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2010-04-15, 09:53 AM
Muelennah hears the twang of a bowstring and in the corner of his eye sees one of the hobgoblins go down. Then a flash of angry blue-white light flew into the hobgoblin leader, and both Muelennah and the hobgoblin in front of him glanced over in that direction. Mages?! Well, they have taken the attention of the other hobgoblins. Time to press the advantage.

The spear leaps forward, point first towards the hobgoblin's chest.

Attack maneuver, attack, step backwards.
Spear grip, two-handed, reach 2.

Spear (13-0torso, effective 13): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Hobgoblin 4 defenses, then Cedric.

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-15, 10:33 AM
Dodging backwards, the hobgoblin can't avoid the full force of Muelennah's thrust. The spear makes a deep wound which causes the hobgoblin to stumble and fall, dropping his mace as he does so.

retreating dodge
11 impaling - 1 DR = 10 (*2) = 20 HP injury
hobgoblin is stunned, and falls over

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Cedric is up


2010-04-15, 07:00 PM
Cedric makes a wide loop, passing around the prostrate hobgoblin, circling the opposite direction of the besieged gnome, and rushing forward at the well armored hobgoblin bandit. With a grunt and a jingle of equipment, Cedric is on the verge of collision with the hobgoblin leader.

Opting for Move-and-Attack, SLAM maneuver.
Cedric moves forward-right, forward, forward-left, forward-left

If I'm reading this right, I roll skill at Brawling, no penalty
Potential Crushing Damage(14x4/100=.56=(1d-1): [roll]1d6-1
I believe I did damage correctly, but it was really ambiguous on damage over .5, p.371. Also the return damage is unclear. Seems damage dealt is calculated relative to your own HP, received relative to the enemy, but i'm unsure of whose velocity the hobgob uses for determining damage...)

2010-04-15, 07:01 PM
Potential crushing damage:[roll0]
/sigh this could be bad

OOC: Up next, HobGob slam dmg roll, and then Jorik since HobGod leader is just standing there this round, like a brick wall :smalltongue:

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-16, 09:38 PM

I believe I did damage correctly, but it was really ambiguous on damage over .5, p.371.

Looks like you got the damage dice correct. Slam damage might not be the easiest thing to calculate, but I believe p.B371 is saying that: If the number of dice is less than 1, you use one of those three categories given, based on the fraction. However, if the number is greater than 1.0, then you only use whole dice - round up any fraction if it is 0.5 or more, or just drop the fraction if it is less.

Also the return damage is unclear. Seems damage dealt is calculated relative to your own HP, received relative to the enemy, but i'm unsure of whose velocity the hobgob uses for determining damage...)

I thought that I'd already answered when you asked this before :smallwink:

Looking at the rules on p.B371-2 it's relative velocity, which would make sense. So the factors that determine what that velocity is will normally be the same for both objects.

The hobgoblin wasn't moving towards or away from you, so only your velocity matters here (if only the slammer is moving, then his velocity IS the "relative velocity"). However, in instances where the target is moving towards or away from the slammer, then the relative velocity needs to be calculated (e.g. add together the two moves for a head-on collision, or subtract the target's move for a slam from behind).

The hobgoblin leader fails to dodge the slam and Cedric collides with him, but badly. The big guy manages to get himself knocked over, while leaving the dazed hobgoblin still standing. Neither is appreciably hurt by the collision - their armours have cushioned the impact.

Dodge at -4 for stun
fail, unsurprisingly
2 points crushing damage to Cedric - 2 DR = 0 injury
however, as this double Cedric's damage roll, he falls down automatically

Eighth turn - Hobgoblin Leader

Jarred by the collision, but still standing, the hobgoblin looks down at Cedric and grins.

Do Nothing manoeuvre, mandated by stun
successful HT save - able to act normally next turn

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)

OOC: Jorik is next

2010-04-16, 09:44 PM
Jorik turns to face the Hobgoblin behind him, drawing his knife and buckler as he steps backwards. He is chagrined, but not surprised, to see the large fellow that recently ran past lying on the ground.

Ready maneuver, Fast-Draw Knife (13): [roll0].
After successful Fast-Draw, Readying Buckler.
Step NW, Facing Change SE.

Edit: Hah, success. As we talked about earlier, I'm doing a second Ready instead of an Attack after the Fast-Draw, if that's no longer cool I can change my action.

Also, updated the Map, and put in where I dropped my sword, in case somebody decides to step on it. :smallwink:

OOC: Rann is up next.

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-17, 06:58 PM

As we talked about earlier, I'm doing a second Ready instead of an Attack after the Fast-Draw, if that's no longer cool I can change my action.

That's fine as agreed.

Also, updated the Map, and put in where I dropped my sword, in case somebody decides to step on it. :smallwink:

I saw that, thanks :smallsmile:


Eighth turn - Rann

Rann pulls another arrow from the quiver as he edges forward.

Ready manoeuvre
sidestep forward-left
ready arrow

Eighth turn - Hobgoblin 2

Still unconscious.


Eighth turn - Hobgoblin 3

The hobgoblin isn't moving.


Eighth turn - Hobgoblin 4

Shifting slightly, the hobgoblin makes a groaning noise.


Eighth turn - Hobgoblin 5

The hobgoblin moves off the slope in an attempt to kick the supine Cedric in the face, but misses.

Attack manoeuvre
step forward-left

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)

OOC: Ementha next

2010-04-18, 06:04 PM
Ementha hurriedly leans her staff up against the tree.

(Rolling DX+4 = 14)
Trying to quickly put staff against tree.[roll0]

2010-04-18, 08:33 PM
Eniarch speaks softly, as though he were coaxing a wild animal to his hands with a treat. For a brief moment the light around him seems to flicker and dim as the glow from his hand grows substantially brighter, almost as though the spell were actually drinking in the sun's rays to fuel its own growth.

Concentrate, Sunbolt, no spell skill roll required to enlarge missile spell, 3FP spent, current total FP points in held spell = 4.

Now, watch me as I miss my target next turn and waste it all because none of us can roll a success to save our footing, dignity or lives. ;)

OOC: Franciszek is up, map unchanged.

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-19, 04:54 PM
Eighth turn - Franciszek

Franciszek grips his staff with both hands, glancing from Rann to Eniarch as he steps to his left.

Ready manoeuvre (staff)
sidestep left

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Muelennah is next


2010-04-19, 05:00 PM
Muelennah groans inwardly as he sees the human run forward and collide with the hobgoblin leader. You have to lead with your shoulder! With Jorik up and armed, it looks like this valiant newcomer is the most vulnerable. Muelennah tightens his grip on his spear and charges the hobgoblin leader shouting "Away from him!".

If I am reading B364 correctly, the hobgoblin leader is still at -4 to active defenses until his next turn, plus another -2 if I attack him from the side. I had better land a hit now, then!

Spear, two-handed, reach 2.
AoA (determined) to the vitals, move forward, forward-right, attack.
Spear (13+4aoa-3vitals, effective 14): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], wounding modifier is x3


Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Hobgoblin leader defense then Cedric.

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-19, 05:37 PM
The hobgoblin leader attempts to dodge out the way of Muelennah's charge, but he is far too slow. The spear thrust pierces the scale armour right at the kidneys and the leader collapses with a shout.

If I am reading B364 correctly, the hobgoblin leader is still at -4 to active defenses until his next turn, plus another -2 if I attack him from the side.

That seems right to me :smallsmile:

retreating dodge (+3, -4, -2)
fail (not too surprising really)
6 impaling - 3 DR = 3 (*3 for vitals) = 9 HP wound

Major Wound forces K/S save (at -5 for vitals)
and fail

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Cedric is next


2010-04-19, 07:17 PM
With a grunt, and shaking his head slightly, Cedric struggles up on a knee into a kneeling position.

And I thought twenty stone trumped just about everything shy of a horse.

Change posture to kneeling.

EDIT: Cedric is facing north in the top hex where his feet were, facing, Muelennah.

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-20, 04:59 AM
Ninth turn - Hobgoblin Leader

The hobgoblin leader doesn't move.


Map unchanged. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Jorik is next


2010-04-20, 09:55 AM
Seeing Muelennah's successful attack and the new fellow rising to his knees, Jorik steps carefully over the unconscious hobgoblin towards the last standing foe.

Move South, South, free one-hex facing change SE as the end of movement.
Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)

OOC: Up next, Rann.

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-20, 03:50 PM
Ninth turn - Rann

Nocking his arrow to the bowstring, Rann keeps moving forwards.

Ready manoeuvre (reload bow)
step forward

Ninth turn - Hobgoblin 2

Still unconscious.


Ninth turn - Hobgoblin 3

Still not moving.

Ninth turn - Hobgoblin 4

Not moving.


Ninth turn - Hobgoblin 5

Spinning round, the hobgoblin steps up and grabs Cedric's head from behind with both hands.

Attack manoeuvre
step (and face) North, moving into close combat with Cedric
EDIT: grapple skull

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Ementha next


As you are grabbed, you spot that the downed hobgoblin on the hill (number 4) is still concscious and is quietly reaching for his weapon.

2010-04-20, 05:08 PM
Ementha begins struggling to get her backpack off her shoulders.

Remove backpack rd. 1 I assume you want the DX check on the second action. Is that correct?

2010-04-20, 06:17 PM
Ruinous damnation! Eniarch takes a few steps closer and to the right, looking for an opening in which to strike, but he does not release the spell yet.

Holding Sunbolt, Move action, forward x2, forward-right x1, one hex-side facing change to N.

Well played, Mr. Hobgoblin. Well played.

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)

OOC: Franciszek is next.

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-21, 07:19 AM
Ninth turn - Franciszek

Mindful of not getting in Rann's way, Franciszek moves up alongside Jorik.

Move manoeuvre
forward-left, forward-right

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: next is Muelennah


2010-04-21, 11:20 AM
Muelennah shifts his attention to the lone remaining hobgoblin as the leader falls to the ground, and sees Cedric's head being firmly grasped by two foul looking hands. An animal is most dangerous when cornered, this must be finished quickly. The spear darts forward, inches from Cedric's head.

Spear, two-handed grip, reach 2.

AoA (determined), no step.
Spear (13+4aoa-2cc, effective 15): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-23, 06:58 PM
The hobgoblin fails to dodge the spear, and the point hits his chest squarely. It was a good strike, but the hobgoblin is still standing.


11 impaling - 1 DR = 10 (*2) = 20 HP wound
hobgoblin suffering shock, but not stunned

Map unchanged. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Cedric up next


2010-04-23, 07:26 PM
Cedric starts in surprise, startled by the pair of calloused, malicious arms wrapping around his head. Coming close to a panic, he struggles violently against them.

Quick contest of Strength
Strength(13+2): [roll0]

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-23, 08:09 PM
Cedric struggles in vain. The hobgoblin's grip on his head is vice-like.

QC roll (+5 for two hands)
success by 8, meaning the margin of victory is 7 for the hobgoblin (Cedric succeeded by 1)

Tenth turn - Hobgoblin Leader

Not moving.


Map unchanged. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: next is Jorik


2010-04-23, 08:24 PM
Jorik is amazed that the hobgoblin continues to keep his grip on the man's head after Muelennah's stout blow, but steps in to try to attack from the side.

Step NE, All-out-Attack (Determined) to Hobgoblin 3.
Swinging with Knife to Torso (12 -2cc -2 footing +4 determined, effective 12): [roll0].

B387 says the increased movement cost for the prone foe doesn't matter for the step, so I have acted accordingly. I did, however, give myself the -2 to hit for bad footing, which I hope is acceptable.

Edit: sad day.
The attack misses the Hobgob, so I must roll to avoid hitting Cedric.
Looks like I have to put it in a separate post.

2010-04-23, 08:27 PM
Jorik curses again as he misses the hobgoblin, and tries to avoid Cedric, but his blade of course strikes the other target.

Attack (9):[roll0]
Edit: :smalleek: Sorry. I believe you get to take a defense?

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)

2010-04-23, 08:36 PM
Forgot to put this in my last posting, and of course can't edit it back in:
Potential knife damage (1d): [roll0].

Sorry for the triple post.

OOC: Next, Cedric's defense, then Rann?

2010-04-23, 09:51 PM
Cedric brings up his short sword in an attempt to deflect the misdirected attack. A miss, and searing pain shoots through Cedric, causing him to struggle even harder.

Prior roll was ruined, I posted too soon after my OOC and forgot to correct my roll when it made me wait.
Parry (at DX-4, effective 9): [roll0]

Unwitting Pawn
2010-04-25, 05:00 PM
Jorik's clumsy attack hits Cedric in the torso. Fortunately, the mail shirt stops most of the blow, but enough knife gets through to cause a shallow cut.

random hit location
10, torso hit

5 points cutting - 4 DR = 1 (*1.5) = 1 HP wound

Tenth turn - Rann

There is a thud as Rann's arrow hits the hobgoblin in the back, but his grip on Cedric doesn't loosen.

Attack manoeuvre
step forward
shoot at torso of hobgoblin 5 (14 skill -2 range = 12 effective)
8, success
4 points impaling (*2) = 8 HP lost
hobgoblin passes K/S save

Tenth turn - Hobgoblin 2

No change.


Tenth turn - Hobgoblin 3

No change.


Tenth turn - Hobgoblin 4

The hobgoblin starts to get up.

Change Posture manoeuvre
from lying down to kneeling, face NW

Tenth turn - Hobgoblin 5

Gritting through his own injuries, the hobgoblin yanks on Cedric's head in an attempt to snap the man's neck.

consciousness save at start of turn for -HP

All-out Attack manoeuvre (determined)
Snap Neck (+4 for AoA, no minus for Shock as ST-based technique)
succeeds by 4
Cedric resists this as QC using higher of ST or HT (see p.B404)
2 points potential crushing damage to neck (*1.5) would = 3 HP wound

Map updated. (http://dabbleboard.com/draw/UnwittingPawn/combat1-2)


OOC: Cedric's QC roll, then Ementha is next


2010-04-25, 05:06 PM
Cedric's neck jerks as the attempt is made to snap his neck. Stiffening his muscles, he fights for dear life.

"Not... today... friend..." he pants.

Strength (13+2): [roll0]
Victory by 9, yay

2010-04-25, 06:21 PM
Ementha continues to struggle with her backpack. If she is able to free it from her shoulders, she drops it to the ground at the base of the tree.

(DX (10) check. Unsure of any modifiers.)


2010-04-25, 07:19 PM
Eniarch takes a step forward, points a finger at the back of the hobgoblin holding Cedric's head, and releases a blinding bolt of light at his target. The bolt, badly aimed, sails past the hobgoblin as the two struggle, and strikes Cedric.

All-Out-Attack (Determined), Innate Attack (Beam): 12+1 = 13. No range penalty for Range <= 1yd. Result: [roll0]

Damage Roll, if required:[roll1]

Can we say miss by one? Yes. Yes we can. Can we say that I may have just cooked an ally for Yet Another Miss By One? Yes. Yes, we can. Can we say "I hate this forum roller?" Yes. Yes, we can.

/sigh Further updates on who I may have actually hit, coming momentarily.

2010-04-25, 07:44 PM
Apologies in advance if I'm getting any of this wrong, but I think it's the first time we've gotten to see this stuff applied. /sigh :smallredface:

According to B389, there's now a chance I hit any target that was in my line of fire (straightedge, etc). This yields two additional targets, Cedric and Muelennah, and the same page yields the information about the roll I'm applying below.

The roll to hit a target is the roll I'd have needed to hit them normally, or a roll of 9, whichever is worst.

Roll to hit first target in line, Cedric:
13, -4 for the Hobgoblin in the way, means that the roll is a 9. There is no range modifier, as Cedric is in the same hex as the Hobgoblin.
Hit location: [roll1] (Left Arm)

Further negative modifiers may apply, but I can't seem to find any relevant ones, UP. Shield arm having a further -4 might apply (B552, note 6) but as the roll was 4 under the target, I don't think it matters, and it seems a little weird to apply an additional penalty for shields on an attack from behind.

Roll to hit second target in line, Muelennah, if (and only if) Cedric is missed:
13 would be required to hit him normally, less -4 for the Hobgoblin, and -4 for Cedric, and -1 more for range (3 hexes = 3yds, >2yds so using 5yd line on table from 550). This reduces the skill roll to a 4 required to hit, which is worse than a 9, and so is the roll required.
[roll2] (Moot - see above roll for Cedric)
Hit location: [roll3] (Also moot.)

...and with that, I'm going to bed. Someone wake me when we want "almost" to start counting. :smallredface:

If I understand it correctly, Cedric receives no Active Defense, as the attack is from behind him. Sorry, Cedric.

I am editing the previous post to reflect the bolt's true destination, which should, if I read this right, be Cedric's left arm. Limb hits reduce damage dealt to 1/2HP max per blow, and exceeding the damage threshold will cripple the limb, dealing 1/2HP damage - seven points, in this case. If I've missed nothing, Cedric will need to roll vs. HT at the end of combat (Basic Set, p422).

2010-05-30, 05:50 PM
Ementha mutters curses at her backpack as the strap gets stuck around her elbow. Why is it that when you're hurrying that things seem to take the longest?