View Full Version : Kirigakure - Team Genira IC

2009-11-20, 07:14 PM
The chill air blowing through the dimly lit briefing room that has nothing to do with the soft, ever present mist covering the floor from paper paneled wall to paper paneled wall. Light glints off of the guardian demon statues, as well as the swords and armor, casting shadows all across the room from the five of you seated around the table in the center of enormous room. Several silent hooded figures stand behind it, obscured by shadows.

The Mizukage stands across from all of you, the only distinguishable feature, those strange purple eyes hidden beneath his heavy veils and ceremonial headdress, boring into Miharu and then Tetsuo after their reports. They finally let go of you and slide over to to the pale jounin who stands across from him. "What do you think, Genira?"

An expression of pleasant surprise flashes across Genira's face, and then she looks back behind her, showing her teeth in a cruel tight smile that flickers across her face as she glances out into the shadows behind her. "Well well, what a little surprise - the little arrogant snot. I think Juukiko should've just let me kill her daughter personally back then when her treachery was discovered instead of just locking her up - it would've saved my team a lot of trouble. Corpses can't escape, after all."

One of the figures steps out from behind the table, lowering the hood. Plain features, akin to Yuriko's but with extra sharpness and age and a matching widows peak of brown hair cut low along her ears. Two katanas swing at her left hip, resting beside her form-fitting grey clothes as one hand absently drifts down to the hilt as she looks back at the pale special jounin. "The Ishashiken clan doesn't have many with her talent - you will have to forgive me for hoping she could be salvaged somehow despite those strange mental blocks. Explosives, though...she's been creative. Such a waste...I'm very sorry that your team had to knock heads with her."

Your jounin's lips tighten as you can feel the coldness emanating from her, fist clenching tightly as she glares at the hawkish woman. "Oh, I'm sure you are-"

The veils wave as the Mizukage speaks softly, but with a echo that seems to fill the room. "Enough, you two. Juukiko, you know what you're here for."

"Of course, Mizukage." She focuses for several long moments, then nods. "They are each telling the truth. The hawk forgot to mention that she accidentally attacked the rustblood during one of her rages...Your little prize leader managed to keep them all together despite a lot of...unpleasant murmurings. Especially regarding what Yuriko said about the contents of the wagons."

The Mizukage waves his hand, silencing both of his aides, addressing the team directly again. "Let me be direct then...did you believe what Yuriko said? Please be honest." He glances at Juukiko out of the corner of one of his pink eyes in a silent reminder.

(Sorry for the delay in getting it up, you guys! Also rolled for everyone's saves against the Satori mindscan. Remember you can voluntarily fail saves...but only this next one.
Edit: Die roller didn't work for some reason, had to use IC.
Miharu http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2328163/
Tetsuo http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2328164/
Akimaru http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2328165/

2009-11-20, 11:40 PM

Cold fingers crawled across Miharu's scalp as she imagined an invisible hand probing crevasses in her consciousness. She snarled, lip curling in defiance as memories were lifted from the surface of her mind, meeting eyes with the one calling herself Juukiko. The girl was not a fool - Yuriko had clawed at her mind too and Miharu's golden eyes glimmered with malice as she recalled a vivid moment. You want to see my memories, bitch? This one's for you.

Miharu pictured the mountain pass, sheer crags rising up on both sides, closing in a caravan marked with the Mizukage's sign. Shouts rise up from guards clustered around the armored wagons as ninja spring from the scrub and brush at the mouth of the pass, clashing with the Mizukage's own. There, a roiling cloud of purple smoke wraps around the dark haired Yuriko and Miharu leaps from her perch on the lead wagon and disappears into the darkness. Yuriko's eyes widen and she quivers like cornered rabbit as the smoke parts and Miharu descends upon her with a gut-twisting screech. Hot tears pool the girl's eyes, and Miharu's wind-sharpened talons cleave through armor and flesh, dropping the girl's rent body into the swirling smoke. A cry resounds clarion as it echoes through the mountain pass.

"There is no mercy in Kirigakure!"

A wicked smile pulled Miharu's face tight, as she relished the memory for Juukiko. She wanted her to feel the talons ripping into her daughter, smell the blood as it fountained hot and sweet into the air, hear the girl's pitiful moans, and know the hateful joy that Miharu felt, cutting Yuriko down.

Remember this, Ishashiken. I would have brought your daughter home, in a pile, but she fled like a coward. Next time, I'll reunite you two.

Miharu pictured her talons closing around Yuriko's throat, squeezing the color from the girl's terrified face until her eyes roll up to show their white underbellies. Claws snap shut like a vise, crushing her slender throat with a wet crunch. Miharu's amber eyes looked through Juuriko, slitted and predatory.

I promise.

She turned to the Mizukage and dipped her head respectfully before speaking. Diffidence had washed contempt from her face completely. "Respectfully, your Excellence, experience led me to believe Yuriko would have said anything to achieve her personal goals. Pleasantries and friendship were her attempt to divert our suspicion and gain our trust."

Her eyes flickered to Juukiko, and back to the Mizukage. "But she failed to earn mine in the first place."

2009-11-26, 11:58 PM

"I do not know that person, Mizukage-sama" Akimaru says hesitantly, speaking up with no great enthusiasm. It was apparent that the Mizukage did not trust them more than he had to, which, if his suspicions were correct, was unsurprising. He did not know this Juukiko Ishashiken, but from her conversation with the Mizukage, it was apparent that she had some means of interpreting the truth of their statements. Possibly more. Fortunately, this was not a difficult question to answer.

"However, from her position as a brigand, she had no credibility from the onset, it would have been foolish to trust her. And to be honest, it seems that the people who knew her best trusted her least."

Well, he had answered the question, and eager to remove himself from the present individuals' attention, the bowman shrugged and took a step back. His hand slipped beneath his shirt and he rubbed his shoulder as he stretched his neck. The hand came back moist with sweat, and this time it wasn't only from the insufferable heat and humidity of the Village Hidden in the Mists. He kept staring at Juukiko, and if she happened to glance his way, Akimaru would hold her gaze, his shimmering eyes nearly colourless in the dimly lit room. Well?

2009-12-23, 12:13 PM

((DP, before making a ruling on these posts, I have to talk to you about something. Seriously, it's actually relevant. If it comes back different, I might have to change this post.))

Tetsuo pondered his response carefully. Had he believed Yuriko? A ponderous expression crossed his face as Tetsuo took his time to respond.

"Did I believe what Yuriko said..." he repeated as he raised his head to look at the Kage. "No, I did not." Tetsuo unconsciously rubbed his right arm as he continued, "She was an enemy, and while she made friendly overtures, it was deception to lure us into a trap. That itself eliminated any credibility she could have had."

A more relaxed smile seemed to crease his face subtly, "After all, would you trust someone who was attacking you? I would hazard a guess that the statement of the wagon contents was an attempt to divide the team for easier combat." Tetsuo met the gaze of all three of the people hearing his briefing without hesitation. It was only the truth.

2009-12-27, 02:14 PM
Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I54B5PpnZC4)
Juukiko shivers, shaking for a moment as she stares at Miharu, her right hand dropping down to her sword, a expression of of rage flickering across her face before it disappears completely. Her gaze turns to Akimaru, her breath slowing to the regular, easy intakes as she closes her eyes and focuses on Tetsuo. When she opens them, her hand remains tight on her sword as it gleams a soft cherry red, her eyes fixed on Miharu. "They are telling the truth, Mizukage. This hawk-girl has made a point of sending me some rather offensive images. Permission to discipline her?" Her restrained and formal speech, so like her daughters, is ruined by the expression of fury on her face, her desire to fry Miharu here and now clear to everyone present.

"That is hardly your place, Juukiko, step back." The Mizukage waves his hand, and the brown-haired woman steps back, the smell of smoke furling around her. "I believe there are other things that require my attention - if I may be excused?". When the veiled eyes bob, the leader of the Ishashiken walks strides out of the room without another word, a faint burning smell and warmth lingering in the room.

Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jouJeRWF56U)

Genira smiles, a broad, joyful smile as she looks at Miharu, her enthusiasm palpable as the temperature quickly cools and then drops a bit below what the hot-eyed woman had been giving off. The leader of Kirigakure continues, his purple eyes whirling. "So, in summary, you were all accosted by the traitor Yuriko, and after she was unsuccessful of convincing you of her lies, she attacked with her Kumogakure conspirators and used brute force. I am sure you are all wondering why your jounin were taken off the task for a secret mission, and why all of you were left vulnerable."

There's a long pause and he moves over to Genira, taking the sheet of paper that she unfurls. "The truth was...it was a feint, and I cannot commend all of the teams performance enough. While their raiding were away, we struck at one of their primary base camps with all of our top jounin. We decimated it - it was even less staffed then we had hoped. But we uncovered...this."

The veiled figure of the Mizukage holds up the slightly frozen paper, with smuged diagrams and barely perceptible writing. "It is plans by the Kumogakure saboteurs to destroy and deface the monument to the founding of our great village, at the edge of the great Kirigakure waterfall by using a vile process of electrolysis on the water. Presumably, several of the teams were already gone by the time we got there."

Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UXz7ymcWf0)

The eyes bore into each of you again, a faint smile perceptible along the lips. "I am sorry for pressing upon you so quickly after what must have been such a trying battle, but you have distinguished yourselves as the most loyal and successful of the four teams. If you would accept it, I would give you the honor of protecting the monument itself, while the other teams will be stationed at the entrances to screen and search for the saboteurs. But...let me first show you the gratitude of the village for what have done." He claps his hands, and three figures step forwards from the darkness, one moving towards each team member, and presenting out a item.

A gleaming, blue polished bow for inscribed with the seal of Kirigakure is held before Akimaru, held out by Saizen, the old, scarred, blue-black armored ninja with goggles. It is cold to the touch, and decorated with what must be the winds and mist of Kirigakure Mountain. "Many of your clan have served our village, but from the account of the battle, you have manage to distinguish yourself. This bow was made especially for you - you have the mercurial wind of tolerance that flows the mist already; but this will give its arrows the touch of coolness and clarity of Kirigakure. Know that you are now the bow that defends it using both of those." Daikyu with a Absolute Zero weapon seal affixed to it - refer pdf 943.

A marked, blue set of what appears to be nail polish is held before Miharu, by a smiling Genira, her eyes twinkling. "Miharu, I know you abhor civility - as I do - but there is a time when such things are useful. This is nail polish is one such thing...it is coated with Ketsuekigyouko poison; I prefer Chakra Sponge myself, but I know you have to be careful what you put on your claws. The cleaner side contains the antidote, for yourself, or if you must bestow any mercy upon your enemies. Take it - you have made me proud, and I am sorry to have ever doubted you." Nail polish has 20 doses of Ketsuekigyouko, with 10 doses with the antidote for it that gives a +4 bonus on the secondary save on the cleaner side. Refer pdf 76 for other stats of Ketsuekigyouko.

And last, a large jug of ink with the blue Kirigakure seal - handed to Tetsuo by none other then the Mizukage himself, the pink glimmer of the eyes vanishing and reverting to their original state. "This ink was developed by myself in my best attempt to mimic what your clan was able to create. The water of illusion in it should give more strength to your living creations. I have put you in difficult situation after situation, testing your limits, and while you may not have succeed perfectly in all of them, you have far surpassed my hopes. Take it with my blessings." It allows you to use enough ink to draw 30 HD worth of Kamitora - which gives the benefit as if the Empowered Summoning feat had been applied to them.

Then, the whirling eyes are back again, as the Mizukage steps back, returning to his previous imperious tone. "Team Genira of Kirigakure, will you accept this task as yet another in the defense of this great village?"

(OOC glad to see everyone's still around. On a completely unrelated note, happy holidays! :P)

2009-12-27, 03:37 PM

((These posts have not been my best work, and I'm sorry about that.))

The ink he received had an indescribable hint to it, almost as if it were deeper than it truly was. An expression of mild shock was plainly visible on Tetsuo's face as he bowed to the Kage, "Th-thank you! Thank you very much,"

As Tetsuo stepped back, still amazed by the gift, blond hair again spilled in front of his face as he nodded in affirmation to the Kage's imperial request. Of course they would follow their orders, yet a tiny thought nagged at the back of Tetsuo's mind, Why would they care about the monument? It seems... off.

EDIT ((Boo hiss, I misunderstood something. I have to rewrite this))

2009-12-27, 05:21 PM

"Your gift honours me," said Akimaru, bowing slightly as he accepted the weapon. When his hand closed about the bow's wooden surface, however, his eyes widened, and a genuine smile appeared on his face, the heat drawn from his hands reminding him of his youth in the mountains.

Unbidden, memories came to him of his attempt to reach the mountain's peak. His family already dwelt high in the mountains, but none of the local children had ever attained the summit, young and accompanied by a handful of friends, he'd taken the challenge and begun climbing. For little over three hours they climbed, before fear started to creep up on their bravado.

A long crevice in the rock and ice offered them shelter from the wind, and there they built a small fire in the hopes of warming their fingers and feet and faces, gone nerveless from the cold during the climb. Huddled together, Katashi had been the first to speak of turning back. The wind hungered for the warmth of their beating hearts, and it was past noon with the sky soon growing darker, without them having even reached halfway up the mountain. They'd greatly underestimated its height. They should go home and try again some other time, better prepared. But there would be no other time, Akimaru knew. They'd been as well prepared as they could manage, if they couldn't do it this time, they never would.

So when the others turned back, Akimaru kept climbing. His muscles ached from the strain, his limbs and face burned from the cold. He grew tired. When he walked, his pace was slowed by the necessity of watching his steps for hidden crevices or loose footing. When he had to scale the cliff face, he could feel the rock biting through his gloves and into his palms and fingers. There simply was no way to adequately protect your hands from the cold in those circumstances.

After a few hours, he stopped aching and burning. He knew that meant trouble, he started looking for shelter. But his movements were awkward, he slipped and stumbled through the snow. He no longer felt the biting frost, the snow inviting him to lay down and rest in it's soft, downy whiteness. He was now two thirds of the way to the peak, but he would get no further.

The air was clear and sharp that day, so he looked out over the edge. He could see the sloped expanse of the mountain all the way down to the coast, he could see the villages built on the cliffs. Was one of those his own? Yes, yes... that low house with the roof sloping on only one side, and the eaves decorated with blue ribbons. It looked so small from here, so far away, but he'd always had good eyesight. Further down, the mountainside turned green. It was funny to think that there was no snow down there, when it was so cold up here. Was it cold? He didn't feel anything.

And beyond that, the sea afire with the light of the setting sun, silhouetting the other islands that were also part of the Water Country. The Village Hidden in the Mists, where most of his family on his father's side had lived and worked, was on one of those islands.

He didn't remember much after that. His father had found him and brought him back home. The mountain was no real obstacle for his father, who had been a chuunin. He could have made the summit easily, in only a few hours, if that. But it had been a miracle that Akimaru had escaped intact. The cold had almost killed him.

Yet he did not fear it. In fact, the cold comforted him. He felt that it would someday be what claimed his life, but that was not a worrying thought. After that moment spent together, the cold was an intimate friend of his, and he knew that such a death would be a peaceful, quiet and painless one. And until then, the biting cold reminded him that he was alive, its sharp sting dispelling melancholy and sloth.

"I am..." Akimaru shook his head, then simply said "thank you", stepping back with his new weapon.

Departing the Mizukage's presence after accepting this new mission, Akimaru nodded as Tetsuo spoke. "All right, I'll talk with you tonight. I probably should tell my parents about this good news anyway."

2009-12-28, 11:03 PM

"This hawk-girl has made a point of sending me some rather offensive images. Permission to discipline her?"

A palpable heat bristled the hairs on the back of Miharu's neck, and the creak of leather announced her stance had shifted, though imperceptibly. Still, she stood as the model child of diffidence before the Mizukage, hands clasped at her waist. Her chest was filled from bubbling source of apprehension, turbulent with the anxiety of rebuffing her captors. Her golden eyes challenged Juukiko. You invade my mind and expect to be welcomed? Remember next time, before inviting yourself in - you'll see what I show you.

"That is hardly your place, Juukiko, step back."

At the Kage's voice, Miharu's head dropped to a respectful angle, though her eyes followed Juukiko's back as the woman stormed out. Tell me, Ishashiken: Who watches your thoughts for treachery?

She lifted her head and noticed Geinira's approval. The stream in her chest welled upward, touching her cheeks with a spot of warmth, despite the sudden chill, and her lips pursed reflexively. Miharu swallowed the details of the briefing, though questions rose to the top of her consciousness and she skimmed them from the surface to ask later. Wouldn't the bandits nurse their wounds before attacking? She shared a look with Tetsuo that suggested they speak later, but before she could consider any of the details, the Kage unveiled the means of his gratitude.

The small bottle was cool in her hand, chilled by Geinra's grasp. In the brush of their fingers, Miharu's skin prickled - the woman's touch was like freshly fallen snow. She quickly nodded her thanks and disappeared the bottle into her sleeve. The gift could have been anything - an engraved dagger, a kimono, pocket change even. What flowed through Miharu's chest, warm and cool blending to intoxicate - was acknowledgement. Someone was proud of her, for what seemed like the only time she could remember. Now was not the time for a smile, but she felt in straining at her lips and she ducked her head in what appeared to be grace.

"A vial of 'Freezing Blood,'" Miharu said with a glimmer of recognition. "A fitting gift from you, Sensei."

Her eyes flickered over Geinra's shoulder, as the Mizukage addressed them once more, then to back to her jounin's, as if to say, I'll follow where you go.

2010-01-03, 01:57 AM
The Mizukage nods back in response to agreement of the team. "Good. I knew that you could be counted on. Team Genira...go to the monument at the eastern edge of the village, where the great waterfall falls and disperses our mist. Stand guard there, dispatch any intruders; try to take as many prisoners as possible. Above all else, protect the monument from any harm. It is a symbol of the union that our village is based from, and its strength. The other teams will be standing guard at the entrances. Hopefully none of them will reach you. " He turns away. "Send Team Gawa in next." Genira leads you out of the audience room after a moment, announcing. "Team Gawa!" as the two present members get up from their seats, Hirasa still presumably in recovery.

Genira's standard strict, stiff posture relaxes once she's out of the staging area, and she gives all three of you a wide, genuine smile as she stares down at each of you. "I cannot say how very proud of all of you I am. Your last mission was a test of sorts, and you passed it with flying colors." Her tone returns to its usual air of command, raising a hand in a dismissing gesture, making it clear that those who want to leave can. "I'll see you at the monument in a hour - bring whatever you need to be able to spend the night there - unless our friends from Kumogakure are impatient and bold, it'll be the long haul."

She finally turns to Miharu with that same quiet, shared smile, reaching out a hand to rest on her shoulder. "And I thought you would enjoy it. Aside from its symbolism, its very effective. If you want, some time I can teach you how to make it..."

2010-01-03, 05:28 PM

"Perhaps." Miharu ducked her head. She felt like a melting ice statue, dripping her feelings into a mess all over the floor, into a spreading puddle everyone could see. "The monument. One hour."

Miharu shoved open the heavy wooden doors and disappeared, jacket lapped at her heels. A bound took her to a nearby rooftop and then she was gone. Can't think about Genira now. Something's wrong about this mission. Her feet slapped against clay roofing tiles and Miharu set her eyes on the spire that loomed above the village. Still, she felt a lingering warmth in her cheeks, as though coming inside from a winter morning.

She burst into her room, where Aozomaru was roosting on the windowsill, preening his flight feathers. The toothpick ribs of a mouse carcass lie next to him.

"You had time to hunt?" Miharu scowled and jammed a blanket into a shoulder bag, along with a canteen and bag of jerky.

"Another mission. These cuts have barely scabbed over and already the Mizukage sends us out." Aozomaru regarded all her fussing with half interest, looking up from grooming one wing.

"Something doesn't smell right." She rummaged through the drawer next to her bed and a tiny packet of soldier pills were tucked into her belt pouch. "If we crippled the bandits, why would they retaliate now? Why the monument?"

From his perch at the window, Aozomaru shifted to peer out toward the mist rising from the great waterfall. Miharu paused with a canteen in her hands, and golden eyes met amber with a spark.

"Aozomaru. I need you to take a flight for me...."

2010-01-09, 04:31 AM

Even as they were planning to meet later in the evening, it was announced exactly how soon they were expected to be present for their next mission. "One hour? But..." thinking better of it, Akimaru shook his head and shrugged. "Right. The waterfall, in an hour. I suppose I should hurry then." With that, he excused himself from his team's presence and hurried home.

It was a small apartment, much unlike the home they'd had in the mountains. Everything here was so cramped. But this allowed him to easily perceive the difference as soon as he entered the house. "Good afternoon, mother," he says cheerily, as though he'd been out on a walk and not on a multiple day long life threatening mission. The response was immediate as Yukiko jumped on him and embraced him in a merciless hug. His mother was not a ninja, and Akimaru could easily have dodged or escaped, but for all his feigned outrage at her fussing, he didn't really mind her proximity.

After the capture came the questioning. All the details about his mission, about his team, about where he'd been... to tell it all would have taken too long, and beside, he felt slightly embarrassed... he should have told her, should have told her that he'd helped protect the Village, that he'd fought with enemy ninja and nevertheless escaped completely untouched, that he'd been congratulated by the Mizukage himself. He knew it was what she wanted to hear, what his parents had hoped for when they pushed him to sign up for Team Genira in the first place, but... he'd always been awkward at expressing himself. Somehow, he knew he'd make a mess of it. So instead, he simply stated "It went well. The mission was a success, they've already assigned us to another." Inwardly, he smacked himself.

Of course, Yukiko would not be so easily lulled, she had after all known Akimaru for the boy's entire life. "Well, I'm glad it worked out. And it seems you found yourself a new bow too. It looks very nice, I know you'll use it well." Again, Akimaru flushed, not willing to express his own pride and happiness with the gift, trying to sound casual. "Ah, the bow, right. Well, it was a reward. For succeeding in the mission. Everyone in the team got one." He shrugged, uneasy as to what more to say. He liked the weapon.

But his mother simply smiled at him, apparently beaming with pride and satisfaction, though Akimaru was fairly certain he hadn't said anything that should lead to such a conclusion. Yukiko said nothing more on the subject, but instead invited her son to have some dinner. Akimaru took the opportunity to finally ask what he had noticed on entering the house. "Is father not here?"

If he hadn't been paying attention, he wouldn't have noticed. For a second, Yukiko froze. Just an instant, and then it was gone. "No, he's on a mission as well. He left yesterday, we were hoping you'd be back in time to see him, but..."

A mission? "But... father is retired. How can he be on a mission? If it's about the cost of living in a city, I've got some money from missions, I can handle it." That had clearly been worry he had seen in her face, and why not? Ninja missions could be fatal. Did she worry as much when he was gone on missions? He felt a queasy feeling in the bottom of his stomach. Guilt. With them both gone, Yukiko was alone with her worry, in a place she was unfamiliar with, surrounded by strangers. She'd been born in the mountains, like him.

"Oh, it's not that. He simply felt so proud of you and what you were doing, he decided he could still contribute to the Village. Your father was always a very devoted man, and he cared much for what he loved, and he grew up and served here all his youth, after all. It's not too surprising, really." Still, after that exchange, the meal was consumed in silence. And haste. Akimaru had to hurry to his next mission, after all.

This is all my fault. We wouldn't even be here if not for these damned eyes. We'd be back home, living happily.

2010-01-19, 11:39 PM
((School has been kicking my face in. I'm sorry guys, I'll do my best to minimize all delays.))


After the briefing finished, Tetsuo gave a farewell wave to Gawa as he headed towards the exit. "An hour, huh? Guess I'd better get ready," he waved to his teammates, and Genira. Still, the notion that the attack on the monument was illogical nagged at his mind. Still, he had no reason to doubt...

After Tetsuo arrived at his home and restocked his supplies, anyone observing would assume that he began to meditate, or relax in some way. His eyes closed for a fair while, and his breathing deepened. It seemed a logical thing to do, rest in silence, as he has no company to engage with. When his eyes opened, however, there was not an expression of relaxation or calm, indeed there was agitation present, a look showing significant unease. Still, a quick check of the time, and things were back to normal. Grabbing his pack, Tetsuo adjusted his hair and moved to the door.

Pausing, he turned back and grabbed a nearby pencil and paper, and did a quick sketch. Sliding it into his bookshelf, Tetsuo quickly turned and left. Making up for the lost time, Tetsuo rushed through the streets, narrowly avoiding a few crashes, yelling back apologies. As the streets became less densely populated, Tetsuo was able to cover ground more quickly. I still have to talk to Akimaru...

2010-02-06, 06:09 PM

((Double post because))

As Tetsuo met up with the rest of the team and they all continued towards their destination, he was slightly subdued, in comparison with his usual exuberance. Of course, this could be attributed to a slight desire for time off between missions. Whatever the case, Tetsuo seemed at least mildly distracted.

Pausing suddenly, Tetsuo turned to look at Akimaru. "You wanted to talk, right? We've got time," he mentioned, falling back to match pace with Akimaru. The two gradually fell behind as they talked for a few minutes, before they nodded and quickly caught back up.

((The conversation content was given to DP via PM))

2010-02-13, 01:26 AM
Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsmkMjp52KM)

The journey to the memorial site is a half hour at most - to the eastern side of the mountain's edge, past the primary residential district. The site itself is a lake that feeds the great waterfall that runs off the mountain, supposedly eventually evaporating into the curtain of mist that gives Kirigakure its name.

The memorial boasts stone statues of the three Mizukages at the near side of the lake, each resting atop a pile of loose stones with ceremonial katanas sticking up around them. Each stone is engraved with a name - representing a fallen shinobi during that Mizukage's rein and colored by clan. Likewise each sword bears the name of a fallen Swordsman. The second has the largest pile by far, with 8 swords arrayed protectively around it. There is a fourth pile of stones past the other three with no statue, already bearing five swords embedded in it.

Genira, silent throughout the journey, walks out onto the water casually, approaching the fourth pile, reaching down and rummaging around for a moment before picking up a stone, looking at it, her face twisting into a grimace as she looks at it before dropping it back down. "There's no greater honor for a Kirigakure shinobi then to be in that pile. And yet the Swordsmen get their own little special marking. Typical, really." She straightens up, turning back to all of you, her previous expression gone back to her standard mask as she stands tall. "All right, chosen protectors of the monument. This is your time to shine - so pick where you want to set up guard."

The dropped stone falls to a cleft in the pile, the crimson engraving "Tsukiko" reflecting on top of the score of others beneath it, as your jounin folds her arms, a slight smile on her face as she waits.

Area Map

(Sorry about the delay here. Much thanks to Golda for the map. Each square is the standard 5 feet...array yourselves. The cliffs are about 30 feet high each, except for the doubled set following each other, which are 15 feet each.

Also original map at http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s31/DarkProphet1/Map.jpg )

2010-02-24, 09:31 PM
Akimaru Nakamura

A pensive looking Akimaru stopped to study the statues. So, these had been the most important ninjas in the Water Country? For a long time, he just stood there, head cocked a bit to the side, the colour reflected in his eyes swirling sluggishly as he kept his gaze fixed on the three stone figures. Finally, he broke off and unwrapped his headband to wipe off the sweat on his forehead. Pretty impressive looking, I'll admit.

Walking to the shore as he rewound the cloth around his head, he crouched before the clear waters and idly traced symbols in the liquid, thinking to himself, only half-listening to Genira speak, right up until she gave them order to take position. With a few rapid hops, he climbed to the top of the nearby pinnacle, then found his way up the tallest tree there. From his position, he could see the surrounding terrain very well, and he scanned the horizon for signs of anybody else.

"Oy!" He shouted down to his teammates. "I think I can see anybody approaching from the north from this position!" Then, thinking a bit about what he saw around him, he added "I guess if I were trying to sneak up on this location, I'd come from the southwest though - there're a lot of trees under which you can hide and take cover."

Taking position in the tree at J30

2010-03-07, 02:36 PM

The waterfall overlooking the village of Kirigakure exhaled a plume of pearly mist, wafting as high as its mountain source and dispersing over the village like a shroud. Skimming the surface, a winged shadow darkened the sloping roofs of Kirigakure. With portentous wing beats it cleared the cloud and swooped toward the cliffs on the eastern border.

Miharu's feet thudded against the slats of another footbridge and the reverberations climbed her spine. The cobblestones of the east residential district had been worn smooth by carts and feet and hooves and the houses stretched proud in the shadow of the mountain. A stitch was twisting itself under her ribs and a snarl tugged at her lips, scattering a knot of villagers like sparrows as she swept through an eastbound alley. Breathing the village air felt like drinking.

She glanced up again and Aozomaru was a tawny V in the distance, riding a thermal that carried the hawk toward the lake. He had swooped through her window in a flurry of wings and wind that scattered the mess on her floor, and he sqwaked her awake. She flung herself out the door, down flights of stairs she cleared in two leaps and burst onto the streets of Kirigakure at full spring. She would be useful.

At the monument site, she spotted Tetsuo and Akimaru but heeled before Genira and bowed a hasty greeting.

"Sensei, I've spotted them." She tried to speak between breaths. "To the west, in the industrial district. Four bandits, picking off crows."

She glanced at Tetsuo, expecting a flash of insight in his eyes. "They'd have to cross the village to get here. Could there be another group?"

Miharu eyed the tree line and, with a snap of her wrist, signaled Aozomaru to circle the lake. Her breath relaxed, yet her skin felt tight. The lake was too still. She watched an individual leaf detach from a branch hanging low over a strem, alight on the surface of the shuddering current and be dragged beneath the footbridges before disappearing. Miharu itched and tacked her nails against the forehead protector wrapped around her thigh. Each was painted with a watery blue which seemed to shimmer in the light. She looked to Genira, then Tetsuo.

"What now?"

2010-03-12, 10:51 PM

Tetsuo shook his head at Miharu's question. "No, probably not. If they're in the village, they're relying on hiding or blending in until they get through the area and head this way..."

Casting a look around, a small smile crept onto his face. A hand brushed hair away from his eyes, the mist had weighed it down. No.. they're coming that way," he murmured, "and this time we're the ones who have the advantage." That excited, almost manic look appeared on his face as Tetsuo began scanning the area, making silent, rapid notes.

Suddenly, seemingly finished, Tetsuo called the others over for a minute. "Okay, with the patrols searching for these bandits, it's highly unlikely they'll get here before tomorrow morning, at least. So, we should all be rested. And when they do come, well.... Let's just say I have a plan," Tetsuo grinned, a hand reaching into his pack and pulling out a bundle of tags, before diving back in and retrieving a scroll with a brush and ink set. ""However, it is extremely important that we know when they're approaching. Miharu, I will definitely be relying on your and Aozomaru. Now, I'll give out the details later, but I'm on something of a roll right now. Time to do some prep work," he finished, sitting down exactly where he was and unfurling the scroll to a blank area. His teammates would simply have to wait a little while to learn the intricacies.

2010-03-20, 05:11 PM
Genira stands over the pool, closing her eyes in reverence, before glancing up at Akimaru on his perch, nodding and even smiling. "Southwest....that certainly is a possibility that I hadn't considered. But at least you have north covered - appropriately enough, like a hawk."

She drifts over to Miharu as Aozomaru lands, listening to her report then even reaching over and petting Aozomaru's head gently, her smile widening across her face. "Good boy...and even better handler. There should only be one invading force...but they'd be fools to just go straight for the industrial complexes. Those are just production for medical and enhancement supplies - some of the secrets of our village, but certainly not unique to my knowledge. It most certainly has to be a diversion to distract us."

Tetsuo is last, and after conversing with him in private, she nods even deeper, a full on grin starting to show. "We can't let our guard down - but Tetsuo's plan is sound com-posited with what you two have brought in, as expected. But I have one addition....are any of you proficient in setting up traps? I have full knowledge - but only the materials I bear on my back."

Your jounin gives a little laugh, crossing her arms as her face flickers with that little emergence of the vicious creature within, subsiding after a moment. "...yes, I do believe it is payback time for our polite little traitor and her band for all the pain they've caused our village So get comfortable, people - I want to present her to the Mizukage, dead or alive."

(Genira has the full range of Kunai Wana techniques as well as Ninpou Wana with somewhat limited supply of kunai (10, her strength limits her) and three advanced seals, so feel free to direct her to set them anywhere. If no one has any preferences, she'll act on Akimaru's suggestion.)

2010-03-22, 11:07 PM

Tetsuo nodded as Genira gave her input to the team. The manic expression seemed to have faded from his eyes, though it still seemed to tug gently at the corners of his mouth. "Okay, so since we met with a parley before, I thought I'd return the favour. You should all hide yourselves out of sight; she'll know you're there, but might question the makeup of the team to confront her. Meanwhile," he grinned slyly, "I will hold a parley, on the lake. Two people will be invited out to chat, hopefully Yuriko and one other. At that point just wait for things to begin." Tetsuo shrugged and chuckled lightly, "They can't accept a parley for resolution, after all."

Looking up at Akimaru, Tetsuo scratched the side of his jaw. Taking a quick glance around, he nodded before calling up to his archer comrade. "You're a good shot. I think you being up there sniping will be an excellent idea. I'll give you a couple of tags to be used specifically to set off some traps. Basically, when the opportunity arises, shoot one at the middle of that bridge," Tetsuo gestured towards the bridge arching the water, a vision of it exploding passing briefly before his eyes. "And if they come after you, I'll do the same to the bridge up there with you."

Lips pursed slightly as a hint of manic glee seemed to spark in blue eyes as they darted about for a moment. Then, abruptly, everything was normal. "Genira, Miharu, I think a couple of good places would be either of these areas," Tetsuo gestured at a couple of bush clumps. His tone suddenly took a more serious edge. Casting a look towards Aozomaru and Miharu, he continued, rather heavily, "I am absolutely relying on you for advance warning. Hopefully with an hour to spare, but I definitely need it within half an hour of their arrival. Takes time to prepare," he chuckled. Oh," he paused suddenly, looking at the team, "I need someone alive. Yuriko would be ideal, but I'll take any one.

I've got questions."

Bushes mentioned are at O31 and J-K 19-21

2010-04-04, 12:04 AM

Miharu straightened up to meet Genira's praise and her amber eyes flashed about to appear vigilant and deserving. She scrutinized every rustle of a shrub and glared at the swaying trees as if at any moment Yuriko and her bandits could erupt armed to the teeth. After a few minutes Miharu looked sheepish and adopted a more causal sense of alertness, sending up Aozomaru to hunt after he became restless.

The tension seemed to gnaw at Miharu's nerves, with Tetsuo's manic glee for his plan and Genira watching with her cool, judging gaze. To Miharu's fortune, Genira had been leading a mission of her own and didn't witness the chaos of Yuriko's ambush, and now with the chance to revenge herself.... Miharu stalked around the campsite in a pentient circuit, practiced her kunai throws on a knothole, and as night fell, finally settled herself into high cluster of bushes to wait.

Sleep evaded her. Aozomaru was prowling the sky while the air was clear and bright from the pale face of the moon, shimmering in the lake and illuminating the statues of Kirigakure's patriarchs as they guarded the village as silent stone. Their eyes fell on Miharu, stretched out on her bedroll and propped up on one arm, watching the gentle flutter of leaves in the night breeze and listening to the rush of the river's flow. Around midnight, the soft edges of sleep were folding around her eyes when Miharu saw something move below the ridge.

She held her breath. A woman in a cloak and carrying a spear peered over the ridge before disappearing into the forest. Miharu raised herself to a crouch and executed a flutter of hand-seals, shunting chakra toward her eyes. She could feel her pupils dilating, and the world was brighter as she opened her eyes, as if the moon had drenched the world with its brilliance.

The far-off keen of Aozomaru was unmistakable. Miharu saw his distinctive V-shaped form swooping toward the camp on heavy wingbeats, and his cries she understood. He had spotted the group, four figures in the southeast. And Yuriko was not with them.

She hissed for Tetsuo's attention. "Wake up! We're not alone."

Miharu is hiding at K20, taking 20 (OK-ed by DP) for a total of 31

She performs Fukurougan (Skill Threshold 1), gaining Low-Light Vision for the next seven minutes.

2010-04-04, 01:27 AM

From his high perch, the entire valley in which the lake was cradled could be seen. The mist at this height was light enough that his Katsugan could clearly make out the features of the land, only slightly blurring the horizon in a soft white backdrop. However, it was still enough to weaken the sun's glare to a pale and cool illumination, and combined with the cover of the tree's foliage, Akimaru felt that he had chosen quite a comfortable position for his ambush. Hah, he smirked at the sun. You lose this time. The Sun had always been dazzlingly bright on the immaculate white snow where he had grown, but since his Katsugan had manifested, he found the sun to be pitilessly harsh nearly anywhere.

Of course, there were also drawbacks to his position. Even in the absence of wind in the misty vale, he was still far enough from his teammates that he could hardly understand what they said when they discussed things among themselves. Only the instructions Tetsuo had called out to him had been clear enough for him to catch, and he signalled back his reception of the orders.

It felt strange, being able to clearly see people talking, yet not hearing what they say. As though he were very distant from them. And his perspective didn't help either, looking down on them from high up in this tree. Things always looked less significant from above. I wonder how I look to Miharu's bird?

Strange, the tricks senses played on you. He wasn't distant from them at all. He trusted them. Well, he trusted Tetsuo, anyway, Miharu always seemed very... focused. And Akimaru wasn't a very outgoing person either. But he could trust Tetsuo, surely. He hoped he could trust Tetsuo. Otherwise the enemies they would face on this mission would probably be only the beginning of his problems.

That snapped his attention back to the matter at hand. Right, let's deal with the people that will surely want to kill me, before thinking of things that will only maybe try to kill me. He sat down on his branch and waited.

* *

Waiting in ambush was a boring and wearying thing. He could barely move, because any movement might attract attention and reveal his position to attentive enemies. He couldn't let his mind wander, because he had to remain attentive to spot the arrival of their targets.

When he first settled down, he'd prepared some of his special arrows - and arrowheads - for the expected fight, checked his gear, surveyed the land, considered a number of plans depending on hypothetical occurrences, and when that was all done, he'd only managed to waste fifty minutes. He then started watching with only one eye open. Resting one eye, and training the other, or so he told himself. Really it was just something to do. But it was annoying, and he grew bored of it before long.

Really, despite his resolve, he soon started thinking about various unrelated things, catching himself after a while and going back to his watch, before repeating the cycle. Still, as a trained ninja, and with the vision afforded by the Katsugan, the moment he spotted the woman slipping discreetly into the wooded area on the other side of the lake, he immediately snapped to attention. Miharu had seen her too, he noticed. Slowly, he started stretching and flexing his muscles, one by one. Soon. It would finally time to do something.

2010-04-15, 10:20 PM

Tetsuo had finished the preparations after pacing intently, casting glances around the terrain. Finally, with a shake of his head, almost as if he were shaking some sense back into himself, Tetsuo moved along the bridges, placing traps. With a final look over the hiding places which had been chosen, Tetsuo moved towards the lake.

As deft strokes lined the scroll in front of him with ink, Tetsuo appeared completely calm, yet if one caught him wt the right moment, a tight, small smile was struck to his face, and light danced in blue eyes.


Tetsuo started at Miharu's hiss. "Hh?" he grunted before catching her meaning. With a quick nod, Tetsuo gestured back towards the bushes. "Remember the plan," he whispered. Darting out onto the lake, Tetsuo pulled out a scroll, and knelt down, out of view. A moment later, he stood up, looking around for his teammates. Good, they're out of sight...

Tetsuo had no idea who was approaching, but he didn't really care. A smirk tugged at his mouth as he pondered the preparation he'd put into this, and light danced in his eyes.

2010-04-28, 11:14 AM
The group cautiously walks into the sight of all eyes, stopping partway down the path and seeming to look over the situation, taking stock of it second time. The first of the group is a tall, proud figure wearing all white, decorated with a prominent sash of the two dots of kumogakure. Even his long white blond hair done back in a ponytail blends in with his robes - the only things that contrast it are his tan skin and the tan camo cloak worn by all of them.

Behind him comes a more angular man - muscled, with similarly dark skin and blond hair, but with black robes. A white harness across his back doubles as the holster for the sleek, decorated dark spear across his back. His dark goggles, set above a small blonde beard and mustache, differ from the man in white's as they are constantly looking, scanning the area for something...even passing over the standing Tetsuo several times as if discounting him.

The third, identifable by her lighter build as female, most likely a teenager, follows closely behind the second. While she also bears a lighter, less decorated spear and the same black outfit and white harness, that is where the similarities end. Her skin, while still tan by Kirigakure standards is much paler then the others, and her dark hair is a familiar contrast to the outlandish white blond of the others. She seems to always halt and stand behind the second, waiting and deferring to him, obscuring her slightly - but she is recognizable as the initial scout from a minute before.

The last follows behind the first, much like the third follows behind the second. A shorter, stockier boy but still with the dark tan skin and blond hair of Kumogakure, he seems to constantly glance around nervously and uneasily, despite wearing white leggings in addition to the white sash over the rest of his frame.

After a moment of pausing, the group continues onwards down the slope, the first figure leading the others forwards with a smug confidence, his eyes on Tetsuo, approaching down past the bridge to the edge of the lake. "They leave one boy to protect their monument? One boy, just standing out in the open? What is this, a joke? Be quick to answer, for I could strike you down where you stand with the entire lake - for I am JIIRO, THE WHITE LIGHTNING OF KUMOGAKURE!" He spreads one hand up above him dramatically, making little sparks dance across it.

The second continues looking restlessly around, unsheathing his spear and leaning on it with a bored expression. "And no Jounins in sight, either - I only signed on because I heard we might be going up against the Ice Witch. This is a waste of time - let's just blow it up already. Maybe some strong ones will come."

"No, no, let's hear the little Kiri pup grovel first." He looks expectantly at Tetsuo, keeping the outstretched, crackling hand above him. "Well? Let's hear it. Make it good - I haven't had anyone beg for the life or offer up a plea for mercy in..." Jiiro looks to the boy behind him.

Behind each of them, the two apprentices glance at each other, Jiiro's apprentice sighing and relaxing a bit. "...in a week, sir." "A WEEK! So make it good!" The spear wielder's apprentice beside him just looks mildly exasperated, shaking her head at the exchange and unsheathing her own spear silently.

(Final positions Jiiro - O17, Spear master - N17, Jiiro's apprentice - O16, Spear master's apprentice - N16
Also, yes, you can roll me Ninja Lore for significance of clothing or to have heard of the great Jiiro. :smallcool:)

2010-04-28, 03:20 PM

A brief look of surprise registered on Tetsuo's face as the group entered the area. A slightly furrowed brow was indistinguishable, thanks to distance, but Tetsuo was quickly muttering something off to himself while the "White Lightning of Kumogakure" gave his introduction and opened with a request for surrender.

Tetsuo straightened up as Jiiro waited for...whatever it was he wanted. "Of course I know of you, Jiiro. And that must mean the person beside you is Yiba," Tetsuo half chuckled, his reflection in the lake a distorted mockery of himself. "And that would also explain why he is so dismissive of me." Tetsuo closed his eyes for a moment, as if pondering something very intently for a few seconds.

"I apologize Jiiro, but I am not going to beg for my life right now. However, I do have information which I believe you should hear before anything continues from this point. I would prefer not to bellow it out for all to hear," Tetsuo gestured around the area, inferiing that there may be eavesdroppers in the trees or elsewhere, "and I think it would be foolhardy for me to approach your group. Would you care to join me out here? Yiba can accompany you too, if you deem it necessary. I am sure I'm no threat to the two of you, so what harm is there in listening to what I have to say?"

((Tetsuo is at S-27))

2010-04-28, 04:15 PM
The White Thunder looks at Tetsuo, shaking his head with a look of incredulity. "What? What is this, some kind of trick? You've got something important to tell *me*, great, all knowing Jiiro? Well, I'm intrigued as to what you could possibly be doing here." He turns to the disciples, a slight smile on his face. "You two, stay here. Come on, Yiba...this has Ice Witch written all over it."

Yiba follows after him, as they both easily walk across the water - the spearmaster pacing slowly behind, taking stock of his surroundings."She's certainly not above using her students as bait. Maybe that's what he wants to talk to us about, eh boy? Just remember...my Kaigan sees all. If this is a trick, its going to be your last."

Jiiro stops right next to Tetsuo, sneering at him, silent Yiba right by him as both apprentices watch nervously from the edge of the lake. "All right, now start talking. If I don't like what you have to say, I'm going to give you the Mark of Punishment and see how long you last before we send this whole pitiful excuse for a monument where it belongs."

2010-04-28, 04:40 PM

Tetsuo looked straight at Jiiro, fully aware of the level of danger he was in. Forcing his apprehension down inside his gut, Tetsuo tried to maintain his cool. Meeting Jiiro's gaze, he gave something like a very slight shrug.

"Well, I'm sure you won't like it, but it's something you should be told. Simply put, you've been manipulated. Both of you, I'm sure," Tetsuo glanced over at Yiba. "So have I, for that matter. Basically, we're here thanks to manipulation, with the end goal of igniting war."

Tetsuo straightened up, looking and sounding far more bold than he actually felt, with a cold sweat on the back of his neck. "Someone manipulated you, the great Jiiro. Someone has manipulated the White Lightning of Kumogakure. Tetsuo looked at Jiiro and Yiba with a steadfast gaze while his stomach churned, "I don't know about you, but I don't like being manipulated."

2010-04-28, 06:21 PM

It was quite an annoying experience to be waiting in ambush and not knowing what the signal to attack was. He had an arrow in hand, ready to draw and loose, but he had no idea what he was waiting for. Bloody Tetsuo and his love of secrecy. He couldn't hear what the ninja were saying below, all he caught was the black Cloud-nin's boasting.

And speaking of Cloud-nin... Akimaru's Katsugan swirled, picking up everything in sight. No rogue Mist-nin, this time, all four seemed to be from the Hidden Cloud, supposing the other two were students. Or were they still in hiding?

Tetsuo and the two Cloud-nin were heading out onto the lake now. This was likely going according to plan, but what exactly that plan entailed was beyond him. He wished he could hear as clearly as he saw.

2010-04-28, 07:44 PM
"Yes, and you're trying to now. You're just stalling to buy time- you clearly know nothing of use." He looks closer at Tetsuo, and a strange look crosses his face. "You're the one who's been causing such problems lately....part of Genira's team."

Yiba growls, bristling, drawing his spear and pointing it straight at the strategist's chest. "I tire of these games. Where are you, Ice Witch? Come out or I will make a exception and sully my spear with-mmmmrrgggppphhh-" And then suddenly, a enormous black and white claw emerges from beneath the lake behind him, grabbing the surprised Yiba around the midsection, locking him tight despite his struggles and drawing him underwater.

"Wha-a trap! I'll show you the fury of the White-" Jiiro reflexively falls back into a stance, beginning to flash through a set of seals...just in time for a second black and white claw to flash out, and drag him underwater. "Mrrgggphfhafa...!"

The remaining two attempt to move towards their masters, but before they can go so much as a step the cover your jounin bursts from the foliage."Well done, Tetsuo! Now, let's finish off their little apprentices!" Genira emerges from her cover, a triumphant, vicious smile on her pale icy face as she regards the two.

(Intiative! Positions are spear apprentice at N16, raiton apprentice at O16, Jiiro at R26, Yiba at R27, Tetsuo at S27, Genira at W20)

2010-05-17, 05:53 PM

Concealed in the underbrush and dappled shadows of leaves, Miharu watched as the group of four walked blindly into the jaws of Tetsuo's trap. She sneered at Jiiro's arrogance, shouting challenges into the dark and announcing his position to every creature withing half a mile. Animals had better sense than men, she thought, spying a rabbit thrust up its ears and skitter into the tree line. A foraging fieldmouse pocketed a seed into his cheeks and scurried beneath a bush into his burrow. The chatter of night birds was hushed to silence, and nature held its breath and remained unnoticed while men prepared to fight.

Miharu was ready too. She had sized up the two jounin and their pupils, measured their prowess by sight. Jiiro's bravado concealed weakness. Claw to throat, she imagined he would falter, but Yiba's arrogance seemed earned - the man prowled like an old wolf, grizzled and cautious. She gauged the apprentices too and visualized her approach. The girl tailed her master closely, deferred to him for direction. Were Yiba endangered, she would likely rush to his aid instead of assuming command. And Jiiro's apprentice seemed about to wet himself. He would panic and unleash with his techniques, which would be messy. Tetsuo already had enough to handle, and after her bout with Yuriko, Miharu prioritized Ninjutsu as the highest threat.

Rising to a crouch, she tensed in the legs and focused her eyes on the boy's hands. If they shifted to form seals, she would pounce on him and ensure he soiled himself.

Readied action: If the raiton apprentice attempts to perform a technique, Miharu will resume her full speed (Rank 3) and attack with a partial charge (up to 50 feet), performing Kage Buyou as part of the charge.

2010-06-05, 09:57 PM

Well, it hadn't gone perfectly, but at least most of the plan was on track. Right on cue, the crab construct lifted Jiiro's head out of the water, crushing him nonetheless. Tetsuo looked pointedly at Jiiro, raising his voice loud enough to be heard. "Jiiro! Pay attention! This is the last offer which I will make to you. Nobody has to die here, and if anyone does, it will probably lead to war," his voice raised, as he strained to get that point heard by everyone in the area. Blue eyes narrowed, boring into Jiiro's face. "Nothing I said was a lie. You can end this. However, if you decline, then you're a victim of Kirigakure defending itself." With those final words, Tetsuo ran, knowing Jiiro had perhaps a second to respond before being dragged back underwater.

Tetsuo put on the brakes as he got within what he knew was the range of his technique. With a quick series of hand seals, he heard a familiar sound as water next to him swirled and coalesced, gaining form and intent. With a loud roar, this dragon of water rushed at the apprentices before slamming into them with a ferocious bite, a tiny smile tugging at a corner of his mouth.

Crab constrict damage was done over AIM with DP.

Tetsuo performed suiyuudan 9 ranks needed for no check, and it deals 36 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2549435/) damage, Reflex save DC 20 for half.

2010-06-14, 06:44 PM
Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3Kz4WigVGo)

Jiiro's last cry before he is dragged under the water is. "Tetsuo! I will fry your eyes, you traitorus-" The rest is gurgles, only bubbles as the claw drags him beneath the water.

The water dragon that erupts from Tetsuo's hands catches the Jiiro's heavier set apprentice full across the body, ripping and leaving his robes bloody taters. His fellow rolls fully out of the way of the technique, coming up and taking stock of the situation, staring at the now empty lake in disbelief.

As the last traces of the two Kumogakure heroes vanish underwater with only slight bubbles, Genira smirks and flourishes with her hands, the surface of the lake slowly cracking and freezing into solid ice over the entirety of the lake. "And thus die Jiiro the White Lightning and the feared duelist Yiba of Amegakure, swallowed by the mists of Kirigakure. Fools, both. And you two are next."

There's no movement for a long pause as the apprentices just stare in disbelief, until the female apprentice snaps out of her stunned surprise, letting out a strangled cry, charging at Genira, drawing her spear back - interrupted on her first step by the vicious, predatory form of Miharu that tackles her from the bushes and knocks her airborne, leaving her 15 feet up and falling down through the air over the icy lake. "Oougghh...Yiba..."

Her fellow apprentice, pale, clutching at his side and breathing heavily, turns and flees at the spectacle of terror in front of him, running and stumbling back towards the path, the only movement around the entirety of the now frozen monument.

Miharu's Kage Buyou Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
I used your sheet plus the charge and speed rank 3 modifiers, let me know if I left anything out.

2010-06-14, 07:22 PM

Released, Miharu shot from her hiding place and hammered her open palm under the girl's chin, ejecting the girl into the air and barking a triumphant laugh.

"Ha! And now..."

She crouched low and a swirl of wind rippled the hem of her coat, Miharu narrowed her eyes, snarled, and freed herself from the earth, streaking upward in a flutter. Spinning mid-air, Miharu delivered a vicious double-footed kick to the girl's stomach, launching her into the sky and herself landing on her feet with a smirk of satisfaction.

"Last one's yours, Akimaru."

HP: 65
CP: 25/32
AC: 20 (22-2)

Full-round action: Miharu performs Hijo Tsuiseki (Heartless Pursuit) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4240813&postcount=1).

Attack: 1d20+13=22 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2562962/) (target is flat-footed)
Damage: 2d6+8=17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2562966/), the girl is knocked 20 feet higher into the air (35 total), and can't Tumble or otherwise prevent the falling damage on her turn.

2010-06-15, 12:02 AM

And that was that.

With the enemy dispatched in seconds and the last of the Cloud Ninja running for his life, Akimaru imagined he wasn't really needed. Miharu shouted something which he couldn't quite hear from his position, but he imagined it was directed at him.

Well, Tetsuo had asked for a prisoner. If this arrow struck true, that would be easily handled.

The archer stepped forward on the branch he had been hidden upon, clearing his head and arms from the foliage in order to get a clearer shot. To his Katsugan, the running figure was a clear silhouette against the ground. The bowstring rang in the night.

Using Binding Shaft Technique.

Attack: [roll0] vs presumably flat-foot adversary.
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] (Sneak Attack)

If he takes damage from the arrow, he must succeed a Fortitude save DC 17 or be paralysed for 4 rounds.

2010-06-16, 06:38 PM

It...It worked... IT WORKED!!! Finally, something had gone about as well as could possibly be expected, all things considered. Tetsuo allowed himself a very brief moment of satisfaction, before returning his attention to the matter at hand.

Yiba and Jiiro were not dead, contrary to Genira's premature announcement, as Tetsuo ordered the crab to crush them again, and continue holding them underwater. All in all, the fight had gone smoother than any other since he joined the bloodline squad, a very pleasant change from getting his body blown up by Yuriko.

Crushing damage from the crab 15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2565719/) and the second was also 15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2565724/)

2010-06-27, 10:53 PM
Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEPTe0a_ZAE)

(Below the thick obscuring, 21 hp ice sheet covering the lake...only currently viewable to Tetsuo's crab (but everyone else feel free to read of course)
At the bottom of the water pit, out of sight to those on the surface, Yiba lets out a soundless scream of rage as his muscles surge and contort.....glaring at the crab, and then breaking its grip on, causing the claw to splinter with a faint snap that can be heard even above the ice. As soon as he's free, he goes into a blur, bringing the dark spear still clutched tightly in his hands, plunging it down again and again at the crab, moving lighting fast even as the water starts to turn red with the blood from Jiiro's wounds, as well as just ink from the crab, as Yiba unleashes a wail a muted pressure that raises the hair on the back of the necks of all present above, a low vibration.

Shaking aside the low, strange vibration shivering from beneath the ice, Genira crosses her arms, looking at the incapacitated apprentices - the one hit by Akimaru's arrow passed out from the shock as it lies a couple yards, having skimmed off of his head. "That was a beautiful shot, hunter. I wouldn't have believed anyone could have made that, and not killed their target."

She calls back to the mountaintop the archer had staked out, before raking her attention back to Miharu pursuing after the arcing, female apprentice who just has a expression of pure terror and helplessness on her pale face as she falls back down to the ice with a loud *CRASH*, creating several cracks in it. "Tear her up, Miharu. But try not to kill her - I want to see what happened to her precious jounin killer - what's left of him." She glances back at Tetsuo, her trademark cold cruel smile on her face. "Isn't that right? I hope he isn't dead yet...I want him to see the one responsible for this..not even a jounin. Yet, at least..."

(Out of sight...)

When all is done below the surface of the ice, the crab still stands, ink billowing from it, its form barely holding together despite his fury....still clenching at the struggling, soundlessly wailing Jiiro as Yiba glares at it in a look of peer hatred and rage as its blank, black soulless eyes look back at him, the jounin killer letting loose another soundless watery scream of frustration of powerlessness. "MRRGGGGHHHAAAHHH!"
Theme #2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87jpVKFh_9k)
The spearwoman shakily gets up to her feet, drawing her naginata out - and then being flung back as Miharu takes advantage of the opening in her defenses, kicking her hard in the face with a solid blow. The female apprentice stumbles back, whirling her white Naginata back and adopting a defensive position, glancing out at the enemies encircling her, regaining her confidence. Following after her defiant cry, she narrows her eyes, then twirls the Naginata out, pressing it back at Miharu lightning fast, a surmount of pressure and tension charged along with it as she shouts a kiai. "SHUNSOU!" The strike hits the feral girl in the chest, or at least where she would be, if she hadn't vaulted back, pushing off of the female apprentice's face, standing 40 feet back.

"I am Balsa of Kumogakure, disciple of Yiba the Jounin-Killer! Come on, try me - I'll take you all down! " Despite the blood running down from her mouth, she raises her hand up mockingly, holding the naginata behind her defiantly in one hand.

Combat, actions, and rolls

Yiba [roll0] action point +6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2582136/) = 32
Claws Mcgee [roll1] = 24 BREAKS FREE

Uses Heroic Surge for TENSOU RANKA!
And...GOD DAMN IT! (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2582281/) All hit - Tensou Ranka can't crit)

GOD DAMN IT! (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2582287/) - total 64 damage - Crab is at 2 hp)

Jiiro [roll2] action point +6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2582135/) = 15, but a natural one. Ha ha ha.
Claws Mcgee [roll3] = 35 JIIRO SO F*CKED - next crushing from Mcgee sends him into the negatives

Spear apprentice - falls prone immediately in front of Miharu, takes (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2583131/) Miharu's foot (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2583135/) from AoO as she stands up, five foot steps back, and then hits (+2 from speed and strength ranks) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2583141/) with her technique (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2583235/), but Miharu Shundous (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2583241/) it and moves 40 feet back.

Also, sorry about the delay. Totally worth it though.

2010-06-28, 08:50 PM

Balsa of Kumogakure showed great spirit in the face of probable defeat, at least. He didn't know if he should find that funny, or sad, it would have been preferable that she simply surrender. Ah well, it's none of my business, really. Miharu seemed like the kind of person who took pride in trouncing her enemies, and Akimaru had no intention of taking that away from her.

Instead he climbed a few more branches and set about scanning the valley for signs of other ninja. "I know you're out there..." he whispered, the moonlight reflected in his katsugan. He searched for any rustling leaf, any ripple in the water. There had been no rogue Mist Nin in this group, something that was, Akimaru decided, quite peculiar.

Spot check: [roll0]

2010-06-30, 10:15 PM

Miharu rolled her shoulders and let out a cruel laugh.

"Speak louder, I don't think the whole village could hear you. Everyone! This is Blah-Blah, Disciple of Yiba the floating corpse!"

She crossed her arms over her chest and sneered at the girl.

"Your master is dead, your little friend has soiled himself, his master is dead - and you still think you're going to walk away from this? Funny."

She advanced a step and glowered. "Now you're going to drop your weapon and come quietly with us back to the village, or Genira here will freeze you solid and you can ride down the waterfall as an ice cube. Is that clear to you?"

Readied action: If Balsa moves within striking range, Miharu will perform a Kamaitachi technique, dealing 4d6 (20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2586476/)) damage (DC 17 Reflex half) and Balsa will have to make a DC 17 Fortitude save or be pushed back 1d4 x 5 (20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2586478/)) feet.

2010-07-02, 12:04 AM

Tetsuo started a moment, at the sudden ferocity of Yiba's attack. Walking back over the ice, he could make out the forms as if through a murky fog. "It's not over yet! Soon though," he called out. "But Miharu's right girl. The fight may as well be finished now. Surrender."

Underwater, the crab was looking more and more like its constituent parts, like a paper boat left in the water too long. Still, the crab looked directly at Yiba, an almost malevolent expression implied as the claw compressed on Jiiro again, bringing an end to his struggles, the White Lightning going limp. The second claw darted out, seemingly impossibly and latched around Yiba, the edges of the claw floating, wrinkled from the water. As it just began to compress on Yiba's chest, the claw suddenly lost all form, running ink into the water and becoming nothing more than an annoyance, rather than an underwater monster.

Tetsuo observed the murky combat as he knelt and muttered a quiet "Magen: Anrakushi!", silently hoping that Yiba's lack of self-discipline would hold true...

Attack roll on Yiba was made over AIM with DP a while ago. I have since lost the link, but I'm sure he'll vouch. Crushing damage on Jiiro 14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2588015/)

Claw damage on Yiba 15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2588018/) The opposed grapple was failed.

If the Anrakushi hits, the desired effect is that Yiba loses his next turn.

2010-07-02, 03:53 AM
Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfMLItvsIw0&feature=related)

Akimaru As you climb up and scan the area - something catches your vision....as you can see, you notice a figure moving through the brush, covered by a ninja cloak - Yuriko, straight at B37. You have a clear, direct shot from your perch, all lined up on her to boot.
Balsa tenses, circling with Miharu, now wary...smiling back with a tight grin. "Hah! Yiba? Dead from a trick like this? Listen up, you little mercenary...I don't know how much they paid you for this job, but you'd better get out while you can - you're way out of your league here. My master has been looking forwards to fighting your precious ice queen for a long time. The gates of hell themselves couldn't stop him from enjoying this.......he's been toying, indulging you. He's just waiting for the right moment..."

The spearwoman sees the hawk girl pause, and takes the opportunity, holding the naginata low, sprinting forwards, altering her course and rolling to the side, out of the way of the blast and the accompanying gale of wind that follows, continuing her lateral movement, and ending the motion of the charge with the point of her naginata, unleashing the full force of the blow into Miharu's side, puncturing it. "...and then your precious ice queen will be dead and gone! HASSUN!"

A cry is heard, and Aozomaru dives down to Miharu's shoulder, giving another excited long cry, seeming to impart something to her, eyes and gaze swiveling back towards the offending spearwoman, then back to the northwest.
Miharu Aozomaru communicates to you that he saw Yuriko in the brush at 23 as he was flying in, moving in through the west towards C37. He's very excited about getting another crack at her, to say the least.
Balsa draws back, the blade of her naginata now coated with the hawk girls blood, the confident smile growing wider despite her own wounds and Aozomaru's arrival. "And your monument will be next, for all that your bloodthirsty village has done! Whatever money they paid for you was a waste - I'll send you down the waterfall myself. We'll see how well you can fly then, with your little sparrow trussed up beside you!"

"So...the Jounin Killer isn't dead yet. Good." Genira waits, focusing on the ice lake itself, looking below her, a little smile creeping across her face, even as Balsa and Miharu fight in the background as she enters into the moment. "Come on, Yiba...let's have some fun. Don't go running away now....like a coward."

The last thing Tetsuo sees over the link from the crab beneath the ice as it dissapates is Yiba wrenching free, looking to his unconscious fellow kumogakure jounin with a look of calculated rage...which then twists into a smile as he seems to see something in Jiiro's unconscious, wounded body as presumably his technique takes effect.

Balsa charges, saves (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2588157/) against both the Ref and Fort, uses Hassun with a [roll0] to hit for [roll1] on Miharu.

Genira is holding.

Yiba loses his action, and then you guys lose visual contact with him due to the destruction of Tetsuo's crab, as the ice has air in it and is there for reflective.

Jiiro is presumably unconscious, but by then the crab is gone, so no way to confirm.

2010-07-03, 02:04 PM

Akimaru smiled when he caught sight of that which he had been searching for. Now I've got you.

The arrow he set to the string was covered in inked markings, a ninjutsu seal wrapped around the shaft that was part of his family's specialised techniques. A hunter's tool. Once that arrow struck its prey, the seal would transfer to the victim's flesh, marking the quarry for easy tracking. Trusting to his skill and experience, he let the arrow loose on the individual he could most readily associate with responsibility for whatever it was that was currently going on. And then grimaced as the weapon was intercepted in its flight by a tree branch.

No sooner had the arrow reached the end of its course, that Akimaru swung down a few branches, shouting a warning to his teammates below. "We've got Yuriko north by north-east! Permission to pursue, taichou?"

Activating Speed Rank 2

Using Hunter's Seal - If I hit and the target fails a Will save (DC 18), then she will be strongly radiating my chakra signature for seven hours, making her easily detectable.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If Yuriko tries to run away, and Tetsuo or Genira permits pursuit, I'll be moving to D36

Defence: 22
Hit points: 56/56
Chakra: 26/28

2010-07-03, 06:47 PM

Balsa circled, leading with her naginata and bravado. The girl was battered and cut, yet still she agressed.

"Always talking," Miharu growled. "You ninja never listen!"

She pivoted to keep the girl in her sight and formed hand seals slowly. Uma - knuckles interlaced, index fingers forming a triangle... Inoshishi - clenched fists turned down....

"When the hawk's shadow falls, the fieldmouse runs," she shouted. "He knows he might live. But your master should have taught you when to die!"

Tori - the three-peaked temple of the bird. Miharu released a blast of wind that scarred the grass in a cone, yet Balsa rolled clear and lunged with her spear. Miharu turned, too late, ducking away from the force of the blow and a foot of steel erupted from her back.

Pain was punctuated by the shrill cry of the hunting hawk, she saw the shadow of swooping wings, and the world was drained of sound. Balsa's mouth moved wordlessly, the waterfall thundered in silence, and through Aozomaru's eyes, Miharu "saw" Yuriko - her simpering smile and betrayer's eyes. Hate. She remembered the hot scent of blood, it seeping out and clinging to her claws. Hate. She saw a statue crunching in her claws and Yuriko escaping in a haze of smoke. Hate. The girl in front of her sneered, twisted her weapon and Miharu screeched. Yuriko's face, gloating, shouting words, here again, hurting again. Hate. Hate. Hate.

Aozomaru screeched and dove from above, lancing across the girl's back. Claws clutched the weapon shaft, the girl struggled against her grip, Miharu yanked the girl forward and sheathed her talons into the girl's soft stomach. Blood heaved into the dirt, Miharu raked the girl's face, tearing off that wretched smile, and drew her talons back again, forming a dagger point.

Her golden eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot, her lips peeled away from her clenched teeth, and something crawled from Miharu's throat, both shrill guttural, barely a voice. "WHAT. DID I. TELL YOU."

Her talons plunged.


HP: 37/65
CP: 23/32
AC: 18

Ongoing effects: Fukurougan (5/70), Speed Rank 3 (4/5), Frenzy (1/7)

Due to Miharu losing more than 1/4 of her hit points in a single attack, she had to roll a save against entering an involuntary Frenzy, which she failed (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8835236&postcount=167). Thanks to Miharu's Inspire Frenzy ability, Aozomaru automatically enters a frenzy.

Aozomaru performs Tsumetsuki, attacking Balsa from behind.

Attack: 1d20+13 (27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589790/)) + 1d6 (5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589794/)) = 32
Damage: 2d6+2 (11 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589799/)) +4 from Frenzy, total 15

Miharu, flanking with Aozomaru, full attacks.*

Attacks (3):
1: 1d20+10 = 30 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589765) (Critical confirmation: 1d20+10 = 30 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589777/))
2: 1d20+10 = 27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589765)
3: 1d20+5 = 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589765)

1: 2d6+12 (20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589816/))
2: 1d6+6 (8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589818/))
3: 1d6+6 (8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2589822/))

*Note: Even if Balsa is dropped below 0 HP by Aozomaru, or any of Miharu's attacks, Miharu will still attack with her full routine, due to the effects of Frenzy.

2010-07-05, 11:40 PM

Blue eyes darted just for a moment as Miharu was sent into a frenzied rage. Luckily, this time there was an opponent for her to focus on, and another if Akimaru's warning had been correct. "If you wish to pursue, do so with caution! If you engage, it would be greatly beneficial to have her alive," he called to the archer. There was really nothing Tetsuo wanted more than to track her down himself and get some damn answers, however he had a psychotic spearman who most likely wanted to slice him, gullet to groin.

Tetsuo quickly hauled out a paper tag, and spent a moment slowly filling it with chakra. He then quickly knelt down, affixing it to the ice as he tried to measure approximately where Yiba would emerge, before standing up and quickly hurrying out of range of the explosion.

Greater Exploding tag, spent 4 chakra for extra charges, for a total of 6d8 damage in a 25 foot radius.

2010-07-14, 01:37 AM
Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5KClgjYZwM)

A familiarly plain girl steps out from the bushes on the northeaster bluff. Yuriko's appearance is the same as always, with a few minor changes. Her buff jacket is, for once, left open, to reveal the heavily bandaged section of chest that the hawk ninja had ripped away, the added deformity doing nothing to enhance Yuirko's appearance. Her stance is casual as always, trying almost to hard to say 'everything's fine here.' Yet the naked blade in her right hand betrays her readiness for battle, as do the subtle whirls of wind around her. Her voice is pitched to carry over the roar of the waterfalls, cutting through the air across the small valley. "So sorry to interrupt friends, I really didn't want to get in the way of this. I'm just here to make sure Jiiro-san and Yiba-dono are captured or killed."

She raises her voice even more, shouting now. "This little excursion wasn't approved, Jiiro-san, and you know what happens when you do that. We didn't ask you here to destroy landmarks after all. I hope you and Yiba-dono have learned your lesson and are ready to die knowing your mistake."

Yuriko's free hand fiddles absently with on of her pouches as she adds, at her previous volume, "I'd offer my help, but since I can feel that you all are about to make a major mistake and attack me, instead on focusing on your real enemies, I'll not bother with some kind of 'temporary alliance.' After all, I have a bad feeling that Miharu-san would confuse 'wise strategic aliance' with 'mercy. Oh well. I simply offer the promise that I will not attack you unless you move to harm me, and that as soon as our two misguided traitors are dead or in custody, I will withdraw. I know you won't take my offer, but there it is. But don't blame me when Yiba spears you in the back."

Hey again! Yuriko is still at B37, and clearly visible to everyone now. No action as yet.

2010-07-14, 02:28 PM
Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fZmg-aJiHo)

The rest of the scene is quiet - there's no movement from the frozen lake. Balsa's bloody and torn body lies unmoving across from Jiiro's unnamed unconscious apprentice. The attention of all seems poised on the scarred woman standing boldly from the bushes at the northern ledge where Akimaru had shot at. The exception is your jounin, who keeps her gaze focused on the silent lake below her, one hand ready as she growls.

"I'm not in the mood for more pathetic games. Just shut her up already however you want - I have bigger fish to catch. Come on, Yiba...don't tell me you actually died down there. Come on, you cowardly pathetic jounin killing bastard...just letting all your apprentices be bait." Genira waits, a bit of sweat running down her delicate brow, her pale face twisted in a savage, tight grin.

2010-07-25, 02:24 AM

"Huh, she's not retreating. In fact she's coming forward." Akimaru cocked his head to the side, staring down at Yuriko as she delivered her message. Then the archer helpfully relayed it to the others below, in case they hadn't been able to hear clearly over the distance. Akimaru himself said nothing, he just continued looking down on her from atop his branch.

From his position, Akimaru used his katsugan to sweep the area once more. Images of the still very recent ambush came easily to mind. The explosives in the cliff face, the sheer drop into the mists below, the archers on the heights.

A moment passed, awkwardly, with them just standing there. A short moment, but still. Akimaru shrugged, and raised his bow once more.

Apologies for the delay.

Let's try this again:

Using Hunter's Seal - If I hit and the target fails a Will save (DC 18), then she will be strongly radiating my chakra signature for seven hours, making her easily detectable.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Defence: 22
Hit points: 56/56
Chakra: 26/28

2010-08-03, 11:48 PM
Yuriko shakes her head in resigned frusteration as Akimaru readies his arrow. "Wrong move archer-san." Her arm blurs as she brings her sword up...and simply throws it at Akimaru. Her hips twist, power channeling up from her feet all the way to her hand as the sword sails out. By all rights the sword should simply have clattered to the ground a few feet away, but for some reason it doesn't. It simply lances out, soaring as swiftly as the arrow from Akimaru's bow. Half seals flash on her left hand as the sword flies, light glimmering as it passes within a foot of the arrow in mid air. The whole journey takes fractions of a second as the weapons speed towards their targets.

The sword slams into Akimaru's hip, grabbing and pulling him out of his tree and into the air. As he flies back, the swords hilt smokes, as the explosive tag wrapped around the hilt triggers, surrounding the already falling ninja with fire.

Akimaru's arrow meanwhile buries itself in Yuriko's smiling face, a shot she should have dodged easily. The reason becomes apparent as the obvious bunshin bursts into smoke and Yuriko steps out from behind a tree nearer the mesa's edge, another sword already in hand as she watches her strike land. "Maybe you'll make a wiser choice next time."

Ranged attack roll 29 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2636199/
Damage 16 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2636200/
Knockback 5 ft http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2636204/
Explosion damage 7 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2636208/
Poison damage 4 con http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2636210/
I need a Fort save vs DC 17 and a Ref save vs DC 15 from Akimaru. If the first ref save succeeds And the attack hits I need a second reflex save vs DC 15. No poison damage if the fort is successful, half explosion damage if ref is successful (or if the attack hits, only if both refs are successful). Evasion applies to ref save.

2010-08-09, 09:21 PM

Yuriko had always talked too much. In the village's experimental bloodlines squad, she was all simpering smiles and speech heaped with honorifics in a desperate attempt to be noticed. She had ruffled Miharu's feathers, acting like the sycophantic "ideal student" Miharu refused to be, and the girl took satisfaction in Yuriko's sudden disappearance. She had simply been not good enough, and no amount of pleasantries could advance her station. Banditry had suited her, politeness and betrayal, but what had enraged Miharu was that Yuriko had bested her. Miharu had wounded the girl, humiliated her, disgraced her mother, but that was not enough. Yuriko had all of the freedom Miharu wanted and was still disgustingly false.

Had Miharu been the introspective type, she might have realized this. Had she been patient, or an elegant speaker, she might have said so. Had Miharu a brief moment of clarity, she may even have considered the validity of her hatred. Yuriko, however, had chosen a poor moment to make her entrance. All of her carefully-practiced words washed like a bitter breeze over Miharu, whose fury had not yet been sated.

The hawk saw her first, shrieking for Miharu's attention as Yuriko knocked Akimaru from this tree, and Aozomaru lunged unbidden into a twisting dive toward Yuriko. Miharu looked up from Balsa's broken body, golden eyes locking on Yuriko's position, and instinct saw her leap into a spiral charge after Aozomaru, the tailwinds of the two forming a helix of fury. Yuriko had not made a wise choice.

HP: 42/42
CP: 5/9
AC: 16 (-4 from Frenzy, -2 from charging)

Ongoing effects: Frenzy (2/7)

HP: 35/65
CP: 21/32
AC: 16 (-4 from Frenzy, -2 from charging)

Ongoing effects: Fukurougan (6/70), Speed Rank 3 (5/5), Frenzy (2/7)

Azomaru charges to F32, and Miharu charges to D30, and both attack with Tsumetsuki, granting each other a flanking bonus.

Aozomaru's attack: 1d20+14 (29) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644051/) + 1d6 (4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644087/) = 33
Damage: 2d6+6 (14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644059/)

Miharu's attack: 1d20+17 (37) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644023/)
Critical confirmation: 1d20+17 (27) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644040/) + 1d6 (6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644043/) = 33
Damage: 2d6+15 (x2) (23, 26) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644313/) = 49

Thanks to Geinra's generous gift, the talons on Miharu's right hand are coated with Ketsuekigyouko poison, and Yuriko must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or take 1d4 (2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2644102/) Constitution damage. Additionally Yuriko must make a second DC 17 save one minute later.

Total damage: 63

2010-08-14, 09:40 PM

Tetsuo observed the confrontation with Yuriko, but made no move to join in. Instead, he turned back towards the lake, which still held the dangerous Yiba. Casting quick glances at everyone, including, with concern, Akimaru as he thudded into the ground, Tetsuo raised his voice. "Yuriko! I think a very good idea is for you not to attack anybody for the moment, and just survive. Miharu will snap out of it soon, and you and I need to have a conversation," Tetsuo almost chuckled at that, blue eyes looking for any sign of movement from Yiba at all.

"See, Jiiro's dead, I killed him myself. And Yiba's not leaving here alive. And y'know what? To prove I'm not being disingenuous," Tetsuo raised his voice and called out. "Akimaru! If you still have a shot, I want you to hit Miharu with paralysis if you think she's going to actually kill Yuriko! It's hard to talk to someone who's dead." Tetsuo still stood unmoving, staring hard at the surface of the frozen lake, something in his hands.

Basically just talking, and readied a bunch of actions with DP's permission. We'll see what they are when Yiba sticks his head out of the lake. WE SHALL SEE.

2011-01-03, 08:51 PM
Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-Wr5BqZD2E&feature=related)

"Come on, Miharu-san, lets see how things go this ti -AHHHH!” Miharu and Aozomaru plow into Yuriko like twin arrows, slamming into her form, as she lets out a wail, causing her to reel back and clutch at her side as blood fountains from it, hobbling back with a shriek, then collapsing to the ground, blood running out from her still body.

“GENNNIRRA!” The figure that bursts out through the ice is unmistakable, scarred, crushed, the spear in one hand, Yiba's face twisted in rage as he lunges at Genira, who falls into a defensive stance and creates a wall of ice. The rush of Tetsuo's suiryuudan as it rushes across the lake, followed by the explosion of the explosive tag he set deafens whatever his next cry was, his charred body, torn body falling to the ground. "Yes! That's right...Jounin Killer nothing-"

Poof. It flickers before it vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

Several other bodies of Yiba fall to the ground beside the first one, having jumped up after the first one in the hole surrounding it and taken the explosive tag directly. Poof. Poof. Poof.

It becomes apparent the real Yiba is still at large under the lake, but that doesn't seem to bother your Jounin. “Hah....Go ahead and waste your chakra, Yiba.” Genira sneers from behind her shield of ice, stepping back from it and letting it melt. “Your traitor Yuriko is going to die, just like your apprentice. Make her suffer, Miharu - show her the price of betraying Kirigakure!"

Akimaru 20 <--- (You're up, archer!)
Miharu 19
Tetsuo 18
Yiba 14
Genira 10

Also, I'm marking Monday as the day. Savvy? When next monday rolls around I'll be posting the next round for enemy turns. SO DON'T BE SAKURA.

2011-01-04, 02:26 PM

Akimaru shows no surprise as the clone vanishes, simply standing there and waiting for the counterattack. When he sees Yuriko's sword fly the distance separating them, however, he does allow for a brief "You can't..." before being knocked off his perch by the blow. And then he vanishes into flames.

"Well, that was unexpected," says the archer as he neatly falls from the tree, unharmed. Behind him, an ashen branch collapses to the ground amid a rain of leaves and chips of bark, a still smouldering sword embedded in it.

Despite his mocking tone, Akimaru's eyes betrayed his unease. Yuriko was one thing, but he'd have to continue working with Miharu after this mission, and memories of a bloody Daichi being carried away filled him with dread. He stifled a laugh as he nocked his arrows and readied to loose, but whatever humour had occurred to him, he did not share.

2011-01-10, 12:55 AM

Tetsuo's jaw drops as Miharu just slams into Yuriko. Considering the problem which had been presented before, it was just incredible. "Holy shi-" was all he got out before Yiba exploded through the ice and it was an instant of pure chaotic entropy.

His technique raced at Yiba, impacting the same instant as the tag detonated. The odd juxtaposition of the water's roar with the blinding light was an image Tetsuo knew would be in his memory forever - stress has a way of crystallizing moments. The loud explosion snapped him back to reality mere milliseconds later, as he saw Yiba disappear multiple times, each one a signal that his plan had been for naught.

What do I do now? Gotta think it out...

Turning, he called to Miharu, hoping she would hear him. "If Yuriko's alive, try to keep her that way! She has a lot of information we can use." Lowering his voice, he speaks to Genira as his hand deftly hauls out a strange tag.

"Genira-sensei, can you stop Yiba? Not as in kill him, though I've no doubt that's possible, but just to make him hold still? It would be a huge help to this off-the cuff plan...." he explained, focusing himself on waiting for Yiba's next move, then hopefully Genira's timely assistance.

2011-01-10, 03:44 AM

In the end, Yuriko's death would be a simple thing.

When Miharu charged - with cool clarity, rage, or fear - there was always a heartbeat of pure joy in the moment her feet left the ground and the wind seemed to carry her. She and Aozomaru were of the same blood in that silent space between breaths, where the world was far below and Miharu the girl and the wild creature inside became a unified being, exultant and complete as they parted the air around them.

Here, brutal instinct had submerged Miharu's mind and she unleashed her fury toward a face she identified with hatred. The girl turned, opened her mouth in surprise, and in that soaring heartbeat before Miharu cut her down, she saw in Yuriko's pale eyes a flash of fear and she knew what she was about to do. Talons tore open her side, expelling blood into the air. Yuriko's mortal wail pierced Miharu's fury, and she blinked wide clear eyes as the girl slid from Miharu's extended talons and crumpled to the ground.

Miharu was slimy with sweat, breathing with sharp pangs, and her muscles twitched and felt hollow. Aozomaru circled above with labored wingbeats, explosions and shouts washed over her, cluttered her ears, though she selected one voice from the din.

"...Yuriko's alive, try to keep her...."

Yuriko's face had turned grey, the wound in her side had already made a pool of blood, and looked as though pieces of the girl had been ripped free. Miharu dropped to her knees beside her, tore a sleeve from the girl's jacket, and fumbled it over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but a dark patch widened through the fabric, dribbling over Miharu's useless fingers.

"Stop it," she said, pressing harder. Yuriko's eyes were still open and glassy now, and her breathing was almost still. "Damn you, stop it! She's dying...!"

It would be a simple thing. Miharu had killed before, in a rage and barely conscious, but she never had to watch someone die. Now, for Yuriko to die, all Miharu had to do was let her.

HP: 40/42
CP: 5/9
AC: 22

Ongoing effects: Fatigue

HP: 33/65
CP: 18/32
AC: 21

Ongoing effects: Fukurougan (7/70), Speed Rank 3 (1/5), Fatigue

Miharu attempts to end her Frenzy with a Will save (DC 16): Success. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2828048/)

Treat Injury attempt to stabilize Yuriko (DC 15): Failure. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2833923/)

2011-01-10, 04:50 PM
Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5slfkR8jdI)

Yuriko's motionless body continues to bleed, showing no movement as Miharu frantically tries to patch her up and heal her wounds, having regained herself as Akimaru watches.

Back down at the lake, Genira doesn't bother to look back to Tetsuo's comment. "Perhaps when he's dead he'll be still. Hiding behind bunshins - Come on out, you worthless, pathetic cowardly-"

The silence is broken as Yiba's form springs out from the hole created in the ice, his eyes glowing with strange orb - the iris black and the sclera red, that seems to look into each of your souls, freezing you for a moment as he draws his hand back along the bloody spear. "You wanted me? Here I am."

Your jounin sneers, gazing back at him, raising both hands, drawing the temperature from the surrounding frozen ice of the lake - Tetsuo can feel the temperature drop as the frostbite sears both of Yiba's legs as he descends towards her. "Say hello to your friends for me, Yiba."

The jounin-killer snarls, pushing himself onwards, descending with the spear outstretched straight at Genira's chest, falling as Tetsuo raises his hands and focuses on him, loosing his technique as he descends, every drop of water from his emergence still falling.

Genira jumps back, her blue eyes flashing as she flicks her wrist, drawing the remaining ice from the lake back to herself in a wall of smooth ice flashing back against the spear strike, straining against Yiba's spear as they struggle. "No, you say hello to all yours...ICE WITCH!"

After a moment the ice wall holds against the spear, and he falls to the ground on his knees, quivering prone on his frozen legs in front of the ice wall, his strange eyes looking between Genira and Tetsu, even glancing over in Akimaru and Miharu's direction. "Rraggh...damn you all...you think you can get some? You're nothing - you're all NOTHING - take one step next to me and you're dead."

Genira smirks at him from behind the ice wall. "I don't have to take a step next to you to kill you - your blood will do that nicely. But Yiba? You don't deserve to be killed by me. I think I'll let one of my so called "nothings" take care of it. The great Jounin-Killer....killed by genins. Just think of how embarassed your village will be of you when they hear about that..."

Yiba - vs Katawa Haijin no Jutsu [roll0] DC 35
Yiba - vs Katawa Haijin no Jutsu [roll1] DC 35
Yiba - vs Seiha Fuuin [roll2] DC 20
Yiba Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]
Genira - defending using Hyoushou no Jutsu [roll5]

Intiative order.

Akimaru 20 <--- (You're up, archer!)
Miharu 19
Tetsuo/Genira 15
Yiba 14

2011-01-10, 07:29 PM

Atop the plateau, the ninja were now completely ignoring the battle below. A visible sigh of relief escaped Akimaru as Miharu calmed down, and he lowered his bow, obviously happy that particular order had not needed to be followed. Then he vanished in a cloud of smoke.

The real Akimaru was at Yuriko's other side in an instant, trying to remember what Tetsuo had done in the aftermath of the battle at Dokan's mansion. "Here, I think maybe..." he cut off, concentrating on the task of keeping Yuriko alive. "Like this. Maybe? I hope." Yuriko did not appear to be any better, but the bleeding had been restrained somewhat, if Akimaru had done this right, she should survive at long enough for someone competent to give her actual treatment.

"Good work, Miharu-senpai," he added with an only slightly forced smile. "We got her this time."

Untrained Treat Injury check: [roll0]

2011-01-11, 01:00 PM

The commotion below jerked Miharu's spine straight, and she stiffened as Yiba burst from beneath the surface of the water. There was something wrong about his eyes, something unnatural that stirred her blood. Aozomaru sensed it, flying in agitated circles above the frozen lake, and the hairs on the back of Miharu's neck bristled. Her fists clenched so hard they shook.

From the holster at her leg, Miharu retrieved a kunai with a slink of steel, she dipped a hand into her belt pouch, then wrapped her hand around the weapon's hilt, squeezing it like a throat. Her eyes glanced up to meet Aozomaru's where he circled above her, and she lobbed the kunai into the air which he caught in his talons, swooping into a dive toward the lake.

"YIBA!" she shouted. "Say hello to Jiiro in hell!"

The hawk screeched, flying over the frozen lake, and as its shadow fell across Yiba's face, something small thudded next to him and Miharu smiled. An explosion detonated on the surface of the ice, swallowing Yiba and blasting a hole into the frozen crust, into which the Jounin Killer would sink into the dark depths of the lake.

"Drown, you bastard."

HP: 40/42
CP: 5/9
AC: 20 (-2 from Fatigue)
Ongoing effects: Fatigue

HP: 33/65
CP: 14/32
AC: 20 (-2 from Fatigue)
Ongoing effects: Fukurougan (8/70), Speed Rank 3 (2/5), Fatigue

Miharu sets an exploding tag on her kunai, spending 4 chakra to charge it with 4 additional charges.

Chakra Control (DC 18): Success (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2844143/).

She throws the kunai to Aozomaru, who catches it, and makes a double-move to Yiba's square, dropping the kunai as a free action. Miharu then sets the tag off as an instant action, dealing 6d6 (19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2844144/)) fire damage in a 15-ft. radius. Yiba must make a DC 15 Reflex save for half damage.

2011-01-17, 06:25 PM

Tetsuo's hand started sliding a tag into view as he heard Miharu yelling behind his shoulder. "Yeah, this is g-" was cut off by the exploding tag Miharu had gotten next to Yiba. "Nnnnnevermind," he finished, his hand sliding the tag back.

Realizing Yiba was likely about to sink, and wanting to inflict damage in case Genira sealed the lake again, his hands started forming seals. "Right, change of plans I guess."

Tetsuo lets go yet another Suiryuudan. No perform check needed. 34 damage (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2844941/) Reflex DC 20 for half.

2011-01-18, 12:13 AM
Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE7LRDusqFs)

Yuriko's vital signs stabilize as Aozomaru wraps her up and checks her body, lapsing into normal unconsciousness, guaranteeing her survival for the time being as he looks up.

Down at the lake, Yiba's eyes widen, and he rolls out of the way, literally dragging his body out out of the way with his arms, as Aozomaru drops the explosive kunai at his feet, melting the ice beneath his feet - and part of his legs as he falls into the lake."ARRRGGGHHH!"

Tetsuo's water dragon tears into his body again, cutting wide swathes across it as the lake fills with the Jounin Killer's blood, tearing even more of his legs off, gritting his teeth to avoid taking in any water as he glares up with his Kaigan eyes.

Yiba's body bobs beneath the water, not even trying to swim as he frantically flashes hand signals, seeming to finish the technique with no obvious effect at the end as he slides down towards the bottom of the pound.

Genira's eyes widen however, and she curses. "Damn it. He's preparing to destroy his body. Of course they wouldn't want to give a body with their Kaigan to us."

Her hands flash through several hand seals, and then she points her hands down towards the floating Yiba, sweat furrowing her brow as she glares at him, sneering as his body freezes in place. "Oh I don't think so. You don't get to forfeit your body yet...*if* we kill you at all. That technique of yours could serve Kirigakure very...WELL."

Yiba - Reflex save vs. explosive kunai [roll0] DC 15
Yiba - Reflex save vs. Suiryuudan [roll1] DC 20
Yiba - Will save vs Genira ??? [roll2] DC 30

Ninjutsu to identify the unknown techniques for all visible.

2011-01-18, 09:49 PM

Looking up from Yuriko's bloodied form, Akimaru's eyes of fluid colour reflected the tail end of the battle below. Even through the haze of the mist, his katsugan saw the scene clearly, the last remaining adversary was on his knees between Genira and Tetsuo, his desperate attack stopped cold - so to speak - by a wall of solid ice. The archer shrugged, the situation seemed well in hand down there, he didn't know what had so unnerved Miharu. Then he caught those eyes. Even across the distance, he could see them clearly. He stood still for a second, his mercurial eyes staring back into Yiba's black and red.

Then, without warning, he turned back to their prisoner. The threat in those eyes notwithstanding, Yiba was defeated. No point giving his attention where it would be of no use. Instead, he started picking through Yuriko's clothing, confiscating weapons and equipment, then tied her up carefully but securely with iron wire. "All right, since Tetsuo-taichou was so keen on keeping you around, it's about time you two had your little chat." And with that, he gently lifted her up and, keeping an eye out for any of her hidden allies, set back out for the pond.

Search check on Yuriko: [roll0]
Spot check: [roll1]

2011-01-23, 05:14 PM

Genira's curse was like a shout to Miharu, and she quickly formed hand seals, leaping into the air on a hot gust of wind, and descending in an arc over the lake to land on the ice beside her retainer. She ducked her head loyally, and waited for her turn to speak.

"I finished Yuriko for you, Genira-sensei." She nodded toward the hole in the ice. "Should I retrieve Yiba, or...?"

HP: 40/42
CP: 5/9
AC: 21 (-1 from Fatigue)
Ongoing effects: Fatigue

HP: 33/65
CP: 14/32
AC: 21 (-1 from Fatigue)
Ongoing effects: Fukurougan (9/70), Speed Rank 3 (3/5), Fatigue

2011-01-24, 11:16 AM

Tetsuo straightened as Yiba sank into the deep, stretching his neck. "Well, we can either wait, or try to haul him out of the water, but we can't kill him for..." he pursed his lips for a moment, "about twenty seconds or so. If he dies before then, his whole body vanishes. Which is probably why Genira-sensei is making sure he can't move and kill himself. right Genira?" he queried. Flipping open his pack, Tetsuo slid out a sealing tag. "Either way, though, I'm definitely taking those eyes from him."

2011-01-25, 12:53 AM
Akimaru finds an assortment of items on Yuriko's body. The most notable are six katanas strapped across her back, presumably in the use of her jutsu. Other items of note include her unique battle vest, which seems to be of excellent quality (mastercraft +1). Along her backpack are a set of 12 greater exploding tags, 12 trap notes, 4 sunburst tags, and enough tools, tripwire, and levers to set up a explosive tripwire trap like the one set for the caravan last mission. There are also half a dozen purple smoke bombs in her side pouches, along with a set of 6 ration pills, along with two chakra restoration amplifiers.

Genira nods back to Miharu, then Tetsuo, a bit of sweat running down her brow as she continues to bind his body. "Exactly. Go ahead and haul him up...be ready to subdue him if he breaks the hold. But do NOT hurt him under any circumstances until I give the mark. We cannot allow this opportunity to pass."

Yiba [roll0] DC 30

2011-01-25, 06:37 PM

At Genira's nod, the girl shucked her coat and sandals, droped her belt of gear on top of the pile and, holding back a grimace, dove into the hole in the ice. The cold shock of the water squeezed her lungs and her limbs felt like clubs as she sank. Raging had exhausted her, but sinking to the bottom required little effort. Reaching Yiba, Miharu scooped her arm around his chest and tried to kick toward the surface, but his bulk was heavier than she expected. Churning water with her legs, she grit her teeth and kept her eye on the faint glimmer of light at the surface.

This bastard better stay still or I'm leaving him down here.

HP: 33/65
CP: 14/32
AC: 21 (-1 from Fatigue)
Ongoing effects: Fukurougan (10/70), Speed Rank 3 (4/5), Fatigue

Swim check: (1d20+2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2856657/)) [8]

2011-01-25, 07:03 PM

As Miharu sank to the bottom in an attempt to retrieve Yiba, Tetsuo waited. The end of the plan is always the longest wait, and while the plan may have been derailed a bit, it was still ending with an opponent sinking in the lake. "What do you think, Genira-sensei? Would I look good with those eyes?" he laughs, idly flipping the sealing tag over and over in his hand.

2011-01-27, 01:36 AM

Treading carefully with the bound Yuriko in his arms, her equipment and pack slung over his shoulders, Akimaru only arrives in time to hear Tetsuo's last comment.

"I'd trade you mine if I could," he says coldly. "You don't know how lucky you are that people can't know about your abilities unless you actually choose to tell them."

While prone to rapid shifts in mood, and familiar with bouts of sulking and whining, this reaction - angry? - seems uncharacteristic of Akimaru. Apparently trying to change the subject, he shoves Yuriko into Tetsuo's arms, adding: "You should take a look at Yuriko, by the way. I stopped the immediate danger, but she's still pretty messed up."

2011-01-27, 10:01 AM

Caught a little off guard, Tetsuo takes Yuriko with an apologetic nod of his head to Akimaru. "Sorry if that came off wrong, not my intent. Now," he continues, unceremoniously setting Yuriko on the ground, "I suppose this would be a good idea."

Sliding another sealing tag out of his bag, Rio knelt down next to the bound Yuriko, and attached the seal to her back, hopefully out of reach of her arms. With a quick mutter, the tag activated and Tetsuo smiled.

Chakra Control check to activate the sealing tag, DC 20 success! (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2859068/)

2011-01-27, 01:41 PM

Akimaru stands rigidly for a few seconds, his swirling katsugan fixed on his friend, then he sighs and his expression softens visibly. "No, I'm sorry, it's not... I mean, I guess it does come in useful if this is the kind of life you want to live, it's just...

...It would have been nice to have the choice."

Akimaru coughs distractedly, then turns his attention back to the hole where Miharu had vanished. He unwraps his headband and wipes his forehead with a long sleeve. "So, what do they even do, those eyes? Even from a distance they gave me the creeps."

2011-02-01, 02:04 AM
With his eyes?" Genira raises a eyebrow, looking at Tetsuo with a quiet smile with ice in it as Miharu surfaces with her cargo. "And what makes you think I would allow you to to make use of them for yourself, instead of sending them back to the village to be analyzed and broken down for refining the technique? That's rather...impetuous."

"Akimaru - listen to me." Your jounin reaches down, tilting his chin up and looking into his eyes with her own. "I understand how difficult it is, being who you are. There was a time I would have given anything to be normal. But we can help here. We have talents that normal people can only dream of."

Genira looks around at Tetsuo as well as Miharu, her lighter voice taking on a deeper lilt to it. "All of us. But we must not let those talents fall into the wrong hands - just as we must not let these eyes fall into the wrong hands. They are devices of war - a technique that allows looking into the future itself - but at the cost of the users' sanity."

She pauses. "I am known as the Ice Witch - and yes - I kill people. I've killed hundreds, perhaps thousands. Do I love the thrill of battle, the crackle of corpses, seeing the light go out of their eyes as they freeze solid?" The blue eyes slit with a almost feral killing gleam each of you have seen before as they flit over to Yuriko's form, vanishing just as quickly. "Yes. Yes, I do. But I kill because it is necessary, not for myself, but for the greater good of the village."

"We are more then human - and we must be firm, strong and focused to accomplish what is needed. But we must *never* lose sight of what we are fighting for. We are fighting for a history, a place that is our own - we are not destroying it. Those eyes are implements of destruction - are you sure you would want them, Tetsuo? Yiba was supposedly not always the rabid animal you saw today."

She looks back at Yiba's body as he's floats in the water, paralyzed from the two different sources, crossing her arms as she finishes her speech, standing up turning back towards the ledge. "I am impressed by your ruthless, however, dear Tetsuo - I didn't think you had it in you. And you are perhaps the most clearheaded of all of us. So I'll let you ask the Mizukage for permission yourself instead of taking possession of them - I'll even put in a good word for you."

Her lips twist in something akin to a proud smile, silhouetted against the mist, looking back at the monument. "Now, let's wait here until the rest of the invaders are dealt with - in case any of them swoop by to take a second crack at our history."

2011-02-01, 10:29 PM

On the surface of the water, Miharu's head emerged next Yiba's paralyzed glare and she dragged his stiff body out of the water, tossing him on the ice like a fresh fish.

"Sensei," she said, wringing the water out of her hair, "I don't know how long your technique will hold him. He did not struggle on the way up."

Miharu hefted the haft of Yiba's weapon and stood over him, as though waiting to spear her catch. "Still, perhaps we should kill him now? His eyes will not spoil, I think."

2011-02-04, 07:57 PM

Tetsuo closed his eyes, hard and gave a gentle squeeze to the bridge of his nose. As he opened his eyes, he knelt down, and affixed the sealing tag to Yiba. Straightening, Tetsuo looked down at Yiba, immobilized and struggling.

"The eyes aren't any real use anyways. Kaigan is a technique, isn't it, Yiba? Can't believe I forgot about that..." Looking around at the group, Tetsuo lightly fingered the hilt of his sword. "I see it as two options... We can tie him up and turn him over, which we probably should do, or," Tetsuo nodded towards Yiba, "we can cut his throat and just bring his body. Though we are already bringing back Yuriko. What do you all think?"

2011-02-07, 09:53 PM
Genira smiles, straightening up as she folds her arms. "I think...that I will go help mop up the rest of the invaders in town. Feel free to join us when you've made your decision - I'll be waiting for..." She glances down with a smile, then back up as she turns and heads back towards the hidden village. "...whatever else you have to give to the village."

(Just post OOC if you guys need me to move the scene along - just figured there were some things to talk about and catch up on.)

2011-02-08, 01:39 PM

Genira's absence felt to Miharu like a drop in air pressure, and she leaned on the haft of Yiba's black spear, watching her leader's back as she walked toward the village. Aozomaru landed on the butt of the weapon and leered at Yiba's bound body with attentive eyes, waiting for a command from Miharu, who wished the same of Genira.

She squared her shoulders to Tetsuo and weighed him carefully. He was bright, perhaps handsome - though Miharu rarely noticed such things - but scrawny. He reminded her faintly of a crow: clever and never squeamish, but easily crushed. A falcon's glove would look poorly on him.

Miharu shrugged and looked at Yiba's massive form like the bulk of wounded buck. "He may struggle. If he is worth questioning, I'll fetch him as he is. If not, there's no reason to let him live."

2011-02-10, 02:46 AM

"There's fighting in the Village?" the boy asks, suddenly worried. "Listen, I don't see any benefit to killing him, if we choose wrong we can always fix it later which is not the case the other way 'round. I mean, unless you're worried that he might still be a threat, or that someone could rescue him."

"Anyway, whatever you choose can we do it fast? I mean, I can't imagine that these invaders or whatever have a real chance of overcoming the Village, but ninjutsu battles can be pretty indiscriminately destructive, and my mother is alone down there..."

I'm assuming that 'the town' refers to the Village Hidden in the Mists, otherwise expect me to edit this post :smalltongue:)

2011-02-14, 11:47 PM

Tetsuo nodded ever so slightly to Miharu. "Ah, sorry, you're right. Yiba's useless, he'd divulge nothing in interrogation, and I don't have the time, desire, or maliciousness to torture him." Tetsuo looked down at Yiba with a calculating glance.

"Actually, if you guys don't mind..." Tetsuo began, looking around the area for any eavesdroppers. "Would you mind doing a quick look around in case we're not alone? I've got... Well, I've got information you two should know, and I need to get off my chest before I go crazy-" here Tetsuo closed his eyes for a moment before they snapped open, the frustration clearly evident on his face, "And it just won't stop!" he cried out, his eyes shut tightly, while pinching the bridge of his nose.

With a deep breath, Tetsuo's eyes seemed to return to the battlefield. "Actually, my mistake. First things first." Tetsuo knelt down by Yiba's head. "Yiba. Yiba, listen to me." Tetsuo paused for just an instant. "Yiba, this is where you die. Take a moment to make your peace." Tetsuo drew his sword and aligned it with Yiba's neck, lifting it high, before slicing it downward.

2011-02-15, 02:06 AM
Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWQF9sekoVU)

Yiba's body just manages to regain control, the limbs quaking as he looks up at Tetsuo, Kaigan still whirling, faster and faster, almost like bleak balled lightning in his eyes as Tetsuo brings the sword around, burning into his eyes. "Haha...this changes...nothing, boy. You have not won - nothing any of you do will change the course of things. Kumogakure...Kirigakure....the path is...set."

He laughs, blood foaming out of his mouth as the sword cuts partway through his neck, running down the blade and staining it red. "And you, Tetsuo...khhrg..are not....haakkk...as clever..rrghk..as you..hkkk..think..."

And then, as the blade cuts through the last sinew of the Jounin Killer's neck, it goes silent. The only sound other the muted, breathless gasping is the thunk as Yiba's head hits the ground, rolling to the side to reveal the light of the Kaigan still whirling. The lake is absolutely silent for moment, as if poised and listening, as the light of the kaigan in the severed head slowly fades in the misty sky, leaving the three chuunin alone with two bodies, one dead, and one alive...yet another hidden beneath the lake of Kirigakure's past.

Another among many.

2011-02-15, 02:48 PM

Watching Yiba die was like watching a man scrape his plate after a meal. He was engorged with violence, in an animal way Miharu understood, but Yiba fought with a vicious gluttony, as though no amount of blood could fill his stomach. His refusal to die quietly set her teeth on edge. Aozomaru sensed her tension and shifted his claws on the haft of Yiba's spear, and Miharu sent him skyward with sharp circle of her index finger.

"I'll clean up," she said.

Once his chest lay still, Miharu dragged Yiba across the ice to a tree and strung him up by his feet to drain the blood from his open neck. It hit the ground with steam while Miharu held Yiba's head by the hair, bending his neck back to keep the blood from running down his face. His unnatural eyes, gone glassy, stared wild and desperate at the blood emptying out of him, as though Yiba could see his mutilated reflection in the pool of blood beneath him. When the flow dwindled to a trickle of droplets, she left him there, swinging ever so slightly from the branch.

Spot Checks
Miharu: 1d20+12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2894301/) [29]
Aozomaru: 1d20+23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2894302/) [39]

2011-02-15, 03:01 PM
A soft coughing sound echos out over the water. "Bravely done Tetsuo-dono." Yuriko's voice is weak and she is deathly pale, but her voice maintains the same level politeness as ever. "I am even more pleased that you followed up on my warnings, despite your mistrust of me. I am sorry for the pain and confusion I have *cough* clearly caused you, but I know you are the kind of man who would rather live *cough, spit blood* with painful truth then blissful ignorance."

She turns her head weakly towards the other two chuunin. "Miharu-san, Akimaru-san, your attacks were beautiful. I had considered faking my own incapacitation to get a chance to speak with Tetsuo-dono, but you very effectively forced my choice." The plain faced girl hacks up more blood, then smiles slightly. "I didn't have to fake much, did I? Though would you be so kind, Miharu-san, as to rip open something other then my chest next time? Its not vanity, you understand, I have no plans to show my chest to any cute boys, but I would *wheeze* appreciate some variety. A good kidney shot would be a welcome change of pace, or perhaps a chunk of leg. But forgive me, the blood loss is making me ramble it seems." Yuriko pauses for a moment, seeming to struggle to regain her train of thought.

"Yes, that was it. Tetsuo-dono's information. You both should know that after he tells you what he knows you will be in danger should you get near my mother. You'll *hack* understand better once he has explained, assuming he understands what he has seen. I would ask you both if you would rather not know, but you are both to brave and stubborn to back down I'm sure. Rest assured that once he is done I will *cough* do all I can to teach you to resist her mental probes." She relaxes back, clearly weak from talking so much yet having a hard time shutting up. "Go ahead Tetsuo-dono. Share what you have learned and I will *cough, blood drips from mouth* try to answer your questions."

2011-02-16, 12:08 PM

Tetsuo glared, hard-eyed, down at Yuriko. "Shut the f*ck up. All I want to do is kick you in the face. 'I just want to help you guys'? Maybe you should've talked instead of nearly killing us. Whatever. Shut up until we get some recon."

Tetsuo turned away and walked to the lake. "Keep an eye on her for a minute will you?" he calls back to the others. "I forgot something." He then plunged into the lake, reappearing as the surface stilled with Jiiro's body. Dropping it with an unceremonious thud, Tetsuo angled his body to dry as best as he could in the sun, waiting to see if they were truly alone.

2011-02-22, 01:05 AM
The area is still clear - no other threats - the only presences registering are Genira who is departing very clearly to the west towards Kirigakure. The only sound is the blowing of the wind, causing ripples and making Jiiro's corpse float as Tetsuo brings it up, already starting to bloat from being in the water.

Total Loot
Cowardly Apprentice (still alive, just unconscious) :
Dozen ration pills
3 chakra restoration amplifiers
6 soldier pills
5 elemental scrolls
Technique scroll for Denkai no Jutsu (Electrolysis Technique)
Technique scroll for Koudenshoku no Jutsu (High Voltage Touch Technique)

+3 dark iron naginata
Reinforced Suit

+5 damage dark iron naginata

Changed Thorium O-yoroi: +7 defense, +3 max dex, -3 armor check, speed 20. +2 chakra control.
Changed: Can change back to a full set of black robes.

5 adrenaline amplifiers
Black tinted goggles

Greater Pulsing White fingerless Gloves. (half damage dealt is electricity at will. 3 times per day, Ninjutsu with electricity descriptor without hand seals or half seals. One target from the technique sufffers 2d8 extra damage and 2 damage every round for 3 rounds.)

Greater Featherweight Changed thorium battle armor: gives +5 armor, +3 max dex, -0 armor check, speed 30. Also +2 chakra control.
Featherweight: Counts as light armor for profiencies and the like. Changed: Can change back to a full set of white robes.

5 chakra restoration amplifiers
2 greater chakra restoration amplifiers
10 elemental scrolls

Also everyone gains two levels. (Don't have to apply them yet of course)

If there's anything else I left out or you guys need clarification for, just drop me a line and I'll it in!

2011-03-01, 12:11 AM

"What, now?" Akimaru twitches a bit, staring back and forth from the village to Tetsuo. With a grimace he turns back to the group, giving a quick look at the surrounding. "Fine, right. Let's do this."

In quick, sharp movements he sits down on the ground across from Tetsuo, watching expectantly.

Huh, I thought I'd posted this over a week ago. Sorry everyone. Not that it's a very important post, but still.

2011-03-07, 05:21 PM

WARNING: Wall of text incoming. This is all based on a loose compilation of notes, and if there are things that need to be changed, I will after consulting with DP

"Sorry about the delay, Akimaru," Tetsuo lowers his head in apology. "But this is information you should all know. I'll try to make it quick."

Tetsuo's hand lifted to squeeze his forehead gently. "Okay... Okay. Where to start..." He looked up at his two friends.

"Okay, well, the caravan mission we just finished, where little Miss Crazy McBitchface over here decided that the best way to get our help was by kicking our asses? That obviously didn't work out for her, but I did take a look at those sealed chests we were transporting. Well, that was the last part of anything that made any sense."

Tetsuo crouched down, a stick in his hand, as he began sketching a very general map of the village in the dirt. "We arrived here," Tetsuo marked near the Kage's palace, "and the Swordsmen are based around here," again, Tetsuo marked the spot. "Now, I had promised Yuriko that I wouldn't let those chests out of my sight. Her response being to almost kill us didn't change the fact that those chests were the cause. So, I did something which could easily have gotten me killed - I left a spy or two behind, to go with the chests."

Tetsuo slowly traced the path as best he could, leading the "chests" to a totally different section of the village. "They went here," Tetsuo circled. "And then my spies were in a compound I've never seen before. As I had them explore, I pretty much vomited. This wasn't a hospital, though the man in charge was a "doctor". There were... tanks. Bodies floating inside, amalgams of different bodies. Mutations and experiments. The guards were all enhanced with bloodlines they never had originally. This place took bloodlines from dead shinobi, and put them in other ninjas."

"At first, I thought it might have been a subsection of the Swordsmen, trying to create a force to fight the Kage. Then I decided it might be a third group, as the armor was an amalgam of regular Kiri armor and the armor of the Swordsmen, but I couldn't even make that fly," Tetsuo paused, as if he'd thought of something, "unless... it's only some of the Swordsmen..."

Tetsuo shook his head. "Either way, things were beginning to smell fishy. We'd beaten Bitchface and her cronies, but they'd seemed concerned primarily with those chests. We delivered the chests to the Kage, and they were offloaded from that place, and carried to this... this... experimentation laboratory I guess. Plus, we were sent out on this mission, to protect a symbolic, but not very tactical, location. And Yiba and Jiiro were expecting us."

"Kumogakure was also involved at Dokan's residence, remember. I can't help but think everything we're doing, all of it, is a precursor to a war. If we succeed in our missions, it reinforces our loyalty to the village, and if we die, any of our bloodlines can be harvested and used to make more powerful ninjas in those... tanks."

Tetsuo stood up straight, shaking his shoulders loose. "I don't know who's behind it for sure, but the Kage having a hand definitely looks likely. The Swordsmen might, but my spy saw them attacking the "body shop". Shize, Daichi, Natsumi, and Nishi killed the doctor and his guards. I really, really hate to say it, but I think we've got to get in touch with them."

A look of relief passed over Tetsuo's face, "It's been driving me crazy not being able to explain that to anyone. But you two are the only people I can trust - not even Genira. I don't know if she'd believe me, or hand me over to the Kage. But the Kage has Yuriko's mother to look in minds. So it seems like we actually need Yuriko's help." Tetsuo glared down at her. "Still don't trust her though."

"Look, something's going on. If we die, we could be harvested and made into monsters for a manufactured war. I can't make you help me, of course, it's your choice. But this is big, and I don't think I can do anything on my own," Tetsuo finished, his youth and uncertainty once again surfacing in the middle of something important.

Alright, now don't turn me in.

2011-03-07, 08:56 PM

Akimaru let his forehead protector drop to the ground as he passed both hands through his sweat drenched hair. Spikes of black hair shot out at odd angles from the direction his fingers had pushed them, giving him a goofy looking, barely awake look much at odds with the rest of his features. He shot Miharu a worried look, but it was too late to be preoccupied with such things.

"Damn. I figured something was going on, but... damn. A war? Are you sure?" He shook his head and got back to his feet, pacing back and forth. "A war with whom? You're saying you think think the Mizukage is involved with the creation of these new ninja supersoldiers, but this lot..." he gestures idly to Yuriko, then stops and stares at her, frowning. "Why are we discussing this in front of her? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. If you don't mind, this'll only take a minute."

With a few swift steps, Akimaru gets his arms around Yuriko's throat, quickly choking her into unconsciousness. After verifying that she's both still safely alive and unresponsive, he gets back up and continues. "Right, sorry about that. But we surely can't trust her or her lot either. She may not be aligned with the Mizukage or whoever is behind those 'monsters' you saw, but she's the one who has been working with the Cloud-nin. And the 'rogue' Mist-nin at Dokan's also appeared to be anti-Mizukage. I'm guessing they're all part of the same faction, and whatever the Mizukage's done, they're the ones bringing foreign troops into the country. You can bet that the Village Hidden in the Clouds isn't going to get involved in some other country's civil war or whatever's going on out of any sense of justice. And I know they're being patroned by someone in Kirigakure. I tracked them after the attack on the caravan, remember. They were heading for the Village, or near enough."

"I don't know anything about the Village's politics, so I'm not sure who they're working for. I guess we can ask Yuriko when we wake her up, but it could be the Swordsmen, and I'd be careful about going to them or their disciples if they could be the ones selling out the country to the Cloud. Even if they were our teammates. After all, Yuriko was a teammate too, right?"

I don't have any ability that actually allows me to knock Yuriko out, but given that she's already bound, I figured it would be more elegant than wailing on her with subdual damage until she passes out. I'll edit it out if needed.