View Full Version : The Endless Dungeon - Fenris

2009-11-21, 01:43 AM

You awaken in the center of a 10ft by 15ft room with stone walls, ceilings, and floors. A torch is burning on the wall behind you, while the other three walls have closed, metal doors with brackets allowing you to bar them from the inside. Unfortunately, only two metal rods are lying on the floor.

2009-11-22, 11:46 AM
Fenris gets up from the floor and shakes his head.

"Unnhh, what happened?"

Seeing that he's not at home and actually he's got no idea where he is, he looks around cautiously and pricks up his ears.

[Taking twenty on Spot (=25) and Listen (=25)]

"Prison? No. Doors are open. Odd."

He picks up the ten foot pole and prods each 5 ft. section of the floor to spring any traps.

If there are no traps, he then puts on the hide armor and readies the tower shield. Being unproficient, the tower shield makes him very clumsy whilst in the dwarf form, but he intends to use the dwarf form only when AC matters. He also keeps the 10 ft. pole in his right hand, ready for use.

He bars the north and south doors, shapeshifts into a weird-looking mammalian creature and proceeds to east through the door on all fours.

Fenris moves silently. As there is no immediate danger or distractions, he takes 10. (12 on Move Silently.)

2009-11-23, 06:54 PM
You peer down a long, gloomy, empty hallway, with half a dozen mouldering wooden doors, all alike, along it's length.


2009-11-24, 01:36 AM
Still moving silently (take 10 -> 12), Fenris moves into the hallway and opens the closest door.

Spot, if needed:

Initiative, if needed:

2009-11-26, 02:00 AM
Bump! Fenris needs some action. :smalleek:

2009-11-26, 10:49 AM
You see a 10ft by 10ft room, with an Orc(L3) Guarding a chest(L4).

He's apparently unaware of you so far.

2009-11-26, 02:08 PM
Fenris designates the orc as the opponent for the Dodge feat. (+1 AC)

He takes a 5-ft. step to K3 and attacks the orc (racial enemy, +1 to hit)


Damage, if it hits:


Whether Fenris manages to kill the orc or not, he changes back to the dwarf form. (AC 20 with dodge.)

If the orc goes down, Fenris coup de graces it and loots the orc and opens the chest.

2009-11-27, 04:54 AM
Sorry about being impatient, but seeing that you've got about two dozen players, I'm trying to streamline Fenris's adventures a bit. :smallsmile:

Assuming that the orc was a regular Monster Manual orc, Fenris one-shotted the orc. If he didn't trigger any traps while looting the orc and emptying the chest, he changes back to the beast form and moves silently (again taking 10) to J5 in the hallway and opens the north door silently.

Initiative, if needed:

2009-11-28, 02:50 AM
NP, I'll stop if at any point you run into a trap, or aggro a mob.

Lets see what happens, in order:
Orc dies horribly. You gain 150 Xp, and find 50 GP on his body.

In the chest, you find 700 SP.

As you open the door to the north, you see the following:

At the end of a gloomy, unlit, 30ft hallway, in front of the third and last door, you see a badger, whom you've just awoken, and who is trundling torward you furiously.

Init: [roll0]

2009-11-28, 05:02 AM
"Oh, bugger," Fenris says as he notices the badger. He shrugs and thinks if "Oh, badger" would have been more appropriate.

Anyway, seeing that the animal is effectively blind in the darkness (Fenris has darkvision so he doesn't carry a light source), he calmly waits until the badger comes within his reach so he can attack it.

OOC: The badger won the initiative, but being an animal it doesn't have darkvision, so it cannot charge and each square costs double to move into. Anyway, whether the badger is able to attack on the first round or not, Fenris is going to attack it round after round until it goes down. A blinded creature loses its Dex to AC and takes a -2 penalty to AC, so it shouldn't be that hard to hit.. I hope. :smallsmile:

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3


2009-11-28, 05:26 AM
Again I'm streamlining. :smallsmile:

Assuming that Fenris manages to kill the creature, he does the following:

* changes into the dwarf form
* if he lost any hp, he casts Cure Minor Wounds.
* he skins the badger with the dead orc's falchion (if he was a standard issue orc) [taking 10 on Survival --> 15, if relevant]
* he tries to roast it with the torch; if successful, he eats the badger
* he saves the skin for later; Fenris needs a cool hat
* he changes back to the beast form; this time his appearance is a bit more... badger-like (that's just for flavor, no mechanical difference)
* after that he removes the steel bar locking the north door in the room he woke up in
* he moves to I1 and pushes the door to the north open, if it's possible to do that from the adjacent square; if not, he does that while standing in I2

Initiative, if needed:

EDIT: The torch I mentioned is the one in the room Fenris woke up in.

2009-11-30, 11:06 PM
It gets a hit, due to having 30ft movement speed, and knowing exactly where you are due to scent.

Claw Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

After this attack, your first hit is enough to bring it down, resulting in you gaining 150 xp.

2009-12-01, 02:23 AM
Your ruling on the badger's attack is fine with me as it didn't cause a lot of damage, but by RAW, the following things should normally be considered when there's no light (from the SRD):

"The creature detects another creature’s presence but not its specific location. Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If it moves within 5 feet of the scent’s source, the creature can pinpoint that source."

Invisibility (and every other passage in the SRD that mentions "pinpointing"):
"If a character tries to attack an invisible creature whose location he has pinpointed, he attacks normally, but the invisible creature still benefits from full concealment (and thus a 50% miss chance)."

"In areas of darkness, creatures without darkvision are effectively blinded. In addition to the obvious effects, a blinded creature has a 50% miss chance in combat (all opponents have total concealment), loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, takes a -2 penalty to AC, moves at half speed, and takes a -4 penalty on Search checks and most Strength and Dexterity-based skill checks."

So, the badger moves at half speed, which means it'll have to take a double move to move 30', leaving it with no actions to make an attack with. Also, it cannot charge because there is no LoS:

"If you don’t have line of sight to the opponent at the start of your turn, you can’t charge that opponent."

2009-12-01, 05:16 AM
Anyway, Fenris changes back to dwarf, casts Cure Minor Wounds (1 hp) and does the things I mentioned above (eating the badger, etc.).

However, I intend to use a slightly different approach when entering the room to the north. Fenris will be in the dwarf form, and he uses his tower shield to claim total cover from it. (I.e. he cannot attack as long as he claims total cover, but he cannot be attacked either, except with targeted spells; see tower shield description) He'll stand right in front of the door instead of what I previously said. In other words, he opens the door but he'll have total cover relative to any monsters in the room.

Initiative, if needed:
(includes the penalty from the tower shield)

2009-12-08, 06:56 AM
bump! If you're still running the Endless Dungeon, don't forget me! :smallsmile:

2009-12-09, 01:56 AM
Ty for the tip, guess I've been using scent as more powerful than it is. Feel free to roll 50% miss chance on that hit if you like, as that'd be a bit more fair.

Good call on the tower shield. You open the door to a 15ft by 15ft room, with six goblins inside(A3, A4, A5, B3, B5, C4). There is a door on the left side of the wall you entered.

You've got them by surprise.

2009-12-09, 04:14 AM
Seeing that he got the goblins by surprise assumes the beast form and attacks the nearest goblin.


He Dodges the closest goblin.

2009-12-11, 02:48 AM
That's a hit and a kill on the goblin in B5

Surviving Goblins (A3, A4, A5, B3 C4). Init, in order.


Each goblin has a morning star and three javelins, for the record.

2009-12-11, 02:50 AM
And the goblin init I forgot:

2009-12-11, 03:37 AM
Alright, rolling init:

So, three goblins act first, then Fenris, and then the remaining two. Fenris has an AC of 16 (17 against the goblin he's dodging).

2009-12-11, 03:47 AM
Aright, assuming you're in C5(necessary to get the kill):

Surviving Goblins: (A3, A4, A5, B3 C4)

B3, A4, and C4 go before you.

B3 and A3 toss javelins at you:


C4 takes a swing with his morning star:

Your go.

2009-12-11, 03:48 AM
Crit confirm on the good javelin hit:


2009-12-11, 03:51 AM
Fenris takes 5 damage altogether. He groans in pain and attacks the goblin that just attacked him.

depending on the result, Fenris will stand and fight or flee.. let's see if the goblin goes down.

2009-12-11, 03:56 AM
Uh, bad luck. Fenris changes back to dwarf as a swift action, now his AC is 19 (20 against the goblin he's in melee with).

2009-12-11, 01:55 PM


2009-12-11, 02:13 PM
Fenris is in melee, so his AC against ranged attacks was 23 (unless the gobbos have precise shot). So I guess none of the attacks hit.

Fenris shifts back to beast form and attacks the adjacent goblin.




2009-12-11, 02:15 PM

Fenris flees. The adjacent goblin gets an AoO. (With Dodge and Mobility, his AC against the goblin is 21)

Moving 50', he retreats to the room he started from.

EDIT: If possible, on the next round he closes the door behind him and bars it with the ten foot pole. After that he starts healing himself.

Cure Light Wounds
1d8+1 hp

2009-12-11, 02:17 PM
Not like I'll hit or anything...

2009-12-11, 02:20 PM
Another try:
Cure Light Wounds

2009-12-11, 02:30 PM
Well, if I'm allowed to do that, Fenris opens the door again, using his tower shield as total cover against any attacks. If no goblins can be seen, he moves to J4 and shouts: "Arright gobbos, line up. It ain't over yet!"

2009-12-14, 10:58 PM
You're allowed to do that, on the basis that you can use your tower shield for total cover until the next round, when you can close the door.

Gobbos are in same positions, with weapons readied to smack you if you come within range.

Surviving Goblins(I believe, correct me if I missed a kill): (A3, A4, A5, B3 C4)

They don't appear terribly inclined to charge at the heavily armored dwarf through a cramped hallway, though.