View Full Version : Intruderz Redux: Isamu versus Anonimasu!

The Unborne
2009-11-09, 09:41 AM
Soul Society 12:03 am

Even though time flowed the same whether you're in the living world or Soul Society, rumors and news seemed to spread faster in the realm of Shinigami. It's only been a few hours since some lackey from Squad 4 had reached Isamu and exchanged with her the latest gossip that some idiot reporter of the Seireitei news faculty of Squad 9 was overstaying his visit to the living world; a few mugs of alcohol later the reporter became his own news as the Shinigami sent to recover him only recovered his corpse; even more booze later—noontime, maybe—Soul Society was in a panic as someone had once again broken the barrier that surrounded the Gotei 13, and this time there was no reason to believe it was the work of the substitute Shinigami, Kurosaki Ichigo.

Whatever the case was, the intrusion was made over the southwest section, home to the infamous Squad 11. That was all the rowdy, drunken sword-fighters needed to know before stammering out of their dojos and housing locations. Isamu, a seated officer of Squad 11, waited patiently for the rest to unclog themselves from the streets and doorways before gracefully bouncing her curvaceous form behind them—hardly not drunk enough for her own tastes.

As the buxom officer made her way down the nearest street with her lackeys all around, she noticed a figure amongst them. At first it was easy to glance over his normal black kosode and hakama; however, as he turned his head enough to only give her a glimpse of his eye, Isamu recognized the very unremarkable eyes and overly undistinguishable visage. It had only been three days since the voluptuous woman had killed such a face before, so she still remembered the nameless Shinigami from before. Why and how he was in Soul Society were the last questions on the fight-first-care-about-it-later officer's mind as the rest of Squad 11 passed by the anonymous Shinigami.


Reddish Roofs: 15 feet jump to get on
Blueish Roofs: 25 feet jump to get on
Long, Reddish Strips: 5 feet thick walls, 10 feet high. 20 DC to bullrush through
A: Anonimasu
I: Isamu
F: Fodder (1st level newbies you can order around or let them run out of the map in 1-2 rounds)

2009-11-21, 09:15 PM
Isamu Ichihara

As the bodacious body Isamu barreled through the uniform buildings of the center of the Soul Society all her mind thought about was the events that were heralded by such events. The infiltrators led by the substitute Shinigami and after that the invasion of the Bount. She hadn't been strong enough before. She was now looking forward to meeting the newest invader with explosive force.

"Oh..." Was all she managed with a sneer at whoever this was. She had forgotten his name. "Thingy-something." She attempted with a lifted eyebrow. "Something-something?" Her second attempt was even worse than the first if such a thing were possible. She seemed oblivious to the fact that he should be dead (or is it a she?). "I don't know how you got into the Seireitei but I'm going to end you..." She blinked for a moment as she clasped her lithe hand around her Zanpakutou. "... Again."

It was with a single long drag she drew her Zanpakutō and intoned the words. "Sing, Hachidori." As the tip cleared the sheath a flash of bright white light filled the eyes of onlookers followed by a sonic boom. Dust and other unrestrained objects flew away from her as the backwash of her released spirit energy cascaded outward. As deafness retreated from the ears surrounding her the first thing they heard was the murderous beating of Hachidori's blade, of Hachidori's wing. It was with a flourish to the side that another backwash was felt instead of seen, it was with this flourish that Hachidori grew louder and more murderous. "Try and provide me with some damn sport," she spat the words as she assumed a stance.

Hit points: 168
Armour Class: 27
Spirit Power: 59
Shunpo: 2460/2460 ft. (80 ft.)
Ongoing Effects: Shikai (Encounter)

Free Action: Draw sword
Move Action: Release Shikai
Standard Action: Activate Sound Blade

Initiative: [roll0]

The Unborne
2009-11-21, 10:41 PM

The entire street of nameless and unseated Death Gods turned around and plugged their ears with their meaty fingers as if they were all synchronized to loud, explosive beat of Hachidori's release. Anonimasu, however, did not turn around instantly; instead, he shifted his head just far enough so he could keep his eye firmly locked on the figure of Isamu and her vibrating Zanpakutō. "Ah...So we meet again...Hachidori" His slow but meticulous speech pattern had not changed during the short period of time since his defeat a few days before. "Still...together, I see. Let's not...delay the inevitable; the both of you are...exactly what I've been looking for."

After he finished drawn out words, the ordinary yet strange Shinigami turned fully to face the woman who had slain him so easily before. Once he finished his turn, it was easy to tell that his own Zanpakutō was already drawn, but unlike the released state of Hachidori, Anonimasu's sword was very still. At least it was still before a flick of his wrist and a lash of his arm brought up a cloud of dirt and rain of blood. The unknowing bystanders beside him were caught unaware as a blur of steel flew past them leaving them large, gaping wounds across their chests.

"Don't worry...this won't be like...last time."


Hit points: 200/200
Armour Class: 30
Shunpo: 320/320 (50)
Ongoing Effects: Shikai (Encounter)

Initiative: [roll0]

Full Round Action:
Attack the Fodder!
Whirlwind Attack at all the F's within 30 feet.

Attack 1:[roll1]
Damage 1:[roll2]

Attack 2:[roll3]
Damage 2:[roll4]

Attack 3:[roll5]
Damage 3:[roll6]

Attack 4:[roll7]
Damage 4:[roll8]

Attack 5:[roll9]
Damage 5:[roll10]

Attack 6:[roll11]
Damage 6:[roll12]

Attack 7:[roll13]
Damage 7:[roll14]

Attack 8:[roll15]
Damage 8:[roll16]

The Unborne
2009-11-22, 05:01 PM

A splatter of blood splashed against the cheek of the unremarkable intruder, and with a single hand the Shinigami wiped the blood away with a stoic expression still plastered to his face. "See? None of them are...like you. Fragile and weak are not what I'm...looking for." Anonimasu brought his amorphous, double-edged sword in front of him and pointed it towards the well-endowed officer; this time, however, both of his hands were locked around the well-worn hilt of his weapon. "Hopefully...for Hachidori's sake, you have improved also."

His body disappeared in a blur only to reappear ten yards away from the pony-tail wearing woman with his blade held over his head; the weapon itself stood several stories into the air, but Anonimasu showed no sign of struggle as he brought it down upon Isamu. Luckily for her, the entire force of the slash was not directed to cleave her in two, but it was all placed squarely upon her beloved Zanpakutō.



Hit points: 200/200
Armour Class: 30
Shunpo: 295/320 (50)
Ongoing Effects: Shikai (Encounter)

Swift Action
25 feet to (J,11)

Full Round Action:
Attack Numero Uno!
Attack Roll:[roll0]