View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 79: No vs. Yoshi

2009-11-19, 11:52 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 79: No vs. Yoshi


XP Award: 600 XP
GP Award: 600 GP

No (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=72424) - Bayar
Yoshi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=33736) - Mavian

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2009-11-19, 01:55 PM
I say old chap, shall we roll initiative and then figure out what to buy/craft ?


2009-11-19, 02:28 PM
Yeah, I finally get to use scrolls... so that'll be nice.

Although with the amount of spells available between use, this could become interesting.

init: [roll0]

2009-11-20, 03:01 PM
Purchases: I can't think of any spells I need off of the top of my head, but I'll grab a scroll of nightshield, just to counter your magic missile, and a resist energy to counter your scorching ray.

I'll probably buy more when I find out what your using.

2009-11-20, 05:27 PM
Hmm, lets see here...

Crafting the following: Scroll of Invisibility, Scroll of Seeking Ray, Potion of See invisibility, Potion of Invisibility...

That should be a basic pack. Still thinking up a tactic to beat your particular character. Not done crafting/buying/selling.

2009-11-20, 05:47 PM
How are you brewing a personal range spell (See Invisibility) into a potion?

2009-11-21, 02:18 AM
How are you brewing a personal range spell (See Invisibility) into a potion?

Oh, I remembered people buying potions of See Invisibility before. If it does not work, fine. I will make a potion of invisibility and a scroll of see invisibility.

But just to note: this is another time someone did something and got away with it and I was forced to follow the rules.

2009-11-21, 02:55 AM
That's probably because your matches end up being against refs, just as a guess.

We pay more attention to our own matches.

2009-11-21, 03:03 AM
That's probably because your matches end up being against refs, just as a guess.

We pay more attention to our own matches.

And how is that fair for everyone ? Anyway, lets not start discussing this here.

2009-11-21, 03:08 AM
It's not really a fairness thing, more of a time thing.

When I'm in a match, I pay much more attention to what my opponents buying because it directly affects me. When I'm just doing LoS or such, I just glance at the last couple of posts. I'm pretty sure most of us do similar. *shrug*

Bah, stupid invisibilty, let me go find something to counter it so that I don't have to deal with it.

2009-11-21, 03:27 AM
This particular item may be simply a case of so many people trying to buy the damn things that one or two get missed. I know I've had to remind numerous people that the spell is personal, and I'm certainly not the only one doing so.

2009-11-22, 02:39 PM
Bah, screw it. You can go invisible and I'll just deal with it.

2009-11-23, 02:24 PM
No more purchases for me, but if you grab anything I want a chance to buy more. On a side note, does the map look screwed up to anyone else?


Increasing Speed with Caramendine Monk, and a list of spells:
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Black Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

Yoshi - Round 1

Starting in B10 with a scroll in each hand.
Move Action: B10 to F10
Standard Action: Ready an action to move if LoS is established.

2009-11-24, 11:05 AM
Well, the map is screwy anyway...

So, the updated list of purchases: crafting a Potion of Invisibility, Scroll of Invisibility, Scroll of Seeking Ray, Scroll See invisibility, Scroll of Alter Self. If you decide to buy anyhting else, I might retroactively buy/craft something else too.

112.5 + ( 56.25 X 4 ) = 337.5 Gold, and 36 XP

No - Round 1

Starting in Y10, with a potion of Invisibility in one hand and a scroll of See invisibility in the other. No will jug the potion down then drop the scroll and the empty bottle on the floor (Y10 square). He will retrieve a Scroll with Mage armor, shield and Alter Self scribed onto it as a move action.

End turn. If LOS is established, I reserve the possibility of changing my actions after LOS is extablished.

HP: 9/9
AC: 12 T: 10 FF: 10
Speed: 30 ft
Location: Y10
Wielding: Scroll of Mage Armor+Sheild+Alter Self

Other scrolls: Schorching ray+Seeking Ray+Magic Missile ; Expeditious Retreat (normal and swift)+Backbiter+winged watcher

Buffs: Invisibility 20/20

UMD bonus to use scrolls: +20 (5 ranks +5 CHA mod +3 Skill focus +2 UMD tool +1 Illiterate Trait +2 Artisan Bonus +2 Spellcraft synergy bonus

2009-11-24, 11:14 AM
No:No LoS.

Yoshi:No LoS.

I did fix the map lines a few days ago, but they seem to have vanished again... some quirk of Photobucket, perhaps. I'll try to remember to fix that again after work, maybe with a darker line colour this time...

2009-11-24, 01:39 PM
Try this one:


It even has the M-N mix-up fixed.

2009-11-25, 02:58 AM
Yoshi - Round 2

Well, assuming No is invisible, its time to attempt to avoid getting killed.
Move action. F9 to F10: Hide check:
Standard Action: Ready an action to cast sanctuary if Yoshi hears spellcasting from the north or south.
Reactive Listen: [roll1]
Thinking, my position and hide check, should mean that he won't be able to see me until he is parallel to my position, so when he goes to cast a spell, I'll through up my sanc, hopefully he'll fail the save, and I'll have beaten his invisibility.

End of Turn:


Hp: 6
Position: F10
Readied Action: Sanctuary on hearing spellcasting.
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Black Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

2009-11-26, 01:02 PM
No - Round 2

No will attempt to read the scroll on the floor (cast See Invisibility from scroll)

DC: 23 [roll0].

If succesful, he will then move from Y10 to U6.

End turn. LOS would be great.

HP: 9/9
AC: 12 T: 10 FF: 10
Speed: 30 ft
Location: U6
Wielding: Scroll of Mage Armor+Sheild+Alter Self

Other scrolls: Schorching ray+Seeking Ray+Magic Missile ; Expeditious Retreat (normal and swift)+Backbiter+winged watcher

Buffs: Invisibility 19/20
See Invisibility 20/20

UMD bonus to use scrolls: +20 (5 ranks +5 CHA mod +3 Skill focus +2 UMD tool +1 Illiterate Trait +2 Artisan Bonus +2 Spellcraft synergy bonus

2009-11-26, 01:13 PM
Refs:Stone walls and distance make listen checks pointless for now.

No:No LoS.

Yoshi:No LoS.

2009-11-27, 12:16 PM
Yoshi - Round 3

Standard Action: Ready an action to cast sanctuary if I hear spell casting from the north or south.

End of Turn


Hp: 6
Position: F10
Readied Action: Sanctuary on hearing spellcasting.
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Black Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

2009-11-27, 12:20 PM

No:No LoS.

Yoshi:No LoS.

2009-11-27, 05:16 PM
No - Round 3

Ah, but of course. He either took the low road, either is hiding somewhere near his spawn, ready to throw a shuriken at me the moment I become visible.

Heh, lets spice things up a bit. Mix the former tactic of invisible seeking ray to invisible flying seeking ray.

Attempt to cast Alter self from the scroll in my hand. If succesful, I will turn into a Protectar (Miniatures Handbook, page 66). That should give me a nice 60 ft (good) flight speed.

Hehehehe, he is not going to see THAT coming.

DC=23 UMD check: [roll0]

If succesful, No will use his move action to fly straight upwards 30 ft (if I understand correctly, my speed is halved when going up and doubled when going down).

End Turn.

HP: 9/9
AC: 12 T: 10 FF: 10
Speed: 30 ft , Fly: 60 ft (Good)

Location: U6, 30 feet up

Wielding: Scroll of Mage Armor+Sheild+Alter Self

Other scrolls: Schorching ray+Seeking Ray+Magic Missile ; Expeditious Retreat (normal and swift)+Backbiter+winged watcher ; Any other spell scrolls not listed here are on separate scrolls (forgot to add the Prot from Arrows to the defensive one)

Buffs: Invisibility 18/20
See Invisibility 19/20
Alter self (Protectar) 200/200

UMD bonus to use scrolls: +20 (5 ranks +5 CHA mod +3 Skill focus +2 UMD tool +1 Illiterate Trait +2 Artisan Bonus +2 Spellcraft synergy bonus

2009-11-30, 11:29 AM

No:No LoS.

Yoshi:No LoS.

2009-12-01, 02:12 AM
Yoshi - Round 4

Standard Action: Ready an action to cast sanctuary if I hear spell casting from the north or south.

End of Turn


Hp: 6
Position: F10
Readied Action: Sanctuary on hearing spellcasting.
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Black Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

2009-12-01, 02:20 AM
No - Round 4

No will take out a scroll of Protection from Arrows in his other hand, then attempt to cast it.

UMD DC: 23 [roll0]

Afterwards, he will drop the former scroll of prot from arrows (if it was cast succesfully). **** it, Drop scroll of prot from arrows that cannot be used again for 24 hours. ****ing nat 1 on UMD checks.

End turn.

HP: 9/9
AC: 12 T: 10 FF: 10
Speed: 30 ft , Fly: 60 ft (Good)

Location: U6, 30 feet up

Wielding: Scroll of Mage Armor+Sheild+Alter Self ;
Other scrolls: Schorching ray+Seeking Ray+Magic Missile ; Expeditious Retreat (normal and swift)+Backbiter+winged watcher ; Any other spell scrolls not listed here are on separate scrolls (forgot to add the Prot from Arrows to the defensive one)

Buffs: Invisibility 17/20
See Invisibility 18/20
Alter self (Protectar) 199/200

UMD bonus to use scrolls: +20 (5 ranks +5 CHA mod +3 Skill focus +2 UMD tool +1 Illiterate Trait +2 Artisan Bonus +2 Spellcraft synergy bonus

Psionic Dog
2009-12-03, 09:20 PM
High Ref PsiDog

[roll0] DC 19 (10wall +9distance)

No LoS

No LoS

2009-12-04, 03:52 PM
Yoshi - Round 5

Standard Action: Ready an action to cast sanctuary if I hear spell casting from the north or south.

End of Turn


Hp: 6
Position: F10
Readied Action: Sanctuary on hearing spellcasting.
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

2009-12-05, 02:39 AM
No - Round 5

****ing nat 1 on UMD checks. If I get another nat 1, I might have to surrender, since it is a god damned sign.

Anyway, casting Mage Armor from defensive scroll as standard action, retrieve combat scroll as move action, 5ft fly from U6 to T7 (I assume with good maneuvrability that you can move horisontaly as easily as walking.

UMD DC: 21 [roll0]

End turn.

HP: 9/9
AC: 12 T: 10 FF: 10
Speed: 30 ft , Fly: 60 ft (Good)

Location: U6, 30 feet up

Wielding: Scroll of Mage Armor+Sheild+Alter Self ;
Other scrolls: Schorching ray+Seeking Ray+Magic Missile ; Expeditious Retreat (normal and swift)+Backbiter+winged watcher ; Any other spell scrolls not listed here are on separate scrolls (forgot to add the Prot from Arrows to the defensive one)

Buffs: Invisibility 16/20
See Invisibility 17/20
Alter self (Protectar) 198/200
Mage Armor 600/600

UMD bonus to use scrolls: +20 (5 ranks +5 CHA mod +3 Skill focus +2 UMD tool +1 Illiterate Trait +2 Artisan Bonus +2 Spellcraft synergy bonus

2009-12-05, 09:55 PM
I'm going to take a wild guess here. You used your invisibility potion, so I can't see you. Thus, I don't really need LoS.

Yoshi - Round 6

Standard Action: Ready an action to cast sanctuary if I hear spell casting

End of Turn


Hp: 6
Position: F10
Readied Action: Sanctuary on hearing spellcasting.
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

2009-12-07, 04:41 PM
No - Round 6

Ok, last buff spell for teh round. Casting Shield from defensive scroll as a standard action. Free action to drop the used up scroll. Move action to fly from U6 to I6, maintaining an altitude of 30 ft.

Currently wielding my offensive spells scroll.

UMD DC: 21 [roll0]

End turn.

HP: 9/9
AC: 12 T: 10 FF: 10
Speed: 30 ft , Fly: 60 ft (Good)

Location: I6, 30 feet up

Wielding: Scroll of Mage Armor+Sheild+Alter Self ;
Other scrolls: Schorching ray+Seeking Ray+Magic Missile ; Expeditious Retreat (normal and swift)+Backbiter+winged watcher ; Any other spell scrolls not listed here are on separate scrolls (forgot to add the Prot from Arrows to the defensive one)

Buffs: Invisibility 15/20
See Invisibility 16/20
Alter self (Protectar) 197/200
Mage Armor 599/600
Shield: 20/20

UMD bonus to use scrolls: +20 (5 ranks +5 CHA mod +3 Skill focus +2 UMD tool +1 Illiterate Trait +2 Artisan Bonus +2 Spellcraft synergy bonus

2009-12-09, 04:13 PM
Refs:Listen for Yoshi: [roll0]
No can't make the spot check.

Yoshi:You hear movement to the north-northeast and up at about a 45 degree angle.

No:No LoS.

2009-12-09, 04:43 PM
Yoshi - Round 7

I could run, but that would lessen my chances of hitting him if my sanc stops his spell, so lets let wait for him to find me.
Standard Action: Ready an action to cast sanctuary if I hear spellcasting

End of Turn


Hp: 6
Position: F10
Readied Action: Sanctuary on hearing spellcasting.
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

2009-12-10, 01:14 PM
Yoshi:No change.

No:No LoS.

2009-12-12, 01:06 PM
No - Round 7

So, if he played simmilar to his other matches, I guess he is hiding somewhere, readying an action to rush to me so he can take an AOO when I cast something. Hehehehehe :amused:

Fly from I6 to E6. Not done, need LOS.

Not done, need LOS.

2009-12-12, 10:06 PM
Refs:Listen for Yoshi: [roll0]

No:When you reach F6, you see Yoshi in F10. You may revise your turn from that point.

Yoshi:You hear movement to the north and up.

2009-12-13, 10:34 AM
No - Round 7 continued

As I expected. Now, my cunning plan:

Continue my move action from F6 to F10, remaining at 30 ft height, and ready an action to cast seeking ray if my opponent readies an action.

End turn.

HP: 9/9
AC: 12 T: 10 FF: 10
Speed: 30 ft , Fly: 60 ft (Good)

Location: I6, 30 feet up

Wielding: Scroll of Mage Armor+Sheild+Alter Self ;
Other scrolls: Schorching ray+Seeking Ray+Magic Missile ; Expeditious Retreat (normal and swift)+Backbiter+winged watcher ; Any other spell scrolls not listed here are on separate scrolls (forgot to add the Prot from Arrows to the defensive one)

Buffs: Invisibility 14/20
See Invisibility 15/20
Alter self (Protectar) 196/200
Mage Armor 598/600
Shield: 19/20

UMD bonus to use scrolls: +20 (5 ranks +5 CHA mod +3 Skill focus +2 UMD tool +1 Illiterate Trait +2 Artisan Bonus +2 Spellcraft synergy bonus

2009-12-13, 01:39 PM
Yoshi - Round 8

Huh, he's north of me, which means he's probably got line of sight. But he didn't attack, which means he's probably expecting me to ready an action. Because I always ready an action. So lets not be predictable.

If you do have line of sight, and are currently reading this, you see me move south around the bottom of the map out of sight at G17.

Double Move Action: F10 to G17 and beyond.

Ending move at K17

End of Turn


Hp: 6
Position: K17
0th: Cure Minor x2, Detect Magic x1, Daze x1
1st: Blade of Blood, Sanctuary

2009-12-16, 07:52 AM
Can I get a LOS check please ?

Psionic Dog
2009-12-16, 09:58 AM
High Ref PsiDog

No LoS

You see Yoshi move south and round the corner to head east. LoS lost as he moves East out of G-17.

2009-12-17, 03:36 PM
No - Round 8

Hmm...it just occured to me that since this is not actual magical flight, it might give off sounds of wing flapping and the like. He probably heard me.

Ah well. Lets see, I lose LOS at G17, that means he went about 35 ft, with his 40 ft speed from the monk thing or whatever it is I have 2 alternatives.

I will fly from F10 to J17. If my opponent is in H17 or H18, I ready an action to cast seeking ray on him if he moves. If he isnt in those 2 squares, but still within LOS, I cast seeking ray on him. If he is not within LOS at any point of my move action (40/60 ft moved with one move action), then I continue flying to M17 (M being the location on the map that has the M and N mixed up).

Not done, need LOS.

Psionic Dog
2009-12-17, 09:41 PM
High Ref PsiDog

This probably will become moot very quickly, but still...
DC 2 + 4 distance = DC 6, improved success

When you reach, say, I-16 you regain LoS to Yoshi.
Yoshi is in K-17.

I believe that is 45 ft of movement. You are free to continue moving, casting, etc from that point as you see fit.

No LoS.
You hear more movement/flapping up above you and to the North/West.

2009-12-19, 06:01 PM
No - Round 8 continued

No will attempt to cast seeking ray targeting Yoshi.

UMD check: [roll0] DC 23

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

[S]Not done.

You see me pop out in I6, flying 30 ft up.

2009-12-19, 07:52 PM
There is no way you have LoS from I6 to where I am.

2009-12-20, 12:31 AM
He meant I-16, I believe.

2009-12-20, 04:49 AM
I accidentally typed I6 after looking in a previous spoiler. It is actually J17.

2009-12-21, 04:31 PM
That should be game then.

2009-12-21, 05:26 PM
High Ref Sallera

No plays the thundercloud and takes the victory.