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2009-11-20, 09:53 AM
Mine is pretty damn weird! We have been gaming together for over 15 years and have been around each other so much that we pretty much have our own language. If I said "Gi gi clilg!" they would all know I meant, "Hand me/get me/give me that drink(Mt. Dew usually.)" If the drink was alchoholic it would be "Gau", if it was a 2-liter it would be a "major behiggle-diggle," or "minor behiggle-diggle" if it was a 20oz or 1 liter. Our usual way of greeting one another is to simply say "Die!"....it goes on and on.

I can't remember the last time we used our actual names for each other. We have Bip, Vistra, Diffles, Chunk, Joe-taco, Jik-pilp, and Frediffs.....you know the more I think of our group....I think we may need professional help!

We have a whole host of spoofed characters we made up, literally hundreds of them. Of course we rip on each other mercilessly. Whats most fun is there are some things that happened over a decade ago we still wont let people live down. I guess as with most groups you'd have to experience it to see just how weird things are, I could go on and on about my group, what about yours?

2009-11-20, 10:06 AM
My group was pretty sane compared to that. But we did make a bunch of spoof characters to piss of another member of our group who in his character creation instructions for an adventure he wanted to run said, "Make 4 characters, you're gonna need them."
I played Sho'Nuff (yes, that Sho'Nuff) the monk.
One the guys played Rhon Jheremy the sorcerer (the names of some of his spells: dancing lights = disco balls; message = sweet nothings; magic missile = Rhon's Flying P**** of Death, Tenser's floating disk = Rhon's Floating Love Platform, etc...).
One guy played Metro the Metrosexual (it's a real word, I had to look it up at the time) Gnome bard (get it, metro-gnome...metronome...).
My friend's wife (ooohh...a female gamer) played Lucky the human commoner (so named because he managed to survive more than 5 in-game minutes and managed to beat the tar out of one of the bad guys with his pitchfork).
I don't know if this counts as wierd or not, but...:smallwink:

The J Pizzel
2009-11-20, 10:13 AM
I guess the weirdest thing about my group is that they're from literally, all walks of life. Most groups have lots of stuff in common and are all friends before the group. Not mine, I invited a bunch of random strangers and now they're "friends through relations" kinda thing. They don't actively hang out, but if one of us is barbecueing or something, they'll all come.

-Roughneck welder who works at a refinery (always plays rogues or bards, real charismatic type)
-Ex army medic. The real deal. Saved a comrade from a sniper bullet to the chest in bagdad and recieved a medal. Wears the bullet around his neck. (always plays a wizard or cleric. Very good team leader and tactician)
-Air Conditioner and Heater mechanic (always plays high damage dealers, rogues, rangers, blasters)
-Big muscle bound construction worker, secretly a teddy bear. (always plays big party protecting tanks and pally and such)
-Real Estate agent (new to the game so hasn't played too much. But so far, kinda like rogues and sneaky type classes)
-Ex weight lifter and football player (barbarians and fighters, duh. Also the most creative in combat though. Once jumped in a white dragons mouth carrying an entire crate of alchemists fire)
-Hippie whose parents tour the country playing folk music on the guitar (I'll give you one guess, Druids. Every. Damn. Time.)
-Tattoist (also kinda new but likes to play the "dark and creepy guy in the black cloak")

Yeah, believe it or not, I have a great group.

2009-11-20, 10:55 AM
I have two groups.

One group all finished college with degrees in computer science. Half of us have Masters degrees. Nobody is single.

The other group mostly dropped out of college due to too much gaming. They're all single.

I'm amused at how polarized the groups are. I actually enjoy the second group more, as they're more creative.

2009-11-20, 11:11 AM
I thought my group was kind of weird before I read this thread.

Mine is only as weird as... well, I have one guy who always plays a dragon-something. Actually, there are 2, but one is a girl. She said she was an optimizer when we found her, but she really isn't, she's just a dragon enthusiast.
I have someone who always asks the stupid questions, but then rolls really well.
I have the one who's mini always has to be exactly like his character. So at the start of every campiagn, he makes a new mini.
I have one who always builds something that is designed to be a "DM breaker" (his words). Strangely enough, his weird tomfoolery is often what creates the plot.

2009-11-20, 11:18 AM
We're not too weird, I think.

My group has only had about 3 sessions, so I doubt we've played long enough to get to know how messed up we all are.

We've got one person who just wants to try and backstab the party.
One person just kind of sits and goes along with whatever happens until combat.
Our DM is seeming like he's turning out sadistic.
One person is way too energetic, and wants to do about 100 things a second.
And finally, we have the skill checker. "Sense Motive" everyone. Got a problem? Bluff check. Then Intimidate check. Then try and run. We gave him his own dice, so we could all actually hold the other set sometime.

2009-11-20, 11:48 AM
The majority of my group has been together since childhood. They started playing at around 11 or 12 i think (Now early 40's). They have a ton of stories and we have developed our own language also. But mostly I wanted to tell you about the cop.

My group has a fireman, a cop, a plat manager for a distribution warehouse, a assistant city engineer, a pre-flight op for a printing plant, and a production manager for a granite company.

The cop likes to do it all.. heal, damage, sneak, talk, charm, schmooze.. whatever the situation calls for he likes to be able to do it. We've gotten used to it and just write him off most of the time, but he does have some phreases which elicit a reaction from us.

"Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
"Kick his ass Sea-bass"
"We're off to see the wizard"
"This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy"

If any of these phrases appear in the night, we all tug our left ear. 6 years now and he has not caught on.

Also, he is the only player to have been duped into talking to a cockatrice, in front of an entire bar of people, has slept with an animal (an altered fox), and chain lightning-ed the party-repeatedly. (Thank you NEW chain rules)

2009-11-20, 11:49 AM
One of my friends commonly greets me by putting a knife to my belly or throat, or by pointing or pressing his gun to my head.

We are a strange bunch, but most of our interactions are pretty normal. Sometimes there is rather morbid joking. We threaten to destroy one of the group who jokes about summoning zombies irl.

2009-11-20, 01:06 PM

Me (A toy tester. Yeah, just like tom hanks in BIG)
My bestest friend (A linguistics/archeology major)
My bestest other friend (A game otaku)
My girlfriend (A tiny writing major)

There are tons of weird things we do or know. Small cultural differences between us as a group and how we function in society.

For instance...It is completely acceptable to talk about eating baby feet among the four of us.

A common phrase we use when something goes TERRIBLY wrong in our lives is "Raisins don't have legs...Raisins don't have legs!!!!"

Our response to voting usually boils down to what class levels the politicians running for the position probably have.

"This ones for you morph!" Is a common phrase we use when we are enacting vengeance of any kind.

Which place we should get takeout from is a source of great debate. Sentences like the following usually occur:
"But ****'s Dock has the BEST food." (yes that is the real name)
"But we've never EATEN FROM THERE!"
"That's not the issue!"

Group 1 is the most well balanced group. We've been gaming together for over 10 years.

2009-11-20, 01:55 PM
Well...one of my players' characters recently won the world record for Long-distance Pirate Throwing (the next time we play, I'm going to have some guy come aboard their ship just to give him a certificate).

I also have my standard go-to stories for craziness/funnyness:

My group was trekking through Yuan-Ti Forest and had split into 2 parties. This story consists of one party:
NPC: Human (Archery) Ranger
My Friend: Duergar Barbarian
My Sister: Aasimar Bard.

They were walking along when they heard two voices calling out to them

Yuan-Ti: Tresspasserssssss will be killed...
Bard: Hey, they are about 180 f.t away, right?
Me (DM): Yeah, about.
Bard: So we can do stuff before they get here?
Me: Yeah, you could hide.
Barbarian: Not a bad idea.
Bard: I'm gonna cast some spells.
Me: Sure
Bard: First I'll cast Light on my headband.
Me: Right...
Bard: Next I'll cast Summon Monster to summon a Celestial Owl, and cast Light on it as well.
Me: Right....
Bard: I'll tell it to hold on to my back.
Bard: Now I'm gonna use Bardic Knowledge. What's the name of a REALLY powerful angel?
Me: I dunno.....Celestius?
Bard: That's a boy's name.
Me: Fine.......Celestia?
Bard: Great. Now Bluff check (natural 20)

.................................................. ...................................
<Yuan-Ti start bowing>

I sorta wish that I was making these stories up...

I have another tale, featuring the same bard.

When we were in the town market several miles back, she got talked into buying some (diseased) cookies from a hobo. Spin on a while and we need to cross a "Troll Toll" Bridge over a raging river.

Troll: Give me all yer stuff to cross.
Bard: I'll give you this cookie! (I think her Wisdom was still drained from her eating some)
<Rolls natural 20 on a Diplomacy>
Troll: Well, I is kinda hungry...
<Eats cookie. Upon rolling a natural 2 for his Fortitude save, he half ran and half danced his way to the outhouse>
DM: You are horrible, horrible people.

After this the troll's buddy comes out of the gatehouse. He spots that we have a dwarf (barbarian) in the party, and attacks him. The Barbarian kills him with a critical hit, so I rule he stumbled backward into the gatehouse and landed in the toilet.

Bard: I'm going to seranade him!
<Flushes toilet, then starts playing "Danny Boy". Eventually she realises that the troll sorta clogged the toilet and the water is starting to pool on the floor>
Bard:...the pipes, the pipes came:smalleek:oh holy S***

The water pressure was starting to build up, so she, the fighter, the barbarian and the ranger tried to keep the door shut. My wizard just steps back a good 20 f.t.
There was a shuddering and then we saw the outhouse (the one the first troll went into) rise into the air on a column of...shall we say brown water.

Troll: <opens door> Oh, NOT AGAIN!
DM: Horrible, horrible people....