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View Full Version : [4e] Arcanogate [PEACH]

Ben Miff
2009-11-16, 04:13 PM
So, currently I'm in the middle of a class design. However, due to a somewhat nonstandard power mechanism, I'm sticking this up first to see if the layout is comprehendible. (The utility powers of this class will be the same structure as the rest of the powers.) (I'll probably keep using this thread to add more detail as the class develops.) Anyway, here's the mechanic(s):


Class Feature

Arcane Gateway
An arcanogate may hold up to two arcanogate powers at once. If they wish to hold another arcanogate power, then they must discharge one of the powers they are holding first.
While a power is held, you receive the effects of the Hold Effect for that power.
The Discharge component of a power cannot be used until the power is being held.
The Discharge component of each power can only be used once per round.

Power Structure

<Power Name> (Arcanogate Attack <level>)
<power fluff>
<At-Will / Encounter / Daily> - <tags>
Standard Action
Hold Effect: <hold effect>
Discharge: Move Action, <range>
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square. You stop holding this power at the end of your turn.

Additional lines of the discharge effect are also prefaced with the word Discharge.


Right, so I figure I should explain what that power structure is meant to replicate in non-mechanics-speak for if the text is too unwieldy. Basically, the class attacks by using the standard action to pull a power into themselves, before moving through as many enemies as possible to discharge the power and attack each of the enemies moved through. On top of that is the class self-buffing when the powers are pulled into themselves (or occasionally self-penalizing for particularly powerful attacks.) (The class itself is an arcane striker.)

So, are the mechanics understandible, and if not, where?

2009-11-16, 05:10 PM
I understand what you are trying to do. I do not think that an entire class based around it would be general enough to consider a class, but that might just be me. I would also need to see what sort of class features they get, etc. - do they get a bonus damage feature? Can they apply to every target of a discharge, or only one? How many discharges can it be applied to each round? What is the amount of the bonus? Things like that are important to know before you go too deeply into powers.

Currently my main concern is that it is a concept "paragon path" in scope but in mechanical complexity, it is at "class" level. If you could think of a way to broaden the scope of the fluff and power selection, I think you could pull it off. But right now, "I warp through people, stuff happens", over and over again each round, sounds like it would get old pretty fast.

Ben Miff
2009-11-17, 03:37 AM
Hrm. I can see how the attack mechanic is somewhat limiting.

The easiest way (not to mention the most fluff-appropiate) is to keep the Hold / Discharge split in powers, but allow the discharge to be various attacks as per usual, which in some ways also fits the fluff better (since it makes more sense for there to be myriad effects of magic where they draw from, not just the one.)

Anyway, here's the class itself. (No powers as of yet, though.)



Some see arcane magic as something to be codified, studied. Others see it as a gift, part of themselves. Yet more see it as something to be bought, yet whose price may well be too high. Arcanogates reject all of this as a narrow viewpoint, seeing magic as a great wellspring as each of the other views as one of the ways in which it can be tapped. This wellspring is made up of myriad arcane flows, and they seek to emulate these flows by movement. This movement reflects the flows, and yields extra strength to their magic. Arcanogates feel the flows should be kept intact when using them, and thus they cast magic by pulling the arcane flows into their body, gaining their benefits for a while, before finally releasing the spell.

An Arcanogate uses Constitution as their dominant attack statistic, since they need that resilience to draw and hold the flows into them, as well as directing their release. They use Intelligence to determine the scale of the effect when the power is discharged, while they use Charisma to determine the scale of the effect while the power is being held.

Role: Striker. Many of your spells attack multiple targets at once. However, your Magnitude Of Movement requires you to move constantly, while your spells all have limited range and thus require you to stay near to the enemy. While your defences are bolstered by the powers you hold, you still need to keep a careful balance between offence and defence as a result of this.
Power Source: Arcane. You use a direct connection to the arcane, pulling it into your body before releasing the spell.
Key Abilities: Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma

Armour Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee
Implements: Rods, Wands
Bonus to Defence: +1 Reflex, +1 Will

Hit Points at 1st Level: 11 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: Arcana. From the class skills below, choose three more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Endurance (Con), Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex)
Class Features: Arcane Gateway, Favoured State, Magnitude of Motion, Swift Like The Arcane Flows

Class Features

Arcane Gateway
An arcanogates' attack powers are all divided between a hold effect and a discharge attack.
Arcanogate attack powers are initially used by using a standard action to begin holding the power. While the power is held, the arcanogate receives the benefit (or penalty) of the power's hold effect.
Once an arcanogate is holding a power, they can use a move action to discharge the power. Discharging a power causes the arcanogate to stop holding the power at the end of their turn. Discharging a power causes the arcanogate to mak the attack listed as Discharge in the power.
An arcanogate may hold up to 2 arcanogate powers at once. If they wish to hold other powers once they are holding 2 powers, then they must first discharge one of them.
Each power can only be discharged once per round.

Favoured State
Arcanogates are divided over whether it is better to hold on to the flows of magic for as long as possible, or to release them as quickly as possible. Those who hold on terms themselves Vaults, while those who discharge quickly term themselves Passages.

Choose one of these options. Your choice provides bonuses to certain Arcanogate powers, as detailed in those powers.

Vault: While you are holding two powers, you get a +1 bonus to all your defences.
Passage: When you discharge a power in the turn that you began holding it and it is the only power that you are holding, you get a +1 bonus to the attack roll.

Magnitude of Motion
As long as you move three or more squares away from where you started, you may deal an extra 1d6 of damage to a creature you hit with a discharged power in the turn in which you moved. If you hit multiple creatures with a discharge power in the turn, only one creatures takes the extra d6 of damage, although you choose which creatures does so.

Swift Like The Arcane Flows
You get a +1 bonus to speed. This bonus increases to +2 at level 21.


Right. Non discharge-across-a-move powers are going to have a maximum range of 5, and a minimum of 3 (they should average out at around 4.) Also, the class will favour targeting areas rather than single targets. Finally, discharging powers will still use the move action, and will still let you move as normal (whether before or after the actual discharge).

Ben Miff
2009-11-17, 03:39 AM
Heroic Tier Powers

Level 1 At Will Powers

Flow of the Angered Storm (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Some storms start as a reflection of strong anger, and these flows encapsulate one of these storms
At Will; Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Any creature that hits you with a melee attack takes 1 lightning damage.
Level 21: Increase damage to 2.
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your half your speed. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Level 21: Increase damage to 1d6 + Intelligence modifier.

Flow of the Beast Strike (Arcanogate Attack 1)
This flow parallels a beast as it strikes, giving the caster claws as you move
At Will; Arcane, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to your Fortitude defence.
Level 21: Increase the bonus to +2.
Discharge: Move Action – Melee
Discharge Target: Any one creature.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence modifier damage. If you move at least 3 squares from your starting position before attacking, the attack deals an additional 1d4 damage.
Level 21: Increase the damage to 1d4 + Intelligence modifier. Increase the additional damage to 1d8.

Flow of the Evil Eye (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Some people have the ability to give people the evil eye, and this is the flow that they draw on when they do so
At Will; Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to your Will defence.
Level 21: Increase the bonus to +2.
Discharge: Move Action – Range 5
Discharge Target: Any one creature.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Target gains vulnerability 1 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
Level 21: Increase damage to 1d12 + Intelligence modifier.

Flow of the Shardcloud (Arcanogate Attack 1)
This flow calls a cloud of steel needles into the world, ripping through anyone in the cloud
At Will; Arcane, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to your AC defence.
Level 21: Increase the bonus to +2.
Discharge: Move Action – Burst 1 within 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 2 + Intelligence modifier damage. If the target is bloodied before you attack, the target takes an additional 1d6 damage.
Level 21: Increase damage to 2d4 + Intelligence modifier. Increase additional damage to 1d10.

Flow of the Venom Cloud (Arcanogate Attack 1)
This flow manifests as a cloud of roiling poison
At Will; Arcane, Implement, Poison, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to your Reflex defence.
Level 21: Increase the bonus to +2.
Discharge: Move Action – Blast 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: Intelligence modifier poison damage. Ongoing 2 damage(save ends).
Level 21: Increase damage to 1d4 + Intelligence modifier. Increase ongoing damage to 1 + your Intelligence modifier.

Level 1 Encounter Powers

Flow of Bubbling Acid (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Acid bubbles out of the ground as you pull this flow into you
At Will; Acid, Arcane, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Any creatures that end their turn within 2 squares of you takes Charisma modifier acid damage.
Vault: Increase the damage to 1 + Charisma modifier.
Discharge: Move Action – Close burst 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage. Targets are slowed until the end of your next turn.

Flow of the Entrancing Wisps (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Shadowy flows dance around you before rushing into the minds of your foe
At Will; Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You gain concealment.
Discharge: Move Action – Burst 1 within 5.
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 2d4 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and each creature in the burst suffers a -2 penalty to their attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Flow of the Frost Shell (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Ice freezes over you until you break it, spraying the area with its’ shards
At Will; Arcane, Cold, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to AC, and damage resistance equal to your Charisma modifier.
Discharge: Move Action – Close burst 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Discharge Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage.

Flow of The Phoenixes’ Breath (Arcanogate Attack 1)
You channel the flow responsible for a phoenixes’ rebirth
At Will; Arcane, Fire, Healing, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You gain fire resistance equal to your Charisma modifier.
Discharge: Move Action – Blast 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack. You stop holding this power at the end of your turn. You may spend a healing surge; if you do so, you regain hit points equal to your healing surge value + your Intelligence modifier.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 2d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Passage: This damage ignores any fire resistance the target may have.

Flow of the Rampant Waters (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Tidal forces are manipulated by this flow, repelling enemies before unleashing a torrent of water with you at the crest
Encounter; Arcane, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: At the start of your turn, you may push each enemy adjacent to you one square.
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to half your speed. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you may pull each enemy one square after moving.

Level 1 Daily Powers

Flow of the Avalanche (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Calling the reflection of an avalanche into you, you prepare to fall upon your enemies
Daily; Arcane, Cold, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Any creature that hits you with a melee attack takes 2 + Charisma modifier cold damage.
Discharge: Move Action – Burst 1 within 6
Discharge Target: All creatures within the burst
Discharge Effect: Move to the burst’s origin point, and then push all targets 2 squares.
Passage: Targets are pushed 2 + Intelligence modifier squares.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage.

Flow of the Befouled Mind (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Acid seeps into your foes’ minds as you corrupt the area around you
Daily; Acid, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Any enemy who starts its’ turn or moves within 3 squares of you takes acid damage equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier.
Discharge: Move Action – Close burst 3
Discharge Target: All enemies within the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all non-AC defences (save ends).

Flow of the Blade Dance (Arcanogate Attack 1)
You draw on the flow of blade magic to conjure a pair of force swords into being
Encounter; Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Once per turn, you may deal 1d6 + Charisma modifier force damage to an enemy that hits you with a melee attack.
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage.

Flow of the Dragonheart (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Your heart swells with a dragons’ fire, and then you exhale it
Daily; Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to all your defences.
Vault: When you first start holding this power, choose one of your defences. That defence has a power bonus equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier instead.
Discharge: Move Action – Blast 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and ongoing 3 fire damage (save ends).

Flow of the Serpent Strike (Arcanogate Attack 1)
This flow reflects a serpent, both in preparing and in delivering its strike
Daily; Arcane, Implement, Poison
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Once per round, you can force an enemy that hit you with an attack to reroll that attack roll and use that result instead. You may not use this to force an enemy to reroll a critical hit.
Discharge: Move Action - Melee
Discharge Target: Any one creature
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Discharge Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier poison damage. This attack deals ongoing poison damage equal to how many squares you move away from your initial position this turn.

Level 2 Utility Powers

Divination Whispers (Arcanogate Utility 2)
You tap the flows of divination magic to learn something new
Daily; Arcane
Minor Action
Effect: You get a +5 power bonus to your next Arcana, History, Nature or Religion check.

Guide The Hand (Arcanogate Utility 2)
You channel a flow into an ally that mimics their current tasks
Daily; Arcane
Standard Action
Range 10
Target: One willing ally
Effect: The target gets a +3 power bonus to their next Acrobatics, Stealth or Thievery check.

Lifebond (Arcanogate Utility 2)
You weave a flow between yourself and another, and thus share their good or ill health
Daily; Arcane, Healing
Standard Action
Range 10
Target: One creature
Effect: When the target gains or loses hit points, you gain or lose an equal amount of hit points. When you gain or lose hit points, the target gains or loses an equal amount of hits points. Neither of you gain or lose hit points as the result of the other gaining or losing hit points because the other gained or lost hit points. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or 5 minutes, whichever is shorter.

Slipstep (Arcanogate Utility 2)
You take on a semblance of one of the arcane flows, letting you slip past your foes
Daily; Arcane
Minor Action
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move(s) in an unoccupied square.

Tough Enough (Arcanogate Utility 2)
You have learned to shrug off afflictions through bearing the arcane flows, but the exertion is rarely easy
Encounter; Arcane
Minor Action
Effect: You are weakened until the end of your next turn. Immediately make a saving throw against an effect a save can end, adding your Constitution modifier as a bonus to the roll.

Level 3 Encounter Powers

Flow of the Chill Winds (Arcanogate Attack 3)
You call down a frosty wind upon yourself
Encounter; Arcane, Cold, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: At the start of your turn, each creature adjacent to you takes cold damage equal to your Charisma modifier and you push them 2 squares
Discharge: Move Action - Close burst 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 2d4 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and each creature is pushed 1 + Intelligence modifier squares.

Flow of the Malevolent Arc (Arcanogate Attack 3)
Some lightning bolts appear to be malicious in intent, and you channel one of them
Encounter; Arcane, Implement, Lightning, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: At the start of your turn, the closest creature to you takes 1 + Charisma modifier lightning damage. If multiple creatures are equally close to you, each of them takes 1 + Charisma modifier lightning damage.
Discharge: Move Action - Burst 2 within 5
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 2d4 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and any creatures in the origin point are dazed until the end of your next turn.

Flow of the Misty Stalker (Arcanogate Attack 3)
You channel the flow responsible for the things that stalk lone travellers in the dusk fog
Encounter; Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Your square and all squares adjacent to you grant concealment.
Vault: If an enemy starts its turn adjacent to you or moves adjacent to you, it takes 1 + Charisma modifier psychic damage
Discharge: Move Action - Close burst 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 2d4 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and all targets suffer a -1 penalty to their Will defence until the end of your next turn.

Flow of the Rotted Touch (Arcanogate Attack 3)
You channel a flow responsible for hideous decay, afflicting yourself with it before passing it on to your enemies
Encounter; Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You take ongoing 2 necrotic damage
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to half your speed. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and ongoing 4 necrotic damage (save ends).

Flow of the Wildfire (Arcanogate Attack 3)
Not every fire is mundane, and arcane fires are often the most rampant
Encounter; Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Each time you deal fire damage, you deal additional fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Discharge: Move Action - Blast 4
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Passage: Discharge Miss: Half damage.

Level 5 Daily Powers

Flow of the Barbed Mind (Arcanogate Attack 5)
This flow sharpens your mind, stabbing at all who touch it before you use your mind's blades to rip into others
Daily; Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Any creature that attacks you with an attack that targets Will takes 4 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Discharge: Move Action - Burst 1 within 5
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage

Flow of the Crystal Storm (Arcanogate Attack 5)
This flow manifests as a cloud of razor sharp shards, dipping and diving before rushing through your foes
Daily; Arcane, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You gain damage resistance 5.
Vault: A creature who begins its turn adjacent to you, or moves adjacent to you, takes 4 + Charisma modifier damage
Discharge: Move Action - Burst 1 within 5
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage

Flow of the Heart of Ice (Arcanogate Attack 5)
By channelling this flow, your heart termporarily freezes before you release the frost to afflict others
Daily; Arcane, Cold, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You gain cold resistance 5, and immunity to any attack with the charm keyword
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the targets are slowed (save ends)

Flow of the Red Drought (Arcanogate Attack 5)
A strong enough drought will drive anyone mad, and this flow does the same, turning the ground to dust and people insane
Daily; Arcane, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: All squares within 2 squares of you count as difficult terrain for all creatures except you
Discharge: Move Action - Close burst 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and targets take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws until the end of your next turn.

Flow of the Undying Flame (Arcanogate Attack 5)
This flow is part of a flame on a distant plane that will never go out, and when channelled it is reluctant to end as well
Daily; Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Any enemy that attacks you while you are bloodied gains ongoing fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier (save ends)
Discharge: Move Action - Blast 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and ongoing 3 fire damage (save ends).
Passage: Increase the damage to 1d10 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and ongoing 4 fire damage (save ends).
Discharge Special: The turn after the turn in which you first discharge this power, you may use the Discharge attack again as a move action.

Level 6 Utility Powers

Flow Influx (Arcanogate Utility 6)
You channel more flows than you should, increasing the magnitude of the effect at a personal cost
Encounter; Arcane
Minor Action
Effect: Until the end of your turn, increase the size of your arcane power's blasts and bursts by 1. You take 1d10 damage.

Hovering Step (Arcanogate Utility 6)
Your feet sit on a cushion of air trapped by the flows you weave
Encounter; Arcane
Minor Action
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you suffer a -1 penalty to speed and ignore all penalties for difficult terrain.

Resurgence (Arcanogate Utility 6)
You hold onto a flow tightly as to not lose it when you discharge it
Encounter; Arcane
Move Action
Effect: Use the discharge attack of a power you are currently holding. You do not stop holding the power at the end of your turn. If the discharge attack used is from a daily power, you take 2d4 damage.

Through The Flows (Arcanogate Utility 6)
You move through an arcane flow rather than through the world itself
Encounter; Arcane, Teleportation
Move Action
Effect: You teleport a number of squares equal to your speed.

Uplifting Flows (Arcanogate Utility 6)
You channel the flows to lift yourself through the air
Encounter; Arcane
Minor Action
Effect: You fly a number of squares equal to your speed.

Level 7 Encounter Powers

Flow of the Black Breath (Arcanogate Attack 7)
A vile gas fills your lungs before you breathe it over the group you face
Encounter; Arcane, Implement, Poison, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You take ongoing 3 poison damage.
Discharge: Move Action - Blast 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier poison damage, and ongoing poison damage equal to 2 + your Intelligence modifier (save ends).

Flow of the Frozen Flame (Arcanogate Attack 7)
This flow exists as paradox, a flame both hot and cold
Encounter; Arcane, Cold, Fire, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You gain cold resistance and fire resistance equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier
Discharge: Move Action - Burst 1 within 5
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage. 1d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.

Flow of the Nightmare Animate (Arcanogate Attack 7)
The area around you fills with haunts and horrors before they claw into your foes
Encounter; Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: All creatures within 2 squares of you suffer a -2 penalty to their Will defence.
Vault: All creatures within 2 squares of you also suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throws.
Discharge: Move Action - Close burst 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and ongoing psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Flow of the Shadow Strike (Arcanogate Attack 7)
Darkness has always scared some people, and this flow gives them reason to be afraid
Encounter; Arcane, Implement, Poison, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You have concealment
Discharge: Move Action - Blast 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: Ongoing acid damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (save ends).
Passage: Targets are also blinded (save ends).

Flow of the Unstoppable Force (Arcanogate Attack 7)
This flow is impossible to stop, even for a skilled arcanogate
Encounter; Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: During your turn as a free action, you must shift 3 squares if you are capable of doing so, and when you do so you must move at least 2 squares from where you started
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to half your speed. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Discharge Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier force damage

Level 9 Daily Powers

Flow of the Blood Hex (Arcanogate Attack 9)
By shedding your blood, this flow brings greater harm to those who caused it
Daily; Arcane, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: When you are bloodied at the start of your turn, each enemy within 2 squares gets vulnerability equal to your Charisma modifier (save ends).
Vault: If you are not bloodied at the start of your turn, you may take 3 damage as a free action. If you do so, each enemy within 2 squares gets vulnerability equal to your Charisma modifier (save ends).
Discharge: Move Action - Close burst 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and vulnerability equal to 1 + Intelligence modifier (save ends).

Flow of the Frost Vortex (Arcanogate Attack 9)
A cold wind whips up and twists towards where you point
Daily; Arcane, Cold, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: At the start of your turn, you may pull one creature within 5 squares of you 2 squares.
Discharge: Move Action - Burst 2 within 5
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and each target is pulled 1 square towards the origin point.
Passage: Increase the damage to 2d10 + Intelligence modifier cold damage.

Flow of the Grasping Lightning (Arcanogate Attack 9)
Clawed hands of lightning reach out and grab your foes
Daily; Arcane, Implement, Lightning, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: All squares adjacent to you are considered difficult terrain for all other creatures. If a creature leaves a square adjacent to you willingly, they take lightning damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Discharge: Move Action - Blast 3
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and all targets are restrained until the end of your next turn.

Flow of the Mindwhips (Arcanogate Attack 9)
Psychic tendrils stretch from your mind to strike your enemies
Daily; Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: When an enemy moves adjacent to you or starts its turn adjacent to you, it takes 1d10 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Discharge: Move Action - Close burst 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
Discharge Miss: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.

Flow of the Volcanic Ravage (Arcanogate Attack 9)
This flow reflects the destructive power of a volcano at its angriest
Encounter; Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action
Hold Effect: An enemy that hits you with a melee attack takes 2d4 + Charisma modifier fire damage
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and targets are slowed until the end of your next turn

Level 10 Utility Powers

Hidden Within The Flows (Arcanogate Utility 10)
You move into a safe place within the wellspring of flows
Encounter; Arcane, Teleportation
Move Action
Effect: You teleport to a safe place in the wellspring. While you are there, you cannot take any actions other than using your second wind. At the end of your next turn or as a move action before then, you reappear in an unoccupied square within 6 squares of the space you left.

Magnify The Flows (Arcanogate Utility 10)
You tie yourself to a type of flow, strengthening it through your focus
Daily; Arcane
Minor Action
Effect: Choose acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic or thunder. Until the end of the encounter, when you use an arcane power that has the chosen keyword, you can roll the damage twice and use the higher result.

Mistwreath (Arcanogate Utility 10)
As your foe moves to strike, you channel a flow to make your form mist
Encounter; Arcane
Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: You become insubstantial until the end of your next turn.

Reflect The Flows (Arcanogate Utility 10)
Someone strikes you with a flow, and you bend it back to strike them too
Encounter; Arcane
Immediate Reaction
Trigger: You are attacked by an attack with the arcane keyword
Target: The creature who attacked you
Effect: The triggering attack also hits the target

Veiling Flows (Arcanogate Utility 10)
You wrap yourself in flows, hiding yourself from the world
Encounter; Arcane, Illusion
Minor Action
Effect: You become invisible until the end of your next turn

Ben Miff
2009-11-17, 03:41 AM
Paragon Paths


To harm another is easy. To keep on hurting them once you're no longer there; now, that's the interesting trick.

You have channelled enough flows that you learn a measure of the art of keeping them around. Your abilities all aid your ongoing damage, whether by increasing it or by simply making it harder to defend against.

Clinging Flows (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, the next attack you make also deals ongoing damage (save ends) equal to your Intelligence modifier and of the type of damage that the attack can deal. If the attack can deal more than one type of damage, then you choose which of the types the ongoing damage is.
Rapacious Injury (11th level): When you inflict ongoing damage, it is 2 higher.
Tenacious Injury (16th level): Targets currently suffering from ongoing damage you inflict also have a -2 penalty to their saving throws.

Flow of the Grand Malaise (Blighter Attack 11)
The area around you aggravates injuries in sympathy with the worse ones you prepare to inflict
Encounter; Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: All creatures within 2 squares of you suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws against ongoing damage. If they move so they are no longer within 2 squares of you, they suffer the penalty until the end of their next turn.
Discharge: Move Action - Close burst 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the burst
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: Ongoing necrotic damage (save ends) equal to 6 + Intelligence modifier.

Transference (Blighter Utility 12)
You draw a wound from yourself and inflict it upon another
Daily; Arcane, Implement
Standard Action
Range 5
Target: One creature
Effect: One ongoing damage effect on you ends.
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: Ongoing damage (save ends) of the damage type and damage amount equal to the ongoing damage effect you just ended.
Special: You must be suffering from at least one ongoing damage effect

Flow of the Noxious Storm (Blighter Attack 20)
Vile gas flows from your pores, before rising from the ground elsewhere
Encounter; Arcane, Implement, Poison, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Each creature that starts its turn adjacent to you or moves adjacent to you takes ongoing posion damage equal to your Charisma modifier (save ends)
Discharge: Move Action - Burst 1 within 5
Discharge Effect: The burst lasts until the end of the encounter. Each creature that startss its turnm in the burst or moves into the burst takes ongoing poison damage equal to 7 + Intelligence modifier.

Ben Miff
2009-11-17, 03:43 AM
post reserved for even more powers

Ben Miff
2009-11-17, 03:45 AM
post reserved for, yup, more powers

Ben Miff
2009-11-17, 03:46 AM
post reserved for yet more powers

Ben Miff
2009-11-17, 03:07 PM
Posted level 1 At Will, Encounter and Daily powers.

Sir Homeslice
2009-11-18, 03:10 AM
This needs to be explained better (or just explained period), at a glance I have absolutely no clue what's going on, though it may be a function of giving it no more than a cursory glance.

It seems like you invoke a Flow by using a Standard Action. These by themselves only grant a passive benefit. And to use the power you have to use a move action, and the power goes off? I've no clue.

Ben Miff
2009-11-18, 04:07 PM
Updated the Arcane Gateway ability to make the attack mechanism clearer.

Posted level 2 utility powers, level 3 encounter powers and level 5 daily powers.

2009-11-18, 04:39 PM
WAY overpowered. For example, using a power in the same round I begin to hold it (something I see being done a lot, since you normally move and attack, and this basically just combines the two) grants me a +2 to my attack...already insane. Then, look at your at-wills:

Flow of the Angered Storm (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Some storms start as a reflection of strong anger, and these flows encapsulate one of these storms
At Will; Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action
Hold Effect: Any creature that hits you with a melee attack takes 2 lightning damage.
Level 21: Increase damage to 4.
Discharge: Move Action
Discharge Target: Each creature whose square you passed through.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action. You may move through spaces occupied by other creatures. Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity. You must end your move in an unoccupied square.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Discharge Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Level 21: Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier.

This is a multiple-target attack against a non-AC defense with a +2 bonus (see my statement above) that allows me to move, provoke no AoOs, tailor my movement to hit multiple foes not in a standard blast or burst, and still deal decent damage to top it off (and good damage at that...it's incredibly easy to deal the extra d8 or damage...so easy that I'd make it a d6 like the Warlock or Ranger). Either way, this ability is at least an Encounter power.

Flow of the Evil Eye (Arcanogate Attack 1)
Some people have the ability to give people the evil eye, and this is the flow that they draw on when they do so
At Will; Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to your Will defence.
Level 21: Increase the bonus to +2.
Discharge: Move Action – Range 5
Discharge Target: Any one creature.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Discharge Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Target gains vulnerability 3 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
Level 21: Increase damage to 2d10 + Intelligence modifier.

Vulnerability is really good for an at-will...I'd be careful allowing that to be granted, especially in such an amount. Normal damage bonuses are +stat (+2-+4 at 1st level) to a single attack...this is definitely better.

Flow of the Venom Cloud (Arcanogate Attack 1)
This flow manifests as a cloud of roiling poison
At Will; Arcane, Implement, Poison, Zone
Standard Action
Hold Effect: You get a +1 power bonus to your Reflex defence.
Level 21: Increase the bonus to +2.
Discharge: Move Action – Blast 2
Discharge Target: All creatures in the blast.
Discharge Effect: You move up to your speed as per a normal move action, either before or after making this attack.
Discharge Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Discharge Hit: 1d8 poison damage. Ongoing poison damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (save ends).
Level 21: Increase damage to 2d8. Increase ongoing damage to 2 + your Intelligence modifier.

That's a lot of ongoing damage for an at-will power, and quite a large area to do it over. I'd say this would be at LEAST an encounter power.

Mando Knight
2009-11-18, 05:01 PM
That's a lot of ongoing damage for an at-will power, and quite a large area to do it over. I'd say this would be at LEAST an encounter power.
It's not just ongoing damage, it's save ends ongoing damage. That's pretty much a pair of checks on the "move to daily power" list.

2009-11-18, 05:14 PM
It's not just ongoing damage, it's save ends ongoing damage. That's pretty much a pair of checks on the "move to daily power" list.

Ongoing damage is always (save ends) :smalltongue:. Its one of the few exceptions to the "No Save Ends Effects On Encounter Powers" rule.

Ben Miff
2009-11-20, 03:07 PM

Magnitude of Motion scaled back to 1d6.
Passage scaled back to +1, and requires the character to only be holding one power when the discharge.
All at-will and encounter damages and vulnerabilities etc. have been scaled back.
All at-will and encounter "move and ignore AoO" effects have been reduced to a half speed movement.

Also, posted level 6 utility powers and level 7 encounter powers.

Also posted level 9 daily powers and level 10 utility powers.

Also added first paragon path - the Blighter.

2009-11-20, 04:17 PM
Ongoing damage is always (save ends) :smalltongue:. Its one of the few exceptions to the "No Save Ends Effects On Encounter Powers" rule.

I think that's because the only other option would be "until the end of your next turn" (or something similar) which is identical to "take 2 more damage on its next turn"

Or something.