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View Full Version : A whole new world (for me)

Duos Greanleef
2009-11-14, 01:23 PM
I have decided to run a 4E Eberron campaign. It fascinates me and I've been reading the Player's Guide and Campaign Guide whenever I have a free moment.
There's just one little problem: I've never run a game within a pre-made world.
Everything I've ever run was in the generic D&D world with generic distances between generic locations. (Not quite as mundane as that might sound, but you get the idea). I've always felt that campaign settings are boxed-in and leave little room for doing your own thing.
I really like the ideas of Eberron, and don't particularly care to screw it up so...
My questions are:
1) How can you avoid that boxed-in feeling (or am I just being irrational)?
2) Do you have any tips on running Eberron, or any pre-concieved campaign setting for that matter?
Thanks Playground!

2009-11-14, 03:07 PM
1) This is your Eberron. Look at it this way: in the normal run of a campaign, as the PCs get more powerful, they change large scale events, and the setting becomes altered by the presence of the PCs... If you want to make a change, or even do away with an NPC, or a whole nation, you can - your version of Eberron is always allowed to be different to the published notes.

2) For the post-war desolation and fractured politics style, look at old Cold War film noire. Take those plots and make them D&D!