestly, show bias, overindulge, act on impulse, or break an oath–but he must fail a Temperance roll in order to act in a way that would threaten any ongoing deception or manipulation or otherwise be at odds with the image of himself he is currently attempting to portray, or to tell the truth with no ulterior motive.

Valor: The Ebon Dragon is an unabashed coward, but at the same time he is arrogant above all else. The Infernal's Valor no longer has any connotations of courage or resolve, but instead acts as an extension of his self-assured superiority and craven arrogance. The Infernal may channel his Valor to enhance any action that would demonstrate his superiority or that he could not believably achieve. This is not merely a secondary form of Conviction–while that Virtue is the capacity to endure in the face of hardship, this skewed Valor is the capacity to disbelieve in the possibility of any difficulty or hardship. It is this that allows the Ebon Dragon to persist in seeking his escape from Malfeas, despite the impossibility of this task. The Infernal no longer needs to suppress his Valor to turn down a duel of honor or challenge, flee a battle, or let a taunt go unanswered, but he must fail a Valor roll in order to admit, explicitly or implicitly, the superiority of any other being or his own inability to achieve an impossible goal.

2009-12-04, 03:12 PM
Alright...I know very little of Exalted, but may be joining a game of it soon. As a result, I'd like a charm crafted after my traditional joke on the naming conventions of Exalted.

I'm not sure what we'll be playing as, so I'll trust your judgment on this one (that, and I don't know the power level we'll be at, or the system itself well at this point).

So, using your creativity and best judgment, could you whip up the Inexorable Progression of the Seven Thousand Blazing Sun Tigers?

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 03:26 PM
So, using your creativity and best judgment, could you whip up the Inexorable Progression of the Seven Thousand Blazing Sun Tigers?
But of course.

Inexorable Progression of the Seven Thousand Blazing Sun Tigers
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: War 6, Essence 6
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Fury-Inciting Presence

When the Sun's Chosen go to war, armies fall at their every sword-stroke. This Charm enhances any attack made against a mass combat unit while the Solar leads a complementary unit in mass combat. For every level of post-soak damage the attack would deal in Step 10, the enemy unit instead loses a dot of Magnitude. If this reduces its Magnitude to 0, any levels of damage remaining are instead dealt directly to the unit's commander. This Charm is explicitly permitted to supplement actions of other Abilities. While this Charm's overwrought name well-reflects the utter overkill it is capable of, more restrained Solars prefer to refer to it as the Inexorable Progression of the Blazing Sun.

2009-12-04, 03:30 PM
Inexorable Progression of the Seven Thousand Blazing Sun Tigers
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: War 6, Essence 6
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Fury-Inciting Presence

When the Sun's Chosen go to war, armies fall at their every sword-stroke. This Charm enhances any attack made against a mass combat unit while the Solar leads a complementary unit in mass combat. For every level of post-soak damage the attack would deal in Step 10, the enemy unit instead loses a dot of Magnitude. If this reduces its Magnitude to 0, any levels of damage remaining are instead dealt directly to the unit's commander. While this Charm's overwrought name well-reflects the utter overkill it is capable of, more restrained Solars prefer to refer to it as the Inexorable Progression of the Blazing Sun.

Wonderful (And I actually understood most of it!)! Thanks very much!

Now...off to use this. :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-04, 04:46 PM
Now...off to use this. :smallbiggrin:You should probably be informed that the charm is pretty high-power, and will probably not be obtainable until after you've played for a while. Still, it's a good goal to work against! :)

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 05:31 PM
You should probably be informed that the charm is pretty high-power, and will probably not be obtainable until after you've played for a while. Still, it's a good goal to work against! :)
...honestly? If he decided to go solely for this Charm, he could pick it up by the time he got to around 50 XP, with Glory to the Most High. It'd be probably a suboptimal choice, but it's doable.

2009-12-04, 05:34 PM
Hm, really? I can't imagine that character being good for very much more than War, though ^^

I seem to be entirely confused about the stuff gauging power in Exalted >.>

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 05:38 PM
Hm, really? I can't imagine that character being good for very much more than War, though ^^

I seem to be entirely confused about the stuff gauging power in Exalted >.>
Yeah, it'd be overspecialized–the point was pretty purely theoretical. But with the existence of things like Glory to the Most High and the Unconquered Sun's Righteous Answer of Catechism, a Solar could pretty realistically hit Essence 6 somewhere between 100 and 200 XP.

The Rose Dragon
2009-12-04, 05:51 PM
Yeah, it'd be overspecialized–the point was pretty purely theoretical. But with the existence of things like Glory to the Most High and the Unconquered Sun's Righteous Answer of Catechism, a Solar could pretty realistically hit Essence 6 somewhere between 100 and 200 XP.

Hell, with Flaws, you can do it at XP 40.

Sure, you will suck at about most things, but your permanent Essence rating will be great!

The Demented One
2009-12-04, 06:18 PM
Here's another idea, one you should probably do after all the Abyssal Perform charms.

A Lunar Knack and/or Scourge charm that lets you turn into a natural disaster.

Disastrous Cataclysm God-Body
Prerequisites: Hearth-and-Flames Shell, Essence 6, Stamina 6

Elder Lunars have mastered the art of becoming one with nature. They can become the wildfire, the thunderstorm, the blizzard, the earthquake. This Knack adds natural environmental hazards to the list of valid targets for the sacred hunt. "Hunting" a natural hazard entails enduring its effects, rather than stalking at. At the culmination of the hunt, the Lunar does not actually drink the non-existent blood of the hazard–instead, he mingles his own blood with whatever aspect of nature he seeks to become one with, paying one level of lethal damage. Once he does this, he gains mastery of that hazard's form.

Shapeshifting into the form of a natural hazard is a trying process. The Lunar must spend a point of Willpower when he does so, and the Speed of the shapeshifting action to do so is measured in long ticks. Even if the Lunar uses Lightning-Change Style, the action still takes a single long tick. Upon assuming the form of the natural hazard, the Lunar ceases to have any physical body, shifting into the shape of the hazard, while his consciousness coalesces into the shape of the hazard's least god, residing immaterial within it. The hazard he becomes covers a radius of (Essence x 200) yards, although the Lunar may choose to decrease this size if he so wishes. The hazard affects characters using its normal traits, although the Lunar can use some Charms to enhance them. The Lunar may use any Strength excellencies he has to increase the damage of the environmental hazard, and may use Stamina excellencies to the Trauma, as if they were static values.

The Lunar cannot otherwise target others with physical effects, nor can he be targeted with physical effects. Attacks that can target the immaterial can still target him so long as they are made within the area of the hazard, as his consciousness take the form of an immaterial god of his hazard. Anything that could somehow destroy or negate the environmental hazard–pouring water on a fire, neutralizing an acid bath with alkaline reagents, or summoning a supernaturally cold wind to cool an area of blistering heat–forces the Lunar to choose between reflexively shifting into another shape, or taking a level of unsoakable lethal damage. The effect must encompass at least one-fifth of the Lunar's area to take effect. If it is supernatural in nature, the Lunar would instead take levels of lethal damage equal to the Permanent Essence of the character using it. The Lunar cannot communicate while in environmental form, but can perceive all things within his area normally. The Lunar is incapable of movement while in environmental form, unless the hazard is one which is naturally mobile; in that case, the Lunar may take Move actions at his normal speed. Except for these restrictions, the Lunar is capable of using Charms normally.

2009-12-05, 01:10 PM
What about an Infernal or Abyssal charm that temporarily summons a second or third circle demon (http://www.dethklok.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/finnishlaketroll.jpg) or underworld creature outside of Calibration that acts of it's own accord, and you have to be performing for it to work?

I want to post more Dethklok charms, but my head is kind of not in...good...now... uh. Yes.

The Demented One
2009-12-05, 01:19 PM
What about an Infernal or Abyssal charm that temporarily summons a second or third circle demon (http://www.dethklok.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/finnishlaketroll.jpg) or underworld creature outside of Calibration that acts of it's own accord, and you have to be performing for it to work?.
Hmm...that could be a bit broken. Sorry, no Mustakrakish for you.

On the other hand, though, a Resonance Ben charm...

Apocalypse Sonata Method
Cost: 15m, 1wp
Mins: Performance 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Withering Phantasmagoria

Not even the Neverborn expected that the Abyssal Exalted would be capable of turning the wrath of their masters to their own ends. Resonance was meant only ever as a punishment, but the Exalted have always exceeded the expectations of their creators–and with this Charm, they have proven capable of wielding the rage of the Neverborn as a puissant weapon against others born of death. This Charm has seen use both against those Abyssals who turn against their masters, and as the foremost weapon of those same renegades against the agents of their forsaken Deathlords. Upon activating this Charm, the Abyssal rolls (Charisma + Performance). For every 2 successes he rolls, he loses a point of Resonance. All creatures of death with an MDV less than the number of successes rolled immediately suffer a Resonance eruption, as if they had vented the Resonance themselves (this includes beings normally incapable of gaining or venting Resonance, such as ghosts and plasmics). However, if there are no valid targets for this Charm, the Abyssal instead undergoes the Resonance eruption himself. While the Abyssal Exalted are capable of cheating the wrath of the Neverborn with this Charm, only a fool would think to escape their punishment by deceiving the dead titans–at the end of any scene in which the Abyssal invoked this Charm, he regains all Resonance lost by means of this Charm, plus one additional point of Resonance.

2009-12-05, 03:05 PM
Oh, came up with another idea for an Abyssal Perform charm. One that has you perform and instill a sense of near-worship in others, but those it doesn't effect are turned on by those that did unless they can figure out what happened and lie well enough to not gain the ire of the crazy fans.

The Demented One
2009-12-05, 03:15 PM
Oh, came up with another idea for an Abyssal Perform charm. One that has you perform and instill a sense of near-worship in others, but those it doesn't effect are turned on by those that did unless they can figure out what happened and lie well enough to not gain the ire of the crazy fans.
Adapting this slightly...

Soul-Gouging Violence Demagoguery
Cost: 6m
Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Mirror (Rose-Lipped Seduction Style)
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Irresistible Succubus Style

The Abyssal Exalted exhort the living to bloodshed and slaughter, that their corpses might feed the fat belly of Oblivion. While the Charm is in effect, all characters who possess an Intimacy of love, lust, or reverence toward the Abyssal have their MDVs set to 0 against any mental influence the Deathknight exerts that would compel them to commit acts of violence. Shaking off this unnatural mental influence in order to assert MDV normally costs one Willpower per action.

The Tygre
2009-12-05, 05:49 PM
Breaking from our awesome string of Dethklok charms for a sec, I don't suppose I could get you to form a Raksha or Infernal charm based off the mind-shredding psycopathy that is Grinch Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgnxvioVjbo&feature=PlayList&p=89A709D645447D5B&index=20)?

The Demented One
2009-12-05, 05:59 PM
Breaking from our awesome string of Dethklok charms for a sec, I don't suppose I could get you to form a Raksha or Infernal charm based off the mind-shredding psycopathy that is Grinch Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgnxvioVjbo&feature=PlayList&p=89A709D645447D5B&index=20)?
I'm honestly not even sure what to make of this...it seems like something that'd be best done with raksha's native shaping abilities.

The Tygre
2009-12-05, 06:10 PM
Hmm, I was afraid you'd say that. I was just looking for something a bit more inherently dark, which was why I also suggested it as an Infernal illusion-trap or some such thing. But, onwards and upwards, I suppose. I need to think of some new Eva charms...