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2009-11-12, 09:43 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7298794#post7298794)

The city of Vost is bubbling over with excitement. Queen Lillian of Mareay, the Dragon Queen, is visiting to attend her cousin's wedding. No monarch has ever visited Vost before, for two simple reasons. The first, and perhaps most important, is the fact that the monarch has no power in Vost. When it was established by charter a hundred years ago, Mareay's most pressing concern was to find a place to garrison troops. So it was declared that as long as Vost continued to house Mareay's soldiers and pay a tithe to the royal treasury, the guilds would be left to administrate the city as they saw fit.

The second is geography. The city sits, nearly alone, on the Great River which marks the end of the Kingdom's boarders. To its West are the Steppes, and further West from that the Kingdom of Almeniea, with which Mareay has never been on good terms. To the South down the river one firsts passes Kithinacia, then comes to the sea and eventually the island kingdom Sourin. Trade with either Almeniea or Kithinacia is illegal, officially, but that hardly seems to matter to the Merchant Guilds of Vost. It still matters very much, however, to the Queen's royal guard. They insist that her majesty would not be safe in such a place.

But Queen Lillian has never given overmuch thought to her own safety. Unfortunately for her cousin, the occasion of her visit has completely overshadowed the wedding its self. The majority of Vost's citizens have never seen a king or queen. In excited preparation streets and homes have been cleaned, patriotic songs are being sung, and the soldiers have been on triple duty ensuring there will be no unexpected interruptions. The city's Eastern Gate, small as it is, has been flung wide open and the wealthiest of Vost's citizens has volunteered his home for the Queen and her retinue.

In just a few moments, the royal procession is scheduled to parade down the main road before settling into their temporary home. Hordes of people have set out to see them, their work temporarily forgotten, beset by a second horde trying to sell them things until it's impossible to move for the bodies packed so tightly.

Icewalker/ Reth Nigma
You've never had nightmares as bad as the ones you had last night. This is not, of its self, unusual - they seem to get worse every night. What is unusual is the sudden change in subject matter. They have always been dreams of shadows and the magic that attaches its self to them. Last night, there was a name. Pandorym.

Landorak/ Eric Weiss
You tattoos burn, but they are secondary in your mind. You were returning home after a journey to a sister temple, having assisted them with an unruly necromancer that had taken to playing with the remains of paladins, when you got a sending from Orion. "Don't come back. Find an excuse to stay away longer. Political turmoil here, not safe for you." You've never felt liked by any other member of the Silver Circle, but you've always known that Orion at least respects you. If he thinks it's too dangerous for you to come back, then something is seriously wrong. Now you find yourself in a strange city with a direct order not to return home.

Keld Denar
2009-11-13, 12:36 AM

Jumping up and down, Par attempts to get a glimpse of the procession as it passes.

2009-11-13, 12:57 AM
Stoneface's massive bulk looked from afar like a small mountain of rock protruding from the masses. He had arguably the best view above the heads of those gathered and near enough to actually see something.

2009-11-13, 03:30 AM

Sitting comfortably on a roof nearby, Snow looks out over the gathered crowd. He idly snaps his claws together, making a sharp, clicking sound, and yawns. It had been a long night with little sleep, and though he had eventually found a decent place to rest, he was still a little tired.

2009-11-13, 09:38 AM

Slipping through the crowd, he attempts to make his way to the front, ducking underneath people's arms. After the fourth or fifth elbow to the face, however, he curses, and lets himself be pushed to the back of the mass of people. "Damn my height," he mutters, and quietly jumps up onto a low windowsill, climbing from there up onto the roof.

Hopping on the top, he grins and stretches. Much better.

As he looks around, he notices another person sitting on the same roof. He starts slightly as he sees the long claws, then plops down where he stands and smiles. "Hello?"

2009-11-13, 09:39 AM

Eric knows little of Mareay, and even less of Queen Lillian. During his youth in Almeniea it was continually drilled into Eric that Mareay was a deviant Kingdom, tolerated only because of its' inaccessibility. From this limited information he reasons the Queen cannot be all bad.

It is his nature to avoid crowds unless on offiical business, it is his nature to avoid anyone who probably travels with magical protection period. None-the-less Eric finds himself drawn into the crowd. He has an itch that tells him something is amiss, and if that is the case this is the only place be belongs.

Using the bulk of his shield (Better suited to an Ogre than a human) he gently eases his way toward the front of the crowd. He has no desire to be at the very front, an armed member of the Silver Circle has no business being about Royalty without permission, but he is close enough to watch the parade with a catious eye.

2009-11-13, 11:29 AM
Lounging in an alley off to the side, a tall man in a massive black robe stands, hidden partially in the shadows. His face is completely covered by the black cowl, however a dim purple glow emanates from beneath the hood. Royalty...an unusual example of power, but power nonetheless.

While other alleys around the main street are crowded with people, they seem to be mostly avoiding this one. Even the rats aren't showing their faces around that dark robed figure.

2009-11-13, 03:09 PM
Noting the other person approach, Snow does not move an inch, but the muscles in his body tenses. When the newcomer sits down and greets him, the Evolutionist is taken aback for a moment, this kind of contact is unusal in his normally violent life. Without taking his eyes off the streets below he replies.
His voice is sharp and controlled but there is no threat whithin it. Again he click his claws, and then turns his head, studying the man for the first time.
"Lot's of people down there, eh?" He smiles, but without showing any teeth.
"Guess that it's better up here for you too then. You a thief?"

2009-11-13, 03:27 PM
Not a halfling. Just short, for a human. 4'11", to be exact. :smallcool:

"Much better, thank you. The bruises will probably show tomorrow…people can be quite vicious in a crowd!" He raises his eyebrows at the man's next question, fingering a ring on his right hand. "No, not a thief," he tells him, "A thief would be better served to be down there - or in an entirely different part of the city. Why, are you?"

2009-11-13, 04:05 PM
Oups, sorry for that race thingy, it's fixed now... Hope no one else noticed :smalltongue:

Snow shakes his head slowly before he replies.
"No, but I share the rooftops with those who are. And the assassins. But we tend to avoid each other, it's better for all parties. Approaching like you did now, it's... Uncommon."
Turning his attention once more to the crowds below, he continues.
"By the way, you don't happen to know what all this is about? I've been hiding under some really deep rocks these last few days, so I must have missed something."

Keld Denar
2009-11-13, 05:30 PM

Unable to see anything other than the backsides of the multitudes of people in front of him, Par continues to push through the croud till he finds himself in front of a massive mottled grey leg. Looking up, he sees the "man"s head towering over the croud. Drawing in a sigh of self loathing, Par taps on the leg in front of him.

Mister, mister mister! Par squeaks, I can't see anything! Whats going on? Can you lift me up please please please?

2009-11-13, 10:19 PM
Even though he barely heard the voice of the little man, he certainly felt the tap on his leg. Carefully and almost effortlessly he pushed away the others around him and knelt next to him,

Hello there sir, how can I help you?
He asked with a smile, his big emerald eyes focusing on the the gnome.

2009-11-13, 11:47 PM
He shrugs. "Just got in a couple days ago - apparently there's a queen coming, the Queen of Mareay, marching down this here street. It's - quite the turnout. I'm surprised there aren't obvious royal guards already here, scouting out for… well, the assassins on the rooftops. Along with the hidden ones, of course. Er, hidden guards. Assassins are hidden anyway. Or they should be…I apologize, I'm rambling." He laughs, shaking his head. "I'm an uncommon person. So, tell me, what shape and color were the rocks?"

Keld Denar
2009-11-14, 03:32 AM

I can't see the parade! I just want to see what's going on!

2009-11-14, 03:48 AM
Snow yawns again, stretching his arms into the air, before responding.
"A queen, eh? Have never seen one of those before. Might just hang around then, just so I know what they look like."
He smiles again and continues.
"And I haven't seen neither assassins, nor any guards up here. Hopefully this will all be a peaceful event, though I know this city a bit too well to really think that it will go that smoothly."
The evolutionist stands up for a moment, looking around.
"As for the stones, they were many different colors, but mainly forest green..."

Spot check to see if there are anyone else on the nearby roofs. Especially assassins. :smallwink:

2009-11-14, 10:30 AM
NotaNinja - you see several. While some of the wealthier citizens have rented out the balconies of nearby buildings, others stand near the front of the crowd, placed there by over-excited bodyguards. The easier targets are the ones who can't afford their own guards, who scattered around the crowd like anyone else. The occasion makes telling the difference between a farmer and a noble even easier than it would be on other says, since the latter put on their finest clothings in hopes of being seen as much as they see.

Drakir_Nosslin - Vost was explicitly chartered for its defensive position on the Kingdom's boarders. There are soldiers milling about on even ordinary days. Today they are out in force, and all wearing uniform and weapons. But if there is anyone trying to hide on the rooftops - well meaning or otherwise - they are doing a good job of it.

The sound of trumpets can be heard, then is drowned out by the cheers of the crowd - most of them, you suspect, unable to see exactly what they are cheering about. A line of seven knights on horseback, riding two, then three, then two, with a banner high in the air, come first. Their armor brilliantly reflects the light of the sun, making them shine like seven moons. They are followed by half a dozen stallions, well bred with shiny white coats, pulling an ornate open wagon. The wagon is painted white and inlaid with flowering golden designs, the complexity of which must have taken a dozen and a half craftsmen. In it sits three people - the first is a man in full armor, a heavy sword at his side and a circlet upon his head. The second is a woman, her torso clad in a fine chain shirt atop a brilliantly red dress. Her crown is larger and more ornate than the man's, leaving little doubt in anyones mind that this must be Queen Lillian. She looks like coins you've seen bearing her visage; her eyes are almond shaped beneath a tall forehead, her nose small and slightly upturned, and her lips are wide and full. The third is a small boy, no more than ten, with a modest silver circlet. The young prince looks less than thrilled to be dressed in royal finery, but sits in silence between his mother and father, occasionally waving at the gathered crowds. Following this wagon is another three, pulled by four horses each and bearing two riders who you do not know.* They are a diverse bunch, ranging from an old woman similar in appearance to the queen, to an elf draped in a heavy cloak despite the morning's heat.

(ooc: * = Unless you want to give me a Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) check)

2009-11-14, 10:34 AM
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): [roll0]

2009-11-14, 10:49 AM
Ladorak (and anyone else who got a 10. People have been talking about this all month, so the DCs have been reduced.)
The first wagon contains, of course, Queen Lillian. The man and boy with her are her husband, King Theoris and their son Prince Dallin III, who was named after the Queen's father. The elderly woman riding in the wagon directly behind is the Queen Mother, who married into the royal family instead of being born into it, and so is not permitted to rule. Of course, that doesn't mean she has no influence. The others, you don't know. Although considering their dress, you assume they are the Queen's advisers.

Queen Lillian's Nickname, the Dragon Queen, comes from an incident before she inherited the throne. She was kidnapped by a red dragon who had announced his intention to ransom her back to her father. When he instead sent a troop of knights to rescue his daughter and slay the dragon, they passed the princess going the opposite way - she had escaped the dragon's lair on her own talents. The dragon was eventually slain, but until her father's death she was called the Dragon Princess, and now the Dragon Queen. In Almeniea, the event is portrayed as cowardly, and she is instead called the Craven Queen.

2009-11-14, 05:26 PM

As the crowds erupted into rapturous applause Eric stood stock still, A shining silver statue amid the chaos of colour and exuberance. Inwardly however he was smiling, long was his experience with such crowds, it was easy to tell genuine emotion from people paid or forced to cheer. These people were in genuine rapture.

He nodded slightly and made a couple of mental notes. Firstly he resolved to hear again, and in greater detail, the tale of the Dragon Princess. Secondly, he starred hard at the Elf, fixing his image into his mind. Eric would hear that story tonight as well, he would make sure of that.

He spent a useless moment wishing he had disguised himself before coming out into the crowd, he looked very out of place and so felt dangerously exposed. Still, his presence alone might deter any potential troublemakers, Orion had often said that deterrence was worth more than any act of violence. Besides, placing oneself in danger is the way of the Silver Circle.

Under his breath Eric mutters 'Royalty is a... most perplexing institution.'

2009-11-14, 05:52 PM

Seeing nothing, Snow sits down once again, dangling his bare feet above the crowd.
"Can't see anyone else up here, so it might be a calm day after all."
As the wagon with the royalty rolls by Snow studies them with what appears to be great interest.
"So that's what a queen looks like? Don't think I'd fancy rolling around like that, waving to everybody. And did you see the boy, he didn't look very happy. Guess children in that age really should be running around playing, not sitting in a wagon all day, eh?"

2009-11-15, 12:05 PM

The broad-shouldered man in finery looks at Shiori askance. When he looks elsewhere she slips her hand easily into his pocket and comes away with a few flat, round objects whose color she can't quite yet check. She's about to wander away when the man unexpectedly addresses her. He has to shout to be heard over the cheers, but their proximity makes it difficult to ignore the fact that he is speaking to her. "You don't look like you're from around here!"

2009-11-15, 12:42 PM

"That it may be… Huh." He watches the royalty rolling on by, his eyes tracking them even as he responds to the man with a snort. "Yes, I suppose they should be. I haven't met many that do, myself - seems they're either holed up in a shiny prison or working themselves to an early death. Or just fending. …Did you have a nice childhood?" His voice is slightly wistful.

2009-11-15, 03:14 PM

As the wagons pass, Snow instead looks up at the sky, before responding.
"My childhood was... Unusual. I shouldn't say unhappy, I have many happy memories from my youth. But, I think that most who has grown up in a regular home wouldn't want to change with me."
He laughs for a moment and stretches his hands to the sky.
"I wouldn't switch places with them either, so I guess it doesn't matter. How 'bout you? You born here?"
He lowers his hands, placing them in his lap and looks at the fellow next to him.

2009-11-15, 07:54 PM

"No, not at all - I don't remember where I was born. I was an infant at the time, you see. Grew up in a school, nominally anyway. It was nice enough." He starts almost unconsciously tapping out a rhythm on his thigh as he speaks, and looks away from the parade to watch Snow. "Where were you born, if I may be so bold?"

2009-11-15, 11:28 PM
Just as the parade enters the city stoneface offered his oversized caloused hand and lifted up the small man, placed his on one of his shoulders and stood to his full size. Towering over the crowds he can take in the whole spectacle.

I am called Stoneface, what may I call you sir?

This close, his deep voice sounded and felt more like an earth trembler.

Keld Denar
2009-11-16, 06:24 PM

Dropping the child persona, Par shakes the goliath's hand before sitting on his shoulder.

Par von Foodle, of the prestigeous von Foodle clan. Pleasure! Do you know anything about the passing dignitary? This should be quite the show!

2009-11-16, 06:36 PM
I see, a celebrity then. Forgive me but I haven't heard of your clan, though that would not be surprising, I don't get much involved. I don't know much of the parade either I'm afraid.

He said without turning around, he seemed to be looking more at the people around than at the parade itself.

However, it is indeed a show and we have the best seats in the house. I expect most of the people can't see much.

He beamed at Par, his good nature showing through and through.

Though I worry, sometimes when so many people are gathered. Something always happens.

2009-11-16, 08:19 PM
Almost on the Sergeant's cue, there is an explosion that rocks the very ground beneath you. Shouts and cheers turn into screams, and it's not long before you've seen the cause - a building has burst outwards not ten feet in front of the royal wagon. The rubble lands as if aimed on the knights marching in front, and you can scarce determine what has happened to them. Three of what looks like bloated, stitched-together corpses come shambling out of the half-destroyed building. They are followed by a strange man with rotting skin in armor, dragging the tip of his longsword in the ground behind him. While the monstrosities attack anything within reach - the first almost absentmindedly cracking a peasant's spine with a massive fist - the man walks with a steady pace towards the wagon.

Roll initiative!
Everyone make Spot Checks on your turn.
The squares on the roadway are Heavily Crowded and moving away from the wagons. It takes 2 squares of movement to move through a square occupied by a character. A character who moves against the flow of traffic must make a DC 15 reflex save to avoid being knocked prone. If you take a move action to avoid oncoming traffic, you get a +4 bonus on that save. If you are knocked prone, you take 2d6 bludgeoning damage from being trampled. While standing in the crowd, you take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, reflex saving throws, and all skill checks that are affected by Armor Check. You also lose your dexterity to armor class and casting spells requires a DC 10 concentration check.

It will move away at 30 feet a round on initiative count 0. Right now, only a 20-foot-wide line stretching from the aggressor back through the wagons is clear.

DM Notes! (no reading!)


2009-11-16, 08:34 PM
Yay, our first combat!:smallsmile: I'll be rolling my granted Maneuvers too.

Init: [roll0]

Granted Maneuvers:
[roll1] and [roll2]
2-Mountain Hammer
3-Battle leader's charge
4-Shield Block
5-White Raven Tactics
6-Revitalizing Strike

How close is Eric to the action?

2009-11-16, 08:34 PM

Init: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2009-11-16, 08:35 PM
rerolling one of those dice. Same order only now 1-5. [roll0]

2009-11-16, 09:47 PM
Init: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
How high is the building Snow and I are on, and how far away are we?

2009-11-17, 02:42 AM
"I was..." Snow doesn't have time to finish the sentence before the chaos on the streets below begins.
"Never a dull day, eh?" The ragged man looks down on the monsters and on the armored man and frowns. "I guess that the queen isn't so loved anyway."

Initiative: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Oh, and I'd like to know how far away from the queens wagon we are, and how far the evil guy is from the wagon.

2009-11-17, 07:20 AM
Forgot the spot check...
Spot: [roll0]

2009-11-18, 09:43 PM
Couldn't I have wished for a nice day in the warm sun? Mister von Foodle, if you can't fight I suggest you find a safe spot to jump down to...I have a duty...

Stoneface said and tried to push his way through the crowds going towards the armored figure making its way towards the procession.

OOC note: 50ft speed.

2009-11-18, 10:03 PM
The first letter of your character's name in their speech color represents their approximate location. The brown squares are horses, the gray ones golems, the R is the rotting man, T, D, and L are Theoris, the prince, and Lillian respectively. The translucent peach is the crowd, about 3 creatures to a square.

Scrap the initiative. PCs go first :smalltongue:

There is a distortion in the air, about 30 feet above the golems. You're not sure what's causing it.

2009-11-19, 02:39 AM
Snow looks down on the events below, while trying to decide what to do. He sees the fleeing crowd, and the strange monsters ruthlessly making a way for themselves. The queen, her family and the rest of the nobles are stuck in the wagon, probably not going anywhere. And the boy... Why did it have to be a child involved? In a response to his anger, his skin shifts color, darkening until it is almost blood red.
"Unless you're planning on helping either group here, my friend, I suggest that you get out of here. Rooftops are good for that too."
Then he shrugs off his worn tunic and drops it onto the roof next to him. There is the sound of snapping bones, skin stretching and muscles tearing, and before anyone has time to react, Snow leaps into the air, his newly developed wings carrying him towards the queen's carriage.

Hovering in the air, he calls out for the queen: "Hey, you, queen! need some help in protecting that kid of yours? I'd hate it if he got hurt because of his mom! He pauses for a moment, before he adds: Oh, and don't be afraid of my looks, I'm not here to kill you!"

Standard: Assume the winged template, grow wings, gain a fly speed of 40+20+10=70 (Move speed, template bonus, mutation bonus), gain +4 dex, +2 wis.

Move: Fly to the queens carriage, stopping right next to it, but on the same height as the rooftop (how high is that?)

HP: 44/44
AC (Normal, Touch, Flat Footed): 24, 17, 17
Saves (F/R/W): 4, 10, 7
Buffs: None

2009-11-19, 11:05 AM

"Eh, loved or not…" He scrambles up, trotting back from the edge of the roof several yards, and yanks his quarterstaff from his back. "I suppose I should take you up on…Huh." He blinks as Snow flies down, brows raised. "Well, I suppose I have to do it the old-fashioned way."

Luck, don't fail me now.

He peers at the edge, then runs toward it, and leaps over the crowd.

Jump: [roll0], using that running start.
Tumble: [roll1]

2009-11-19, 11:40 AM
Spoilering this, as the others won't be aware of the fact that it's my fault. Ain't illusions great?

Casting minor image. A MASSIVE roaring fire in a line bursting outwards from the alleyway. With 7 10 ft. cubes, it be a 10 foot wide path of fire, ten feet tall, running from where Reth is standing out 70 feet (reaching exactly to the other end of the road). No time concentrating, so it will last 2 rounds. DC 12 Will save for disbelief.

As a move action, Reth walks forwards 30 feet in the fire.

The intent of this action is to thin the crowd, if not stop it entirely, by facing it with a massive wall of fire for a few rounds while Reth walks into the street.

2009-11-19, 01:40 PM
As the explosion rips through the air Eric actually sighs. Just once I'd like to go to one of these things and not have something like this happen. But long acquittance with such circumstances had, at least, drilled his reactions to something of a fine art. He knew he had a few precious seconds of shock before the crowd began to flee. He jumped up and scanned the surroundings as thoroughly as he could. What he saw did not hearten him.

Golems! Heironeous give me strength this day. Immediately he felt divine inspiration flood him. As he landed he swung his shield about in front of him, thudding it into the ground as he knelt and unslung his Guisarme, his magical bracers making it feel unnaturally light in his hand.

The shield was so large that any in front of him would only see only an impressive buttress embosed with the lighting bolt of Heironeous. In his best parade ground yell he commands 'Citizens! I am the shield of Heironeous, stand aside so I might aid thy Queen.'

Swift action: Activate Martial Stance, Bolstering Voice (Probably won't have any effect, although it does add a +4 to saves against fear to those within 10 feet)
Move action: Draw Guisarme
Ready action: At end of crowd's turn make move action toward nearest enemy

Keld Denar
2009-11-19, 04:44 PM

Slipping down from Stoneface's shoulder, Par weaves his hands in a delicate pattern. The power of the earth surges up through his small feet.

The ground under the corpse man with the sword darkens instantly. A black viscous liquid coats it making it very difficult to move. It also smells terrible, fumes like lamp oil rise from the puddle. The spell affects the squares occupied by the corpse man and the golem, as well as the 2 squares adjacent to them next to the horses. (5' Radius)


Using Earth Spell and Shadow Illusion to cast a Heightened Silent Image (Heightened to 2nd level) to duplicate the effects of the spell Incendiary Slime (Complete Mage, pg108) which is nearly identical to the Grease spell in the PHB except any fire in the slime ignites it for 4d6 damage and ends the spell.

Since the spell is not fully real, anyone affected gets a DC 21 Will save to only be affected by the grease 30% (70% chance of acting normally). If they are affected, either by a failed save, or a sucessful save + 30% chance, its a DC21 Ref save against falling prone. Because its a shadow spell and not a REAL Conjouration, the spell is subject to Spell Resistance, so if they have it, Par overcomes [roll0]. If the Golems have Spell Immunity, they aren't affected at all.

Sorry if this is kinda complicated, it'll get easier as I cast more spells. I'll keep it to the form:

Spell name - Source
Will Save: DC XX
Other Save: DC XX
Reality: X0%
SR: [roll]

Also not that the spell is Silenced, per the Silent Spell metamagic feat, so unless someone is looking at him to see the somantic components, its nearly impossible to ID the spell as an illusion.

2009-11-19, 05:00 PM
As soon as Par drops off from his shoulders, Stoneface begins wading through the crowds and tries to put himself between the armored corpse and the parade between the first riders just outside of the mysterious black puddle.

2009-11-21, 01:07 PM
[roll0] (20)
[roll1] (21)
[roll2] (30)
[roll3] (21)
[roll4] (20)

As the abominations burst from the building, Shiori jumps into action. A whistle breaks through the panic and under her calm direction the group starts moving very quickly, but in an organized fashion, away from the street. No one seems more surprised than the man who was just chatting her up. After standing for an instant, flabberghasted, he begins to repeat her directions and help to make sure her orders are carried out.

The Factorum takes a dozen steps backwards, a breath, then rushes forward and catapults himself over the crowd - landing, feet first, behind a startled King Theoris.

At that moment, a huge ghout of flame explodes from the allyway, eliciting another round of screams and more frantic action on the part of Shiori's self-appointed deputy. Remarkably, no one seems badly hurt by the fire.

Suddenly under attack and surrounded by unexpected allies, the Queen's nature shows through. With a steadying hand on her young son's shoulder she informs Snow "He wont be." She turns her attention to the walking corpse. "How dare you attack my procession? Whatever it is you want, you shall not have!" (ooc: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects, and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls to everyone on the Queen's side.)

Her husband, meanwhile, grabs frantically at the horse's reigns, pulling back on them steadily to prevent them from bolting - and taking the wagon with it.

The corpse in armor growls at you, ignoring completely the puddle around his feet. "Stand aside. I have come to claim my throne." To emphasize his words, he begins casting a spell.
DC 18 Spellcraft Check
He's casting Haste.

2009-11-21, 01:20 PM
The golems step right through the puddle around their feet. Two are happily working their way though the crowd, swatting innocent people like flies. The third makes his way towards Stoneface, slamming into him at full force. (ooc: Take 19 damage.)


2009-11-21, 03:28 PM
Assuming the crowd moves 30 feet away, leaving him a clear line, Eric does not take his readied action. At end of turn Eric is granted the following Maneuver:

1- Mountain Hammer
2 - Battle leader's charge
3 - Shield Block
4 -Revitalizing Strike

2009-11-21, 04:05 PM
OOC: Exactly what I wanted :smallsmile:

Eric Weiss

As Eric peered over his shield the crowd dispersed about him, even as the grim smile spread across his face he offered up a silent prayer Heironeous preserve those who flee, trampling is no fate for the just. But even if the Arch-Paladin turned his face from such cowards, he rewarded the righteous. Time slowed down, as it always did, an opportunity presented itself, as it always did.

A single woman, seemingly fragile, threw herself at a stitched monstrosity as it ripped at the crowd, and in that moment Eric felt the hand of the Arch-Paladin on his shoulder.

With a bellow he charged the monster, throwing his shield down into the creature's legs, crushing bone and sinew. He threw all his weight into the hit, attempting to trip the creature.

As he did so his iron gaze flicked to the strange foreign woman

Strike now, while it is unbalanced!

Note: Eric is using his shield in his primary hand, his weapon is in the off hand.

Full round: Battle Leader's charge Shiori's opponent.
Swift action: White Raven's tactics on Shiori. (This lowers her init to mine minus 1, but grants her another turn)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Assuming that hits I get a free trip:

Opposed trip attempt: [roll2]

And assuming the trip comes off a free attack:

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2009-11-21, 04:44 PM
Stoneface turns his attention to the golem that just slammed into him and with silent determination lets fly two punches in quick succession, light shimmers as he punches muttering something under his breath.

OOC, spoilered cause it's long:

activate Brute gaunlet (swift, MIC pg83), 1 charge(out of 3) for +2 to strength checks and melee attack rolls and damage (morale, I guess this doesn't stack with the buff from the queen, if we're eligible for it anyway, since it's also a moraly bonus)
Also I'm using flurry of blows to get 2 attacks. 5 BAB+6 str+2 morale-2 flurry:

damage: [roll1]

damage: [roll3]

If I get a free attack from Eric's trip attempt:

damage: [roll5]

2009-11-21, 05:26 PM
I didn't factor in the moral bonus of the queen, sorry

2009-11-22, 04:18 PM
Through the roiling fire comes a sudden piercing screech, and a rippling line of sound blasts forth, trailing spirals and vortexes in the flame. It bursts out of the wall of fire and strikes the rotting man with a cacophonous explosion as a man steps forth from the fire, unburnt, covered completely in a heavy black robe with a dim purple glow emanating from under the great face-covering hood.


Stepping out into the street, relatively in the back behind the other combatants entering. Casting sound lance for 8d8 damage at rotting man (Fortitude save for half).

2009-11-22, 05:50 PM

Hearing the queens challenge to the attackers, Snow smiles towards her and her son. Then he shoots forwards across the battlefield, aiming for what appears to be the leader of the attack. The winged human lands next to the man in rotten armor and strikes with his claws, attempting to tear open his opponent and infect him with a powerful poison.

Move Action: To G13, see map below.
Standard Action: Attack the rotten guy with two claws:
attack 1:[roll0], damage [roll1], poison [roll2] str, fort DC 16 negates.
attack 2:[roll3], damage [roll4], poison [roll5] str, fort DC 16 negates.
If both hit: Rend for [roll6] damage
Swift action: Smile like the devil. :belkar:

HP: 44/44
AC (Normal, Touch, Flat Footed): 24, 17, 17
Saves (F/R/W): 4, 10, 7
Buffs: None

I took the liberty to update the map with a simple coordinate system, should make it easier to keep check of everything during combat. I hope. http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r352/drakir_nosslin/RoadFightGroupII1.gif?t=1258929718

2009-11-23, 09:27 AM

"Hello, sir," he says, "I apologize for having dropped in on you so suddenly, but I've suddenly developed a strong patriotic loyalty to your particular hereditary monarchy - not redundant terms - probably because I heard too many folk tales growing up - also, those things are disgusting. I'll leave you to these fine horses, then!" He runs off towards the rotting man and Snow, brandishing his quarterstaff.


Move remainder of move action (30 ft, I think).


HP: 35/35
AC: 21, 14 touch, 17 flat-footed
Placement: F10, I believe; I'm not sure.

2009-11-23, 05:28 PM
Together, Shori and Eric tear into the first golem. With a shove of his shield, Eric knocks it prone. The giant creature struggles to get back up (ooc: the two of you get AoOs) Stoneface's blows glance off the surprisingly thick hide of the ball of flesh he has found himself fighting. Rutherford, meanwhile, slips away from Reth and Snow - who have been tearing bits of flesh from his bones (though that looks like something he is accustomed to...). Acting with his strange magically-enhanced grace he slips between the horses and jumps easily up onto the wagon, bringing his sword down towards Lillian's head.

DM Rolls
[roll0] (23)
[roll1] (25)
[roll2] (25)
[roll5] (24)
[roll7] (24)

[roll10] (22)
[roll12] (22)

(contingent on 1st)
[roll14] (25)
[roll16] (25)

Rutherford's sword whistles harmlessly through the air - deflected by some divine force or, more likely, magic. The rotting man is not quite so lucky as both the not-so-helpless queen and her husband slash into him with a thin, regal rapier and a well-weighted sword respectively.

The golem facing Stoneface attacks back, hitting squarely the first time and swinging wide the second. (ooc: Take 17 damage) The other two golems miss their attacks.

2009-11-23, 06:58 PM

Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

End of turn granted Maneuver: [roll2]
1-Mountain Hammer
2-Shield Block
3-Revitalizing Strike

Eric's turn:

Hmm... Extra damage and ignore DR, or full attack, decisions decisions... Actually given Golem's large size raging full is probably the way to go.

Free action: Rage
Full turn action: Full attack

First attacks:
Shield: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Guisarme: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Second attacks:
Shield: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Guisarme: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Rage: 6/6

Keld Denar
2009-11-23, 07:17 PM
Chain, you skipped me while I was waiting for the answer to my question. Mind if I take my turn now?

Par casts a Grease spell under one of the further away golems. This one is 100% real. DC 17 Ref save or fall prone. Movement requires a DC15 Balance check. No SR.

Assuming that was last rounds action, Par will cast a Glitterdust, trying to affect 2 golems if possible. DC 18 Will or be blinded for 8 rounds. No SR.

2009-11-23, 07:36 PM
OOC: That AoO should be a 16, sorry. Thankfully considering it's prone that should be a hit anyway.

IC: As he crashes into the monster Eric's shoulder smashed into his shield, the sudden pain, expected yet so undeserved causes his lips to curl back in a snarl, his stony face is briefly transformed into something bestial and primal, but an instant later it is gone, even Shori's swift eye is unsure if she saw the beast lurking beneath the surface.

However, the pain was welcome, the sudden resistance so high meant he had succeeded in getting the lower rim of his shield beneath the beast. With a well practised swing he surges upward, lifting the Golem's leg until it crashes to the ground. A moment later he lands atop the fallen monstrosity, crushing it's legs beneath his full weight.

Yet still it rose. With a wordless angry cry Eric brings his shield up and down, crashing the rim against it's head. He heard bone crunch and as he brought the shield back into a defensive position he saw he had sheared part of it's face off.

Yet still it lunged at him, it's mighty blow deflected off his shield. It only succeeded in deflecting him for a second, but in that second Eric's eyes fell on the other one.

It lunged out at a child in the crowd, and it was only the boy's small stature that protected him, the Golem's mighty fist sailing just over his head.

A fire lights in Eric's eyes, and his heart aches to throw himself between the beast and the innocent. Yet his training prevented him Never turn your back on the enemy!

His face remains emotionless, only his burning eyes belay the wildness kindled within as he batters and stabs at the Golem, desperate to bring it down quickly.

2009-11-23, 07:58 PM

The rotting man slips past him, and he looks back in alarm - only to see the quite capable queen and king holding their own. "See, that's the sort of royalty a man could get behind! Unless they lord it over a fellow too much, I suppose. Anyone could do that…" He shrugs, and keeps running, this time straight for the uncontested golem. Swinging the quarterstaff around, he aims for its legs and lets fly.


Move up to 50 ft, which I believe takes me far enough;
Spend two IP for Cunning Insight to both attack and damage;
Attack unoccupied golem.


HP: 35/35
AC: 21, 14, 17
Placement: G something?
IP: 9/11

2009-11-23, 09:49 PM
Seeing the threat to the queen Stoneface takes a small step back getting out of the range of the golem and touches the a small charm hanging on his robes. He then moves at the edge of the speed that eyes can still see him behind the rotting man and takes his battle stance once more attacking with a one-two of punches, hoping that this time it would be more effective.

Activate chronocharm of the horizon walker: swift action, move up to my speed
standard action: flurry of blows

damage: [roll1]

damage: [roll3]

2009-11-25, 12:29 AM
With a sweeping wave of the arm, an arc of sickening greenish black energy streaks like a stream through the air towards the rotting man, falling over him and hanging like withered ribbons of light.

Ray of Enfeeblement. It's actually a strength penalty, not damage or drain, so it works on undead.

Touch attack: [roll0]
Penalty: [roll1]

2009-11-28, 10:34 AM
DM Notes (don't read)

[roll0] (17)
[roll2] (18)

[roll4] (21)

[roll10] (22)

[roll13] (25)

[roll16] (10)

[roll17] (16)


The golem caught between Eric's shield and Shori's blows doesn't so much die as fall apart, it's stitching coming undone as it collapses into a heap. The Factorum's attack goes wide - but he never the less succeeds in attracting the golem's attention, diverting it from the fleeing crowd. Stoneface's first attack misses Rutherford, but then connects solidly. Reth's spell deflects off some barrier around the man, and it soars off harmlessly into the sky.

Against all probability, the remaining two golems manage to stand despite the puddle of grease at their feet - but they find themselves unable to move without falling. A cloud of dust fills the air, and the one next to the Factorum begins to claw at his eyes, apparently blinded.

You're just having bad luck. The golems rolled really well.

The sighted golem glowers about, nothing worth attacking in range, stranded from moving forward by the grease all around him. The blinded golem cries out and swings madly, managing one lucky shot that nicks the Factorum on the side (ooc: take 15 damage) but then missing by a wide margin.

Single-mindedly ignoring the chaos of battle around him, Rutherford lashes out with his sword. This time, he does not miss, but instead cuts deeply into Lillian's side. The Queen gasps and drops to her knees, her rapier clattering to the ground. In his first outburst since the fight began, the young prince Dallin yelps "mommy!"

Theoris stands in shock for a moment at the potentially mortal wounds his wife has taken. "No!" He brings his sword down, hard and fast at Rutherford's head - and the strange man raises his own blade to easily block it. "Don't you understand? This is destiny! You can not stop me!"

2009-11-28, 12:24 PM
Stoneface could clearly see that he would not be able to take him down quickly enough to stop him he decided to change his plan, he changes his stance and rushes his opponent grappling him and trying to pin him into submission.

1 charge from brute gaunlets (1 charge remaining) +2 to strength checks, melee attack rolls and damage
impr. grab so I don't provoke an AoO.
Grapple check: BAB (5) + Str (6) + size (4) + Impr. Grab (4)= +19 +2 morale=21

Melee touch attack: [roll0]
grapple check: [roll1]
grapple damage (lethal) if grapple is successful: [roll2]

2009-11-28, 04:28 PM
Not that it matters but... Granted Maneuver: [roll0]
1- Mountain Hammer
2- Shield Block

Move: Move toward blinded Golum:

Standard: Attack (Power attacking for 8):

Shield attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Guisarme: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Eric grins broadly as the first enemy falls apart. Heironeous had smiled at him, no more innocents need die this day, swiftly he glances over his shoulder, assessing the battle with a practiced eye.
Thank you, Lady of Shadow. We make a good team, but now aid the Queen, leave the other one to me.
He moves away swiftly, and wildly attacks the blinded Golum

Stats: HP: 64/64 (16 temp HP)
AC: 25
Fort 14 Reflex 4 Will 2
Rage 5/6

2009-11-28, 04:49 PM
Crit confirm: Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

OOC: Aww, it's a Construct isn't it?:smallmad: Also, sorry, total moron moment, the Guisarme attack doesn't happen

Keld Denar
2009-11-28, 06:32 PM

Slightly frustrated, yet content with his impact on the fight, Par draws his light crossbow from his HHH and loads it.

2009-11-29, 01:36 AM
The fire whips out as quickly as it appeared, leaving the hooded man standing in the street. With another sweeping gesture of the arm, the young prince suddenly vanishes.


Silent Image: exactly as is, except minus lil' prince Dallin.

2009-11-29, 02:53 AM
Noticing that the queen, is in danger and that the prince somehow has disappeared, Snow flies into action. With a powerful jump he jumps into the air and a stroke of his wings carries the man back to the wagon. He slams into Rutherford, clawing wildly at the man.
"You will die today!"

Move Action: Fly to G3 or F3, as long as I can reach Rutheford.
Attack1: To hit [roll0], damage [roll1], poison [roll2] str, DC 16 negates.
Attack2: To hit [roll3], damage [roll4], poison [roll5] str, DC 16 negates.
Rend: If both attacks his, deal additional [roll6] damage.

HP: 44/44
AC (Normal, Touch, Flat Footed): 24, 17, 17
Saves (F/R/W): 4, 10, 7
Buffs: None

2009-11-29, 10:37 PM

He flinches and swears as the golem hits, stumbling slightly. "I don't like you, I don't like you," he sings, "how about you come a little further away from those nice people over there? I suppose I should be glad you're paying attention to me…some of us can't get attention, with royalty around. Unfortunately, you aren't a nice lady - or living creature, in fact -" His head whips around at the prince's cry. "Aw, damn." He narrows his eyes and attacks the golem again. "Die! …Fall apart, anyway!"


Full attack! Spending two IP again:


HP: 20/35
AC: 21, 14 touch, 17 flat-footed
Placement: F10, I believe; I'm not sure.

2009-11-29, 11:36 PM
Rutherford gasps as Stoneface grabs him from behind, practically lifting him off the ground to keep him from the Queen. He struggles, until Snow jabs him twice in his exposed gut and he goes limp. A strange creature, elf-like but with huge bat wings and horns protruding from her forehead, turns visible in the air above you. "I'll take that." She wraps her clawed fingers around Rutherford's upper arm, casts something, and the two are gone.

Theoris kneels next to his wife and touches her, gently, near her wound. With a whispered prayer to Heironeous his hands glow with a soft white light and blood ceases to flow from the gash in her stomach.

But wherever the rotting man and his demon-like assistant have gone, they did not take their pets with them. The two remaining continue to mill about, slipping on the grease at their feet. Eric and the Factorum both hit, neither weapons doing as much damage as their owners are accustomed to.

[roll0] (17)

[roll2] (15)


Both golems fall flat on their backs and try to struggle, once more, to their feet. (ooc: Ladorak and Firebird, you get AoOs on the one you are next to.)

2009-11-29, 11:50 PM
With another wave of his robed arm there is a shimmer in the air and the young prince reappears at his mother's side.

2009-11-30, 09:31 AM
Shield block is granted at end of turn (It probably won't matter, but it's best to track these things in case because our DM is a dibolical genius)

AoO, still power attacking for 8

Shield: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Eric goes to town on the downed Golum

Full attack: (Power attacking for 4)

Shield: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Guisarme: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]


Shield: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

(I'm including attack and bonus damage from the Queen, I'm not sure if it's still 'on' or not.)

Stats: HP: 64/64 (16 temp HP)
AC: 23 (Raging)
Fort 14 Reflex 4 Will 4 (Raging)
Rage 4/6

2009-11-30, 01:43 PM
With a swift movement he took a simple concentration stance and within a few seconds some of his more serious wounds started to heal themselves. He then turned to the royal couple and said:

Good morning my Lord my Lady. I am a former member of the city police, I am called stoneface. I must apologize for allowing you to get harmed my Lady. I was hoping to attract his attention. If you require no further assistance with your permission I will go and help deal with the monsters.

2009-12-01, 05:03 PM

As Rutherford disappears in the hands of the strange creature Snow lowers his hands.
"That was... Unexpected."
Looking around, he notices that not all of the flesh-creatures are dealt with yet, but that the others that intervened seems to have things under control.
Once again he takes to the air, but not for long. Again, he lands next to an enemy and lashes out, aiming for the seams that holds the monster together.

Attack1: To hit:[roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack1: To hit:[roll2], damage [roll3]
Rend: If both attacks hit, deal another [roll4] damage

Keld Denar
2009-12-01, 05:50 PM

Acknowledging that he'll likely be unable to affect the remaining golems with his crossbow, Par stows it and then moves up near Stoneface.

2009-12-01, 10:34 PM

"Ha! Perish! Succumb! Expire!" His staff falls upon the golem as it struggles to rise, and as Eric attacks it he does as well.


AoO: [roll0]
AoO damage: [roll1]
Full Attack (spending IP on the first attack/damage):


IP: 5/11
HP: 20/35
AC: 21, 14 touch, 17 flat-footed
Placement: F10, I believe; I'm not sure.

2009-12-02, 10:24 PM
The Queen wraps a protective arm around the prince. King Theoris nods at Stoneface's words, and satisfied that his family will be safe for a moment, jumps from the wagon to rejoin the battle. "We can not let these creatures roam free in the city."

Eric lands two solid hits with his shield, hard enough to bring down most living creatures. The golem he is hitting, however, just seems annoyed. Shiori's attacks seem to simply bounce off, as do those of the Factotum. These things seem as hardy as they are ugly.




Once again the golems slip and fall wildly. They are obviously not built for grace, and the simple act of standing up again seems enough to topple them back on their sides. Never the less, they continue to attempt to rise (AoOs from everyone adjacent to a golem.)

The king wields his sword well, but his attacks seem to do no more damage than anyone else's.

2009-12-02, 10:48 PM
Recycled maneuvers shuffle:
[roll0] and [roll1]
(Assume same order minus first result for second roll)
2-Mountain Hammer
3-Battle leader's charge
4-Shield Block
5-White Raven Tactics
6-Revitalizing Strike

Eric didn't know what to make of the Factorum at first. He had the build of anyone but a fighter, but he fought with the expertise of the hard drilled or the truely brilliant. Eric quickly judged him to be the most dangerous type of warrior, the thinker. Still, this fight did not require intelligence, and he lacked the brute force needed to combat this menace.

His violent exclaimations, so unexpected and unusual, caught Eric by suprise.
His booming laugh suddenly peels out across the chaotic battlefield I respect your passion sir, and your bravery. But this beast can bearly stand. Get your wounds tended, leave this one to me.

Shield AoO: Still power attacking for 4

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Eric's Turn
Full attack:

No Power attack


Shield: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Guisarme: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]


Shield: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Stats: HP: 64/64 (16 temp HP)
AC: 23 (Raging)
Fort 14 Reflex 4 Will 4 (Raging)
Rage 3/6

Keld Denar
2009-12-03, 02:41 AM

Calling again on his magic, Par casts a minor cantrip, the image of a solid steel wall blocks off vision to one of the golems.

Silent Image to look like a solid steel wall. No save and no SR unless the golem interacts with it, in which case is can freely ignore the illusion. Hopefully it will find that it is enclosed in a small area and be content to wait until it is free again to carry out its last order (which I'm assuming was kill everyone you can get ahold of).

2009-12-04, 11:53 AM
Stoneface follows the king to the monster he's heading to, moves into a flanking position with the king (assuming he can reach and that I can move far enough, else I move to the king's intended target) and attacks the golem.

Flurry of blows:
attack1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

attack2: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

I haven't factored in flank bonus, please add if applicable.

2009-12-06, 11:12 AM
With Shiori's help, Eric fells the second golem. The third one snarls and lashes out at something seen only by him.



Though it manages to remain standing despite the grease, it seems frustrated and confused - at least, insofar as such a creature can be either of those things. It claws at the empty air as Theoris and Stoneface attack him from flanking positions. Useless and heavily damaged, the golem never the less remains in one piece.

2009-12-06, 12:38 PM
Realizing that the fight is nearly at it's end, Snow freezes in the middle of combat, staring blankly at the destroyed golem that lies in front of him. Never has he seen a creature like it, and now, with the battle dying, his mind starts asking questions.
And people call me a monster, look at these things!
As the sound of the remaining enemy reaches his ears he acts again. With a quick beat of his wings he carries himself over the now almost empty streets and slams into the last opponent, claws first.

Attack 1: To hit:[roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack 2: To hit:[roll2], damage [roll3]
Rend: If both attacks hit, deal another [roll4] damage

2009-12-06, 02:00 PM
The robed man walks up to the queen and prince, stopping to stand between them and the remaining golem. "Are you unhurt?"

2009-12-06, 02:56 PM
Maneuver granted:
2-Mountain Hammer
3-Battle leader's charge
5-White Raven Tactics

Eric shoots an appreciative glance at Shiori, her deft strikes had turned his mistimed strikes into sledgehammer blows. The Golum had veritably fallen apart. 'Once again, I am in your dept Shadowy One.' Staring over her head he quickly scans the battlefield. 'Now, let us end this..' He lifts his polearm high, his armour shimmering in the noon day sun, his voice as ear-splitting and as irrefutable as thunder as he bellows 'For the Arch-Paladin!' He clatters into the back of the remaining golum like a silvery balista bolt.

Eric's Turn
Still factoring in Queen bonuses... Man,you don't say that everyday...

Full turn action: Charge the last golum

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Assuming that hits; Free trip (Can't be tripped back)

Touch Attack: [roll3]
Opposed Str Check: [roll4]

Assuming that trips, free attack:

Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Stats: HP: 64/64 (16 temp HP)
AC: 21 (Raging and charging)
Fort 14 Reflex 4 Will 4 (Raging)
Rage 2/6

2009-12-07, 01:30 PM
What a stubborn opponent...so much damage and yet it stands!

Stoneface is actually impressed by the foe, pity it was created in the wrong side. Preparing for the final hits he takes up his stance and lashes out

damage: [roll1]

damage: [roll3]

Keld Denar
2009-12-07, 03:43 PM

Par is content to delay for the others to finish mopping up the golems.

2009-12-07, 04:00 PM

At Eric's words, he shrugs and steps back, focusing instead on the crowd and looking for any injured people who may still be alive.

2009-12-09, 03:39 PM
The last golem is felled and Theoris returns his sword to it's sheath.

The Queen calls to several members of her retinue by name - "Jedrek!" She is answered by a stout man ill-suited to the gilded doublet he's donned for the occasion. "Recruit as many strong backs as you can to assist in moving these rocks. Promise a gold for a day's hard work - that should interest more than a few. Oneshoe?" This last word elicits a small noise from a timid-looking gnome obviously terrified out of her wits. Never the less, when Lillian asks her to go and fetch as many clerics and healers as are willing to come, she nods and scampers off at a run. She seems on the edge of issuing another order when a white-bearded dwarf draped in medallions to the point where he makes a clink-clink-clink sound when he walks, interrupts her. "I'll handle this, lass. Seen my fair share of mine collapses in my day, and humans 'ave no eye for stone in any case. Go. Get yer family safe." Despite herself, Queen Lillian smiles. "You're a blessing, Father Rurak." "Aye, and if your father'd seen that too, the world'd be a sight better off."

Tasks delegated, the Queen turns to face you. "You have my gratitude, strangers. I would appreciate your company, for a time longer..."

Keld Denar
2009-12-09, 04:03 PM

Par steps forward. Not a problem ma'am! Always happy to be of service. If you don't mind me saying, it would appear that someone is rather unhappy with your arrival?

2009-12-09, 04:30 PM

With the last enemies dealt with, Snow reverts back to his old self with a snap of bones and the faint but strange sound of skin shrinking. The evolutionist smiles widely when the queen addresses them.
"This day just keeps surprising me, I never thought I'd chat with such a beautiful lady so early in the morning."

2009-12-09, 04:37 PM

Relaxing his muscles from the fighting, he walked over to the queen, bowed inexpertly and waited silently for the rest of those who helped to gather and for the Queen to explain.

2009-12-09, 05:40 PM
With the last of his enemies defeated the red mist recedes from Eric's eyes. As always he feels a mingled shame. That he lost control, or rather, chose to lose it, that he had taken such pleasure in brutalising even these most senseless of opponents, that now his body trembled. The aftermath of a dozen previous battles filled his mind, innocents he had not saved, innocents he had slain, long ago in a previous life. The savage exaltation of battle drained from him, leaving only the guilt and weakness.

Beneath his disguise he grew pale, and he knew even the magic of his disguise could not hide the haunted look in his eyes, nor the shaking of his limbs; and even, lost in his wordless shame, he knew this was a dangerous situation to be present at. Yet a Knight of the Silver Circle could not refuse the rightful monarch of a friendly land, the prestige of Keoland outweighed his own life a thousand times over.

Dropping his weapon to the ground he drops to one knee, abasing himself before both King and Queen.

I await your pleasure, your Majesties

2009-12-09, 07:09 PM
The robed man bows, and speaks in a rather lyrical, kind but strong voice. "I will accompany you if you wish for the assistance and protection, your majesty. I am Lrayo Farov, dreamwriter."

2009-12-09, 07:36 PM

Not paying much attention to the queen at this point, he is one of the first to offer his services - or, really, merely start - to help clear the rocks. As he staggers by her with a boulder, he pauses to give a slight bow - "Good day, your majesty!" - before continuing on.

2009-12-09, 09:17 PM
Although he moves not a fraction from his bent position, a smile briefly steals its' way across his normally stoic face as the Factorum passes by, the trembling eases slightly and the heavy mist of guilt and recrimination lifts somewhat. To no one in particular he mutters 'I like him.'

2009-12-11, 11:07 AM
The Queen nods at Par's comment. "That could well be the case. I assure you, I will find out." (ooc: you're all entitled to a Sense Motive check.)

"Please, don't bow. I find myself too deeply in your debts for that." With a wide gesture back to the wagons she says "will you accompany us to our lodgings?"

Between boulders, Rurak approaches the Factotum and slaps him on the back with a grin. "I think she was talkin' to you." He leans a bit closer and whispers something.
(Factotum, or anyone who wants to make a DC 15 Listen check)
"Her majesty might do things in her own way, but she's not one to forget a good turn, yeah?"

2009-12-11, 11:35 AM

2009-12-11, 11:47 AM

It would be an honor my lady. However, I believe before that we should all do all we can to remove the rubble and rescue your military escort before we make our way to your lodgings. The danger appears to have passed and time is of the essence after all.

He said anxiously peeking over his shoulder.


sense motive: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2009-12-12, 06:40 PM

Eric straightens, his bearing stiff. As Shiori passes him he stops her with a hand on her shoulder. 'Best not lass.' He leans in close and whispers in her ear 'You have a foreign look about you, so maybe I'd best explain. Royalty... Are unused to having their orders questioned. If she asks for our presence now, then she means now. Back home we have a saying. Rely not on the gratitude of Kings. I imagine the same can be said of Queens.'


Sense Motive: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2009-12-12, 09:06 PM
Eric shakes his head slightly 'You'd do well not to rely on me too much, for I am also a stranger in these lands. I know little of the Dragon Queen, I speak only from my experience with other Royals. It could be that she is Just, but it would be best not to chance a judgement until we know better.'

His hand falls from her shoulder and he steps back, he speaks louder now, for all to her. 'Thank you for your aid in the battle. I am Eric Weiss, Knight of the Silver Circle, servant of Heironeous. I am in your debt. If ever you should need my assistance, you need only ask.' Turning from her he bows slightly to both King and Queen 'Forgive us, your Majesties. I realise whispering in your august presence is rude, but we are both strangers in your land, and must confer lest we accidently give a greater offence.'

2009-12-13, 01:24 AM
You speak...safely, Eric Weiss. The city of Vost does not prostrate itself to royalty, Vost is not their land. Her Majesty is an honored guest in the city, but nevertheless a guest. Respect is due to herself and her position...permission is not required, but considering the circumstances it is polite make it appear so. Make it appear as if you are asking permission and she will grant it, the guest not dishonored neither you diminished. I'd be more careful you do not upset the guilds.

Stoneface said leaning over to Eric Weiss, smirking at his last comment, and speaking in as much as a whisper as he could so as to be heard only by Eric and Shiori.

2009-12-14, 03:46 PM

Snow nods towards the queen at her invitation, but his look is troubled as he responds.
"I'm grateful, highness, for your invitation, and it would be interesting to hear what you have to say, but right now, this mess has to be cleaned up." He shrugs, and looks down.
No offence to you, but we citizens have it hard enough without buildings exploding, and I've had my fair share of bad times to know that any help is welcome" The evolutionist looks at the queen, and scratches his hair with two of his claws.
"Hope you're not offended or so, but I can't just leave it like this, so..." He shrugs again, and smiles awkwardly.

Listen: [roll0]

2009-12-15, 04:49 PM
You have a sneaking suspicion that the Queen already knows more than she is letting on.

"I..." Lillian is taken aback for a moment, but recovers gracefully. "Yes, of course. I did not expect - " But what she didn't expect you never quite find out, because a young woman who had been riding in a wagon towards the back approaches and whispers something in her ear, causing her expression to darken. "Do as you wish. Unfortunately, other things must occupy my attention."

The rescue mission lasts until the sun has nearly set. New recruits periodically filter in; sent, you assume, by the man called Jedrek. Under Rurak's watchful eye all but one of the knights are successfully recovered and turned over to the waiting hands of the clerics. There is a wide sampling of the religious institutions of the city, each seizing the opportunity to spread the words of their gods in their own marked ways. The sole casualty, it is determined, was killed by the initial outwards blast of rock.

2009-12-19, 09:55 AM
Those of you who are observant enough notice that, at one point while you are working, several odd men take up position along the sides of the roads watching you move the rubble. As you finish, they make to approach you. They are intercepted however by the lean, exotic woman who whispered in the Queen's ear earlier. Again, you can't catch what is said, but the men leave and it's the woman who approaches you instead.

"I am sorry I was unable to assist in the cleanup, Her majesty had other tasks for me. Please, call me Edyn. And if you are quite finished" she gestures to the last of the knights, being ushered away by overly concerned clerics "I've been tasked to escort you to the Queen's lodgings, and see that you have anything you desire." She crinkles her nose "like, say, a bath."

Keld Denar
2009-12-19, 04:49 PM

The small gnome brushes the very slight bit of dust from his navy blue robes. I would be honored to have an audience with our honored guest. I am a bit stung by your words though, ma'am. I didn't even break a sweat disposing of the attackers!

Par generally supervised the cleapup, being too small to do much in the way of heavy lifting.

2009-12-20, 11:39 AM

Eric however, had been involved in much of the labour. He had stripped off weapon, shield and gauntlets, yet they were never out of arm's reach as he moved about the debris. He had said little during the excavation, speaking only when spoken too.

Now he straighten, and spoke as he refitted his gauntlets. 'Your offer is appreciated Milady. It would be good to wash the smell of death from my body, and in truth I have been many days on the road. Also, I wonder if Her Majesty might spare me a Cleric capable of performing a Sending on my behalf? If friend Gnome speaks truly, and the Queen wishes an audience, I imagine this will be a condition on which I shall have to insist.'

2009-12-20, 01:16 PM

Like Eric, he had divested himself of most of his belongings. As Edyn approaches, his off-key humming dies down, and he stretches, grinning at her. "A wash would be wonderful, dear, I haven't done so since - well, it depends if you count an elemental repeatedly attempting to crush me."

He gathers up his assorted stuff rather haphazardly, and, bowing to the lady, waits for her to lead them.

2009-12-20, 07:31 PM
The robed man bows slightly. "Thank you for your assistance and offer, and I would be happy to join you."

2009-12-21, 10:24 AM
Edyn is almost infuriatingly casual. "The clerics are, as you can see, busy." She gestures widely. "But Wizards work as well, although if you would like more privacy we could lend you an enchanted item that would allow you to cast it for yourself." She takes what looks like a sling bullet out of a pouch at her side and offers it to Eric "they are much more discrete than a cleric will ever be. I use them often in my line of work."

She leads you around a corner to a waiting coach and hops easily into the drivers seat. "There are drinks inside. Feel free."

2009-12-21, 03:10 PM
With a bow, the robed man steps smoothly into the carriage and finds some high class Elven wine, drinking under his still lowered hood.

Keld Denar
2009-12-21, 03:55 PM

Par takes a glass of wine and relaxes, waiting for the audience.

2009-12-21, 09:59 PM

Eric smiles ever so slightly at Edyn, and inclines his head to her, the merest suggestion of a bow 'You speak truely Milady. We have a great many Clerics back home. I would swear on my honour that most of them would endure any torture to protect your secret, but weekly run the risk of revealing it should they get... overenthusiastic during a sermon. Their minds are always on weighter matters, I expect. The... Loan, is greatly appreciated.

Eric stands aside the open door to the coach, and only steps inside once everyone else has, pulling it closed in the same motion.

2009-12-21, 11:49 PM

He hops inside, gulping down the first drink that comes to hand. "Thank you!" he calls to Eric at the door, with a slight bow of his own, and settles down.

2009-12-22, 11:49 AM
*leans on the fast forward button*

As the door is closed the wagon starts forward into a gentle roll. In what seems like no time at all Edyn is opening the door for you at the steps of an elaborately decorated mansion. She leads you inside and introduces you to a butler, with instructions to see to it that you have anything you might request. Edyn is perfectly oblivious to the man's incredulous glances at you, but leaves no room for doubt in her statements - you are the Queen's honored guests, and are to be treated as such.

While Edyn's statements about bathing were born of a lackadaisical interest in etiquette, there is a much more polite general insistence upon it amongst the staff. You are provided with comfortable robes to wear while your clothing is cleaned and repaired, and well fed in a main dining hall large enough to fit some smaller homes. And, as Edyn said, your every demand is catered to. Despite all that, you are still left waiting until nearly midnight before Edyn returns saying simply "the Queen is ready to see you."

2009-12-22, 02:24 PM

Eric goes along with most of the servant's requests, he is a representative of Keoland after all. However on the question of his armour he is resolute, when they attempt to divest him of it for 'repairs' his answer is short, frank and bordering on rude. He cleans it carefully himself, section by section, from his own bath water.

Once he is done he uses the stone Edyn had left him. He has some training in the art of magical devices, and it does not take long to attune himself. Fixing Orion firmly in his mind he speaks 'White Shield reporting. Password: Redemption. Location; Vost. Dragon Queen attacked. Intelligent Undead and Fiend. Initial engagement successful but inconclusive. Anticipate Crown requesting aid. Please advise.'

The issue of his armour is raised again at dinner, when any suggestion that he might be 'overattentive' is met with a silent dour glare. To his mind that he has left weaponry aside, and is wearing a sectioned down lighter version is concession enough.

It had occurred to him that he could simply have magical disguised himself, but Mithral has a very particular sound when it clinks together, and as such might encourage anyone able to look beneath the protection the glamour represents.

Keld Denar
2009-12-22, 03:20 PM

Par takes FULL advantage of the services provided. After a languide soak in the heated tub (requiring the water to be changed and reheated not once, but TWICE), Par can later be found reclining in a huge overstuffed chair. Two servants attack his feat with pummice stones, while two more take to his hands. A plate of sweet meats and fruits rests on his belly, and another servant occasionally places small morsels in his mouth while another massages his temples. A trio of men play strings to one side, while a pretty young woman sings softly to the accompanyment.


2009-12-22, 08:05 PM
Lrayo changes in private, remaining unseen by staff and adventurers alike, retaking his newly cleaned robe before returning to the main foyer for a meal of delicacies. He sits, with good posture but face still covered, in a chair near a shelf of the room, glancing over titles for a time but for all appearances mostly lost in thought.

2009-12-22, 08:55 PM
Stoneface graciously accepted a bath, one does not turn down the chance to relax this well..especially after a bloody and admittedly, smelly battle. He attended to his body and wounds slowly and attentively, almost falling into a daze in the middle of the ritual. Once he was done with the bath, he treated his hard skin with a special oil so that it would keep its sheen. While changing into his clean clothes he seems oblivious to his own and others' nakedness.

After a while, he emerges into the foyer loosely dressed to eat. He asks only for fruit and nuts and drinks only water, though the quantity is of course much bigger than that of a normal sized person. While eating, silently and only speaking if someone walks up to him, he eyes Par's extravagance with disapproval, though he does not judge.

2009-12-24, 05:32 AM
The evolutionist remains silent for most of the time it takes to get cleaned, but when his clothes are taken away to be repaired he insists on having a private conversation with the seamstress. When his tunic returns, washed and repaired it has two long slits along the back, large enough to allow his wings to unfold without tearing the fabric yet again.
Snow politely avoids any attempts to feed him by claiming that 'he ate just before he came here', but after a while and many stubborn servants he accepts some water which he slowly sips on while waiting for the queen to summon them.
When Edyn returns, he stands, barefoot and with clothes that seem to be made of more patches than anything else. Yet he walks with confidence and grace, like a predator that knows he has nothing to fear at the moment.

2009-12-27, 01:05 PM

He is shaken awake from his food and comfort induced doze by a servant just as Edyn enters, and sits up with a start. "Milady! What a pleasure to see you again." He bounds out of his seat in an attempt to kiss her hand.

The bath was excellent, as was the scented soap accompanying - a small chunk of which is now carefully set aside in his pack - and he seems even more cheerful now.

2009-12-27, 03:05 PM
The reply is quick and informal - help the Queen according to your own judgment. We will be unable to send reinforcements for the time being.

The Queen is in a small, surprisingly sparse office. Scrolls and pieces of parchment in several languages cover a small desk that seems to be struggling under the sheer weight of it. There is a couch in the corner, a small chair behind the desk and two in front of it, but the Lillian is standing when you enter. She smiles weakly.

"I'm glad to see you, though I might not look it. There have been more complications than I expected..." A small pause to rub at her eyes, then "Had this happened further within Mareay I could greet you with the reward you deserve. As it is, I have only these." She pulls a thin black case from a drawer and opens it to reveal seven ornate rings embossed with her crest "and a favor to ask."

The rings allow you to use Major Creation as a level 9 wizard at will.

2009-12-27, 05:33 PM
Casting alter self into an Avariel, winged elf from Races of Faerun, and suppressing runes.

Lrayo bows elaborately, before speaking in his smooth lyrical voice. "Thank you greatly for providing us with such noble lodgings, your majesty. I apologize for hiding my form in your presence before, but I did not want to cause any sort of unrest among the common folk of the town." With that, he reaches up and removes his hood to reveal a beautiful sharp elven face, purple eyes glinting and a respectful smile on his face. With a slight sweep of his arms, great pure white wings rise up from under his cloak and spread for a moment, before folding over his back as he bows again. "I will serve you however you wish, and accept your kind gift with gratitude."

2009-12-27, 05:50 PM
Shiori Umiko

Shiori accepted the ring with a small yet thankful nod. She rolled it between her fingers, and frowned on sighting the foreign royal insignia. The ring was pocketed wordlessly. It was a relieve that the queen was genuinely grateful, but the former advisor couldn't bring herself to bear another's insignia. Not without it aiding the ruler she should have been right beside. Opportunities were considered, but not for the first time since having been escorted to the lodging.

“Poise to your people,” Shiori greeted respectfully, it being one of the few sayings that could be translated and told easily from her own language. She joined her right fist into her flat left palm just below her navel, in sign of joining the aggressive and peaceful into one; a sign of hoping the person she regarded might know inner balance. A deep bow accompanied it.

Returning to an upright position, she spoke a bit more slowly, ever uncertain of the language. “Fair Kensai, I am Shiori Umiko. If ask you something, can it be so done. But...my eyes are paupers. I did not see any rich truth behind the attack too-day. Do you know of any-thing about it?”

Her outward appearance was kept mild and interested, not the least bit insisting or insinuating. She looked pliable to believing just about anything.

Chain: Take 10 on a Bluff check. Delivering a secret complex message to the Queen, which has a DC of 20, but I beat that by a bit.

Outwardly, it's an attempt to sound like 'I'm not a perceptive person...so I don't know why you were attacked. Do you?' The actual message is, 'I saw that you have more insight into today's attack than you earlier let on. I'd like you to speak on it.'

The tone used isn't insisting, so the queen knows she can just feign ignorance, and Shiori won't contradict Lilian on it. There's a lot of reasons a ruler should lie, in this ninja's humble opinion. :O

2009-12-28, 06:47 AM
Lady, thank you for your kind gift

He said as he took the offered ring.

As to your request, I will gladly help if I can, but if possible I would like to bring the man responsible for the earlier destruction to answer for his crimes in this country. I would also like to know as much as possible, the cause must be just, as I suspect you are.

Without second thought he placed the ring into one of the pockets of his robe waiting for the answer.

2009-12-28, 02:32 PM

'Friend Stoneface speaks true, Majesty. The Knight who died deserved better, dead before he had a chance to raise his shield. Probably didn't even know there was an attack before he fell. No way for an honest soldier to die. And tenfold worse is the crime committed on the bystanders. That creature must be brought to account.
'It spoke of its' destiny. In my experience villains only speak such in consummation of divine will, or the perceived reclaiming of something dearly held. One might advice the Sages to look to Vost's history, or even to thy own lineage Majesty. This could be an enemy centuries in the making.'

Eric takes a ring, examining it closely before closing his fist around it

'I accept your gift, and in so doing return honour to the giver. Please, ask your favour. I have conferred with my Order and regret that we cannot spare any manpower at this time to aid our honoured friends, the Kingdom of Mareay. I, however, have been granted leave to pledge myself to your service in this task.'

Keld Denar
2009-12-29, 03:17 AM


Par seems disinterested in the conversation taking place, instead pulling a small monacle from his pocket and placing it over his eye. Viewing the ring from as many angles as are affordable, Par blends his own magic with that of the monacle. After a minute of scrutiny, Par looks up.

Casting Detect Magic, which, when used with the Artificers Monacle, allows me to use Identify, per the spell.

Is it what she says?

2009-12-30, 11:36 AM
"I know little more than any of you. The man himself, I know nothing about" (ooc: Sense motive check :smallwink:) "but I have friends who know how to ask questions, and their questions have turned up this." She lays a small book on the counter. "It's the ledger from the inn that was destroyed this morning. It appears that the entirety of the building was rented under the name Rutherford. That doesn't actually tell us anything. What does tell us something was that the rooms were paid for" she pauses, and it's plain that the next few words pain her deeply. "by a member of my own court.

"Baron DuFord, the man in question, owns lands to the South of here. He's a distant cousin of mine, and one of the many people who could lay a legitimate claim to the throne should I and my son perish. I have no siblings, you see."

2009-12-30, 03:37 PM
Shiori Umiko

Shiori nodded, making no noise to protest. There were reasons enough for a ruler not to be forward with those possibly under their command, and the foreigner was becoming accustom to no longer having many eyes and ears bringing in reports. Her passive face even hide her dislike of it expertly.

“You...wish him to learn pointed concerns?”

Chain, again:
Simple 'secret' message that I hit on a 1, so I won't bother rolling. Message is: You want us to kill him?

Idk if I need to roll again because of the earlier successful check, but Sense Motive on the Queen: [roll0]

2009-12-30, 06:28 PM
"I am sorry. It sounds like a dangerous situation, with many a chance for a political fiasco of dire proportions. We must investigate the matter further, certainly, and I at least," he glances over the others in the room, "will do all in my power to help you. Your majesty, is it possible for us to know of anything more about Baron DuFord, who he is, whether he is the sort of man that would attempt to claim the throne for himself, or such matters? This must be handled with tact. We certainly cannot simply charge in and demand answers."

2009-12-30, 06:57 PM
'Lrayo Farov speaks my thoughts exactly. Who is this Baron? Has he been a friend to your court? Royal cousins are known to be... troublesome. Is he a smart man, or a coward?
We need to know if he is the puppet master, or merely a puppet. The planning of the attack was meticulous, yet almost suicidal. If this... Rutherford is in control, why risk himself so in such an attack?
Who does DuFord rely on? An ambitious counciler or Chamberlain might have used his name without his knowledge.
Assuming he is responcible, and knowledgable of that responcibility, now the plot has been uncovered, and your assassination prevented, what steps is he likely to take to protect himself? What resources can he call on to protect himself? Troops and special personal, the details of his Keep or Manor.
Most importantly... Who else is in line for the throne before him? It could be that other attacks have been planned. The other members of the Royal Household must be warned.'

2009-12-30, 09:47 PM
The Queen looks sadly at Shiori, and seems to consider her question the longest. "Nothing would make me happier than resolving this without bloodshed. There is no love lost between the present DuFord and I. He is greedy, lazy and stupid. But his mother was very dear to me, before her unfortunate passing nearly a decade ago. But, I can't pin all of my hopes on this being some horrible misunderstanding."

"As for who else stands between him and the throne - no one. Not really. Neither my husband nor my mother can rule. They married into the family, you see, as opposed to being born into it. My late father had a brother and a sister. His brother renounced the throne to join the priesthood. My dear aunt died, along with her baby, in childbirth. DuFord is the son of the daughter of my grandfather." She giggles "her marriage was nearly as impetuous as my own, you see her husband was greatly disliked at court, which in my father's time was as good as being exiled, but she..." Lillian trails off. She has the grace to look embarrassed "but you don't want to hear about my family tree. Duford had three siblings. All died in the same plague that took his mother."

She turns and looks out the window. "I do need to warn you - under Mareay law, I can not issue an arrest warrant for a landholding nobleman without a judge's consent. But no recognized judges reside in Vost, none will come to me, and I will not leave the knights who were injured this morning to go to them."

2009-12-30, 10:01 PM

'Your devotion to your men does you credit Majesty. Might I speak clearly, so there is no misunderstanding... You cannot issue a warrent for his arrest, but you desire his presence here?'

2009-12-31, 01:15 PM
Shiori Umiko

Shiori returned an arched brow at Lrayo. Otherwise, she listened intently to the royal, nodding slowly as she spoke. She is too soft-hearted, Shiori decided, but that is not always a poor trait. Shiori knew herself more likely to abandon the Queen had she shown herself heartless.

“Kensai...Queen, to have your gift and your task is risky. One must be chosen over another, for now.” From her pocket she plucked the ring, placing it gently on the desk. “Were even one of us caught or killed with your sign, it will cause problems. Not good. Now, can you give advice to make family meeting of yours more likely?”

2009-12-31, 02:58 PM

He had taken his ring eagerly, yet when Shiori places hers down he does as well, bowing. "The lady is quite correct, your majesty. Though I know little of Mareay law, it seems to me that a nobleman of such stature could bring charges against you as easily as you could against him. Which would be why you would send such unattached persons as ourselves, of course.

"If I may ask; how long has it been since you saw him last?"

2010-01-02, 10:45 AM
"You misunderstand. It is true that I can not issue an arrest warrant for DuFord, and that means I can not send soldiers or hire mercenaries. However it is still completely within my power to sanction official messengers, and to request his presence at court. It is also true that an attack upon persons bearing a royal decree is still a crime. So, in the all too likely event that force will be needed to bring him back to the capital, I can issue a retroactive warrant for the attack upon your persons."

With a smile, she hands the rings back "please, keep the rings. Their political significance outweighs their magic - they are symbols of my debt to you. Once I am again in position to properly reward you, I or my family will accept them in exchange for any favor within our power."

2010-01-02, 10:51 PM

"I…see." There is a beat before he takes the ring again, but after the noticeable instant his smile returns full force. "I'm glad to serve. Your majesty."

Keld Denar
2010-01-03, 04:42 AM

Anything we should know before we head out? This gentleman doesn't keep large amounts of demons or undead around, does he? Mayhaps a construct or three?

2010-01-03, 12:58 PM
Queen Lillian shakes her head 'no.' "DuFord is no wizard. Just spoiled, stupid and rich - which is dangerous enough on its own."

Keld Denar
2010-01-03, 01:16 PM

They we shall take our leave. We'll send a messenger when we arive with DuFord in tow. Will you be staying in our fair land long?

2010-01-03, 04:35 PM

'I'm afraid I must disagree Majesty. We know that this Baron is associated in some manner with a Fiend and Undead, and also someone capable of creating or purchasing Golems. If he commissioned Rutherford it stands to reason such resources will now be called to his defence. If he works on another's behalf such resources might be deployed to ensure his silence... Possibly by any means necessary.
'I think we had best be full prepared before we depart. Might you possess a map of his lands, in particular the details of any fortifications? A rough number of his Household guards would also be appreciated.'

2010-01-04, 06:02 PM
Lady, it is clear that this man has committed a multitude of crimes. He must answer for the destruction and death he has caused. The politics of this are beyond me, but as a man of the law...or at least until recently...

His voice cracked with sadness for a moment before continuing...

I will accept your request. It is just, he will be brought to justice but I must ask that you also discuss this matter with the officials of this city.

2010-01-07, 11:31 AM
"I do not know the exact number of guards. I have not visited his estate in many years. But the rate at which DuFord spends his gold is almost obscene. He struggles to pay his taxes - I doubt he can still afford even a dozen trained men. If he and Rutherford are working together, it is not because he is paying him."

"I have discussed the matter with city officials. They're so preoccupied trying to keep me from doing anything that they are not doing anything either. You see, during my time as Queen I have worked to consolidate my power in ways my father never did. I do not mean to be disrespectful of my ancestors, but it has been generations since the monarch has served as more than a decoration. Vost has been self-governed since longer than that. The merchants are afraid that I scheme to take their government away. One even was so bold as to accuse me..." She sighs and sits down, half exhausted "accuse me of staging the whole thing to justify annexing Vost."

2010-01-07, 02:48 PM
He narrowed his eyes and stared, rather uncouthly, at the queen as if evaluating her, trying to pierce the veils of her mind.

Sense motive: [roll0]
whether the queen has any "shady" motives for capturing him.

sense motive: [roll1]
if there is any other motive than the one she said (not what the other motive is, but if there is anything else)

2010-01-07, 05:44 PM
Eric bows slightly to the Queen. Please forgive my tone, but these merchants are fools to speak so. In Keoland I have spent much of my free time listening to the sermons of the Clerics of St. Cuthbert. They speak of one universal truth; that the ultimate expression of power is violence. It is an ugly truth, but it is truth. If you plotted such an end, and were so willing to spill innocent blood, the soldiers garrisoned here would already have turned the city into a charnel house for the Guilds. Offical justifications of injustice are best made once witnesses have been removed, I have seen enough tyrants to judge the effectivness of such methods.
You are evidently no fool, Majesty and, I think, a good woman. At the risk of speaking for the group, I believe you have our full agreement. Furnish us with a map and means of transportation and we shall leave on the morrow.

2010-01-08, 11:05 AM
StonefaceShe seems honest about her intentions regarding DuFord, but she's also a little distracted.

Lillian smiles faintly. "But if you've been forced to violence, how powerless must you be?"

"DuFord's lands are South of here. It would probably take better than a month to get through the forest between us. Fortunately, you don't have to. The Great River cuts along the side of his domain, and a friend who owes me a favor owns a Dhow. He'll take you down there, wait for you, then bring you back. Better yet, he'll do it discretely."

2010-01-08, 11:17 AM
"Excellent. We are grateful for your assistance, and your trust in such a vital matter, your majesty." Lrayo says, bowing with a slight flick of his shining wings.

Keld Denar
2010-01-08, 01:32 PM

By your leave, shall we depart at once?

2010-01-08, 01:51 PM
Indeed, time is of the essence. Your cause seems just, lady and if you will have me I will help. However, is there a chance he was transported elsewhere by that demon? How sure are you he will be at his mansion?

2010-01-11, 04:06 PM
Lillian seems surprised at your eagerness. "If none of you have pressing business, I see no reason you can not depart now." She goes to the door and asks a passing maid to go and fetch Jedrek. In a few moments he appears, no longer wearing the doublet from this morning. Instead he's donned a tattered workman's shirt in which he seems infinitely more comfortable. "Take these people down to the docks, wont you? Find The Lady, and ask Spencer to take them to Annora Harbor. They'll also need a return voyage, with sensitive cargo. Offer the usual payment, I don't think he'll try to barter for more, but if he does use your best judgement."

Jedrek does as the Queen says, almost. He does not go straight to the dock. Instead he leads you in odd circles designed, you think, to throw off anyone following you. Only once he is satisfied does he manage to meander to the docks. A few moments later, you find yourself looking at a ship. It sits high above the water, revealing it's blue-painted sides and the elegant title "The Lady" written along its prow. The cabin is relegated to the stern. A single mast rises in the center of the ship, with netting down one side and room for a sail - currently rolled and out of sight - along the other. It's a beautiful vessel, for those of you who know of such things. Standing on the dock next to it is a single armed sailor. Jedrek approaches him and commands "go get the captain. Tell 'im Lia needs a favor." The man looks suspicious, but does as he is told.

Moments later, a second man emerges. He's dressed hastily, but well. His outfit is made of quality material and well kept, if wrinkled and slightly crooked. Upon seeing you the smile fades from his face, which prompts a hearty laugh from Jedrek. "No, she didn't come herself. But she needs these people taken downstream to Annora Harbor, then brought back up when they're done." As Lillian predicted, Spencer doesn't ask for more than 'the usual payment.' Runners are sent to collect the few errant sailors, gold is slipped into the palm of the dockmaster, and The Lady sets sail.

2010-01-11, 04:28 PM
Well then. It seems we're going to be running around together so we should introduce ourselves. I'll go first;

He said with a good natured smile.

My name is Stoneface, former sergeant of the Vost police. My...nickname is "the vice".

he said with a small chuckle, stressing with a bitter irony the word former, as he slowly sat down on the ship's deck and put one hand over the railing.

Keld Denar
2010-01-13, 04:04 PM

Errrrm...how long is this trip supposed to last? I don't like water. Lemme rephrase that...I don't like being ON the water. And when I say I don't like it, I mean I DON'T LIKE IT!

The feat Earth Spell, the basis of most of my power, only functions when I'm standing on natural or worked stone or earth. Without it, my powers are greatly diminished. Any chance I can nab some dirt from land and make a little patch I can stand on for a while?

One of these days I'm gonna have to invest in a 5'x5' stone platform for Stoneface to carry me around on, kinda like a litter. That would be good. Now...to convince Stoneface...DOMINATE MONSTER!

2010-01-17, 06:50 PM

Leaning precariously on the railing by Stoneface, he gives him a lazy salute. "Well, sir, it's an honor. Although if you, ah, don't mind me asking, why former?"

He remarks sideways at Par, "I'm sure it won't be too long. And if you fall overboard - which you won't - I'll do my best to rescue you. I've done it before, y'know."

2010-01-17, 07:14 PM
Reacting without realizing it, stoneface gave a short and sharp salute, practiced and polished by the years in the service and of course completely unconscious.

You may certainly ask and I will answer, though I believe it is commonplace to introduce yourself before asking personal questions my nameless friend.

Stoneface said with a boisterous laugh clapping the man on the back jokingly, though probably a little too hard without actually realizing it and looked expectantly at him for the answer.

2010-01-17, 07:53 PM

The slap on his back sends him jerking forward a few inches, but he regains composure quickly. "My apologies! The name's Marcel - I'm a bit of a wanderer, stay in a place for a couple years and then I'm off to try my hand at something new. And I collect stories, which would be why I was curious about yours."

2010-01-17, 08:24 PM

Eric smiles a little at what Marcel said

I imagine swimming is a useful talent to have when one is being crushed by a Water Elemental. And while we're swapping stories that's one I'd like to hear. I've only had the... opportunity of dealing with Fire Elementals in the past. That's one fight I didn't relish, it was before the Order issued me my mithral armour, and believe me my last set got uncomfortably hot even before fighting living creatures of fire.
And of course friend Stoneface speaks wisely. My name is Eric Weiss, of the Order of the Silver Circle

He taps the lightning bolt emblem on his forehead

As you may have guessed I have the honour of being a servant of Heronious

2010-01-17, 08:29 PM
"Only a few days" Captain Spencer shouts at you between orders to various sailors to heave on this line, or pull that chain. Getting out of the harbor is a noisy affair, but the Dhow eventually accomplishes it.

2010-01-18, 03:10 AM
Well met Marcel and Eric Weiss. Though I'm afraid my story is nowhere near as exciting as fighting elementals of any kind. My story, if one would go so far as to call it that, is that I was perhaps too avid and too good at what I did. All those who break the law receive the same treatment from me, that is a night in jail and a trial in the morning. Of course, some criminals had more power than others, bypassed the laws that hold us together and well...in short the guilds pulled strings and I was...asked to resign...

He sighed deeply, distracted for a moment by the flight of passing birds.

But enough of sad stories... he said with a smile

I'm sure you have far more interesting stories to tell.

2010-01-18, 06:34 PM
His face again covered upon leaving the manse, the dim purple glow has returned from the shadows of the hood. A voice, quite different from the lyrical sounds of before, speaks out in a calm low tone. "I...go by many names. You may call me Ticaes Osa while we are associates. My story however, is my own, and I would prefer it remain such."

2010-01-18, 06:58 PM
Well, since you go by many names you won't mind one more eh?...I'll call you....Mervin the happy elf.

he said smiling as he extended his hand in greeting.

2010-01-18, 07:26 PM

Eric snorts and suddenly looks out to the water, apparently very interested in something beneath the surface. Only the fish, should they have decided to look up, could have seen the battle to stop the smile spreading across his face. After a few seconds he looks back, his dour expression returned

Jest not of names, Stoneface. Names have power, and a man that carries more than one doubtless does it with good reason

2010-01-18, 07:44 PM
Shiori habitually eavesdropped without commenting. Her back was turned to the boat occupants, looking out over the waves, considering her real mission. It was quite useful that working for this Queen-Kensai demanded erratic travel. Between her own considerations she occasionally hones in on the conversation, face twisting into confusion. She waited as their banter continued but no answers to what she wondered came.

After slight hesitation, Shiori turned away from the sea. “Who is Heironeous?”

2010-01-18, 08:46 PM

Eric looks suddenly at Shiori with a look of utter astonishment.

I guessed you had travelled far, milady, but I never would have guessed...

He falls silent for a few seconds, considering his words carefully

Who is Heironeous... Now that is a big question. I don't think I can answer it, at least not adequately. The preachers back home, now they could do it justice, they speak with such eloquence and beauty. They could tell you of Him in a way that could paint him in your eyes before you, and show you the simple beauty and dignity of his way. I... I am just a soldier, a rough man. I never had the way with words that come so easily to so many... Heironeous is... He is my redemption, he is my life. He is the god of valour and honour, we call him the Arch-Paladin, seeker and protector of all that is good. He is justice personified, shield of the weak and scource of the wicked strong.
You are a fighting woman, that much is obvious. When we fought the Golem, you moved as if to a dance, counterpoint to my artless battering. Doubtless you know the world is a deadly place. The Arch-paladin teaches we should face danger without fear, always fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves.
He has a brother, a wicked creature called Hextor, also a god. Hextor is ugly in all the ways Heironeous is beautiful. Lord of Evil and Tyranny. I have made it my life to fight his followers wherever I find them.
The Heironean Code has three simple commandments, duty to the people, duty to the Arch-Paladin and...

Here Eric looks back out to the river

Duty to a Lady.

Keld Denar
2010-01-18, 10:48 PM

You speak of fear. Tell me, brave knight, if you had seen your friends, men and women of great courage, rent asunder by a pack of hungry trolls, pulled apart at the middle while still screaming in terror, would you be so fearless? Would you draw your shiney sword to face them alone after seeing the skin of the face of your best friend clawed away, leaving only a gore-spattered skull? What is the depth of courage, I wonder, before the mind snaps in two under the weight of the trauma that that vision would inflict.

So? Who's hungry? All this hard work watching the sailors getting the ship ready to sail has really sparked my appetite! Shall we find the captain?

Chain, can I get my patch of dirt or something on the boat? I just need a 5'x5' patch somewhere so I can use my magic to the fullest degree.

2010-01-19, 07:45 PM

His eyes stay fixed out across the bank of the river, but there is no mistaking the steel in his voice.

I have seen more friends die, friend Gnome, then I care to remember. It is the nature of my profession. But you misunderstand the bravery I speak of.
There is nothing brave in being willing to die. Bravery is being willing to live. Any man could withstand the scenes you described in such... detail, if he had hardened his heart.
A worshipper of Hextor, or Erythnul, god of Slaughter, would not care. A greedy and selfish man, he who loves not, could see his associates die and quickly shake it off. A poor officer could watch the slaughter of his men, and see only the loss of tools.
No, the bravery the Arch-Paladin teaches is more than simply holding the line. It is being able and willing to care about those you might lose, and fighting for them. You scoff at my words, and well you might, for I am no speaker. Yet even if you make me appear the fool with wisely chosen words, this is my way. I fight not because I am brave, but because I am weak. A strong man settles down, raises crops not knowing if the crop will fail, if raiders will come, if fate shall strike him down. And if it does, he simply rebuilds. A brave man starts a family.
I lack that kind of bravery, instead all I can do is protect those who possess it. That is the bravery Heironeous teaches us to honour.

2010-01-20, 07:23 AM

"…In other words," he says aside to Shiori, "Heironeous is a god. One of many. Some would say he and his - eh, half-brother, was it? Hextor? are not so different, practically. And some would say it is better not to bother with any of that mess. Although I suppose if we are to be traveling with our resident upholder of law, good, and chivalry, you may as well acquaint yourself. But it does not do to categorize followers of any god. And I think it would not do to trivialize the histories of any person here.

"And names have no more power than you give them."

2010-01-23, 11:53 AM
The river is wide and deep, and the Captain and his first mate - a Hadozee called Mal - are skilled sailors. At times it's almost possible to close your eyes and believe that you aren't steadily rolling back and fourth on countless wave after wave. Almost. The scenery is indistinct; mostly farms or planes. The only other ship you pass more than a mile out from Vost is an old one that's run aground, and looks like it has been for a long time. The sailors leave you alone, politely working around you. One jokes that you're the first live cargo they've had in months, and that all the cows stayed in the hold.
Night falls without incident. It's not until before dawn that a noise is heard - loud and indistinct, like an impossibly huge animal far away in pain - and the ship shudders as if it's hit something.

[roll1] (DC 10)

2010-01-23, 12:06 PM

He has been dozing on the deck, leaning as unobtrusively as possible against the railing, when the sudden movement knocks him conscious. Rubbing his head where it hit, he stands and looks around.



2010-01-23, 12:12 PM
The water is lapping against the side of the boat harder than it should, but you can't see anything beneath it; it's too dark.

Keld Denar
2010-01-23, 09:59 PM

Feeling the impact, Par hops up and runs toward the rock Stoneface brought on board, leaping onto it with hands raised, ready to unleash arcane destruction of the best kind!

2010-01-24, 09:17 AM
Shiori Umiko

Shiori awoke without a sound or start. Her eyes merely opened and she was again aware of a world she didn't belong to. She had retreated to the ship's cabin not long after getting an answer to her question. A light sleeper, the loud wailing of a distant creature had snatched the veil of dreams her consciousness had happily hidden under. More quiet than quick, she went over to the door, checking nearby windows for unwanted transgressors aboard. The door was opened.

Padding lightly unto deck, Shiori scanned the area, on deck and overboard, afraid of finding a small boat to the aft of the ship, one that would have once held a handful of skilled killers.

Listen and spot check:

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2010-01-24, 03:54 PM
Ticaes stands in the center of the boat, robes still obscuring his form despite the sun and wind.

Readied action: if anything looks like it's going to attack me specifically, cast Mirror Image.

2010-01-24, 06:14 PM
stoneface awoke easily used to sleeping lightly from his early days in the watch where all you could have were catnaps between emergencies. Getting ul he negotiated the small and cramped(for him)corridors from his bunk moving quickly and with purpose looking for the source of the sound.

spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2010-01-24, 06:32 PM
Eric Weiss

Eric comes awake with a start, his sleep had been fitful throughout the night, once again his dreams were plagued with the spectre of a six armed giant stalking his footsteps and the earlier conversation with Par had evidently hit him harder then he thought, for there was a new element. The howling of those long dead.
When he awakes to the far off screaming, he at first thinks it is just another dream, it takes a few seconds to realise he has come full awake. Then he is out of his billet in a flash. Knowing both the destruction that Par can reek, and that he will be immobile for this fight, Eric makes for him, until he had more information that was the logically focal point for any fight that was to come.
Eric sleeps in his armour, but in a stripped down lighter version that allows him both protection, but also the comfort to rest. Subsequently when he reaches Par's heavy stone he drops onto the deck the rest of his armour and starts to fit it back into position as quickly as he can.

Know you any more than I, Par? What was that impact, and that damnable howling?

Spot and Listen:

Spot: [roll0]

Keld Denar
2010-01-24, 08:04 PM

Not a clue, but it sounds like something is getting mangled relatively close. Get your armor on, I'll keep my head up. Knowing my luck, it's probably trolls again...Par trails off, stretching the last sylable a couple extra seconds.


2010-01-25, 06:12 PM
Don't worry about that my friend. Destroy anything that has the common sense to stay away from me. I'll flatten anything that has the common sense to try and stop you.

2010-01-25, 08:14 PM
Shiori and Par
The 'far away' noise wasn't far away at all, just muffled because it was underwater. The river is a calm, slow-moving body of water, but waves are breaking against its hull more quickly than you've heard all day.

You can barely make out the darker patches of water, but there is definitely something big - very big - moving beneath the surface of the water.

The water is lapping against the side of the boat harder than it should, but you can't see anything beneath it; it's too dark.

A few of the other sailors look worried - none of them can figure out what you hit, but you're still moving. With practiced ease Spencer takes the wheel from Mal and nods towards the water. It's not long before there is another thud and the ship shakes once more.


2010-01-25, 08:27 PM
Whatever it is...it's a hella big catch, that at least is for certain...I'm going for a closer look.

The words had barely enough time to form themselved in his mouth and he was already on the railing, took a big breath and dove in the water near where he thought the thing to be without the slightest hint of hesitation.

2010-01-25, 08:45 PM
Eric Weiss

Vice, No! We should-

He yell in cut off by a loud splash. Eric's eyes close for a second and an exasperated expression washes over his face. He smooths a hand over his face, and the concerned expression is gone, replaced with a passive countenance.

Lifting his voice to his best parade ground bellow he shouts across the deck.

Spencer, what's happening? Shori, Ticaes, Marcel to me! Par's stone is the center of our defence until I say otherwise. Do any of you have a way of getting Stoneface out of the water in a hurry? Or allowing me to breath water?

In a quieter aside to Par he mentions briefly

Never learnt to swim... Desert stock.

2010-01-25, 09:05 PM

Frowning over at Eric, he begins to say, "There's no need to overre…", when he is interrupted by another thud and a splash coming from Stoneface. "Oh, hell." He heads to the rail where Stoneface jumped over, leaning over himself. "Sorry, Eric, I can hardly carry him out…best I can do is throw him a rope. Oy! You! Sergeant! Get out of the water!"

2010-01-25, 10:13 PM
Shiori Umiko

Shiori maintained her outwardly calm appearance. It had never helped a situation to appear worried, though worry was exactly what registered in her eyes. The sounds and shaking of the ship told her this was a matter that needed to be dealt with immediately. She hurried to the rallying call.

“Listen,” she insisted, but then went quiet, before then continuing. “Sound is not animal far away. It is under us. An attack. We will sink if we do not stop it.”

2010-01-26, 10:40 AM
The first thing you see is an animal, rivaling the ship in size. It's body is domed - almost turtlelike - but it's four flippers and neck are elongated and sinuous. It's head resembles a snake's more than a turtles. Surrounding and below the beast, driving it upward with spears, are four humanoid creatures. They resemble ogres or orcs more than any civilized creatures. As you watch the monster turns and tries to snap at one of the humanoids, revealing long pointed teeth - and is met with the end of his spear.

There is another roar - if it can be called that - from below the ship.

2010-01-26, 11:06 AM
I see a giant snake turtle and 4 water ogres. I have no idea what they are or what they're doing, but the snake doesn't like it, it sounds silly but I think they're trying to get it to destroy the ship. Those who can swim should get down here...

With a deep breath he dove once more swimming as swiftly as possible, outside the reach of the snake turtle's head, aiming to distract the 4 humanoids under it to give the other time to prepare and come up with a plan.

Keld Denar
2010-01-26, 11:26 AM

Par makes some jestures toward the edge of the ship, but says nothing. A smokey cloud congeals off the starboard bow, becoming more and more dense. Its elongated, and appears to spout fins. The cloud lightens, revealing a smooth sleak body lead by a wide mouth filled with rows and rows and rows a sharp teeth.

Mar con vis'ak drah, Par spits in a language most wouldn't understand.

Casting Minor Image, heightened to level 4, and using Shadow Illusion to turn it into Summon Monster 4, which I used to get a Fiendish Large Shark. The language is Abyssal, the language of Fiendish creatures, and translates to "attack the large animal". Its only a standard action, and it can attack right away.

[roll0] [roll1]
DC 23 Will, if it passes, it only takes 1/2 damage, since its not a REAL shark.

2010-01-26, 06:33 PM
Eric Weiss

Eric curses under his breath. I only just got this armour on... To the Nine Hells with it. He grabs a spool of rope from the deck and begins to tie it around his waist. Forget what I said. The thing's not after us, but the ship itself. We have to stop it quickly! Don't attack the Snake Turtle yet. By those screams and Stoneface's words I'd guess it's part in this is involuntary.

Full round action to tie a knot about myself:
Use Rope: [roll0]

2010-01-26, 08:26 PM
Ticaes steps to the edge of the ship, and pauses a moment, before sweeping off his robe. Underneath he is wearing simple travelers clothing over a thin body. His face is not that of the beautiful elf from before, but rather a rough and rounded humanoid face, its skin solid white or black in patches, surrounded by dark purple runes hovering over his forehead. He looks over the water and then his clothing with a slight snarl, revealing massive pointed teeth, before dropping into the water.


Alter Self into a Darfellan (Stormwrack). Provides Hold Breath, letting me stay under for 112 rounds (I think? Not sure if Alter Self can manage that, it says gross physical qualities. If not, 14 rounds). Also a swim speed of 40 feet.

2010-01-28, 10:53 AM

"…All right. All right, fine. We'll all just dive in and…fine." He sheds his pack, drops his staff, and with a dagger in one hand dives into the water. "This is stupid."

2010-01-28, 01:38 PM
The creature seems unphased by the shark's attack. It turns and, reaching with it's long neck, snaps at it.

The creature hits AC 27 and deals 28 damage. Figure out where that leaves your summoned creature.


Keld Denar
2010-01-29, 04:12 AM

Whats going on under there?

Sharky is still up, 15 HP left, assuming the thing doesn't bypass DR 5/Magic. He's AC 15 BTW, so I'm guessing everything above a 1 hits.

Sharky attacks
[roll0] [roll1]

2010-01-29, 11:52 PM
Shiori updated the captain on the problem of some creature attacking the hull, and their tendencies to stop it. She moved to the side of the ship afterward, hoping atop the railing, standing her full height. Quickly mentally preparing herself for the sting of cold water, she took a breath and leapt off feet first, form held tightly together.

2010-01-31, 11:17 PM
(OOC: The NPCs aren't taking their actions just yet.)


Above the Water

Below the Water
(DM's note: The lighter tan is the top of the sterncastle, the darker tan is the main deck. The gray square is Par's slab of stone. You are represented by the first letter of your name in (almost) your speech color. Icewalker, I put your "T" in quotes because. The brown S is Spencer and the black M is mal. The circles are the things whose names you don't know. The big green X is Par's shark. I assumed you all jumped off on the same side, correct me if I'm wrong.

Snow isn't on the map. You don't know a Snow. There was never a Snow. Until, of course, he gets back - at which time there has always been a Snow.)

2010-02-01, 02:20 PM
Stoneface was at first startled by the appearance of the shark, it didn't quite feel like it was the normal kind but since it attacked the turtle he decided to ignore it for now. Thankfully he was very good at prioritizing the common good and right now the priority was the ship.

With a decisive fast breaststroke he made for the closest water orc, or ogre...or whatever these things were called...The only question that remained in his mind was whether they could afford to be taken alive. Though they probably wouldn't come along if asked nicely. Best to deal with that later, he thought to himself as he reached his target. He then tried to grab on to him hoping he would prevent him from whatever he was doing and hopefully provide an opportunity for the beast to go away and stop attacking the ship.

initiating grapple, no AoO due to improved grapple
melee touch attack: [roll0]
grapple check: [roll1] 6(str)+4(impr grapple)+4(size) so -4 from the grapple check if they are large too.

unarmed strike damage if grapple is successful: [roll2]
lethal for now, if and when I see that it's close to death I might switch to non-lethal depending on the circumstances (reflecting the thoughts of stoney from above)

My AC if grapple is successful 22-1(dex)=21.

2010-02-01, 03:48 PM
The darfellan snarls and a circle of runes glimmers into place around his forehead, and twists his hand in an arcane symbol, looking intently at the first humanoid

Using Phantasmal Assailants: Will save to disbelieve, deals 8 Wisdom and 8 Dexterity damage, Fortitude save for half, save DC 18

Keld Denar
2010-02-01, 06:52 PM

Snapping his fingers again, another shark, similar to the last, but with a golden aura, splashes in the water.

Karah terrek vereth denah!

There, hop on that.

Using his Residual Metamagic feat, Par casts a 0th level Silent Image which gets the same metamagic applied to it as the Silent Image he cast the previous round, which was Heighten +4. Thus, this Silent Image is ALSO Heightened +4, and becomes another SM IV, getting a Celestial Giant Shark this time. That was celestial for "serve as a mount for Mr. Shineyshirt."

2010-02-01, 09:29 PM
If we were wise, Marcel, we would not do the things that we do

Eric turns to stap Par on the back the second he finishes his incantation.

See? This is what I mean. We risk ourselves for our companions. The Arch-Paladin demands no less.

Eric runs to the side of the ship (boat), dropping his polearm by par's side, and throws himself off the side. Upon landing on the shark he loops the rope around the shark's belly, forming a rudimentary saddle,as long as one arm stays clenched upon the loose rope.

Granted Maneuver: [roll0]
Free action: drop Guisarme by Par
Swift action: Use WFT on Par
Move and standard: Run to the side, jump off the edge and loop rope around shark

Note: Par gets extra turn

2010-02-03, 04:11 PM

He swims towards the nearest ogre slightly awkwardly, dagger still in one hand, and stabs at it from above, hoping to at least temporarily distract it from goading the beast on.

Swim: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (-2 to attack and damage, right?)
Damage (piercing): [roll2]
Ogre at H2, that is.

Keld Denar
2010-02-05, 12:39 PM

With his extra action, Par looks around confused... (Ready to nuke)

BTW, is this a different day from the golem fight?

2010-02-06, 09:48 PM
With surprising agility, the humanoid Stoneface reaches for slips from his grasp. He turns and sticks him with the end of his spear, moving easily through the water.
(ooc: Stoneface takes 9 damage)

The other near you neatly sidesteps Factorum's attack and readies his spear for a counter attack, but a spasm of pain passes through his body following Ticae's spell and he ceases to move.

The humanoids on the far side of the beast struggle to keep control of it, but can not manage it without the help of their distracted and disabled allies. With a turn of its head, he clamps his teeth around one of them and then bites clean through his torso.



[roll0] (22 or 11)


[roll3](18 or 4 and 4)

[roll4](18 or 8 and 8)



Keld Denar
2010-02-07, 02:48 AM

Bring something out of the water so I can do something about it! Par shouts to nobody while hopping back and forth anxiously on his stone.

Par delays.

2010-02-07, 09:39 AM
With a scowl of annoyance stoneface adopts a fighting stance seemingly ignoring his injuries, his fists shine momentarily and fly through the water in a practiced one-two.

activate 1 charge from brute gaunlets for +2 morale to AR and damage
target number 2 humanoid, sorry for omitting it before

flurry of blows:
attack 1 - [roll0] damage [roll1]
attack 2 - [roll2] damage [roll3]

2010-02-07, 05:40 PM
Granted Maneuver: [roll0]

2010-02-07, 06:04 PM

Aid the Goliath, then turn on the other one. Come back up alongside the ship just before you disappear.

Eric takes a big gulp of air as the shark dives. As the water surrounds him he feels a brief moment of panic, the sense of the sheer unnaturalness inherited from his desert upbringing.

Pressed tightly upon the shark's back he channels that fear into anger and mightly smites the water creature.


Swift action: Enter Iron Guard's Glare Stance

Full Action:
Use Battle Leader's charge on Humanoid 2 (It's minus 2 for underwater combat right?)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
(Shield is piercing damage, so no penalty for being underwater)

Shark uses Smite Evil on the charge.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (Plus 7 if enemy is Evil)

AC: 23 (Charged)
HP: 64/64
Fort: 12
Battle leader's charge
White Raven Tactics
Shield Block
Revitalizing Strike

OOC: Chain, if the monster attacks Stoneface I use Shield block to add +4 to his AC, also while in Iron Guard's Glare Stance any enemy I threaten takes a -4 to hit anyone who's not Eric

2010-02-09, 09:11 PM

When the ogre collapses, he almost immediately dives under the monster, heading towards the creature across the way.

Swim check: [roll0]

2010-02-10, 01:10 AM
Shiori Umiko

Their was little splash as Shiori dove into the water, her form neat as she sank further down, slowing herself through kicks. Locking eyes on the creature that Stoneface attacked, she suddenly vanished. Her translucent form gliding around the combatants and behind the water ogre. Behind it, she moved close enough to try plant a swift, snapping punch into its lower back.


HP: 48/48.
AC: 21.
Ki: 11/12, per day.
Effect: Ghost step (invisibility). Completely invisible for the whole round (even after I attack; one of the few joys of being a ninja).

First round actions:

1. Swift action~activate Ghost Step (invisibility). Gives invisibility and the +2 for attack roll for being invisible.

2. Move action~ Move down three times, left twice, and up once. 30 feet of movement exactly without evoking an AoO, I think. Now flanking the water ogre that Stoneface is fighting. +2 attack.

3. Standard action~Flurry of Blows. Attack the corpse most aren't against.

Attack: [roll0]
Normal Damage: [roll1]
Sudden Strike Damage: [roll2]

2010-02-14, 05:15 PM

The Humanoid near you falls almost effortlessly to your blows. Suddenly friendless, the remaining ogre-thing tries to swim away - only for the beast with spear marks on its belly to gracefully turn and gouge out its stomach with its teeth.

The beast drifts through the bloody water. Its attackers neutralized, it turns to look at you with something resembling curiosity.

2010-02-14, 07:07 PM
Granted Manuver: [roll0]


Sliding to the flank of the shark Eric points upward with his free hand. As the shark bursts from the water Eric speaks hurriedly

Leave it, and hopefully it'll leave us... I hope the others reason as well. We'd best give it some space. While doing that, it would be prudent to scout a little. Skim the surface, take us that way.

He points away from the ship and the creature, to the body of water they have left in their wake

Let me know the second you sense anything by... Attacking it I suppose, but only if they're the same as the ones we've already felled. Otherwise take me close enough to see it and then back away.

Full round action to move to the surface, and then spend rest of movement heading northwards(?), the way the creature approuched us from. Shark can move 120, and scent in a 180-foot radius

AC: 25
HP: 64/64
Battle leader's charge
White Raven Tactics
Shield Block
Revitalizing Strike

2010-02-16, 04:17 PM

He backpedals quickly as the ogre in front of him is eviscerated, floating under the belly of the plesiosaur. Never having actually seen one of these before, his hand slowly reaches up in wonder and brushes against it, then is quickly retracted as he swims out from under it and up into the air, checking for any more opponents and absently commenting, "It's sort of cute."

Swim: [roll0]
Opportunistic Piety on the dinosaur-that's-hopefully-gonna-be-friendly for 20 points of healing.

2010-02-17, 03:38 PM
The plesiosaur takes a final look around before it swims off downstream.

(ooc: anyone in the water near it give me a swim check to avoid being pulled along in its wake.)

2010-02-17, 05:05 PM
not sure if I count as being close to it but here's a roll anyway


2010-02-17, 07:43 PM
Swim: [roll0]

2010-02-23, 08:17 PM
With the humanoids incapacitated and the beast fled, the river is once again quiet. The sailors throw ropes overboard and help those in the water get back on deck.

2010-02-23, 08:35 PM
Water running off him, Eric has to change his disguise to accommodate wet hair. He briefly thanks both sailors that helped haul him up and moves to Par's side. Only after his polearm is back in his hand does he stop to untie the rope around his waist.

'Well, that was one of the stranger fights I'm ever likely to get in... I hope. My thanks for the mount. There's not a lot of water where I come from, I never really felt comfortable in it. I don't fear water, well, no more than any other sensible man who can't swim and is wearing heavy armour. I've never ridden a Celestial Shark... If that's what it was. I've never even seen one before. It's not really an experience I'd like to repeat.'
He turns to the others, his eyes lingering on the Captain 'So... What was that poor beast? And those things tormenting it? If they're a constant threat in the area I'd like to catalogue and research the issue for possible further action. If this was a unknown event however, it does beg some rather telling questions. I've had liked to take one alive... But the nature of the fight didn't afford me the opportunity.'

2010-02-23, 08:43 PM
Captain Spencer answers Eric's questions as they are asked.

"The beast" he shrugs "was a beast - a fintail titan. The only time I'd seen one before now was at a distance. Had a wizard on board at the time and he called it something else, but I don't remember what. Mostly harmless, when their curiosity doesn't get 'em into trouble. The things with the spears are another story entirely. Merrows, distant cousins of ogres. But I've never seen them this far North before. Mostly they like to stay away from more civilized lands. Can't imagine what they are doing this far into Mareay."

Keld Denar
2010-02-23, 10:12 PM

Well, that was exciting. With luck, we won't have much more excitement before we get to port!

Par turns to Eric: You like that? Stick by me and you'll see more than a few of the other tricks I have up my sleeves. Par says as he slips both hands into his sleeves.

2010-02-23, 10:33 PM
Eric smiles crookedly at Par, and rather indulgently by his usual standard. His thrill of the fight was still on him, and he felt energised, although slightly guilty.'I look forward to it, and know my shield will be beside you every step of the way.
He turns his attention back to the Captain.
How sophisticated are these Merrow? Can they be bartered with, by that I mean, can their services be bought? Are they nomadic by nature? I like not this turn of events at all...

2010-02-24, 02:01 AM
The black and white form of the darfellan climbs back up the side of the ship, shakes himself off momentarily, then with a sweeping movement picks up the deep purple cloak and swings it back into place, completely covering his form again, before turning to walk back to his bunk.

2010-02-27, 03:05 PM

As the rest of the party returns to the ship after the battle, Snow stumbles up from below deck. The evolutionist normally sunburnt face is now pale with a evident green tinge to it. He looks at the others, and shakes his head.
"Umm, did I miss anything?"
Then his face turns even more green and he rushes over to the side of the ship, where he promptly proceeds to throw up.
When he's finished, the freak looks up, miserably.
"When we go back, I think I'll fly."

2010-02-27, 05:03 PM
Good on you man.

Stoneface said clapping him on the back as if he had heard nothing out of the ordinary.

Didn't miss much, just a big river snake sea turtle and some water ogres poking it so it would tear a hole in the ship, none of them remain for questioning unfortunately. Thankfully the poor beast got away.

2010-02-28, 01:26 PM
'Aye, that's something to be glad of.
Marcel, there is something I want to ask you... Please forgive me if I overstep my grounds in asking it. There was a moment, just before that... strange Shark carried me away, when I saw you lay your hand on that creature, and it's wounds closed up.
'I don't argue the deed, it was noble, I am sure the Arch-Paladin smiled on it. But how can you do such a thing? Forgive me for saying it, because you are a welcome change, but you are nothing like the Clerics of my home... Nor other Clerics I have known. Are your powers granted by a god?'

2010-03-01, 04:43 AM

Snows knees almost buckle under the friendly clap from Stoneface but he manages a weak smile towards the goliath.
"Oh, well, I'm not much of a swimmer anyway, don't think that I'd have contributed much. Did anyone get hurt?"

2010-03-02, 04:07 PM

"You know, I've a spice that's supposed to help with nausea. If you'd like. Supposed to be in tea, I think." He attempts - rather futilely - to dry himself off with his hands, shaking droplets off into the sea below. "And I wasn't hurt, though I can't honestly say I know about anyone else. Bit confusing down there."

He turns to Eric with a slight frown. "I'm sorry, what was that? Got water in my ears."

2010-03-02, 04:22 PM
Eric shrugs his shoulders It doesn't really matter, a question for another day. Right now I suspect we all need our sleep. If we're lucky, we'll not need it. Eric bows to his newfound friends and then quietly retires to his room.

2010-03-02, 06:08 PM

Snow's expression brightens even more at the offer of a remedy for his condition.
"Right now I'll try anything you got, I can't possibly imagine anything that's worse than this."
Then he starts walking back from where he came, and calls to the factotum over his shoulder.
"That tea ain't gonna brew itself now, what're you standing there for?"

2010-03-04, 10:16 PM
The rest of your journey passes uneventfully. When you dock, Captain Spencer hops gamely off the ship with you, trying to get a better look at the damage. He whistles. "We're lucky we didn't spring a leak. How long you think you guys will be?"

The dock consists entirely of an old pier that juts out into the water at an odd angle and a small run-down shack. There isn't a town here - in fact, the nearest town is nearly a half days' march away. The sailors wont come with you, especially not if the Captain decides they've got time to attempt some repairs.

Keld Denar
2010-03-05, 02:57 AM

So, what'd'ya think? Anyone up for a little exploring? Sounds like we have some down time!

2010-03-05, 09:00 AM

Id say you don't dilly dally outside the crook's house. He might not be your man, and that's fine but if he is I wouldn't appreciate a welcoming party.

Stoneface said gravely as if to a squad of officers new on the beat of the city.

2010-03-05, 03:09 PM

Snow, happy with finally standing on hard ground again, nods thoughtfully.
"It might be a good idea to see what we can find out about this DuFord before we start kicking down his gate. Not that I don't trust what the queen told us or so, but people here might have something useful to say."
The evolutionist looks around, pointedly.
"And it doesn't seem like we'll get much done here anyway."

2010-03-05, 06:12 PM

Eric looked over his shoulder, his studied gaze assessing the damage to the ship.

I disagree. Although it cannot be said with certainty it is likely our cover has been compromised. Whoever hired the Merrow doubtless had time to take other precautions. The damage to the ship is minimal, thanks to the Vice. I'd say our course is clear, in and out, quick and clean.

2010-03-05, 08:36 PM

Quick and clean eh? I like the way you think god man. Well it never is, but we might as well try and set the exception.

The former sergeant said laughing boisterously as he remembered his day on the watch, strangely enough, this time with the melancholy of fond memories, not sadness.

Though he's right, we should proceed quickly, but tread lightly. I don't know how fast news travels around her. He might have had a magicker tell him how it went and we're walking right into the wolf's mouth.

He said with a savage smile.

2010-03-05, 09:07 PM

Eric locks eyes with Stoneface and a smile slowly spreads across his face. It was the smile of a born predator recognising himself in someone else, the smile of the warrior fraternity, the smile of a man who repeatedly spits death in the face embarking on doing so again.

If that's the case the wolf will soon be without teeth... But you're right. The surgical strike might be quick, but it's rarely clean. He turns his attention to the two wizards I would be well if we could conceal our identities. I can disguise myself, can you do so for the others?

2010-03-05, 11:55 PM
Without turning to face anyone in particular, Ticaes speaks. "I can disguise all of you however you wish."

Keld Denar
2010-03-06, 03:36 AM

Who said anything about the merrow being under the employ of the man we seek? They could have been independant bandits that employ such tactics to destroy ships and drown crews to loot the remains. Still, I like the idea of a little subterfuge. Under what guise shall we go?

2010-03-06, 09:30 AM

I did not say it was certain but I think it likely, mainly because they were ranging so far from their traditional hunting grounds... I mean waters. I may be jumping at shadows but, as you say, it doesn't hurt to take precautions. Obviously our disguises should match each other. A Dwarf trade delegation or a Halfling family, something like that. If I knew the area better I'd have a better idea of what would fit in... Mayhap a group of human peasents would be best.

2010-03-06, 11:13 AM

Stoneface winked conspicuously at Eric at the sign or recognition. He was glad to have another true warrior with him. One who is not foolish enough to charge right into a trap, but not afraid to walk in either with the express intention of using whoever was going to ambush him to clean said wolf's teeth.

I don't think I'll ever see the day I pass as a halfling. No offence. He said turning to Par I think some sort of ogre might be more in theme. Watcha think Merv?

He turned to the still hooded ticaes.

2010-03-06, 05:41 PM
"As I said. All of us, however you wish. We are attempting to arrive inconspicuously, correct?"

2010-03-06, 06:27 PM
How long will it take? I'm thinking I should scout about while you take care of the others. Make sure there aint no one around to see us disguise or it would be kinda pointless to do so...Anyone else who can run swiftly? We'll need speed if we are to catch whoever might be watching...

2010-03-06, 06:30 PM

Eric suddenly starts up, muttering under his breath. He pulls his gauntlet off and looks intently at the ring the Queen presented him with.

Stupid of me... With these things we can pretend to be merchants. If anyone asks we'll say we're with one of the Guilds in Vost, bringing a sample to Baron DuFord. Some exotic crystal we're trying to offload practically at cost. I'm sure Stoneface can supply us with the name of an appropriate Guild.
Right, disguise us as travelling merchants... Human ones if you can. Apart from you and Par, you can be our guards, it might prove advantageous if it comes to the fight...
And I'll help you scout, Vice. I'm more fleet of foot then most men in heavy armour, and I can disguise myself anyway.

2010-03-06, 11:34 PM
"Your capability for disguise will not be necessary unless you want some redundancy for safety. However, if they find we are disguised at all, that seems to be of little use." By the time he finishes speaking, a well dressed and quite average looking half elf with salt and pepper hair stands in his place. You each find yourself appearing to be in similar simple light green but high quality merchant clothes, except for Stoneface, who has taken on the appearance of a pack mule loaded down with goods. He clears his throat and speaks in a light but firm voice. "Shall we set out?"

2010-03-07, 12:13 AM
Startled by the change, at first not realizing what had happened the muled looked around and then down. Realization set in and the donkey made a grumbling sound, not entirely like that expected of a mule, it turned its head and bit Ticaes's buttocks sharply, but not enough as to cause any damage...there would be pranks tonight...

So can I dismiss the disguise at will or will merv have to do it for me?

2010-03-07, 04:49 AM

Used to having his form shifting Snow simply nods at Ticaes.
"This will help us on our way it is very well crafted. But what happens if I change my form? Will the illusion fail then?"
The shapechanger then looks at Stoneface, or rather, the mule in his place, and a smile touches his lips.
"And I see that each of us has been given appropriate disguises as well." Then he begins laughing. "I'm joking, of course, there is no need to bite me as well!"

2010-03-07, 10:08 AM
The mule whinnied menacingly towards snow and winked.

2010-03-07, 10:23 AM

"Fascinating. Perhaps by the time this is over, you could teach me to do that. Unless you've gotten sick of us by then, Mervin.

"Shall we be off, then? Anyone know how to get where we want?"

2010-03-07, 11:06 AM

Use your rings to create some crystals, you never know when we might have to produce our wares. As for our direction, we'll make our way to the nearest village. From there we'll get directions, I imagine the locals know where their landlord lives...

2010-03-07, 12:06 PM
Only one road leads away from the landing - a dirt path twisting more or less in the direction of the outline of a castle you can barely make out above the trees and far in the distance.

2010-03-08, 05:23 PM

Looking slightly embarrassed, Snow turns towards Eric.
"Yea, about that ring... I kind of lost mine somewhere during the trip, so I guess that you guys have to fix the gems." He scratches his neck and looks down on his dirty feet.
"I kind of have this curse, you see. I loose anything of value, so don't go giving me presents and stuff, and I tried to tell the queen, but I didn't get a good opportunity. And besides, it isn't really nice to go turning down gifts either. Right?"
He looks away, at the castle in the distance, and shrugs.
"Anyway, it looks like our current 'customer' will be quite easy to find. Shall we?"

Keld Denar
2010-03-08, 06:14 PM

Examining the illusion cloaking him, Par walks along beside the others.

2010-03-09, 09:52 AM
The path twists and turns and in general takes longer than you expected. By the time night is falling, the castle's silhouette on the horizon hasn't gotten very much closer at all. You're just thinking about making camp when two young women stumble out of the forest on your right, carrying a spit with a deer between them. One takes a look at you and hesitantly reaches for the knife at her hip, but the other - a strikingly handsome woman with dark hair and a large tooth on a chain around her neck - smiles. "You don't look like bandits. Are you lost?"

(ooc: those of you trained in Knowledge (Religion) or Heal can make checks)

2010-03-09, 01:47 PM
Knowledge: Religion: [roll0]

2010-03-09, 02:24 PM
Knowledge (Religion): [roll0] (with an IP)
Heal: [roll1]

2010-03-10, 08:03 AM
The Factorum
The tooth the woman is wearing is the holy symbol of Karaan, the Beast God. He has small, scattered followings often far from civilization. Although he is a representation of nature, Obad-Hai and Ehlonna despise him. His clerics often wear furs or hides into battle, or else nothing at all. His temples are often built on places of natural power.

The deer they have strung between does not look like it was killed by any arrow or blade you've ever heard of.

2010-03-13, 03:48 AM

Snow smiles at the woman's question.
"We're neither bandits, nor lost, my lady. We're merchants on our way to Baron DuFord's place. We expected to be able to reach his home before nightfall, but our mule isn't the fastest of creatures..."
He looks at the deer, and then resumes speaking.
"As for you? Are you hunters?"

2010-03-14, 11:14 AM
"The palace was designed to be visible from most anywhere in the Barony, but it's another day's march out at least. On the other hand, our village is only a few more moments along - and in the right direction too."

"Yes, I am a hunter, and thank the gods or my people would starve. You see, by an accident of birth I am not tied to the lands as the others are and as such exempt from his horrible taxes, already raised threefold since the current Baron claimed the title." She shakes her head sadly.

"We have no inn, too few travelers pass this way, but I know of a few homes with free rooms. They are proud and would never ask for coin, but I'll tell you now that times are lean and it would not go amiss if you had any to spare."

2010-03-14, 01:23 PM
sense motive: if they have any intention other than the one proferred.

Keld Denar
2010-03-14, 04:35 PM

Par hops back and forth from foot to foot excitedly while rubbing his belly. I love a good home cooked meal! Lets go!