View Full Version : Fallout... Fallout never changes.. Let's play Fallout 2!

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-14, 09:16 PM
War.... War never changes...


Welcome to Let's play Fallout 2.

Before we start, let's go over a few questions you'll all have...

What're you playing?
Fallout 2, of course.

What's "let's play?"
Basically, someone else plays a game and documents it. For stuff like this LP, I'll ask what you all want for perks, SPECIAL, skills and such.

Oh right... and when I take screenshots, their all black.. Anyone have an idea of why? >.>

What kind of charcter is this?
I dunno, let's have a vote.

Are you doing the temple of trials?
I'd only expect you to ask this because I'm skipping the temple for the LP. I loathe that part.
I changed my mind here, as I screenshotted it anyways as a test.

What patches or mods are you using?
I have none, so none.
I'm planning on using the FO 2 restoration project.

Have you beaten Fallout 2 before?
Nope. I've gotten to level 12 or so, though.

Welcome to the wasteland... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3PXiV95kwA)

2009-11-14, 09:23 PM
I dunno, let's have a vote.

Spike Spiegel or Rincewind.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-14, 09:26 PM
Spike Spiegel or Rincewind.

.... uh... what?

2009-11-14, 09:28 PM
High IN, high CH, high Speech. End up with Sulik, Cassidy, Myron, Vic, and Lenny as your companions, as they can all wear Power Armor and wield decent guns. Play Fallout 2 like it's Fallout Tactics!

Check out the Restoration Project here (http://nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=1097) if you haven't already. Restores a lot of cut content from the game.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-14, 09:30 PM
High IN, high CH, high Speech. End up with Sulik, Cassidy, Myron, Vic, and Lenny as your companions, as they can all wear Power Armor and wield decent guns. Play Fallout 2 like it's Fallout Tactics!

Check out the Restoration Project here (http://nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=1097) if you haven't already. Restores a lot of cut content from the game.

Allright, I will.

I got my copy of FO 2 from Gog.com (http://www.gog.com/en/frontpage/), by the way.

2009-11-14, 09:36 PM
Better yet, play it like it's Planescape. Talk your way out of everything, see how far that takes you.

2009-11-14, 09:44 PM
Better yet, play it like it's Planescape. Talk your way out of everything, see how far that takes you.

Surprisingly far. In fact, I believe it's possible to beat the game without killing a single thing.

Even Horrigan can be dealt with via turrets and Sgt. Granite

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-14, 09:45 PM
Surprisingly far. In fact, I believe it's possible to beat the game without killing a single thing.

Even Horrigan can be dealt with via turrets and Sgt. Granite

It is indeed, according to the wiki.

In a pinch, your followers can just maul Horrigan I'd assume.

Johnny Blade
2009-11-14, 09:49 PM
I would vote for some occasional bloodshed, though. To keep things interesting. Also, too much talk means a lot of time spent on writing down recaps of dialogues, or even an actual word-for-word rendition.

Why did I use spoiler tags? :smallconfused:

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-14, 09:59 PM
I don't have too much of a preferance, but I'm actually thinking of a Stealthy, loner type.

....Mostly because the last playthrough I did, my @#$%#$%^$ teammates killed all the Brahmin I needed to defend for Grisham... :smallsigh:

2009-11-14, 10:06 PM
I don't have too much of a preferance, but I'm actually thinking of a Stealthy, loner type.

....Mostly because the last playthrough I did, my @#$%#$%^$ teammates killed all the Brahmin I needed to defend for Grisham... :smallsigh:

Sneak, Unarmed, and all the Ninja-like perks you can find?

Run around behind the lines, snapping all the necks you can?

2009-11-15, 05:30 AM
If you're gonna use Restoration Project, i wish you will make it to EPA, because i'm too lazy to do it by myself.:smalltongue: I played a bit with this mod, and it really slows your movement on the world map, it's tragic. But the rest of it is great. By the way, will you put any points in speech and science? Because i can't imagine beating Horrigan unarmed, and without help of Sgt.Granite or turrets.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-15, 01:16 PM
If you're gonna use Restoration Project, i wish you will make it to EPA, because i'm too lazy to do it by myself.:smalltongue: I played a bit with this mod, and it really slows your movement on the world map, it's tragic. But the rest of it is great. By the way, will you put any points in speech and science? Because i can't imagine beating Horrigan unarmed, and without help of Sgt.Granite or turrets.

I'm considering using the restoration project.

I'm going to put some points in science, because I think I might get the Robobrain, and a few in speech, because that's usefull.

However, I think I'll try to beat Horrigan without the turrets. I might get Sgt. Granite to help though.

2009-11-15, 02:18 PM
Smooth talking assassin who plays both sides of every conflict! With a chainsaw! (Melee, speech, sneak with points in Agil, Int, End, Cha, Str, Per in that order, Gifted Perk and I dunno, Bloody Mess. Or go Unarmed instead of melee and pick up One Hander instead)


Good-natured berserker with a Colbert-level of love for America. Enclave? MINIGUNRAGE!!!! Supermutant plots? RAAAGE!!! Littering band of merchants? HOW DARE THEY DISGRACE THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICAAA?!!!!! (Big Guns, Doctor and Throwing either Speech, Science or Lockpick. Go just enough Str for preferred weapon, Agil, Per, Int, Cha, End with either Good Natured or Gifted and of course, Bloody Mess.)

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-16, 05:00 PM
Allright, I've beaten the temple of trials.

I was going to take a screenshot of charcter creation, but it's still turning out all black and stuff. >.>

By the way, my build is as follows:
I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a James Bondish type, or an unarmed type, so I went for the latter.

Name: Mareok
S- 8
P- 5
E- 8
C- 6
I- 6
A- 8
L- 6

Traits: Gifted and Bloody mess.
Tagged skills: Unarmed, Speech, Sneak.

So yeah, I entirely aped the build off of thegurullamen. :smalltongue:

I got the Restoration project, as well, if I can get it to work.

Also, here's an example of what I mean by "Screenshot fail."

2009-11-17, 05:56 AM
Did you try using a screen capture program? Like Fraps or don't-know-what?

2009-11-17, 06:09 AM
Stop using printscreen to take screenshots, use f12 instead.

2009-11-17, 06:23 AM
Everyone always wants high Int, high Cha characters, I'd like, for once, to see someone do a "let's play" with a character of Int 3, Luck 1, Jinxed and either BM or possibly Skilled (to make up for low Int). Unarmed, Sneak and something else. :smalltongue:

2009-11-17, 08:51 AM
Bloody Mess and big guns for the rocket launcher. Now that's fun. If you can not die for five minutes at a time that is.

Johnny Blade
2009-11-17, 10:10 AM
Stop using printscreen to take screenshots, use f12 instead.
Or get some screenshot program.

Not that I could recommend one, but they exist.

EDIT: Heh. I completely missed Cespenar's post. Uh, so, what he said...

2009-11-17, 11:06 AM
Well, the f12 route is working okay for me. Not saying that a screenshot program would be a bed idea, but I figure the other solution should at least be tested first.

2009-11-17, 12:35 PM
Everyone always wants high Int, high Cha characters, I'd like, for once, to see someone do a "let's play" with a character of Int 3, Luck 1, Jinxed and either BM or possibly Skilled (to make up for low Int). Unarmed, Sneak and something else. :smalltongue:

Simpsons already did it (http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/Fallout%202/Update%201/index.html) (on the low INT and Jinxed part at the least).

2009-11-17, 12:40 PM
Warning, the above link contains shock humor.

And that's why I never look for Lps on the lp archive ever again.

2009-11-17, 03:43 PM
I've just read whole LP linked above. And i will NEVER again think that it's not possible to kill Horrigan with bare hands, solo, without the turrets or Sgt.Granite.

2009-11-17, 03:57 PM
Thanks for the link, I haven't seen that one :smallsmile:

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-17, 04:51 PM
Stop using printscreen to take screenshots, use f12 instead.

Exactly what I needed to know, I'll try that.

If not, I'll try using the Fraps suggestion. Thanks. :smallsmile:

...Silly question. When you use the F12 method, that saves it to the screenshot folder, right?

The reason I ask this is because I had done that, but there doesn't appear to be anything relating to screenshots in either the Data or Fallout 2 folder.

Whatever, I just used FRAPS. First update'll be in a hour or so.

or 3, because I failed horribly with the uploading, and just settled for "Mostly right order." Instead of uploading them in a senseable way, or naming them in the order I'm planning on posting them in. That makes too much sense. :smallsigh:

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-17, 07:52 PM
Status of the next update: Being played through.
(The prospective of this LP is Mareok, the chosen one.)
(Fallout 2 has turned based, isometric combat. I won't explain the basics of it, which you can find at The Vault. (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki) I'll explain perks, and such, as we come across them though.)

Come, come... Want to hear a story? It's about The Chosen One of Arryo, and his quest to find the G.E.C.K, and his adventures along the way..

It all started on his 20th birthday, when he was sent by the elder to the Temple of Trials, to get the Vault Dweller's suit..

It was my 20th Birthday. After our final meal of the day, the tribal elder approched me, and told me that the next day, I had to go to the temple of trials. I needed to go through the temple, defeat the challenge at it's end, and claim the prize in the final room. If I survived my trial, I would be called to do a great service for the tribe.

It sounded exciting. More so then chasing some brahmin around, or weeding the shamen's garden at least. I accepted the responsibility, and headed to bed. The next day, I woke up, and the elder was waiting outside my tent for me. Along with two warriors, we headed off to the temple of trials. One waited outside the entrance, to make sure I stayed, and the other went around, and didn't come back.

I stood outside of the Temple and took it all in... It was an amazing site..
Our Village was but a few huts and tents, but we managed to carve out this building for our trials... I haven't seen more then the entrance of it, when Albert had his trial for questioning why we didn't make other buildings. And now it was my turn.

OOC, with some information:

Firstly. These spoilers-in-a-spoilers are for screenshots that are for people who haven't played Fallout 2. Out of Charcter notes that point something out are in brackets, and comments in italics are by the IC narrarator.

Now, this is the chacter screen. It displays your SPECIAL, traits, perks, skill points, current HP, and everything else you'd need to know about your charcter.


The entrance is an impressive sight. I started walking down the hall, when I spotted a giant ant.

It saw me, and attacked. I raised my fists and quickly killed it.
This is... Well, not quite sure what they call it, but it's a targeted mode. For one more action point to use. You can then target certain areas with verying chances to hit. There are advantages to hitting certain areas, like the eyes. If you Critical Hit the eyes, it insantly kills your target.


I quickly killed the ant with a few punches. I didn't have any weapons or equipment for my trial. Fortuneately, aside from using a gun of some kind on a hunt once, I've never been much of one for weapons.


I walked down the hall, and saw a sccorpion in a nearby room..

I decided for a change of tactics. I snuck up on it, and swung at it. I didn't manage to kill it immediately, so it managed to sting and poison me before I killed it.


Ah, the end of this floor. I opened the door, and went up to the next floor. As I stepped onto the floor, I narrowly avoided a spear that launched at my head.


I spotted a few pressure plates, which looking back, was what triggered the spear trap. I walked down the hall slowly, trying to avoid any more surprises.



At the end of the hallway, I was at a fork. I decided to go left, first.


I saw a pot on this floor, and grabbed the antidote in it. I decided to save it until I was finished in the temple, so another scorpion didn't just poision me after I drunk it.


I went down the other door, and saw an ant and the lower part of the temple. Wow, it looks a LOT more impressive from up here.


I walked to the door to the next floor after killing the ant. Unfortuneately, it was locked.


Luckily, it was within my abilities, so I picked the door and headed through it.


Not much on this floor. I wandered around for a bit, trying to find the exit.


I saw a chest, opened it, and it had a bomb in it. I drew back, but when I saw it wasn't on, I grabbed it. Score!


The door was pretty solid, so I set my bomb to blow it open.


As I was far from an explosive expert, I dashed away as soon as I set my bomb, and waited.


And waited...


[Explosion occurs that I didn't get a picture of. :(]


I saw a fellow warrior at the end of the hall, who I walked up to.


Hah, the final part was 1 on 1, unarmed combat? I thought this trial was supposed to be a challenge!


Let's do this.

With a single, well placed critical punch, the other warrior backed down, and I was allowed to leave the temple.

(I didn't get a screenshot of this, because it was rather underwhelming, and the other guy ran off rather quickly.)

Now that I'm done my trial, it's time to get my objective and head back to the village for my quest.

There it was. The objective of my trial. It was the jumpsuit of the Vault Dweller, who was the founder of our village of Arryo. I slowly walked towards it, and put it on. It was old, but it fit rather well, and wearing it was a great honor.

Hey, I leveled up! At level two, I got 12 skill points, and no perks. I put two points in small arms, two in science, two in first aid, 4 in unarmed, and the last 2 in speech.

I headed back to the village, and as I went into the elder's hut, my mind wandered for a moment...

That's the tale of The Chosen One's trial, and the start of his quest.

There's more to it though. The quest itself?

Yes, but I'll get to that another day. I'm too tired to go on for today.

Now, you might be thinking: "Was that right? I remember the temple being a little different." I noticed this as I posted my pictures, but I think I put them up in the wrong order. Which I promise I won't do again. :smallredface:

So... Criteque? Having only started, I can make changes.

2009-11-17, 08:37 PM
It looks good so far, and I'm looking forward to the next part.

Making sure you have the images in the right order WOULD be a good idea though. :smalltongue:

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-17, 08:39 PM
It looks good so far, and I'm looking forward to the next part.

Thanks. :smallsmile:

Making sure you have the images in the right order WOULD be a good idea though. :smalltongue:

That's the plan. :smalltongue:

2009-11-17, 09:14 PM
It is actually possible to beat the final battle using Advanced Power Fist and killing the nearby turrents with no allies once you aggro the guy in the powered armor (cost me alot of advanced stimpacks to do it I had insane HP though so he couldnt kill me in a round and I would just stimpack back to full hp and Attack with my left over AP's)

I ran a pure ST and Con character though the hardest fights where in the early stages vs auto fire weapons (with crits they can 1 shot you with full auto later in the game armor helps you out)

2009-11-17, 09:34 PM
Heh. We both picked the same traits for (reasonably) different characters. Well, luck.

Be seeing you, yes?

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-17, 09:47 PM
Heh. We both picked the same traits for (reasonably) different characters. Well, luck.

Be seeing you, yes?

Differences will be appearing, but heh, yeah. :smalltongue:

Next up: Mareok fights some rats. (And dies alot. And meets Sulik.)

2009-11-18, 06:29 AM
Your pictures aren't showing up.:smallmad:

2009-11-18, 07:18 AM
Could you try uploading your pictures on imageshack instead of photobucket? The only picture that shown up was image of the vault suit. I liked it, and I'm waiting for next updates.

Johnny Blade
2009-11-18, 12:33 PM
Can't see them anymore, either. I also think that Imageshack is slightly better for Let's Plays anyway, mainly for the uploader.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-18, 04:46 PM
Allright, reposting them with imageshack.

Actually, I won't be. I'll use imageshack for the next post (Which'll be up in a little bit), but I admit I'm too lazy to re-do it all with imageshack.

That, and I deleted the pictures themselves after I posted the LP's first post and confirmed that I could see them.

2009-11-18, 06:06 PM
Next up: Mareok fights some rats. (And dies alot. And meets Sulik.)

Woo! All praise Grampy Bone!

And also, he has two of the best quotes from the game.

Most people have evil spirits. You? You have stupid spirits.
Go see shaman, get hole in head... Big hole... Very big... Huge.


Slavers got our sis. Thought Vic be having information. Couldn't peep him, got p.o.'d, drank like a fish.
Spirits of Anger and Chaos pop out and now we have to pay some coin to make it right.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-19, 05:18 PM
The next update is just having it's images uploaded. I didn't really do much in it, just found Klamath and headed to the den. I'll do more in the next update, I promise. :smalltongue:

2009-11-20, 12:43 AM
I played a bit with this mod, and it really slows your movement on the world map, it's tragic.

That's actually a bug-fix; your travel speed and the random encounter rate are both tied to the processor clock, which on a modern computer is roughly a zillion times faster than the ones that Fallout 2 was designed for. You are not in fact supposed to cross half the wasteland in ten seconds, and you are meant to hit random encounters while you travel. If you really want the modern behavior, tho, you can go into the configs and turn off that particular fix.

2009-11-20, 12:17 PM
Well, I think this solves the mystery of crazy fast outro. When i finished Fallout 2 for first time, the images were sliding like mad.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-21, 02:51 PM
Now, the story of the chosen one was far from over.
As I was saying, after he finished his trial...


I approached the Elder's tent and walked in.

As I entered, the Elder spoke.


I wasn't sure what the quest would be, but I was sure it would be importent.

"Yeah, I'm ready. What can I do, Elder?"

"I need you to find an item called the 'G.E.C.K'. It is said, when used, it will create a paradise in the wasteland. While it was a goal of ours to get it, the drought means we need it, or the tribe will waste away. The trader who comes to our village, Vic, is the one who told us about it. Though he doesn't have it himself, he said he had an idea. He lives in Klamath, which is your first goal. Do you think you can do this? It will not be easy."

"Yes. Since we'll all die without food and water anyways, what do any of us have to lose?"



"I have some of Hakunin's healing powder and a knife for you. Take them with you."

I took the supplies that the elder had to offer, then I headed to Hakunin's tent.


"I've just come to say goodbye. I'm leaving for my holy quest."

(Apparently, this picture doesn't want to load. It's Hakunin asking me to help him out with something.)

"I'd be honored, holy one."


"Goodbye. I'll be back as soon as I'm done."


Now, this shouldn't be too bad. Just some big weeds.



Now, to return to Hakunin.


"Thank you, Hakunin."


"Goodbye, Hakunin. If I find any of the plants, I'll make sure to get them"

"Goodbye, Chosen One. May the spirits be with you."

I made my way past my aunt whats-her-name's tent. The one who never really liked me.

"Your leaving to get the G.E.C.K? Good. It'll be the first usefull thing you've ever done anyways."


The Great Bridge was an impressive sight. I stood there and took in the veiw for a minute, and wondered if I'd ever return. Regardless, I made my way to Klamath.
The journey took a few days, but I didn't run into any trouble. I was tired by the time I got to Klamath, but reinvigorated by the hope of finding Vic here, and maybe the G.E.C.K.
I asked the man who was standing near the brahmin pen at the town's entrance where Vic's shop was, and he pointed it out. He mentioned something about not having seen Vic in a awhile, but I went over to the store.

I opened the door, and didn't see anyone.

"Hello? Vic? Is anyone here?"

I searched the store, but didn't find any trace of Vic. I found a radio though, so I absentmindedly put it into my pack.

I headed over to a building that said "bathhouse" on it, and went inside.

"My name is Mareok, and I'm looking for a trader called Vic. Do you know where he is?"

"I'm sorry, but no. I haven't seen him in days. One of the girls might know, though."


I bid Sally goodbye, and started asking around about Vic. None of them knew anything, but they said a women working here named "Jenny" might know.


"Actually, I have a few questions. Would you mind if I asked you them?"


"I'm looking for a trader, named Vic. He deals in stuff from before the great war."

"Yeah, I know Vic. He left to go to the Den a few days ago to trade, and he hasn't come back."

"Thanks. Do you know where the Den is?"

"I'll mark it down on your map. And if you find Vic, please let me know. He's a regular customer of mine, and I'm getting really worried about him."

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll try to find him, for your sake and mine."

I wandered around for a bit, until I went into another store. I saw another tribal inside, who I walked up to.

"Hello, my name is Mareok. I come from the village of Arryo."

"My name is Sulik. I be looking for my sister."

"I see. Mind if I ask you a few questions?"


"What're things like around here?"


"Tell me about the Bugmen."


"Allright, that's all I need to know. Thank you, Sulik."

Sulik noded, and went back to his work.

I decided to go to the Den, and see what I could find out, then return to here and see how I could help out Tor, Smiley and Sulik.

I started off towards the Den, and it was getting late. I saw a camp of traders, who I went up to and asked if I could pay them to let me sleep there.

They agreed, so I payed them 10 caps each, and went to sleep..

And then?

I'll get to that, don't worry. But for now, I have to rest.

Now, if your wondering why I didn't hire Sulik and do the jobs around Klamath, it's because I didn't have enough cash to hire Sulik, and I didn't want to fight the Geckos or Keeng Ra'at without Sulik's help. I'm going to the den to make some easy money, and rescue Vic first.

Also, I'm not sure how to take the lack of comments about the LP. Am I doing well it badly, well...?

2009-11-21, 06:38 PM
Well, you could do the work with Tor fairly easily, so that's some money, and Vic's place has some gear worth grabbing.

Me, I try to avoid the Den. Stupid robaholic kids.

Lord of Rapture
2009-11-21, 06:47 PM
Well, you could do the work with Tor fairly easily, so that's some money, and Vic's place has some gear worth grabbing.

Me, I try to avoid the Den. Stupid robaholic kids.

Chiasaur, if you don't kill at least one child in this LP, I'll never forgive you. Ever.

Stupid little F3 kids that deserve to die most but can't because of the stupid moral guardians and stupid politicians and stupid...

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-21, 06:51 PM
Well, you could do the work with Tor fairly easily, so that's some money, and Vic's place has some gear worth grabbing.

Me, I try to avoid the Den. Stupid robaholic kids.

Actually, there's a little trick to avoid the little buggers.

Right before you pass them, iniate combat, and walk past them. They can't use pickpocket in combat, so as long as you remember to do that, your golden. Other people won't be hostile unless you attack them, either.

Stupid little F3 kids that deserve to die most but can't because of the stupid moral guardians and stupid politicians and stupid...

At least you can enslave a few.

2009-11-22, 03:29 AM
I think there's a mod on F3 Nexus that lets you kill children. And kids in Den never stole anything from me, but maybe that's because first thing i do in Den is to go to the guy that has shop in i think middle of this part of the city and kill him and take his stuff. :smallamused: Repeat with Tubby. :smallbiggrin:

Lord of Rapture
2009-11-22, 03:55 AM
But I play Xbox 360. :smallfrown:

Man, maybe it is really time to convert to PC...

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-22, 11:59 AM
I think there's a mod on F3 Nexus that lets you kill children. And kids in Den never stole anything from me, but maybe that's because first thing i do in Den is to go to the guy that has shop in i think middle of this part of the city and kill him and take his stuff. :smallamused: Repeat with Tubby. :smallbiggrin:

Funny that you mention that. The first thing I'm doing in the Den is killing Tubby and looting the place. :smalltongue:

Johnny Blade
2009-11-22, 06:08 PM
Also, I'm not sure how to take the lack of comments about the LP.
It's how it is, I guess. At least around here.

But, if you're looking for criticism, so far there was no word about your character's actual thoughts and feelings, just his actions.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-22, 06:45 PM
It's how it is, I guess. At least around here.

But, if you're looking for criticism, so far there was no word about your character's actual thoughts and feelings, just his actions.

I was looking for criticism, thanks.

Allright, I'll try to add more of that, then.

I've uploaded the pictures for the next bit, which is mostly dealing with Lara's jobs. I also managed to find my way to Broken Hills, and have found myself a shiny new powerfist. :smallsmile:

2009-11-22, 09:02 PM
I believe smacking the kids but not killing them and letting them flee from you is ok.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-22, 09:46 PM
Ah yes, as I was saying...

I got to the Den shortly after I woke up. Lovely place, really. Lots of screaming off in the distance, people kept talking to themselves about inane things. Well, whatever. Vic was here, so I was determined to find him.

I wandered down the street, and was approached by a thugish looking man.

"Name's Joey. What're you doing on my turf?"

"I'm just passing through, don't worry."

"I don't think I've seen you before... Can I interest you in some jet?"

"What's that?"

"It's great. It'll send you to paradise, man. Only 200$."


"Uh.... money? you use it to buy stuff? What are you, some kind of Tribal Hick?"

"No, I was uh.. just kidding. No thanks, though."

I moved away quickly, leaving the man confused. I wandered around for a little while before finding a building that said "Tubby's." on it, and went inside.


I figured I'd see what the people inside had to say. I noticed a kid standing by the door, eyeing my pockets, but he didn't do anything.

"Hey there, welcome to Tubby's."

"Uh... Hi.. I'm looking for Vic the trader."

"Vic... The Slaver's guild has him."

"Thank you."

I turned to leave the building, but one of the men blocked my way.

"Hey, you think telling you that was free? You'll cough up some cash if you know what's good for you, buddy."

"Hey, we can settle this without violence.."


Needless to say, talk didn't go well. Ah well, at least I had a nice new jacket, a pair of brass knuckles, and a few hundred dollars.


I was wandering around, trying to find the Slaver's guild, when a guard outside a building stopped me.

"Hey, want to make some easy money?"

I considered it for a moment. Finding Vic was importent, but money seemed like a good thing to have. Funny how some peices of metal like that could be traded for usefull things.

"Of course. What do you want me to do?"

"Go inside and talk to Lara. She'll tell you."


I went inside, and only saw one women, who I assumed was Lara.


"One of your guards outside told me you might have some work for me."

"Well, it depends on what you're good at. There is something I'm curious about. If you can find out, I'll pay you 100$."

"We'll see. What do you need me to do?"

"In the west side of town, there's a church controlled by the Slaver's guild. I want to see what Metzgar is keeping inside of there. If I sent one of my own men there, the boss of the gang there, Tyler, would probably kill them."

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Great. Don't get into a fight. Not yet. I have a plan."

I went over to the church, and two men were standing outside. When I approached them, one spoke up.

"What're you doing here? This building is owned by the Slaver's guild."

"I was sent by Metzgar, he wants me to check up on his.. uh, property."

"I doubt.. Eh, whatever. Go ahead."


Inside, there was a big stack of chemicals in crates. Not knowing what any of them were, I headed back to where Lara was.


"Big containers with chemicals of some kind inside."

"That makes sense, actually. Here's your money."

"Makes sense? Why's that?"


"Where's New Reno?"

"Somwhere to the south. I've never been there, myself. I've just seen caravans stop by sometimes. Now, want to make some more easy money?"

More easy money? This place is great!

"Maybe. What do you want me to do?"

"Go to the church, and see if you can find any vulnerabilities, and report back to me. I'll pay you 50$."

"Deal. I'll be back as soon as I scout out the place."

as I exited Lara's base, my mind began to wander...

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-23, 12:09 PM
Now, the next part of his quest..

Finding a weakness in the churchs defences would be tough. Metzgar would've picked his best men to guard the place, considering the apparent importence of the chemicals inside. I'd have to be both lucky and charismatic to get in there. Here goes nothing.


"How's it going?"


*Waits briefly*

"Sooo.... How's it going?"

"Not bad."

".....How's it going?"

"Actually, great! I allmost forgot. A buddy of mine won it big at the tables, and he's sharing the wealth."

"Big plans, then?"

"You bet! We're going to drink until we drop!"

"Cool. Have fun."


I went back to Lara's, who asked me to get premission from Metzgar, at the Slaver's guild, to fight Tyler. After I asked her about Vic, she said he'd probably be there.

As I headed out, I realized I should've asked where the guildhouse was. Oh well. It's probably on some house on the outskirts of town, considering they trafficked in slaves, they'd probably need to be secretive.

.....Or maybe in the big building with the huge "Slaver's Guild" sign.

I went inside.


The guildhouse was nice enough, I suppose. I walked up to the man who was sitting behind the desk at the front. This was where Vic was being held, apparently. I doubt they'd just let me walk up and see him.

"Ahh... Fresh meat.. Welcome to the Slaver's guild, name's Aidan. Ya here on buisness? Ya better be."

"Yeah. I'm here to buy. Specifically, a trader named Vic."

"Go talk to Metzgar, then. He's in that room over there."


"Lara wants to get permission to fight Tyler's gang."


"So it's okay?"




"Another question."

"Make it fast."

"Can I buy Vic from you?"

"Yeah. 1000$"

"Uh.. Nevermind, I don't have that to spend."

"About Vic... Can I see him?"

"Well... Whatever, I don't care."

"Your just going to let some random stranger, who wanted to buy a him a moment ago, see a slave in private?"

"Pretty much."


"What the hell are you still doing here?"

"That's all, thanks."

I headed over to Vic's cell, and the guard let me in.

"Vic, I'm Mareok, from Arryo. I'm trying to get you out of here.Why's Metzgar holding you here?"

"Arryo..? Ah yeah, that tribal village. He's holding me here because I sold him a broken radio."

"That's it? Could you fix this radio, then?"

"You have it! Yeah, I'll fix it. I'll fix it and give it to Metzgar. I'll head over to Mom's restraunt, and meet you there."

I noded, and then headed over to Lara's base.

"You got permission? Great. Your coming with us. I'll pay you 300$ extra."

More money? Score!

We waited until nightfall, and headed over there.


There was only one guard outside, one of the ones there earlier.

It was more then 5 against one, so we quickly dealt with him, and moved into the church.

(I'm not posting any of the screenshots from the fight. Why? Because "Clusterf**k fails to describe how hard it was to tell anything apart. I dealt with the gang inside, and got payed by Lara.)

With a nice amount of cash in my pocket, I headed over to Mom's. Vic wasn't there. That wasn't good. I headed over to the Slaver's guild again, and my mind began to wander...

A note: The parts where I was looking a weakness/the slaver's guild/getting premisson to see Vic, I genuinely thought they'd be a lot harder then they were.

Johnny Blade
2009-11-24, 10:23 PM
I can't see any of the screenshots and get a 403 error when I try to open their URLs. :smallconfused:

Anyone else got that problem?

2009-11-24, 10:24 PM
I can't see any of the screenshots and get a 403 error when I try to open their URLs. :smallconfused:

Anyone else got that problem?

Ain't just you.

I'm getting the same error.

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-26, 05:03 PM
The last post, apparently I used the wrong provided image link. Because Imageshack, which I hate, is like that. v.v

Anyways, this isn't dead... I just need to try to fix the previous post and play through the next bit.