View Full Version : Having an issue with Planescape: Torment

2009-11-20, 06:09 PM
I'm hoping there are folks who still play PS:T on this board, 'cause I'm in a bit of a jiffy. I'll spoiler for those who are interested in the game but haven't played yet.

I'm having an issue with conversations with Ignus - I know something *should* happen, since it worked when I first played the game. I've already had Ignus teach me his fire spells, and I've gotten Reekwind's curse cured, so he told me the story of Ignus. However, when I talked to Ignus about the story, nothing happened. He just ranted on about it and that was all that happened - no experience, no flashback about teaching him - nothing. Did I do something in the wrong order? Can this be fixed somehow?

2009-11-20, 06:28 PM
"What can change the nature of a Manwich?" :smallconfused:

It's been a while for me (though oddly I was just reading the TV Tropes entry for Torment earlier today), but I want to say things with Ignus didn't open up for me until later in the game.

Yeah, I know. I'm not helpful.

2009-11-20, 06:31 PM
I would guess offhand that one of your ability scores (int, wis, or cha) isn't high enough to unlock the dialogue option you're looking for. I'd try looking for a guide to the game, as some of the player written ones include such things.

2009-11-20, 06:48 PM
I would guess offhand that one of your ability scores (int, wis, or cha) isn't high enough to unlock the dialogue option you're looking for. I'd try looking for a guide to the game, as some of the player written ones include such things.

If that's the case, I'd imagine it'd be Charisma then, though that's still pretty good. My Nameless One's stats are:

Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 17