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View Full Version : [Story] Advice for an upcoming steampunk game's story

A. Smith
2009-11-16, 03:18 PM
Hey there,

I'm going to DM a game set in a homebrew alternate history world (map here (http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2598/cartecampagnegurps.png); it's in French, but you shouldn't have too much trouble getting the gist of it) and it's starting next wednesday.

This is what I'm currently thinking will be the story.

All of my players are passengers on this big-ass airship that is travelling from the Republic of Venice to Spain, then Algeria (in my world, in the Ottoman Empire), and then make it's way across to America.

Now, at some point between the airship's departure from eastern Spain and it's arrival in Algeria, they are boarded by a bunch of Arabs that take control of the ship. They politely herd everyone (except some, who they shoot, without the players knowing exactly why unless they roll for it; they,re either Muslims or important crew members) in the ball room and explain that they are the martyrs of Saint Dorotheus of Gaza and they are fighting against the evil infidels (Muslims). They give the passengers and crew two choices. Either they join them in their glorious struggle (or somesuch bombastic term) or they are taken as hostages and will be freed against a hefty price (which, given this is essentially a huge cruise ship, most everyone's family will be able to afford). They give the passengers an hour.

Later on, word starts doing around that the passengers and crew are going to try and take back the ship.

So this gives three real options to the players. The first is to join the Arab Christians, in which case they then go on to fight the uprising of the passengers and help them in North Africa. The second is to do nothing, which would mean they stand around while the rebellion happens, and thus I could drag them into something else (I don't really expect my players to do this, knowing them). The third is to fight the Christians and take back the airship. After they do, they'd realize they're stranded over the Sahara, and then what they do is up to them.

What do you guys think? Interesting? Too railroady? Not railroady enough? I want to hear your thoughts!

2009-11-16, 03:33 PM
Not too railroady. Very nice.

Assumigng that your players understand this is alternate history and that religious hatred was part of the times, this game is 100% awesome.

If the above is not true some may have a hard time dealing with blatant Muslim hatred, but the very setup of the game still means the game clocks in at 90% awesome.



2009-11-16, 05:55 PM
If the above is not true some may have a hard time dealing with blatant Muslim hatred, but the very setup of the game still means the game clocks in at 90% awesome.

The fact that the terrorists are Muslim-hating Christians nicely defies regular assumptions.

2009-11-16, 05:57 PM
Definitely not too railroady - you've got a nice setup, here. I heartily approve!

2009-11-16, 06:02 PM
Depending on how your players go at things like this, prepare for a "two-sides against the middle scenario". It may be unlikely, but they may decide to come up with their own motives for taking control of the ship independent of the two sides' wishes. Not much planning you can do there, but it's the most obvious outside-the-box direction they could go.

You should also have backup plans in case the PCs destroy the airship by design or stupidity.

A. Smith
2009-11-16, 08:27 PM
Not too railroady. Very nice.

Assumigng that your players understand this is alternate history and that religious hatred was part of the times, this game is 100% awesome.

If the above is not true some may have a hard time dealing with blatant Muslim hatred, but the very setup of the game still means the game clocks in at 90% awesome.


The fact that the terrorists are Muslim-hating Christians nicely defies regular assumptions.Indeed, that was the thinking. I originally sent them straight across the atlantic from the U.K., but I couldn't find a good antagonist. Then I got the idea of making them go through the Mediterranean with Muslim pirates attacking, but I couldn't get a good idea on what happened afterwards.

This is, obviously, what came next.

Also, this is 1876 (I should have said so sooner), so religious (and racial) tension is hardly absent.

Definitely not too railroady - you've got a nice setup, here. I heartily approve!Thanks :)

Depending on how your players go at things like this, prepare for a "two-sides against the middle scenario". It may be unlikely, but they may decide to come up with their own motives for taking control of the ship independent of the two sides' wishes. Not much planning you can do there, but it's the most obvious outside-the-box direction they could go.Hmm, good thinking. Although I doubt the characters would be interested in doing that (more on that later)

You should also have backup plans in case the PCs destroy the airship by design or stupidity.Indeed. I think escaping a bunch of angry Christian extremists in the Sahara might be a good option. ;)

Also, here are the characters for my game:

Player 1: an American intent on colonizing the west (as you can see on the map, there has been no Louisiana purchase or fall of the Spanish empire), he's coming back with some financial backing from the old world. He's probably the most gung-ho character.

Player 2: the stereotypical Brit (stiff upper lip and all that). Player 2 hasn't told me much about what he wants to do exactly, though. Knowing the player, probably the second most gung-ho.

Player 3: A sort of mad scientist that's also rather inept at normal living. He is accompanied by his sister (player 4), who helps him get along in normal life. Would normally be the least gung-ho, but knowing the player, I don't know.

Player 4: the aforementioned scientist's sister. I also don't know much about this character, but I doubt she's going to be all that agressive. I don't know, thought, she might find some hidden motivation to act... Maybe a relative got thrown in some Ottoman prison or something.

Thinking about it, I thinkth e most likely outcome as that they won't act; at least, if they roleplay correctly, which I think they will. Hmm. Any ideas on how to make "stay there during the rebellion" still make for a good adventure hook?