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Zar Peter
2009-11-22, 12:55 PM
Discworld II – The Glorious Republic of Treacle Mine Road

Narrators: Zar Peter, Andre Fairchilde and CurlyKitGirl

Please note that there could be minor rule changes till the game starts depending on the discussion in the WW main thread.

Player list will be updated in this first post. I try to update in time but don't be sure off this.

The Rules:

If you're unfamiliar with these games, check the Werewolf Central thread for some more information.

Each game day consists of a 48 hour day phase for voting and day actions (CMOT Dibbler) ; referred to in rulesspeak as the voting phase, and a 24-48 hour night phase for for night actions, referred to in rulesspeak as the 'non-voting phase'.

Any player failing to vote for two consecutive cycles will lead to the automatic death of said player via autolynch. If away notice is filed we will attempt to honor it - it must be filed via PM to all three narrators.

Once the majority has voted for one person, that person is lynched. The lynched person is out, and can make comments and continue to post, but nothing that could influence a vote. The role of said player will be revealed in the lynching at the end of the day (voting phase)

After night (non voting phase) the actions of the night may or may not be revealed in the end narration, it will not be revealed if a person was baned or which person was attacked when there is no night kill.

There is NO Helgrafs scry interference rule in this game.

All actions (Scry, bane, night kill vote, sell bun) are done by PM-ing ALL THREE narrators. If you fear to forget to send your action in time it is recommended to PM your actions in advance.

There will be gifts for people who are participating (means who are voting every day) but not before day 4. If a gift is given out it will be mentioned in the narration which gift will be handed out and for what it can be used but not which player will receive it.

Victory Conditions:

For the Villagers to win, they must find all Agents of Lord Winder, the Tyrant.

For the Agents to win, they must simply reduce the remaining number of revolutionaries to equal their current numbers. CMOT Dibbler doesn't count as villager for the victory condition of the Agents.


Nobby Nobbs: Policeman, 1st Seer. If he invests 1 day in his scry the result will be 75% correct, if he invests two days the scry result is 100% correct (expect scrying Carcer). Scry result improves by 25% for each living Policeman who is in contact with him (only by scrying possible). Night action.
Knows Dr. Lawn. Scries as Nobby Nobbs.
Can’t scry and vote when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns.

Fred Colon: 2nd Seer. If he invests 1 day in his scry the result will be 50% correct, if he invests two days the scry result will be 75% correct, if he invests three days the scry result is 100% correct (expect scrying Carcer). Scry result improves by 25% for each living Policeman who is in contact with him (only by scrying possible). Night action.
Knows Havelock Vetinari. Scries as Fred Colon
Can’t scry and vote when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns.

Dr. Lawn: Careless Baner. Banes 100% succesful against x Agent of the Tyranny, 50% against x+1 and fails against more than three. Can not bane himself (because his baning means he patch together the victims of the Agents). Scries as Dr. Lawn. When he finds Vetinari his bane effectivity raises by 50% (but not over 100). This ends when Vetinari is killed.
Knows Nobby Nobbs. Scries as Dr. Lawn. Night action.
Can’t bane and vote when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns.

Havelock Vetinari: Baner. Banes 100% succesful against x Agents, 50% against x+1 and fails more than three. Scries as Havelock Vetinari. When he finds Dr. Lawn his bane effectivity raises by 50% (but not over 100%). This ends when Dr. Lawn is killed.
Knows Fred Colon. Scries as Havelock Vetinari. Night action.
Can’t bane and vote when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns.

Policeman: There are several Policeman in the city who can help Nobby and Fred finding other roles faster. But only when they are found by the seers. Scry as Villager.
Can’t help scrying and can’t vote when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns.

Villager: People who got lucky and are living in or around Treacle Mine Road (or just were on a walk there or shopping or something else) and are now part of the glorious revolution against Lord Winder.
Scry as Villager, can’t vote when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns.

Cut-me-own-throat Dibbler: Voider. There’s a new salesman in the city. And somehow everyone wants to try his sausages ina bun. But only once.
Scries as CMOT Dibbler. DAY ACTION!!!!!
Wins when he sold his buns to at least 75% of the surviving player

Carcer: Beast. Picks his Devil. Can vote to kill someone at night, his vote counts 3, if the votes are a tie his vote decides (But his kill counts as 1 against Vetinari or Lawn bane).
Scries as Villager. Night action.
Can’t vote or kill when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns (unless he is the last Agent standing).

Ned Coates: Devil. Despite the fact he doesn’t know who’s evil he works for Carcer and Lord Winder and is trying to find the enemies of the Tyrant. Can not!!!! Vote for a kill unless he is the last Agent standing.
Scries as Ned Coates. Night action.
Can’t vote or kill when recovering from CMOT Dibblers buns (unless he is the last Agent standing).

Agents of the Tyrant: Actually members of the Day Watch, send out by Lord Winder to infiltrate the Free Republic of Treacle Mine Road. They don’t know the other Agents or Carcer. Vote every night to kill one member of the Republic. If two or more Agents vote for the same Person they get to know each other (but not the identity of the person they voted for, unless they are the majority). If the majority of Agents vote for a Agent all Agents involved get to know each other and there is no Night Kill.
Scries as Agent of the Tyrant. Night action.
Can’t vote for a lynch and can’t vote for a when recovering from CMOT Dibblers bun (unless they are the last Agent standing).

All roles are coloured for you convenience: Purple for good roles, blue for neutral and Dark Red for evil.

Recruitment will remain open until Sunday, 29.11.2009
The game is scheduled (at this point) to start on Monday, 30.11.2009

And last: If you find something gamebraking in the rules which is definitely not in the intention of the narrators please PM the narrators. Don’t try to use the rules to brake the game and ruin the fun for all the others.


{table=head]Nr.|Player Name
4|Elder Tsofu
11|Fleeing Coward
12|Opeth Freak
13|Uncle Festy
15|Paul Muad'dib
16|Dr. Bath
18|Xykon Fan
23|The Bookworm
28|Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins


{table=head]Nr.|Name|role|killed at
30|Random_person|Villager|day 1
24|cd4|Villager|day 2
5|The Fiery Tower|Villager|autolynched night 2
7|Hyozo|CMOT Dibbler|lynched day 3
10|Murska|villager|killed night 3
33|Kinoti|(reshuffled)|withdrawn day 4
17|Odditiy|villager|lynched day 4
20|Tenuki|villager|autolynched day 4
25|PhantomFox|Nobby Nobbs, a Policeman (Mason)|killed night 5

2009-11-22, 02:37 PM
Me wants in (in an awe-inspired whisper)

2009-11-22, 02:38 PM
Totally in.

2009-11-22, 02:45 PM
*figure is seen skydiving towards the game*
*opens parachute*
Blegh, this is taking too long.
*cuts off parachute*

In...Somebody..Hospital ...please?

Elder Tsofu
2009-11-22, 03:02 PM
Oh, night-watch theme. :smallbiggrin:
I sign up for barricade-building!

2009-11-22, 03:24 PM
I may regret the fact that I am joining multiple games, but...


2009-11-22, 05:42 PM
In for Truth! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably Priced Love! And a Hard Boiled Egg!

2009-11-22, 05:48 PM
...I need to finish reading Night Watch.


2009-11-22, 06:38 PM
I sign up for everything so... IN :smallsmile:

I don't read books though so, my knowledge of Discworld is rather limited.

2009-11-22, 07:03 PM
I'M INNNNN!!!!! lol white text

Anyone mind if I play a character who wasn't in Night Watch? :smalltongue:

2009-11-22, 07:29 PM
Considering I seem to have a serial killer after me in all my games, I'll be in.

Fleeing Coward
2009-11-22, 08:05 PM
Count me in and I honestly didn't kill you in any of those games Murska.

2009-11-22, 08:33 PM
I'm in, of course!

Uncle Festy
2009-11-22, 08:53 PM
Hellza yes –*IN! :smallcool:

2009-11-22, 09:39 PM
In of course. Would anyone care for some leftover sausage ina buns? They're not quite as potent due to their age, but still tasty.

Vwulf DeMarcus
2009-11-22, 09:54 PM

*reviews rules*

Oh Crap.

*crosses fingers that Murska is not evil or CMOT Dibbler*

Dr. Bath
2009-11-22, 10:10 PM
Are you sure you're readin' that map right Cohen? I thought you said we were going to meet Erkalase next.

Are you holding the map Teach gave us, eh Truckle? No? Then shut your face. I've found enough treasure in my time to know we got to go left past the skully mountainy thing to reach the x spot.


Cohen's just lookin' at the map Hamish!

Whut? I don't like carp, bugger to catch.


2009-11-22, 11:13 PM
I am as in as... (Xykon_Fan)

2009-11-23, 12:39 AM
I am as in as Oddity is! (Unless his post ends up being edited.:smalltongue:)

2009-11-23, 02:40 AM

2009-11-23, 03:59 AM
Pratchett's nice, I'm in!

Zar Peter
2009-11-23, 04:24 AM
I am as in as... (Xykon_Fan)

I am as in as Oddity is! (Unless his post ends up being edited.:smalltongue:)

Oddity and Xykon Fan are caught in a Space-Time Loop until they explode...

2009-11-23, 06:44 AM
Oddity and Xykon Fan are caught in a Space-Time Loop until they explode...

Lu-Tze will fix it up.

I'm in.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-11-23, 09:54 AM
I'M INNNNN!!!!! lol white text

Anyone mind if I play a character who wasn't in Night Watch? :smalltongue:

Any player, any character, any Pratchett character, any book, all perfect!

Play whatever or whomever you'd like.

It doesn't even have to be a Pratchett character. Reading Pratchett is not required for this game, but our narration will be Pratchett inspired (or directly quoted).

2009-11-23, 11:06 AM
I'm in, even if Nightwatch isn't my favorite Pratchett by far.

The Bookworm
2009-11-23, 01:34 PM
I'm in! I love Discworld!

2009-11-23, 03:02 PM
Dibs on Crowley...or maybe Aziraphale...not sure which. If someone wants one I'll gladly take the other.

2009-11-23, 04:38 PM
The carriage stopped outside the gate of Ankh Morpork. Sergeant at Arms John Keel stepped down. “Ankh Morpork,” he mused “a step up from Pseudopolis, extra wages and a bigger city to police.” John Keel looks at a map, “Ah, that’s where the Treacle Mine Road Watch Yard is.” He says to himself and saunters off in that direction.

((OOC: Joining this game as John Keel, If the narrators don't want me to play John Keel, mention it and I'll find someone else to roleplay as. Commander Samuel Vimes maybe.:smallbiggrin:))

Zar Peter
2009-11-23, 05:13 PM
The carriage stopped outside the gate of Ankh Morpork. Sergeant at Arms John Keel stepped down. “Ankh Morpork,” he mused “a step up from Pseudopolis, extra wages and a bigger city to police.” John Keel looks at a map, “Ah, that’s where the Treacle Mine Road Watch Yard is.” He says to himself and saunters off in that direction.

((OOC: Joining this game as John Keel, If the narrators don't want me to play John Keel, mention it and I'll find someone else to roleplay as. Commander Samuel Vimes maybe.:smallbiggrin:))

I think Andre take dibs on Vimes so Keel is ok.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-11-23, 06:03 PM
I like to narrate as Vimes, but there was a 'Young' Vimes in addition to Keel...

2009-11-23, 07:18 PM
I think I may give this a go. Not sure how logic works with blind wolf games, but...

Uncle Festy
2009-11-23, 08:43 PM
Oh, and I forgot to mention –
In as the luggage. ^^

2009-11-24, 12:50 AM
Dammit, Andre's Vimes.


But I like Vimes!

Guess I'll just be Death then.

Elder Tsofu
2009-11-24, 01:25 AM
Ook. :smallcool:

2009-11-24, 03:17 AM
Dammit, Andre's Vimes.


But I like Vimes!

Guess I'll just be Death then.


2009-11-24, 03:23 AM
(which I cannot really find but anyway)

Can I be The Grim Squeaker then?

2009-11-24, 03:52 AM


HERE IS YOUR LINK TO MY EARLIER POST. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7366150&postcount=20)

AND HERE IT IS WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE FULL THREAD. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7366150#post7366150)

2009-11-24, 04:12 AM

Helgraf...where does it say you claim the role of Death in that post?
Please don't hurt me...

I'll be The Death of Rats then

2009-11-24, 05:06 AM

Helgraf...where does it say you claim the role of Death in that post?
Please don't hurt me...

I'll be The Death of Rats then


2009-11-24, 05:09 AM
Falls dead from embarassment

2009-11-24, 05:14 AM
Augh. I was even going to guess that too.

I decided not to before I made a fool of myself.

Like I am now.

*Pulls doghouse over self and hides in recesses*

2009-11-24, 05:21 AM
*Innocently asks what the fuss is about* :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-24, 02:26 PM

Curses. Then... um... I'll think of something.

2009-11-25, 06:26 AM
I believe I will be in.
Always remember rule #1.

2009-11-25, 06:48 AM
And Rule 19.

2009-11-25, 09:25 AM

It would probably look better and be more recognizable like this:


2009-11-25, 09:28 AM
It would probably look better and be more recognizable like this:


yeah, YEAH, I'm not dumb. Was the type you used. Yeah.
(is there still room under that doghouse?)

Andre Fairchilde
2009-11-25, 09:31 AM
For a time there were many Deaths - perhaps you can each pick a different death.

Or... who says you can't ALL be Death? He's everywhere in every time, so perhaps a bunch of players playing Death actually makes sense.

Just like a bunch of players playing Auditors would make sense.

2009-11-25, 09:57 AM
For a time there were many Deaths - perhaps you can each pick a different death.

Or... who says you can't ALL be Death? He's everywhere in every time, so perhaps a bunch of players playing Death actually makes sense.

Just like a bunch of players playing Auditors would make sense.

Yeah, but where's the fun in that? :smallconfused:

Dr. Bath
2009-11-25, 10:16 AM
Omnious was an awesome Auditor. Sadly doesn't seem to still be around.

2009-11-25, 12:58 PM
In. With white text.

Maybe as a generic Auditor.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2009-11-25, 01:30 PM
One said, We shall play.

One, and it was the same one, said, We are not sure how long we can keep this up, though.

2009-11-26, 09:42 PM
I've realized I can't remember the last WW game I played in. Perhaps it's time for another? Will I have the time and patience to deal with it? Can I tear myself away from facebook long enough to concentrate? Tune in next time to find out! Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!!!!!

*5 exclamation points? Was that 4 too many? Is the fact that I'm even thinking about it and wondering a sign of insanity in and of itself? Ah well....*


2009-11-27, 04:38 AM
In, please!

Andre Fairchilde
2009-11-28, 10:18 PM
I'll have to look to see when we have sign up closing, and when the roles are being sent out.

I'm going to guess sign ups will last through the 29th, and roles will be out before the end of the 30th - but if ZP says something different, then I yield to his mastery.

Either way, look at all the other players - some of these will be wolves. Right down some names, roll some dice, and start figuring out who the unlucky sap is that you have to lynch on Day 1.

2009-11-28, 10:20 PM
Sign me up, guv.

2009-11-29, 01:52 AM
I believe I will be in.
Always remember rule #1.

Do not trust Murska? :smallconfused:


In as the resident Zombie...... Brains?

2009-11-29, 01:54 AM
Do not trust Murska? :smallconfused:


In as the resident Zombie...... Brains?

Never underestimate wise old men. I think. It's been a while since I've read thief of time.

2009-11-29, 01:56 AM
Is that book any good?

2009-11-29, 03:29 AM
Oh yeah, it's a great book. I should read it again soon, actually.

2009-11-29, 06:21 AM
I've realized I can't remember the last WW game I played in. Perhaps it's time for another? Will I have the time and patience to deal with it? Can I tear myself away from facebook long enough to concentrate? Tune in next time to find out! Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!!!!!

*5 exclamation points? Was that 4 too many? Is the fact that I'm even thinking about it and wondering a sign of insanity in and of itself? Ah well....*

A mafia game? Hogwarts? I don't think you were in LLD, but ain't sure...

Good to see you back, anyway!

2009-11-29, 06:38 AM
It is one of his best in my opinion (and he is my favorite author)

2009-11-29, 08:30 AM
Never underestimate wise old men. I think. It's been a while since I've read thief of time.

Rule 1: Do not act incautiously when confronted by little bald wrinkly smiling men.

Rule 2: Never refuse a weapon.

Rule 3: Always be afraid. (Or something to that effect)


Rule 19: Remember never to forget Rule 1.

Zar Peter
2009-11-29, 01:17 PM
I'll have to look to see when we have sign up closing, and when the roles are being sent out.

I'm going to guess sign ups will last through the 29th, and roles will be out before the end of the 30th - but if ZP says something different, then I yield to his mastery.

Either way, look at all the other players - some of these will be wolves. Right down some names, roll some dice, and start figuring out who the unlucky sap is that you have to lynch on Day 1.

I think I let sign up 24 hours open from now on, tomorrow we will assign Carcer and when he picked his devil we will start.

2009-11-29, 05:43 PM
Sounds like I'm not too late to sign up then? I'd like to play, always loved diskworld and I enjoy these kind of games. Haven't done them in a board setting before so that part will be new.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-11-29, 09:08 PM
Konoti - You're in.

ZP, you got it.

Sign up ends on the 30th, we do some little things at the same time we put the game thread up for some RP, and we assign roles.

Once we assign the roles, then we'll announce the game start - hopefully people will be RPing by then.

2009-11-29, 11:27 PM
The wind blew from the west, which in its self was weird as the wind almost always preferred to blow from the east. Approaching the town a man came, with a limp in his leg and a smile on his face. Every once and a while he would stop and smell the air. Yes fresh flesh in this town yes, yes indeed A small smile crept to his face. It was at this point that anyone watching the man should notice that he did not seem all that natural. His walk, which looked more like a slow hobble, was stiff as his knees tended to resist bending. His face looked old almost as if it was ready to fall right off his bones.

((I am trying to replicate an authors style of writing. Sorry if it is done horribly wrong.))

2009-11-29, 11:28 PM
Oh gods! Passive voice! Stop, I beg of you! :smalltongue:

2009-11-29, 11:40 PM
*glare* :smallmad:

I happen to think that it is one o the better accomplishments. Honestly you should of read my first incarnation it made me flinch so bad I could not delete it fast enough. :smalltongue:

2009-11-29, 11:48 PM
Another, younger man walked past, observing the unusual form of the stranger but recognizing that a) it was Ankh-Morpork and so probably best not to stare and b) The Post Must Get Through, and Junior Postman Groat was going to get it through. His response was, therefore, the correct one, which was (since he was on his way back from his rounds) "Do you need something posted, sir," just on the off-chance that he would help the Post Office a little bit more.

Zar Peter
2009-11-30, 01:02 PM
So sign up closed, we are taking autolynch replacements.

This is the player list, please speak up if you are not on it and you think you signed up:

{table=head]Nr.|Player Name
4|Elder Tsofu
5|The Fiery Tower
11|Fleeing Coward
12|Opeth Freak
13|Uncle Festy
15|Paul Muad'dib
16|Dr. Bath
18|Xykon Fan
23|The Bookworm
28|Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins

Game will begin when Carcer picked Ned Coates.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-11-30, 08:13 PM
Hello all, roles are out - and *this* (points at thread you are reading) is the *new* game thread!

Hello game thread!

There will be a couple of posts shortly, roles are out.

Feel free to role play, no voting yet though.

PM all three narrators with questions - myself, the illustrious, fabulous, and British Curlykitgirl, and the infamous and (currently) intoxicated Zar Peter.

Even I have a question with the roles, so some of you may receive an update to your role.

Later! Try not to hang anyone in the meantime...

2009-11-30, 08:36 PM
Marco Soto glanced at the list of people the Abbot had asked him to check on.
"What? There appear to be 2 people called 'Elder Tsofu' on this list. Some sort of time loop going on maybe? Can't be having that, before we know it we'll have another Djelibeybi on our hands..."

((Elder Tsofu is in fact on the player list twice.))

2009-11-30, 10:14 PM

Something was wrong. Little green caterpillars of light crawled over Vimes’ armour, the latticework of the dome. Vimes raised his head and looked around, distracted by a heavy tingling feeling in the air.

“Mr Vimes? I have another knife.”

Carcer’s arm lashed out at the same moment the lightening struck. It was an impressive strike, one that would be passed down from generation to generation of storm clouds, told on sunny days while the little cirrus clouds gathered around the ageing cumulonimbus front.

It melted candles and roof tiles for miles around, backed apples in their baskets, the poor armourer of the Assassin’s Guild became deeply (and fatally as he was in the armoury at the time) attracted to metal. It was even whispered that the strike hit a clockmaker’s shop in the Street of Cunning Artificers where it stopped time, destroyed the universe and rebuilt it all in less than an instant – but only the senile intortus cloud, everyone else knew better.


“Ummm, Mister Vimes? Mister Vimes? Are you awake yet?” A rather harried voice ushered Vimes into consciousness. It was a smooth voice with a suave Ankh-Morporkian accent, and Vimes was expecting a doctor or a wizard when he opened his aching eyes.

What he wasn’t expecting was a little bald man in saffron robes standing over him while other little bald monks buzzed around in the background. Vimes’ brain clicked slowly into action. There was that little monastery of crazy foreign buggers on next to the pawn shop that wore saffron robes. “How did I get from the damned University to here?” He paused for a moment. “And where’s Carcer?”

The monk shifted uneasily and muttered, “That is a . . . difficult question to answer.”

“No it’s not. I’ve got to find that bastard before he kills another person! If you don’t tell where the hell that murderer is I’ll arrest you for obstructing the police and being unhelpful when they’re inquiring!”

“Carcer is not here or now.”

The headache that had been sneaking up to Vimes down s dark alley suddenly bludgeoned him on the temples and began rummaging through his consciousness taking all his common sense and understanding of basic Morporkian. “Whstfgl?”

“Ah. You’re suffering from time dilatory displacement and quantum uncertainty of the – “ The man broke off seeing Vimes’ countenance assume that of one who had been repeatedly concussed. “I’m afraid quantum does that to you.”

Grabbing onto that word Vimes made an effort to talk.”That’s everything being everywhere and moving even though it’s still?”

“Exactly not that! But it’s a good lie. Lu-Tze would say so at any rate. He really should be here.”

“Where? The monastery of foreign buggers with fire crackers next to the pawn shop?”


“Ordinarily you’d be right. However, we were stretched rather thin due to the procrastinators burning up and out thanks to a time surge, so while you’re there, you’re actually existing in a small moment of phase space where we’re recycling time in order to deal with a problem.”

A sudden, cool draft made Vimes shiver and he reached for his cloak to wrap it around himself only to stop. “Why’m I naked?”

“You shouldn’t be here.”

“Damn right.”

“Ah, so you recog-“

“I should be arresting that crazy bastard Carcer before going to wait for my child to be born.

“Now give me my clothes, tell me where he is and let me leave.”

“You don’t exist where you should be any more.”

A stony glare urged the man to elucidate before he found himself unconscious. “When the lightning bolt struck you and this miscreant you call Carcer-“

“He’s not a miscreant. He’s completely sane psychopath!”

“You and he were displaced from your original time and place; we were able to pull you out of the shift, but missed Carcer, so he now exists in Ankh-Morpork some thirty years ago and you exist in this non-time bubble because we can’t send you back without him.”

“And my clothes?”

“We tried to send you back to your original time. Your clothes made it, but for some reason you didn’t, hence our conclusion that we need to send the both of you back at the same time.”

“You people then, and this Lucy person,” Vimes began; marshalling the thoughts from the clearing fog in his mind.


“Yes, Lucy. You all control time?”

“We are the Monks of History. We make sure today happens after yesterday and before tomorrow.”

“And you’re telling me that Carcer is back in time. Thirty years ago. As in the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May? And there’s noone there to stop him.”

“There’s the Watch. And we do have some agents operating out of Ankh-Morpork even then, as well as some agents from now trying to ensure that Time’s trousers don’t get in a knot.”

“The Watch back then was a bloody shambles. Nothing more than shirkers, corrupt officers and cowards!”

“You were there.”

“Two weeks on the force. If Keel hadn’t been there I might have ended up like Quirke of Knocker.”

“Then rely on Keel and the young you.

“There’s only a limited amount of time I can run three timelines concurrently and keep this bubble running. You can't do anything, so pray to whatever god you watchmen worship that everything turns out right otherwise the future you came from won’t exist.”

“Isn’t there any way I can watch what’s happening?” Desperation was making Vimes panic, if his present didn’t exist his child didn’t exist. He needed a way to watch Carcer and make sure that lunatic was brought to justice in the correct time and place.

“We have procured an omniscope from the wizards, but it was shoddy work, so I improved it; the focus is at least fifty percent better and takes eighty percent less energy to power. Even you should be able to work it.”

Distrustful of the magic, but willing to try anything Vimes took the miniature omniscope and concentrated on finding Carcer.


The omniscope showed an eerily empty city with scarcely anyone on the streets of the always-wakeful city. The curfew was in full effect, and Vimes saw three bodies lying bloodied on the street and Carcer sauntering into the dawn shadows at the end of the street.

Dawn rises over Ankh-Morpork. Day One has begun.

2009-11-30, 10:54 PM
He walked over to the three bodies on the ground. While it was stipulated that he only _had_ to collect wizards personally, he had a certain sense for the important endings. He watched impassively as their shades pulled free of their remains.


He then turned to a three-quarters profile to address someone whom nobody could see.


2009-11-30, 11:07 PM
Soto considers slicing time to make sure he's not disturbed, but the watch aren't particularly efficient in this time period and the bodies have already been looted, so who'll care if the strange monk with the elephantine hair takes a look?
He fiddles with some unidentifiable device.
"Yup. Definitely the work of our timeslipped psychopath. This could spell trouble for the timeline. Of all the people who could've fallen back during the Crash, why'd we have to have one so likely to mess it all up?"
He stows the device back inside his robe and wanders off.
"I mean, the problem happened in a library, you'd think we'd end up with some nice, quiet Bookworm, but no..."

2009-11-30, 11:28 PM
Garrok spots the bodies and sighs. "I bet some Fleeing Coward did those people in." The seven foot tall barbarian-with muscles like mountains for an ant, and only torn pants to follow what flimsy rules the disk has for decency-shakes his head a bit. He takes the axe off his back and feels the weight. "Maybe I'll get a chance to try this new axe...the shop keep said it was for three hands...maybe it'll feel right..."

If you're wondering why an axe can be a three handed axe, you're asking the wrong question. The question you should be asking is, how can a man hold it with two hands, and show no signs of effort? When the answer hits you, the next question you should ask is, why did you bother with the first?

2009-11-30, 11:45 PM
The newcomer saunters down mainstreet, whistling gaily as he surveys his surroundings without a care in the world. Stumbling across one of the bodies, he exclaims,
"Well fancy that! I was just looking for a guide! Excuse me sir, could you direct me to the nearest purveyor of foodstuffs? I haven't been here long, you see, so I don't know which places bear visiting."
He pauses, tilting his head slightly to the side at the total lack of response.
"Sir? Excuse me, sir?"
He then notices that the man's hand is pointing in the general direction of the strange-looking fellow on the corner with the box of pies.
"Ah, thank you kindly, sir!"
He ambles off in blissful ignorance, an oddity for the area not likely to last long. Well, something certainly wasn't going to last long, and it wasn't the fog...

2009-12-01, 12:35 AM
As you walk down the street, you see a makeshift stall set up, with a man standing behind it trying to get your attention.

"Come get your sausage ina buns! I've got plenty of stock leftover from last game so I'm even taking off 20%! You there, Xykon Fan, you hungry?"

2009-12-01, 01:28 AM
A weedy, slightly mad-looking gent with a parasol strolls down the lane. He walks as if he owns the street, and, indeed, he may do so in his own mind. He gestures at a passing denizen, grinning a broken-toothed grin.

"Ah-ha-ha! I sees yer, Dr. Bath! Do you remember the time we had a brisket together with the king of ham? That was a shilling and no tolliver!"

2009-12-01, 02:02 AM
Rutskarn for the random.

2009-12-01, 02:44 AM
A small hooded figure is hidden under a barstool, it seems to be wearing a white helm and is eyeing the rattrap suspiciously...

2009-12-01, 02:48 AM
This.....Feels Wrong...........


*cookiemonster thread blessing boogie*

hmmm, better.

2009-12-01, 02:59 AM
"Hmmm. Let's see, rutskarn? Who's that? Must be new. Ah well, at least he doesn't have dogs. I think."

2009-12-01, 05:38 AM
John Keel walks down to the watch house and is set upon by a couple of muggers; he defeats them quite easily and heads to the watch house again. He introduces himself to Captain Tilden and easily gets the job of Sergeant at Arms in the watch house. He examines the building finding some things not to his liking and waits for the night watch to arrive with the air of an unsprung trap.

2009-12-01, 06:31 AM
*random point for the Random_person

2009-12-01, 07:43 AM
I'm going to vote for Kinoti, 'cos there seems to be something very wierd about your account.

2009-12-01, 11:52 AM
Ah crap. I forgot to figure out who I'm going to be playing as. *searches for the nearest copy of Night Watch*

I'll be back in a few minutes!

EDIT: Ah, here we go!

As the figure walks away from the Seamstress's shop, he begins to feel as though there are eyes following him. He turns, but there is no one to be seen in any of the shadows. Or so he thinks.

He continues back towards the inn where he's been staying, confident that the "seamstress" has no recourse to his leaving without paying his bill.

Or at least, he was confident. He still feels as though he is being followed, but hears no steps, no breath, no whisper of cloth or telltale footsteps. He whirls around once more...nothing there...he sighs in relief. Maybe this is just his imagination?

On the back of his neck, he feels a breath. A kindly voice says,

You're lucky we found you, dearie! You might've run into the wrong sort down here at night.

A second voice chimes in just behind his other ear,

I think you ought to come back with us, kind sir. There's a lady who would very much like to see you again!

He starts to shiver as he feels an umbrella poking into his spine. He thinks,

No! Not them....anything but them!!

A puddle forms beneath him...

Oh my, Dearie! We'd best get you quickly to somewhere you can get some new trousers.

We know just the Seamstress for you, kind sir...

footsteps fade off into the dark...a spreading puddle is all that remains on the street...

2009-12-01, 01:30 PM
...actually, hold on, is it required that we use an actual book character? Or is that just what people tend to do? (I have read night watch, etc., I could find one if I need to, but my last post is an invented character based only loosely on Twoflower...)

2009-12-01, 01:33 PM
...actually, hold on, is it required that we use an actual book character? Or is that just what people tend to do? (I have read night watch, etc., I could find one if I need to, but my last post is an invented character based only loosely on Twoflower...)
a voice comes from just behind your left ear

No, Dearie. It's certainly not required.

a second voice from behind your right ear

It's just something we do, kind sir, but feel free to play whatever your heart desires.

you turn and look behind you, but no one is there...

2009-12-01, 01:57 PM

The man who's name is Jack, shambles aimlessly down the the street. The scent of flesh was in the air he could not help but be dragged to the three corpses, yes there was no denying his hunger he had been to long without food and now he would feast. Slowly he dragged a body away.

2009-12-01, 02:51 PM
...actually, hold on, is it required that we use an actual book character? Or is that just what people tend to do? (I have read night watch, etc., I could find one if I need to, but my last post is an invented character based only loosely on Twoflower...)

(( I'm using a barbarian of my own creation. Partly cause I didn't want to step on any toes and possibly fight for a character. ))

Garrok looks at the man dragging a body off and shrugs. "What's that phrase? Dancing drums beat different?" He thinks on all the other variations of that phrase and somehow manages to avoid the right one. He shrugs again and looks around. "I wonder if we should throw the bodies into the Ahnk..." Easiest way to 'bury' them.

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-01, 04:44 PM
When the lightning hit the roof of the UU library the Librarian temporarily lost his grip on the high bookshelf he had been occupying.
During the fall he noticed yet an other difference between the jungle and the library, namely the lack of handy lianas between the shelves.

Then he saw the hole in the shelf coming rushing up towards him, and although the sight stinged his eyes he was grateful for this unexpected handhold. And a few grunts and "Eeks" later he was knuckling high-speed through the main doors of the library.
He reached the university grounds and finding that it was full of franticly searching watchmen and a few lumbering wizards (you didn't need many wizards to fill up an empty area).
The Librarian quickly localised Carrot, and tried to attract his attention by hanging on to his wrist with both hands. This was a technique which usually worked, but in this case he could as well tried to stop the continental drift.
But before being shrugged of the Librarian did manage to pick up the words "Mr. Vimes", "gone" and "library" which Carrot was repeating under his breath.

Mildly annoyed he concluded that the Duke had disappeared close to the library, probably around when the lightning hit and discharged the magical potential built into the library's very fabric of existence.
Mr. Vimes could be anywhere, anytime and anyhow (or not even that) as far as magic was concerned, and there was only one way to find out the answer.
Or rather, there were two ways - but only a few knew of the dangerous second route.
But as a special constable he couldn't ignore the commanders danger, so he knuckled back into the library.

Only very senior librarians learn about the rip in reality which the large amounts of books cause, and fewer still learn to navigate the perilous dimension called "L-space".
But the Librarian had found that there are no one-way doors into L-space, and thus he could use it to travel to other libraries large enough to cause the rip regardless of their location in time and space.

Equipped with two balls of yarn and a bag of peanuts the Librarian set out in search of THE LIBRARY.

2009-12-01, 04:47 PM
Not sure who I want to RP as. But rakkoon for now.

2009-12-01, 05:49 PM
The old man rankles, swinging his parasol down like a gavel.

"Eh? What's this, then? Random persons, assaulting a very nearly helpless old man? Very well, you got a reprieve, laddy Bath."

He narrowed his bloodshot, beady hawk-eyes, poking Dr. Bath with his parasol.

"But I still don't trust ye, Colin Oliver. I just knows yer up to something, yer sneaky little gin weasel."

He does the watching-you sign.

2009-12-01, 06:37 PM
Counter Kopaka.
Now... RP...

Vwulf DeMarcus
2009-12-01, 07:54 PM
If only I had read Discworld...

Either way, EmeraldRose for random.

2009-12-01, 07:58 PM
(( I'm using a barbarian of my own creation. Partly cause I didn't want to step on any toes and possibly fight for a character. ))

Garrok looks at the man dragging a body off and shrugs. "What's that phrase? Dancing drums beat different?" He thinks on all the other variations of that phrase and somehow manages to avoid the right one. He shrugs again and looks around. "I wonder if we should throw the bodies into the Ahnk..." Easiest way to 'bury' them.

Jack looked at the man, the look was one of a predator considering a prey for a meal. The man did not look like much, but then again Jack had not lived as long as he had by taking unnecessary risks. Perhaps after he had finished his meal. Dragging the body down a dark alley-way he digs in. Twenty min, latter he appears from the alley-way a small trickle of blood running down his chin. He looks around for the man. Live prey was so much better. NO! He suddenly screamed You will not make me any more of a monster after a short struggle with himself he begins walking again. Must avoid major areas can't hold out much longer... he mutters to himself soon the muttering stops and he goes back to searching for the man.

2009-12-01, 08:01 PM
I was going to point at Random_person because the optimal strategy for day one clearly is to point at a random person, but Paul Muad'dib might appreciate some more free time to go read Discworld.

Vwulf DeMarcus
2009-12-01, 08:02 PM
Me? I don't even have it...

(Aka don't lynch plz)

2009-12-01, 08:12 PM
Hm, that was really just a joke point, but I guess there's no reason begging and pleading shouldn't work against those. Changing to a real random point at The Fiery Tower. It really is a nice series, though.. pick one up at a library or something.

Fleeing Coward
2009-12-01, 08:54 PM
Random point at PhantomFox

2009-12-01, 09:13 PM
"I wonder if we should throw the bodies into the Ankh..." Easiest way to 'bury' them.

((You mean 'onto'.))

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-01, 09:15 PM
The old man rankles, swinging his parasol down like a gavel.

"Eh? What's this, then? Random persons, assaulting a very nearly helpless old man? Very well, you got a reprieve, laddy Bath."

He narrowed his bloodshot, beady hawk-eyes, poking Dr. Bath with his parasol.

"But I still don't trust ye, Colin Oliver. I just knows yer up to something, yer sneaky little gin weasel."

He does the watching-you sign.

(Something about this post made me laugh out loud - it was the "He does the watching-you sign." I'm going to start using that, until I overuse it and it becomes a new trend in WW games. Or maybe not.)

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-01, 10:00 PM
(Oh, and day will end in about 24 hours. Whatever amount of time adds up to 48 hours.)

2009-12-02, 03:42 AM
Rutskarn for the random then, and because I want his hat.

Dr. Bath
2009-12-02, 07:23 AM
Kopaka. Although putting someone on three votes 'for the random' stikes me as odd. The Horde will arrive later, to the thundering of hooves, and the gnashing of dentures.

The Bookworm
2009-12-02, 07:30 AM
Inside the walls of the University, an intense discussion is about to occur. The world's most senior wizards are gathered together, and are ready to make a decision that can change many people's lives...
"Well, I still don't see the need for this 'public awareness' idea." Muttered the Senior Wrangler.
"Nonsense!" Mustrum Ridcully, Archchancellor of the University scowled at him. "Of course we need to run a public awareness campaign. Get the word out of what good we do for the community, and all that!"
"What good?" Asked The Dean, after a minute.
"Helping the community-"
"How?" Interrupted the Wrangler.
"Consulting with the Patrician on important matters of state, fighting with the priests, and stimulating the economy."
"Stimulating the economy?" The Dean grinned, "So if I go out and get a third dinner from some tavern, and maybe a few drinks, that would be 'stimulating the economy?'"
"Yes, Dean. I guess."
"Who's with me?" The other wizards cheered, and in less than a minute all of them, except the Archchancellor, Ponder Stibbons, and the Bursar, had left the room.
"Well." Said Ponder, "I don't quite think the others got our message."
"Nonsense!" Replied the Archchancellor, "They're off to stimulate the economy. And the three of us are off to consult on an important matter of state with the Patrician."
"Whoops! There goes the milkman's pig!" Exclaimed the Bursar.
Ridcully grimaced.
"Shut up, Bursar. And take your dried frog pills."
((Random person))

2009-12-02, 09:56 AM
Rustkarn for random sake...

2009-12-02, 10:05 AM
Ok, who is this random and why does he hate Rutskarn? Come on, fess up...

2009-12-02, 10:05 AM
I think I'll buy one of whitehelm's sausages ina bun. If they caused him to win the last game they can't be that bad, right?

2009-12-02, 11:15 AM
The man's eyes spin like kittens in a tempest. "Daaagh! Yer all ganging up on an old man! 'ave pity! I lost me right hand to a fearsome boating accident!" He holds up his right hand, which you're more or less certain wasn't a hook a minute ago. "Please, I knows it looks evil, but it's really just there to dislodge the lampreys juicing my brain!"

(Aaaand switch-lee-ddo to Kopaka. He's probably a communist.)

EDIT: Wait, does Counter mean he's countering the vote against Kopaka? Can you do that?

Dr. Bath
2009-12-02, 12:13 PM
Well, yes, but it's still just a regular point against Kopaka (but fueled by REVENGE since Kopaka pointed at him)

2009-12-02, 01:05 PM
Okay, you know what, this is probably a stupid strategic move, but I don't have the heart to bring down Kopaka first round of his first game. Re-pointing at Random_Person.

So, yeah, I'm probably screwed.

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-02, 01:09 PM
The air was still and the only sound is the low scratching as from a battalion of scribes carefully and continuously taking notes.
The silence was broken by the steady pat pat of a pair of warily approaching feet.
The owner turned out to be an old man dressed in his nightshirt with the obligatory pair of slippers with pink fluffy balls on them. The man was cautiously sweeping the are with his gaze, as if searching.
Spotting an anomaly on the floor he speedily walk over to it and lift it up to eye-height.
... a peanut-shell?

After a few moments of hesitation Albert added up one and one and found that it equalled something best described as an half-full sack of potatoes covered in red fur.
That bloody monkey...! Alberts growl was cut short when he was hit, kindly but firmly, over the head with a heavy volume of some Random_Person.
The old servant sagged together in a heap, managing sourly to think that "he should have got used to this by now" before losing conciousness.
The Librarian carefully put down the book before checking the old man's pulse, although this was strictly unnecessary as there was no time to die in.
When he was satisfied he grabbed Mr. Vimes autobiography and began to read...

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-02, 01:22 PM
(And Rustskarn, don't forget to cross out your previous votes - makes it easier to count)

(Thanks for mentioning that Elder Tsofu, since I will be the one counting the votes tonight for the lynch. I *may* have missed that one.

Also, you are right about the advice - remove the and/or cross out previous votes too.

2009-12-02, 01:50 PM
"Here you go Hyozo, one sausage ina bun. Be careful where you eat it...no particular reason. Be sure and tell all your friends that Dibbler's is the place to go!"

Not actually claiming anything

Dr. Bath
2009-12-02, 02:31 PM
Random Person, because if anyone is to get Rutskarn's hat it is me, but I don't need it just yet.

2009-12-02, 03:12 PM
Random Person

2009-12-02, 04:26 PM
An inspiration particle hited me and told me to vote Rutskarn.
Who am I to defy the universe ?


2009-12-02, 05:38 PM
(Thanks for mentioning that Elder Tsofu, since I will be the one counting the votes tonight for the lynch. I *may* have missed that one.

Also, you are right about the advice - remove the and/or cross out previous votes too.

For what it's worth, I prefer the crossout. Editing things out of a post, rather than into a post, is always a pet-peeve of mine in these games, especially with voting records.

RP to come, once I have time to grab a decent description of Crowley.

2009-12-02, 08:21 PM
from behind Haruki comes a high-pitched quavery voice

Well, Dearie, it seems we've got something to tell you.

a second voice, slightly different, and somewhat higher up than the first

Kind sir, we'd like to offer our condolences to you. On what?

You'll just have to wait and see, Dearie...

when he turns to look, there is no one there....

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-02, 08:22 PM
(Ok, looks like day closes out in two hours.)

2009-12-02, 09:08 PM
The street was empty which frustrated Jack to no end. There was no flesh to devour, try as hard as he might he can not find anyone. He tries to make his way to the center of town.
((Changing point to EmeraldRose, For no real reason at all just got bored waiting for day to end :smallbiggrin:
Also Emerald your sanity was very delicious :smalltongue:))

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-02, 10:26 PM
...the 25th of May...

Chasing that cop killer Carcer...

Sybil in labor...

...keeping the Patrician waiting, but he can wait forever.

Rain, thunder and a FLASH... the smell of ozone...





...A hooded figure with a sword? Am I dead?


I float past him, and strike the ground at speeds approaching a low orbit.

I seem to have landed on someone?

A voice... AH! THERE HE IS. I'LL HANDLE HIM, THANK YOU... ...and the figure fades.

Random_person was killed when Commander Vimes fell on him (lynched). Random_person was a Villager.

Standing up, a bit woozy...

Where am I?

Night 1 Begins now and will end at the earliest in 24 hours.

It may be longer because my good narrators are not in the same time zone, so be patient.

2009-12-02, 10:51 PM
((Well, that kind of sucks. I don't think I've ever played a game of WW, net or real life, where a villager wasn't lynched in round 1. At least it wasn't me this time.))

The old man with the parasol looks properly contrite, or at least what he thinks contrite looks like.

"Erm. Well, that could have gone better. Still, we...hm."

He turns around and begins walking briskly away.

2009-12-03, 01:04 AM
"Yes sir? Do you have a letter to post?"
Junior Postman Groat looked down at his corpse.
"Oh. That's a bit of a problem. And just before my off day too. Now what?"

2009-12-03, 01:22 AM
Well, that kind of sucks. I don't think I've ever played a game of WW, net or real life, where a villager wasn't lynched in round 1.

My first game I was the godfather, and my hitman was lynched day 1 for posting first. In the end we lost when I had to kill the beast, something that the hitman was specifically stated to avoid.

2009-12-03, 01:39 AM
((Well, that kind of sucks. I don't think I've ever played a game of WW, net or real life, where a villager wasn't lynched in round 1. At least it wasn't me this time.))

The old man with the parasol looks properly contrite, or at least what he thinks contrite looks like.

"Erm. Well, that could have gone better. Still, we...hm."

He turns around and begins walking briskly away.

You played Memesville, right? :smalltongue:

Fawkes/Mechafox was the day one lynch, and he was a gentlemen.

2009-12-03, 01:53 AM
My first game I was the godfather, and my hitman was lynched day 1 for posting first. In the end we lost when I had to kill the beast, something that the hitman was specifically stated to avoid.

Holy crap, that's bad luck. Pretty hilarious for the good guys, though.

Also, B: I guess you're right They lost anyway, though.

Zar Peter
2009-12-04, 07:51 AM
Night 1 ends

Qu watches the omnisope carefully.

Hmm... I think there's a little problem. I can see everything I want but I don't know which place I want because I don't know where there the interesting things happen. Maybe I'll program a search engine. You type in terms like "murder" and it shows you all places where murder happens. Hey! That's a great idea. So... how do I name it? Hmmm... it's a program so I can see things... I call it SEEGLE!

And after a few hours Qu had programmed his search engine. Unfortunately there was no murder in the town this night so he thought it didn't work.

Nothing (obvious) happened this night. Day begins and ends in minimum 48 hours.

Didn't vote yesterday and are in danger of autolynch:

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
The Fiery Tower
Uncle Festy
Xykon Fan


{table=head]Nr.|Player Name
4|Elder Tsofu
5|The Fiery Tower
11|Fleeing Coward
12|Opeth Freak
13|Uncle Festy
15|Paul Muad'dib
16|Dr. Bath
18|Xykon Fan
23|The Bookworm
26|Elder Tsofu
29|Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins


{table=head]Nr.|Name|role|killed at
31|Random_person|Villager|day 1

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-04, 08:14 AM
"Yes sir? Do you have a letter to post?"
Junior Postman Groat looked down at his corpse.
"Oh. That's a bit of a problem. And just before my off day too. Now what?"

(Feel free to keep RPing! :smalleek: You just can effect the game through role revealing or vote manipulation.)

2009-12-04, 08:15 AM
John Keel looks at the ragged group of men he is supposed to command.

"According to my figures of the feed, the horse in the stable should be round enough to hide her legs. Instead with some sheet music and a couple of sticks I could probably play a nice tune on the ribcage. Who's been shorting her rations? Was it you Ned Coates?"

OOC: Pointing at Ned Coates (for a laugh and just to see if that works.) It looks like the wolves either didn't send in a kill or they targeted themselves. At this stage the majority vote is very likely to be whoever Carcer points at. With this situation I guess Carcer pointed at Murska because he is extremly dangerous to have on the opposite team.

Would Carcer please confirm that he pointed at Murska.

2009-12-04, 08:31 AM
John Keel looks at the ragged group of men he is supposed to command.

"According to my figures of the feed, the horse in the stable should be round enough to hide her legs. Instead with some sheet music and a couple of sticks I could probably play a nice tune on the ribcage. Who's been shorting her rations? Was it you Ned Coates?"

OOC: Pointing at Ned Coates (for a laugh and just to see if that works.) It looks like the wolves either didn't send in a kill or they targeted themselves. At this stage the majority vote is very likely to be whoever Carcer points at. With this situation I guess Carcer pointed at Murska because he is extremly dangerous to have on the opposite team.

Would Carcer please confirm that he pointed at Murska.

Wait, what?

Eh, nice try but I doubt Carcer is going to out himself to tell us that he used his triplepoint at me... especially when I'm still alive?

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-04, 10:12 AM
Don't seem wolfish to let up a night-kill, even for a laugh - couldn't we've been lucky and a baner managed to bane the right person for once?

2009-12-04, 10:20 AM
((Possible, but I think it's more likely Carcer pointed at another Agent of the Tyrant, thus putting them in contact with each other.))

Soto sets up with a begging bowl to watch for signs of the temporally misplaced murderer.
"Hmm... what's this name here? Billtodamax? That kind of misspelling clearly denotes someone from a later time period than this."

2009-12-04, 11:43 AM
I don't know about you guys, but I'm totally convinced Murska's evil now.

((Either that, or I need an excuse to point randomly.))

2009-12-04, 11:55 AM
Wahh! :smallfrown:

2009-12-04, 12:18 PM
The stall in the street is mysteriously empty. Any potential customers who investigate find a note taped to the side.

"Out sick today. I think a rival seller tried to poison me, but don't worry. I'm still alive and will be back with more sausage ina buns tomorrow. -Dibbler"

2009-12-04, 12:38 PM
(( I'm hoping we got lucky on the banner cause that would be far better for us then they pointed to each other. ))

Garrok walked over to the dead postman and scratched his head. "What the bloody hell hit him?" He shrugs and picks up the body. "I'll toss the body at the Ahnk. No need to let that little freak at it...bet he's a wizard. They all act weird."

2009-12-04, 01:14 PM
Going to go with smuchmuch for now.

2009-12-04, 02:09 PM
It was the smell of another dead corpse, that had lead Jack to his current situation. Above the corpse stood the man from yesterday. By the sound of it he planned to get rid of the body, Why would someone want to waste perfectly good meat? Jack thought to himself, Oh well this man was now becoming a problem. Slowly Jack got behind the man.... He would feast on living flesh tonight. Oh yes It would be most delicious. Walking ever so slowly forward Jack was just about to strike when he lurched back. Another battle for possession of his body had begun. Please run says a weak voice from behind the man.

2009-12-04, 03:04 PM
Murska, he knows why and I really don't have any reason to point at anybody.

2009-12-04, 03:59 PM
CD4 for an odd post.

2009-12-04, 04:27 PM
Garrok looked over his shoulder and frowned. "You were supposed to jump at me..." One thing that any good barbarian learns, is that image is important. Garrok had wanted the strange little man to jump at him so that Garrok could whip his axe out and give a clean slice. He sighs and drops the body before he turns around. "What do you want with 'em anyways?" He points to the body that he just dropped. "You some kind of wizard?"

(( going to point at cd4 for the nonsensical post. Don't really understand your logic there. ))

2009-12-04, 04:55 PM
*random point at PhantomFox*

Fleeing Coward
2009-12-04, 05:14 PM
I'll vote for cd4 to even the bandwagons since Aemoh forgot to do his job.

2009-12-04, 05:28 PM
The newcomer stroked his chin in puzzlement. What was it people were saying? That it was odd, and that nobody had been "keeled?" It sounded to him like a sailing term...maybe something was happening at the docks!

Always looking for excitement and more insights into the incredible culture of the Ankh-Morporkians, he sprinted off towards the docks.

((Hmm...cd4's post confuses me.))

2009-12-04, 06:37 PM
((Actually, it hadn't occurred to me before, but cd4's post is a bit shady, innit? Switching targets.))

The old man raised a finger like a grapevine and cackled, his voice both inhumanly and inhumanely shrill.

"Ah-har, blaggard! You didn't account fer the fact that the man who points the finger when the finger is to be pointed, is pointing towards his own doom!"

He paused, then quickly added.

"Which ain't me, in this case. I'm just corroborating the series of counter-points that...hrm."

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2009-12-04, 06:56 PM
Three hooded grey robes appeared briefly in a nearby alleyway.

One said, These events are all together too chaotic.

Slowly all three figures shift slightly, coming to rest with the appearance of pointing.

One said, Others are pointing at this cd4. The bandwagon contains the most order.

2009-12-04, 09:18 PM

Vwulf DeMarcus
2009-12-04, 09:59 PM
Baah! CD4 then.

2009-12-04, 10:51 PM
No time, Paul Muad'dib to avoid auto.

2009-12-05, 12:10 AM
Rutskarn filler

2009-12-05, 01:47 AM
Hmm, this is weird, four rats died but their souls keep following the hooded figure around. The little skull looks at them in puzzlement "SQUEAK?" , they answer " sque-ak-squeak". It was as the Death of Rats thought, they were all out of time!

cd4 because it's as good a bandwagon as any

2009-12-05, 01:57 AM
CD4 will probably die without my help, and I wouldn't want to be gunning him in two games. Sooooooo, TPAM rakkoon!

2009-12-05, 07:10 AM
Okay, it looks like I am dead in this game as well. My first post today has caused confusion so lets sort out the confusion.

The point at Ned Coates. This is a joke point to try and get a role lynched rather than randomly pick a player to lynch.

The line to Carcer was to try and get Carcer to tell us what he did last night and reveal himself but that did not seem to work.

I then put myself in the wolves' place and tried to decide who would be the most logical one for the majority of the wolves to kill, as most games tell us if a baner stopped a kill I assumed that this game would. As I suspect that the wolves targeted someone on their side, it makes sense to try and work out who most of the wolves tried to kill. I guessed based on this theory that Murska was the most dangerous person to someone on the other team and the wolves tried to kill him early.

2009-12-05, 09:34 AM
...why would the wolves try to kill one of their own that early? :smallconfused:
It'd be all the more likely that someone would start a bandwagon while things were still in the random kill-ish stage.

...and I'm still confused as to what your comment about murska actually means.

2009-12-05, 09:42 AM
Agents of the Tyrant: Actually members of the Day Watch, send out by Lord Winder to infiltrate the Free Republic of Treacle Mine Road. They don’t know the other Agents or Carcer. Vote every night to kill one member of the Republic. If two or more Agents vote for the same Person they get to know each other (but not the identity of the person they voted for, unless they are the majority). If the majority of Agents vote for a Agent all Agents involved get to know each other and there is no Night Kill.
Scries as Agent of the Tyrant. Night action.

a breath on the back of Kopaka's neck

This is a blind game, Dearie.

No one knows anyone, kind sir.

cd4 feels a shiver run up his spine, as though someone is standing just behind him, with an umbrella pointed at him

Dearie, could you please explain how you came to your conclusion of who had been targeted?

Yes, kind sir, we'd truly like to know how...

footsteps fade into the darkness

2009-12-05, 10:40 AM
I think I get what he's saying. He thinks there was no kill because the wolves voted to kill a wolf. Since it's only night 1, that person has to be a real popular target, such as Murska.

The flaw is that their votes are likely to be all over the map, so it would only take 2-3 votes to get a majority, and there are plenty of targets that can get that.

2009-12-05, 01:17 PM
Yeah. I mean, I guess I can see why Murska'd be a popular target, but we really just don't know who they were targeting.

Come to think of it: do you get a message if a baner saved you? I also would have been a pretty visible target. It'd be just my luck to sidestep a lynch and walk into an assassination.

2009-12-05, 02:09 PM
All it would take at this point is for carcer and a wolf to vote for another wolf and boom, more then likely you got a majority.

2009-12-05, 04:22 PM
Ahh! cd4. :smalleek:

Dr. Bath
2009-12-05, 04:31 PM
Whitehelm. He comments that he was struck by Dibbler... and then there is no kill. Coincidence? I think not!

(except that all the wolves get a vote, so every other wolf must have forgotten to send in their vote for this to occur)

2009-12-05, 05:24 PM

When did this even start? :smallannoyed:

CD4 while I catch up.

Uncle Festy
2009-12-05, 05:35 PM
is for cancer and a wolf

:smalleek: Oh my god, cancer? Where?
… wait a second…*:smalltongue:
Psst, Kinoti, it's Carcer. :smallwink:

2009-12-05, 05:42 PM
*looks around and whistles* what typo, I don't see any typo

2009-12-05, 06:03 PM
Whitehelm because CD4 wagon is big enough already.

The Bookworm
2009-12-05, 06:22 PM
CD4 is dead.

2009-12-05, 09:03 PM
The CD4 bandwagon is unstoppable at this point.

2009-12-05, 09:49 PM
A young man with dark hair steps into town.

Sorry I'm late everyone. Just had to finish up some business with some marker cones for a new road they're building.

He continues to walk in snakeskin shoes down the street.

So...why are we killing this man? Something about suspicious behavior? His post seems to make sense...though I don't necessarily think killing one so influential as Murska's a good idea based on that sort of thinking this early. Unfortunately, this leaves me wagonnless.

Crowley walks casually over to the side of the street and causes the cell phone of the first person he sees to become a static blur, barely usable, but usable nonethless. With any luck, he'll be frustrated and keep using it, taking out that frustration on everyone else.

He chose those actions, not me.

OOC: Point at Emerald Rose, to draw attention to her very nice role-playing.

2009-12-05, 10:10 PM
a breath on the back of Kopaka's neck

This is a blind game, Dearie.

Wait, I just read all of this post/read the damn rules. The wolves don't even know each other?

So, really, Carcer's vote was the only one that mattered (unless there was a terribly public target they were all gunning for). I'm guessing he got lucky and found another wolf, or the baner got extremely lucky and protected his target.

Either way, Murska's not that suspicious. I guess there's the very off-chance that it's the popular target one. Still--he's no more likely than Kopaka, or Kinoti, or m--

(shuts mouth)

2009-12-06, 06:16 AM
Crowley walks casually over to the side of the street and causes the cell phone of the first person he sees to become a static blur, barely usable, but usable nonethless. With any luck, he'll be frustrated and keep using it, taking out that frustration on everyone else.

((Awesome though Crowley is, you realise that there are no cell phones in Discworld? Hell, there weren't any cell phones in Good Omens for that matter.))

2009-12-06, 01:28 PM
Yes there were, At one point in Good Omens Crowley is talking about how he tried to get all of hell to use a certain cell phone company.

great book by the way :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-06, 10:35 PM
((Awesome though Crowley is, you realise that there are no cell phones in Discworld? Hell, there weren't any cell phones in Good Omens for that matter.))

Crowley hands him a cell, with a ditzy teenage cheerleader on the other end who is unable to understand words longer than 2 syllables.

The frustration of the cell not working well (probably on account of the cell phone tower not being invented), the conversation partner, and not knowing how to work it will certainly do the trick.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-06, 11:37 PM
(Minimal update today - head pounding, Vikings lose to Phoenix, super long weekend, very early day tomorrow.)

CD4 is lynched. CD4 was a villager.

Day ends, Night begins. Night to end in at least 24 hours - perhaps a few more hours.

Send in all night inputs to all three narrators.

Jeez... I must have eaten some of Dibbler's sausage in a bun myself... :smalleek:

(More RP later)

2009-12-07, 12:23 AM
Sorry, cd4...you gotta admit that looked pretty suspicious, though.

If Murska gets lynched, this whole thing will be that much funnier.

2009-12-07, 12:53 AM
Gee. If only someone could have seen that one coming.

Sorry, cd4...you gotta admit that looked pretty suspicious, though.

If Murska gets lynched, this whole thing will be that much funnier.

Yeah, 'cuz clearly using bad logic that most people can't understand it's so bad looks suspicious. That logic, and the attempt to be subtle against Carcer, is so blatantly bad that a wolf would be committing suicide to use it, as evidenced by the response.

If bad logic is a prerequisite for being lynched, we should lynch those who started the bandwagon then, or had a hand in encouraging it. So...who encouraged a bad-logic bandwagon the most?

The only remaining piece of his post that makes any sense is to point at Murska for being an obvious choice for wolf-kill. It simply does make sense. Murska's a known networker who puts time into these games. Who would you kill early on? Let's face it, most people end up being sideline villagers unless a networker contacts them. If you're a wolf do you want Murska getting off the ground? In the end, it'd make sense as a night kill. If he wasn't killed, the odds of him being a wolf go up, though that doesn't necessarily make the odds high.

So far as I can tell, cd4 was lynched for trying to be intelligent about the second day lynch, even if he was using bad logic on all other counts.

2009-12-07, 01:05 AM
I sense a subtle attempt to influence tomorrow's lynch against yet another villager here.

2009-12-07, 01:47 AM
Werewolves: where being too suspicious of someone else's suspicions, however suspicious they may be, is suspicious.

Anyway: in my opinion, asking Carcer to out himself was the suspicious part. It looked a bit like he was a wolf, trying (a little awkwardly) to signal Carcer to network with him.

2009-12-07, 06:16 AM
Oh well, as I'm new to these games I am doing some steep learning curves. Some ideas work, some don't.

With all these accusations flying around, I hope that Nobby Nobbs gets lucky tonight.

Good luck villagers.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-07, 07:47 AM
(For those sending inputs - sorry my inbox was full for a few hours. I've cleared out some PMs, try again if neccessary.)

2009-12-07, 09:50 AM
Anyway: in my opinion, asking Carcer to out himself was the suspicious part. It looked a bit like he was a wolf, trying (a little awkwardly) to signal Carcer to network with him.

Really? To me it looked like a joke.

Regarding the Murska is an obvious target thing, not necessarily. Because Murska has such a reputation, the wolves may hold off on killing him, hoping he'll get lynched instead, or because his reputation also makes him an obvious target for baning (Especially since we have a careless baner), and they don't want to waste kills. So they attack someone less well-known. Of course, the baner may realise this, and bane someone else, in which case the wolves could pull a double bluff and kill Murska after all. Or not.

Werewolves: where being too suspicious of someone else's suspicions, however suspicious they may be, is suspicious.

Myself, I'd go with
Werewolves: Where everything is suspicious, but nothing is conclusive.

Zar Peter
2009-12-07, 10:06 AM
OK... I just had an idea for a story. Hope Andre doesn't mind...


The night was quiet. A bit too quiet fort he people of the Republic.

There is something going on. I’m sure we are infiltrated by the agents of the patrician. They are just hiding.

But how to find them if they don’t do anything? I mean we could all be paranoid and there are no agents of the patrician at all if they don’t kill anyone in the night. I think that’s pretty unfair by them.

Hey! I’ve got an idea! Why don’t ask them?





What… what is he doing?

Well… clearly he is an agent trying to get in contact with other agents.

But we can’t even be sure if there ARE agents at all.

Yes, but we can’t be sure that there are no agents. We throw him out just to be sure.

That sounds just like the action we should take.

No! I only wanted to help!!! NOOOOO

And so cd4 was thrown out of the free Republic and was arrested by the loyal Policeman. He was just a little villager.

2009-12-07, 02:39 PM
Nice one from the kangerooless rider

2009-12-07, 04:28 PM
I sense a subtle attempt to influence tomorrow's lynch against yet another villager here.

...Normally, I wouldn't care, but apparently you have enough clout to start a baseless bandwagon, and I'd rather not die for no reason.

"In the end, it'd make sense as a night kill. If he wasn't killed, the odds of him being a wolf go up, though that doesn't necessarily make the odds high."

First off? Not subtle on my part...If I'm a wolf, that's a stupidly obvious way of doing things. Second...How is that anything but a fair read of the situation? At the same time as I acquiesced to the logic of cd4's idea, I stated basically what Thufir just said about it still being pretty unlikely that you're a wolf based on simply that action.

At this point, I'm more concerned about you because:
1. You're paranoid and prone to jumping on the last...3 people to suggest you as a possible wolf.
2. You successfully started a mob against your accuser...who was a villager (relatively unimportant...nearly everyone does that).
3. You seem intent on starting suspicions against me, using key werewolf hotwords like "subtle," "influence," and "death of another villager at the hands of a werewolf." Alright...not the last one, but it's the general message of your post.

Anyway: in my opinion, asking Carcer to out himself was the suspicious part. It looked a bit like he was a wolf, trying (a little awkwardly) to signal Carcer to network with him.

Nah, he was trying to get Carcer to out himself.

@cd4: Sorry if I came off a bit harsh. People don't reveal their roles easily in this game, so that scarcely works, and the narrators have been doing this a long while. In the end, it's gumshoe work that finds wolves most of the time. Mostly I'm highlighting the stupidity of doing that sort of thing as a wolf. As a villager, it makes sense, but usually won't be effective. Look forward to playing with you again.

@Thufir: I'd tack onto that..."Werewolves: Where everything is suspicious, but nothing is conclusive...but will be treated as conclusive by the mob."

@ZP: Nice update!

Zar Peter
2009-12-08, 06:39 AM

Another night passes. Vimes and Qu are sitting in front of the Omniscope watching the city. Well, parts of the city, mostly the parts around Treacle Mine Road.

So, your SEEGLE tm doesn’t work at all?

Well, I don’t know why. I was searching for murder but it didn’t show anything.

Hmmm what if there was no murder?

No murder? We’re talking about Ankh-Morpork here. But ok, let’s try something else. Maybe “Scream”?

Yes, “Scream” sounds good. Let’s see.

Qu is typing something, then you hear a loud scream. At once the picture in the scope is flaring, then it’s sharpening again. You sea a broken window. Some shadows in the street are vanishing quickly. A scream is coming from the inside of the flat. Than you see a woman approaching at the window, holidng a ball.

You bastards! Can’t you be careful? Wait, I'll find you and if I find you I beat you all up and THAN I'll tell your parents what you have done and than you can pay for my window you brats!!!

Vimes is relaxing a bit after seeing the scene and Qu is looking annoyed.

So, it’s working.

Yes. But I think it needs fine tuning. Maybe I should program something so I can type in something like “Scream AND Violance”. Maybe a OR command, too. Or all the Boolean Variables.


Oh… nothing. I was just thinking aloud. Anyway, tomorrow I think the thing will work correctly.


The Fiery Tower was lynched by a very upset woman and thrown out of the Republic. He was a villager.
The Repbulic awakens in the morning and doesn't find any other body.

Day begins and will last at least 48 hours. Pleas vote.

Player list:

{table=head]Nr.|Player Name
4|Elder Tsofu
11|Fleeing Coward
12|Opeth Freak
13|Uncle Festy
15|Paul Muad'dib
16|Dr. Bath
18|Xykon Fan
23|The Bookworm
28|Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins


{table=head]Nr.|Name|role|killed at
30|Random_person|Villager|day 1
24|cd4|Villager|day 2
5|The Fiery Tower|Villager|autolynched night 2

Didn't vote yesterday and up for autolynch:

Elder Tsofu

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-08, 09:21 AM
Hm, for some reason it would have felt safer with a death - the alternative is wolfs getting to know each other. :smallfrown:
Of course, we could have had a lucky baner again. (holds thumbs)

Zar Peter
2009-12-08, 04:16 PM
Ok, to inform all: Due to Narrators mistake/miscommunication we now have Masons. Other roles have been changed a bit to keep the game balanced. All involved players got a PM. If you have questions about this please PM the narrators. Thank you and now you can go on with the voting phase.

2009-12-08, 04:46 PM
Xykon Fan until I see someone more appropriate.
Aww damn.. not a mason..

2009-12-08, 05:48 PM
Oddity, for immediately trying to start the baseless bandwagon Xykon_Fan was worried about. I'd go after Murska, but I believe I remember him going after people that point at him in previous games also.

Fleeing Coward
2009-12-08, 05:55 PM
I'll go after Murska because whitehelm is too chicken to do so :smalltongue:

2009-12-08, 06:07 PM
FC: No, I'm just saying he does it as a villager so its not very suspicious. :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-08, 06:14 PM
Fleeing coward. at random not to get autolynched

2009-12-08, 10:28 PM
Sorry people. I've been a bit distracted by finals recently. I'll point at Murska.

2009-12-08, 10:46 PM
Rutskarn for today.

2009-12-08, 11:17 PM

2009-12-09, 12:16 AM
Tired of joining Murska wagons.

It's Hyozo today.

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-09, 01:05 AM
Hyozo, finals are important - let me help you to remove this distraction.

2009-12-09, 01:36 AM
Rutskarn looks suspicious to me.

2009-12-09, 02:11 AM
Why are you guys voting for Hyozo (besides the whole finals thing)? Did I miss something?

2009-12-09, 02:18 AM
Nah, we just don't have anyone else better to point at. Hyozo.

2009-12-09, 03:22 AM
(Whoops, I forgot to mention...)

COME GET YOUR SAUSAGE INA BUNS! We're celebrating my return to full health with a 50% off sale! Also, buy 5 and get 1 free!

2009-12-09, 05:01 AM
Hyozo, for self-preservation.

2009-12-09, 08:13 AM
I finally found a Fin to explain what Murska means btw...

And for those who don't understand him, here's the Murska user guide : http://www.csc.fi/english/pages/murska_guide/introduction/applying_user_id/index_html


The Bookworm
2009-12-09, 12:05 PM
Hyozo isn't trustworthy either...

2009-12-09, 01:31 PM
((Yay, RP since I actually have the time))

The old man sniffs emphatically, as if trying to inhale a whole pomegranate up his right nostril, then swells his eyes up to pufferfish volume.

"HhhyyyyyyyES, those demon murderin' types must be nearby somewhere!"

He locks his gaze on a passing woman, then blazes towards her like a cannonball. She makes a wholehearted attempt to escape, but is too slow.

"YOU!" he barks, smacking her on the back of the head with his umbrella. "Hold in the names of jerstice!"

He seizes her by the shoulders, shaking her like a pair of misbehaving dice. "It wers you, weren't it! Weren't it!?"

She shakes her head as well as she can.


She tries to say, "I don't know," but due to an almost certainly unhealthy amount of turbulence, it comes out:


"SO IT WERS HYOZO!" He drops her, then runs screaming down the street. "HyyyyaAAHHZOOOOO!"

2009-12-09, 02:08 PM
Dallas-Dakota because I'm not jumping on another bandwagon.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-09, 02:14 PM
There will be gifts for people who are participating (means who are voting every day) but not before day 4. If a gift is given out it will be mentioned in the narration which gift will be handed out and for what it can be used but not which player will receive it.

(Any Pratchett influenced ideas for NON-GAMEBREAKING gifts? Please post the ideas on the thread, and maybe - just maybe we'll use it! And no, it's not like we I don't have an imagination we're I'm just too lazy to make them on my own.)

2009-12-09, 02:34 PM
How about some really fly hats?

2009-12-09, 03:10 PM
Ginger beer! :smalltongue:

Rakkoon's explanation confuses me! And I don't like wagons. They're all...wooden and stuff.

2009-12-09, 03:24 PM
A Precise and Accurate Book of Prophecies
Lost in back of a helpful demon's car upon use.
If worn on person (stated by PM), used automatically upon any death to evade it.
May be given to others by PM.

2009-12-09, 03:25 PM
How about some really fly hats?

Yeah, and they should distribute them randomly, depending on how much you post! :smalltongue:

2009-12-09, 03:37 PM
(Any Pratchett influenced ideas for NON-GAMEBREAKING gifts? Please post the ideas on the thread, and maybe - just maybe we'll use it! And no, it's not like we I don't have an imagination we're I'm just too lazy to make them on my own.)

Whitehelm's box of sausage ina buns? :smallbiggrin:

It's a limited supply of sausage ina buns, used the same way as CMOT Dibbler's, that can be given to players at night. You can set the quantity however you want.

2009-12-09, 03:37 PM
Yeah, and they should distribute them randomly, depending on how much you post! :smalltongue:



2009-12-09, 03:56 PM
A Disorganizer?

Designed by Bloody Stupid Johnson?

2009-12-09, 04:43 PM
FC random point at FC. Sorry I missed yesterdays vote.

Zar Peter
2009-12-09, 05:04 PM
A Disorganizer?

Designed by Bloody Stupid Johnson?

You mean like... you get a free fools scry? :smallbiggrin::smallwink:

2009-12-09, 07:55 PM
*quick point at Sanity702*

2009-12-09, 08:02 PM
billtodamax for his hat distribution policy.

2009-12-09, 08:35 PM
You mean like... you get a free fools scry? :smallbiggrin::smallwink:

Actually, I was just going for funny. :smalltongue:

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2009-12-09, 09:29 PM
There is a note on the ground.

To whom it may concern:

It would be appreciated if Hyozo played
the part of the dead man in this evening's
performance. Thank you.

The Opera Ghost

Vwulf DeMarcus
2009-12-09, 09:57 PM
Murska because... I have nothing else to go on.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-10, 08:59 AM
(How about a "2 Penny Upright" for the person with the most in character posts? :smallwink:)

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-10, 10:01 AM
mm, jam. :smallbiggrin:

Zar Peter
2009-12-10, 12:55 PM
(How about a "2 Penny Upright" for the person with the most in character posts? :smallwink:)

You count!:smalltongue:

Dr. Bath
2009-12-10, 01:46 PM
The sky roiled and spewed a downpour of what some might call rain and a few chair legs. Stranger things have happened. Particular in this particular city. The city of Ankh-Morpork, the big Wahoonie, the Stinky Apple, the city that never sleeps without a knife. This was no normal sky however, not even normal for a city where the likes of Unseen Universities wizards were allowed to muck about with the fabric of reality. No, this was a storm the little storms on the plains could only dream of growing up to become, this was an epic storm. There was heroing going on.

The horses of the Valkyries galloped through billowing cummulus, the cloud making way for the steeds of gods themselves, it was an impressive sight. Less impressive were the old men sitting on top* of the horses, they looked vicious, cunning, and barbaric. Impressive, not so much. The aging cavalry stormed down from on high and landed inside the gates of the famous city. They touched down to sparks from their steeds' hooves and the clink of rusty chainmail as their riders clambered slowly down.

A short while later the mighty mounts were happily ensconced in the stables of an inn, as less happy shouts rang through the air.

WHAT? Cohen shouted, 50 dollars for one night? I ought to slit your throat now, you pot-bellied swine-herd
Pssst. Cohen. Boy Willie whispered in his leader's ear I been here before, I mean, soon. And this guy was alive, so you shouldn't kill 'im or something. Messes with the wotsit. Cowsality.
Cohen glowered in Willies' direction, annoyed to be denied a good bar brawl Fine. But don't expect a tip!

*or in one case behind, as Mad Hamish had his chair strung between two horses, like Apallo. If Apallo was very old and also asleep.

((I point at Fleeing Coward

and is it length of post, or just post? You wouldn't want to encourage spam now would you?))

Zar Peter
2009-12-10, 03:54 PM

A man with a cart is standing in the street. On his cart there are several pieces of bad treated meat in various coulors and some pretty old looking buns. Suddenly someone approaches the cart.

“Oh, Sergeant Keel, what an honour. You want a sausage ina bun?”

“That’s Seargant in Arms, Dibbler. And no thanks. I heard someone ate a sausage and got pretty heavy troubles the next day.”

“Oh that. I’m sure this was just coincidence. Nothing to do with my pro…”

“It is said his vomit had pretty colours. Just like your meatballs here.”

“Ah yes. Aren’t they shiny? I can assure you that the colours are pure nature. No artificial ingredients used.”

“Oh I believe you. I really do. I can’t think of any person who invents these kind of colours. Well, the reason for my visit is… well, the leader of the People Republic of Treacle Mine Road decided to keep a certain hygienic standard…”

“Hygienic standard?”

“Well, they think if you’re selling your sausages here any longer there could be a turmoil or something…”


Dibblers face is getting dark and darker and Keel feels pity for the poor young salesman.

“Well, what I really meant… what we, the leader of the People Republic of Treacle Mine Road really meant was… we need you.”

Dibblers face is brightening.

“You… need… ME?”

“Yes. We need your talent. You are the person we need to undermine the enemy. Do you feel you have it in you to be a spy. An agitator?`”

“Well… I don’t know. What shall I do?”

“You go outside. And do your best. And your best is… sell sausages! Make money and keep your ears and eyes open. After a while outside you come to me and give report what you heard. What the enemy is planning. Yes, try to sell as much sausages you can to the members of the day watch… and observe them.”

“And the money I make?”

“Of course you can keep all the money you make. And I cut my own throat with this offer.”

“Than it’s ok. I’m proud serving for the greater good.”

Keel is escorts Dibbler to the next barricade and lets him out.

"Serving for the greater good… well, at least he’s doing it outside."
he’s thinking as he went back to the watchhouse.

Summary: Hyozo was lynched (send outside the barricades), he was CMOT Dibbler.
The narrator here is pretty sad that he lost the role he loved most.

Night begins and will last 24 hours minimum, please get in your orders in time and to all narrators.

Player list:

{table=head]Nr.|Player Name
4|Elder Tsofu
11|Fleeing Coward
12|Opeth Freak
13|Uncle Festy
15|Paul Muad'dib
16|Dr. Bath
18|Xykon Fan
23|The Bookworm
28|Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins


{table=head]Nr.|Name|role|killed at
30|Random_person|Villager|day 1
24|cd4|Villager|day 2
5|The Fiery Tower|Villager|autolynched night 2
7|Hyozo|CMOT Dibbler|lynched day 3

Didn't vote today:

Opeth Freak
Uncle Festy
Xykon Fan

Uncle Festy
2009-12-10, 06:27 PM
To whom it may concern:

It would be appreciated if Hyozo played
the part of the dead man in this evening's
performance. Thank you.

The Opera Ghost

This wins. :smallbiggrin:
*runs off with for QotW*

2009-12-11, 09:39 AM
I'm still following this thread and think I have a cople of ideas for a gift.

The Fish Pond created by B.S. Johnson.

One use, you may double your vote. However due to the nature of the pond you cannot change your vote at any time during that day, before or after you tell the narrators. If a villain gets the pond then they may use it for the night kill vote with the same restrictions.

I cannot quite remember where it was mentioned but I seem to recall that it was very long but only about the width of one fish.

The mail sorter created by B.S. Johnson

Because it has every possible piece of mail in it, when used it takes everybodys vote and randomly replaces it with a person currently living not themselves. Send a PM to the narrators who when they are next on will display a list of the new votes. If it is used just before the lynch then the lynch will happen with the result of the new votes. If it is not used just before the lynch then anyone who is on between those times may change the vote created by the mail sorter. One use only.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-11, 09:22 PM
Night ending, update coming.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-11, 09:42 PM
Vimes had gathered the few Night Watchmen.
“Leave is cancelled, and we’re working unpaid overtime. I know we’re the Night Watch, but things are looking pretty dark right now.
Our job is to keep the peace. That’s it. We’re not soldiers, we’re not nobility, but we’re in charge of our little piece of land. We keep the peace, and that’s it.

When you have two neighbors yelling, and pointing forks at each other over who owns a tree, and where the berries drop – what do you do? You butt their heads together and make them work it out. It pointless to take it to the judge, and they know it – they get robbed going in and out.

You keep the peace.

That’s what we’re going to do today.

Anyone married, or has family – you can cut out and grab a dinner, and a squeeze if you need.

The rest of us, we keep doing the job in front of us, and protecting the people.”

(During the Night, Agents attempted to infiltrate the barricade with grappling hooks, but only managed to pull Murska off the Barricade. Murska was arrested, and taken for interrogation. Murska was a Villager.)

Day begins and will end no earlier than 48 hours.

Zar Peter
2009-12-12, 07:18 AM
Player list:

{table=head]Nr.|Player Name
4|Elder Tsofu
11|Fleeing Coward
12|Opeth Freak
13|Uncle Festy
15|Paul Muad'dib
16|Dr. Bath
18|Xykon Fan
23|The Bookworm
28|Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins


{table=head]Nr.|Name|role|killed at
30|Random_person|Villager|day 1
24|cd4|Villager|day 2
5|The Fiery Tower|Villager|autolynched night 2
7|Hyozo|CMOT Dibbler|lynched day 3
10|Murska|villager|killed night 3

Didn't vote yesterday and in danger of autolynch:

Opeth Freak
Uncle Festy
Xykon Fan[/QUOTE]

2009-12-12, 08:23 AM
Aw. :smallsigh:

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-12, 08:35 AM
Just a question before I try to plan some more roleplaying:
Is the Vimes who is sitting by Qu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7459510&postcount=187), watching the city through an omniscope, the same Vimes who is running around in the city as Keel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7427384&postcount=125)? Or is it his future self who got told all the facts and got trapped in a time-loop who is sitting with Qu? Or is Keel himself and the only Vimes in the city is Vimes the younger?

Or is it all down to quantum?
I find that the trousers of time can be confusing at times. :smallsmile:

2009-12-12, 09:08 AM
Rakoon for being #1. Not 'cos I need to dodge the auto, right?

Zar Peter
2009-12-12, 10:21 AM
Just a question before I try to plan some more roleplaying:
Is the Vimes who is sitting by Qu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7459510&postcount=187), watching the city through an omniscope, the same Vimes who is running around in the city as Keel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7427384&postcount=125)? Or is it his future self who got told all the facts and got trapped in a time-loop who is sitting with Qu? Or is Keel himself and the only Vimes in the city is Vimes the younger?

Or is it all down to quantum?
I find that the trousers of time can be confusing at times. :smallsmile:

Well, I think in this story Carcer didn't kill Keel.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-12, 11:03 AM
(Andre steps onto a podium....

Hello everyone, I'm letting you know that - I screwed up again.

Please check your PM's if you see a PM from myself or ZP saying "Contact the Narrators" - please contact us asap.

If you have MSN - find us on MSN, or same for Facebook chat.

You can find me at [email protected] for MSN.

We will have this straightened out before the end of the day phase.

Again, this is my fault - if this is your first game, I apologize for my incompetence.

If you are a continued player, THANK YOU and I will strive to regain your confidence.)

2009-12-12, 11:06 AM
((Alright, I need to get over the most horrible week ever and back into the game...))

There is a sound of footsteps, but when you look there is no one behind you. You feel a breath on the back of your neck, but when you turn, no one is there. A sense of horrible menace comes, as you turn this way and that, trying to find the source.

You are afraid that you already know...but hope that you are wrong! Surely they can't have found you so quickly? It was just one bill you didn't pay? Only the one time! Was it really that much of a crime?

A voice from the shadows, where you are certain there was no one a moment before...

Well hello, Dearie! You led us a merry chase from the shop of Miss Palm. Did you think she wouldn't notice you'd snuck out without paying?

Another voice, from another shadow...they found you!

Kind sir, you should know, you must always pay your bills. Run along back to the shop now and settle up with Miss Palm.

We'll just follow along behind you, Dearie.

Just to make sure you get there safely...

Kinoti suddenly sees the Aunts on either side of him, and probably wishes they had stayed to the shadows, as the head him back to Miss Palm's shop...

((@ Kinoti: If you would prefer that I not presume action on your part, please let me know and I will adjust my post. It was made for the sake of RP only, and can be changed to fit any actual action you might take :smallsmile:))

2009-12-12, 02:00 PM
Kinoti, because I don't want to piss off the Aunts.

(RP Later)

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-12, 02:07 PM
Just a question before I try to plan some more roleplaying:
Is the Vimes who is sitting by Qu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7459510&postcount=187), watching the city through an omniscope, the same Vimes who is running around in the city as Keel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7427384&postcount=125)? Or is it his future self who got told all the facts and got trapped in a time-loop who is sitting with Qu? Or is Keel himself and the only Vimes in the city is Vimes the younger?

Or is it all down to quantum?
I find that the trousers of time can be confusing at times. :smallsmile:

(Heh - I like the quantum thing. Our version has lots a lots of differences from, er... reality. You've read "Jingo", right? Who's to say which reality is accurate... oh, us I suppose.)

We need to pause the game and PAUSE VOTING for a few hours until we get a couple of answers.

If your side wins, you'll thank me!

If your side loses, blame the narrators Andre. :elan:


2009-12-12, 03:39 PM
Bowing out in the interest of balance because of a mistake. Have fun all.

2009-12-12, 04:02 PM
I'm tempted to propose this game as a mistrial, and replay it from scratch.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-12, 04:32 PM
(Reshuffling just one role may just allow us to move on.)

I wasn't trying to say that, but...

I'll draw a line here in the yard.

Those that trust us the to continue on, step over this line and let us continue on.

Those that want to reshuffle the entire deck... don't cross the line.

2009-12-12, 05:25 PM
I stand on the line.

2009-12-12, 05:30 PM
I lie down three feet under the line.

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-12, 06:05 PM

We should be fine to move on, just waiting for one reply an we'll move right back into the game.

Kinoti has resigned, his role is being reassigned.

We will not announce his role.

And that takes care of that.

Voting will start shortly as soon as possible.

And I have a headache, part of it self inflicted when my head hit my desk. :smallwink:)

2009-12-12, 06:17 PM
I say stick with our current arrangement. It'd be a shame to waste 9 pages of paranoia and finger-pointing.

Elder Tsofu
2009-12-12, 06:19 PM

Well, it was as I expected - then I'll reject any reality which don't fit my own. :smalltongue:

Andre Fairchilde
2009-12-12, 10:25 PM
Game on.

End the interruption.

Kinoti has left, those that have adjusted roles are/will be notified.

No win conditions have changed for any of the sides.