View Full Version : Tarrasqualypse

2009-11-09, 06:53 PM
You stand at the end of the world. Behind you is The Spark; the cumulated Divine Essence of the now deceased Gods, the last fail-safe should they ever be defeated. The golden star floats in the untouchable darkness beyond the platform you stand on.

Before you stands the cause of the apocalypse that has befallen your world; The Tarrasque: Death Incarnate. It's colossal maw still bears the remains of most of the world's inhabitants, Heironious is particularly visible gouged upon one of it's teeth. It's aim is you, the last ones alive. Then it will consume The Spark, and with the ultimate power in existance it will create a world in it's own image, an eternity of death and re-death.

Can you stop it? Can you restore creation. There's only one way to find out. Roll Initiative.

Jesse Drake
2009-11-09, 06:57 PM

[roll0] Initiative Roll Here. Whoo! Nat 20! I'm lightning in a can!

The ship flies overhead. It is colossal winged beast, with a sharp point at the front. It's wings flap, but they are not how it flies. For only the mighty captain Garret the Fierce knows how the ship stays afloat.

With a few lyrics, he finishes his song and flies down to meet his friends. His ship is not too far behind him. Finally, before you know it, the ship is flying not but 40 ft from the ground. And it's slowly drifting forward. The sails are down and the ship seems to be barely inching forward, but it is.

2009-11-09, 06:59 PM

"Friends, this really really sucks."

"Let's get killing!"


2009-11-09, 07:06 PM

"I don't remember signing up for this."

The sorcerer look up at the gigantic monster.

"Hope I get a reward for this..."


2009-11-09, 07:10 PM

"You lot had to drag me into this? I could be in Sigil now enjoying the company of the Lady herself."

He seems to speed up suddenly and your realize he just cast a version of Nerveskitter.

Init:[roll0](spent 1 insp. pnt.)

Barbarian MD
2009-11-09, 07:20 PM
William the Epic MonkHP: 282/282. AC: 43. Touch: 33. FF: 35. DR: 8/-. SR: 32. Fort: +24. Ref: +28. Will: +24. Init: +11. Speed: 100' (fly).
Immune fear, disease, poison, transmutation, negative levels. Freedom of Movement. Improved evasion. See Invisibility. Fly-by-attack. Combat expertise/reflexes.
Grappling block: disarm when hit. Defensive Throw: trip when missed. :smallbiggrin:

Time Limited EffectsTrue Seeing: 0/22 rounds.
Belt of Growth: 0/10 minutes
Planeshift 0/1

Stance: Blood in the Water (+1 attack/damage on each critical hit) Bonus: +4 to saves
Dodge: +1 (44 AC)

+5 Unarmed Adamantine Attack: +35/+30/+25/+20. Damage: 2d10+31+1 Constitution.
Flurry: +34/+34/+34/+34/+34/+34/+29/+24/+19

Grapple check: +35 + Size
Trip: +17 + Size
Disarm: +35

Buffs in Effect - not included in rest of stat block
+13 damage (+1 Blood in Water, +12 Inspired)
+15 to-hit (+1 Blood in Water, +12 Courage, +2 Greatness)
2d10 HD (including HP)
+1 fortitude saves

Ten Mirrored StepsTen Mirrored Steps:
If you make two successful attacks on an enemy in the same flurry, you may generate a mirror image of yourself, as per the spell. Doing so reduces your maximum hp by six for the duration of the encounter. If it would reduce you below your current HP, you take damage accordingly.
You may have up to five mirror images, but may only generate up to two per round. Unlike the spell, your duplicates move independently to a small degree, creating an even more convincing illusion. This is a supernatural ability and has the [calling] type rather than the [illusion] type. These images vanish at the end of the encounter. You then regain your lost maximum HP and are healed for the total amount lost to mirror images, unless you are dead.

Maneuvers Readied:Mighty Throw, Burning Blade, Ballista Throw, Moment of Alacrity, Diamond Defense, Time Stands Still, Fool's Strike, Tornado Throw

William has been chanting to himself, stone still in a low-set stance, watching the approach of the monstrosity. He slows his breathing, mastering his body on a cellular level, channeling power from within.

Initiative [roll0]

Vox Clamantis
2009-11-09, 08:14 PM
Telemirus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=164120)


An man with golden skin and pointed ears stands in the air, the ghostly image of a marut overlayed with his shape.

Active stance is Leading the Charge. (Anybody who charges gets +19 damage.)

Rolling for granted maneuvers:

[roll1] = White Raven Hammer
[roll2] = War Master's Charge
[roll3] = White Raven Tactics
[roll4] = Strike of Righteous Vitality

2009-11-10, 03:15 AM

"Oh dear, oh dear, this journey you've all undertaken has left your wardrobes in a dreadful state."

Alamar casts chained prestidigitation. The spell leaps from outfit to outfit cleaning and neatening each.

"Oh dear again, there appears to be a god-killing abomination on the loose. Would you accept my assistance with that as well?"

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-11-10, 02:14 PM
The Tarrasque unleashes a roar that chills you to your very soul. Though as it begins to move, some of you are quicker still.

Initiative order:

((Since there's 6 of you I've boosted him a bit more. Hope that's ok.))

Barbarian MD
2009-11-10, 02:41 PM
How far away is it?

2009-11-10, 02:44 PM
Call it 100ft.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-10, 03:03 PM
William the Epic MonkHP: 274/282. AC: 43. Touch: 33. FF: 35. DR: 8/-. SR: 32. Fort: +24. Ref: +28. Will: +24. Init: +11. Speed: 100' (fly).
Immune fear, disease, poison, transmutation, negative levels. Freedom of Movement. Improved evasion. See Invisibility. Fly-by-attack. Combat expertise/reflexes.
Grappling block: disarm when hit. Defensive Throw: trip when missed. :smallbiggrin:

Time Limited EffectsTrue Seeing: 0/22 rounds.
Belt of Growth: 0/10 minutes
Planeshift 0/1

Stance: Blood in the Water (+1 attack/damage on each critical hit) Bonus: +4 to saves
Dodge: +1 (44 AC)

+5 Unarmed Adamantine Attack: +35/+30/+25/+20. Damage: 2d10+31+1 Constitution.
Flurry: +34/+34/+34/+34/+34/+34

Grapple check: +35 + Size
Trip: +17 + Size
Disarm: +35

Ten Mirrored StepsTen Mirrored Steps:
If you make two successful attacks on an enemy in the same flurry, you may generate a mirror image of yourself, as per the spell. Doing so reduces your maximum hp by six for the duration of the encounter. If it would reduce you below your current HP, you take damage accordingly.
You may have up to five mirror images, but may only generate up to two per round. Unlike the spell, your duplicates move independently to a small degree, creating an even more convincing illusion. This is a supernatural ability and has the [calling] type rather than the [illusion] type. These images vanish at the end of the encounter. You then regain your lost maximum HP and are healed for the total amount lost to mirror images, unless you are dead.

Maneuvers Readied:Disrupting Blow, Quicksilver Motion, Mirrored Pursuit, Moment of Alacrity, Diamond Defense, Time Stands Still, Comet Throw, Diamond Nightmare blade

EDIT: In thinking about it, I can't actually use Moment of Alacrity until it becomes my turn. Therefore, William's initiative is only 28 at the moment. Bushwacked, you're up.

Is Garret/Jesse Drake and his airship participating in this challenge? because he rolled initiative but he's not on the list.

KB, you ought to throw your character in here, too, just to test it and get a feel for working with the other PCs.

2009-11-10, 06:51 PM
Jason d'Osira-Link (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=164114)

As Jason quickly tries to evaluate the situation an idea occurs to him. He grows a pair of wing and flies at the beast. From his position above it he pulls a wand from his belt and aims it and then disappears.

-Standard: Casts Master Air.
-Move: Moves forwards (max 90ft.) so that he's 25ft. away from the Tarrasque, using the rest of his movement to gain height.
-Free: Uses Cunning Surge
-Move: Retrieves wand of Shock and Awe from belt.
-Free: Uses Cunning Breach to ignore Tarrasque 's SR this round.
-Swift: Uses wand of Shock and Awe to give the Tarrasque -10 initiative (no save).
-Free: Retrieves his Staff from glove.
-Free: Uses Cunning Surge.
-Standard: Casts Greater Blink from staff. (UMD=37 before roll vs. dc 20)
-Free: Stores Staff back in glove.

Conditions: 9/42 insp. pts.
Greater Magic Weapon 11/21hrs.
Contingent Energy Resistance 11/21hrs.
Master Air 1/21rds.
Greater Blink 1/21rds.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-10, 07:13 PM
William speaks to the others from his stance:

"Shall we let it come to us, then, while you prepare? Or are you lot ready to kill this abomination now?"

2009-11-10, 09:28 PM
(taking my turn now assuming the tarrasque -10 initiative put him under me)

"Hmmm, you want to fight that thing or just get it out of the way quickly?"

He cast assay spell resistance.

Looking at the monk rushing at the creature.

CL+10 for the purpose of beating spell resistance on a single creature.

He moves 30 ft further back for the moment, waiting to see what the Tarrasque is going to do against the monk assault.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-10, 10:10 PM
OOC: Before I go, I'm going to wait for KB to rule on the initiative order, since it's conceivable the Tarrasque goes before William even with the -10. That and the fact that Jesse Drake/Garret (if he's playing) goes ahead of William.

Strategy-wise, who are the meleers and who are the casters? It might be best to let the Tarrasque get close, as opposed to one or two of us running out there in one turn and then having to be alone for a turn until y'all catch up.

2009-11-10, 10:12 PM
Lita is a buffer-type caster. And she's going last.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-10, 10:15 PM
OOC: Technically, everyone that goes after the Tarrasque could delay until the buffers go. In fact, that's what you (possibly we) should all do.

2009-11-10, 10:19 PM
I want to see what Tobrasque does first, though.

If I have to wait another day to play, I might use a Celerity.

By the way, anyone not happy with their species and would like a polymorph?

Barbarian MD
2009-11-10, 11:04 PM
OOC: now that's an interesting proposition...

Does a polymorph change stats, or add them? Because William could always use extra strength, just not at the cost of his mobility or to-hit or anything.

I imagine it would make more sense with another member of our party, though.

Oooh! Can you shapechange into a Tobrasque? ; )

2009-11-10, 11:04 PM
well I was thinking of dealing with it either two ways: the quick way: I use gate summon a monster with like 44 hd...with will save that the tarrasque would have a hard time passing each round.
Pro: I control the creature for 22 rounds and it goes back.
Con: Most of the creatures with 44 hd have frightful presence or equivalent...

The other way, I simply assist with polymorph any objects and various shadow spells and possibly even shapechanging.

edit: Polymorph change stats.
edit 2: Shapechanging into a tarrasque is sadly out of the question as just like polymorph it's up to the HD of the caster but 3.5 limited it to up to caster level 25 so 25 hd monster is the most anybody can get with it.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-10, 11:08 PM
My vote would be to not take the easy way out. Worse comes to worse, sure, but let's learn to work as a team for now and give everyone a chance to work the kinks out of their builds.

2009-11-11, 03:52 AM
OOC: also a buffer, also low initiative. I guess the supportive classes don't have much of initiative boosts.

Anyway, there are advantages to going later, so that which buffs are effective can be seen. Also White Raven Tactics. Let's see if I have that this round:

[roll0], [roll1]

I do! Also Rallying Strike (I'll save that till we start taking damage).

2009-11-11, 06:55 AM
(( - Those above the Tarrasque trade initiative places.
- Hyperion goes after the Tarrasque, it got higher than you (see previous initiative post).
- How is Bushwhacked's character getting two Swift and two Move actions in one round?
- Sorry for the delays, having a job and other crisis' has affected my ability to post a bit.

I'll post later today I swear, hospital appointment now. Once mhvaughan and Bushwhacked have made their actions known I'll go and then let the massacre begin.))

Barbarian MD
2009-11-11, 08:14 AM
"Let us dance with death then, shall we?"

The monk in black takes a breath, gathers his muscles, and then takes a few steps. With impossible power, he launches himself into the air in a flying leap that carries him all the way to the tarrasque. At the last moment he finds the earth, rolling underneath the confused beast's swats. He stands and unleashes a furious series of blows, striking with hands, feet, elbows, and knees, testing the strength of the carapace. With his first strike, a duplicate of himself appears beside him.

Swift: Quicksilver Motion for an extra move.
Move: 100 feet. Tumble skill is epic, so assuming auto succeed.
Full: Full attack with flurry.
As part of flurry, create one mirror image at a cost of 6HP using Ten Mirrored Steps (explanation in stat block).
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]
[roll12] [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15]
[roll16] [roll17]

Barbarian MD
2009-11-11, 08:18 AM
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
With each confirmed crit, blood in the water adds 1 to attack and damage, so this may affect the last half of William's flurry.

Total damageAssuming AC of 35, 409 damage before DR.

It amuses me to no end that William the monk is the tank/meat shield of this group.

2009-11-11, 08:31 AM
((His original standard action was used as a second move action. The standard action was bought with cunning surge.
Two swift actions? Did they change quicken from free to swift?

Edit1: yes... um two mins and i'll change it
Edit2: Changed & good to go.))

Vox Clamantis
2009-11-11, 10:09 AM
Telemirus is melee, with buff/debuff/tank/damage abilities.

He'll be using War Master's Charge on his first turn, so it would be very nice if somebody could charge the Tarrasque with him(free immediate action) so that the Tarrasque is stunned without save. :smallwink:

2009-11-11, 12:46 PM
Jason's wand attack strikes true, literal stars appearing in the monster's eyes briefly.

William's flurry of blows is unleashed, some find purchase, others don't. One finds a key area and leeches a roar from the monster.

Crap my computer's about to die. I'll post more later. Sorry.

2009-11-11, 12:54 PM
((Actually, the -10 to initiative means everybody goes before it. Go nuts.))

Barbarian MD
2009-11-11, 01:02 PM
((So only one of the Crits confirmed? I have to keep a running total, because Blood in the Water stacks throughout the encounter.

Wow, that's an AC if 46 or 47.))

2009-11-11, 01:16 PM

"Ok, time to get this show on the road."

Lita moves her Phantom Steed towards the beast and her comrades. She mumbles something fast and suddenly becomes a blur. Time has stopped for her and her only.

Move: Ride Phantom Steed toward the monster
Standard 1: Time Stop
Apparent Round 1:

Free: Realize I can't do much in apparent time
Standard: Mirror Image for 1d4 copies
Apparent Round 2

Standard: Inspire Greatness on self, the monk, and Hyperion's character if he's close.
Free: Draw Weapon
Apparent Round 3:

Swift: Cast Inspirational Boost for +1 to Inspire Courage
Free: Dismiss Inspire Greatness, Weapon continues singing for Lita
Standard: Inspire Courage
Immediate: Activate Badge of Valor +1 to Inspire Courage
Apparent Round 4:

Free: Words of Creation, Lita takes 3d4 nonlethal.
Standard: Greater Shadow Conjuration - Summon Monster VI - Bralani
Time stop ends
Free: Use Belt of Battle for Free Standard Action
Standard 2: Greater Arcane Fusion - Waves of Exhaustion on Big T, Haste on nearby pals.

I should have picked better spells. I only really picked self-buffs. Of well, we'll see if this works.


2009-11-11, 01:21 PM
ooc: No sr is needed for time stop so go ahead, do what you wanna do and I already acted this round. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7291281&postcount=15)

2009-11-11, 01:44 PM

After time has reset itself, a singing Lita is now surrounded by floating duplicates and there is a Bralani somewhere below her. She casts some sort of spell and her allies feel a bit faster and the Tarrasque may be feeling a bit slower.

No, that was just something for later.


Everyone within thirty feet has been hasted. Inspire Greatness for Lita, the Monk, and Hyperion's character. Inspire Courage of +12 to damage and to-hit for everyone.

Big T was hit by Waves of Exhaustion.

About a half-hour later, I am done. Like I said before, you need a magazine.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-11, 01:53 PM
William the Epic MonkHP: 282/282 +40 Temp. AC: 43 45. Touch: 33. FF: 35. DR: 8/-. SR: 32. Fort: +24 +30. Ref: +28 +33. Will: +24 +28. Init: +11. Speed: 100' (fly) 130'.
Immune fear, disease, poison, transmutation, negative levels. Freedom of Movement. Improved evasion. See Invisibility. Fly-by-attack. Combat expertise/reflexes.
Grappling block: disarm when hit. Defensive Throw: trip when missed. :smallbiggrin:

Time Limited EffectsTrue Seeing: 0/22 rounds.
Belt of Growth: 0/10 minutes
Planeshift 0/1

Stance: Blood in the Water (+1 attack/damage on each critical hit) Bonus: +4 to saves
Dodge: +1 (44 AC)

1 Mirror Image

+5 Unarmed Adamantine Attack: +35/+30/+25/+20. +52/+52/+47/+42/+37
Damage: 2d10+31+1 Constitution. 2d10+44+1CON
Flurry: +34 x 6 +51 x 7

Grapple check: +35 + Size (BAB, Str, Special)
Trip: +17 + Size (Str, Bonus)
Disarm: +35 +52 (Attack)

Buffs in Effect
+13 damage (+1 Blood in Water, +12 Inspired)
+16 to-hit (+1 Blood in Water, +12 Courage, +3 Greatness)
40 temp HP
3 HD
+2 fortitude saves
Haste (+1 attack, +1 dodge, +1 reflex, 1 extra attack, +30 feet

Ten Mirrored StepsTen Mirrored Steps:
If you make two successful attacks on an enemy in the same flurry, you may generate a mirror image of yourself, as per the spell. Doing so reduces your maximum hp by six for the duration of the encounter. If it would reduce you below your current HP, you take damage accordingly.
You may have up to five mirror images, but may only generate up to two per round. Unlike the spell, your duplicates move independently to a small degree, creating an even more convincing illusion. This is a supernatural ability and has the [calling] type rather than the [illusion] type. These images vanish at the end of the encounter. You then regain your lost maximum HP and are healed for the total amount lost to mirror images, unless you are dead.

Maneuvers Readied:Disrupting Blow, Quicksilver Motion, Mirrored Pursuit, Moment of Alacrity, Diamond Defense, Time Stands Still, Comet Throw, Diamond Nightmare blade

((OOC: We would, if we noticed time stopping... :smallbiggrin:
One of these days I need to homebrew a feat for monks to be able to take part in time stops. It just seems such a monkish thing to do.))

((EDIT/OOC: Holy crap, that's a lot of buffs. If William survives this round, he may be able to one-shot the Tarrasque.))

2009-11-11, 02:00 PM
One of Lita's feats makes Inspire Greatness 3d10, +3 to attacks, and +2 to fortitude. And don't forget the haste.

Vox Clamantis
2009-11-11, 10:15 PM
Telemirus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=164120)

The sun elf who had been standing by in midair not far from the casters sees his opening and charges the beast, his voice and figure tinged with the presence of a marut Inevitable.

Alright, a little complicated.

Free: Eternal Training (+6 to attack/damage)
Swift: Tactical Insight (if he hits with his next attack, the Tarrasque suffers a -6 to his AC for one round)
Full-Round: War Master's Charge (+2 to attack, +50 damage and any ally within 30 feet can charge the Tarrasque as a FREE action with a +2 to attack above the normal bonus for charging and a +25 to damage. IF any of my allies charges with me AND we both hit, the Tarrasque is stunned.)
Free: Smite as part of the charge (+5 attack, +7 damage)

War Master's Charge: [roll0]
[roll1] damage
[roll2] additional damage
[roll3] if 15-20 on the original attack roll.
[roll4] if applicable.

Free: Island in Time (take a turn as an immediate action)
Swift: White Raven Tactics on William (initiative shifts to just below mine, take another turn immediately)
Move -> Swift: Tactical Insight (if he hits with an attack, the Tarrasque's AC is a further -6 for one round (it's untyped, therefore stacking))
Standard: Ancient Mountain Hammer
[roll7] damage +
[roll8] damage
[roll10] threatens 15-20


Vox Clamantis
2009-11-11, 10:20 PM
Summary (unless the Tarrasque's AC increased dramatically between William's turn and Telemirus')

War Master's Charge crit and confirmed for 261 damage.

Ancient Mountain Hammer hit for a further 96 damage.

William can take a turn immediately (his initiative also changes) to just below Telemirus'.

The Tarrasque is at -12 AC for one round.

If anyone decides to charge with Telemirus during his War Master's Charge (and hits) the Tarrasque will be stunned).

Barbarian MD
2009-11-11, 10:43 PM
William the Epic MonkHP: 282/282 +40 Temp. AC: 43 45. Touch: 33. FF: 35. DR: 8/-. SR: 32. Fort: +24 +30. Ref: +28 +33. Will: +24 +28. Init: +11. Speed: 100' (fly) 130'.
Immune fear, disease, poison, transmutation, negative levels. Freedom of Movement. Improved evasion. See Invisibility. Fly-by-attack. Combat expertise/reflexes.
Grappling block: disarm when hit. Defensive Throw: trip when missed. :smallbiggrin:

Time Limited EffectsTrue Seeing: 0/22 rounds.
Belt of Growth: 0/10 minutes
Planeshift 0/1

Stance: Blood in the Water (+1 attack/damage on each critical hit) Bonus: +4 to saves
Dodge: +1 (44 AC)

1 Mirror Image

+5 Unarmed Adamantine Attack: +35/+30/+25/+20. +52/+52/+47/+42/+37
Damage: 2d10+31+1 Constitution. 2d10+44+1CON
Flurry: +34 x 6 +51 x 7

Grapple check: +35 + Size (BAB, Str, Special)
Trip: +17 + Size (Str, Bonus)
Disarm: +35 +52 (Attack)

Buffs in Effect
+13 damage (+1 Blood in Water, +12 Inspired)
+16 to-hit (+1 Blood in Water, +12 Courage, +3 Greatness)
40 temp HP
3 HD
+2 fortitude saves
Haste (+1 attack, +1 dodge, +1 reflex, 1 extra attack, +30 feet

Ten Mirrored StepsTen Mirrored Steps:
If you make two successful attacks on an enemy in the same flurry, you may generate a mirror image of yourself, as per the spell. Doing so reduces your maximum hp by six for the duration of the encounter. If it would reduce you below your current HP, you take damage accordingly.
You may have up to five mirror images, but may only generate up to two per round. Unlike the spell, your duplicates move independently to a small degree, creating an even more convincing illusion. This is a supernatural ability and has the [calling] type rather than the [illusion] type. These images vanish at the end of the encounter. You then regain your lost maximum HP and are healed for the total amount lost to mirror images, unless you are dead.

Maneuvers Readied:Disrupting Blow, Quicksilver Motion, Mirrored Pursuit, Moment of Alacrity, Diamond Defense, Time Stands Still, Comet Throw, Diamond Nightmare blade

The monk, encourage by the elf's massive attack, readies another series of blows, striking out like lightning.

Swift: Time Stands Still (two full round actions)

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] Crit Confirmed
[roll4] [roll5] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll6] [roll7] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll8] [roll9] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll10] [roll11] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll12] [roll13] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll14] [roll15] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll16] [roll17] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll18] [roll19] +1 atk/+1 dmg

[roll20] [roll21] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll22] [roll23] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll24] [roll25] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll26] [roll27] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll28] [roll29] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll30] [roll31] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll32] [roll33] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll34] [roll35] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll36] [roll37] +1 atk/+1 dmg
[roll38] [roll39] +1 atk/+1 dmg

And we'll see how many Crits/Blood in the Water bonuses that results in. I think this is probably over.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-11, 10:44 PM
Crit: [roll0] [roll1]

If that kills it, either bring out your big guns, or ignore that attack and Elric will stop attacking and serve as a meat shield to let the others in the party test their builds.

2009-11-12, 01:28 AM
Seeing little reason not to, Alamar joins with Telemirus's charge, ending next to William.

Attack: [roll0] (oops, copied the wrong modifier. That should be +25. Misses anyway)
Damage: [roll1] (epic, piercing)

He then renders the monk invisible (greater invisibility, cast defensively [roll2] and distracts the monster so that his ally can act yet again (white raven tactics on William).

Gain Manuever: [roll3] (foehammer)

2009-11-12, 03:25 AM
Everybody reacts like lightning, smashing the beast with assorted attacks, Balos' spel and Lita's frozen time shenanigans seem to have crippled the beast, and everybody else's attacks have opened up wounds the likes of which had never been seen upon it's hide.

Roaring in anger it attempted to crush the Elf that had cracked it's carapace, biting, clawing and smashing with all it's (significantly lessened) Strength.

Full Attack on Vox:
Bite: [roll0] / [roll1]+[roll2]+30 = [46]
Horn: [roll3] / [roll4]+[roll5]+21 = [39]
Horn: [roll6] / [roll7]+[roll8]+21 = [37]
Claw: [roll9] / [roll10]+[roll11]+21 = [30]
Claw: [roll12] / [roll13]+[roll14]+21 = [27]
Wing Attack: [roll15] / [roll16]+[roll17]+21 = [39]
Wing Attack: [roll18] / [roll19]+[roll20]+21 = [38]
Tail Slap: [roll21] / [roll22]+[roll23]+30 = [56]

2009-11-12, 03:32 AM
Crit Confirms:
Claw: [roll0] / [roll1]+[roll2]+21
Claw: [roll3] / [roll4]+[roll5]+21
Wing: [roll6] / [roll7]+[roll8]+21

All attacks over come DR/Magic, DR/Epic and any DR/Material.

Vox Clamantis
2009-11-12, 05:43 AM
Telemirus is understandably dead after that.

I would have used his second action to White Raven Hammer the brute, but I was certain at least one other person would charge and hit. :smallsigh:

2009-11-12, 06:14 AM
((Well fortunately if you stick around after Big T bites it, I have a special treat for you all.))

Vox Clamantis
2009-11-12, 06:32 AM
((Did Telemirus' charge/followup actually end up doing more damage after DR than the monk's three flurries, or did the Tarrasque prioritize targets according to some other criterion?))

2009-11-12, 07:41 AM
((Did Telemirus' charge/followup actually end up doing more damage after DR than the monk's three flurries, or did the Tarrasque prioritize targets according to some other criterion?))

((I assigned everyone a number based on their initiative order, then rolled a d6.))

Barbarian MD
2009-11-12, 07:53 AM
Sorry, I just woke up. Was William due to go yet again from Alamar's white raven thing before the tarrasque's turn?

P.S vox, William was apparently Greater Invisible'd prior to Big T's turn, so you might have been the next best choice if he can't see invisible.

Vox Clamantis
2009-11-12, 08:04 AM
I take it as a given that improved Tarrasque has True Seeing, because if he doesn't then every Illusionist with Superior Invisibility could kick his butt.

Barbarian MD
2009-11-12, 08:11 AM
KB, two questions:
1) frightful presence?
2) william's extra turn after alamar's and before Big T?

2009-11-12, 09:42 AM
Jason quickly casts a few more spells before launching a throwing knife that didn't seem to be there a second ago. He beats his wings hard and wings over the head of the beast to attack it's flanks. He draws his rapier and starts jabbing.

Free: Drops wand.
Standard: Casts Divine Favor
Free: Uses Cunning Surge
Standard: Casts Divine Power
Move: Uses Hidden Blade to draw dagger.
Free: Uses Cunning Surge
Free: Uses Cunning Breach (daggers aren't epic weapons)
Standard: Attacks using Hidden Blade:
Attack-[roll0]+6(Divine power)+3(Divine favor)+12(Inspire courage)=41
Free: Uses Cunning Insight, Mimic Sneak Attack and Cunning strike
Iaijutsu Focus: [roll1]
Damage- [roll2]+3(Divine favor)+12(Inspire courage)+15(Cunning insight)+[roll3](1 bracers, 3 mimic, 3 cunning strike)+Iaijutsu Focus=100
Free: Uses Cunning Surge
Standard->Move: Flys to flanking position (Max 90ft.- note mobility feat)
Free: Uses Cunning Surge
Free: Draws Rapier and activates Blurstrike
Attack-[roll4]+6(Divine power)+3(Divine favor)+12(Inspire courage)+2(Flanking)=50
Free: Uses Cunning Insight, Mimic Sneak Attack and Cunning strike (11)
Iaijutsu Focus: [roll5]
Damage- [roll6]+3(Divine favor)+12(Inspire courage)+15(Cunning insight)+[roll7](1 bracers, 3 mimic, 3 cunning strike)+[roll8](Electric)+Iaijutsu Focus=110

31/42 insp. pts.
Greater Magic Weapon 11/21hrs.
Contingent Energy Resistance 11/21hrs.
Master Air 2/21rds.
Greater Blink 2/21rds.
Divine Power 1/21rds.
Divine Favor 1/10rds.

2009-11-12, 09:44 AM
((Iaijutsu Focus rolls:[roll0], [roll1]))

2009-11-12, 10:32 AM
@mhaughan: I didn't boost the Frightful prescence DC so I'll assume you all made it. Doesn't matter about your attack, because it's been finished off. Glad I had the new guy as backup.

The Tarrasque collapses with a crash that shakes the very Air itself. For a moment you revel in your victory, perhaps mourning your fallen comrade.

But it is only for a moment. You hear a single enormous BOOM!, followed by silence. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Suddenly there is a horrible crunching noise, and a spiky fist punches through the Tarrasque's carapace. Unbelievable golden light pours out with it, eradicating the darkness all around you. Behind you the light even vanquishes the darkness surrounding The Spark, revealing an otherwise hidden pathway to reach it.

Once again the fist breaks through the carapace, and with a third strike it shatters it completely. Yet more light flows from within the Tarrasque, too much light, everything is blurry. Your wounds heal, you feel your spells and other resources return to you. Telemirus awakens with a deep intake of breath.

Out of the Tarrasque's corpse rises a colossal humanoid shape. Spines cover every inch of it, think armoured skin supporting them. It is almost 100ft tall, the Tarrasque would barely make up one of it's arms. It turns to face your direction and you each hear a voice within your mind, all but concussing you as it reverberates pure evil within you.

"You have my thanks mortals. That form served it's purpose well, but in order to live again I required it's demise. Now stand aside and you shall have the honour of watching me claim my prize."

Initiative please.
Everything this thing can do is legal, non-homebrew, and designed to tst you without being unstoppable. Hopefully I've done a good job with it.
Picture of it:

Vox Clamantis
2009-11-12, 10:39 AM
((Image not working, KB.))


Rolling for maneuvers.

[roll1] - White Raven Tactics
[roll2] - Rallying Strike
[roll3] - Strike of Righteous Vitality
[roll4] - White Raven Hammer

Barbarian MD
2009-11-12, 10:43 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

William calls out: "and who might you be?"

2009-11-12, 10:47 AM
Is Telemirus fully healed?

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-11-12, 10:47 AM
((Are we keeping our currently active spells? If not can we keep our all day buffs?))

Init:[roll0](with Nerveskitter again)

2009-11-12, 11:11 AM
Balos looks up
"What the hell is this thing?"

2009-11-12, 11:14 AM
Knowledge(Esoteric): [roll0]
Knowledge(Scientific): [roll1]

2009-11-12, 11:16 AM
((Everything goes back to scratch. Wounds are healed, spells etc. are unused; so no all day buffs, and there are a couple of new friends to help you out.))

@mhvaughan: There is no reply.

2009-11-12, 11:20 AM
Are Persistent spells nullified, then? (If they are...ah well, recalculate. There's a reason I used Permanency.)
Initiative: [roll0] [Doesn't change with or without Persistent stuff.]

2009-11-12, 11:24 AM
((Good idea dspeyer
Knowledge (Esoteric)- with Cunning Knowledge:[roll0]
Knowledge (Practical)- with Cunning Knowledge:[roll1]
Knowledge (Scientific)- with Cunning Knowledge:[roll2]))

2009-11-12, 11:32 AM
Hmm, Knowledge checks?
Esoteric: [roll0]
Practical: [roll1]

2009-11-12, 11:36 AM
See if any of our characters have heard any legends or can figure out anything by looking at the monster or something like that.

Edit: I found the Pic- http://s622.photobucket.com/albums/tt310/Kobold-Bard/?action=view&current=BigSpikyB*****d.jpg (http://s622.photobucket.com/albums/tt310/Kobold-Bard/?action=view&current=BigSpikyBastard.jpg)

2009-11-12, 12:37 PM
With the appearance of the new threat, the feline Prince Shatorr apears from his other-dimensional realm with a crack. Immediately assessing the situation, he prepares for battle against the new, hostile-looking creature... Though how he'd kill anything like that was beyond him at the moment.


2009-11-12, 12:40 PM
DC31 Know (Esoteric)
There is a legend of a God who attempted to claim the multiverse for itself. It almost succeeded, but was eventually beaten and sealed away beyond reality.
DC36 Know (Esoteric)
The Tarrasque appears to have been a Vessel for this creature, because it couldn't take on a form of it's own yet. The life energy of those consumed by the Tarrasque seems to have been syphoned into this creature until it had enough power to form itself. However apparently the Tarrasque itself was the last piece of the puzzle, it's death being the catalyst for this creature's escape.
DC 41 Know (Esoteric)
The God's name was Althenir; Endless Strength. It bore witness to the creation of Reality, and helped shape it. When he mutinied he took the title Gorathk; The Almighty One. When he was defeated he was named Tremnowl; The Fallen One.
DC 20 Know (Practical)
There was a cult devoted to raising the Tarrasque and unleashing it against the world. They were successful (obviously) but where they obtained the knowledge of how to do so was unknown to the majority.
DC36 Know (Practical)
The leader of the Tarrasque cult was a Human man named Thelmais, the most prodigious wielder of Pact Magic ever known. It was he who gave the knowledge to the first cultists, and he who ensured they succeeded. He supposedly did this under orders from a Vestige so powerful it took absolute dominion over him, remaining permanently fused to his Soul.
DC5 now (Scientific)
There is nothing, nor was there before the Tarrasqualypse that looked even remotely like this.

((These DC's are plucked out of thin air. If you came close and really want to look go ahead. There's nothing mechanically useful in there.))
((Aything that's been on you for more than 24 hours is still in effect, as are any constant magic Items. This guy doesn't have class levels or WBL so that's the trade off. If the consensus is that this is unfair I'll change it.))

2009-11-12, 12:41 PM

Huh, my magic horse has disappeared and now I'm falling slowly towards the ground. That's new.


I knew paying the extra cash for feather fall on a ring was a good idea. Silly and possibly unnecessary, but actually good.


Barbarian MD
2009-11-12, 01:31 PM
Knowledge (Practical): [roll0]

William studies the god intently, trying to ascertain if it might be immune to fire.

2009-11-13, 11:36 AM
FYI, PC initiatives are:

Jason 42
Balos 24
Lita 23
Prince Shatorr 20
NoldorForce's unnamed character 16
William 14
Telemirus 8
Alamar 6

I think it's unlikely that the monster is above 42.

2009-11-18, 10:39 AM
Dunno if anyone still has there subscription, but issues beyond my control prevented me from posting.

Sorry for the let down, hope you guys can forgive me.


Vox Clamantis
2009-11-18, 10:41 AM
Starting up again would be fine by me... :smallwink:

2009-11-18, 11:08 AM
I'm still here. Let us proceed.

2009-11-18, 01:35 PM
((Forgiven, are you going to join us in the other battle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131596), I think you still have time to get in.))