View Full Version : Wizard 13 vs. Fighter 20, fight five.

2009-11-11, 08:11 AM
Signmaker, Wizard vs. Godna, Fighter

You meet in the parking lot. You are outdoors.
The red cars are 4' tall, the blue ones are 7' tall vans.

For Godna:
You are standing at I11:J12, on the ground. You do not see your opposition.

Let's remember to roll your Mirror Images this time. :smalltongue:

For Signmaker:
You are standing at X10, on the ground. You do not see or sense your opposition.

Remember to roll your Mirror Images.

You may roll initiative.

2009-11-11, 11:55 AM
I have a few more changes I'd like to make to my fighter, but they won't change my initiative rolls

[roll1]Reroll if my first roll is 10 or less before bonus
[roll2] Danger sense reroll the higher of the two
I take the 37

2009-11-11, 01:25 PM
No changes, but the following is a MASSIVE spoiler for bookkeeping. This means that Godna* keeps out, or my wizard's....screwed?

I lied about no changes. I added on another contingent spell, Sticky Fingers. +10 to a single Sleight of Hand shouldn't be worrysome, right? ;)

All of the following are cast at my augmented caster level unless otherwise specified. This mean CL14 for normal spells, CL15 for Divinations and Abjurations.

Multi-Day Buffs
Extended Craft Magic Tattoo x 6 (4th)(48 hrs)
Self: +1CL,+2Wis,+2Con
Fami: +2Atk,+1LukAtk,+2Saves
Extended Greater Anticipate Teleportation(7th)(48 hrs)
Extended Superior Resistance(7th)(48 hrs)
Extended Stalking Brand (2nd) (on familiar) (26 days)
Extended Nystul's Magic Aura (2nd) (on everything I own) (approx 26 days)

Day Buffs
Greater Mage Armor (3rd) - +6 Armor
Heart of Air (2nd) -
Heart of Water (3rd) -
Heart of Earth (4th) -
Heart of Fire (5th) -
Overland Flight x2 (5th) -Fly40
Phantom Steed (3rd) - Awesomount
Nondetection (3rd) - Target-specific divinations require a DC30 Caster Level Check to work on me
Prying Eyes (5th) - [roll0] Eyes on the patrol
Heightened Treasure Scent (7th) - Detects money up to 30ft away
Moment of Prescience (7th) - +15 to a single roll
Misdirection (2nd) - Aura-specific divinations require a DC23 Will save or they recieve aura information on a shiny copper piece instead.

2 Hour Buffs (Or 10min/lvl spells)
Sign (1st) - +4 init
Conviction (1st)- +4 morale to saves
Dragonskin (3rd)- +5 NA, AcidRes20
Embrace the Wild (1st) - +2 Listen/Spot, Blindsense30
Hawkeye(1st) - +5 competence Spot
Extended Owl's Insight (6th) - +7 insight to Wisdom
Armor of Darkness (4th) - +6 deflection
Tremorsense (3rd) - Tremorsense
See Invisibility (2nd) - See Invisiblz
Spell Turning - [roll1] Levels of spells are bounced back. Seeing as I can't use the number for anything, I don't see why I can't roll it. =P
Essence of the Raptor - ....guess. Seriously.

Round/Minute Buffs
Improvisation - 28 point Luck Pool (Round)
True Seeing - "I see all" (Minute)
Sonorous Hum - Maintain Concentration on a spell requiring it (Minute)
Tremorsense - Ground Vibrations (Minute)
Greater Arcane Sight - I see magic auras and stuffs (Minute)
Mirror Image - [roll2] images (Minute)

Lightning Leap ("I am injured by a melee weapon")
Divine Agility (+10 Dex, "User Casts Nerveskitter")
Sheltered Vitality (Immunity to ab.dmg/drain, "User Casts Nerveskitter")
Spellcaster's Bane (+2 to Disp, Autorecognize spells/CL cast with LoS, "User Casts Nerveskitter")
Greater Blindsight ("User says 'Sight Beyond Sight'")
Contingent Greater Invisibility ("User Casts Nerveskitter")
Sonorous Hum ("User hums the theme to Jaws")
Sticky Fingers ("I attempt to sleight my viper on to my opponent's person")

Current Sight Modes: Blindsense 30ft, Treasure Scent 30ft, True Seeing 120ft, Tremorsense 30 feet, See Invisibility, Scent, Greater Arcane Sight 120. Additionally, I have a contingent Greater Blindsight that I may or may not trigger.

Prying Eyes: "When I cast Nerveskitter, fan out uniformly and tangent to my spine, twenty feet above me. Return if you spot weapons."

Obligatory divination question: Do prying eyes have the same sight modes that I have?

ALL THIS BEING SAID. My initiative (casting nerveskitter) is [roll3]. I don't believe I've missed anything relevant. If I have, it shall go in to another spoiler.

2009-11-11, 01:45 PM
Sign, you're up.

2009-11-11, 01:49 PM
Move Action:

Circle is my divination effect, the dots are the topleft square movement of my steed. If at any point during its movement I spot Godna, I'll need to know how many individual objects I can see on his person (and what they are, object-wise), and I'll stop my move action at that LoS/LoE-granting spot (though not necessarily at that elevation. =P). Seeing as spotting a fine object is a DC20, and I've a +32 modifier, I THINK I should be able to examine his person for equipment.

Also, check my magical vision modes for other relevant information I should be getting.

Turn not done, I've still a standard and a swift left.

2009-11-11, 02:01 PM
Godna, if there are any changes still pending, I'd like them ASAP.

Sign:Prying eyes do not have your modes of detection, it seems to me. "Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions."

2009-11-11, 02:03 PM


So, barring Godna being able to not be detected, I should nab aura strengths and schools of everything magical about him. =P

2009-11-11, 03:55 PM
Godna:Since the changes you requested do not affect LoS, I continue.

Sign:As soon as you reach X11, you establish LoS.

At I11:J12 you see a young, obviously magically enlarged man, holding a spiked chain and with a shield floating nearby. He is invisible, blurry, blinking and has multiple copies of himself phasing in and out, but your True Seeing + See Invisibility allows you to see his true location just fine.

So, barring Godna being able to not be detected, I should nab aura strengths and schools of everything magical about him. =P Sign:If you truly want it... roll 50 spellcraft checks, please? :smallsigh:
EDIT: Scratch that, your arcane sight is of the greater variety. Laundry list coming up.

2009-11-11, 04:56 PM
Sign:The following spells are affecting his person, and are strong:
Invisibility, Blur, Displacement, Silence (him being the center of the area), Disobedience, Haste, Enlarge Person, Mind Blank, Death Ward, True Seeing, Spell Resistance and Freedom of Movement.

His items:
Gloves: Faint necromancy.
Belt: Moderate Transmutation.
Cloak: Moderate Transmutation.
Torso: Strong Conjuration.
Amulet: Strong Transmutation.
Ring 1 and 2: Moderate Transmutation.
Head: Moderate Abjuration.
Feet: Strong Conjuration.
Face: Moderate Abjuration.
Body: Moderate Necromancy.
Arms: Moderate Transmutation.

A sack on his back has a moderate Conjuration aura.

The man himself has five strong Evocation auras on him that register as items but do not occupy a body slot.

2009-11-11, 05:21 PM
In that case...

Elevate to 100 feet, followed by (Chained)Dispel Magic on his Head slot. Followed by his foot slot, arm slot, etc. ending on him. Using ashes of power, I get the better of two dispel checks.

His items:
Gloves: Faint necromancy. [roll0][roll1]
Belt: Moderate Transmutation. [roll2][roll3]
Cloak: Moderate Transmutation. [roll4][roll5]
Torso: Strong Conjuration. [roll6][roll7]
Amulet: Strong Transmutation. [roll8][roll9]
Ring 1 and 2: Moderate Transmutation. [roll10][roll11]
Head: Moderate Abjuration. [roll12][roll13]
Feet: Strong Conjuration. [roll14][roll15]
Face: Moderate Abjuration. [roll16][roll17]
Body: Moderate Necromancy. [roll18][roll19]
Arms: Moderate Transmutation. [roll20][roll21]

A sack on his back has a moderate Conjuration aura. [roll22][roll23]

The following spells are affecting his person, and are strong:
Blur, [roll26][roll27]
Displacement, [roll28][roll29]
Silence (him being the center of the area), [roll30][roll31]
Disobedience, [roll32][roll33]
Haste, [roll34][roll35]
Enlarge Person, [roll36][roll37]
Mind Blank, [roll38][roll39]
Death Ward, [roll40][roll41]
True Seeing, [roll42][roll43]
Spell Resistance [roll44][roll45]
and Freedom of Movement. [roll46][roll47]

The man himself has five strong Evocation auras on him that register as items but do not occupy a body slot.

As you can assume, my turn isn't over. =D

2009-11-11, 05:22 PM
Didn't do the rolls for Ring2. >>

Lemme know what survives the assault.

2009-11-11, 05:31 PM
Whats going on? I am to assume he has performed some action. Have i seen him yet?

2009-11-11, 05:34 PM
You probably have. You're not likely to once my action is done though. =P

2009-11-11, 05:35 PM
The effects of Sign's actions are being computed.

2009-11-11, 05:57 PM
Well if I can see you I could take an immediate action and that is important.

2009-11-11, 05:59 PM
Sign:All of his items except for his boots are suppressed.

His Blur, Displacement, Silence, Mind Blank, True Seeing and Spell Resistance are gone too, along with three of the slotless Evocation auras. I forgot to mention his Mirror Images, but they are automatically gone too.

I also managed to forget about his weapon and shield. :smallredface:
Rolling for you to speed this up:
Weapon: [roll0][roll1]
Shield: [roll2][roll3]

EDIT: The weapon is suppressed too.

2009-11-11, 06:02 PM
Well if I can see you I could take an immediate action and that is important.

You've got foresight? Wha?

2009-11-11, 06:03 PM
Well if I can see you I could take an immediate action and that is important.
You may not take immediate actions while flat-footed.

Sign, you said there was more you wanted to do?

2009-11-11, 06:07 PM

Yup. Belt of Battle for -> Scroll of Timestop for [roll0] rounds.

Again. More to come. xP

2009-11-11, 06:08 PM
Oh well than I'm fairly sure that this is good game right here because I can think of a few spells that could 1 shot me.(Like that Orb of death that got cast upon me)

edit:Out of curiousity though how did you find me? I shouldn't be detectable by magical means.

edit2: My friend tells me that I may as well just give up. Just tell me if you need me for anything because from the mocking he gave me afterwards im not gonna bother being sober.

2009-11-11, 06:34 PM
Oh well than I'm fairly sure that this is good game right here because I can think of a few spells that could 1 shot me.(Like that Orb of death that got cast upon me)

edit:Out of curiousity though how did you find me? I shouldn't be detectable by magical means.

edit2: My friend tells me that I may as well just give up. Just tell me if you need me for anything because from the mocking he gave me afterwards im not gonna bother being sober.

...you have no idea how many sight forms I have, do you. =D One of which I am 100% sure that you can't stop.

The rest of my turn
Woot. Five rounds.
1 Wall of Stone the area immediately adjacent to Godna, such that I still have Line of Sight.
2 Extended Manyjaws
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvCI-gNK_y4
My contingency triggers, allowing me to utilize an Extended Sudden Empowered Sudden Maximized Manyjaws
4 Solid Fog, centered on him.
5 Readied Action to Shatter his sword if he gets in shatter range.

So there are three rounds left on my first manyjaws, and four rounds left on my second.

2009-11-11, 06:51 PM
The rest of my turn
Sign:How much damage is that, precisely? :smalleek:
And he gets two reflex saves?

And is it his turn now? What a way to become un-flatfooted...

2009-11-11, 07:00 PM
Sign:How much damage is that, precisely? :smalleek:
And he gets two reflex saves?

And is it his turn now? What a way to become un-flatfooted...

10d6, DC 24 for the first one. 60+(10d6)/2 for the second.

2009-11-11, 07:03 PM

Isn't the max bonus for dispel magic a +10 how did he get a +16 to all the dispels and doesn't chaining it weaken it against subsequent targets?

2009-11-11, 07:24 PM

When your turn begins, you sense that your magic items, with the exception of your boots and shield, do not work. You also immediately see and hear that your Blur, Displacement and Silence spells have been dispelled.

You are nearly encased in a wall of stone, which you can barely see due to fog that surrounds you and slows your movement.

Also, about 20 magical jaws are chewing on you. Roll a reflex save, please.

You do not see your opposition.

(the_l_z, I answered your questions in a reply to your PMs.)

2009-11-11, 07:34 PM
Roll a reflex save, please.

Two, actually.

2009-11-11, 07:42 PM
Two, actually.Sign:I was reading.

"A creature targeted by multiple pairs of jaws in a single round makes only one saving throw, with success halving the total damage."

That means only one, right?

2009-11-11, 07:43 PM
Since I'm visable theres no point in hiding them.

I assume I've been dispelled so can I tell what other effects are still up?

edit: well if its one I passed and if its two i passed both assuming they have the same DC.

2009-11-11, 07:43 PM
Sign:I was reading.

"A creature targeted by multiple pairs of jaws in a single round makes only one saving throw, with success halving the total damage."

That means only one, right?

There may be 20 jaws, but 10 came from 1 spell and 10 from another.

Also, +22 when you've got no buffs and theoretically no dex-granting magic items? Nice job, you.

2009-11-11, 07:54 PM
Oh bugger i forgot to take that into account one sec.
just subtract 8 from both than

Well now odds are i'm alot more likely to be hit with where ever is coming.

edit: -7 actually i forgot haste again. (both for the rolls its self and my recalc lol)

2009-11-11, 08:15 PM
1.[roll0] /2
2.[roll1] /2 + 60

That's your damage for the round, assuming no evasion. =D

92 it is.

2009-11-11, 08:25 PM

I don't think you can extend manyjaws.

Also why isn't anyone going to roll to see when my Godna's magic items return to effect? It should be 1d4 rounds until they return.

2009-11-11, 08:28 PM
If you've got an issue with what I'm doing, you can always confront me about it too, you know. At least, that's what I assume is going on. I can quite easily be wrong, and wouldn't mind being told so if that's the case.

2009-11-11, 08:32 PM
You can read it if you like Its just so that Godna doesn't read it.

2009-11-11, 08:34 PM
You can read it if you like Its just so that Godna doesn't read it.

Hum. You're right. In that case, the first manyjaws fizzles before it ever reaches Godna, and the second expires now.

Godna, ignore the first 10d6. LZ brings up a point.

2009-11-11, 08:36 PM
That aside dude you are kicking his ass. I don't think he has a chance to survive. Much less make his time. HA HA HA

I think that the DM or Godna might want do their own roll for the one in my post.

2009-11-11, 08:37 PM
Gloves [roll0]

Dispel durations.

2009-11-11, 08:39 PM
They each get their own duration? God Dispel is book keeping nightmare.

edit: you rolled a ton of 1s:smalltongue:
You forgot the rings

2009-11-11, 08:40 PM
They each get their own duration? God Dispel is book keeping nightmare.

Of course they would. Ordinarily, dispel only targets one 'target'. Mine just happens to be chained.

And if you notice, I most certainly did not forget the rings.

2009-11-11, 09:49 PM
Since it looks like he's going to live the round, I think we're going to need the exact shape of that wall, Sign.

Sign:And one big problem was pointed out to me. The number of secondary targets on a Chained spell is capped by your CL. With the five Evocations, don't you come up short? If so, in what order are you doing this? Some of his buffs may need to come back.

Also why isn't anyone going to roll to see when my Godna's magic items return to effect?
Anyone but Godna:Honestly, I didn't ask for it because I didn't think he would survive the round.

In any case, good night.
And in the future, observers, please use the main thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=129689) if there is something you would like to share with everyone (or everyone but one of the players).

2009-11-11, 09:53 PM
Since it looks like he's going to live the round, I think we're going to need the exact shape of that wall, Sign.

Thats Right I'm Like a ****ing cockroach its going to take a lot to kill me. :)

I think i would have survived even with the first 10d6 of damage. That aside can i get a list of what all is down?

2009-11-11, 09:57 PM
Since it looks like he's going to live the round, I think we're going to need the exact shape of that wall, Sign.

Sign:And one big problem was pointed out to me. The number of secondary targets on a Chained spell is capped by your CL. With the five Evocations, don't you come up short? If so, in what order are you doing this? Some of his buffs may need to come back.

A U-shape with a hook. Basically, unless he's able to fly he's trapped.

The five evocations count towards me target-dispelling him as a person. Basically, I go for Gear+Godna, which nabs everything magical on him.

2009-11-12, 06:59 AM
can i get a list of what all is down?Godna:Not really.

You should be able to tell that your items are not working. But as for the effects you have had cast on you... I don't know how you would be able to tell. Blur, Displacement and Silence have very obvious effects, and they are gone. (And your Mirror Images too, I forgot to mention those earlier.) But for stuff like Mind Blank... I am not sure how you would know if it is down, unless you have a way to test it.
Godna, I believe it is still your turn, and you have yet to take an action?

The five evocations count towards me target-dispelling him as a person. Basically, I go for Gear+Godna, which nabs everything magical on him.
Sign:Right. I also managed to forget about your heightened Abjuration CL.

2009-11-12, 07:57 AM
I agree on mind blank, disobiedience, deathward, ,but my normal invisibility, haste, and freedom of movement would be easy to test.

Invisibility is obvious
With Haste, i could guess via my earlier reflex save
With Freedom of movement I could wave my hand through that there near by solid fog.

Anyway out of curiousity, what are the exact terms of victory or defeat?

2009-11-12, 02:45 PM
Godna:Oops, Invisibility is obvious indeed. You still have it. You are also still Enlarged. Now that you have found a means to test it, you find that you are no longer under Freedom of Movement, but you are under Haste.

I have been asked about victory conditions: I guess this is over when one party admits that their character is dead.
In case of doubt, it is when I say so. :smalltongue:

2009-11-12, 04:04 PM
Seriously? DAMN IT if i'd know that was the only losing condition. I'd have gotten an item to let me Planeshift. I thought leaving the battlefield would count as a loss also.

Well that does leave me a way out.

edit: can i get a map update with where i had last saw him? with all the information like how high the wall is where the solid fog is ecteria.?

and what happend with my dust of disappearance?


Come to think of it he shouldn't be able to see me at all at moment while I'm inside the solid fog because it works like fog cloud and obscures all sight

2009-11-12, 04:28 PM
Seriously? DAMN IT if i'd know that was the only losing condition. I'd have gotten an item to let me Planeshift. I thought leaving the battlefield would count as a loss also.

Well that does leave me a way out.
It was assumed in the opening post of this challenge that neither of you wished to retreat. :smalltongue:

edit: can i get a map update with where i had last saw him? with all the information like how high the wall is where the solid fog is ecteria.?
You can not see the edge of the fog.
The wall, however... Sign, looks like you have to decide precisely which squares the wall covers. =/
Godna:You didn't see anything.

and what happend with my dust of disappearance?
You did not use any prior to the fight. :smallconfused:

Come to think of it he shouldn't be able to see me at all at moment while I'm inside the solid fog because it works like fog cloud and obscures all sight Indeed.

2009-11-12, 05:25 PM
I sent the Pm because its in my sent PM box having been sent at 3:49

edit: well **** I see the problem now.


2009-11-12, 05:53 PM
I sent the Pm because its in my sent PM box having been sent at 3:49

edit: well **** I see the problem now.



Well, what do you wish to do?

2009-11-12, 06:22 PM
Making an updated map, have been busy doing volunteer work and quizzes today, five minutes please.

Edit: Ernir


Left out the eyes because they probably won't be relevant for the rest of the game.

2009-11-12, 07:35 PM
That means the wall is only 5' high, right?

2009-11-12, 07:49 PM
Well Ernir what you wish to do is up to you. If need be you can bring sign into it. In fact I could propose an alternate solution if need be.

We can just finish this fight as is because I'd feel bad about denying Sign his very well earned victory. Just explain the circumstances and ask he would accept a rematch. if need be we can even use the same Init rolls.

2009-11-12, 08:07 PM
That means the wall is only 5' high, right?

Be I missing part of the discussion?

2009-11-12, 08:09 PM
Well Ernir what you wish to do is up to you. If need be you can bring sign into it. In fact I could propose an alternate solution if need be.

We can just finish this fight as is because I'd feel bad about denying Sign his very well earned victory. Just explain the circumstances and ask he would accept a rematch. if need be we can even use the same Init rolls.
If you want a rematch/reset, feel free to bring that up with Sign. As is, I think this one is perfectly valid.

2009-11-12, 08:16 PM


Godna, the stone walls surrounding you are approximately chest-high (5'). They surround you on all sides except for the side covered by the car.

The walls look real, and natural.

Be I missing part of the discussion?
Ask Godna. He ran into a snag with his preparations, I am not sure what he wants to do. :smallfrown:

2009-11-12, 08:18 PM
The rematch would only be needed if he managed to detect me a magical means.

The way I'd go about it or at least like to. Is we will finish this fight as is, and just do a rematch with the change that i was supposed to have had made. and Have given proof that it was attempted before the fight, and see if it would have made any difference.

2009-11-12, 08:21 PM
Assuming you did what you did with Jake, I have no less than five that beat Dust. Even if you argue that I don't have LoS, that's just prompting me to Disjoin you rather than Chain Dispel.

2009-11-12, 08:26 PM
Since i don't know the distance you originally spotted me at I can't make a certain argument, but this is one instance that distance is very important.

edit: By the way don't take this as spiteful postulation on my part. To be honest you have been the best fight I have had yet, and regardless it has been a pleasure to fight you because unlike the other guy I'm fighting. You did it without using an outsider. The only "cheap" tactic you employed was a chained dispel and as you said you could have disjunctioned me instead. so as far as I am concerned you have a fair victory.

edit2: Regardless of whether we do a rematch I want to finish this fight. I've already learned so much, and If it the last thing I do I will make sure i learn some more.

2009-11-12, 08:36 PM
1. You might be invisible, but your auras are not. You look like christmas lights.

2. My next sight mode is 60', which I assume is not in your range.

3. My next THREE sight modes are all 30 feet, which may or may not be in your range.

Edit: I wouldn't really call a chained dispel cheap. One, there's a spell outside of the allowed books which does the same thing (But Better), and two, I was contemplating following it up with a Chained Shatter. You...probably wouldn't have liked that.

2009-11-12, 08:48 PM
I put the cheap in quotation marks because at first it seems unfair , but upon consideration it makes sense because as is the cost of a feat and a 6th level spell slot seems like a fair cost for the effect it has.

By that logic Detect magic could be used to spot invisibility, but hey as i said I don't have a problem with it.(I remeber reading a ruling on this in dragon or by the FAQ , but I can't remember) (and the dust does mention that those hidden can't be detected by magical means.)

For one I didn't know you could see auras or any of that so it becomes hard to take that into account before i knew it.

edit: by the way I don't want to get on your bad side because I really am enjoying this fight because Its in these situation where I am pressed (literally in this case :smallbiggrin:) with my back to the wall that I shine the brightest

edit2: assuming you have arcane sight (proably permancied) the text of the spell says all magic auras within your sight and if some thing is invisible is not in your sight.

2009-11-12, 09:00 PM
I better put up a ruling on Arcane Sight and Invisibility...

In any case. I don't think it matters here. As Sign said, there were lots of backup modes of sight involved. :smalltongue:

2009-11-12, 09:02 PM

And yeah. Name a common sight form in the allowed books. I almost certainly have it. And if those didn't work, I can always detect the money on you. Because I'm a greedy wizard.

2009-11-12, 09:09 PM
I don't think I had any money on me.

Dust does say "nor can they be detected by magical means"

but as I said it matters not to me what the decision is until this fight is over. which reminds me its my turn and I don't think you can see me through Solid Death.

2009-11-12, 09:11 PM
I will grant you the information that I can not see you in the solid fog, nor can you see me.

Do I care is an entirely different story, aye?

2009-11-12, 09:25 PM
Naw I just had to ask so I'd know to spoiler my posts.

I feel around me to determine the direction of the wall than I hope over it using a double move to account for the 5' movement restriction of the solid fog and I activate my Boots of Temporal acceleration

Item | Rounds dispelled | Rounds left
Gloves | [2] | 1
Belt |[3] |2
Cloak |[4] |3
Torso |[4] |3
Amulet |[3] |2
Ring1 |[1] |0
Ring2 |[4] |3
Head |[4] |3
Arms |[1] |0
Face |[4] |3
Body |[1] |0
Weapon |[1] |0

2009-11-12, 09:38 PM
Naw I just had to ask so I'd know to spoiler my posts.

I feel around me to determine the direction of the wall than I hope over it using a double move to account for the 5' movement restriction of the solid fog and I activate my Boots of Temporal acceleration
I believe this calls for two climb checks.

Your speed is 5'. With a successful climb check, you move one-quarter of that. By accepting a -5 penalty on your check, you can move one-half of that, so a double move would get you up. So, two climb checks with a -5 penalty, please.

The rock is "natural" and with good "handholds" (you can reach the top of the wall), so the base DC is 15, with a -10 reduction because you can brace against opposite walls.

2009-11-12, 09:40 PM
That was a jump and i have a +29 on a DC10 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/jump.htm)
I don't think I have to make a roll for that.

2009-11-12, 09:47 PM
That was a jump and i have a +29 on a DC10 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/jump.htm)
I don't think I have to make a roll for that.
OK, you don't need to roll that. :smalltongue:

2009-11-12, 09:50 PM
Am I still in the solid fog? I have to know because I don't think solid fog can move through a wall and if he cast the fog first he wouldn't have line of sight for the wall. also I am on the other side of the wall right? He didn't leave like a massive pit or anything here.

2009-11-12, 10:05 PM
Godna:You are still in the fog, and you are standing on top of the wall.

Which direction did you go, by the way? North, South, or West?

2009-11-12, 10:12 PM
I went to the west and how the hell did he cast a wall of stone without line of sight/effect in a solid fog?

If he cast the wall first on the other hand the fog wouldn't be able to pass through another solid object.

2009-11-12, 10:23 PM
I went to the west and how the hell did he cast a wall of stone without line of sight/effect in a solid fog?

If he cast the wall first on the other hand the fog wouldn't be able to pass through another solid object.
This is not an issue.

Observers:The bank of fog is four times higher than the wall. Spreading to the other side is not a problem for that reason alone.

2009-11-12, 10:28 PM
Yes it an issue It effects every action I take from here to end.

2009-11-12, 10:34 PM
What I mean is that my description of your surroundings is accurate.

Telling you how this can be would give you more information than your character is entitled to.

2009-11-12, 10:41 PM
Well I'm going to take a while. I've got to rethink my plan for survival.

2009-11-12, 10:42 PM
OK. Take your time, I think I'm going to have to get some sleep. See you in the morning.

2009-11-13, 04:47 PM
I move my feet at they in the solid fog also?

2009-11-13, 05:54 PM
I move my feet at they in the solid fog also?


2009-11-13, 06:25 PM
Just a question does gravity effect solid fog? Because if not I've got to know how to spread through the wall

2009-11-13, 06:46 PM
...wait, what?

2009-11-13, 07:04 PM
that my frient was two typos. first when typing IT i hit the O button instead of the I and than i accidently typed the T first was i meant to ask was

How the solid fog managed to get on the otherside of the wall at ground level.

Because my logic is. You had to have casted the stonewall first because otherwise the solid fog would block the line of sight/(effect?) for the wall of stone.

Considering the fog filled the makeshift cage I was in. I can assume that it was centered somewhere within the box.

Thus how does the fog get to ground level behind the wall? The wall would have stopped the spread of the solid fog from 5feet down.

2009-11-13, 07:06 PM
1. Magic.

2. Stuff like fog permeates pretty efficiently through the air. Also, magic fog. Maaaaagic fog.

2009-11-13, 07:23 PM
I'd like to get a ruling on that because i remeber reading something about it not working that way.

Its like the anti-magic field. being blocked by a lack of line of sight?/effect?.

2009-11-13, 07:30 PM
Spreads ignore lack of LoE when spreading.

2009-11-13, 07:32 PM
If thats true than it can spread through a wall of force.

2009-11-13, 07:33 PM
...have you read the Spread section in the PHB?

2009-11-13, 08:21 PM
Evidently Not as well as i had thought.:smallredface:

I thought it was spreading Through the wall and not over. it

It doesn't matter much ,but when i make a plan I like to have as much information as possible.

2009-11-14, 07:21 PM
*Pokes thread*

2009-11-14, 08:49 PM
*Pokes thread*

Hey, it ain't my turn. :smalltongue:

2009-11-14, 08:54 PM
I'm kinda busy this weekend sorry.

2009-11-16, 07:40 AM
Not dead Just busy weekend .

I continue moving to the <- While attempting to use blink through solid matter with 50% fail chance (www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blink.htm)Until I am partially out of the fog

2009-11-16, 12:19 PM
Yay, a new post. Which I can't read, yet again. Bugger.

2009-11-16, 12:55 PM
You can read this one :),but not the one above.

2009-11-16, 10:27 PM
Godna:Your Ring of Blinking is not working.

Nevertheless, two move actions bring you to F11:G12, and your head out of the fog. Another two in the same direction could bring you out entirely.

2009-11-16, 10:45 PM
Its my first ring slot and that recovered after my first rounds before the time stop occured.
Item | Rounds dispelled | Rounds left
Gloves | [2] | 1
Belt |[3] |2
Cloak |[4] |3
Torso |[4] |3
Amulet |[3] |2
Ring1 |[1] |0
Ring2 |[4] |3
Head |[4] |3
Arms |[1] |0
Face |[4] |3
Body |[1] |0
Weapon |[1] |0

2009-11-17, 12:37 AM
Its my first ring slot and that recovered after my first rounds before the time stop occured.
Item | Rounds dispelled | Rounds left
Gloves | [2] | 1
Belt |[3] |2
Cloak |[4] |3
Torso |[4] |3
Amulet |[3] |2
Ring1 |[1] |0
Ring2 |[4] |3
Head |[4] |3
Arms |[1] |0
Face |[4] |3
Body |[1] |0
Weapon |[1] |0

Godna and observers:The rounds of apparent time you gain from the boots does not reduce the count-down on the Wizard's spells. The time only passes as far as you and your effects are concerned, not as far as the Wizard or spells the Wizard has cast are concerned. And the reason your items are not working is because they have been suppressed by one of the Wizard's spells.

I know this is really not a result that is favourable to you, but I don't see any other way to consistently rule this.

2009-11-17, 07:23 AM
I do not like that ruling period. The other rulings have followed the rules,but this one doesn't make since to me. Rounds pass for me and my items in the time stop effect. The effect of dispel magic seems to imply that the item recovers on its on. I can further back up this claim by noting that dispel magic has an instantaneous duration meaning its magical effect is over after the spell is cast. The spell causes my items to be surpressed which is an effect relating to Items themselves and not the wizard.

I have left this unspoilered because I'd like to see sign's opinion on this as he has proven himself to be both reasonable and have a better grasp of rules than I do.

2009-11-17, 12:16 PM
As far as I know, durations present on the player who goes through apparent rounds count off while in apparent time. That means that both buffs and debuffs are affected by apparent time.

2009-11-17, 12:36 PM
That is the way i presumed it to be. When I performed my actions so far this turn.

2009-11-17, 02:02 PM
Player consensus > Me.

So, do your rolls, Godna.:smalltongue:

2009-11-17, 03:05 PM
Odds are it won't matter as all it will do is give me an extra move action

edit: can i get a view of the map now that I'm not in the smoke?

2009-11-17, 04:15 PM
Odds are it won't matter as all it will do is give me an extra move actionGodna:OK, if you do think it can matter, we are going to need one roll for every 5' you want to try to travel this way, and an indicator of whether high or low is a success or failure.

Remember you do not travel at full speed while doing this.

edit: can i get a view of the map now that I'm not in the smoke?[/spoiler]Godna:The only addition to the original map you see is that a thick bank of fog stretches 20' outward from the I11:J12 intersection. What you see of it forms half a hemisphere.

2009-11-17, 04:28 PM
Until i get out

2009-11-17, 09:08 PM

2009-11-17, 10:22 PM
Until i get out
You still didn't say whether high is good or bad.

Anyways. 4 rolls to see whether he makes it out more quickly. High means he bypasses 5' of the fog by being ethereal.

I do believe this means you make it out in two move actions. :smallconfused:

2009-11-17, 10:26 PM
Sorry. :smallfrown:

2009-11-17, 10:28 PM
so where am i on the map now? I'll admit I'm kinda lost, and not just in character I've gotten kinda confused because since the solid fog and wall I haven't seen the map and it might help to know.

2009-11-18, 12:30 PM
Godna:You are at D11:E12.

2009-11-18, 03:17 PM
Well two move actions would be 1 turn so
Item | Rounds dispelled | Rounds left
Gloves | [2] | 0
Belt |[3] |1
Cloak |[4] |2
Torso |[4] |2
Amulet |[3] |1
Ring1 |[1] |0
Ring2 |[4] |2
Head |[4] |2
Arms |[1] |0
Face |[4] |2
Body |[1] |0
Weapon |[1] |0

I'm out of the fog and i got my gloves back.

I run straight <- way full speed.
note: I'm not running away from battle

2009-11-18, 03:29 PM
I would hope that five days is enough for one turn. =P

2009-11-18, 04:33 PM
Yeah, Godna, does this mark the end of your turn? :smalltongue:

2009-11-18, 05:18 PM
Wait, he's at that point of his turn? Thank god.(na)

Seeing how long he took, I assume he's found a way out of my trap. If so, can I get a status update as to which auras I'm able to see? I'd like to know what's come back online.

2009-11-18, 06:53 PM
That should be it yeah.

and I know i did just kinda ask but where am i now?

2009-11-18, 08:10 PM
That should be it yeah.

and I know i did just kinda ask but where am i now?

You are 240' west of D11:E12. Whereever that is. (And on the ground.)
Since I did not say anything else, assume that the rest of this plane of existence is euclidean. :smallsigh:
(And next time, there will be infinitely high walls surrounding this battlefield...)

Sign:Looks like his gloves, first ring, bracers, body and weapon are back online.

2009-11-18, 08:46 PM
You are 240' west of D11:E12. Whereever that is. (And on the ground.)
Since I did not say anything else, assume that the rest of this plane of existence is euclidean. :smallsigh:
(And next time, there will be infinitely high walls surrounding this battlefield...)

Sign:Looks like his gloves, first ring, bracers, body and weapon are back online.

Hrm, outside of theoretical charging range then. Sweet.

I whistle very loudly. Then proceed to hum. Sonorously.
And that's the entirety of my turn. =P

Just casting Sonorous Hum.

2009-11-18, 08:55 PM
A turn that doesn't take days to resolve? :O

Godna, you're up.

2009-11-18, 09:41 PM
I should by now be outside of most of his special visions

I continue running that way

just explaining I'm not fleeing from combat. Merely running until his buffs wear out.

Tell me when I find something i can hide behind

2009-11-18, 09:58 PM
I fail to see why vision modes really matter at this point, but okay...

Done yet?

2009-11-18, 10:05 PM
If you are not in risk of heart failure read the below spoiler

Yup I finished my turn

yup sign a spoiler you can read :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-18, 10:23 PM
And you are...where now?

2009-11-18, 11:01 PM
Lord only knows at this point. I am somewhere off the map. Like 480 feet

and for my convience

Item | Rounds dispelled | Rounds left
Gloves | [2] | 0
Belt |[3] |0
Cloak |[4] |1
Torso |[4] |1
Amulet |[3] |0
Ring1 |[1] |0
Ring2 |[4] |1
Head |[4] |1
Arms |[1] |0
Face |[4] |1
Body |[1] |0
Weapon |[1] |0

edit: That is assuming that
A. I haven't ran into anything
B. This isn't a well crafted illusion

2009-11-18, 11:20 PM
I huck a fireball at you. Reflex Save DC24 against [roll0] Fire damage.

Aaaand I suppose I'll move 200 feet towards you. That shall be all, I guess.

2009-11-18, 11:49 PM
[roll0] Reflex

edit: Okay I get pegged by a fireball and emerge covered in ash, dust, and hopefull clothing.

but no damage

I also continue hauling ass dat'a way <-

Me 720 feet <- of D11:E12
You 200 feet closer the above location from where you were before

Item | Rounds dispelled | Rounds left
Gloves | [2] | 0
Belt |[3] |0
Cloak |[4] |0
Torso |[4] |0
Amulet |[3] |0
Ring1 |[1] |0
Ring2 |[4] |0
Head |[4] |0
Arms |[1] |0
Face |[4] |0
Body |[1] |0
Weapon |[1] |0

All systems online.

edit2: Actually my bad On that one. I took damage actually.
for Enir

I saved so i take 21 damage and than I take half of that because of blink

unless its like damage multipliers where each double is just +x damage with X equaling your original damage

In that case X=42 42-.5X(reflex save)-.5x(blink)

2009-11-18, 11:59 PM
All systems online.

Battlecruiser operational. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpiwUiPQ4Mc&feature=related)

2009-11-19, 12:05 AM
My silence spell must have lingering side effects because i missed the NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED.

P.S: If you want to see a real example of that a rematch will show you all the stuff I've learned from you and Doc Roc

2009-11-19, 12:06 AM
I gallop forward through the air, zipping by you at an elevation of 60 feet. Dispelling Cord turns on. Directly above you, I cast Spell Theft. I'd like the names of every dispellable spell currently active on you (not your gear).

Afterwards, I continue on with my movement, ending 300 feet on the other side.

Edit: Do note that I'm invisible. =D

2009-11-19, 12:09 AM
I'm no entirely sure.

He never told what all effect i still had active.

edit: ooh i see some neat stuff i can do with that spell.

2009-11-19, 12:16 AM
Nevermind, I have them.

Invisibility, [roll0]***
Disobedience, [roll1]
Haste, [roll2]
Enlarge Person, [roll3]
Death Ward, [roll4]
and Freedom of Movement. [roll5]***

*** should be ignored due to below conversation

2009-11-19, 12:17 AM
You are no longer invisible.* You feel slower. You're no longer large sized. .Those should be the only noticable things you feel gone, as anything else is going to require experimentation on your part. =P

Edit: Actually, I don't want Enlarge Person. You can keep it. =P

2009-11-19, 12:19 AM
Wait i had freedom of movement still up?
I wasn't invisble I checked that

2009-11-19, 12:20 AM
Wait i had freedom of movement still up?
I wasn't invisble I checked that

I see nothing that states otherwise.
Edit: I rolled a 32 when I first tried to dispel it. I'm pretty sure that beats it, so you did not.

2009-11-19, 12:23 AM
Eh tah 'ell with all this secrecy

If you rattle off the list of dispel checks I'll put up the effects I had up at the start. We will check them off, and find out whats left.

2009-11-19, 12:25 AM
According to my cross-referencing and assuming CL20, the only spell effect still active on you is the enlarge person I let you keep. =)

As you can figure, Turn End.

2009-11-19, 12:31 AM
Well As I see it. The only option directly open to me would involve knowing the results of your dispel attempt before we can determine if it works or not.

2009-11-19, 12:37 AM
Well, the highest CL on your spell effects were 20, yes? That means DC31, which I've beaten for every spell on you. Your remaining contingencies are still there though.

2009-11-19, 12:43 AM
as I said earlier screw secrecy

When you dispelled me earlier I had the following contingencies on.

Dimensional Lock
A specially cast antimagic field
Giant size
Dimensional door
Dimensional door under a different circumstance.

I had all cast at max caster level.(dont ask about all the crap i had to go through to get Giant size on me)

I'm quick drawing a dagger and drop it(both free actions) and shouting "Inyuk-chuk"

edit: The only reason I want to know the dispel checks are so that i can find out if I can pull an apache chief.

2009-11-19, 01:01 AM
You there?

2009-11-19, 11:48 AM
Pull a...wha?

2009-11-19, 12:22 PM
believe it or not I've been trying to find a video to link it with that would be appropriate

The closest I could find was two minutes in (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYpXNG9WwI0&feature=related)

Apache Chief (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Chief) was from the super friends.

2009-11-19, 02:03 PM
Going to have to wait on Ernir. He didn't tell me which contingencies got chain dispelled, only the number of them that were.

2009-11-19, 04:02 PM
shouldn't we be able to tell via dispel checks and the level info i gave?

2009-11-19, 04:21 PM


2009-11-19, 08:19 PM
So, everything got stolen but the Contingencies and the Enlarge Person?

If so...
The Fighter whips out a dagger, drops it, and suddenly grows to titanic proportions.

for Enir

I saved so i take 21 damage and than I take half of that because of blink

unless its like damage multipliers where each double is just +x damage with X equaling your original damage

In that case X=42 42-.5X(reflex save)-.5x(blink)
I guess you take 25% damage, then. Round down at both multiplications.

2009-11-19, 08:46 PM
I use my dust of disappearance and fly straight up
I may not have a chance to win, but I can mess with him :)

2009-11-19, 09:23 PM
Big guy now, eh?

Easier target to hit, then. My go?

2009-11-19, 09:33 PM
The big one pulls out a pinch of dust out of a bag, and disappears from normal sight.

On his turn, I believe you were 300' west of him, and 60' above the ground?

Godna, it is Sign's turn, yes?

2009-11-19, 11:32 PM
Indeed it is.

Just a little aside. I have no real plans for using giant size. I wasn't really to prepared for this fight heh.

2009-11-19, 11:45 PM
So yeah. I gallop back in to general range of where he was until one of my many sight forms picks up on his location. Once I do:

If at 120 feet due to True Sight or GAS, close in to 70, cast DC 23 Disjunction from a scroll, and then gallop back 120 in the direction I came from.

If at 60 feet due to one of the other sight forms, he's probably able to swing at me from that point (though he most certainly can't see me =P), so I'll use my anklets to bamf me and my ride back 10 feet, and disjoin him, galloping back 120 in the direction I came from as above.

Tell me which one it is, and I'll continue with the rest of ze turn.


Yeah, I probably should have just disjoined him after the chain dispel, while his will save was likely to be tanked. My mistake.

2009-11-20, 11:49 PM
Sign:You gallop back the way you came.

Your Blindsight picks him up when he is within 60', hovering 50' above the spot where he was previously.

But I see a tiny problem with that proposed plan: teleporting back using the anklet, bringing the horsy with you.
From Phantom Steed: "You conjure a Large, quasi-real, horselike creature."
From Anklets of Translocation: "you can't bring another creature with you".

Am I missing something?

2009-11-21, 12:25 AM
Sign:You gallop back the way you came.

Your Blindsight picks him up when he is within 60', hovering 50' above the spot where he was previously.

But I see a tiny problem with that proposed plan: teleporting back using the anklet, bringing the horsy with you.
From Phantom Steed: "You conjure a Large, quasi-real, horselike creature."
From Anklets of Translocation: "you can't bring another creature with you".

Am I missing something?

Oof, you're right. I'll just have my horse pull back 10 feet the manual way then. It's not like he can see me, anyway.

2009-11-21, 09:32 AM
but couldn't he see the horse?
I mean I've been wondering that the entire thread

2009-11-21, 10:18 PM
but couldn't he see the horse?
I mean I've been wondering that the entire thread

...Good spot. :smallredface:
Well, regardless he's unable to see Izzy, so he can't take the AoO on her (her steed is a different story). So it's then a matter of "would Godna have done things differently seeing only a steed as he emerged from the solid fog".

2009-11-21, 10:28 PM
well that depends considering the size of the wall i had to get over I'd hadn't left the fog before catching a first glimpse, but yeah I'm fairly sure I'd attempt to kill that soon-to-be resident of a glue factory.

The problem is however I also now have knowledge i didn't have back then. so it is a terrible conundrum.

2009-11-22, 10:02 PM
Why did I get the idea that you had Invis'ed the thing? :smallconfused:
(I seriously don't know. I just searched through an unholy amount of PMs trying to find a reference, but I didn't.)

So. Do you want to:

Roll back,
Pretend the steed suddenly became visible, allowing an AoO now, or
Pretend the steed is invisible?

2009-11-22, 10:24 PM
I believe the best thing for me to do would be to concede this battle, and make changes, but I do believe I would have a chance if it is possible to stand on a resilient sphere. I might be able to reach him and attack assuming a rollback.

2009-11-22, 10:41 PM
Wait....stand on a resilient sphere?

Now I'm really confused as to what you're planning.

Roll back as far as you need to, as applicable. However, you're most likely not going to be able to attack regardless of how far you roll back, due to the circumstances.

Edit: While I don't mind you conceding, I probably won't be using this wizard again. For one, because I'm of the opinion that the fighter's wealth is supposed to win these bouts, and two, because I'm building a fighter to prove one.

2009-11-22, 11:03 PM
What I was planning was using a run action instead on the last turn of my time stop, and getting as close as i could Chucking a couple beads of force to stand upon to gain any needed altitude quick drawing and dropping my dagger(to grow giant),and anything else as needed.

edit: For the record I learend so very much from this and my fight with Roc that This fighter will be needing a huge makeover.

2009-11-22, 11:44 PM
Okay.... Sure, you could have created a boost to attempt to reach me, who was 100 feet above you. Growing to..colossal? size, 30 feet +60 feet (assuming reach weapon) +10 feet (diameter of a bead) = Exactly 100 feet.

In which case I swift action my anklets of translocation out of your reach, and disjoin you, thus saving my mount from certain peril.

2009-11-23, 10:41 PM
Ugh. Let's say a DC 25 Balance check to stand on a Resilient Sphere.

Are you sure this is the plan you want to execute? :smalleek:

2009-11-23, 11:14 PM
Actually at that point I'd make an attempt to attack what ever creature is on top of the Mount. I don't have a miss chance against your invisibility because of pierce magical concealment

2009-11-23, 11:51 PM
Accelerated Round effect, judging by how much you're doing before my turn. Therefore no, you can't.

2009-11-24, 11:52 AM
Actually I'd proably ready an action to fully activate my belt of battle as the time stop wears off.

but as i said this is all speculative as I'm conceding your character was much more prepared than my own.

I have learned quite a bit from this fight.

2009-11-25, 10:52 AM
but as i said this is all speculative as I'm conceding your character was much more prepared than my own.

Is this final?

2009-11-25, 09:15 PM
Yeah I don't feel bad about this one. If nothing else I've already read through the spoilers. I can see why you didn't expect me to survive that round.

second, Dude he was well prepared.

2009-11-25, 11:00 PM
Yeah I don't feel bad about this one. If nothing else I've already read through the spoilers. I can see why you didn't expect me to survive that round.

second, Dude he was well prepared.

I try. Took me about a day for this one. Not particularly pleased with the spell selection though.

2009-11-26, 07:27 AM
Victory: Signmaker. Type: Opponent forfeit.

Congratulations. Let me know if/when you are ready to reverse the roles or rematch.

2009-11-26, 07:44 AM
Mind if i see your selection?