View Full Version : Triforce Emblem: Path of Wisdom (LoZxFE game)

2009-11-15, 03:13 PM
Press + to Start!
Inside Hyrule Castle: 2nd Year of the Princess War.

The chambers throughout the castle are echoing the arguments of a war meeting. Leaders of the Northern Hyrule army are stuck in a heated debate about the progress of the war with their southern brothers. The meeting chamber itself is dressed in gold, blue and purple tapestries, many depicting the Three Golden Goddesses of Hyrule; Din, Nayru, and Farore as they are creating Hyrule.

Noshado, Duke of Daruto: "The enemy are knocking down our doors! One by one, our supporters are being brought down by the rebels, soon, they will march at the doors of this castle! We need to be proactive, instead of being reactive to their attacks if we are to win!"

Imparta, Chieftess of Kakariko: "I agree with you brother-in-arms, but we lack the resources to strike back: Monsters have been appearing throughout our world. Even here, in our own holy kingdom we have encountered monsters hostile to not only hyrulians, but also to Zoras, Gorons, Gerudos, no one is safe."

Gozbo, Baron of Ralon: "And that influences us... how?"

Imparta face palms before speaking again: "what I'm saying is that we don't have the resources to drive out the monsters and the rebels at the same time. Darunda, Goron Leader and our ally can't attend because of trouble the Dodongos are causing. Not only are the monsters starving the Gorons, but also slowing down our bomb, armor and weapon supplies."

Agadin, Duke of Narboto: "Indeed sister, in fact, similar reports are coming from our River Zora allies; that Octoroks are damaging their supplies and boats, and having trouble keeping the Sea Zoras at bay."

Noshado slumps in his chair; "Fine, you're right, we can't keep both at bay, not with our current resources. Either our kingdom falls into the ruins by rebels or by monsters. However..." He straightens up, "We can still try. I've heard of mercenaries throughout the kingdom start to fight back the monsters! We can hire them for a cheap price to take care of the monsters, while we fight the rebels back to Lake Hylia and to the Seas!"

Everyone else smiles at the welcoming news, then Imparta speaks: "I'm not sure to the sea, but to get them to surrender, yes we can."

Gozbo: "On that note, I have a letter from the Duke of Faron, asking for the princess to meet with him privately"

Everyone else's faces suddenly turned sour.

Noshado: "Is he mad!?!? We can't risk the princess going to Faron! That may be resting near our borders, but it's still too far for us to let the princess there!"

Gozbo: "I know, but he states it clearly that he wishes to see our princess. If he finds that she is what she says she is, he'll assist us."

Imparta: "Fine, I will lend my own Sheikah warriors to be Zelda's escort."

Agadin: "No, Fadarin is afraid in part to what the people will think of us. Sheikah warriors will not leave exactly a good impression on the people, as they think the Sheikah assassinated our late King, Daphnes Hyrule. No, we shall let our most trusted member of our army to guard Zelda."

Imparta: "Princess Zelda? You've been a bit quiet. Can we hear your opinion on this matter?"

2009-11-16, 08:43 AM

Solrick waits patiently for a time for Zelda to speak. After a time passes he speaks to break the silence.


"She has been rather silent as of late. The recent accusations of surrounding her sudden appearance and the possibility that she might be an impostor. These things weight rather heavily upon her. I do apologize for my impetuousness at speaking up at one of these war councils"

2009-11-16, 07:20 PM
Looks up to the group from sitting in silence.

"We should go to Faron, we need as much help as we can to aid our kingdom. Yes, I'll be putting myself in danger but if it's for our own good then I have no problem. Also I agree with the idea of hiring a group to help aid our allies in trouble."

2009-11-16, 08:19 PM
Noshado starts objecting: "But princess..."

Agadin cuts him off: "She knows full well of the dangers. But, like she said, we need as much help we can get in this time."
He turns to Solrick; "Will you protect the princess? Hopefully it will only be for Faron and back, so you'll experience little but not too much trouble."

(OOC: Guess how long it really lasts:smalltongue:)

2009-11-16, 09:31 PM
"I am well prepared to make the journey."
Solrick spreads his hands smiling when he quips
"Honestly it is going to take more than an army of rebels to stop us from reaching our destination"

OOC: until such time as we get into a misunderstanding with the group of courage fight and than get ambushed by Ganon/Ganondorf?

By the way how can the DM be out of character? Isn't he like several characters in addition to being he narrative?

2009-11-18, 05:05 PM
Agadin looks around; "Is there any other business we should discuss?" After a moment of silence, "Okay, so this meeting is over then, Solrick, prepare your group to begin traveling tomorrow. In the meantime, I will be looking into mercenary groups to hire."

Imparta: "One group wouldn't be enough to handle all of our problems. Perhaps we should all look for a group to hire."

Agadin, for some odd reason, makes a shocked look but recovers before anyone really notices. "Yes, yes we should." he smiles as he walks out.

Everyone else gets up and goes to their own chambers.

(OOC: This is more like as if I was just normally talking, instead of storytelling. If the starting team for wisdom wish to mingle with their characters a little bit, that's fine. In-game time, you leave at dawn tomorrow.)

2009-11-18, 07:07 PM
"I'm sorry for speaking so hastily Zelda. I will try to ensure that it does not happen again, but for now we must ready the troops"
Solrick steps backwards and stealthly makes his exit. When he comes to where we have made camp, he speaks once again loudly this time.
"Attention! Make any last preparations now. We leave at dawn tomorrow"

After repeating himself a couple times, and seeing to a couple of his preperations. He begins practicing with his slim blade.

OOC: can we make purchases?

I've also got the questions from this post here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7330261&postcount=36) to be answered

edit: They have been answered

I'd like to get the skill pass for 5 capacity

2009-11-25, 11:12 AM
For the most part, your trip was uneventful. However, a few days after you departed...

Faron Castle:

Fadarin: What madness is this!

Sgt. Sodul: I ought to be the one saying this, you filthy traitor!

Fadarin: Traitor!?!? What is this that escapes your lips?

Sgt. Sodul: You are seeking an audience with that lying princess wanna be from the north!

Fadarin: How... How did you know?

Sgt. Sodul: Did you think that you could escape our spies? If you reject the princess, I might forgive you. If you accept her... Well, hope that the Goddesses will allow your filth into heaven.

Rebel: Sir! A group of Merchants has been spotted up north!

Sgt. Sodul: It's the Royalists! They were going to be disguised as merchants. Go! Strike them down!

a fighter runs up wearing brown and red colors; colors of the Southern Alliance.

Fighter: Halt! We order to stop! You cannot go to Duke Faron. If you dare proceed... *holds up axe* You're going to have to get through the Southern Army!
Victory: Seize C12
Defeat: Zelda dies

Sgt. Sodul: lvl 3
Location: C12

Hp: 25
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skl: 7
Spd: 6
Lck: 3
Def: 7
Res: 2
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Lance, Javelin

Soldier1: lvl 1
Location: J8

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 5
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Lance

Soldier1: lvl 1
Location: L4

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 5
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Lance

Mercenaries and Archers:
Mercenary1: lvl 1
Location: F3

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Mercenary2: lvl 1
Location: D5

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Mercenary3: lvl 1
Location: B13

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Mercenary4: lvl 1
Location: C14

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Mercenary4: lvl 1
Location: D13

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Archer1: lvl 1
Location: B9 (Forest)

Hp: 20
Str: 7
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 2
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Bow

Archer2: lvl 1
Location: C9 (Forest)

Hp: 20
Str: 7
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 2
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Bow

Bandits and Fighters:
Bandit1: lvl 1
Location: A9 (Forest)

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Bandit2: lvl 1
Location: D9 (Forest)

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter1: lvl 1
Location: E4

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter2: lvl 1
Location: F5

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter2: lvl 1
Location: L7

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter3: lvl 1
Location: I12

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter4: lvl 1
Location: I13

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

2009-11-25, 08:52 PM
I'll Start at D2 and I'll attack the archer at F3 from E3

2009-11-25, 09:23 PM
I'll Start at D2 and I'll attack the archer at F3 from E3
Error: Your selected archer to attack don exits. The archers are on B9 and C9. Perhaps you were trying to attack a Mercenary?

2009-11-25, 10:13 PM
Yeah i attack the merc indicated then
I end up double attacking

My attack speed ends up equaling
Attack Speed = Speed - (Weapon Weight - Strength, take as 0 if negative)
Double attack if: (Attack Speed - enemy's Attack Speed) >= 4

his ends up equaling

So i double attack

For 8 damage twice

Physical damage = Strength + [(Weapon Might + Weapon triangle bonus) x Effective coefficient] + Support bonus
9+[(3+0)X1(its not super effective)]+0
12 Physical damage

Physical defence = Defence + Support bonus + Terrain Bonus
Damage = [(Physical damage - enemy's Physical defence) x Critical coefficient

of which both hits hit

Accuracy = Weapon Hit + (Skill x 2) + Luck + Biorhythm bonus + Weapon triangle bonus + Support bonus
Avoid = (Attack Speed x 2) + Luck + Biorhythm bonus + Support bonus + Terrain bonus

so i can't miss.

Crits will need their own roll

Critical rate = Weapon Critical + (Skill / 2) + Support bonus + Critical bonus
Dodge = Luck + Support bonus
Battle critical rate = Critical rate - enemy's Dodge
I have a 10% chance to crit

2009-11-26, 11:45 AM
(What are my tome's stats? Zoho still hates me. Taking Summoner's spot, apparently.)
Move from wherever (I have the movement anywhere. Whatever's best for the team.) to D3 to attack the fighter at E4.

http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/1928/spritetanyaportrait.png (http://img109.imageshack.us/i/spritetanyaportrait.png/)
"Fighting sounds? What's happening there?
I'll aid the princess, so foes beware!"

2009-11-27, 02:25 PM
I'll start a A1, move to f1 and attack f3

2009-11-27, 02:58 PM
I need to know my tome's stats. Somebody please give them to me. (Zoho hates me. With a passion.)

2009-11-28, 07:55 AM

Are these the droids stats you were looking for?

2009-11-28, 11:50 AM
My Strength is pretty pathetic..which caps my speed...And my Luck is low.. Tanya's dead in the water..

Attack Speed=1
Magic Damage=15
Crit Rate=2%
Crit Avoid=3%

If tgva's pegasus knight can't kill the fighter, I'll attack the second mercenary at D5, and propose that (is it Sarah?) attacks the same mercenary. If Sarah can kill the fighter, then she should attack the fighter. Either way, Tanya should attack first.

..This setup doesn't seem very safe. If the fighters both go for Zelda..how bad would that be?

2009-11-28, 01:36 PM
..This setup doesn't seem very safe. If the fighters both go for Zelda..how bad would that be?

Actually, I've tried to make them have the IQ of a retarded squirrel, so they'll either attack the closest thing or the unit with a weapon that is strong against them. Makes you wonder how on earth they got into the army, maybe got drafted into it?

2009-11-28, 09:53 PM
Sarah remained outside of the negotiations, preferring to deal with Aidan and the horses rather than the nobles and their dealings.

When the enemy soldiers make their threats, Sarah reaches into a nearby wagon and pulls out her lance. "Time to go, Aidan!" As Sarah swings her lance into battle position, her "horse" rears up and spreads its wings from under the blankets that covered it. A moment later, and the Pegasus took to the sky, soaring above the battlefield. "Guess if we can't just walk through, we'll bust our way past! Let's go, Aidan! Time's a wastin'!"

Sarah moves to C5 and attacks the Mercenary, hopefully finishing him with her Iron Lance.

(I assumed I started with Iron Lance, Vulnerary, since I couldn't figure out where to look for starting packages. No matter what, unless we all attack the same guy it seems highly unlikely we'll get a kill. I deal 12-Def damage and that's it, since I don't have the speed to get double attacks yet.

Also, sorry for taking so long to post. I, uh...lost the thread. :smallredface:)

2009-11-28, 10:51 PM
So, Finalized looks like
Tanya moves to d3 to attack the mercenary at d5.
Sarah moves to c5 to kill the mercenary at d5.
Zelda moves to f1 to attack the mercenary at f3.
Solrick moves to e3 to kill the mercenary at f3.

...If it weren't for weapon triangle, Tanya and Sarah would have just the power to take out a fighter..

Edit: Tanya seems like a powerhouse. Albeit a slow one. She can deal a solid 15 to all but three units on the map.

2009-11-28, 11:15 PM
That seems about right to me.
"Is it really wise to leave our more fragile units open like this?"

2009-11-30, 04:01 PM
Tanya's better defensively than Sarah, with more Hp, the same defense, and no weapon triangle disadvantage against the fighters. Zelda's the trouble, but if we don't kill the mercenaries, we'd have more enemies to deal with. And from what Geno said, it sounds like they'll be attacking Solrick because he has a weapon advantage. Because they're stupid. Heck, Sarah might be in trouble, too. (Because I can't see Zoho, are we using weapons from a specific game that I could find in Serenes Forest?) What's the attack speed of the fighters? I highly doubt they have an attack speed of 5, so I don't think Tanya's in trouble, and she's probably got the lowest attack speed of our team. It shouldn't be too much trouble, and we do have vulneraries.

2009-11-30, 04:05 PM
I don't think we have much to worry about attack speed wise. I just want to be a bit more cautious before we risk losing our lord.

2009-11-30, 04:10 PM
How often do you lose someone on level 1? Wait.. Rondo of Swords... Anyway, I asked earlier if it was unsafe for Zelda, and Geno said that the fighters were "as dumb as a retarded squirrel." The way he put it, it doesn't sound like they have the mental capacity (AI capacity) to attack Zelda. And, if you think about it, the level was made with a Zora Soldier, rather than a Gerudo Shaman, in mind.

Edit: Godna, I just noticed how out of whack your stat growths are. 75% is like, epic Godly growth. 25% for Hp is miserable. Something more acceptable, if Geno will let you change it, is along the lines of this.
Hp-25 changed to 60
Str-75 changed to 60
Mag-5 changed to 5
Skl-75 changed to 60
Spd-75 changed to 60
Luck-60 changed to 60
Def-20 changed to 20
Res-5 changed to 15

I think this is within the boundaries, and it helps you defensively, slightly. Hp is, debatably, the best stat. Just ask Summoner. Of course, aje will tell you differently. And, your speed starts fairly high. It would max really early with a 75% growth, and that growth would just be wasted.

2009-11-30, 04:24 PM
True I'm just one of those paranoid types you know? Besides in FE10 it was pretty easy to lose whats her name in your first mission on normal if you aren't to careful.

2009-11-30, 04:30 PM
Speaking of paranoid, I edited into my last post a set of growths I think would benefit your character better. If Geno allows it, that is.

..Can I have the weapon stats for your, Sarah's, and Zelda's weapons? I've got stats handy, so I know what's happening. It makes me feel safer.

2009-11-30, 04:37 PM
I know that 25% for health is horrible,but it fits the character's image as a fragile speedster. I can deal damage effectively, but when i finally get solidly hit it takes a toll. I even plan on increasing my character (move)speed as high as possible.
{table]Name|Rank|Might| hitrate|Crit|weight|range|Durability|value
Slim Sword |E|3|100|5 |5|1 |35| 560
Shade|E|8| 75|0| 9|1―2|40
Slim Lance| E|4|85|5|6|1|35|1|525


2009-11-30, 04:44 PM
Well, 75% is still pretty excessive. Can I please have the stats for the other two weapons?

2009-11-30, 04:45 PM
True. I just did the math and i should wind up with pretty close to the max in most of the stats.

2009-11-30, 04:50 PM
What are stats for tgva's weapon? Slim lance, I think.

2009-11-30, 04:51 PM
I added it to the table.

2009-11-30, 05:03 PM
All right, thank you.

I hope Geno isn't too busy, or ill.

2009-11-30, 10:49 PM
So, Finalized looks like
Tanya moves to d3 to attack the mercenary at d5.
Sarah moves to c5 to kill the mercenary at d5.
Zelda moves to f1 to attack the mercenary at f3.
Solrick moves to e3 to kill the mercenary at f3.

So everybody likes this plan yes? I'm gonna PM HaseoViAwesome again.
Turn 1:
Blue Phase! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwDzQROcDNA&feature=related)

Tanya moves to D3 and attacks Mercenary2 with Shade! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-EM4cs5bOo)
{table]Tanya attacks first and deals 15 dmg!|Mercenary could only stand there and look like an idiot.|Mercenary glared at Tanya like an idiot.|Tanya gained 11 exp![/table]

Sarah moves to C5 and attacks Mercenary2 with Slim lance! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-EM4cs5bOo)
{table]Sarah stabs first for 6 dmg!| Mercenary died from Lanceinfacetis.| Sarah gained 31 exp![/table]

Zelda moves to F1 and attacks Mercenary1 with Light! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-EM4cs5bOo)
{table]Zelda attacks first for 10 dmg!|Mercenary could only stand there and look like an octorok.|neither could attack or glare at each other.|Zelda gained 11 exp![/table]

Solrick moves to E3 and attacks Mercenary1 with Slim Sword! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-EM4cs5bOo)
{table]Solrick swiftly slashes for 8 dmg!|Mercenary hit Solrick with the broadside of his sword for 3 dmg.|Solrick attacks again for 8 dmg (total 16) !|Mercenary died and Solrick gained 31 exp![/table]

Enemy phase (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo_WNIQMMzU&feature=related)

Fighter1 attacks Solrick! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-EM4cs5bOo)
{table]Fighter slams down his axe and hits Solrick for 2 dmg.|Solrick attacks and hits for 11 dmg!|He spins and attacks again for 11 (total 22) dmg!| Solrick gains 11 exp.[/table]

Fighter2 moves to F3 and attacks Solrick! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-EM4cs5bOo)
{table]Fighter slams down his axe and hits Solrick for 2 dmg.|Solrick was pissed at the fighter for ripping his cloak, so he HIT HIM CRITICALLY FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE!(33dmg)|Fighter was smote so well he hit a random keese (shouldn't it be koose?) In a random cave. Because no one cares about the minions anymore. (http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/)| Solrick gains 31 exp.[/table]


Hp: 20/20
Str: 4
Mag: 7
Skl: 5
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 5
Mov: 5
Items: Light tome 39/40, Lonlon Milk
Abilities: Miracle
Exp: Lvl: 11/100 Weapon: Light D 1/40

HP: 17/17
Str: 5
Mag: 0
Skl: 7
Spd: 8
Luck: 6
Def: 3
Res: 6
Items: Slim Lance 34/35, Lonlon Milk
Exp: Lvl: 31/100 Weapon: Lance D 1/40

HP: 21/21
Str: 4
Mag: 7
Skl: 5
Spd: 6
Luck: 3
Def: 3
Res: 4
Items: Shade Tome 39/40, Lonlon Milk
Exp: Lvl: 11/100 Weapon: Dark D 1/40

Hp: 10/17
Str: 9
Mag: 0
Skl: 5
Spd: 10
Lck: 3
Def: 8
Res: 0
Items: Slim Sword 30/35, Lonlon Milk
Abilites: Crit +5, Pass (you wanted this right?)
Lvl: Exp: 73 Weapon: Sword D 5/40
Sgt. Sodul: lvl 3
Location: C12

Hp: 25
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skl: 7
Spd: 6
Lck: 3
Def: 7
Res: 2
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Lance, Javelin

Soldier1: lvl 1
Location: J8

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 5
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Lance

Soldier2 : lvl 1
Location: L4

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 5
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Lance

Mercenaries and Archers:

Mercenary2: lvl 1
Location: D5

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Mercenary3: lvl 1
Location: B13

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Mercenary4: lvl 1
Location: C14

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Mercenary5: lvl 1
Location: D13

Hp: 20
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Sword

Archer1: lvl 1
Location: B9 (Forest)

Hp: 20
Str: 7
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 2
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Bow

Archer2: lvl 1
Location: C9 (Forest)

Hp: 20
Str: 7
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 6
Lck: 2
Def: 4
Res: 2
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Bow

Bandits and Fighters:
Bandit1: lvl 1
Location: A9 (Forest)

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Bandit2: lvl 1
Location: D9 (Forest)

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter1: lvl 1
Location: E4

Hp: 3
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter2: lvl 1
Location: F5

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter2: lvl 1
Location: L7

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter3: lvl 1
Location: I12

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Fighter4: lvl 1
Location: I13

Hp: 25
Str: 6
Mag: 0
Skl: 4
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 0
Mov: 5

Item: Iron Axe

Sarah is lucky that the Fighters had IQs of dead squirrels. If this was Hard mode, I think only Solrick would be almost unscratched, while everyone else is either dead or in need of extreme medical attention.

Edit: Fixed my miscalculations about the magic attacks. Once again children, this is why you don't update when it's one; late, two; have schoolwork, three; late.

2009-11-30, 11:49 PM
"That is why you don't quarrel with the son of Sol."
"Do you think you guys can handle that guy?"

Solrick heads I4 and drinks a swig of his lon lon milk if they believe they can.

Else He slaughters the enemy if they believe they can not.

Wow my character is crazy lucky heh. My recommendation is that someone visit the red buildings
p.s. thanks for the webcomic link and yes i wanted the pass skill.

edit: Or my "luck" could be the fact i have twice the defense of everyone in the party, and the speed not to get doubled. Wow i kinda dodged a bullet there.

2009-12-01, 12:22 AM
(We don't have healers, do we?
Also, it's sort of hard to not run into near-death experiences because Sarah was just about as good as most of the other enemies in pretty much all stats.)

With the enemy finished, Sarah wheels around in the air. "Okay, Aidan, let's visit that cottage over there. Hopefully they're more supportive than these guys! Hyah!" Descending to G2, Sarah dismounts Aidan and Visits the cottage, knocking on the door and adapting her strangely respectful and kind demeanor. "Hello? Is anyone at home?"

(Edit: Changed post. I'll visit, because Sarah suffers less penalty for being farther behind the party. I'm pretty sure she can still be really near to enemies from that house.)

2009-12-01, 01:24 AM
Actually, I'd be careful if I were you when we get near the archers. If I were you I'd invest in getting the stat item that boosts defense to help you survive better..

By the way what are the terrain effects of towns?

2009-12-01, 07:33 AM
Terrain of a House, Town or ruins of the place is just 10 Avoid.
Also, *facepalm* I made a miscalculation regarding the magical attacks. I forgot to have them target Res, instead of Def.
So Sarah is not as... near death as she was previously.

2009-12-01, 04:15 PM
So.. one of the magic users visits the red house on G2, and one kills the fighter. Whatever's best for the team. The advantage of Zelda hitting the fighter is a better hit rate than Tanya. Less chance of accidents.

..Remind me why the Mercenary was still able to hit Sarah?

2009-12-01, 04:33 PM
..Remind me why the Mercenary was still able to hit Sarah?
Because he used a timemachine and tired to kill Sarah before she killed him. It failed, as I edited it out. :D

2009-12-01, 04:40 PM
Okay. That means tgva's move needs changed.

2009-12-01, 05:14 PM
Just have her finish off the last of the Axe wielding guys.

2009-12-01, 05:55 PM
Just have her finish off the last of the Axe wielding guys.

But she already has a kill. Tanya or Zelda need the experience more.

2009-12-01, 06:08 PM
True I wasn't sure I havent Gotten a username to character association going yet.

2009-12-02, 01:48 AM
Actually, I'd be careful if I were you when we get near the archers. If I were you I'd invest in getting the stat item that boosts defense to help you survive better..

(Pretty sure I'm just going to stay like 5 spaces away from archers at all times from now on anyways. Until my defense becomes much better or I get a Delphi Shield or whatever it's called. And I sort of was being careful in drinking a healing item when I had like 3 HP left.)

2009-12-02, 06:36 PM
Well, you have full health after the fix.

2009-12-05, 06:24 AM
Move to E2 and attack E4

2009-12-05, 11:33 AM
Zelda moves to E2 to attack E4.
Sarah goes to G2 to visit.
Tanya moves to F3, attacking the Fighter if he stands.
Solrick moves to F7, using a Lon Lon Milk.

http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/1928/spritetanyaportrait.png (http://img109.imageshack.us/i/spritetanyaportrait.png/)
Tanya laughed at the glaring Mercenary. He fell, dead, stabbed by Sarah a few seconds later. Responding to Solrick, she said,
"We shall take this in our hands
And drop the Fighter where he stands."

2009-12-05, 11:14 PM
I'm not too worried about the lances.

2009-12-06, 02:12 PM
I'm not too worried about the lances.

Even so, putting yourself in the range of three enemy units is never a good idea. Unless you're a Knight.

2009-12-07, 12:42 PM
If you'd rather I not endanger myself that badly though.

I'll move to F7and drink my lon lon milk.

the real reason i moved there though was because I was expecting someone else to advance that path with me.

2009-12-07, 09:43 PM
Okay. Fixed it in the previous post.

2009-12-15, 10:01 PM
Is Geno coming back or are we dead?

2009-12-21, 05:34 AM
I take it this has died.