View Full Version : The Endless Dungeon - Robert

2009-11-19, 12:51 AM

You awaken in the center of a 10ft by 15ft room with stone walls, ceilings, and floors. A torch is burning on the wall behind you, while the other three walls have closed, metal doors with brackets allowing you to bar them from the inside. Unfortunately, only two metal rods are lying on the floor.

2009-11-19, 12:57 AM
Robert shakes his head... this is why his order looked down on drinking. You have a few too many, and suddenly you wake up in a strange place that makes you wonder exactly how quickly you're going to die. Shrugging, he uses his 10-foot pole to bar the two lower doors, then heads out the one to the north.

2009-11-19, 01:02 AM
You enter a 10ft wide room, 30 ft long, with another wooden door on the far side. In the room is four kobolds(F1, E1, E2, C2). A small fire is flickering on the floor(D2). You've taken them by surprise, but that doesn't look likely to last long.


Take your surprise round, then roll init.

Kobold init:

2009-11-19, 01:17 AM
Seeing the creatures huddled around the fire, Robert quickly recognizes them as the cannon-fodder of evil. He rushes forward, charging with a shout as he drops his 10-foot pole, swinging his fist in a powerful strike. He thrust his hands towards the gut of the nearest Kobold fiercly, trying to finish off one or more opponent before they can react, channeling Divine energy into the blow.

Unarmed Attack (with charge and Smite Evil)
Unarmed Damage (with Smite Evil)

2009-11-19, 01:19 AM

2009-11-19, 01:38 AM
Not bothering to draw one of his weapons or even use his spiked armor or shield, Robert continues to lash out with punches and kicks as he shouts furiously at the minions of evil.
To keep this from moving slowly, since I know what the Initiative counts are, I'm going to go ahead and include my action for the first round.
If I just took out the 17 Kobold who goes ahead of me, I again attack the nearest Kobold with an Unarmed Strike. If I go second, then I attack the closest Kobold who hasn't gone yet. I also make it a Charge attack if possible. (The roll doesn't factor in the +2 Charge Bonus, if it's possible at all)

Unarmed Attack

2009-11-19, 02:44 AM
You did in fact happen to have the closest kobold with the highest init count, so dropped him first. The next one also drops.

Seeing an armored human beat down of their brethren into the ground with his bare hands, the other two chatter furiously to each other in a language you don't understand. The one further away pops off a shot with a sling, while the nearer one adjusts closer to you, and stabs with his spear.

Sling: [roll0]

Spear: [roll2]

2009-11-19, 02:58 AM
Robert laughs off the attacks, watching as the stone never even touches him, and the spear blow lacks any force behind it. He turns towards the Kobold with the spear and swings his fist again, trying to crack it's skull with another blow. If this is successful, he takes a move-action to get next to the final Kobold.

Unarmed Attack
Unarmed Damage

2009-11-21, 02:45 AM
No such luck. The kobolds are determined to get vengeance, and continue their attack.

Sling: [roll0]

Spear: [roll2]

2009-11-21, 03:59 AM
Robert barely blocks a stone with his shield - but the block leaves him just distracted enough for a surprisingly powerful blow to skim across his side. The wound is far from fatal, but it's bad enough that it could have taken many lesser men out of the action... He grunts, and swings again at the spear-wielding Kobold.

2009-11-21, 04:14 AM
Dice roller is on strike tonight.

Sling: [/roll]1d20+3[/roll] (due to the spear guy being in melee with you, you of course get +4 AC against this guy)

Spear: 1d20+1[/roll]

2009-11-21, 04:16 AM
rerolling the sling attack correctly: [roll0]

2009-11-21, 04:17 AM
Ditto, spear attack: [roll0]

2009-11-21, 04:56 PM
Gritting his teeth as the stone from the sling-thrower strikes him, he thanks the holy powers that the stone, like the first spear blow, lacked the force to do any real damage. He easily avoid the spear blow this time, before launching another punch at him. If it hits, he then moves to engage the slinger.

2009-11-21, 05:49 PM
Okay, I have a 22 AC agains the slinger and a 18 against the spear guy - I'm gonna go ahead and roll attacks for the next few rounds to speed things up. The only way I stop fighting is if I get below 6 HP - then I run through the door so only one can fight at a time.
Attack 1
Attack 2
Attack 3

2009-11-21, 05:50 PM
Since the 2nd roll was a Natural 20, the third would have been a critical confirmation, so here's a new third attack - and a fourth, just in case.

2009-11-24, 12:01 AM
First two rounds missed, so I'll just roll those here right quick.

Spear: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Sling: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

Spear: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

Sling: [roll6]
Dmg: [roll7]

2009-11-24, 12:03 AM
That drops you to 4hp, so you can stay and keep swinging, or take other actions if you so wish.

2009-11-24, 02:53 AM
The third round was a hit, so I stick around for now and move to close with the last Goblin. My attack for the next round is...


2009-11-24, 02:54 AM
Critical Hit Confirmation

2009-11-26, 10:29 AM
Slinger gets his shot in before you run him down.


2009-11-26, 04:16 PM
The attack only just misses, slamming into Robert's armor but bouncing off just before it managed to cause any damage - damage that might have finished the battle off in a different direction. Robert follows through with his charge, finishing off the last Kobold. Badly hurt, drags the Kobolds into the room he started out in, piling them against the two doors to add extra resistance to intrusion. With this done, he investigates the next room to the north, hoping to find it secure and monster-free, but not wanting to leave a room nearby unsearched before he tries to rest to recover some of his wounds.
(I also search the bodies of the Kobolds for any gold/items while I'm piling them up as a macabre barricade)

2009-11-28, 12:29 PM
Good idea with the bodies. You gain +300 xp from the fight, and while handling the bodies, you find three flasks of holy water on the bodies(you can of course, also loot the items they were using).

Once you've completed your preparations, you enter a 10ft by 10ft room, with a spear wielding Kobold(A2) guarding a chest(A1). Having heard the brutal conflict in the next room, he's not surprised.

Init: [roll0]

2009-11-28, 06:36 PM
Initiative! (I Hate Kobolds!!!)

2009-11-28, 06:39 PM
Reacting quicker than the Kobold, I charge at the last creature, hoping to drop him while he's flat-footed before he can act.


2009-11-28, 06:59 PM
(Again, to speed up things, I'm making a couple assumptions - that a 19 (or 17 if I didn't have room to Charge) was enough to land the hit, and that it's a normal Kobold Warrior so I took it out and gained the usual 75 EXP. Now that I've cleared out the top rooms and locked the other two with the bars, I'm guessing I can safely rest?)
I check the chest, after prodding it with my 10 Foot Pole, and take the contents out, then drag it to the original room. I push the chest (with two Kobolds in it) against the door facing East, and put three Kobolds against the door heading South. I jam a Kobold Shortspear through each of the doors for good measure, then lay down for rest to heal up for 8 hours.

2009-12-03, 11:48 PM
Correct on the death and the xp. 125 silver pieces found on his body.

Inside the chest, you find 20 GP, and a potion of CLW.

You rest up, and nothing gets through the doors during the night. It was a nice, peaceful night, and nothing disturbs your rest.

DM Info:

Hour 1: Spider Swarm, East. Damn. He didn't hear it.
Hour 2: Nothing.
Hour 3: Nothing.
Hour 4: 3x Monkey(CR .5), South. He also didn't hear em.

No point rolling further, since nothing can get in here, and both halls already have an extra encounter.

2009-12-04, 12:37 PM
Having met a dead end to the North, I uncover the door to the south. I put all but one of the dead bodies against the door to the East and put the bar and spear through the door to the North to hold it, just in case. I drink the healing potion, recovering some (or all, if I'm lucky) health, and listen carefully through the door, hoping not to get surprised. I don my shield and draw my Trident this time, and then head through the door (unless I hear something through the door, in which case I might act differently) this time trying for stealth.

Move Silent

2009-12-07, 11:35 PM
Nothing heard.

Once you open the door, you see a short, narrow, unlit, hallway, five feet in width, and twenty in length. Just over halfway down, a door leads to the left, while at the end, another door leads straight ahead.


2009-12-08, 02:50 AM
I go back, get the bar+spear holding the North door closed, and use it to hold shut the East door, before repeating the process of listening to the next Southern door and going through it.

2009-12-09, 02:27 AM
Be aware that being flimsy wooden doors, these are substantially less sturdy, even when barred than the metal ones in the starting room.

You hear nothing at the door to the south. Upon opening the door, the following sight greets your eyes. In the center of a 15ft square dark room, an lone kobold is standing, wearing nothing but a floppy cloth hat, which bears the word "Sorrc" on it. You also note another wooden door in the center of the east wall.

Init: [roll0]

2009-12-09, 06:33 AM

2009-12-09, 06:43 AM
(I'm assuming the standard rules apply, and when there is a tie on Initiative the one who rolls highest goes first?)
Robert sees the tiny Kobold and decides to try and end things as quickly as possible. He charges forward, his hand glowing with Divine energy.

Smite Evil Unarmed Attack

2009-12-11, 02:56 AM
Higher dex mod goes first, yup. 12 will just do it, and he is in fact evil. Scratch one kobold.

+300 XP.

Loot: One(1) floppy hat. 200GP.

2009-12-11, 05:29 AM
Robert checks through the room after adding the Kobold to the growing list of corpses.
(Any chance on an updated map so I'll have an idea of which ways I have/can go?)

2009-12-11, 01:46 PM
No other loot in the room, Im afraid. I'll kick up a new map later tonight or tomorrow(not at home atm), but for reference, you are in the absolute SW corner of the map, and the hallway north is how you got here.

There is a single door to the east in this room you have not explored yet. Likewise, there is a single door to the east in the hallway you came from.

2009-12-11, 05:09 PM
(Well, I've apparently gone over the entire Wester border, so I'll keep scouting the edges I guess.)
Robert heads East through the door, following the pattern of listen-closely-then-move-through-quietly.

2009-12-14, 11:10 PM

Bit more info on there than strictly necessary, but hey, it should take care of mapping needs for a bit.

At the door to the east, you hear sounds as if someone or something is moving in the next room, but it's too faint to make out what it could be.

2009-12-16, 02:31 PM
Not sure what the scraping are, I throw the door open suddenly, hoping to catch whatever is on the other side off guard.

2009-12-20, 10:14 PM
In a particularily messy 15ft by 15ft room, you see two zombie kobolds feasting on the remains of one of their brethren. There is a door on the far side of the room. They look up in surprise from their feast as you enter.

Your surprise round, then init:

2009-12-20, 11:36 PM
Robert draws (Quick Draw - Free Action) his Guisarme and charges at the nearest Kobold, slashing at it's unholy flesh. He then takes a 5-foot step back, taking advantage of the weapon's reach to give him a chance to strike the creatures as they approach.

Attack and Damage

2009-12-20, 11:42 PM
-=-=-=1st Round Action=-=-=-
I take another 5-foot step back, through the door, forcing them to come at me one at a time so that I won't have to deal with more than one of them at once. I also ready an attack against them approaching, so that I'll get to make two attacks (Readied Attack and AoO) against whichever one approaches me first. (I'm not sure if I deal double damage for setting a Reach Weapon against a Charge, which the Zombies would have to do to be able to reach me and attack in one round because of that One-Action thing they have. If so, I'll let you either double my roll or roll a second one yourself - your call, since you're the DM)

Readied Attack (Damage is Slashing)

Attack of Opportunity (Damage is Slashing)


2009-12-20, 11:44 PM
(Messed up the Damage rolls - I'm assuming both attacks hit, since they have a listed AC of 13, -2 for Charging Penalty leaving 11?)

2009-12-20, 11:48 PM
They do in fact charge, but you put out enough damage to drop the first one on the way to you.

Zombie #2: [roll0]

2009-12-20, 11:54 PM
I let my Guisarme fall to the ground and change over to super-steryotype-Paladin mode - Longsword and Shield! I swing at it, trying to take advantage of it's dropped armor class while I can.

2009-12-20, 11:57 PM
No luck, unfortunately. The zombie stabs at you once again, heedless of the failure of his buddy.

Spear: [roll0]

2009-12-21, 12:00 AM
I strike again, trying to cut it down before it has a chance to hurt me.
(Two things about this fight make me mad... one - I seem just slightly smarter than the Zombies. Two - I'll be TWENTY-FIVE EXP from leveling up?! Does the next room have a housecat or rat I can fight?!)

2009-12-21, 12:01 AM
(Forgot to make the rolls...)

2009-12-21, 12:04 AM
No joy again. The zombie stabs once more


Yeah, xp worked out unfortunately for you...it's possible though...some of the rooms have random encounters, and rats are on the list.

2009-12-21, 12:05 AM
I strike again, very frustrated with missing so often.

2009-12-21, 12:07 AM
The zombie moans a bit as he stabs once more, clearly frustrated by his inability to get at your sweet, delicious brains.

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2009-12-21, 12:08 AM
I groan, my brain frustrated at it's inability to properly guide my pointy-thing at the zombie.

2009-12-21, 12:33 AM
It connects, and rotting bits fall off him as he stabs again.

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2009-12-21, 12:34 AM
I go for another swing, encouraged by finally landing a blow.

2009-12-21, 12:34 AM
Wow, quite a stabfest!

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2009-12-21, 12:41 AM
(The next several rounds, to speed things up...)

2009-12-21, 12:44 AM
He gets in two more stabs before he goes down.

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Atk: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

XP: 300
Loot: 400 SP

2009-12-21, 12:49 AM
With the zombies down, I search the room, including the corpse they were eating on, and take the bodies back to the central room to increase the body-barricades. Then I return down to this room and begin listening to the next door heading east for sounds. (After reclaiming my Guisarme)

2009-12-30, 11:50 PM
Nothing special in the room, and the body lugging goes without incident.

Upon listening at the door to the east, you hear the sounds of something moving about heavily inside the room.

DM Info:

Rolled a bugbear for the encounter in room K5.

2009-12-31, 03:26 AM
I ready my Trident and Shield, and burst through the door, hoping to surprise the next enemy like the last.

2010-01-04, 07:49 PM
No joy. The irregular shaped room to the east contains a bugbear, that apparently heard you coming.
Init: [roll0]

He's 10ft into the room, in the center, and you see one door leading north, and two leading east.

2010-01-04, 11:40 PM
Initiative Roll (here's hoping for a lucky roll!)

2010-01-05, 08:07 PM
The bugbear charges, attempting to destroy you with his morning star.


2010-01-05, 10:26 PM
Robert dies a horrible, painful death as the Bugbear caves in his fragile human skull with it's Morningstar.

2010-01-05, 10:29 PM
Ouch...stupid vulnerability to morning stars.

Feel free to restart with this or another character if you like, of course.

2010-01-06, 08:38 AM