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2009-11-16, 10:26 PM
{OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7330329)}

New Cyre has been a little strange lately. There were always whispers, and gossip. Still, it seems that things are only getting more tense. Especially with the goblin traders who've been coming in at an increased rate lately. There are a lot of mixed whisperings about them, and no definite facts.

It's midday, and the crowds on the outside street are mostly heading towards the market. Still, in the midst of all of this a group of people have all descended on the Hen's Keep, a rather new tavern in the growing city. People from vastly different backgrounds are coming together, and unknowingly for the same purpose...

2009-11-16, 11:31 PM

Even when walking against the crowd, a man was left mostly undisturbed. People had a choice of reasons to walk around him. Physically he didn’t seem like the type to be pushed around, but the confidence with which he carried himself cemented this. Then there was the fact that the greaves, gauntlets and chain he wore, as well as the sword at his side, made his profession clear. However, most damning of all where the little details that branded him. The red trim on his clothing, the coat of arms with the chimera on his necklace, the uncanny resemblance to the d’Deneith woman that had moved to New Cyre about a year ago, and of course, the tattoo that seemed to be crawling out of his shirt's collar, as if reaching for his face. A dragonmarked member of House Deneith was not someone that you wanted to bother needlessly.

As for the man, he was quite enjoying himself. After spending weeks in the city where monsters and machines where the norm, it was nice to stand out. He simply made his way to the Hen’s Keep, his mind worrying about other things. It grew… It's only a matter of time now… I’ll be in the defenders as soon as my leave's over… Once at the tavern, he looks around for the east-facing window.

2009-11-17, 12:07 AM
Off in the distance the town of New Cyre comes into view and Rannik guides his Mantis mount to the ground. Landing near a small copse of trees he rubs his hand against the chitenous plates on Mantis' elongated neck. "You must stay here, friend. The locals will certainly fear you," he says softly as he pulls his backpack onto his shoulder and ties the reins to a nearby tree for extra precaution.

(Unknown trick "Stay" DC 25 Handle Animal [roll0] )

He makes the short trek to the town after hearing of the cravan heading to Drellin's Ferry. A quick way to make some coin while on my way to uncovering this mystery... He pushes and shoves his way through the hustle and bustle of the midday foot traffic finally reaching The Hen's Keep. He steps inside and quickly scans the room for any obvious sign of caravaneers or armed guards.

2009-11-17, 12:25 AM
Jussio's old comrade, Oarson Thorn, is standing by the east-facing window with two other armored men. Over his shoulder is a note that reads "recruits wanted for caravan."

When Oarson sees Jussio he motions for him to come over. "I'm glad you could come." He looks like a rather mellow man. He's got muscle, but some fat has started to take hold of his belly. There doesn't seem to be any other takers at the moment, and for the most part the tavern is empty. The only other people are a man at the back of the tavern, and the barkeeper.

Oarson has no reaction when he sees Rannik. Rannik's mantis however seems to have a hard time not following him into the city. Though the reins hold for the moment.

2009-11-17, 12:42 AM

"Don't worry about it Oarson, it was the least I could do." He gives him a firm handshake as his eye catches the note. Jokingly, he adds. "Recruits? If you'd told me I'd have brought a small contingent of men with me, all marked. I could have even gotten you a special in-house discount, jaja."

2009-11-17, 03:16 AM

Sporting an unmarked dark blue tabard over a full plate suit, a shield on his back and a fine crafted blade on his belt, Darryl looks every bit as a knight or paladin of some proud temple, with the suspicious lack of symbols and holy insignias on his clothing being the only thing that belies this outlook. He makes way for the so-called Hen's Keep tavern with a resolute mien, arms and armor clinging at every step. Would this job finally be his ticket back to the days of glory in the church of the Silver Flame? He only hoped, and firmly opening the tavern's door, he makes way for the table near the eastern window, where he's been told to go.

2009-11-17, 03:28 AM
Rannik quickly notices the note due to the sheer absense of people in the tavern and quickly makes his way over to the four armed men. The sickle at his waist makes quiet tinking sounds as it lightly touches the large sack hanging too near the sheath at his belt. He has long black hair which is tied back into a ponytail and ice blue eyes that stare intently on the group he approaches. From a distance he appears to be wearing a gleaming breastplate of some sort of black metal but as he draws nearer it is obviously made of something else. The plates appear almost like gigantic scales off some unknown but obviously massive creature.

When he is within a few feet he stops and stares at each member of the assembly in turn saying nothing for a long pause. "I am known as Rannik and I have come to join your caravan. I am heading to Drellin's Ferry anyway so it will be an alliance of convenience for us both. As for what skills I may bring to your expedition; I am trained in the art of combat and can handle myself in both close quarters and ranged combat. I also wield the power of nature itself to perform minor miracles... you may know it as divine magic. I have also reared a fearsome creature that obeys my will without question, a giant praying mantis. It flies so I can offer service as an aerial scout aswell. I would have your answer," he states firmly staring at Oarson, assuming he is indeed the one in charge as he is flanked on either side by guardsmen.

2009-11-17, 11:03 AM
Darrien awoke on the floor again. He grumbled to himself as he tried to work out the knot from his neck. He kept falling out of bed each night. Probably not used to the soft beds... He looked around, trying to remember where he was. He shied his eyes away from the eastern facing window, as the early morning sun burst into his room. Then realised he had no idea where he was. How far have I been running? His mind was still fuzzy, not completely together again. He wasn't sure if it would ever go back to normal.


Nothing normal to see here... He pulled out a small piece of chalk from his cloak pocket, and began to draw.

The whirling form of Paimon entered the seal. Still half asleep and sore, Darrien could barely focus on the vestige. He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them, Paimon was gone. His cheek hurt though, and he quickly realised he didn't even have a chance to bargain with the dancer. He chuckled, slowly rising from the circle, and finding the rooms mirror, found half of his face stretched into a sardonic grin. "Hehe, why so serious?" Donning his shirt and cloak, he stretched himself out tall and head out of his room.

The streets of New Cyre were already a bustle early in the morning, and Darrien had to consciously remind himself the inn he was staying at. 'Hen's Keep' Hen's keep what? Eggs? He couldn't really remember choosing a particular tavern, but Paimon had been talking a lot about a specific tavern to go to. Your taste is slipping, old dancer, it's not even the best tavern around. The band barely rates a mention.

Turning back into the street, Darrien blends easily into the crowd, looking mostly like he was just enjoying himself. He meandered through the streets, finding the markets with relative ease. First on his mind was the essentials. He'd made it this far with just the clothes on his back and the coin in his pocket. Coin he'd been lucky enough to withdraw from one of his families old accounts.

He began with a new set of clothes. He moved from clothing shop to clothing shop, always finding something better at the next one. His search ended when he found a shimmering shirt that made his eyes twinkle just looking at it. He paid full price for it, not even bothering to haggle. He even donned the clothes right there, and left his rags in the change room.
Buying a Nobles outfit.
Ok, back to the essentials... Hey, what is that? He walked right into a man as he was staring into a window. "Oh, my apologies." He looked over the man and gulped visibly as he recognised the House Deneith markings. He let the man past, then turned back to what he'd been staring at. The rapier glistened in the sunlight, it's blade looking as if it's hilt was just dripping silver. He hastily entered the store and bought it, along with a rather fancy set of armour and a crossbow made from dark oak.
Just buying the stuff already on my sheet here. Last minute change to add Easy Travel enhancement to my armour, if ok.

Darrien left the store looking simply resplendent, if it weren't for the mock grin on his face. The sun began to get higher into the sky, and Darrien's stomach began to growl. Ok, essentials...

Ok, buying the usual travelling equipment, backpack etc. Check sheet. And switching to present tense:

The sun now at noon, Darrien returns to the Hen's Keep. He orders eggs for lunch. He looks up from his meal to see a man standing near the east facing window. He reads the note over the mans shoulder and slows his chewing considerably. It is only now that he realised just how much money he spent today. Apart from the few jiggling coins, he's now almost broke again. He finishes his meal silently considering his prospects. A caravan would be a good job, it'd keep him on the move, plus he'd get payed for it.

He finally pushes away his plate, stands up, and goes over to the man to introduce himself.

Wow, don't ever expect a post this long from me again :smalleek:

2009-11-17, 06:54 PM
Oarson shakes his head at Jussio. "I'd rather keep politics out of this. They're bandits, but who knows if someone's going to take responsibility for their actions when they see it's to their benefit? Coming in on a caravan, and taking care of the problem though? People need to see more of that kind of thing, especially in times like this."

He then turns to Darryl. "Hello, good man. You've come to enlist your services I take it?"

Then Rannik--who had gone unnoticed by him so far--began talking, and he listened. "A giant praying mantis? I thought I'd seen everything in the war... No matter, we'd be glad to have you along. An extra sword--or sickle--is always welcome."

By this time, Oarson has made another quick survey of the room, and sees Darrien approaching. "I went the whole morning without a single volunteer, and it seems lunch has brought out the hero in everyone!"

That's all fine, Jokes.

2009-11-17, 09:20 PM

Alarin walked quickly through the streets of New Cyre, cursing under his breath. He was late, as usual, and he had no right to be. The lightning rail dropped him off in the early morning, he had walked by the specific tavern where he was to meet his employer, and yet he decided he still had time to visit the arcane magics district to procure some items.

Hours went by. The dragonblood human had only realized the time a few minutes ago, when he picked up some scrolls for the journey. Time flies when you're delving into the mysteries of the universe, I suppose." After a few minutes of brisk walking, he reached the tavern again -- the Henn's Keep. He entered, looking around the vacant tavern until he spotted the only patrons sitting together in the corner. It must be them.

He pulled the hood of his dusk-blue cloak down from his face, and approached the group with a smile. "Goodday, gentlemen. My name is Alarin of the Paragnostic Assembly. I am to meet a contact here in this tavern. Are any of you that man?"

2009-11-17, 11:15 PM
Even though it’s still midday Yorsna seem to blissfully rest, that is until she rolled over and suddenly she found herself falling off the bed. Yorsna quickly grasp her head as if it pained her, however the pain did not come from hitting the floor but what seem to be from a massive hangover. As Yorsna rose from the floor she looked more like a rising zombie then a person. Yorsna then slowly walked to the window to take a peek outside, and it didn’t take long for her to realize she was already late for a meeting.

As Yorsna mostly slept in her cloths that night she simply put on her shoes and cloths and dashed towards out the meeting spot. A short time later as Yorsna bust through the door of Hen’s Keep you can see a skinny young woman standing about 5’5” with messy blue hair and cloths to match. Yorsna slowly walked towards the back wall while she breathed heavily from her short dash. As Yorsna slowly approached the group, they could suddenly smell the reek of alcohol soaked cloths that seem to have fermented over the past hours when she slept.

“I’m… Sorry… I’m late” Said Yorsna as she continued to catch her breath, and for those who know Yorsna this is not the first occurrence but is simply a pattern of hers.

2009-11-18, 01:17 AM

Nodding solemnly at Oarson, Darryl takes a quick look at the other people who have already gathered there.

"Indeed I have, sir. This is about Drellin's Ferry, right?" he adds quickly, to validate.

A moment later, he offers hands to the others, examining his future companions.

"The name is Darryl Ocinas, glad to meet you all."

2009-11-18, 02:14 AM
"I am glad it is decided then. When do we depart? I would like to begin our journey as soon as humanly possible." He nods curtly to the others that address the entire assembly and awaits an answer from the unintroduced caravan leader.

As the unkempt female enters he gives her a discerning glare. "You smell most foul, woman. I hope you plan to bathe before we depart."

2009-11-18, 03:23 AM
Darrien bows deeply, enjoying being called a hero. "It would be an honour, sir, to join your caravan."

"You smell most foul, woman. I hope you plan to bathe before we depart."

"Don't hesitate to call if you need some help washing your back..." There is a moments pause and then Darrien balks and splutters, not realising what he said until it all a few moments later. "I'm sorry m'lady, uh, you remind me of someone I used to know..." he tries to cover his impoliteness. "I don't seem to be quite myself lately."

2009-11-18, 06:02 AM
“I hope you plan to bathe…” said Yorsna as she repeated back the comment but with snarky tone to her voice obviously annoyed by his comment.

Yorsna then gives an evil glare to Darrin for his comment before she cast Prestidigitation on herself to clean her cloths and self as she talked.

“Ok… so what’s with these arm thugs it seems like someone is after your life or you’re heading into trouble” asked Yorsna as she looked around her as she just took notice at the strange company she is with now.

2009-11-18, 06:57 AM

Looking over the group, Jussio turn to Oarson with a smirk. "I hope they don't, business is already strained with the goblins and monsters of Draoom selling their service too. Well, you wouldn't have gotten such a group if you'd gone with blademarks, that much is true. Drellin's Ferry then?"

He gives Darryl a firm handshake, "Jussio d'Deneith, pleasure to meet you."

2009-11-18, 12:55 PM

"Deneith, you say? I am honored," adds Darryl, giving Jussio a second, impressed glance, before he throws another -but with a mixture of curiosity and mild contempt, this time- at the woman who dubbed them as "thugs". He genuinely wonders which part of his outlook even remotely resembles a thug, but lets the issue go.

2009-11-18, 05:31 PM
A gnome in the back of the tavern calls over to Alarin, and comes up to greet him. "It seems this is where the crowd is gathering. No matter, you're all heading in the same direction." The gnome passes a note to Alarin, and Yorsna before starting to leave. "It's quite late, I really must be getting back. Good luck to you!" He leaves rather abruptly.

The note:
"To whom it may concern:

There have been constant rumours of draconic magic in the area around Drellin's Ferry. We believe someone's stumbled onto an ancient spellbook. The investigation and procurement of this relic may provide us with the largest leap forward in magical knowledge in over a decade.

You might find yourself come into great wealth (both gold, and knowledge) should you be able to recover it.

-Marrilion d'Sivis"

"Yes, we're off to Drellin's Ferry," Oarson confirms to those who asked. "My right hand is gather supplies, and he should be done in a few minutes."

To Rannik: "If you're that eager, our Caravan's horses are on the outskirts of the city. They won't be hard to miss as they're under a white banner, and they have just a single guard at the moment. We'll be joining you very shortly."

2009-11-18, 06:31 PM

Jussio simply smiles, "Don't be, as soon as we hit the road we'll be equals under Oarson's banner. I look forward to seeing how you put that gear to use though."

He shrugs at the thug comment, odds are she meant the disfigured man and the one with the mantis anyway. "So we're leaving right now? Alright, I'll pick up my gear and head down there once we're done here. How long do you expect the trip to go for?"

2009-11-18, 06:31 PM

Alarin thanks the gnome and and reads the note, folding it neatly and placing it in one of his robe's deep pockets. An ancient spellbook of vast knowledge, and a reward to turn it in once the wizard is done studying it for himself? This is too good to be true! He did wonder why the blue-haired teenager was passed a note as well, however. "Excuse me, miss. Are you part of the Paragnostic Assembly as well? I'm sorry if I do not recognize you, there's such an influx of young recruits these days."

He then turns to the other men in the group, "So, we're all heading the same way? That's good to hear, the trip would've been boring without company. So, what sends you all off to Drellin's Ferry?"

Alarin is willing to leave for their destination at any moment, but plans to make smalltalk throughout the journey.

2009-11-18, 09:58 PM
Oh great I’m some errands girl, do they want me to bring them coffee as well? Thought Yorsna as she read the note and as she placed a note away she listen to someone ask her if she was part of the Paragnostic Assembly. Yorsna paused for a moment, when nothing came to her about joining that particular organization she replied with “No, I don’t believe so”.

“Probably for the same reason as you I presume,” Yorsna as she points at the note where she saw Alarin placed his.

2009-11-19, 12:45 AM
Rannik smirks at the young woman seeing that she is obviously riled by his comment, "Yes, clever..." His attention goes quickly back to the caravan leader as he tells him the location of their caravan. "Good, I shall meet you all there when you are done whatever it is you are doing..." he glances quickly at those recieving notes and speaking amongst themselves. Turning sharply he strides out of the tavern and makes his way back through the bustling streets of New Cyre on his way to where he had tied Mantis.

He approaches and unties the reins giving the large creature a gentle pat on the neck before mounting up and finding a comforatable position in the saddle. Mantis quickly takes to the air as he is spurned on and Rannik keeps his eyes peeled for the white banner marking the position of the parked caravan. He brings Mantis to the ground some hundred paces away from the horses as to hopefully not spook them before guiding Mantis is a slow crawl in their direction.

2009-11-19, 11:34 PM
Oarson responds to Jussio's question, "It's a little over a week on horseback. Luckily we should have horses to accommodate all of you."

Check the OOC for a question relevant to all of you.

2009-11-20, 08:09 PM

Alarin raises an eyebrow at Yorsna's comment. "Yes, it would appear so." He's a bit concerned why this employer would task two different people to retrieve the same item. Did the guild not trust him to deliver the relic alone?

He doesn't dwell on the thought for long, and turns to the rest of the group, "Well, I'm ready when everyone else is. I don't much like New Cyre -- so many refugees, so much heartache. Very depressing."

2009-11-20, 09:50 PM
It's now six days after you set out. You've been travelling through peaceful farmlands, and around scattered settlements. You haven't seen any sign of these marauders that Oarson told you about. To be fair though, you haven't seen much anything but trees and plains since you set out.

You're five miles from Drellin's Ferry, and the only people accompanying you are Oarson and his friend. If you inquired as to why the friend was quiet you'd find out that he is mute. It would have made an awkward silence even more silent.

In any case, you're beginning to descend into a grove the road passes through. Oarson and his friend decided to ride ahead a few minutes. They said that if they found anything they'd come back before engaging. Or rather Oarson said it, and his friend nodded.

It seems to be very boring right now. Perfect time for a conversation, in fact.

2009-11-20, 10:12 PM

"Odd" Noting Alarin's comment, Jussio continues in a fond jest "Some of the refugee's see it quite diferently; a place to remember those that passed on, to rebuild in their names, for a new hope. I'd have spent my leave her if not for Oarson calling."


At the moments break, Jussio dismounts and stretches his legs. He'd at least hoped for something, he'd heard so many tales of the dangers near the mournlands. He takes a seat to the side and looks over the bug man's mount. "Hey Rannik, where did you find that things anyway? I don't think I've had the pleasure of ever running into an insect so big before."

2009-11-21, 03:38 PM
AC: 13 HP: 23/23
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic x2, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Fire x2, Mage Armor, Enlarge Person, Wall of Smoke
Lvl 2 spells: Scorching Ray x3, Combust, Mirror Image
Lvl 3 spells: Explosive Fireball x3, Summon Monster III

Alarin keeps a good distance away from the large mantis. He was never too found of insects, and one this large is downright unsettling. Any time he looked at the creature, it seemed to be looking right back at him, so Alarin made it a point to avert his gaze for the rest of the journey.

Darryl's unmarked tabard piques his curiosity. "Not fond of the guilds, or still looking to join one?"

2009-11-21, 06:42 PM

Darryl glances sideways to the mage and hesitates for a long moment before turning fully at him to reply.

"Actually, I serve the Silver Flame, but... it's complicated," he says, shifting uneasily in his full plate armor, resulting in a short metal chime. "Let's say... that the church and I had our disagreements."

Shrugging that away, and eager to change the subject, Darryl makes a gesture to the mage's attire.

"You belong to the Paragnostic Assembly, right?" he asks slowly as he forces his memory. "Are you on a particular mission, or was it your own initiative to come here?"

2009-11-22, 12:58 AM
-Hen's Keep-

Darrien watched with mild amusement as Yorska cast the spell to dry herself, but his amusement fades completely at the mention of the Paragnostic Assembly. He shifts slightly back, then regards the two of them with an air of suspicion. He watches Alarin put the note in his pocket, and begins to worry.

-On the Road-

Darrien wakes up the next day, his head pounding, his cheek finally loose enough for him to stop the incessant smiling. He rises, not really remembering where he is. There is commotion around him as the caravan begins to break camp. He hurridly picks up his belongings, not with confusion why in the world he would buy all this extravagant stuff. He makes a mental note to punish Paimon for a while. In his rush, he doesn't have time to bind a vestige, but that is probably for the better.

While travelling, he keeps his distance from the wizards, but tries to watch them to figure out if there were here looking for him. The third day he decides to bind Andras, in case he needs to make a quick getaway.

It's not until the fourth day that he decides to figure out exactly what the Paragnostics are here for. He wakes earlier than the rest of the camp, and contacts Naberius.

He checks on Yorsna, making sure she is still asleep. As he walks away, his form shifts, taking the guise of the sorceress. He walks softly, over to Alarin, and gently wakes him, and whispers softly in his most feminine voice. "Shhh, I was just wondering if I could take a quick look at your note, I can't seem to find mine." Darrien hopes to take advantage of Alarin's drowsiness for him to fall for the ruse.

I don't really mind if Alarin falls for it or not, it's up to him (don't bother rolling for it if you want him not to).

2009-11-22, 03:11 PM
AC: 13 HP: 23/23
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic x2, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Fire x2, Mage Armor, Enlarge Person, Wall of Smoke
Lvl 2 spells: Scorching Ray x3, Combust, Mirror Image
Lvl 3 spells: Explosive Fireball x3, Summon Monster III

"Complicated, eh? I love stories with some good depth to them. You have to tell me sometime." The fact that Darryl might not be comfortable sharing such information appears to have went over Alarin's head.

"It's just another mission for me. Apparently they've heard some rumors of draconic magic somewhere in the vicinity of Drellin's Ferry, and The Assembly is interested in procuring it. Though I admit, even if it was not a guild mission I would probably have gone regardless. Such things greatly interest me, you see." It's apparent that Alarin has a rather loose tongue, but his information seems sincere.

-Fourth Night-

When roused by whom he believes is Yorsna, Alarin groggily waves him away without opening his eyes. "No, you crazy woman. We've just met and I'll end up breaking your heart... Try again tommorrow night, actually." If Darrien persists, however, and makes it clear that he wants the note, Alarin will open his bleary eyes just long enough to point towards his neatly folded robes beside his sleeping bag. "Left breast pocket... Crazy..." he says, before passing out again. Even in his drowsy state, Alarin knows that the note holds no secret information, so he doesn't mind letting Yorsna look.

2009-11-22, 04:38 PM

Jussio follows the other's conversation, "House Deneith is always looking for more able bodies, Darryl, if things don't quite work out."

"Really? Draconic Magic? And here I thought Drellin's Ferry was just a little rural town, if somewhat close to the mist." His hand goes to his chin as he looks at the idea from different angles. "Did the rumors say anything about what this magic did?"

2009-11-22, 07:12 PM
Throughout the time of the trip Yorsna seem to remain quiet never really trying to get know anyone throughout the trip. In fact the only person she seems to get along so far was with Oarson’s friend especially during the first day of the trip. On the last day Yorsna seem to be extremely bored more so then the other days.
“Man I hope we’re almost there, I’m so bored” Yorsna said to herself.

“Knowing my luck it’s probably just one of the oldest written versions of fireball” Yorsna replied with sarcastic tone to voice as she over heard

2009-11-22, 10:42 PM
"Thanks." Darrien finds the note and reads it quickly. He breaths a sigh of relief, not finding any mention of him in the note. His paranoia sated, he slides the note back into Alarin's robes and walks out of site to dismiss the illusion.

The next couple of days he continues to bind Andras, making use of the mount during the afternoons.

2009-11-23, 01:57 AM
AC: 13 HP: 23/23
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic x2, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Fire x2, Mage Armor, Enlarge Person, Wall of Smoke
Lvl 2 spells: Scorching Ray x3, Combust, Mirror Image
Lvl 3 spells: Explosive Fireball x3, Summon Monster III

"Yeah, I was just as surprised as you when I found out," he says, nodding to Jussio, "But it's possible. Could just be in some beastie's cave home, maybe a dire platypus or something, and the townsfolk aren't man enough to get it themselves so they send word of it to us. It happens." He shrugs his shoulders. "No word on what it is. My source didn't give me more information than that."

"I would cherish such a text, my dear. No appreciation for the wonders of fire magic, hm?" He grins playfully at Yorsna. "The oldest written texts on the mighty fireball... If only!" Alarin sighs at such a delightful thought.

2009-11-23, 07:26 AM

"Thanks, Jussio. I'll keep that in mind," says Darryl with a thankful grin. As he rechecks his equipment, he listens to what the others are talking about, and a regretful grimace barely passes his otherwise serious face.

Draconic magic? He joined this quest just to help procure an old spell?

2009-11-23, 11:08 AM
“Not really I believe magic to be a tool, not an art form. The oldest fireball scroll is about as useful as the millions of other fireball scrolls. Its value is only artificially increase by people who cherish antiques. To me it’s much more practical to purchase that cheaply made fireball made by the apprentice wizard.” Yorsna replied to Alarin with a small frown on her face as she figured Alarin might be one of those mages.

2009-11-23, 10:38 PM
AC: 13 HP: 23/23
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic x2, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Fire x2, Mage Armor, Enlarge Person, Wall of Smoke
Lvl 2 spells: Scorching Ray x3, Combust, Mirror Image
Lvl 3 spells: Explosive Fireball x3, Summon Monster III

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not one to collect antiques either unless it teaches me something I don't already know. But let's just say that the wonderful spell known as fireball has a soft spot in my heart, and it was funny you brought up that particular spell." He smiles, still thinking of the glories of fire spells and the countless ways to make things combust.

"On another note though, how much longer until we reach Drellin's Ferry? I haven't got a map on me. We'll get there by nightfall, right?"

2009-11-26, 12:13 AM
It's roughly 3 PM. Yorsna and Rannik, while watching the trees suddenly see shapes forming in them. Upon a second look it appears that bugbears are coming out of the woods with bows at the ready. Unfortunately, only they see it in time to take any actions.

Map and Info:
{table]* |A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U
1 |c| | | |c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
2 |c| | | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
3 |c|c| | | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
4 |t|c| | | | |c|h|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
5 |t|c| | | | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
6 |t|c| |a|y|m| |c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
7 |t|c|c| | |r|d|c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
8 |t|t|c|c|j|o| | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
9 |t|t|h|c|c| | | | |c|c|h|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
10|t|t|t|t|c|c| | | | |c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
11|t|t|t|t|t|c| | | | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
12|t|t|t|t|h|c|c| | | | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
13|t|t|t|t|t|t|c| | | | | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t|t
14|t|t|t|t|t|t|c|c| | | | | |c|t|h|t|t|t|t|t
15|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|c|c| | | | |c|c|t|t|t|t|t|t
16|t|t| | |t|t|t|h|c|c| | | | | |t|t|t|t|t|t
17|t| | | |t|t|t|t|t|c| | | | | | |t|t|t|t|t
18| |w|w|w|w|w| |t|t|c| | | | | | | |t|t|t|t
19| |w| | | |w| | |t| | | | | | | | | |t|t|t
20| |w| | | |w| | | | | | | | | | | | | |t|t
21| |w| | | |w| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |t
22| |w| |w|w|w| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
23| |w| | |w| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
24| |w| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
25| |w|w|w|w| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
26| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
27| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/table]

Yorsna: y (E6)
Darryl: o (F8)
Alarin: a (D6)
Darrien: d (G7)
Jussio: j (E8)
Rannik: r (F7)
Mantis: m (F6)

Hobgoblins: h
#1 - C9
#2 - E12
#3 - H16
#4 - H4
#5 - L9
#6 - P14

Initiative for hobgoblin group: [roll0]

For Players:
Yorsna and Rannik roll for initiative. The mantis didn't see them, so he can't quite join the combat yet. After the round is over everyone else can roll initiative.

c = A four foot rise from the road. It's considered difficult terrain for anyone trying to get up it from the road.
t = Undergrowth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm#forestTerrain). Standard restrictions apply.

2009-11-26, 01:53 AM
“Action stations, hobgoblins have setup an ambush. “ Yelled Yorsna as she noticed the hobgoblins and reached into her spell component pouch.

Yorsna then quickly performed various hand shape symbols as she yelled various magical incantations. Meanwhile a blue glow of energy seems to swirl around and time seems to slow down for her allies to include the mantis minus Alarin and Yorsna herself as they receive the effect of Haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm) (DC 18 Fort to resist).

2009-11-27, 10:04 PM

#1 shoots an arrow at Jussio.
#1 attack: [roll0] (miss)
#1 damage: [roll1]

#2 shoots an arrow at Jussio.
#2 attack: [roll2] (miss)
#2 damage: [roll3]

#3 shoots an arrow at Darryl.
#3 attack: [roll4] (miss)
#3 damage: [roll5]

#4 shoots an arrow at the mantis.
#4 attack: [roll6] (miss)
#4 damage: [roll7]

#5 shoots an arrow at Darrien.
#5 attack: [roll8] (miss)
#5 damage: [roll9]

#6 doesn't attack, and melts into the woods.

Rannik is very quick to react to Yorsna's warning. He manages to cast Creeping Cold at Hobgoblin #4 as arrows begin flying around him.

#4's save:

2009-11-27, 10:10 PM
Hobgoblin #4 makes the save, and takes [roll0] / 2 damage.

2009-11-27, 11:09 PM
Yorsna pauses for moment as she takes a look at the situation at hand. To Yorsna the situation doesn’t need a dire fix as the hobgoblins seem to be terrible shots and hopes that the 'thugs' in the group to go and handle the foes with their new found speed. As result Yorsna has her hand on her spell component pouch as she watches the event unfold around her. (Delay)

2009-11-28, 12:32 PM

Waking up and responding to Yorsna's call without even thinking straight, Darryl gets a grip on his sword and launches himself upon the first foe he sees. Though he still isn't sure that he's asleep or not, his trained reflexes carry out the martial maneuver flawlessly, and Darryl finds his sword coming heavily down on the hobgoblin.

Move to F11 and attack hobgoblin #2 with Bonecrusher. I think now that he's hasted, he has enough move to pass over the difficult terrain.


AC 24, HP 41/41

2009-11-28, 02:13 PM
AC: 17 HP: 23/23
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic x2, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Fire x2, Mage Armor, Enlarge Person, Wall of Smoke
Lvl 2 spells: Scorching Ray x3, Combust, Mirror Image
Lvl 3 spells: Explosive Fireball x3, Summon Monster III

Alarin mutters some quick arcane words and an invisible field of force surrounds him protectively. "What's this? Darguun thugs?"

Casts Mage Armor, +4 armor bonus. AC now 17.

2009-11-28, 03:38 PM

As arrows fly by, Jussio picks up his readies his glaive. "Your aim is pathetic!", he shouts, before bringing it down on the closest archer. The blade seems to crackle in the air and his stance seems to be more of a statement, it had almost no guard. The message was clear though, shooting at anyone esle while he was nearby would be tactical blunder.

Steely Strike on Hobgoblin #1 (C9) with his Glaive, +4 to the attack and +4 on enemy attacks against him for the round. He'll also go into Iron Guard's Glare.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If he had to draw his glaive and he killed the hobgob, he'll just take a 5ft step to G10

If he was already wielding the glaive, he'll move to J10