View Full Version : Legacy of the Avatar IC

2009-11-13, 09:20 PM
From all nations, they come. Some for the prestige. Some to meet future influentials. But most come to learn. This is the University of Peace, founded by Avatar Aang himself, and a center for cultural exchange the likes of which never before existed. Together with the Avatar and the Society of the White Lotus, the University of Peace has maintained balance within the world, keeping things from spiraling out of control as they did before the Long War. But not everything is as peaceful as it seems. The current Avatar is untrained, untested, and events in the Earth Kingdom's are coming to a head. People are becoming withdrawn, and there is a tension in the air the likes of which has not been seen for over 600 years.

But that doesn't matter. Not now. Now, you are late for class, and Master Piando firmly believes in Azula's method. Just what you need, and annoyed Assistant head, and on the first day of the term, too!

Arriving at class, you see an empty room, with cushions spread out in a semicircle around a blackboard. No one else seems to be here yet. Except Piando. He's a rather short man, balding, with grey hair. He might almost be called comical, if not for the eyes. It's been said that the last Avatar preferred not look into those eyes long.

Piando fixes you with a stern glare, and it seems as if the ground shakes.
Ah, it looks like you have decided to grace me with your presence after all. I'm ever so grateful that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to attend class. Please, have a seat.

2009-11-13, 09:42 PM
Walking in to an empty classroom, Felg apologizes to the head.

"I apologize for being late, master Piando. Firebending teacher Evar was attempting to tutor me in basic bending technique." The short little man has a rather mournful expression on his face, the same one he always does when his lack of bending talent is brought up.

2009-11-13, 09:43 PM

An exceptionally tall and wiry girl in dark green clothes enters the room. She punts a pillow to the side of the room and sits down on the bare ground instead, crossing her arms.

I'm sorry, is this the snide comments class? It appears I'm in the wrong room.

2009-11-13, 09:59 PM

Li had run up to the classroom, and now paused outside it to catch his breath. He was in decent enough physical shape, but nothing would ever change the fact that this was an Air Temple - built by people who could fly, for people who could fly. He makes sure no one's looking, and then swaggers into the room and settles easily onto a cushion once he has his composure back. The lanky young man smiles easily at Piando even as sweat beads on his forehead a little. "Sorry I'm late. What'd I miss?"

King Tius
2009-11-13, 10:11 PM

The muscular island boy comes strolling into glass, giving a nonchalant nod over his shoulder to some passing girls in the hallway as he enters. Seeing the instructor, however, sends him into all business mode. His smile vanishes and he stands straight, bowing courteously and low.

"Good day, Master Piando."

He purposefully takes a seat next to Nuan, though he does not say anything to her. As he waits for class to start, he uncorks one of the two waterskins he has strapped to his back and begins to twirl a small dollop of water in his hand, practicing.

2009-11-13, 10:57 PM
I will have to speak to Master Evar, then. No class should interfere with another. If you truly do need help, perhaps I could assist in your tutelage.
Rounding on Nuan, Piando snaps.
No, this is not the snide comments class.
Moving to the blackboard, he begins to write, his strokes short and choppy, as if he's constantly wishing to rush ahead.
This is the introductory course on the spirit world, a topic that deserves respect and reverence. The spirits infuse all aspects of our life, most significantly our the ability to bend the elements. And while you are taking this course, I am your Teacher. I expect respect and timeliness from all of you. Is that understood?
At this, he faces the class again, while on the board is a diagram showing the relationship of the four elements, and at the center, the avatar.

2009-11-13, 11:06 PM
Nuan snickers at the master's reaction

Sure, whatever.

2009-11-13, 11:29 PM
"His tutoring was more an attempt to get me to bend at all than to instruct me, sir. The paradox has him quite fascinated." Taking a seat next to Tamoh, the man waits silently for the teacher to continue.

Robert Frost
2009-11-13, 11:36 PM

She was quiet in class, and was one of the first to stream in once the room was prepared for the lecture. Punctuality was pragmatic - if you were going to spend the time to go and do something, you might as well do it, as Master Sikka used to say, "Better to show up early to something you want, than to show up late and miss it entirely."

In any case, she sat on her the pillow much earlier than the larger "personalities" who felt the need to explain their actions to the professor. Why did the rest of the class care why these few, these special few stood up and drew notice to themselves by declaring their past actions. Why did Xia care what was going on with these peoples lives when the current class she was scheduled to take, scheduled to listen to, scheduled to observe and learn from was delayed in the process. The annoyance was quickly quashed by her pragmatism which noted the hypocrisy in being frustrated with other people talking of their own lives, and her getting up and talking about how inconvenienced her life was by their actions.

Then her eyes focused on the board and the professor once more, especially when he began talking. She nodded her head firmly when the teacher asked if the class understood the respect and timeliness demanded of the students, and her own fervent desire to ask a question related to the class built up in her chest, enough so that her hand shot up in a questioning position, anticipation overcoming her pragmatism as the question came out of her mouth.

"So do the spirits live in a 'real' place? A place we could visit? Has anyone gone there before?"

2009-11-14, 01:01 AM

Zue was late.
She was having a hard time adjusting to the schedules of the classroom, partly because she wasn't used to having her day divided up this way, and a little because keeping time this closely was a rather novel concept for her. Until recently, her time keeping relied only on the dawn of the day telling her to get up, and a full catch of fish telling her to go home.

It wasn't intentional on her part- not laziness or rudeness. She was used to hard work and demanding tasks, and applied herself to her studies with a will, but scheduling was just difficult for her.

So, having realized she was late (at least, she thinks she is), she finds herself rushing to Piando's class. She pauses outside, catches her breath for a moment, then slips inside, hoping to avoid attention. Except, everyone was already there... and the teacher was already presenting things at the board.
Oh dear.

Zue remains calm as she takes a seat, hoping her tardiness wouldn't be commented on.

2009-11-14, 01:37 AM
Excellent question, Xia. Yes, the spirit world is a real place. Almost every Avatar has gone there at some point, and from what they tell us, that is where the spirits of previous avatars remain after death. In fact, this is...
Piando's head snaps, like a bearded cat seeing an elephant-rat.
Ah, Zue, so glad you could join us. As I'm sure the others can tell you, I expect you to be on time. Make sure you are...
Suddenly, the ground begins to violently shake. For a moment, you wonder if Piando is even more upset that you thought, but looking at hsi face you realize that he's genuinely puzzled. He begins to head to the door when a hammer smashes into it, breaking several planks. Several more blows, and the doors simply cave, and outside are several armed men.

No surprise round. Act as you see fit. Note that it is appropriate to carry weapons around, especially since there are several combat classes.

2009-11-14, 01:49 AM
Felg stares at the nearest man. Still silent, he charges at him, drawing his jian as he does so. Once he reaches him, the young man recalls the only bending move he can, and while his sword swipes at his foe, faint orange flames run down the blade's length.

Initiate Duel of Wills with man at D10: Intimidate check [roll0]
Charging to D9.
Swift Action to activate Burning Blade.
Attacking with jian(not including duel of wills result):[roll1]
Damage Roll:[roll2]
Fire Damage:[roll3]

2009-11-14, 01:53 AM

Li rolls backwards to his feet from his sitting position. "Whoa, look, I said I was sorry for being late. It won't happen again, I promise!"

Seeing Felg's charge, Li almost shouts, "Wait, what if this... ahhh, nevermind." He pauses and tries to get a better grasp of what's going on. "What do you want?"

Sorry to interrupt, but I don't quite get the battle mat. There's a bunch of T's and D's - what are those for?

Edit: Ok, I get that D is for door, I think, but how did we end up in this position? Wouldn't this put me two rooms away from Piando?

King Tius
2009-11-14, 02:03 AM
Tamoh jumps to his feet and draws both waterskins of water into a whip, coiled around his back. He readies an attack action to deflect any incoming bender attacks

"Whoa! Is this some kind of test? "

Robert Frost
2009-11-14, 02:04 AM

Standing up as quickly as she could, she stared at the people who burst into the classroom. She was unused to sudden acts of destruction from people with hammers, and as such was quite surprised. Xia collected her chi, took in a deep breath, and went into a defensive posture while watching the people at the door.

"Don't get any closer!"

After saying it she felt quite embarrassed that there wasn't anything better to say, and that maybe a threat might provide more of a reason to not attack her.

"I'll blow air on you!"

If she could smack her face with the palm of her hand without compromising hers defensive posture, she would.

She's going to hold her action until the men do something, and if they do she'll try and blow the closest one of them back.

2009-11-14, 02:18 AM

With a flick of her wrist, Zue slips open a small flask she keeps at her side. She takes in a breath, sliding into a combative stance. She remembered the aggression of the style she studied, and noticed that at least one student had already joined battle. She had to be decisive.
Punching the air, Zue sends a blast of ice towards the doorway in a motion more reminiscent of firebending than water, and then gestures wide with both her arms, spraying the ice along the enemy front.

Zue will use the Ice Shards seed for Spikes, and will affect 6 squares, for a DC of 30.
She has Focused Bending for Ice Shards, so she can take ten and make that check.
The six squares she'll affect are the ones the six enemies are in. They'll each take [roll0] piercing damage, and [roll1] cold damage.

2009-11-14, 08:07 AM
Nuan leaps to her feet, smirking. She had never expected to have to fight for her life so soon, but she wasn't exactly going to complain.

She stomps the ground, making a solid, balanced stance, and sweeps her arms to the right, using a column of earth to try to propel one armed man into the others.

Nuan is going to catapult the man on C11 (DC 20, gonna take 10) down towards the ones on D11 and E11. Reflex save DC 14 to avoid. Damage will be [roll0] if he hits something (or someone).

2009-11-14, 12:47 PM
One of the men in the rear row, wearing an odd green robe with what looks like a target on the center of his chest and a green li that hides most of his face, stiffens when he sees the ocupants of the room.
Run! It's Pia....
He gets no farther, as Piando simply gives a simply little stomp, and the man is crushed against the ceiling, immobilized. At the same time, a chunk of rock is launched out of the floor, blocking a blast of fire from the other man in the rear. Piando then launches it at the firebender, but he gave enough warning that the man is able to dodge, and taking the other's advice, he flees down the hallway.

Fleg's attempt to demoralize a foe fails when he is unable to secure his attention, but this works in his favor, as the foe is suprised when Fleg deeply cuts him. Zue's shard cover the area, damaging all, and Nuan's catapult slams to men together, taking them down in a tangle of limbs.
Enemy at d12 immobilized.
Enemy at C11 moved to D11, and both are currently prone. Enemy originally at D11 unconscious, but the C11 will attempt to rise on it's turn. Any who threaten him may make an AOO. The other two will attempt to hit Fleg,

2009-11-14, 01:19 PM

Zue reverses her previous movement, recalling the ice shards she had and melting them back into liquid. The stream of water streaks back to her hands, and her movement one more reverses, sending it streaming back towards the enemies, reforming the ice shards in new positions to jab at the enemies as best as they can.

Combining Melt and Movement, for a DC of 19 (5 for movement, 5 for melt, +5 to change melt to a move action (as per the seed description), +4 for seed combination. Zue will melt and recall her ice shards as a move action.

Zue will then use Ice Shards again, affecting 6 squares once more. She'll eschew the squares D12 (as the enemy there is immobilized) and C11 (since no one is there now, unless I miss my guess), but still affect each square any other enemy is in, and then use her remaining two squares to try and block the doorway (Except for a retreat path for Felg).

I'll also note that anyone who fell prone on ice shard squares should take 1d6 damage, and anyone who moved through them would take the dual 1d4 damage again. Also, it counts as difficult terrain. That said, here's the damage rolls for this time:
[roll0] piercing and [roll1] cold.
I'd use something else, but I'd be shooting into or past combat, which would kill my accuracy.

2009-11-14, 01:20 PM

Li sighs. I guess this is serious.

He darts forward and fire blasts, adding the extra power necessary to give it some punch.

Moving to E8 to get a clear shot at the enemy at B11, unless he's moved, in which case Li goes to whatever gives him the best shot. Then he uses the Fire blast, coupled with the explosive template for a DC15 attempt.

Taking 10 + 14(modifier) + 2(Daytime) = 26

This exceeds the DC by 11, giving him a +2 bonus on his bull rush attempt, should he hit.

Attack Roll: [roll0]

If he hits, the bull rush is:

Bull Rush: [roll1]

2009-11-14, 01:54 PM
Nuan giggles at the results of her earthbending.

Hope you enjoyed the ride!

She takes a step forward, and performs the same motions again in the opposite direction, trying to launch another of the men into the others again.

Taking 10 on the Catapult again, this time using it on the guy at E11 to launch at the man on B11. Ref DC 14 to avoid, [roll0] damage if he hits something. Like the other guy.

2009-11-14, 02:04 PM
Felg grits his teeth, and attacks once more, focusing on another foe. Emulating the technique of an earthbender he once saw, he plants his feet and attacks.

Attacking enemy at C11 with Mountain Hammer
Attack Roll:[roll0]
MH damage:[roll2]
Overcomes all DR and Hardness.

Robert Frost
2009-11-14, 03:13 PM

Xia wasn't quick enough to reply to the opponents, and since they didn't even move toward her - her threat was moot. Still, she felt as though she had to attempt to deal with the people attacking her class, and her fellow classmates. Her hands raised, she takes a deep breath and moves in front of Zue for a moment while thrusting forward with her palms, a rush of air heading toward one of the men.

I'm using the airbending seed Air Thrust, and I'm taking a 10 on it. I'm increasing the DC by 15, making it 25 - so when I take a 10 it hits the DC exactly.

[roll0] - Ranged Touch Attack for Air Thrust / Air Burst (Air Thrust initiates an Air Burst if it hits)

If it hits - Roll an opposed strength / dexterity check vs 25 or be pushed back - and a reflex vs 25 or be knocked prone.

[roll1] - Bludgeoning Damage if hits

If slammed against a solid object - [roll2]

King Tius
2009-11-14, 11:15 PM

Not wanting to miss out on all the action, Tamoh moves forward and attempts to trip up one of the assailants who attacked Fleg.

trip attempt: [roll1]

2009-11-15, 11:25 PM
The Thugs manage to dodge both Fleg's attack and Nuan's Catapult, calling out
A surprise attack only wor..... Unfortunately, his dodge took him right into the path of Li's fire blast, blasting him back across the ice fields an slamming him into the wall, dropping him as well. The last one remaining turns to flee, but a quick stomp by Master Piando puts a stop to that. He then takes a simple breathe, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out slowly. Opening his eyes, you can tell that he is truly worried.
There appear to be more groups throughout the University. None in the Student Housing, though. I'd suggest that you head there, I must help the other Masters.

With that, he moves out of the room, and propels himself down the hallway with a catapult.

This leaves you standing in the among the injured and unconscious foes, as well as a a man trapped by Piando's first column.

You know that left is the most direct way to the dorms. However, Piando went right. And sorry that this has taken awhile. My internet has been a bit spotty.

2009-11-16, 12:00 AM
Nuan waltzes up to the man in green trapped by the column and takes his hat.

Well, that was fun.

She props the li on her head, and heads to the right out in the hallway, strolling at a rather leisurely pace.

Robert Frost
2009-11-16, 01:36 AM
More than a little astonished, Xia merely stared at the situation in front of her and pondered her options. Her teacher pointed out that the facility with which she was to learn from was under attack, and that the safest location was the student dorms. However, was it truly safe to head there alone?

"Is anyone else planning on heading to the student dorms? It's not safe to go alone..."

2009-11-16, 02:29 AM
"I... don't know."

Li is in a bit of shock himself. He recovers enough to lean out the door and shout, "Nuan! Hey, Nuan! The dorms are the other way."

2009-11-16, 02:34 AM
She turns her head back, stopping a moment and smirking.

I know.

2009-11-16, 08:53 AM

"I'm going to the dorms."
Zue says decisively.
"There's no reason for us to go looking for a fight."
She gestures for Xia to follow if she wants to, then will begin heading towards the dorms.

King Tius
2009-11-16, 08:20 PM

"Whoa! Where are you going? Didn't you hear what Master Piando said?"

The crazy haired water bender shakes his head and takes off at a run towards the dorms with all the other sane students.

2009-11-16, 09:00 PM
Wiping his jian clean, Felg turns right as well. "Nuan, wait. I'm going with you. That was a Dai Li agent that we defeated back there. Those were trained earthbenders. I think a test of my skills is in order."

2009-11-16, 09:09 PM
She nods.

I'm not heading for the fight for the fun of it... I want to see Piando's or the other agent's earthbending techniques.

She smirks.

Though if I have to clobber someone, so be it. Let's go.

She continues down the hallway, waving by to the others without looking back.

Robert Frost
2009-11-16, 10:37 PM

Xia was torn, there were two groups both heading in opposing directions - and it wasn't safe to be alone. However, Zue was correct, it wasn't her fight, so she looked to Zue and started following her, taking note of the direction of Nuan and Felg were going.

"Well I'm an airbender, I have nothing to learn from them, so I'm going to follow the orders of the Master. Thanks for going with me Zue."

She ran toward Zue and smiled at her, keeping her eyes and ears open to anything out of the ordinary.

2009-11-16, 11:06 PM

Li stands in the hallway, looking back and forth between the two groups. "Oh, come on."

He sighs and heads after Nuan and Felg.

2009-11-16, 11:15 PM

"Its no problem. Besides, Piando can handle anyone that way. If the dorms come under attack, it would be best to have some capable people there."
Zue smiles at Xia.
"Though I more expect it to be safe there."

Robert Frost
2009-11-17, 12:36 AM

Xia looks back one last time on the group that heads to after Master Piando, and then returns her gaze on the path ahead.

"Well, it's not that I want to go to the safer place, it just seems foolish to disobey an order."

Xia giggled a little before covering her mouth.

"I... agree. We should go to the dorm, we're definitely capable people."

2009-11-17, 09:45 PM
Xia, Zue, Tamoh
As you get closer to the dorms, the destruction diminishes, until it stops completely right before the final turn. Looks like Piando knew what he was talking about. You try the door, but it appears to be barred, and a slightly panicky voice talks to you.
Who are You? What do you Want!
Sense Motive checks, please

Li, Nuan, Fleg
Piando was obviously in a hurry: the hallway is heavily torn up along his path, and you pass several more thugs in various states of unconciousness. eventually, you turn a corner, and find yourself on a balcony overlooking the main courtyard. The courtyard itself is a battlefield, with benders and soldiers all over the place. The majority of the attackers seem to be earth and fire benders, but there's a water bender or two aiding the attackers as well. You can see Piando down in the mess as well, taking on several benders at once, and winning. Suddenly, you hear a sound. Turning, one of the other doors to the balcony opens, and out come several foes. They seem as surprised as you are.

Roll Knowledge history or Nobility rolls, untrained is okay.
Combat begin!map (http://www.celestine-empire.net/battlegrid/DM.php?sessionID=Avatar%202)
You can place your selves how you like. Also, the balcony lacks a railing, and it's a good 50ft down.

2009-11-17, 09:58 PM

Li turns to the newcomers and angrily demands, "What do you want?"

Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (History): [roll1]

Li would be at D9, I think.

Robert Frost
2009-11-17, 10:01 PM

Xia was getting a little annoyed. First the class she was interested in gets cancelled because people attack the Northern Air Temple, and now while following the directions Piandro gave there's another impasse - people not letting her in.

Sense Motive Check - [roll0]

It wasn't in her nature to be the first person to answer, so she just watched the others for a few moments before saying something to Zue quietly, with a giggle afterward.

"Just not our day today, is it?"

2009-11-17, 10:04 PM
Nuan eyes the strangers, taking on a bending stance while trying to remember if she's seen them anywhere.

Move and you're getting launched off the side!

Knowledge (History): [roll0]

Nuan's on G5

2009-11-17, 10:05 PM
Li, Nuan
You realize that the troops down below, and by extension these troops all wear the symbol of the southern leauge.

Also, you realize that you can act, and that you don't need Initiative, as you should post whenever you can.

2009-11-17, 10:05 PM

((I'm going to make my sense motive before answering- I want to know what Zue feels is going on))


She shakes her head in agreement with Xia.

2009-11-17, 10:24 PM

After a moment, the origin of their enemies sinks in. Li clarifies, "What does the Southern League want from the Universty of Peace?"

King Tius
2009-11-17, 10:28 PM

I'm with Zue on this one

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2009-11-17, 10:35 PM
XiaSomething's not right. Whoever that is doesn't sound like a student, and they're hiding something...

Tamoh, Zue, Xia
whoever's behind the door sounds hysterical. Not surprising, if there's been thugs nearby. Odd that there's no damage, though.

2009-11-17, 10:41 PM
Drawing his jian once more, Felg stares at the men. "Stand down. All of you."

Using Unnerving Calm to initiate a duel of wills
Concentration Check: [roll0]

2009-11-17, 10:46 PM
Fleg, Nuan, and Li
One of the soldiers in the front ranks takes a half step backward, but the the man behind him pushes forward.
All right. You lot are coming with us, and you can either do it nice and easy, or in chains.

Robert Frost
2009-11-17, 11:00 PM

Xia looks at Zue and Tamoh and swallows audibly, before letting her eyes go wild with fear. She goes into a fighting stance and points at the door, motioning for the others to follow her.

Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]

"Be ready, that is no student behind that door."

EDIT: Missed the spoiler for me*

2009-11-17, 11:03 PM
xiaYou don't see anyone. You do hear several odd sound from behind the door: steel on leather, steel on wood, the shifting of bodies under armor.

2009-11-17, 11:05 PM
Nuan smiles and beckons them over

Go ahead and see if you can get those chains on me, wimp.

Nuan's gonna stay put and go into total defense. Hopefully an unarmored girl is enough to put them off guard and draw them out.

Robert Frost
2009-11-17, 11:06 PM

Then she heard the accompanying noises of warriors, or at least similar sounds of moving armors and weapons. The clanking, though faint, was loud enough for her ears, and she knew that they would have to move quick to react to what was likely an ambush.

"It isn't safe, we need to be ready to run, there are soldiers behind that door."

Airbending for Run As the Wind [roll0]

Alright that adds an additional 15 to my Movement Speed, putting me at 55 Base. Xia's ready to run.

King Tius
2009-11-17, 11:12 PM

The tan waterbender looks around for any of the larger fountains or urns of water the school keeps around for waterbenders... (I need to know how much water is around before I decide what Tamoh does).

2009-11-17, 11:15 PM
The student dorms are rather nice, and there's a fountain in the small courtyard leading to the door. You have about 20 gallons, easily.

2009-11-17, 11:20 PM

Li closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly, as he was instructed to whenever preparing to bend fire.

He opens his eyes again and looks at Felg and Nuan. "I really hope you're planning to back me up."

With that he darts forward until he reaches about ten feet in front of the lead soldier, and then jumps into a spinning high kick, letting out a twenty-foot fan of fire at his opponents.

Charge forward and use the base Fire Spin attack (DC 11), plus the range extension (DC +5) plus making it explosive (DC +10).

Li's take-ten is still 26, unless getting out to the balcony took us until nightfall, so he meets the DC exactly.

Each of the soldiers needs a DC 14 Reflex Save for half damage, and a roll to oppose a bull rush.

Damage: [roll0]
Bull Rush: [roll1] (Charging)

Once again, if they get pushed back 10 feet or more, then they need another reflex save to avoid falling prone.

His charge should end on J6, I think.

King Tius
2009-11-17, 11:27 PM

OOC: Kick-@$$!

Tentacle Time!

WBcheck: [roll0]

OOC: I am away from my computer so I can't check how many/big tentacles that gives me.

2009-11-17, 11:34 PM

Zue steps back from the door and quietly attempts to waterbend, whirring water from the fountains to the doorway, coating it in ice and icespikes to make the surface both slippery and spikey- not a good combination for anyone coming out. She then readies herself to make a great deal of mist to cover their escape if necessary.

Taking ten to cover 6 squares in ice spikes. She'll also use freeze and manipulate to try and make all the surfaces icy and hard to balance on. Lastly, she'll ready to use her Mist seed.

2009-11-18, 10:01 PM
"For some strange reason, I don't think I'll be going with you. You're benders, right? I'm not a bender. But that doesn't matter. By blade or flame, by rock or wind or water, you will not leave this place alive." Rushing forward recklessly, his jian held above his head, the man thrusts his blade at the intimidated soldier with the strength of a mountain.

Assuming Punishing Stance (+1d6 damage, -2 AC)
Charging to square L6.(+2 attack, -2 AC)
Attacking intimidated man(+1 moral bonus to attack and damage, he gets -1 attack and damage against me)
Power attacking(-3 attack for +6 damage)
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]
Punishing Stance:[roll2]
Mountain Hammer: if it hits, deal an additional [roll3] damage, and ignore DR.
EDIT: Forgot the additional damage from duel of wills. Damage total is 25.
Current AC: 13

2009-11-18, 10:21 PM
Zue, Tamoh, Xia

Realizing that the jig is up, several soldiers spill out of the dorms. Unfortunately for them, they weren't counting on the large patch of ice infront of the door, and several go down in a heap. The others, attempt to leap over the pile, and do a fair job. You notice that they have nets and saps, in addition to the more common swords and spears.
map (http://www.celestine-empire.net/battlegrid/DM.php?sessionID=dorm)
You can change your positions if you like, they're simply where I thought you'd be. You should be able to change your position and then update the map.
Also, consider what just happened to be a complete round. You may start your actions.

Li, Fleg, Nuan

Li's attack is rather impressive, but like most showmanship, lacks substance. Several of the soldiers do look singed, however, and the one who spoke before shakes his head.
Chains it is, then. Get them!
The soldiers charge, focusing on what seems to be the most dangerous of the bunch.

Fleg, however, has something to say about that, and his charge cuts down the hesitant one. The others focus their efforts on him, worried now that one of their number is down.

Touch attack:[roll0]If hits, Li Fleg is entagled by net.
Regular attacks, damage is non-lethal:

2009-11-18, 10:32 PM
Caught in their net, Felg is still more than willing to fight. His blade bursts into faint flames as he slashes at his nearest opponent.

I'm entangled, and I've taken 14 non-lethal damage(DR 2/-). Currently at 30VP/14WP/16(nonlethal).
Using Burning Blade.
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Maneuver/Stance Damage:[roll2]
AC at 13.

"Some help would be appreciated."

2009-11-18, 10:37 PM
((Presumably they're prone on the spikes and took damage, right? From both moving into the square and then falling on the spikes?))

2009-11-18, 10:39 PM
Some are. Others didn't fail their balance checks, or made it over the patch.

2009-11-18, 10:46 PM

((Well yes, you just never mentioned spikes or damage, so I was wondering if that had been missed.))

Zue swiftly takes the opportunity to send a jet of water at another one, attempting to knock him back into his companions and into the spikes.

Using Water Blast + Pressure at DC 15 to try and bullrush the soldier directly ahead. Taking ten for a total check of 26, giving me +5 to my bullrush.

Attack roll (if necessary- seems a bit unclear, actually): [roll0]
Bullrush: [roll1]

2009-11-18, 10:53 PM

"On it!" Li backs up before planting his feet, taking another deep breath, and tossing a blast of fire at the nearest standing enemy.

This time it's the regular fire blast, along with the explosive seed for a total DC of 15, which is under the take ten result of 26 by 11 points, granting Li a +2 bonus on the bull rush attempt.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Bull Rush: [roll2]

As before, if he gets pushed back 10 feet or more, he needs to make a DC 14 reflex save or go prone.

Also, Li backs up 15 feet away from the soldiers.

2009-11-18, 10:54 PM
(( Two things:
= Are the soldiers still in the same position as they are on the map?
= Is all of the building/balcony made of stone?

Edit: Also, how high is the ceiling above the guards?))

2009-11-18, 11:04 PM
There are wooden support beams, but it's mostly stone. The map should me correct now, I think me and industrious messed it up a bit by updating right around each other. the celling is 30ft high over the balcony, 10ft over the hallway.

2009-11-18, 11:14 PM
Nuan roars, a bit angered by being ignored by the soldiers. She stomps on the ground, and tries to smash two of the soldiers beneath a column of rock.

Nuan's creating a 10 ft. wide column of rock (DC 15) on the soldiers on M5 and M6. Damage will be [roll0] if they fail a Ref save of DC 14. They are pinned to the ground until they make a DC 30 Strength Check or Escape Artist Check.

Robert Frost
2009-11-18, 11:46 PM

Xia was well prepared for another group of soldiers, and without pause directed her attention at the soldiers not laying prone on the ground. Moving adeptly, she runs beside Zue, to release a burst of Air in the outline of her body in an attempt to press the non-prone soldiers into their fallen comrades.

Air Thrust again, making bending check first...


Now Attack Roll... [roll1]

If it hits, it resolves as a bull rush attempt against the soldier, and they take damage if they connect into a massive object at the end of the movement, taking 1d6 additional damage.

The Air Thrust itself will deal additional damage if I roll high enough, but the base is [roll2]

Apparently I just deal the base damage if I hit, which seems unlikely as I rolled an 8...

2009-11-19, 12:03 AM
Li, Fleg, Nuan

Fleg doesn't quite manage to cut through the net, but the fire does manage to catch. Unfortunately, now the net is on fire, and threatens to take Fleg up in the blaze. Li's attack is more effective this time, though, blasting the one who through the net away, and driving him to the ground. Nuan's columns don't manage to trap anyone, but they do divide up their force.

Suddenly, a blast of flame comes in from the side, and you realize that it's one of the men that attacked your room, the one who ran. Li manages to deflect the blast, but it's a close thing.

Fleg, make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire. On the plus side, you're no longer entangled.

New combatant is the B character.

2009-11-19, 01:08 AM
(( Which space is the new guy on? The map doesn't show.))

2009-11-19, 01:17 AM
Does it show now? In any case, I 13.

2009-11-19, 01:23 AM
((Shouldn't Li be back next to Nuan now?))

Li turns to face the new attacker. "I don't suppose you want to tell us why you're here? If you're all sweetness and light, maybe we'll come quietly."

2009-11-19, 01:31 AM
Nuan stalks towards the new arrival and makes the earth jut out beneath him, aiming to knock him over the edge of the balcony.

Move to H8

Catapulting the fire guy 30 ft. (DC 24) to the north, or whatever direction is up on the map. Reflex DC is 14, and presumably he's taking falling damage... Should I roll that?

King Tius
2009-11-21, 12:41 PM

With his eight tentacles, Tamoh attacks with 6 of them, saving two to deflect potential incoming attacks.

attack1: [roll0]

attack2: [roll2]

attack3: [roll4]

attack4: [roll6]

attack5: [roll8]

2009-11-21, 12:49 PM
Are you saving 2, or 3?

2009-11-21, 08:28 PM
Reflex Save:[roll0]...Missed it by 1 point. this much.

While Felg's sword doesn't hit his target, it does manage to set the net on fire...with himself still inside it. "This was probably not one of my better ideas."

King Tius
2009-11-21, 08:34 PM
OOG: Whoops, looks like three!