View Full Version : Tarry Tarrasque Poops on a Fighter pt 2: Unarmed Brawler

2009-11-10, 11:14 AM
Welcome to the

Part II: Tarry vs. Mock Mearson the Unarmed Brawler

Posting Rules for the Challenger:

For ease of use, the map is a grid lettered and numbered. To allow repeating of letters, there are three sections - silver, gold and sapphire. In each in-combat post, state the square you end in; for example your starting location is silver i-1.

Please start each post with a small stat block using this format:
Arry the Archer
Hp 22/22 AC 21 touch 15 ff 19
Spells active: Blur 4 more rounds (20% miss chance) Haste 5 more rounds
Ending Location: silver i-1

Thank you.

Posting rules for audience:

We want you to cheer, heckle, threaten, boo, and generally cause a ruckus. But please don't do it in this thread. Instead, keep it in the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130082).

Map (http://img137.imageshack.us/i/tarrymapbrawlerround01.png/)

Map Key & Terrain Rules

Here are the details. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7287507#post7287507)

The red dots indicate the border of the Frightful Presence aura. If you cross it the save DC is 27.

Mock Mearson is the black square. I assume he is Large, yes?

The yellow square is the one and only city guard who rolled a 20 on his save against Frightful Presence. Boldly he fights on. Assume he is a low level warrior.


So this is the city where the dread Tarrasque chose to make its strike... not surprising, considering the local environment of pure acid. As Mock strolls down the lanes toward the port district he catches sight of the fabled beast atop a wharfside building. The beast seems to notice him as well, the movement catching its eye. This is it... the fight of Mock Mearson's life...


Tarry's Initiative=15 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7289357#post7289357)

2009-11-10, 07:23 PM
"Hawk spots the dinosaur!"


2009-11-10, 07:39 PM
Mock Mearson
HP: 254/254
Speed: 20' (Blink)
Detection: None
AC 39, Touch 30, Flat-Footed 29
Effects: Blinking (Infinite), Sphinx Claws Soulmeld (Infinite), Assassin's Stance (Infinite)
Location: SSS63-TTT64

Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=163711)

"Cheetah Sprint!"

Activate Winged Vest (swift action), Boots of Speed (free action), double move to 35' up first, then 60' diagonally to KKK55-LLL56 (modified fly speed speed with Blink is 67.5' rounded down to 65'; Good maneuvrability has half-speed ascent so 35' = 70' of movement, leading to a total of 130').

End turn.

2009-11-11, 12:08 AM

Tarry snarls! Tarry rears! Tarry shoots some spines at the approaching mosquito!! OMG!!!!!!T!!!!!

[roll0] includes -4 for range
[roll4] high succeeds

[roll5] includes -4 for range
[roll9] high succeeds

[roll10] includes -4 for range
[roll14] high succeeds
Hit - not a crit

[roll15] includes -4 for range
[roll19] high succeeds

[roll20] includes -4 for range
[roll24] high succeeds

[roll25] includes -4 for range
[roll29] high succeeds

Tarry then edges playfully toward the sea. ((5' step, let me know if you think it should be impossible - to me it's only problematic if a creature is half off a surface or more))

Round 2 Map (http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/254/tarrymapbrawlerround02.png)

2009-11-11, 08:31 AM
Mock Mearson
HP: 215/254
Speed: 65' Fly (Good), 45'
Detection: None
AC 40, Touch 31, Flat-Footed 30
Effects: Blinking (Infinite), Sphinx Claws Soulmeld (Infinite), Assassin's Stance (Infinite), Winged Vest (4 rounds), Haste (9 rounds)
Location: KKK55-LLL56

Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=163711)

Wiping blood off his face, Mearson screams: "Angry monkey dodges the needles!"

Doublemove to TT38-UU39.

Will continue after finding out what happens with that.

EDIT: Alright, that passes so burning charge on Belt of Battle for Move Action, continuing the trip!

Mearson speeds ahead to KK29-LL30!

2009-11-11, 10:40 AM

Terry flexes his ass muscles - but Mock Mearson is not affected! Still, Tarry rampages on:

"Rasque, rasque.... TARRASQUE!" he roars.

[roll0] includes -2 for range
[roll4] high succeeds

[roll5] includes -2 for range
[roll9] high succeeds

[roll10] includes -2 for range
[roll14] high succeeds

[roll15] includes -2 for range
[roll19] high succeeds

[roll20] includes -2 for range
[roll24] high succeeds

[roll25] includes -2 for range
[roll29] high succeeds
Whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff Steeee-rike!

He continues to shuffle away, dangling his tail in the sweet, sweet acid!

Round 3 Map (http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/9198/tarrymapbrawlerround03u.png)

2009-11-11, 11:00 AM
Mock Mearson
HP: 215/254
Speed: 65' Fly (Good), 45'
Detection: None
AC 40, Touch 31, Flat-Footed 30
Effects: Blinking (Infinite), Sphinx Claws Soulmeld (Infinite), Assassin's Stance (Infinite), Winged Vest (3 rounds), Haste (8 rounds)
Location: KK29-LL30 (35' up)

Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=163711)

Mearson opts to live up to his first name for a change instead: "Smelly dinosaur needs goggles!"

With that, he flies 110' to O29-P30 and descends to ~15' elevation while floating to O27-P28. With that, he readies to strike: "Mouse stalks the elephant!"

2009-11-11, 11:04 AM
Note that if you move to 15' feet elevation, you will be below the height of the 25' tall building which will provide you partial cover. But this will prevent you from being able to charge next round - and indeed, add 10' of movement to your next move in order to get up to height again.

Is that what you wanted to do?

2009-11-11, 11:28 AM
Note that if you move to 15' feet elevation, you will be below the height of the 25' tall building which will provide you partial cover. But this will prevent you from being able to charge next round - and indeed, add 10' of movement to your next move in order to get up to height again.

Is that what you wanted to do?

I have the charge part covered. Yes, it's intentional.

2009-11-11, 11:39 AM

Tarry is upset that the little creature is hiding. But he doesn't stop his assault.

edit: broken codes, second post coming up below...

[crit damage if crit]4d10+30
high succeeds


[crit damage if crit]4d10+30
high succeeds


[crit damage if crit]4d10+30
high succeeds


[crit damage if crit]4d10+30
high succeeds


[crit damage if crit]4d10+30
high succeeds


[crit damage if crit]4d10+30
[roll17] high succeeds

2009-11-11, 11:40 AM






All the spines go wide, striking the building above Mock or scattering on the street below him.


If only he was throwing poop...

Round 4 Map (http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/7186/tarrymapbrawlerround04.png)

2009-11-11, 12:11 PM
Mock Mearson
HP: 215/254
Speed: 65' Fly (Good), 45'
Detection: None
AC 36, Touch 27, Flat-Footed 26
Effects: Blinking (Infinite), Sphinx Claws Soulmeld (Infinite), Assassin's Stance (Infinite), Winged Vest (2 rounds), Haste (7 rounds)
Location: O27-P28 (15' up)

Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=163711)

"Stalking Tiger smashes the Dragon!"

Mechanical Nonsense:
Free Action: Initiate Robilar's Gambit. This means Mock takes -4 to AC and +4 damage per hit from an opponent. It, however, also means that opponents provoke an AoO whenever they attack him.
Free Action: Initiate Bands of the Blood Rage. They grant Mock +5 Morale-bonus to damage, but deal 5 points of damage to him at the end of each round. This does not limit actions like Barbarian's Rage does.

Swift Action: Initiate Cloak of Deception, which grants Mock Greater Invisibility until end of turn.
Move Action: Move to O14-P15.
Standard Action: Charge to J14-K15 courtesy of Boots of Battle Charger! These allow Mock to make a charge as a standard action.

Other notes: Mock also has Sphinx Claws soulmeld bound, which gives him +1 to Strength-checks and more importantly, as they're bound to Arms-chakra, they enable him to make a full attack with any natural weapons he has available at the end of the charge. Mock's Unarmed Strikes are natural weapons, so full attack.

Also, thanks to Blinking and Greater Invisibility, he strikes as Invisible so T is denied Dex-bonus to AC and Mock gets +2 to Hit. All of this is accounted for in the attacks, except lack of Dex-bonus.

His attacks come from:
+1 from Snap Kick (-2 to all)
+1 from Haste
Two-Weapon Fighting (-2 to all)

All of this is accounted for in the stats; calculations can be found in the character sheet.

Full Attack:
[roll0] for [roll1]+[roll2] damage
[roll3] for [roll4]+[roll5] damage
[roll6] for [roll7]+[roll8] damage
[roll9] for [roll10]+[roll11] damage
[roll12] for [roll13]+[roll14] damage
[roll15] for [roll16]+[roll17] damage
[roll18] for [roll19]+[roll20] damage
[roll21] for [roll22]+[roll23] damage
[roll24] for [roll25]+[roll26] damage

After that, Cobra Straps activate and Mock 5' steps to I14-J15.

Turn ends.

2009-11-11, 12:13 PM
Tarrasque is entitled to its DR normally here, btw.

Also, one critical threat:
[roll0] for [roll1]

2009-11-11, 12:16 PM
Oh yes, and they're Valorous so all the damage is doubled on a charge. It's also worth noting that while I'm Blinking, the weapons are Ghost Touch so as I understand it, I shouldn't have trouble hitting from the netherealm. If that's not the case though, I'll roll miss chances in order just in case:

[roll0] High hits
[roll1] High hits
[roll2] High hits
[roll3] High hits
[roll4] High hits
[roll5] High hits
[roll6] High hits
[roll7] High hits
[roll8] High hits

2009-11-11, 03:23 PM
Cpl. Rennie

The town guardsman gets his courage up and leaps out from the entranceway of the townhouse where he has been catching his breath. He levels his javelin at the invading monster menacingly. It's masterwork so he knows it's good.

"Go back to Hell y' stupid Monst'r!!" he bellows as loud as he can. He waves the javelin to show he means business.

* * * * *

Mock Mearson closes with the Tarrasque and beats the poor little pokemon into a mess of broken cartilage and broken dreams. Tarry falls to a heap atop the shining silver rooftop, fractured minarets leaning under the weight of his corpse.


* * * * *

"HELLS YEAH!" yells Cpl. Rennie as he sees the thing collapse, apparently cowering before him. He lifts up his javelin over his head with both hands in a victory gesture.

* * * * *

Tarry struggles to regenerate - Are you doing anything to the body?

2009-11-11, 04:43 PM
((bumping for subscribed audience members - corrected actions edited into post above; Tarry may not be getting up again.))

Round 5 Map (http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/8571/tarrymapbrawlerround05.png)

2009-11-11, 05:27 PM
"Japan smashed Godzilla!", Mock screams as the beast goes down! He turns off the enhancement on his Boots of Speed and Wings of Flying and just beats down.

Continued beats on the immobile body (I understand it's got -5 to AC from effectively 0 Dex and -4 from Prone and -2 from Invisible so most should hit):
[roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4] + [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7] + [roll8]
[roll9] for [roll10] + [roll11]
[roll12] for [roll13] + [roll14]
[roll15] for [roll16] + [roll17]
[roll18] for [roll19] + [roll20]
[roll21] for [roll22] + [roll23]

This kinds of attacks can be continued ad nauseam (none of the abilities are timed), so I believe we can declare Mock winner.

Mock also comes up with various lame mocking-lines and launches them at his unconscious opponent; he'd appear incredibly stupid if there was anyone to perceive it. Cpt. can enjoy the show.

2009-11-11, 06:25 PM
Tarry the li'l Tarrasque what did the Best He Could

Cpl. Rennie runs up and casts a javelin at the body, just so he can say he did. He sees now that someone else did the killing, but that may not be how he tells it in the tavern later.

As the villainous Mock begins to defile the corpse of the valiant beast of legend, a shutter opens in the side of the silver building. Tarry's trainer sticks his head out.

"Tarry, RETURN!" he yells.

The Tarrasque's body disappears in a flash of light.


As mock walks/floats out of Silver City he continues to blink in and out of the Ethereal Realm.

There, strobe-like between his blinks, he sees the ghost of Tarry and the etheral form of his trainer hanging out on the building-top. They seem to be singing a duet in strong operatic vopices - with impressive range! To the tune of this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1iJLjWHJcg), their melody echoes through the Ethereal realm and is sure to haunt Mock for many nights to come:

Another hero. Another mindless crime.
Beneath the buttocks, in the pantomime.

On and on...
Does anybody know
What we are fighting for?
Whatever happens,
We leave it all to chance--
Another monster,
Another failed advance.

On and on...
Does anybody know
What we are fighting for?

The poop must go on!
The poop must go on!
Outside the dawn is breaking
On the field that holds
Our final destiny--
The poop must go on!
The poop must go on!

Inside my wounds regenerate,
My carapace is super great,
But my snarl stays strong.

The poop must go on
The poop must go on

I'll eat my fill,
I'll earn the kill,
I have to find the will

to carry
On with the
On with the
On with the poop!

On with the POOP!
On with the POOP!

The poop must,
The poop must go on--!