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View Full Version : Next best to Bloodclaw [4e]

2009-11-18, 11:20 AM
I'm about to let one of my players know that his weapon got nerfed. I'm going to allow him to change the enchantment to another of the same level because he tends to make annoying characters and his damage optimized character is at least tolerable to the rest of the group (they're more concerned with roleplaying than balance in the party).

What's the next best damage optimized weapon after Bloodclaw (prenerf)?

He's wielding the +2 (level 7) version and is a Ardent type Paladin. I'm also going to give the option of just sticking with the nerfed weapon until his next weapon upgrade so higher level weapons are fine.

2009-11-18, 12:09 PM
If you have a rogue in the party or the player regularly has combat advantage, then the SUBTLE weapon property is nice.

And it is a level 3 weapon so there is a level 8 version, you can place as treasure.

2009-11-18, 12:33 PM
What an awkwardly phrased question. Why not ask: With the most recent rules update, what is the most damage boosting weapon enchantment?

2009-11-18, 12:38 PM
They finaly balanced the bloodclaw weapons?
What is the change? (i dont have access to wizards web site at work).

2009-11-18, 12:40 PM
They finaly balanced the bloodclaw weapons?
What is the change? (i dont have access to wizards web site at work).

Its 1/encounter now.

2009-11-18, 12:41 PM
They finaly balanced the bloodclaw weapons?
What is the change? (i dont have access to wizards web site at work).

The bloodclaw weapon power is now an encounter power, not at-will.

2009-11-18, 12:45 PM
My personal preference is to boost hit. There's a weapon from AV1 that gives +2 hit when you're bloodied. I don't remember the name, but it seems helpful to me.

Mando Knight
2009-11-18, 12:51 PM
The next best thing to the pre-nerf Bloodclaw weapon is the new Bloodclaw. It's still a good enchantment, and beyond the crit-effect or daily-use abilities of other level 7 items, it's the best one there is at pure damage.

Following Bloodclaw are Fleshseeking weapon (which grants +1 to-hit per encounter), and crit-effect weapons.

2009-11-18, 02:17 PM
So what you're saying is that Bloodclaw is the best of the apparently new category of Encounter-power weapons.

But are any of those seriously better than crit-effect or daily power weapons? Vicious, in conjunction with other items which enhance crit dice, strikes me as largely superior, for example.

Mando Knight
2009-11-18, 03:46 PM
So what you're saying is that Bloodclaw is the best of the apparently new category of Encounter-power weapons.
No, Encounter-power weapons aren't a new category. They've been around since the first print of the 4e PHB. Bloodclaw was just moved into that set, and it happens to be the best damage-dealing encounter-power of the Level 7 weapons.

Since he's looking for a replacement level 7 damage-focused weapon for a Paladin, the encounter version of Bloodclaw is probably his best bet.

But are any of those seriously better than crit-effect or daily power weapons? Vicious, in conjunction with other items which enhance crit dice, strikes me as largely superior, for example.
If you're a crit fisher, consistently get lucky on attack rolls, or make a lot of attack rolls, then yes, Vicious or other crit-bonus weapons are better. Paladins usually aren't crit fishers and don't have as many multiattack powers as Tempest Fighters and Rangers, where I would definitely suggest a crit-bonus weapon. Bloodclaw will always be used each encounter, but whether or not crit-bonus weapons use their effect varies more wildly, which is why they've got larger bonuses.

Daily powers depend on your other daily power items and how many encounters you go through. I rarely ever pack a lot of them unless I'm Epic tier or know I've got ways of refreshing item dailies.