View Full Version : The Ashburn Hotel (Acro)

2009-11-08, 07:00 PM
The Ashburn Hotel

(Please note that while being a hotel it is expected that there will be a great degree of curtain pulling. In fact it is encouraged that you use this thread over the Taverna for such stuff. Please remember the boards are still Pg-13)

Jutting out from the ground before you is an elegant building. It's shape is somewhat abstract and natural , but given all the windows if there is one thing you can be certain of it's that it is a hotel. The whole building looks almost grown but it couldn't have been, with all the glass steel and treated wood.
A well lit sign hangs above door way spelling out it's name The Ashburn Hotel

The whole building simply radiates class, and looks quite expensive. However the area around it does, being located just a block away from the taverna, drunks litter the streets, as well as other shady characters. As well more then one prostitute seems to have claimed a spot near the door.

As you enter the air of being a nice place is fortified by the sort smell of ceder and the neat look marble counter ahead of you. Behind the counter are a pair of well dressed men or ladies who are always in a Ashburn uniform, made up of a white dress shirt a vest with the logo and dress pants and shoes or heels where appropriate. After a short stop at the desk to get yourself a room you enter a nice fairly spacious lounge, a fountain bubbles happily at the far end and on either side of it is an elevator.
Closer to you is an array of comfy looking chair and couches with a few coffee tables, a fire crackles nicely at the end opposite to the fountain and in on of the comfy chairs an NPC couple is making out, like indicating what prominently happens in the hotel.

A corridors heads off out of the lounge, with both sides of it dotted in freshly painted black doors with lovely polished silver number on them down at the end of the hall a pair of stairs also lead to the next level.

Each room is different though they are fairly standard with a bathroom, bed(s) and other furniture and the like depending on the price of the room.


OOC rules:

1. No destroying the place, or doing something to it that'll produce a similar effect (for example, no placing a massive time freeze on the entire area forever). You're allowed to damage it, but destroying it just takes the fun out of it for all the other players.
2. No godmoding/godmodding. Even if it's permitted in some ACRONYMs, it isn't in others, and therefore shall not be allowed in the Hotel as it is common ground. The occasional mishap's OK, repeated offense isn't.
3. Follow the forum rules this is FFRP but breaking them will still get you banned

IC Rules

1. No killing the staff.
2. No vandalism.
3. No thieving!
4. Not so much a rule, but we'd like to remind customers that we retain the right to refuse customers or to throw them out without refund
5. No drug use.

2009-11-09, 12:59 AM
Meidani will lead Ius to the hotel, and lead her up to a room.

An already gotten room. Huh. :smallconfused::smallamused::smalltongue:

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:00 AM
Ius gets led.

Huh. Totally not suspicious at all, what with the room already gotten.

2009-11-09, 01:02 AM
She looks at Ius. Well, shall we start?

She smiles, and starts stripping down to her undies.

Totally not suspicious. She doesn't have a plan in case Ius is reluctant to go see the Incubus. Nope. Not at all.


Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:03 AM
Sure...but this is kinda a new thing for me... she says.

Yeah. Totally not at all.

2009-11-09, 01:05 AM
Meidani comes over, and hugs Ius. Don't worry. I'll be gentle, and I know you will be as well, right?

She smiles.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:06 AM
Okay. She hugs back,

and, afterwards, gets dressed to the same level as Meidani.

2009-11-09, 01:07 AM
Meidani smiles, and indicates the bed. Shall we?

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:08 AM
Okay, sure. Ius does it, smiling.

2009-11-09, 01:09 AM
Meidani starts to kiss Ius. You know, you really are cute.

She then reaches for the curtain.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:11 AM
Thanks...Ius kisses back.

She has no curtain-y problems.

((Horngeek! You're corrupting all my characters!))

2009-11-09, 01:12 AM
{{Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *runs out of breath*

Ahem. Moving on.}}

The curtain probably gets raised?

Meidani's decided that this one is suitable for the... incubus I forget the name of. >.<

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:14 AM
Yeah. And I need to change my clothes to my pajamas.

You should just call him 'Celtio' because that's a man-name of 'Celtios'.

2009-11-09, 01:16 AM
Meidani smiles at Ius, who is probably lying in the bed next to her.

So, how was it?

Chamadar. That's his name.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:17 AM
Ius smiles back, and says It was pretty good.
(Gah. I need my characters to like guys again.)

2009-11-09, 01:18 AM
{{Technically, Meidani likes both}}

Yeah... there's this guy I'd love for you to meet, I think he'd be nice to you.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:19 AM

Really? What's he like? she asks. I hope he's nice...

2009-11-09, 01:21 AM
{{Well, it's your choice what to do}}

Well, he's quite nice...

she smiles. Ius may notice the number of 'nice' comments and lack of specifics. :smalltongue:

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:24 AM
(Okay. I'm going to reform all my characters you've corrupted) (Tomorrow)

Oh? That's good... she says.

I'm deadtiming in less than 30 minutes. (Don't know how much less, though)

2009-11-09, 01:26 AM
{{I'm not going to be here tomorrow... as stated in the OOC, I'm going to Thailand}}

Meidani smiles. So, do you want to meet him?

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:27 AM
(Wow, Thailand. Sounds fun)

Yes... she blushes :smallredface:.

2009-11-09, 01:29 AM
All right...

and now she doesn't do what she had planned if Ius had said 'no'.

It would have involved cloroform. :smalltongue:

Well, I'll see if I can find him over the next fer days, all right?

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:30 AM
Ooh, clorofoam. That could be fun.


Well, Ius can still back out of the deal. Then clorofoam.

2009-11-09, 01:32 AM
Okay. If you want. :smalltongue:

Meidani smiles. All right! That's good.

You'll enjoy it.

{{I'll be away for ten days, so this would have to pause until then... do you mind if that happens?}}

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:35 AM
Now, I need a logical (well, emotional) reason why she'd back out...

Okay... she says.

What if he doesn't like me?

((Yeah, that's okay))

2009-11-09, 01:36 AM
Don't worry, he will.

She nods.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:38 AM
You sure? she asks,

And...I've got to deadtime next post.

2009-11-09, 01:39 AM
Aw... for how long? I might get some more RP in if it isn't too long.

...it's for sleep, isn't it? Probably not, then.

Meidani looks at her. Yeah, I'm sure.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-09, 01:41 AM
Yeah, it's for sleep.

Sorry. Looks like no chlorofoam.

Thanks, she says, looking back, sighing with relief.


2009-11-09, 01:43 AM
Maybe after the extended deadtime. :smalltongue:

Or maybe not. Your choice. It was just a 'in case' thing, anyway.

Meidani looks at her. So, you'll come and meet him?

{{Deadtime for Meidani as well}}