View Full Version : Do you know how I got these scars?

2009-11-18, 03:34 AM
Hey kids. Waxing somewhat philisophical here. I've always felt that you can tell more about a person by how they acquired permanent marks then any other physical features. When someone comments on your eye-color, it's "your mother's eyes." But when it's your scars, it's YOUR scars. Each one has a story behind it. Some are stupid, some are funny, some are brave, some are sad, and some are a little of each. So if you'd like to share such stories, this is the place to do so I guess. I'll kick off.

My top 3 scars are My Accident, My Mistakes, and My Pride. I've spoilered them for people who don't want to read about my brags and want to get on with their own.

My accident I got when I was a kid. I was opening a tuna can, and it popped really quickly from going nowhere. It nearly took of my right pinky (hit right on the joint, and sliced deeply enough you could see the bone. Naturally, the other kids thought I was crying over spilling ketchup at first... :smallsmile:

Anyway, the counselors didn't look too closely at it, disinfected the thing, and put on a bandaid. When my parents found out, they were furious. I went to see a doctor, who asked me how much it heart 1-10. I said about a 6, and he laughed and commented I handled it pretty well, and asked if I was a martian or something. I laughed and said "I can't divulge family secrets." (running gag with my dad and granddad).

My mistakes are a lovely pattern on my right hand and wrist. Again. I think the universe has it out for that hand, or I do, or something. Anyway, I was locked out and didn't have my cell phone, and needed to be somewhere in half an hour. I didn't want to run around like crazy looking for people, and I didn't want to bother my neighbors. And I was tired, and thirsty, and it was hot, and I kept getting more and more frustrated. Finally, I just threw a punch. At the glass. Big, big mistake. After duct taping it up with my shirt, I went to the hospital, where they made me wait for four hours before they went and pulled out all the glass. Since they charged me 25 bucks a pop for the surgical tools, and they were throwaways, I asked to keep them, and they sit in the medicine cabinet to this day.

My pride. I got this one while doing a knife demo of all things. I was at a friend's house giving him the demo, and his son (a toddler) got up on the table and started to reach for the knives. I grabbed his hand, and caught a bit of the blade myself. Just a little knick, but I'm pretty proud of it.

2009-11-18, 03:45 AM
Scars I got for reasons other than disease or putting them there myself...

Left middle finger, fought a friend with real machetes as part of something we were going to film. Lost a tiny part of my knuckle while we were quarter-speed practicing our choreography. Idea got pretty much scrapped at that point.

3 on my face, very faint, from my older sister slashing me with her nails when we were kids. I was so young, I can't even remember this event, but they're still visible.

Left knee, from vaulting over a chain-link fence to retrieve a lost soccerball. Didn't even notice it until my calf was soaked in blood. Ah, endorphins.

Back of head, left side, from a game of dodgeball in 5th grade. Slipped on freshly waxed gym floor while dodging, and collided with the metal hinge of a bleacher.

Right eye. Got hit in the face with the non-business end of a throwing knife while a friend and I were screwing around. Stupid idea, in retrospect.

Back of right hand. Two little spots, they almost look like bite marks. From a very excited tackle-hug upon meeting a fellow playgrounder that ended with me on the pavement. =P

Other than that, a few burns, leftovers from a disease or two, aaaaand...I think that's all of them? I'll look.

2009-11-18, 03:53 AM
My mistakes are a lovely pattern on my right hand and wrist. Again. I think the universe has it out for that hand, or I do, or something. Anyway, I was locked out and didn't have my cell phone, and needed to be somewhere in half an hour. I didn't want to run around like crazy looking for people, and I didn't want to bother my neighbors. And I was tired, and thirsty, and it was hot, and I kept getting more and more frustrated. Finally, I just threw a punch. At the glass. Big, big mistake. After duct taping it up with my shirt, I went to the hospital, where they made me wait for four hours before they went and pulled out all the glass. Since they charged me 25 bucks a pop for the surgical tools, and they were throwaways, I asked to keep them, and they sit in the medicine cabinet to this day.

Were you... wearing shoes?!

I have a scar on my left knee from when I hit a rock I was trying to avoid (you will go where your eyes look) on my bike. It was either fly off the mountain or lay the thing down on the gravel path. I chose the latter in shorts. About mid-way thru my slide, I found a pile of horse poop with my leg. Oh joy. After I came to a stop and was trying to decide if anything was broken, a guy came along and had time to actually look down at me in disgust while simultaneously jumping me on his bike. I had to wash the wound out in the frigid (it was March) mountain creek at the base of the trail, then wrap it in a diaper (unused, finally something went right) til we got back to civilization.

Mountain bikers are stupid sometimes.

Generic Archer
2009-11-18, 04:15 AM
Mountain bikers are stupid sometimes.

seconded with amendment. "Mountain Bikers are stupid ALL the time"

Most of mine come from mountain bikes, though the recent ones are from a road bike:
left wrist, right arm and calf... was down on the aero-bars and had an incident with a solid and immobile object.

If I was to list all of mine we'd be here all month so I'll go with recent and vaguely impressive

Left cheek bone, argument with a friends elbow while wrestling... now matches the one on my right from another road bike incident.

both hips from separate mountain bike incidents,

right shoulder, again mountain bike...

right eyebrow, heavy pack, long day, volcanic rock still have the scar and it happened 15 or so years back

chin, top lip and right cheek bone, high speed impact with the road off a road bike... took 15 or so stitches all up and means I can't grow more than half a moustache even if I wanted to.


2009-11-18, 04:27 AM
Unintentional Ones?

My Inspiration:A burn on my hand/thumb, from my friends oven, he has a huge great dane, which never ever barks... except the once I was removing pizza from the very, very hot oven. He came right up behind and barked. I burnt my hand on a metal bar in the oven. Now I have a Brand following the line of the bones in my thumb. I call it my inspiration because it spurned me to get my intentional scars.

My Mark:A 5.56 rifle round casing, from one my sections rifles, ejected from his rifle and landed in my shemagh, burning my neck (and my shemagh!), bloody hurt, and looks like a hicky

My Mutilation:circumcision. Intentional, but not my intention, I won't get it done to my children

I have more, but those are the important ones.

2009-11-18, 04:35 AM
In roughly chronological order and everything!

I've got a nice little gouge midway down my left calf. I was riding my bike on a sidewalk next to a house that had a chain link fence around their yard. My bike's handlebar got caught in one of the links, and I ended up taking a pretty nasty spill. I didn't ride a bike again for another seven years because I am an awful coward like that.

I'm not entirely sure if it counts as a scar (I prefer to think of it as a tattoo, really), but I've got this tiny little grey circle on my upper right thigh from where I managed to accidentally stab myself with a freshly-sharpened pencil.

There's this teeny little scar at the base of my right thumb from where I managed to accidentally maul myself with a tape dispenser.

And I've got a teeny little surgical scar from where I had an abscess drained.

My scars are pretty boring.

The Vorpal Tribble
2009-11-18, 04:39 AM
I could spend all day on mine.

My conversation piece though is the one directly under my right eye. I've played soccer all my life, and went to a training camp during high school. My best position is goalie, and at the time wore safety glasses. Those high-impact, padded glasses.

Well, it had rained day before and so ground was a little slick, so when this guy is charging me with the ball, I go sliding on my knees to grab it. I come at him faster than he intended as he tries to kick the ball and ends up kneeing me directly in the right eye. This drives the PADDED SAFETY GLASSES right through to my cheek bone. Was so much blood they thought I'd lost the eye, but luckily nothing touched it. Took 10 stitches, but doc did a great job. Can still see it, but only if you're up close and personal :smallwink:

2009-11-18, 04:50 AM
Well we could go through all the scars I have now from the accident I had when I was three but I dont feel like typing up another couple of pages like I did last time this subject came up. Let us just say that I was about 70% burned with about 45% being 3rd degree.

Other scars not from that incident are three in my stomach in a triangle pattern from my apendicitis

Scar on my right palm from shingles when I was 14 yrs old

Back of the right hand from a burning piece of string that I lit on fire.

Used to have a long scar on the right shin from the water heater my grandfather was cuttinng apart. Walked out of his house to feed the dogs and must have gotten too close but did not realize it untill I had finished feeding the dogs and was back in the house. My shin iched and when I went to scratch it my finger sunk into my leg, it was almost bone deep. That scar is now gone, subsumed into a leg burn from the accident.

Small scar on my left shin from sorta falling into the concrete bench in the football locker room during freshman football.

That is about all, though the burn scars are very impressive and many of them look like someone tore out my flesh as they are sunken in quite a ways.

2009-11-18, 07:51 AM
Me? Mines simple, i was about 4 - 6 years old and my family was cleaning up in the front yard and for some reason my cousin was tossing rocks to my dad and one that had a sharp point to it hit me right in the forehead, good thing i actually had a hardhat on but even if i feel it now (like 15 years later) i can still feel where the bone was cracked ... and feel the point of that rock ... dam rocks :P

Mauve Shirt
2009-11-18, 08:03 AM
Do we get one of these threads every month or something?
My favorite's my brain surgery scar that I don't feel like fetching the pic of.

2009-11-18, 08:08 AM
Most definately once a month! People forget and thus must be reminded of how scarred everyone here is :P

2009-11-18, 08:32 AM
How are you using words like "brag" and "proud" about the lasting evidence of your previous errors? You didn't get those scars by doing anything to be proud of. Quite the opposite.

2009-11-18, 09:44 AM
How are you using words like "brag" and "proud" about the lasting evidence of your previous errors? You didn't get those scars by doing anything to be proud of. Quite the opposite.

I beg to differ. Some of ours are earned quite honourably.

And the Important thing that scars shows is that you survived.

2009-11-18, 09:47 AM
My scars are pretty boring as well, and mostly accidental, but my sister has a more interesting one. Unfortunately, I was at home when this occurred, so this is from what I heard from my family.

So, my family was working at the ginseng farm, and my dad was putting shade cloth on some wires. There are probably many ways to do this, but he uses a metal bar to hook it up. Anyway, my sister decided to take a break and was sitting on the ginseng bed directly underneath my dad. My dad must have been having a hard time because he lost his grip on the bar and it struck my sister in the forehead. From what I heard, my sister didn't start screaming until blood started to gush out. My mom lunged toward her to stop the bleeding, and they rushed her to the hospital. I don't remember how many stitches she got, but I remember the stitches were blue so my sister wore a huge bandage for several months to hide it. The scar is pretty faded now, and you can hardly tell it's there.

When that event occurred, apparently there were other people who were working around they area, and when they heard my sister's scream, they just left. Uh...wouldn't you normally go towards the scream to see if someone needed help? I don't know, that part was kind of weird.

2009-11-18, 09:51 AM
I beg to differ. Some of ours are earned quite honourably.

And the Important thing that scars shows is that you survived.

Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory.. lasts forever.

2009-11-18, 11:01 AM
My right hand is covered with scars, almost half of the top surface of my fingers is scar tissue. When I was around 12/13 my friends and I used to sit on skateboards and go down a very long steep road nearby with a sharpish curve at the bottom. Once (incidentaly the last time I did it) I went down with my hands grasping the sides of the board, I didn't quite make the turn, and so travelling at probably around 20mph my right hand scraped along the curb for a good 10-20m before I flung myself off the board. I lost a good portion of the skin off the back of my fingers, all the way down to bone. Even 15+ years later the marks are still there.

2009-11-18, 11:15 AM

2009-11-18, 11:26 AM
Its weird but I don't have a single scar or anything similar.

2009-11-18, 11:46 AM
I have a scar that I am proud of:

I was a racer in the junior go-kart league in my country. In one of our practices, they let a beginner race with us. At one point in the practice race, his car spinned at the worst possible place(a nasty turn after a long straight) and I was behind him at the moment. When he stopped his side was facing me (it is the most unprotected part of the car.) I was faced with a split second decision of either crashing into his car, or getting out of the road and smashing into the wall. I chose the latter (I cannot claim I did any thinking, it was reflex. But still I kinda chose to save him, didn't I?)

In conclusion, nothing happened to him. I however completely wrecked my car and a few of my bones, especially my right hand. Full recovery took me three years and I never raced again.

I have surgical marks on my left hand, and one of the surgical nails I kept has a piece of my bone on it still.

2009-11-18, 11:56 AM
Hey now, these are stories. They show a little of who you are and how you got here. Warts (scars) and all.

And I'm proud of my last one. Sure, I did dumb things for the second, but my third involved keeping a kid from losing a finger. The thread may not be original, but people seem to like them, so so what?

Great stories, guys, keep em coming.

2009-11-18, 12:08 PM
Most of mine are faded, but there's a few.

Mostly from re-enactment. BLUNTED weapons, don't worry :p

One on my left shoulder from someone who really wasn't pulling his blows with a two-handed spear. I walked into it as well. Went through a leather shield strap, two layers of wool and more.

One on my right knuckle from a sword.

One on my right ring finger, top bit, from a bastard sword - no scar yet, but I fully expect one. I parried wrong with a knife, misjudged it, other guy was doing something complicated. Sword went between two fingers, otherwise I'd probably have broken one. I then went on to take the guy down with nothing but a shield and combat knife, something I'm very proud of - seeing as how it was a free for all and both people left were using bastard swords, one with a shield, and both better than me under normal circumstances.

2009-11-18, 12:23 PM
All my scars worth come from trying things that had no hope of success. I think that's worth "bragging about." One can twist words around to make any individual circumstance sound idiotic and insignificant, but the central conceit that inspired the scars often is.

2009-11-18, 01:54 PM
And I'm proud of my last one. Sure, I did dumb things for the second, but my third involved keeping a kid from losing a finger.

Potentially losing a finger. I agree, this was a noble action. Thing is: are you proud of the story, or the scar? And keep in mind that the scar is only there because you slipped up, and if you'd done it with just a little more finesse, you wouldn't have a scar to show for it. But that wouldn't hurt the story any - you'd still have done something noble-like.
Though perhaps I am not, personally, a very good person to comment on this, having no real "heroic" scars to speak of. My biggest would be a giant blotch just above my left elbow, received by jumping off of a high-speed (very high speed) scooter onto the road to avoid collision with the back of a pickup truck (the brakes... well, it was a scooter.) Back when I was twelve, donch'a know.
By contrast, I applied first aid to a badly bleeding man yesterday and, along with a cousin, took him to a hospital. Scrubbed away all the blood as soon as I got home, and not a trace remains. He'll have a scar, later, to remind him how not to best dispose of old car tires...

2009-11-18, 02:28 PM
My Mistake
Two nails went through my right foot while I was walking bare-footed in overgrown grass. Never noticed that, until I got back home and saw my father's face.

My Sins
My shoulders and shoulder blades are almost treasure maps... Let's just say my girlfriend has sharp nails xD

My Courage
A guy hit me with a crowbar when I tried to stop him from robbing an old lady. He cut me and broke 2 ribs on my left side... I broke his arm... Three times :smallbiggrin:

Little Bo Peep
2009-11-18, 03:05 PM
As far as I know I got most of my scars from the foolishness of my youth:

1) A faint scar across my forehead that's barely visible. I wish I could say I got this by fighting He Who Must Not Be Named, but sadly I got it when I fell over whilst on my way to school, I was late and running, I tripped and my face and the pavement had a very nasty meeting.

2) When I was young, around the age of 5 and 6, I was out riding a bike with my family. I went speeding off and decided it'd be fun to try and ride over broken branches. Naturally the branch got caught in my wheel and I came tumbling off, bike swiftly following me. This earned me a large slash across my thigh that's still visible to this day.

3) When I was 13 it was considered popular to hang around the basket ball courts with your friends. At that age "fitting in" meant a lot to me, so I went with my friends and hung around. It was fine and everything, boring, but uneventuful. We watched the boys throw around a top of a stool about like a frisbee whilst chatting. I had my back facing the stool/frisbee whilst talking to someone else. I heard someone shout, I later learned that it was "DUCK!", I turned and got a face full of stool. Now I wear glasses, so this stool hit my right on the bridge of my nose, glasses dug into my face.

Blood splattered everywhere, people screamed as I calmly walked to the Nurses office. Luckily it wasn't broken, but I was sporting very unattractive panda eyes for a few days.

The price of wanting to be cool.

So clumsy :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-18, 03:18 PM
Though perhaps I am not, personally, a very good person to comment on this, having no real "heroic" scars to speak of. My biggest would be a giant blotch just above my left elbow, received by jumping off of a high-speed (very high speed) scooter onto the road to avoid collision with the back of a pickup truck (the brakes... well, it was a scooter.) Back when I was twelve, donch'a know.

Sounds like an semi-Honourable wound to me, What were you doing on the road on a scooter age 12 though?

By contrast, I applied first aid to a badly bleeding man yesterday and, along with a cousin, took him to a hospital. Scrubbed away all the blood as soon as I got home, and not a trace remains. He'll have a scar, later, to remind him how not to best dispose of old car tires...
Good man, nicely done.

2009-11-18, 04:00 PM
Sounds like an semi-Honourable wound to me, What were you doing on the road on a scooter age 12 though?

Oh, hah, silly me. I should have said there, "kick scooter" - the little platform on two wheels with the handlebars. Hehe.
Also with the rather soft plastic wheels that simply rub off onto the road and contribute next to nothing in the way of traction if you try to stop them suddenly from any speed.
With that in mind, I think perhaps "very high speed" is something of an exaggeration. Of course, I was twelve, so it's practically impossible to remember it as having been anything but. It was, see, at the bottom end of a very large hill. Or, rather, a hill that I remember as having been very large. You know how that stuff works. =p

...Ah, here's another thought. A scar that I still remain rather ashamed of, despite reminding myself how much smarter I am now than I was at the time of its conception. It's just a little circle above my left eye, between eyebrow and hairline, that makes a slight depression in the skin. I was somewhere around 14, maybe 15. What happened? Not a great story; just some majorly huge acne that suddenly struck on a day where it really was not appreciated (Picture/Party Day.) The scar comes from my (fruitless) attempts to get rid of the thing, which ended up removing the afflicted skin. Such is the price of vanity...

2009-11-18, 04:13 PM
Unintentional Ones?
What about your intentional ones? :D Body mod scars, I presume?

I have only one unintentional scar which is under my right eyebrow. I was in grade 11 crossing the cafeteria by leaping over the tables, except one didn't have a bench on the other side where it was supposed to, and I swung face-first into the next table's edge.

It was also the opening night of our drama class's play; the teacher/director's sister worked in a clinic, so she expedited my getting stiches as quickly as possible, and I gave a stunning performance with a bright blue scabby egg growing out of my temple. :smallbiggrin:

Here's a thought:
Piercings are about the ritual of taking pain. The jewelry in the piercing represents and glorifies the completion of that ritual. Tattoos and scarification fall in similar line. If the incipient ritual did not involve pain, would they signify the stigma-honour that they do?

In the same way, one is proud both of the scar, and even if the incident involved shame or foolishness, yes the event itself. "I survived" is exactly it, or to tease out the subtext, "I survived and learned and bear a signifier of that essential human process." The body as text.

2009-11-18, 04:37 PM
Age 6. Snowboarding
Back yard, gentle hill, sticky spring snow. Hit a quad track, fell on my face, board pulled my legs back and up, and now I have a short ridge on the back of my head. I have always worn a helmet since.

Age 13. Camping.
Running down a small but steep hill. Chasing some guys while playing cops and robbers. Hit the edge of a road, fell, and scraped my knee something odd. Now I have a big pink bump in my knee, it gets itchy sometimes.

Over the years. Summer months.
Many white marks on my arms from mosquito bites I've scratched too much.

Miscellaneous. No clue.
I have some acrual scratch shaped scars, one on my arm, one on my knee. I don't remenber getting them, but they look kinda cool.

2009-11-18, 05:47 PM
My face is the one on my throat/chin area. See, me and my friend were hanging out around my FLGS and one of his enemies/foes/people who don't like him walks up and starts talking trash. Well, they start screaming and the insulter pulls a chain and slings it at my buddy and I jumped in front of him and took the chain to the throat

Inhuman Bot
2009-11-18, 05:53 PM
Scars I got for reasons other than disease or putting them there myself...

Uh... What do you mean by "put them there yourself?" >.>

2009-11-18, 08:45 PM
Not so many scars for me as broken bones...

Stupid mistake scar on my right index finger from fighting with my friend's mom with my friend's swords that she wasn't supposed to have sharpened...

Kitty scar on my right wrist when the kitten I was holding decided to use me as a springboard.

Sister scars on both arms from a few separate incidents when I tickled her when she was in a bad mood. She never cuts her nails.

Scar on my left shin from falling over in the ocean on a rocky Washington beach and destroying my camera. Was pissed enough about the camera that I didn't notice that I was bleeding till someone pointed it out to me.

Scar on my forehead from running around when I was 2 and falling on a stone hearth.

I think that's all that're still there.

2009-11-18, 08:49 PM
Uh... What do you mean by "put them there yourself?" >.>

Former cutter/burner. *shrugs*

And I forgot my most recent scar, across my left wrist. Was cutting a broken tree limb, and it bounced at a weird angle and destroyed the metal ladder I was standing on. I fell a good 10 feet or so with a running chainsaw and landed on the twisted metal. Broke the chainsaw in the fall, and got a good slice on my arm from either the broken chain or the broken ladder rungs. Probably the latter.

I got of lucky, I think. Impalement avoided by a few inches. >.>

Coatl Ruu
2009-11-18, 08:53 PM
I've really only got one noticeable one. It's on my eyebrow. I hit myself there with a wrench while I was changing the oil in my dad's car. I actually didn't notice it was bleeding until my dad pointed it out. Or when it started to drip. It didn't need stitches, but it required some careful bandaging.

I'm not sure if this counts, but I accidentally gave myself a tattoo when I stabbed myself in the arm with a pencil. It was a tiny little puncture wound, but couldn't clean out all of the graphite dust, so to this day I have a little black dot just under the skin of my left arm.

2009-11-18, 10:07 PM
Age 6, I was riding one of those non-powered scooter things and I fell. I ended up landing on my right knee and the skin ended up being ripped right down to the patella (I may be horribly misremembering the name of that bone) and there is a big pink bump still there (after 10 years).

One winter (sometime between age 9-11), I fell and slid down the slope about 5-6 feet. My mitten got taken off and a bunch of the skin on the my palm got taken off. The freezing weather made it that much worse. This one has mostly healed up, by I still have two different skin tones on my left hand (very faint difference).

About 1 month ago, I whacked myself in the head with a tennis racket during practice, and cut my right eyebrow open. I didn't even notice it was bleeding until people told me it was. It's just now started to scar, after being a scab for a few weeks.

2009-11-18, 10:23 PM
back of left hand, line from the metal bit on the end of a #2 pencil, friend who said sorry about doing it five seconds before he saw it bleeding demanded it wasn't him who got me with the pencil as soon as he saw the blood.

by left thumb on area between palm and back of hand. from cutting open a box of asperagus (sp?) at work, it was corrigated hard plastic, my blade slipped, and i jumped back, but the momentum pulled the blade into me anyway. There was lots of blood, and i duno if they checked the food i was working with before they put it on the sales floor, my boss was more of a get it done person than a make sure its ok person.

upper left leg and "bum" bite marks from a dog that liked to knock down and chew on little kids.

Left side of noggin: question mark scar from when they had to saw my head open. After falling down a staircase and cracking my head on a wooden door frame, they still had to saw me open.

ok so my left side is prone to violent things. but atleast it's never been broken.

2009-11-18, 10:25 PM
I've got a nasty one, but there's not much of a story behind it - A mishap with the clothes iron is all.


If it nets me any bonus points, I'm pretty sure that book in the background is The Princess Bride.

2009-11-19, 12:14 AM
Ouch! Was that a severe second degree burn, or a third degree? Seems like your hand muscles are working fine, though.

Heh, speaking of burns, my mother liked using toothpaste as an ointment. But, I think I'll stick to aloe vera.

2009-11-19, 06:08 PM
Actually, the damage is all superficial - it's not even any more sensitive than any of my other skin. Odd, really.

2009-11-19, 06:15 PM
What about your intentional ones? :D Body mod scars, I presume?

Yup, check the Body Mods in Playground thread: Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125073)

2009-11-20, 01:23 AM
I've got a nasty one, but there's not much of a story behind it - A mishap with the clothes iron is all.


If it nets me any bonus points, I'm pretty sure that book in the background is The Princess Bride.

How the heck?!?!

My latest one

Just under my right eyebrow. My car door punched me in the face. I was leaning in to put a parking pass on my dash, stood back up and wham, my glasses were knocked from my face and I just remember clutching my head and trying to laugh at my luck in case anyone saw. When the pain didn't go away and I put my glasses back on, but could start to see blood at the top of my vision, I sat for a moment and discovered that the door corner had apparently impaled me. And where it was bleeding from wasn't where it hurt the worst. It took a day or two for the colour to come in, but I had bruised all along the top edge of my eye orbital. Then the cut was into a more tissue thick area. I am deeply thankful I didn't hit my actual eye.

The funny part was that this was on my way in to get my new passport on my lunch break. So, folded kleenex pressed to my brow to stop the bleeding, I kept going as I had very little time and none to spare. There was one female guard in the room I went to, who took one look at me and asked if I was alright. 'I'm... not entirely sure, but I think so." It was her first day and we were the only two in the room. The desk worker I needed was away for a minute. And she didn't know where the first aid kit was. So she got the worker, who got the kit, which I used as he got my passport, then I thanked them and went on my way. :smallsigh:

2009-11-20, 01:47 AM
My Sins
My shoulders and shoulder blades are almost treasure maps... Let's just say my girlfriend has sharp nails xD

At first I thought this was going to be a story about punishing yourself. I like this version better. :smallsmile:

Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory.. lasts forever.


My Mutilation:circumcision. Intentional, but not my intention, I won't get it done to my children

I don't want to start a fight, but it's more sanitary, you know? Makes you less prone to certain infections, etc.

2009-11-20, 03:07 AM
I have all of... three, maybe four scars, and all on my hands. It's said you get one scar on your hands for each year you've been in the artillery. The older two scars date back to my childhood, when I had the chicken pox. My first-year scar is on the second knuckle of my index finger, where I opened it up punching something (I know, I know, I punched it wrong). Just a shiny line across the joint. The second-year scar is a pair of wounds I took during training, when I got shot with sim rounds at point-blank range in the first segment of the index finger and dead-center on the back of my hand. If I hadn't been wearing ballistic gloves, I probably would've gotten a fractured fingerbone. As it was, I just bled some and fell back to the room we'd just cleared to say "Owie" in many colorful ways for a good minute.
Oh, right, forgot one. I picked up one from a guy showing me why biting your lip in a fight is a really bad idea. My right upper canine bit all the way through my bottom lip. That one bled a lot. The platoon medic almost called it an emergency, but I managed to ninja away before he could get stitches in there.

2009-11-20, 03:55 AM
For me, if a scar's not surgical, it goes away.

- I've got one on my chin from leaping from the couch onto a glass table as a toddler.

- I've got one on my neck where they removed a lump to check for cancer (wasn't cancerous).

Then there are all the things that have left no permanent physical marks...

Spoilered not-permanent marks.
Like in high school when I was hit by a car, from my bike, flipped in the air and landed with my keys inserted into my side like it was a keyhole. Most items on the keychain were bent or broken. Only the keys were still usable. It FOLDED one of those metal Disney name things for keychains in half... After a week there was just a scar where the key inserted into my side, all the scrapes were gone. Another week and the scar was gone too.

In middle school, I looked up at the season's first falling snow as I was rushing between classes (you really had to rush to be on time at this school). Tree branch + eye = very painful. It missed anything important, just scraped the side of my eyeball. It healed completely within a few weeks.

Also middle school, I was wandering and decided to wind up this tennis net to see how tight the crank would go. The catch released and the crank swung and hit me in the... What's a safe word here? Jewels? They still function perfectly fine.

In elementary school, I was at a place called Space Plex. It was an indoor type place with laser tag, bumper cars, arcade machines, ect... In the middle was a tower in which each floor was made of giant rubber bands. My hand slipped, snapping a band up as I fell into the band. The rubber was faster than my eye's closing reaction. I got snapped in the eye by a gigantic rubber band. Had to sit out for a bit as it hurt a lot for a while, but I felt fine just in time for laser tag. No scars, obviously. Next time I went to Space Plex, the rubber band tower was gone and there was an inflated rocket-ship bounce-house.

Longest injury I ever had was in 2nd grade when I stepped backwards off a sort of swing set-treehouse combo thingy... Broke my left wrist. We thought it was just sprained for the first few weeks. Bones just don't heal as quickly as anything else.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot the time I locked my thumb in the car. (Elementary again) Back seat, with locks only on the front doors. Car key was on a key chain attached to the house key, which was in my mom's hands opening the house's door at that moment.

I could go on, but those are the biggest ones. I'm sure you don't want to hear about every time I rode my bike into a parked car because I was looking at my hot friend instead of where I was going...


My friend's friend once accidentally set himself on fire (elementary school). My friend and I used to burn leaves (he was going to make a wooden fireplace for this task. I found a metal bin with no holes or rust in the woods to use instead. He also kept wanting to add kerosene, but the fire was fine as is...) So my friend's friend comes over the one time, and isn't careful with the fire like we are. He winds up letting his jacket hang in the flames and it goes on fire. My friend goes inside to get water. I tell him to take it off, which he then does, and I kick dirt on it until it's out. My friend returns, like, 5 minutes later with a cup of water. Friend's friend said he didn't like that jacket anyway...

2009-11-20, 04:14 AM
For me, if a scar's not surgical, it goes away.

I used to be the same way, chicken pox scar notwithstanding. I've had some doozies that ought to have scarred, but didn't leave a mark after a week or two, maybe a month on the outside. That was when I was younger - the healing process slowed from 'days' to 'weeks' in high school, and nowadays it's even slower. I think the body's ability to recover damage goes down as you age.

2009-11-20, 04:17 AM
I'm the opposite:

My surgical scars heal, my others, not as much.

How funny.

2009-11-20, 05:44 AM
Let's see... My earliest one is one on my scalp that I havn't been able to locate since I grew out my hair. It's from when I was a little baby, and despite my budding genius figured it a blast to crawl up the couch and fall off the back. My parents inform me I had a wonderful time of it. One of those time was when my parents hadn't realized it was a game to me, and didn't put down padding(thus turning it from willing self injury to family entertainment). I had to get a few stitches.

My most memorable one is a burn mark on the back of my left hand. When I was two I saw my mom ironing in the kitchen, and when she took a break I sneaked up and for some reason slammed my tiny hand into the ironing board right in front of the iron and it fell over on my hand. Big unsightly wad of scar tissue on my middle knuckle and reaching to about halfway down my hand. I think there's also some scar tissue on my ring finger.

My most recent one that I can still recall was one on my right hand pointer finger right next to the nail. I was pissed off one night, and I have unusual ways of letting off steam. This night, I'd figured it was an amazing idea to try and stab a swiss-army knife through a phone book. In my endless genius, I held my finger down right where the knife folds and it didn't occur to me it would fold before piercing layer upon layer of paper.

It is clear I am and always have been a person with incredible mental prowess.

2009-11-20, 09:33 AM
Oh, that reminds me of a scar I somethimes forget I have.

I fell out of tree in my youth,and scarred my scalp. Before then, I had lovely straight hair. Now, when short, you can see the curl of the scar, and when my hair grows out, it does so as an Elvis style quiff.