View Full Version : The Endless Dungeon - Nightshade

2009-11-11, 01:06 AM

You awaken in the center of a 10ft by 15ft room with stone walls, ceilings, and floors. A torch is burning on the wall behind you, while the other three walls have closed, metal doors with brackets allowing you to bar them from the inside. Unfortunately, only two metal rods are lying on the floor.

2009-11-11, 01:17 AM
"Blasted tavern-dancer. I should have known she was faking it. What and where in the nine hells am I?

Ok, take the bars and bar the eastern and southern doors. Ready my bow. Try to move quietly to the north and try to listen for any sounds.

Move: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2009-11-13, 12:40 AM
I take it that you have been busy.

2009-11-15, 12:06 AM
Indeed. Playing catchup atm.

You hear the low sound of voices(too low to make out individual words) coming from the room to the north.

2009-11-15, 06:00 PM
Staying to the left of the door, Nightshade will open it while trying to be stealthy.

Hide: [roll0]
Move: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2009-11-18, 12:02 AM
LOL, I guess I was so sneaky that the DM failed to notice me.

2009-11-20, 12:59 AM
Takes a bit to get through all the threads sometimes.

You peer into a 10ft wide room, 30 ft long, with another wooden door on the far side. In the room is four kobolds(F1, E1, E2, C2). A small fire is flickering on the floor(D2) They appear to be unaware of your presence.


2009-11-21, 02:39 PM
Well, well. Maybe I can gain an ally here.

Read an action to fire at the first kobold to attack me.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit, A: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit, D: [roll3]

Free action - Chose closest kobold as Chosen Foe gaining +1 Attack and AC against it. (If it happens to be the one I shoot at add a +1 to the hit and crit check.)
Free action - Speak in Draconic: "Bow to the will of Lloth by serving me or be killed."

Since this is a diplomancy check here is it's roll: [roll4]

2009-11-24, 12:11 AM
You kill the one you strike quite thoroughly.

Lets get init:
[roll3] (closest to you)

2009-11-24, 12:14 AM
The first to fire is the furthest away from you...the slinger. Your arrow pins him to the wall before he can get his shot off.

The two closest to you attempt to stab you with spears, while the third, being out of range of spears, opts to take a shot with his sling instead. Note that you get +4AC against him since he's firing into melee.

Spear: [roll0](closest to you)
Dmg: [roll1]

Spear: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

Sling: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

They don't appear to be terribly swayed by your attempt.