View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 79: Ayl vs. Train

2009-11-19, 11:49 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 79: Ayl vs. Train


XP Award: 600 XP
GP Award: 600 GP

Ayl (http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=3616) - Sallera
Train (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=133308) - hustlertwo

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2009-11-19, 12:16 PM
Well, hello again.

Init: [roll0]

No purchases yet; I'll probably have to take a look at my books.

2009-11-19, 01:20 PM
Darn, you were one of the ones I was hoping to avoid when I hopped in this round (also, wow, quick turnaround, only came in last night I think, decided it wasn't ideal but there was no sense waiting for a new one, slow as things are in the second level).

No sense rolling init, I'm going second. Pretty sure I can't beat a 17.

And I'll have to see what I'm going to buy as well; Train's the only one of mine who had 5 wins before coming up, so he probably has a pile of money to spend.

2009-11-19, 02:28 PM
Oh, I don't suppose you can save me a couple Yahoo searches and tell me what your maneuvers do, can you?

2009-11-19, 02:32 PM
Charging Minotaur's a charging bull rush + damage.
Stone Bones gives me DR5/addy for a round on a hit.
Crusader Strike heals me for 1d6+IL on a hit.
The other two are just placeholders.

2009-11-19, 04:53 PM
Was looking, had slightly less money than I thought. Shouldn't have bought that masterwork chain shirt. I'll finalize my buys when I get back tonight, but it'll probably just be some regular stuff, like a flail (possibly masterworked as well), a sling and some masterwork bullets, and mundane items of that nature. I'm sorry you and I have to keep meeting like this, my friend.

2009-11-19, 09:22 PM
I'll buy a Healing Belt and a Psionic Tattoo of Force Screen at ML2.

...also, having a shortbow at level 2 is silly. I'll swap it for a longbow.

You should probably roll init anyway, as you technically have a 5% chance to force a reroll. :smalltongue:

2009-11-19, 11:08 PM
Ugh, must I? You certainly know by now of my superstitions, I hate to waste one of the good rolls on a check I truly cannot win (and don't necessarily care to anyhow). Can I not simply concede first go in order to save my soul the searing pain of seeing a 19 roll end up underutilized? Especially since I'm on a lousy run with d20s lately, which hopefully means I'll be on the mend soon.

Or I'll just roll it.


Also, holy hell, once again you show me the light in cool stuff to siphon my money away. This is even better than the Chronocharm. So it really works like the links I've seen, 4d8 of healing per day? Shame there's no +whatever bonus, but I won't complain. I'll snag one as well, means no magic weapons or armor for a while, but screw it. Buying that Healing Belt, a sling with 30 bullets, as well as 10 masterwork bullets, a buckler, a flail, a grappling hook and however much rope is needed to climb the rock pillars (height isn't listed, assuming it's less than 50). Whew!

2009-11-19, 11:25 PM
Ooh, hey, a buckler. That's a good idea. I'll assume you don't have anything else in response to that. :smalltongue: Oh, and the pillars are 15ft, it's in the map rules on the front page of the Waiting Room.

...also, I really need to fix the map. Don't know who uploaded this version, but clearly it got slightly squished somewhere along the line...

Ayl, Round 1

Refs/LoS:Starting in Y10, wielding longbow in one hand and buckler.
Standard: Activate tattoo of Force Screen.
Move to T7.

Stats:HP 17/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 7/7
Loc: T7
Psionically focused
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 0/1, Airstep Sandals 1/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

2009-11-19, 11:52 PM
Train, Round 1

Time to shake the dust off the original gangsta. He's flawed, no question, a product of a D&D noob, but we'll see if he can still bring the pain.

Train starts in B-10, potion and flail in hand, with the buckler equipped to his off hand. He drinks the potion, drops the vial, moves to F-5. Flail is in his main hand, buckler on the arm of the off hand, actual off hand is empty.


HP: 23
AC: 20
Shield of Faith 10/10
Equipped: Javelin and buckler

2009-11-20, 12:02 AM
Ini Ref, RandomAction

I think the DC is 7 for the distance between them.
Ayl's spot:[roll0]
Train's spot: [roll1]
If I am wrong, so sorry I am trying to learn.

AylSubject to Higher Ref change, but for now no LoS.

TrainSubject to Higher Ref change, but for now no LoS

2009-11-20, 12:13 AM
Ayl, Round 2

Refs/LoS:Move: Fly to T9.
Move to T12.

Stats:HP 17/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 7/7
Loc: T12
Psionically focused
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 0/1, Airstep Sandals 1/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll0]

2009-11-20, 12:19 AM
Crap, wrong side, then. Double move to H-18.


Position: H-18
HP 23
AC 20
Equipped: flail and buckler
Shield of Faith 9/10

2009-11-20, 08:49 PM
High Ref Scorer

There has been a wrong LoS check. (Don't worry Random, I've screwed worse :smallbiggrin:)

LoS is established at the end of Round 1

Train is on F5

Ayl is on T7

Rewind to the begining of Round 2, that would be Ayl's turn

2009-11-20, 09:18 PM
Ayl, Round 2

Move: Fly to T9.
Standard: Shoot Train.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Stats:HP 17/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 7/7
Psionically focused
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 0/1, Airstep Sandals 1/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll4]

2009-11-21, 12:01 AM
INI REF, RandomAction:

I humblely apologize to both players and beg your forgiveness in the form of 30 lashes.

2009-11-21, 12:17 AM
Fly? Clearly I don't understand this Incarnate class very much. How high up are you?

2009-11-21, 01:01 AM
Standing on the pillar.

2009-11-21, 01:34 AM
Oh, and no sweat, Random.

Train moves to M-4.

Ready action: to attack if my opponent somehow ends up in my flail's range.


2009-11-21, 01:50 AM
Ayl, Round 3

Swift: Reallocate essentia.
Standard: Ready action: Dissolving Spittle at Train if he ends his turn within 30ft or attempts to move from within 30ft to outside 30ft.

Stats:HP 17/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 7/7
Psionically focused
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: Last

2009-11-21, 01:59 AM
Train sheathes his flail, and draws his sling, loaded with a masterwork bullet.

2009-11-21, 02:12 AM
Ayl, Round 4

Swift: Reallocate essentia.
Move to T12.
Standard: Shoot Train.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Stats:HP 17/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 7/7
Psionically focused
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 0/1, Airstep Sandals 1/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll4], [roll5]

2009-11-21, 02:34 AM
5 foot to M-5, fire!


And then reload with another masterwork bullet.

2009-11-21, 02:37 AM
Crit confirm:


2009-11-21, 03:34 AM
Spend 1pp to negate 4 damage.

Ayl, Round 5

Move to T9.
Standard: Shoot Train.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

HP 13/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 6/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 16 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 0/1, Airstep Sandals 1/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll4]

2009-11-21, 03:37 AM
5 foot back to M-4. Always with the damage negation with y'all...



And reload with a masterwork bullet.

2009-11-21, 03:54 AM
Well, if the roll disparity continues, I won't be doing it for much longer. :smalleek:

Ayl, Round 6

To the Nine with this archery contest, I'm losing anyway.
Move: Fly to T5.
Swift: Reassign essentia.
Standard: Spit acid at ye.
Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Stats:HP 6/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 6/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 15 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll4]

2009-11-21, 04:13 AM
So, I guess you're on the ground? And geez...did I miss this on your sheet? Acid? Stop being a living utility belt!

I guess we have to try another tack. Move to S-5, drop sling, and initiate grapple.

[roll0] Attack vs. touch AC
[roll1] Opposed Grapple


HP: 16/23
AC: 20
Shield of Faith 7/10 remaining
Equipped: buckler

2009-11-21, 04:32 AM
Incarnates are living utility belts. That's what makes them fun. :smallbiggrin:

Opposed grapple: [roll0]

2009-11-21, 04:35 AM
Bollocks. Your go, then.

Wait, how's your opposed check mod +4? Not that it matters, just curious.

2009-11-21, 04:41 AM
Ayl, Round 7

Free: Drop bow.
Move: Draw flail.
5ft step to U4.
Standard: Spit more acid.
Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Stats:HP 6/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 6/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 14 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: Last

2009-11-21, 05:09 AM
How come it's just 2d6 this time? Did you have to do something extra for the 2d6+1 last time? And I was just wondering about the grapple mod you had last time...aren't those straight Strength? Or is there something else you have to add in? Not that it would matter, since you beat me by 4.

Anyhow, I'm just glad we don't need LoS checks anymore. Standard action to use one charge on my Healing Belt (it is a standard, right?) and heal [roll0] damage. Then a move to draw my guisarme.


HP: 5/23 + healing
AC: 20
Shield of Faith 5/10 remaining
Equipped: guisarme and buckler
Position: S-5

2009-11-21, 05:25 AM
See, this is why you shouldn't use those inferior mythweavers sheets. :smalltongue: They don't even list grapple mod? Anyway, it adds BAB as well. The extra 1 attack and damage was from Furious Counterstrike, which is only active when I've got damage in my delayed damage pool.

Ayl, Round 8

5ft step to V3.
Standard: Burn one charge from the Healing Belt for [roll0] hp.

Stats:HP 16/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 6/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 13 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll1], [roll2]

2009-11-21, 10:34 AM
Ah, so my mod on it is +10, not +8. Good to know.

And I can see we'll be here for a while. But ultimately, I imagine you'll come out the victor. I definitely never accounted for you having an infinite use ranged touch attack. Heck, I wasn't even aware there was such a thing. Hard to believe the forum links I read claimed the Incarnate was weak.

But, we must persevere, and we might as well do something fairly crazy and ill-advised in the bargain.

So, we will 5 foot step to T-4, move action to loosen my buckler, free to drop it, free to put my guisarme two handed, and then standard to attack!



HP: 15/23
Healing belt: 2 charges left
AC: 19
Shield of Faith: 3/10 (?)
Equipped: guisarme

2009-11-21, 01:46 PM
Burn 2pp to prevent 8 damage. Damn your rolls.

Oh, and Incarnates are sort of weak at higher levels. All their tricks are just really useful for low levels.

Ayl, Round 9

5ft step to W2.
Standard: Spit acid.
Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Stats:HP 12/17, AC22 (13, 19)
PP: 5/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 12 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll4]

2009-11-21, 02:20 PM
And damn your rolls as well. We've both had preternatural luck, it would seem.

Now, what I'm going to do would probably cause us to lose LoS normally, but if it's jake with you and the bosses, I'm just going to act like it doesn't and post out in the open. Our matches move too fast to sacrifice that for a day or more of waiting around for checks. Especially since I have to assume neither of us are about to start hiding (I know it's not currently my plan). In any case, I'm double moving to E-6, and shifting my guisarme to my off hand. I need to do a touch of rebuffing.


HP: 6/23
AC: 19
Shield of Faith 2/10
Equipped: guisarme (off hand)
Position: E-6

2009-11-21, 02:22 PM
I'm monitoring this match to make LoS checks quickly, you can count on me

2009-11-21, 02:28 PM
Appreciated, most assuredly, but counting on a third person to be online is always going to make things stretch out. Hence why FFA and 2v2 rounds last at least twice as long on average as 1v1 rounds not held in the Clouds arena. But if Sallera decides he doesn't want to do it this way, or it's ruled illegal (though if both fighters agree I wouldn't imagine why, provided we didn't also act like we have LoE) then I'll definitely take you up on that offer.

2009-11-21, 02:32 PM
I'm going to be online today all day, as you wish

2009-11-21, 03:12 PM
Ayl, Round 10

Move to O3, loosing buckler.
Free: Drop buckler.
Swift: Enter Martial Spirit stance. (I have a tendency to forget to do that. :smallredface:)
Standard: Ready action:Spit acid if he's within 30ft.

Stats:HP 12/17, AC21 (13, 18)
PP: 5/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 11 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll0]

2009-11-21, 04:30 PM
Move action to sheathe my guisarme. Then Train moves to D-14, popping out of LoS for a moment. When he reappears, he's holding his trusty greatsword. Again, apologies for the retreat, but I've still got a couple more actions to perform before I can re-enter the fray, and since I can't expect you to wait around, I have to take only one a turn.


HP: 6/23
AC: 19
Equipped: greatsword (off hand)
Shield of Faith: last round
Healing Belt 2 charges remain
Position: D-14

2009-11-21, 04:43 PM
Ayl, Round 11

Double move to G7.
Free: Stick out tongue.

Stats:HP 12/17, AC21 (13, 18)
PP: 5/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 10 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: Last

2009-11-21, 05:00 PM
Move again, unfortunately breaking LoS as I pass through G-17, and ending in J-17. Once there, I use a second charge on my Healing Belt, [roll0].


Stats: HP: 6+healing/23
AC: 17
Position: J-17
Equipped: greatsword (off hand)

2009-11-21, 05:08 PM
I'm ready to LoS you! :smallbiggrin:



No LoS


No LoS

2009-11-21, 05:24 PM
Ayl, Round 12

Refs/LoS:Swift: Reassign essentia.
Move: Fly to G9.
Move: To G12.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

Stats:HP 12/17, AC21 (13, 18)
PP: 5/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 9 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 0/1, Airstep Sandals 1/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll2], [roll3]

2009-11-21, 05:25 PM
Hahaha, very punctual, Scorer. Not what one would call strictly necessary, but with enthusiasm like that, who can argue?

2009-11-21, 05:26 PM
High Ref Scorer




No LoS


No LoS

2009-11-21, 05:51 PM
A nice healing roll, I see. So no need to supplement it with my CLW potion. Move to R-18, then draw another potion of Shield of Faith (man, this fight's killing my account balance).



HP: 21/23
Healing Belt 1 charge left
AC 17
Equipped: potion, greatsword
Position: R-18

2009-11-21, 05:54 PM
Ayl, Round 13

Refs/LoS:Move: Fly to G16.
Move: To L16.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

Stats:HP 12/17, AC21 (13, 18)
PP: 5/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 8 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 0/1, Airstep Sandals 1/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll2]

2009-11-21, 06:06 PM
High Ref Scorer


Impossible hide, Spot MOD is -1 so 1-1=0 > -1

LoS established

Train is on R18

Ayl is on L16

2009-11-21, 07:35 PM
Train double moves to T-5.


HP: 21/23
Healing Belt 1 charge
AC 17
Equipped: potion and greatsword

2009-11-21, 07:44 PM

Ayl, Round 14

Move: Fly to N13.
Swift: Reallocate essentia.
Standard: Ready action:Spit acid if he's within 30ft.

Stats:HP 12/17, AC21 (13, 18)
PP: 5/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 7 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll0]

2009-11-21, 08:13 PM
If you'd like to continue the fight, I am ready. Thing is, I'm just not quite willing to get a faceful of acid before we have this out proper.

Move to M-2

Ready action: to drink my potion if he attempts to hit me with acid, ends his turn, or moves within 15 feet of me.


HP: 21/23
Healing Belt 1 charge
AC 17
Equipped: potion and greatsword

2009-11-21, 09:00 PM
Well, I'm not quite willing to let you get away without one, either. :smalltongue:

Ayl, Round 15

Move to M8.
Standard: Spit acid at ye.
Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Stats:HP 12/17, AC21 (13, 18)
PP: 4/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 6 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: Last

2009-11-21, 09:16 PM
I could take umbrage to that, and keep running for another 10 rounds or however long that level 2 psionic tattoo you bought takes to run down. But instead I think we shall see about fighting in a nice and civilized manner.

Train's readied action triggers, and he drinks his potion. So for my turn, I drop the empty flask, switch my sword to both hands, and go for broke.

Train charges into M-7 and attacks!


2009-11-21, 09:17 PM
I guess the confirm goes at the same hit chance:


2009-11-21, 09:24 PM
... effing ow. I believe I've angered the dice gods. That pretty much decides the match right there, I think. Spend 4pp to negate 16 damage.

Ayl, Round 16

5ft step to M9.
Free: Shift grip to one-handed.
Standard: Burn two charges of the Healing Belt for [roll0] hp.
Free: Shift grip to two-handed.

Stats:HP 12/17, AC21 (13, 18)
PP: 0/7
Psionically focused
Active effects: Force Screen 5 rounds
Melds shaped: Dissolving Spittle 1/1, Airstep Sandals 0/1
Maneuvers granted: [roll1], [roll2]

2009-11-21, 09:28 PM
Hold on


If my maths are correct you are at -1 before activating belt and unable to act unless you have a obscure feat that allows you to...

2009-11-21, 09:29 PM
Scorer:You're forgetting the Crusader's delayed damage pool. It holds 5 of that damage until the end of my turn.

Carry on.

2009-11-21, 09:29 PM
Wow. I'd say it had to happen sometime, but that's not necessarily true. What're the odds of a double 20, about 1/500? Which would be.... .2%?

2009-11-21, 09:31 PM
In my games I've seen triple 20's, using a variation of sudden death, if you get a double 20 you auto confirm and get instant dead threat, roll again and if it passes AC, he's dead...
And I've seen it 4 times...

Hi Ref Scorer

And yes, carry on :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-21, 09:35 PM
How is this still going?

Probably have no luck left, but I guess I'll make an attempt:

5 foot to M-8.

Whirling Frenzy!





2009-11-21, 09:37 PM
Critical confirm, because I no longer know what it takes to kill this bugger.


2009-11-21, 09:57 PM
...yeh, your crit used up all my PP. That brings me to -2.

2009-11-21, 10:01 PM
Is it then? So I can call the match

2009-11-21, 10:05 PM
Crikey! I fought a guy whose name was McToughy, and I think he was easier to off than you. Very well played, Sallera, without that massive bit of luck I could easily have been boned.

On a side note, this greatsword needs some kind of special name. I remembered I had beaten one of your characters, Nimmi, back in round 58, and was looking through the thread, and realized, sure enough, I had a natural 20 and confirmed crit with it there as well. This blade hates you, Sallera. Or loves you. The emotions of a sword kinda play out the same either way.

2009-11-21, 10:06 PM
Hey! I remember that McToughy match, it was the first I saw... it was on the FFA Glass Arena right?

2009-11-21, 10:07 PM
Hey! I remember that McToughy match, it was the first I saw... it was on the FFA Glass Arena right?

That would be someone else. I only fought him with Battle Janitor in the other level 2 round.

2009-11-21, 10:08 PM
Mhhh... I think it was Psidog... McToughy is an Alterform's character... hum... however he was quite hard to kill as well, I remember...

2009-11-21, 10:10 PM
High Referee Scorer

After a very intense match, Train's (hustlertwo) blade opens the path to victory!

2009-11-21, 10:13 PM
Yeh, I played an exhibition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=129195) against McToughy. It... took a while. :smalltongue:

This match... eh, I didn't play very well. Wasting rounds with the bow, not chasing you immediately... well, either way, good match. o7

2009-11-21, 10:19 PM
By the way... anyone LoS here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131753&page=2)please? :smallsmile:

2009-11-21, 10:21 PM
Yeah, where Ayl here had 7 PP for damage negation, McT had 15 (when I fought him, at least, obviously less back then), but he also used some for teleporting and manifesting force screen. And he didn't have any of the other crazy stuff I saw in this match.

And are you thinking of Psionic's character Dense? I think that was one of the first ones I saw too.

2009-11-21, 10:22 PM
Hum... yes... I think it was it...

Quite long match, and intense too... I beleive Dense had a ride...

2009-11-21, 10:24 PM
Oh, and I'm going to do the LoS, unless someone else already is. Or at least I'm going to try.

That was actually the match that first convinced me Deflect Arrows was a good idea. I saw that if someone had that against him, a lot of his damage potential would be mitigated.