View Full Version : Recession in Generica [IC]

Xerxes Shadow
2009-11-14, 06:13 PM
The village of Townico is usually a quiet place. A few farmers and farmhands go about their business on the outskirts, while the in-skirts are just a handful of people going about their business. Two blacksmiths, one woodcrafter, one carpenter, a couple priests, and so forth. Usually it's a quiet place. But not this year.

The Panic of 1041 hit three years ago, and has officially morphed into the "Financially F***ed Forties." Throngs of out-of-work adventurers crowd the streets of even the smallest of hamlets, and Townico is no exception. Today is a particularly busy day.

Ludo, Lucy, Illeth, Tentacles, and Hector are just an average group of adventurers. You've been shoved together by circumstances of fate and work, and luckily got the five-man job of clearing out a zombie infestation just outside of town. Currently, you are still in the midst of the market, although in a place where the crowd is thin enough to actually move through.

((Let's-a go!))

2009-11-15, 11:20 AM
The Sexy magician Ludo adjusted his hair in the market, always looking in top shape with his open shirt on and gi pants.

"When making your choice in life, do not neglect to shop!"

He seemed pretty excited to have completed this gruesome jobs, now at least, Ludo was never thinking about tomorrow and most likely would spent all his hard earned money in trivial things. His sayings made as much sense as how learned martial arts but nobody talk about it.

2009-11-15, 11:33 AM
Hector Suvasa was kneeling, his head bowed, his hands clasped in front of him.

"Oh, Holy Protector, we do thank Thee for Thine blessings of good fortune, and we shalt endeavor to smite yonder abominations unto Thy Grace."

What exactly had prompted this bout of prayer wasn't exactly apparent. Hector just felt suddenly struck by the urge to thank the Watcher Above. He was beginning to draw odd looks.

Never one to mind, and used to the odd glances, Hector stood and brushed the dirt off of his knees. Looking into the sky and smiling, he spoke to his companions.

"Friends... today will be a good day. Today we shall do virtuous work, and our rewards will be great, be they monetary or merely knowledge that we've made the world a better place."

Yuki Akuma
2009-11-16, 05:05 AM
The littlest member of this new band of adventurers - by quite a large margin - crosses her arms and pouts at Hector's words. "The rewards had better be monetary. Daddy doesn't fund my research anymore since I blew up his third summer home."

She hmphs, glaring at Illeth. "And you still owe me for distracting that cute redhead who was so going to invest in my next project. So you'd better hope it's monetary too."

Not that the 'cute redhead' had any money either - but that's neither here nor there.

2009-11-16, 08:30 AM
Illeth had been hoping that the other members of this little group woul forget he was there. Of course, that was a futile hope. He wasn't sure who was more scary, the Zombies, or the little girl.

"Do we have a plan to deal with the Zombies? It is always best to have decided the groups roles when entering into conflict. That way we won't step on each others toes in combat."

Illeth had no intention of actaually getting anywhere near any Zombies, of course. That went without saying.