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2009-11-26, 05:58 AM
Concept invented and discussed here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132786).

Basically, this will be a diplomacy-esque game of wits where you play one of the most awesome vampire hunters in fiction, and try to score the most kills, while ensuring your opponents don't get as many. Make and break alliances, manipulate and perpetrate gory violence, all to kill as many canon Mary Sue's as possible. Each kill will be a test of wits, daring, initiative and sheer dumb luck, and you will be able to do feats that even game systems like Exalted struggle to emulate, of acrobatics, will, and high-octane nightmare fuel in a few cases.

Whoever has the most points at the end, wins. Points are scored by killing vampires, with different points for different vampires. This is not based on challenge (except in a few cases), but for how satisfying it will be to stomp their faces into the ground. Extra points awarded by the DM for good roleplaying or rampart sadism. And for gods sake be descriptive.
Acting out of character loses points.

There are two major zones (Fawkes and Volettra), each with about twelve districts. Players will start in a random zone and district, and have to search for vampires (Who will be semi-randomly distributed). Some districts will have to be discovered, through investigation or interrogation. When they find a district occupied by a vampire victim, they will describe a strategy to the DM, roleplay it, and he will decide if it works or not. If not, the Twilight vamp will either flee or attack. Twi-vamps will hypotheticly be able to kill the heroes, but only if you do something mind-numbingly stupid. Like attack massive numbers of them at once.

Each turn, the Twi-vamps will be randomly redistributed, so if you fail to kill it, it will get away. They will be randomly selected, there will never be more then ten in the game at once. Other things, such as capture, are possible, and a player is not docked points for doing so, but gets the total award.
If two players unite to overcome a challenge, the points are not divided, but rather, both get all the points. But, remember:

There can only be one!

Each day there will be a turn. The first turn is spent introducing your character, and no actions may be taken. If a player does not post, the game does not wait for them, and they simply spend that turn doing nothing.
In a turn, there is several phases. First is movement, in which they can travel to another district. They may not cross zones unless all vampires in zone are dead.

If they do not have some means of transportation (i.e car), they may only travel to adjacent districts, or get some means of transportation (vampires won't be using them anymore). Otherwise, they may move to any district they wish.

There is combat, which occurs when a player decides to engage. this must be declared before other actions, otherwise the character is assumed to be silently observing. If, after moving, they meet a vampire, they must decide whether to engage or simply observe, and may not take other actions in between.

In an engagement, your character must free form dictate the actions taken. The more complex and detailed, the more likely it is to succeed. Actions considered to be out of character will be ignored.

Special actions are actions using you characters abilities. Naturally, they are subjective, and the ruling of their effects is decided by the DM. They are not useable in certain conditions. For instance, a scientist may not attempt to use his abilities in the middle of a forest far from any equipment he needs.

Instead of engaging, if you encounter a group that is too much for you to handle, you may simply keep your eye on one, and will follow them to whatever new district they go to when they move for the next turn.

Characters backed by considerable organizations may at any point requisition things that would be well within the ability of the organization to provide, weapons, vehicles, whatever. Assistance, no matter how elite the organization is provided in the form of redshirts unable to do anything but soak up damage and get killed. No other named characters will be available, for obvious reasons, unless said characters are being played by another player, in which case alliance is always possible. All aid arrives the turn after it was requested.

All alliances are informal, and can be ended at any time.

No killing other members, except in certain conditions, ruled by DM.
If you have any questions, advice or proposals, post them and I'll thrash it out with you.

The targets

Bella Swan.
Can protect her mind and is immune to hypnotism and mind reading. Doesn't want to drink blood for some reason. Pure vanilla women, who desperately needs some self-respect. Beautiful as only an unashamed Mary Sue can be.
Worth: 50 points (100 to Buffy)
Found in: Fawkes

Edward Cullen
Creepy stalker guy who watches little girls sleep. Can read minds, except Bella's (he says). Sparkles in the sunlight and plays the piano.
He's not gay or anything.
Worth: 300 points, and the game ends.
Found in: Fawkes

Jacob Black
Pedophile werewolf Native American who has betrayed his people's lifestyle to mess around with crappy cars. Can turn into a wolf, but not a wolf man, and heals fast. Like to wrestle other shirtless guys in a non-gay way, and you could cut the sexual tension between him and Edward with a spoon.
Worth: 50 points (100 to Lucien)
Found in: Fawkes

Alice Cullen
Can see the future, although if she was any good at it she'd have jumped in the ocean and would be hoping the sharks get her before the hunters.
Worth: 20 points
Found in: Fawkes

Carlisle Cullen
Single-handedly responsible for the aberration that is this story. Is a doctor. Gives information of questionable scientific merit. There is nothing odd about him choosing his eternal companion to be a seventeen year old boy. Nothing at all.
Worth: 20 points
Found in: Fawkes

Esme Cullen
Carlisle's bait and switch to prove he's not gay. That's about it.
Worth: 2 points
Found in: Fawkes

Rosalie Hale
Doesn't like Bella, making her the most believable character in the series. The fact we're not meant to like her only adds to her appeal.
Made it through the Great Depression thanks to a job in a bank?
Worth: 5 points
Found in: Fawkes

Emmett Cullen
Basically a strong vampire frat boy.
Worth: 5 points
Found in: Fawkes

Jasper Hale
He can control emotions, and based on his backstory may be actually competent. Long live our glorious confederacy.
Worth: 10 points
Found in: Fawkes

Renesmee Cullen
The abomination. Kill it dead, Kill it with Fire!
Worth: 200 points
Found in: Fawkes

Police Chief Charlie Swan.
Bella's dad. Has a gun he's never used, making him arguably the most dangerous opponent your likely to face.
Certain reliable evidence suggests he is in fact a one armed cyborg half bear ninja police chief who is powered on bacon with a massive network of intelligence gathering army robots and contacts, but we are choosing to ignore this, as someone so awesome could never have given birth to Bella.
Worth: 1 point
Found in: Fawkes

There are 16. Each is worth 5 points, and they are all found in Fawkes. Nine of them have names, but who cares. The ones that do have names are worth an additional five points, and will get descriptions, so enjoy.
Sam Uley - 10 points
Quil Ateara - 10 points
Embry Call - 10 points
Paul - 10 points
Jared - 5 points
Leah Clearwater - 15 points (I hate angst, sorry, wangst, and she has it in spades.)
Seth Clearwater - 10 points
Collin and Brady - 5 points

If he's what passes for a bad guy, no wonder they evolved so poorly. Can read minds by touching. It's truly a tragedy. Still, his existence is an abomination against god.
Worth: 100 points (150 to Anderson)
Found in: Volettra

He's Aro's echo. Ignore it, and it will go away. He can sense relationships. Why that could conceivably be useful to a man who rules part of the world with an iron fist, when he could, alternately, kill with a thought if god had been a bit kinder, nobody knows. Maybe if he was subtle and manipulative he could do something with it. If.
Worth: 50 points
Found in: Volettra

He doesn't seem to do anything. We suspect he's retared, senile, or both. Doesn't have any powers either.
Worth: 50 points
Found in: Volettra

Volturi goons.
There are quite a few of these. Most are competent, and have offensive powers. Each are worth five points, and a few named ones will be worth an additional five points.
32 of them, APPARENTLY. Randomly spread around.
* Afton - unknown talent
* Alec - sensory paralysis (captured by Artemis)
* Chelsea- relationship manipulation (cannot manipulate emotional ties as easily, eg. Bella and Edward)
* Corin - unknown talent
* Demetri - tracking sense (known as the greatest tracker in the world)
* Felix - N/A
* Heidi - illusion of desires
* Jane - illusion of pain
* Renata - protective shield (can form a mental force field to avoid physical attacks, her power is quite similar to Bella's ability to create mental shields to avoid mental attacks.)
* Santiago - N/A

Two Volturri wives. Always with their partners. Always.
# Athenodora (Caius' mate)
# Sulpicia (Aro's mate)

Stefan and Vladimir
Real vampires. They torture, maim, and laugh about it. They are also eastern Europeans who live in crumbly black castles, wear antique forms of dress with capes and pronounced widow's peaks, always seem to have thunderstorms and say "Bluh!" They may even have armadillo's and bats for no adequate reason.
A good formula. If only she'd found it earlier.
They live in Romania, amongst the crumpling ruins of faded grandeur, guarding the ancient secrets of their master.
Points - 20 each. Unlike almost every other vampire, these are a serious, serious threat, who can do what they say. The old blood is strong in them, and their sire's power flows through their veins.

And the heroes!
(Sorry buddy, Jesus is off limits. No one regrets it more then me) - Oslecamo
Abel Nightroad, aka, Crusnik 02 - Eddums
Paladin Alexander Anderson - SurlySeraph
Solomon Kane - Agrippa
Michael Morbius The Living Vampire- Darkblade
Alucard - Night Surgeon
Gabriel Van Helsing - Executor
Harry "Dirty Harry" Blackstone Copperfield Dresden - Thorgrim29
Hellboy - The tygre

Players are not constant, anyone may begin playing at any time (however, it is the height of bad form to leave midway through a game). See previous thread for recommended characters, then pick a character I've never heard of and insist to be allowed to play him, then quit as soon as I agree.[/embittered rant]

If you want to join, PM me, don't post it on this thread, so we can keep the game flowing, and begin the next turn.

Indian Reservation
National park
main road
local club

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
Central square
Backstreets (with plenty of alcoves (inside joke))
The Etruscan walls
Medicean Fortress
Night clubs

2009-11-26, 06:10 AM

Unknown. Sorry, but your previous character would get the thread locked.
May I suggest someone from Underworld, or Blade? (feel free to ignore this)

- Eddums
Abel Nightroad, aka, Crusnik 02
1. Even in his 'human' form, Abel has superhuman reflexes, able to easily dodge near supersonic strikes by one of the world's most proficiant warriors. Additionally, he is a very proficiant gunfighter.
2. When Able begins to activate his nano-machines, he gains superhuman strength, speed, resiliance, and regeneration at 40%, wings and enhanced powers at 80%, and near-godlike power at 100%. This is in addition to all the normal vampiric abilities, plus, drinking the blood of vampires powers him up bigtime. Oh, and he has a huge sythe. Made of blood.
3. Made of BLOOD.
4. Abel has disposed of many powerful vampires, including twice defeating his brother Cain, whose power rivals if not surpasses Abel's own.
5. Abel is a very intelligent combatant, using both the environment and his oppoents weaknessess to his advantage.
6. Abel does not appear to suffer from any of the normal vampiric weaknessess, save the need to drink blood, and eve that is suspended whist he is in his human form.

- SurlySeraph
Paladin Alexander Anderson
1. Superhuman strength, slightly better then Alucard.
2. Superhuman speed. He moves faster then Yumie, Who can dodge bullets.
3. Artificial healing factor. Nothing can faze him. Considers automatic weapons fired at point blank range toys, suggesting unrealistic toughness as well.
4. Immune to mind tricks.
5. Incredible swordsman, able to duel wield bayonets with incredible accuracy.
6. Incredible marksman. Has been observed to throw seventeen knives at once. At the speed of bullets. With point blank accuracy. From three hundred meters (at least). Around a corner.
7. Fanaticism.
8. Highly accomplished brawler.
9. Extremely charismatic, and unconventionally wise.
10. Highly accomplished killer.
11. Can replicate bayonets at will, as well as nails. Bayonets that can cut through pretty much anything, including reinforced steel, and burn vampires on contact.
12. May form barriers, that vampires, no matter how powerful, cannot cross.
13. may teleport using pages of the bible.
14. May use pages of the bible to prevent the use of any magic.
15. Has the resources and full support of the catholic church.

- Agrippa
Solomon Kane
1. Seemingly immortal, or at least eternal.
2. Familiar with most forms of weaponry. Very accomplished combatant. On par with Conan accomplished.
3. Staff of Solomon.
4. Accomplished detective ability, and analytical mind.
5. Never gives up. Torture doesn't even faze him.
6. Can sense the supernatural.

Michael Morbius The Living Vampire- Darkblade
1) General super abilities: Better than regular human strength, speed, stamina, agility and reflexes but not that high on a super tier.
2) Super sense: Enhightened senses of sight, hearing and smell but not on the level of Daredevil or Wolverine.
3) Regeneration: Minor healing factor. Takes hours to recover from a gun shot, cannot regrow lost limbs or vital organs.
4) Fangs and claws: Strandard vampire fangs and small retractable finger claws.
5) Gliding: Can float in the air but not for extened periods of time and at a speed slower than his regualr running speed. Good for clearing large gaps.
6) Immunities to standard anti-vampire attacks: Not effected by Garlic, religious icons, running water or vampiric OCDs. Sunlight weakens but does not burn him or force him into a comatose state, wooden stakes and decapitation still kill him since those would over power his healing factor.
7) Scientific genius: Acomplished biochemist with dabling in other fields has before aided in the creation of Blade's "serum", created a vaccine against a zombie virus and reanimated the dead Punisher as a Frankenstien-esque monster.
8) Underlings: If given DM approval as an ARMOR agent he has command over many lesser human agents.

- Night Surgeon
1. Immortality (which is connected with how many souls he has absorbed).
2. Regeneration: Alucard's ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other vampire's, and may be due to the Hellsing family's experimentation. He has regenerated from a pool of blood and from being blown to shreds by gunfire.
3. Superhuman senses.
4. Incredible accuracy: Alucard has been known to hit targets at great range (one kilometer) using handguns while looking the other way.
5. Superhuman strength: Extent is unknown, but Alucard can physically rip humans apart with ease.
6. Superhuman speed: He can move faster than can be seen.
7. Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects.
8. The ability to defy gravity to an uncertain limit. He is also seen leaping impossible distances and can run up walls.
9. Manipulation of shadows into physical form. (Although vampires controlling shadows isn't unheard of, the artwork sometimes makes it difficult to distinguish between blood and shadows.)
10. Shape shifting: Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hell hounds, a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, and many other forms
11. The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle.
12. Teleportation.
13. Mind reading: in the television series, Alucard can read the mind of anyone he chooses, but in the manga, he can only read the minds of the people whose souls he has absorbed)
14. Mind Control or Hypnosis (fans sometimes call it the "sex beam" after a remark from Pip).[6]
15. Summoning familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm about him as an army numbering in the thousands. These familiars can also include animals such as horses and the weapons and abilities that the familiars possessed in life, but Alucard can only use this ability when control art restriction system level zero is released. These souls act as a sort of backup for attacks that could potentially harm Alucard. If hit with such an attack, it destroys the familiars rather than harming Alucard to an irreparable extent.
The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. (He learns more about Millennium after absorbing Tubalcain.) He can also absorb blood through his clothes and skin, as he does with Luke Valentine's blood after his hell hound had eaten Luke's body.
16. Hibernation: Alucard is able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking blood.
17. Apparent immunity or great resistance to the weaknesses most vampires possess. His abilities and health are not in any way compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are the most holy of Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson after augmenting his abilities with Helena's Nail.
18. The ability to sense supernatural activity (In The Dawn Alucard knew the Captain was a werewolf the moment he saw him, and in the OVA, could see the blessings on Father Anderson's bayonets).
19. In addition to his superhuman abilities, Alucard also possess centuries of combat experience. While he usually relies on crushing his opponents with sheer power, he does at times use strategy. When he fought Alhambra, Alucard used shadowduplicates to distract him, allowing Alucard to close the distance between them and deliver the deathblow.
20. While not directly confirmed, it appears that Alucard has aquired Schrodinger's quantum reality manipulation powers after absorbing him during the Millenium incident. This would grant him the ability to exist wherever and however he wishes.

- Executor
Gabriel Van Helsing
1. He's essentially Abraham Van Helsing's mind and knowledge transplanted into a younger, stronger body. Grade A Badass is the result.
2. Is armed with a positive plethora of anti-undead weapons, such as pistols with silver bullets, crosses, stake-firing gas-driven automatic crossbow, sun-grenades, those cool spinny sawblade things, and many more.
3. Due to the fact that it's heavily implied that he is in fact the Archangel Gabriel, he may in fact be immortal. With this, comes hundreds of years of experience in dealing with the undead.
4. Can transform into a werewolf. None of that Jacob Black bull****, a real, huge, pissed off wolfman. He killed DRACULA as a werewolf, so that's gotta say something.
5. Has the support of an entire international order of other vampire slayers and similar minded individuals. If he's James Bond, the Order is MI6.
6. Not only can he deal with vampires, but he can deal with all of the Cullen's otherkin buddies too.

- Thorgrim29
Harry "Dirty Harry" Blackstone Copperfield Dresden
1: Modern Wizard, one of, if not the strongest of his generation and getting better at fine control every day.
2: Very good at finding things with magic, blowing thing up with magic, running and making enemies
3: Armed with a 44 magnum six shot revolver, a sawed off shotgun in the trunk of his mighty volkswagon bug, and various magical objects, including a rod that allows him to focus fire magic, a staff that allows him to focus air magic, a sword cane that allows him to focus earth magic (and kill people with the pointy bit), plus rings that store force each time he moves his arms. He usually wears a black leather duster enchanted with enough protective spells that it withstands at least low caliber bullets, sharp claws and most blunt trauma. Also his cape is unstainable but he rarely wears it
4: has his dog, a magical Buddhist temple dog, smart enough to talk, wise enough not to, huge, unshakable and very tough, not to mention he smells evil
5: Has incredible willpower, showing himself able to resist torture, temptation (the succubus kind), severe pain, and insanity from Seeing Eldritch abominations. He will basically fight until he dies or passes out, and passes out very seldom. He is very uncompromising about his moral code.
6: Has a pretty bad hero complex and while he's getting better at it is chivalrous to the point of insanity at times.
7: Several very powerful beings either want him dead or owe him something, but I'm guessing they do not factor here.

Saint Michael the Archangel
1. Is SAINT MICHAEL, the man who stomped Satan's ass to the curb. Yes, Satan. The prince of darkness. We are talking about the same entity. Patron Saint of warriors, soldiers and badasses the world over. The perfect fighter.
2. Can fly with his three pairs of wings
3. Own a sword of divine flame that can cut through almost anything, and glorious golden armor. Might be unbreakable, but difficult to say, as no one has ever landed a blow on him.
4. His mere presence causes pain and fear in vampires and other evil things. So righteous he can the burn the evil from you with his gaze.
5. Above fear, pain, pity and temptation. Nothing can slow or stop him. He is Michael, Who is like God.

- The Tygre
Anung Un Rama (the Beast of the Apocalypse) Hellboy
- Indestructible stone fist from Hyperborea.
- Isn't damaged by fire.
- Incredibly hearty; able to withstand bullet wounds, getting stabbed, impalement, electrocutions, suffocation, and massive concussions, among other things.
- Has a number of minor magic charms on him, providing him with some supernatural defense against curses and spells.
- Past vampire slayings include Giurescu, Elizebet, and Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft.
- Is destined to end the world. Maybe.

Artemis Fowl/Butler
Artemis' Assets:
1) Stunning intelligence and skill with technology
2) A vast list of underworld contacts
3) The ability to piece together almost any bit of information via the internet.
4) Deceiving appearances, to say the least.
5) Vast personal wealth
Butler's Assets:
1) Immense personal strength
2) A large collection of weapons
3) The third best martial artist on Earth
4) Quite a few contacts of his own
5) Bottomless loyalty for Artemis

John Taylor
1. The ability to find things. John Taylor can find anything, by tapping into the very fabric of reality. This includes opponent's weaknesses, spells, wards, objects, and of course, people. A sufficiently strong magical presence, or effort by a third party can block this ability. Examples include dukes of Hell, and angels of Above or Below.
a) This ability also manifests in a form of short-range teleportation of small objects. Notable instances include teleporting bullets out of guns, and water out of a toilet bowl into an attacker's mouth.
2. Various magical paraphenalia. Notable ones include chaos dice, which if thrown can cause random magical effects, or if rolled in somebody's hands can provide protection against magical effects. Additionally, John Taylor's white trenchcoat will explode into flames if taken more than 10 meters away from his person. Above all, though, Taylor always carries an excessive amount of condiments with him, namely salt and pepper.
3. John Taylor's mother was nobody less than Lilith herself, the first wife of Adam, creator of the first monsters and gods, and creator of the Nightside itself. While his only inheritance is his ability to find things, his heritage does distinguish him from several other persons in the Nightside, and marks him as a target.
4. His reputation. Through half-lies, rumors, and actual achievements, John Taylor has essentially weaponized his reputation as man to be feared. Many hired goons will not interfere with him as such.

1.An amazing chin
2.He has access to his 'boomstick' (which he can summon at will )
3.I'm going with the chainsaw arm, just because it's one of the most iconic images of the evil dead franchise.
4.Very good at creating weapons and fighting the undead.
5.Near-inhuman levels of strength, not on the scale of a vampire, but stronger than most humans could reach at their prime.
6. Powered on pure awesome.

Roland of Gilead
1.He has two handcrafted dual pistols.
2. He can fire in miliseconds.
3. He can take overwhelming amounts of pain.
5. He doesn't know many of the customs of the modern world.
6. He is astoundingly perceptive.
7. He has killed an entire town.

2009-11-26, 07:45 AM
Harry Dresden

I was up in my office, a small room in a run down buildings a few blocks away from my bat-cave, desperately trying to put some order in the piles of bills, pamphlets and those damned catalogs the electronic stores persisted in sending me. The small gray mountain sleeping at the door suddenly sat up and started wagging it's tail.

What is it boy?

I asked Mouse. The doorbell rung for one tone and them went dead despite someone audibly pushing the button. Sighing, opened the door to reveal a young woman, not much older then Captain Luccio appeared to be. She had that shy, almost self mocking look I've come to associate with clients over the years, so I introduced myself, first, never hurts to spread the mystique a bit

-Yes, I am Harry Dresden, Wizard. No, I do not do love potions or any of the other things I mention I don't do in my ad. Yes, I can probably help you if you have a supernatural problem, and no, I am neither a charlatan nor insane. Oh and this is Mouse. What can I do for you?

She went on to explain how her hometown was plagued by giant wolves and vampires, and how she had tried everything but no one but she and a few friends seemed to notice. Seemed like White Court from her description, but it hardly fit their MO, and I was not aware of werewolves in Nowhere Washington. Yet, Mouse liked her, and if she was lying it was a far better performance then I'd ever seen from someone not living in my head. Molly was on vacation with her tribe family, Thomas was... a complicated issue, Ramirez and the other north American Wardens were helping the Fellowship in Brazil, and Murphy had enough on her plate. That left me, with no backup to speak of, possibly taking on an entire vampire clan, not to mention potentially hostile werewolves. All in a day's work then, but better bring the big guns.

The next morning, after a night of researching the region and it's supernatural inhabitants with the help of Bob, the intellect spirit that lives in a human skull in my lab, I loaded my gear in the trunk of my old, battered, and very sexy Volkswagen Bug. Hours later, I arrived at the main road of the town of Forks and, after asking directions, drove off to the indian reservation. There, according to Bob, I would find a tribe of werewolves who specialized in vampire hunting. Might not hurt to get in touch with them. My car put putted to death a few hundred yards from the reservation, so I shrugged into my duster, picked up my bag and approached. At nearly seven foot and especially with my duster, my staff in hand and my other equipment, I usually gather attention pretty quickly. When enough gawkers had gathered, I introduced myself

-Warden Harry Dresden, I'm here about your vampire problem.

2009-11-26, 07:51 AM
A (real) new challenger appears!

Shion Izumi
1-Veteran member of the mighty Gantz team, created to fight all kinds of nasty monsters.
2-Shion has a particular hatred for vampires, and once fought and killed 100 vampires and three of their elders before being killed by a fourth vampire elder to protect the love of his life. He got better.
3-Smart, skilled with martial arts and all kinds of guns.
4-Boasts a vast array of high tech technology, including an extendable monomolecular blade adamantium katana and disintregator pistol and rifle.
5-Special suit greatly increases strenght and agility, and grants a force field able to resist hundreds of machine gun bullets and/or sword blows, plus becoming invisible to the light spectrums of his choice.
6-Shion lives for the joy of batle and slaying his enemies, and once killed almost four hundred normal persons to prove worthy of entering a second Gantz round.
7-High tech motorcycle allows for fast movement and pursue of targets. Has backseat for a gunner, alough Shion is badass enough to drive and shoot at the same time
8-Gantz takes care of his own. After each sucessfull mission he'll teleport all surviving members to a safe heaven and repair all their damage, plus repairing and replacing any lost equipment.
9-Virtualy endless supply of redshirts on the form of clones from people who died recently and sent directly into batle,. Gantz's sadistic sense of humor however prevents him from teaching them how to use their high techn equipment, meaning they normaly die horribly, unless a benevolent Gantz veteran tutors them. And Shion is not a benevolent Gantz veteran.

(So, is Shion aproved, dear GM?):smalltongue:

2009-11-26, 11:10 AM
(Continuity note that no one cares about: This is Morbius after Marvel Zombies 4 but before Frankencastle.)

Michael Morbius steped out the debriefing room. The mission to track down the remaining infected had proved partially successful. While there was still at least one infected head wandering the world now the higher ups at ARMOR refused to field another mission with the Midnight Sons instead they handed Michael a new set of instructions on where to meet the liason from HAMMER for his new mission.

He should have know it would only be a matter of time before Norman Osborne and his HAMMER goons start annexing off ARMOR's operatives for his own twisted ends. He briefly considered abandoning his duty as others had to escape from Osborne but he had to know what Osborne wanted him for first.

The instructions where simple. Meet an undercover HAMMER operative at a small nightclub in Falks, Washington. This caught his attention. Falks never was much of a superhuman or espionage hot spot. Back when he was part of the Howling Commandos Blade would occasionally (in between threats directed again Michael) make offhand mention of some sub race of vampires that he had encountered here once but they'd be long gone by now if they were ever here in the first place. At least if they had any sense of reason.

Michael entered the Night Club. The entire place went silent with the exception of the insistent playing of that moronic "Poker Face" song over the dance floor speakers. This really shouldn't have come as any surprise though; he was in full costume after all. Why wouldn't he though? The civilians would give him a wide berth and the HAMMER agent would be certain to spot him it made the whole pointless exercise much more bearable.

He sat down at a table and waited. He really wished his liaison had chosen somewhere else to meet. He hated night clubs, too much adrenaline in the air, too many enheightened pulses. It had been days since he had last fed and that was only on bagged blood taken from a convict on death row. He hadn't had fresh blood in what seemed like years and there was so much of it here. It took all of his will just to remain in control. The crowds slowly but surely started to forget about him and return to their partying, only making Morbius’s desire for blood even more powerful.

After waiting for what Morbius considered far, far too long the agent approached his table.

”Took you long enough.” Morbius hissed.

“Maybe if you didn’t create such a scene coming in here I’d have been able to get to you sooner. Doesn’t matter, look we both got our jobs to do Michael...” The agent began to explain.

”That would be Doctor Morbius to you.” While the living vampire may have be impatient he was not going to allow himself to be disrespected by one as pitiful as this creature. What was Osborne thinking sending such a frail specimen into the field? He was a good ten inches or so shorter that Morbius and couldn’t have weighed more than 150 lbs. But he was afraid Michael could smell it in his blood. This agent feared him.

“Well um Dr. Morbius, Norman Osborne has a special assignment for you. There is this subrace of vampires that has been causing him some trouble.” As the agent resumed his explanation he passed Michael a list of targets “We know they are located within this town and in Volettra, Italy we don’t know anything more than that.”

If they were giving Osborne a hard time they can’t be all bad can they?
”What kind of trouble are they giving Mr. Osborne?”

“Standard stuff really. Attacking agents, destroying property, using their considerable wealth to wage a minor media campaign against him and they kidnapped a girl of considerable tactical importance.” The agent explained the least of the Twipire’s crimes.

“Who is this girl?” Michael normally respect monsters rights to go do as they please as long as they stay within the normal superhuman law but kidnapping a child was not something he would allow.

“Bella Swan. Age 16. She has demonstrated a natural magic talent to stop telepathy within her presence. With our current conflict with the X-men such a talent would be invaluable.”

”I’ll do the job but not Osborne, you or HAMMER.”

“A...are you threatening me doctor?”

”No. I’m informing you.” Michael makes a lunge for the agent’s throat and bite down hard sucking the sweet juice of life from his body. The agent lets out a brief scream before slumping to the ground dead. The club goes silent again all eyes stare in horror at Morbius. Again nothing really new. Wiping his mouth off on a napkin from the table the living vampire goes over his hitlist before turning to face the crowded club. ”I am looking for some nice young people, they go by the name Cullen. Does anyone know where I might find them?

2009-11-26, 11:24 AM
((Why is Charlie worth a point anyways? He isn't a vampire. Also, he's possibly the only character in the Twilight series that I didn't hate))

The Vatican, 2009

A lone figure, clothed all in brown and black, crossed the ancient cobbles of Saint Peter's Square, and ascended the steps of the Basilica quickly and with purpose in his stride. The hallowed halls of the Basilica were vast and quiet, and illuminated by golden light from the evening sun streaming through the stained windows. The man quickly turned to a small confession booth at the side of the main hall, opened it's wooden door, and entered.

"Bless me Father, for I have-"

"Sinned, as usual, Gabriel" answered the Priest on the other side of the confession booth, as he opened the slat in between the two parts of the booth to glare at the man on the other side. Gabriel was a taller man, with a few streaks of grey in his hair, broad in the shoulder and chest, looking like he was getting on in years, but still physically powerful despite that.

"Father, if you give me a relic to use against demons, expect it to be used against demons" Gabriel replied, furrowing his brow.

"Shoving a piece of the True Cross down the throat of hellspawn! You call that using it!" The priest replied.

"It worked, didn't it?" Gabriel replied

"And the flames that consumed the demon consumed the piece of the Cross too! I just thank the Lord that we had the foresight to only give you a small piece, Gabriel Van Helsing!" The priest said, standing up as he pushed a small lever that opened a door behind them, leading down into a passageway of stone stairs.

"Perhaps you could paused to consider the fact that maybe I don't want to do this anymore? Unlike you, I do not have death waiting for me at the end of my service, I have been doing this for over a century now, and I'm sick of it" Van Helsing said bitterly, as he followed the Priest down the curving stone stairs, as he had done thousands of times, with hundreds of other priests.

"Then you will be happy, Van Helsing, for this will be your last mission from the Order" replied the Priest as they came into a wide room, filled with other priests, and the smells of industry as they worked on the latest weapons against the forces of Darkness and the Undead. A strong scent of garlic, ‘The Old Reliable’ as he deemed it, immediately filled Van Helsing’s nostrils.

“Word has come to us, Gabriel, of a coven of vampires dwelling on the West Coast of America, somewhere around Forks, Washington” said the Priest, as they came up to a large wooden table with a map of the world spread across it. A small pin, with a red flag atop it, was placed on the map, on the location of Forks. From the side of the table, the Priest picked up a small stack of papers. The first was a drawing of a crest, showing some kind of lion-like beast, underneath a white hand, and above three black clovers. Underneath all of this was a name: ‘Cullen’.

“Cullen?” said Van Helsing, taking the drawing in one hand and looking it over with a critical eye.

“Indeed, Cullen. That is the name of this coven of vampires that has taken up in Forks. We think there might be eight of them, one of which is only recently been bitten. Her name was Bella Swan, and we believe that she has been put under the spell of these vampires.” Replied the Priest, showing photos of the various Cullens as he did, and ending with one of a slender, dark-haired girl. Then he held up a photo of a young child, a girl.

”This is our biggest worry. Our agents have found out that her name is Renesmee, the child of one of the vampires, Edward, and Bella, when she was a human. This child is half vampire, half human. She is a sin against God and all nature, and must be destroyed, above everything else this child MUST be destroyed” the Priest said, and handed him the last photo. Van Helsing took it and studied it as well. Poor child, she looked almost innocent, he thought for a moment, before hardening his heart to the task he must do.

“Tell the monks to load the plane with my usual equipment, I’ll leave immediately” Van Helsing said, as he placed the photo in the inside pocket of his long trench coat, and turned to leave the underground chamber.

"You should also know something, our sources tell us that Harry Dresden has been hired by a third party to deal with the coven" The Priest said to Van Helsing's back.

"Dresden? Haven't seen him since the Blair Witch incident back in '99. I wonder how the bastard is getting on" Gabriel answered, and then laughed a little as strode back up towards the stairs.

”God go with you, Van Helsing” The Priest said, making the sign of the cross towards Van Helsing as he left.

__________________________________________________ ______

Forks, Washington

Gabriel stood alone outside the door of a regular looking, regular sized house, in a regular neighborhood, in the regular little town of Forks. He raised a gloved hand and knocked on the door three times, and waited. A few minutes passed, and then a mustached man answered the door, clearly towards his later 30s in age. Looking past his shoulder, Gabriel saw a policeman's jacket hung up on a peg, with the words "C. Swan" on the chest.

"Mr. Charles Swan?" Gabriel asked. The man nodded, an air of deep melancholy around him. In those eyes, Gabriel could see bitterness and anger.

"You are from the Order?" Charlie asked in a hushed tone. Gabriel nodded.

"Alright, come in please"

A short while later, they were seated in the living room. Charlie seemed to live alone, and had quickly prepared cups of coffee, which sat untouched upon the table in the center of the room.

"If this is difficult for you, I understand Mr. Swan" Gabriel said slowly, leaning forward in his chair and clasping both hands together before his face.

“No, no, I’m okay” Charlie answered, rubbing his brow with a finger and thumb.

“It’s just… it’s just… that Edward have turned my little girl into some kind of monstrosity” he said, his voice filled with sudden hate, a glint appearing in his eye, teeth clenched.

“I know, Mr. Swan, I am here to correct that” Gabriel replied, sitting back in his chair and crossing one leg over the other.

“Please, tell me what you know, and I’ll do my best to make your daughter’s passing quick and painless” he finished, and then waited for Charlie to speak. They waited a long time, the only noise between the rhythmic ticking of the clock, and the sound of the wind outside the house.

“They live in a house out on the edge of town. Pretty big place too. God only knows what they do inside. Please, Mr. Van Helsing, burn it to the ground. Please, kill every last one of them” Charlie said, that hatred he had spoken with before coming back again. His eyes seemed to burn with an inner fire, burned with a desire to see every last member of the Cullens reduced to ash. Gabriel nodded slowly, then stood from his chair and made the sign of the cross towards Charlie.

“Peace be with you, Charles Swan. I assure you, I will not fail” he said, and with that he placed his battered old slouch hat on his head once more, and quickly walked out of the house. Outside, on the streets of Forks, Gabriel noted that night was falling rapidly. It was almost time for him to be about his bloody business.

2009-11-26, 01:07 PM
OOC Note: I'm setting this in the present, despite the fact that Abel is from the future. Given that he's around 1000 years old, it seems reasonable.

Vatican City, Cardinal Katrina's Office

"I despair of you Abel, I really do," sighed Katrina, a slight smile playing at the corners of her mouth, as she stared at the contrite priest in front of her. "All you had to do was convince the Empires emmissary to meet with the Pope, but, as usual, something went wrong, and we end up with a major incident of our hands."

"Well," stammered the priest, fiddeling unconciously with his long, silver ponytail. "I was so faint from lack of food that I can't even recall what happened. You know.." and at this point, his voice adopted a wounded tone, ".. if the AX were ever to give me a slightly larger stipend for my mission, these, er, accidents might not occur so frequently, as I'd be able to stay....focused...and...things."

His voice trailed off under Katerina's glare.

"Perhaps that could be arranged Abel. But first,we have a more important mission for you. Recently, several AX agents have reported signs of vampire activity in the New World, on the West Coast of America. We do not know if these Methusalah are agents of the Empire, but we think it unlikely, as no official word or message has been recieved. Further, the name of 'Cullen' has been connected to these cases."

"Cullen?" Mused Abel, ambling over to the Cardinal's desk, and flipping through the case files. "It means nothing to me, but even so. The Lord's work must come before all earthly needs," he ended piously, before looking pitifully at Katrina, who remained unmoved.

"Your flight awaits you, Father Nightroad."

Forks, Washington

Abel Nightroad opened the door of the truck in which he had hitchhiked to Forks, and sketched a quick blessing over the driver, who thanked him, and drove on, most likely glad to be rid of his vaguely odd passenger, and what's more, the strange rumbling noises coming from his stomach.
Placing his suitcase on the floor, Abel looked around, and spotted a diner just across the road.
"I've always been partial to American food, and I might as well get something from this mission," flashed across his brain, as he crossed the street. Suddenly, a nasty thought struck him, and with trembling hands, he opened the wallet Katrina had given him, to find only 20 denarii.

"Why, my God, have you forsaken me?" he moaned, and consigned his imaginations of burgers and chips to remain just that. A sudden buzzing in Able's ear interrupted his misery, and Sister Kate's voice came though.

"Father Nightroad, do you copy? Please respond."
"I'm here Kate. What is it?" Abel curiosity was piqued. He had never been called this early in a mssion.
"Be advised, Father Nightroad. The AX have just been advised that another Vatican Operative has been assigned to this case. His name is Gabriel Van Helsing, Division: Unknown. We hypothesise that he may be working for Cardinal Leo, or an associated group. Be wary."
"My thanks, Sister, I'll bear that in mind. By the way, seeing as you're here, any advice on accomodation?" queried Abel, hopefully. He could have sworn Sister Kate sighed heavily, before the line went dead.

"Oh well. This looks like a nice place," mused the priest, as he moved towards a small, but welcoming place just down the street, with 'Hotel', painted in flowing letters on a hanging sign.

2009-11-26, 04:13 PM
(Consider Shion approved.)

(Charlie is their not because he is fundamentally unlikeable (he's not) but because many of the psychopaths we are dealing with are very...thorough, and I felt it was only fair I gave the option to eradicate all traces of Swan/Cullen.)

Harry Dresden
As you arrive, a big, serious looking boy beacons to you. "My name is Sam." He says, as you approach. He's dressed in fairly casual looking clothes, very loose even on his frame. There is something... not right... about him.

"I'm the one who got you hired. Your client, or boss, or whatever." He says. "Look, I don't know exactly where they are, but I need these vampires gone. I don't know how, I don't want to know how, I just would like you to get rid of them." He seems honest, simple, perhaps, but honest.

Behind you is a tall, athletic boy, shirtless and with long hair, playing with a little girl, no more then five or six. She seems to be enjoying herself, but the look in his eyes is far from wholly innocent. It reminds you of sailors in a strip-club after a year or so at sea. Lecherous, even.

Yes, you have the chance of getting the high score right now (not a high one, you'd have to fight four un-named wolves, Sam, Jacob and the little girl, (Harry is badass, but that's a little too much, even for him) so it might be best if you just take on one for now, or continue digging for information, observe and track one of the characters.)

Michael Morbius
There is a moments silent, as the full effect of what you just did sinks in. Another moment blinks past, as various reactions sink in, mostly shock and stark terror. Then, abruptly, someone screams, a high, piercing cry, that is rapidly joined by most of the club, blending oddly with the loud beating music being played by the speaker system. A few of the observers attempt to run, pushing their way past those who missed the spectacle, and were rapidly converging to see what all the fuss was about.

In the chaos, you can't help but let your gaze be drawn to a single figure, still in the sea of movement. He's big, with enormous, well defined muscles. His skin is pale, though not particularly, and he has curly black hair cut short. He is handsome, in a way that to your eyes is clearly unnatural, and he is watching you intently, a difficult expression to read on his face.

That's your vampire.

You will be killing Emmett Cullen, a big, strong vampire. His strategy for fighting basically consists of using his strength to overpower it, which is described as like being hit by a mac truck, and he can crush granite in his bare hands.
He's easily manipulated, and takes all insults to heart.

Gabriel Van Helsing
New district uncovered! You may now travel to Cullen residence.

The traffic is intense for a small town like this. a long row of cars line up in front of the school, moving forward at a crawl. Charlie's directions weren't very descriptive, but you see the turnoff as you come to it.

Ahead of you is the place he described. A massive structure of white stone, set back quite a distance from the road. Slate roofs in a variety of angles and rakes came together in complicated junctures. The walkway to the house was shaded from the weak afternoon sun by towering pine tree's, as it passed through sweeping stretches of lawn before coming to formal gardens laid in complex, symmetrical patterns on either side. Whoever had built this place had no self-control and more money then sense.

A light is on in a window on the second floor, and movement could be made out.
Carlisle and his trophy wife are home.

you book a room. The night passes uneventfully, unless you wish to use one of you abilities.

2009-11-26, 04:47 PM
Employing with vampiric speed the living vampire dashes across the club to stand face to face with his first target.

"Unusual to find one of our kin amongst the mortal party scene but not unheard of." The words slide coldly from Morbius's mouth. With each syllable he opens his mouth just a little wider to showcase his fangs. His fingernails grow, thicken and harden into the deadly weapons they are.

"I have no personal vendetta against you, young one." he says with a slight chuckle knowing that most likely a decade or two older than he is but there is no need for him to know that.

"Tell me where I would find the one you call Edward and the Swan girl and I may allow you to live peacefully amongst my clan in New York." Another bluff no way the Legion of Monsters currently residing in Manhattan's sewer tunnels would tolerate one who aided in kidnapping an innocent girl but finding the girl before it is too late is of far more importance than the slaughter of the clan responsible. "Resist and I will pry the knowledge from your dead body."

2009-11-26, 05:21 PM
The vampire, lifts his big, shovel sized hands and loudly cracks his knuckles. He tightens his lips, juts out his chin and takes a deep breath, while smiling a cocky smile. He even endeavors to swagger while standing completely still.
Ignoring all your questions, he fixes you with a dangerous look, suggesting violence. "Piss off." He says, pure attitude, while drawing back his fist for a swing. "Or you'll be crapping teeth for a week."

He talks the talk, but can he walk the walk?

2009-11-26, 05:35 PM
The vampire, lifts his big, shovel sized hands and loudly cracks his knuckles. He tightens his lips, juts out his chin and takes a deep breath, while smiling a cocky smile. He even endeavors to swagger while standing completely still.
Ignoring all your questions, he fixes you with a dangerous look, suggesting violence. "Piss off." He says, pure attitude, while drawing back his fist for a swing. "Or you'll be crapping teeth for a week."

He talks the talk, but can he walk the walk?

"Really now? I've gone toe to toe with the marvels of Manhattan." Morbius says as he swings his head to the left of the oncoming punch.

"I have done battle with Elder Gods on the universe." He then reaches out to try and grab Emmete's punching arm. Should he succeed he digs his claws into Emmete's forearm "You are out of your league child."

2009-11-26, 05:47 PM
When the duo came in sight, Mouse began growling so low I felt it in my bones before the I noticed the sound. I put a hand on his head and told him to stay put. I observed them for a moment, and noticed the looks of pity from the tribe, directed it would seem at the boy, who looked like nothing more then a native 20 year old Cujo Hendricks, and not at the child. So there was more here then the already disturbing plain sight. Steeling myself, I looked down, closed my eyes and opened my third eye. As always, what I saw was at once clearer and vaguer then usual.

Mouse looked bigger, fiercer. I looked up a bit at my client. Superimposed over him was the image of a wolf, and something else I would have to analyze later. There were four others like him in the crowd, but unlike him the wolf was muzzled by something black and clammy, reminiscent of black court Thralldom. Then, fearing the worst, I Looked behind me. The tall boy looked like his soul had been crushed several times. The great wolf that was him, much larger then the others I had seen, was tied with unbreakable steel and titanium bonds to the young girl I purposely left out of my Sight for now. More disturbing even then that, his psyche looked like that of a reinfeld, an man twisted and torn into a living weapon by Black Court mindraping, and for all intent and purpose dead.

Then I gazed at the child and my sanity reeled. If I had not already Seen a skinwalker, no doubt I would have been rolling around babbling at the Sight. It was a monster, yes, but worse then that, it was a child, completely innocent yet pure evil. An abberation, a demon made flesh. I shook my Sight away, knowing that a new nightmare had just been added to my library, and turned back to Sam, who was watching me slack jawed.

Alright, I will do it, and no charge, this is Council business. But I need things from you before I do. I need everything you know about those vampires and how they enthralled your tribe, I need a ride back to the city, and when we're further away from here, I'm going to need you to look me in the eyes.

As we were going away I turned back and adressed the girl

Child, give word to the master of your coven to expect Warden Dresden of the White Council soon, and that if he respects the old covenants this may be resolved peacefully.

2009-11-26, 05:52 PM
The skin feels hard and smooth, almost like marble. Your claws barely make purchase, and dig perhaps half an inch into his arm. There is surprisingly little blood, more of a thick treacle that oozed from his forearm. In your life, you have seen a great deal of blood, and whatever this is, is something else entirely.
The big vampire makes a surprised grimace, and pulls back his arm with surprising speed. He's looking at you warily now, but he's not backing down. He raises his fist in a classic boxers pose and lowers his center of balance.

Sam nods quickly and, taking your shoulder in a vice like grip, steers you away. "They came about five years ago." He says slowly. "At first we wanted to fight them, but that would only have gotten us killed. So instead we negotiated, and drafted an agreement. That... that was our mistake. We should have fought. Compromise... well, it wasn't a good idea."
He shakes his head sadly. "Anyway, they broke the agreement recently, but before we could fight, a whole lot of us went over. They were all following Jacob, 'cause he had a thing for the victim. Jacob... he's a good guy, it's not like him." He continued. "And she was a real hellspawn anyway. Broke his heart more times then I can count, took him for granted, treated him like dirt..." He sighed, running a hand through his shaggy hair.
"Now, well, we can't fight them, half of us aren't even siding with our people anymore, and a while back they brought over an army of their people for some reason. We can't do anything, so I called you..."

2009-11-26, 06:16 PM
The skin feels hard and smooth, almost like marble. Your claws barely make purchase, and dig perhaps half an inch into his arm. There is surprisingly little blood, more of a thick treacle that oozed from his forearm. In your life, you have seen a great deal of blood, and whatever this is, is something else entirely.
The big vampire makes a surprised grimace, and pulls back his arm with surprising speed. He's looking at you warily now, but he's not backing down. He raises his fist in a classic boxers pose and lowers his center of balance.

"It seems your body mass is not all fat afterall." It wouldn't be much of a fight if things were too easy now would it? He bends his knees and raises his arms into a defensive position and waits for his large foe to make the first move.

2009-11-26, 06:26 PM
You don't have to wait long. The larger Vampire, losing patience almost instantly, lungs forward, swinging a great, round house of a punch at his opponent's head, while simultaneously lashing out in a left cross.

2009-11-26, 07:04 PM
Office of the OSA
Two men sit in a small office room, one sits at a wooden desk with a cluttered mess of papers over it, the other sits in a black leather chair atop a beautiful Persian rug, all the while the ceiling fan casts an eerie shadow upon the room illuminated only by the light of sun pouring through two shaded windows. The man at the desk is short, plump, balding, wearing a glasses and blue suit and red tie, and voiced by Tony Jay. The man in the chair is tall, thin, a full head of brown hair, also wearing glasses but wearing a black suit and blue tie. The man at the desk clears his throat and speaks," Well Jack, how are you today?"
"Er, quite fine sir." "Good, and agent Blazkowicz?""He's doing quite well, enjoying some R&R after that last assignment we sent him on." "I see, well we're going to require his services again." "What for sir?" "Same as usual Jack." "I see, what's it this time? Are the Russians recommissioning the killer robots that the Soviets built, are demons escaping from hell, some crackpot dictator violating the 1931 Dresden Agreement?" "Don't be silly Jack, nothing that major, this will be much easier for agent Blazkowicz. Our intelligence has gathered that a coven of vampires have settled in the Italian town of Volettra. We need agent Blazkowicz to find this coven and eliminate them." "Anything special about this coven." "They sparcle in the sunlight, and some can barely read minds." "Is that a joke sir?" "I wish it was Jack." "Very well, I'll get agent Blazkowicz right away."
1 week later in Volettra
BJ, armed with a knife, luger, MP40, Venom Machine gun, 10 pineapple grenades, scoped Lee Einfield, and flamethrower (Gotta love hammerspace), enters the absurdly spacious sewers through an old rusted gate in the woods or something. A musky odor of waste and rotting deadthings hangs in theair, of course, BJ has smelled much worse before. Carefully he looks through the sewers, trying to see if there are any others in there with him.

2009-11-26, 07:05 PM
Morbius reaches out to catch both incoming punches before raising his left knee towards his vampiric foe's crotch. "I wonder if your subrace even maintains human primary sexual characteristics?"

2009-11-26, 07:13 PM
Harry Dresden

-Good for you that you did, I'm not only a wizard, I'm also part of the White Council, the ruling body of mortal magic, and we are currently at war with most of the vampire population, I'm sort of an expert. I showed him the necklace of Red Court fangs I keep in one of my duster's pockets. I have a few things to get in my car, then you can call me a mechanic. I'm afraid there's not much left of Jacob inside that body, he's that little.... I shuddered thing's slave. I've seen something like it before, and there isn't much that can be done for him. We could lock him up, but he'd probably go raving mad if separated from that little monster, like Reinfeld in Dracula. I truly am sorry, but it might be possible to help the others from what I saw. But first, I need to know more about you, about them, and about the whole situation. There is one way to do that, it's called a Soulgaze. Ever heard the expression about eyes being a window to the soul? They actually are. We stare in the others eyes for a few seconds, and we'll see the most important things there are to know about that person. That way, I'll know you better, and you'll know what kind of man is helping you.

We'd returned to the Blue Beetle, and Sam stared at it in surprise. Mouse was still taut, but he seemed happy to leave the place, not that I blamed him. I chuckled at the familiar expression on the youth's face

-It's not Shadowfax, I'll give you that, but modern technology fries quickly near magic, and there were like a bajillion of these made, so spare parts are easy to come by. Now, what do you say?

2009-11-26, 07:19 PM
Like the rest of the city, it is a series of classic looking stonework's, carved out centuries ago when the city was still important. The fact that it is a sewer barely detracts from the feelings of faded grandeur evoked by the architecture.
It is a massive labyrinth, with a mess of bricked over tunnels, secret passages that go nowhere, and worn, faded statues. You could hide an army down here.
"Hello." Says a voice, high and reedy, monotonous, from behind you.
At first glance, it looks like a young boy. On closer examination, it was a pretty little girl, wide eyed, full lipped, with an androgynous build. Her size was all but insignificant, and yet she seems dangerous. She is wearing a heavy, shadowy cape.
* * * * *
Harry Dresden
Cullen residence unlocked.

Sam is still staring at the car. "Ah... right." He says. "I won't pretend to know what you are talking about, but you sound like you know your stuff. They mostly live in a big fancy place a few miles from town. First turn off on your left, you can't miss it." He says. "Look, if you can do anything for Jacob... well, I'd appreciate it, but try not to make a spectacle here or whatever." He says. "Most of the tribe don't know we exist, and I'd kinda like it to stay that way, you know?"
* * * * *
The vampire's expression tightens, and his eyes bulge. Slowly, he begin's to flex, forcing his hands towards your throat.
"Yeah?" He asks, as he strains his hands closer to your neck. "You need a head, smart arse?"

2009-11-26, 07:36 PM
BJ turns around and sees the little girl in the black cloak, and any sign of relief a normal person would have, did not come to BJ. He had survived numerous occult horrors and encounters with German soldiers by trusting his insticts, and they were telling him something was not right about the girl. He does not strengthen his grip on the MP40, but he does not lighten it either, all he does is say,"Hello little girl, what are you doing in a place like this."

2009-11-26, 07:42 PM
"I like it down here." She says, her voice still monotonous, swaying her head as she speaks, as though to tune only she could hear. "It's quiet, and you can remember the city. It's nice down here. It still echoes with the screams."

2009-11-26, 07:54 PM
Gabriel took a deep breath, then made the sign of the cross over himself. Quickly, he opened his car door and got out of the non-descript grey Chrysler Neon, carrying his automatic crossbow with him in one hand. It was one of Van Helsing's trademark weapons, and it had been a gift, from a very old friend. It's clip was loaded with silver stakes for bolts, and as Van Helsing walked towards the Cullen house, he took out a bottle of holy water with his spare hand and let a few drops fall onto the muzzle of the crossbow, for extra effect. Putting away the bottle, and now taking hold of his weapon with both hands, Gabriel increased his pace as he walked across the Cullen's immaculate lawn. By the time he reached the door, he was almost jogging. With a single kick, the door gave way before him, and he found himself standing in a large foyer with a long double staircase forming a circle around it, and white pillars decorating the sides.

"Why always marble floors?" Gabriel wondered aloud as he held his crossbow firmly against his shoulder, every muscle in his body held taut, ready for an explosion of movement in any direction.

"Listen up!" He yelled "I'm Van Helsing! It all ends here! Show yourself!" he shouted into the Cullen home, while quickly moving in a combat crouch to the lefthand staircase and slowly beginning his ascent.

2009-11-26, 07:56 PM
"I can't say for sure. I've never been without one." The giant hands warp around Morbius's neck.

"What about you?" Morbius reaches behind Emmete's head and attempts to dig his claws into the twipire's scalp and push it forward into his own for a headbutt.

2009-11-26, 08:02 PM
A tall man walks down the stairs, his hands upraised to show he carries no weapon. As he approaches, you think you see a flash of recognition in his eyes for a split second, before it vanishes and he lowers his hands, his body language taking pains to demonstrate himself as no threat.
He looks a little disheveled, his blond hair is a mess and he is wearing a button up shirt that he hasn't buttoned, leaving his chest bare.
"Good evening." He says smoothly and calmly. "May I be of assistance?"

2009-11-26, 08:03 PM
"Interesting, though I don't think your mother would approve. May I ask, whose screams exactly?" BJ doesn't change one bit, keeping a calm demeanor, though still ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

2009-11-26, 08:06 PM
She gives you a dreamy look. "Priests and nuns, burning alive." She says. "I can still taste it." She licks her lips with a perfect tongue, in a manner that would be sensual if she was a few years older.
"Why are you here? Are you lost?"

2009-11-26, 08:13 PM
"And when did that little event happen?" He asks, but then gives a wry smile at her question and answers,"Looking for treasure and hunting monsters."

2009-11-26, 08:16 PM
Gabriel recognized this one from the photos that his handler had given him. 'Carlisle Cullen', alias: Stregone Benefice, born in London, England, 1643, and known for having excellent control of his vampiric urges, though not perfect. Last recorded kill of a human: 2001. Adoptive father of the other Cullens, and patriarch of their coven. And he did not miss the short gleam of recognition. How did this Carlisle know him? Gabriel suspected he would find out soon enough.

"First of all, you can have your mate come out from that room there. I know there's two of you in here, and from the looks of you I can tell she's someone special" Gabriel remarked, gesturing back towards the doorway at the top of the stairs with his crossbow.

"After she's out here where I can see her, I want you two to tell me the location of Edward Cullen, Bella Cullen, and their demonspawn child 'Renesmee' Cullen. Cooperate, and I will put you to rest quickly. Resist, and things might get messy" He finished, his finger twitching near the trigger of his crossbow, but not firing it... yet.

2009-11-26, 08:20 PM
Carlisle didn't so much as flinch. "Please, we have no quarrel with you. Nor does little Renesmee. I can assure you, she is quite harmless." He said softly, as though trying to calm a charging hound. "Now, please put the weapon away, and we can discuss this like civilized gentlemen."
Slowly, to appear nonthreatening, he turns to look up the stares and says "Esme, we have company."
* * * * *
She brightens up. "I can show you where to find them!" She says, for all the world like a little girl who has just been told she can be useful.
With that, she whirls and takes off, skipping.

2009-11-26, 08:21 PM
A grimly-attired man wearing a slouch hat, long coat and general clothing of the Elizabethan era strode into town. Upon arriving in the city of Forks on his God given mission to expunge the world of this most depraved vampire clan Cullen he set to work acquiring as much information this family as he could. His name is Solomon Kane and while he knows much about this dreaded covenant, from their heraldry to their powers and names, the Puritan Avenger must learn more.

Concealing his revolvers in his knapsack (come on people, he has adapted a little bit) and using the staff N'Longa once gifted to him, Kane ventures about the city asking of the Cullens. With no answer he walks to the most dignified of taverns in the town. There he orders a pint of good quality English style beer and dinner for himself, remembering to tip his waitress of course. He then said unto her, "Pray tell me good woman of this Edward Cullen and of his bride Bella. I have heard many great thing of them and wish to make their acquaintances and give my tidings. I hear you used to be a good friend of her’s as well"

Moff Chumley
2009-11-26, 08:25 PM
"Italy," is the response the huge man gets to his inquiry on the jet's destination. The response comes from a pasty twelve year old boy, engrossed with his laptop. "Volettra, specifically." The huge man nods. "Is this about the research you've been doing?"
"Yes," replies the boy. "Volettra has turned up some leads. Butler, I trust you know someone?"
"Of course," says the man. He pulls out a cellphone, and within minutes has several thousand Euro worth of weaponry charged to the Fowl bank accounts.

"Who are we looking for?" inquires the huge man, now driving a BMW.
"We're going to the Cathedral Santa Maria Assunta. I don't know who we'll be meeting there, but..." the boy smiles a smile that would send shivers down the spines of the most cold-hearted assassins. "Best to be prepared."
"Ah... I understand." The enormous bodyguard runs through his collection of concealed weapons in his head. "It's that kind of mission."


2009-11-26, 08:25 PM
BJ carefully follows, firmly grasping his MP40, he knows this is some sort of trap, but he also knows the best way to find the hunter is to get caught in one.

2009-11-26, 08:30 PM
Solomon Kane
The beer was too cold at all but flavorless. But that was the new world for you.
The waitress is a girl barely out of highschool with long curly hair, that has been permed within an inch of it's life, and pleasant features. She was slim, and the uniform was much to big for her.
"Bella? Oh, I haven't seen her since school. She lives with her boyfr - her husband." She giggles girlishly. "I don't have the address, but that's her brother... her step brother over there. You should ask him."

A young man in a white suit was sitting at a table picking at his food. He had a poise that suggested casual competency, and on close examination his movie-star good looks were spoiled by a fine network of scars covering every inch of him.

He was a vampire.

"Rise up, Rise up." Sir Richard said. "the hounds of doom are free.
the slayers come to take your head to hang on the juju tree."
Jasper Hale is before you.

* * * * *
Artemis Fowl
The cathedral was a beautiful building. At the front was an enormous statue of Pope St Leo the Great, larger then life, defiance carved on his face with loving detail, holding an enormous marble cross. It was all but deserted, bar a few hooded monks, and the confession booth was empty.

And a single figure, legs casually crossed, seated on a pew with a bored look on his face. He was tall, and young looking, not much older then Artemis, with a beauty that was clearly unnatural. He was dressed in a perfect black suit, and a hooded robe was neatly folded beside him.
* * * * *
She lead you to the remains of an ancient aqueduct, crumbled with time and gestured to a door that looked new to the side. "The shining men walk up there." She said softly. "They hide, and skulk, and kill, and feast, and drink. And everyone pretends they don't know. Pretend it's just a dream."

2009-11-26, 08:40 PM
"When do they come, and how do you know them?" BJ asks, he is growing more wary, unsure about this girl and what she might do.

2009-11-26, 08:41 PM
"No quarrel, Carlisle Cullen?" Gabriel said incredulously, with a single raised eyebrow. He began to walk forward, keeping his crossbow trained on the vampire patriarch.

"Did you not think you started a quarrel with the Order when you killed Michael Newton and drained his body of blood for the sustenance of you and your hellish brood? Or all those other times you killed to feed? All those hundreds of good Christian souls, killed before their time to sustain your unholy existence? Did you think the Order would not notice? Did you think the Order would not mind?" Gabriel said, narrowing his eyes dangerously at Carlisle. The vampire patriarch was starting to look familiar. Where had he seen him before? Gabriel just couldn't quite place it. His finger was now practically begging to pull the trigger and fill Carlisle's tall, lanky body with silver stakes, but he resisted the urge. He needed to know where the child was.

"Now tell me, where is Edward and Bella? And where is that demon-child? I promise you that this will be quick if you cooperate. If you don't, I might just have to bring out the garlic and holy water. Do you want that?" Gabriel asked, now stopping his advance as both he and Carlisle stood at the top of the stairs.

2009-11-26, 08:42 PM
Repost since it seems I was missed before:

"I can't say for sure. I've never been without one." The giant hands warp around Morbius's neck.

"What about you?" Morbius reaches behind Emmete's head and attempts to dig his claws into the twipire's scalp and push it forward into his own for a headbutt.

2009-11-26, 08:55 PM
The bigger vampire lost his grip, and fell back staggering, great arms windmilling as he tried to regain his balance.
* * * * *
Carlisle blinked. "Once I was who you describe, I admit it freely. But I have changed. I walk a path much like the one you yourself walk, one away from my own darkness. Would you deny me the chance to redeem myself?" Esme had still not appeared.
"I will not tell you the location of Renesme, unless you can convince me you mean neither her nor her parent's any harm." He said, turning with Gabrriel, but not backing away. Yet.
"As to the Order, well who are they to judge me? The are not so pure as they pretend. Surely one such as you knows about the brood on their own doorstep. But you leave the Volturri alone because they do your cause as much good as harm. How very... convenient."

He was referring to an agreement made by Pope Leo the Great and one of the vampires leaders. After the ravages of Atilla the Hun, Rome no longer had the military power to enforce its decisions, so was forced to compromise. Pope Leo had met the vampire on neutral ground (a graveyard) and bludgeoned him into the ground with a marble gravestone, then forced him into agreement.
The Vatican had honored that agreement, as long as the Volturri didn't break it, they had to leave them alone, despite the fact that Rome was now more then a match for any brood of vampires or demons bar the armies of hell itself.

"So, either kill me, or put down the weapon and we can discuss this on even ground." Carlisle finished.
* * * * *
"We all see them. We all know them. Shiny, happy people, dancing through the streets, keeping us happy, as long as we don't look deep. Beneath the world, they look up at us. Hungry. They don't know I'm here. They won't look for me here."

2009-11-26, 08:57 PM
"Well little girl, can you bring me to one, I'd like to have a word with them about their actions."

2009-11-26, 08:59 PM
I quizzed the werewolf about these "Cullen" creatures for the half hour it took for the tow truck to get there. From what he could tell me, they were about as resistant as black court, looked like white court, and had very little weaknesses. If forced in a confrontation, overwhelming force would likely be the only way to win for me. Now to see if that would be the case. I asked the driver to drop me off at the hotel, checked in, and went back out barely ten minutes later (time enough to leave a message to the wardens), dressed rather snappily with my grey cape over my duster. First, I decided to visit the Swan residence, on the way I passed a man dressed almost as strangely as me. I knocked on the door, and a tired looking man, slightly drunk and teary eyed, opened up.

-Charlie Swan?

-Yes, what do you want?

-I'm Harry Dresden, a wizard, and I'm here to talk to you about your daughter and your, hum... granddaughter.

He invited me in silently.The very fact that he did not laugh in my face told me that in this at least, the werewolf had not lied to me. The poor man looked like a wreck, but for the good of all involved I was going to have to have to ask him to revisit the events of the last years.

2009-11-26, 09:06 PM
"I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to think about it. I just want it not to be. You know?" He says, not really caring if your paying attention. "I knew that boy was bad for her, but why listen to me? What do I know? Not enough to shoot him before it's too late, that's for sure." He said, rubbing his careworn face.
"Whatever it is now, it's not my Bella. Just looks like her a bit. And remembers the stuff she did, and..." He bites his lip. for a second he looks like he's going to burst into tears, but he holds it off and instead speaks in a soft dead voice of someone who has nothing left to live for. "I can't do this. I'm sorry, I can't do this."
He adds "I don't know anything about the girl, and I've made an effort to keep it that way. She's growing up too fast, she'll be my age in a year or so, and she does this... thing, where you want to do whatever she says. She's done it to Jacob worse then anyone."
He stares at you. "Look, I' an ordinary guy. Just a Average Joe. I don't deserve this."
* * * * *
She smiles brightly. "I have. Just through there, under the cathedral."

2009-11-26, 09:09 PM
"Well I'm not going to kill you until I get the information I want. And I'm not going to put my weapon down, because as soon as I do, you or your mate are going to make me into a evening snack" Gabriel replied, keeping the crossbow trained on him.

"You walk a path like mine? I protect Humanity, you prey upon them. Oh yes, as much as you like to sate your thirst with animal-blood, you need human blood to live. You know this, and it shames you. And what do we have to discuss? I was ordered here to kill you and your coven, and to end your reign of terror over the innocent citizens of Forks. I can't leave you alive to move to some other town and prey upon the necks of other innocents." he continued, slowly circling Carlisle so that at least his back was to the wall, and his mate couldn't surprise him from the side, and Carlisle couldn't throw him down onto the marble floor below.

"You new vampires, you all think you're so clever, and so noble. You glitter, and you wax philosophical about how terrible it is to be immortal and without physical flaw. And perhaps on the outside you are beautiful. But beneath that veneer, you are rotten. Soulless. You are hollow, and you will live forever. Unless I put an end to you." Gabriel said, and again he saw the gleam of familiarity in Carlisle's eyes. This time, it did not quickly disappear, but stayed, clear in the vampire's eyes.

"What is that look in your eyes? I can tell, you recognize me. How do you know me?" Gabriel demanded, his brow furrowed, and his crossbow aimed at Carlisle's black heart.

2009-11-26, 09:11 PM
"Thank you little girl, now I think you should return home, I doubt your mother would be pleased to know you were here." BJ walks up to the door and begins to open it, of course, he is still prepared for anything she might try should she prove to be a vampire like he believes.

2009-11-26, 09:16 PM
"Transylvania, 1888." He replied. "I got a taste of your justice alright. I remember you." He spat. "I was in his coven. I remember when that gypsies son with your blood came and burned the castle to the ground, and finished the job you started. I even know what you did with the doctors toy." He didn't look so charming now. "I am the only one who survived, and I remember you."
Carlisle leaned over towards him, slowly walking down the stares towards Gabriel.
"You want to know where they are? Half way to Italy by now, Gabriel." He snarled the last word. "The Volturri will welcome them with open arms."

Gabriel was impressed, the vampire was perhaps the best liar he'd ever seen.

2009-11-26, 09:16 PM
Morbius takes advantage of the moment disorientation in his foe. He grabs a wooden chair from a nearby table and slams it into his foe.

2009-11-26, 09:21 PM
The vampire goes down. as he falls, he scissors his leg at Mobius's, attempting to pull the other vampire down with him.
* * * * *
The little girl let him past, then put her hand to her forehead. Agony rushed through his veins like molten iron, his muscles seized up and a silent scream pushed in the back of his throat as he convulsed.
There was no end to the pain.
She began walking around him rapidly in a circle, like some obscene dance to sadism.
"I can still hear them. Screaming like you. Mmmmmm. It's intoxicating." As she said the last word, she traced her middle finger from her navel all the way up to her neck.

2009-11-26, 09:31 PM
Despite all the pain BJ begins to turn and face her, then starts laughing. With difficulty he begins to shout at her,"Is that it? Ha! I've had worse, been burnt, stabbed clawed, shot and much worse. I put Hienrich I back into his grave, and plenty of nazi psychos with him. Ever been shot before? Let me key you in." Now standing on one leg and sitting on the other, he screams and pulls the trigger of his MP40.

2009-11-26, 09:32 PM
Kane keeps studying and examining this Jasper figure while still finishing his meal. He nods, removing his hat to thank the establishment for his meal, as well as to lodge a complaint about the poor quality of beverages served here. This grim champion of right then paces towards Jasper and says, "I know of your affliction and of its nature young Jasper and I wish not to distrub the other patrons of this tavern with any quarel we may have. Would you please care to follow me outside for discussion in case our behavior becomes anything less than gentlemanly?"

2009-11-26, 09:32 PM
-I understand Charlie, I'll stop it from happening to others, you have my word. Sleep now, and dream of happier days.

I used a bit of grey magic as I forced Charlie to sleep. He seemed grateful for it. I then traced a circle around his bed with white chalk, and willed it closed. As long as the circle was not physically broken, no spirit should be able to enter his dreams before dawn. I then headed for the Cullen estate

2009-11-26, 09:36 PM
Morbius is caught in the legs and pulled downwards. As he falls he tries to bring down the remains of the chair down onto his foe's chest.

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 09:39 PM
Alright, let's dive right in;


A small town 63 miles outside of Nome, Alaska

Hellboy rolled over groggily. He had spent last night getting drunk, which had become his schedule for the last few weeks. There wasn't much to do up here. Hunting, fishing, hiking. He was thinking of starting that novel he had always wanted, all where the Hell he would find a typewriter for his giant right hand was anybody's guess. It was boring, but it was quiet. Russia had been less than hospitable, as had Africa and Asia. But, Nome, or wherever he was outside of it, for all its dullness, was at least peaceful. No monsters. No demons. No ghosts, witches, fairies, or primordial night goddesses giving him crap. And after 65 years, Hellboy was fine with that.

He wasn't used to visitors. He knew enough people in the nearest town to get food, liquor, and goods under the cover of nightfall. It had taken a while before people warmed up to him (the BPRD wasn't well known around here), but he managed. His isolation was more about his privacy than any prejudice. So he was surprised and a little grouchy that someone had woken him up by knocking at his door. With a headache that could wound a god, Hellboy stumbled to the door. He opened the door just a crack to hide himself (his pants were around here somewhere...) and growled, "What?" A squirrely little man in a thick parka, barely visible through his fur-rimmed hood, stuttered, "A-are you Hellboy?"

"No, I'm the other big red guy who lives at the North Pole. What d'you want?"

"Th-there's a call for you. At the bar."

"... A call?"

"Y-yes. They said they'd been looking for you. They knew you didn't have a phone so they called the bar."

"They say who they are?"

"N-no. They don't want to talk to anyone but you."

"You left them on the phone?"

"We don't have an answering machine, and he said he wasn't going to leave a number." Hellboy let out a disgruntled sigh, breathing, "Hang on. Let me get my pants."
The squirrely man had driven in his truck, and Hellboy rode back with him. At the bar, he walked in, trying to as non-chalant as possible, keeping his coat high and his hat low. Didn't hide the flicking tail, though. Or the stone fist the size of a warhammer. Or the hoof-prints from the snow. Nobody said a word; they just stared, stupefied, as he talked on the phone. Hellboy cautiously asked, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Thank God, I was just about to give up."

"You're not answering my question. How did you find me?"

"Sorry. My name is Vernon. I'm a teacher at a school in a little town in Washington, Falks."

"Never heard of it."

"Not surprising. When I was a kid, I served with Daimio in 'Nam."

"From the Bureau? Crap... I knew I should've changed addresses after the last letter... What is it? What's so important?"

"I've actually had this letter for a while now. Things have always been a little... off here in Falks. All sorts of weird folks. But lately, it's been rising to a head. There's a new wave of loony toons coming in, looking for something, or someone. What's worst, kids have started disappearing. One of my students, Swan I think her name was, has just dropped off the face of the map. Things are getting spooky. There are weird sounds at night in the wilderness. All kinds of foreigners armed to the teeth are stalking around. And some people are talking about seeing monsters. I'd call it all bull, normally, but... I'm not so sure. I saw this one kid, Cullen or something, punch a car in and just walk off. It's getting dangerous."

"So? What do you want from me? Why not call the Burea?"

"I tried. They said they were all tied up with 'pseudonatural amphibian control'. I couldn't even reach Daimio. I had your number, so I called that."

"And here you are. You sure it's something weird? Might just be a single case, and visitors aren't something to jump at."

"Sir, with all due respect, one of these visitors is walking around with a glowing staff, another has a revolving crossbow, and the one in the red-coat makes buildings explode with his mind. And they say they're the ones helping us. I don't even want to know what they're working -against-. I'm scared to go outside. Are you the world's greatest paranormal detective or not?"

Something in Hellboy's gut said to hang up, go back home, sleep off the hangover. But then he went through his cases. This was always how crap started; naga, skinwalkers, strix, kappa. Next thing you know BAM, a witch in a giant flying cup is eating children raw just to use their skulls for fence posts. Hellboy rubbed his eyes, and asked, "Where's this little town again?"
Falks, Washington

He had taken a truck to the nearest airport, which felt like days ago. From there, he got to Seattle, and it was in another truck to Falks. A few miles before, he had gotten out in the National Park From a low ridge, he overlooked the town. Vernon was right; something was going down here. Hellboy pulled out the gun that the Torch had given him, loading ammo into it while he grunted, "Time to join the party."


Sorry for joining so late. Dang national holidays. :smallcool:

2009-11-26, 09:40 PM
"Be silent, unclean one!" Van Helsing yelled, his voice echoing of holy fire and divine wrath. Gabriel quickly produced a silver bar, lowering his crossbow simultaneously. Two other spring-loaded smaller bars sprang out of the large one to form a crucifix, the image of Christ on the cross driving Carlisle back. The vampire shrieked in pain and fear at the image of the Savior on the cross, and sprang backwards, covering his face with an arm. He was thrown back against the wall, and was pressed against it by an invisible force, thrashing and shuddering in pain, and still shrieking, that high pitched shriek that only a vampire could produce. His mate would be along soon now.

Gabriel walked forward, holding the crucifix before him, with his crossbow slung across his back, and his pistol drawn in his spare hand. As he neared Carlisle, the vampire's shrieks of pain and terror grew in volume and intensity. Gabriel was rather surprised that a member of Dracula's coven had survived that bloody year of 1888 when he and Carl had driven them from Transylvania, but stranger things had happened to Gabriel in his long career. He cocked his revolver and trained it towards the doorway where Carlisle's demonic bride would soon appearing. Each bullet was coated in silver, with a cross inscribed on the front, an invention of his own, and one that proven particularly effective in the past.

"Let me guess, you were at the Devil's Ball in Budapest? I suppose your unique skin would mean that Carl's sun-grenade did not harm you? Answer me! Or is it the Rite for you?" Gabriel threatened. He was referring, of course, to the Rite of Exorcism, a particularly long, drawn-out, and painful way for a vampire to die.

2009-11-26, 09:49 PM
The improvised stake, splintering horribly, glances of a rib before penetrating a lung. He makes a horrible gurgling noise and convulses, then throws you off with a convulsive flex of his great arms, so hard you hit the ceiling. Slowly he begins to pull himself up, seeming barely stable.
* * * * *
Harry Dresdan
Charlie begins to snore peacefully. He looks about ten years younger asleep. If not for the flecks of grey and silver, he'd have looked his age.
* * * * *
The girl has a moment to look surprised before the bullets hit her in the face. But they don't knock her over. Each has penetrated maybe an inch, with streams of red treacle much to thick to be blood oozing out. Both her eyes are gone, and the majority of her teeth are shattered.
"I'll kill you for that." She swears, the pain growing to incredible levels, then curling her petite hands into fists.
* * * * *
Solomon Kane
Jasper looks at cane and a feeling of serenity flows through the warrior, peace and calm. You can't help but let your muscles relax. It is clear in an instant he is trying to alter your reaction. "Sorry," He replies, as though he doesn't have a clue what the wanderer is asking. "I'm waiting for my wi - girlfriend. If there is an issue, i am sure we can discuss it here." He replies, in the accent of a Southern Gentleman.
He motions to a seat on the other side of the table, where a seat is propped up.
* * * * *
Ahead, you see three wolves, far larger then any furred mammal that isn't a bear has any right to be. They are running at a speed normally reserved for Formula one Race cars, and flitting through the tree's in a manner that is completely alien to any serious hunting pack animal. They look like immature kids having a good time.
Monsters? Or regular animals corrupted by some outside force?
One of them suddenly shivers, there an instant as though space has been folded on top of itself, and in it's place is a muscular Native American boy, stark naked and totally unashamed of this fact. Any normal person, would have their hands between their legs, given it was snowing, but the guy didn't even seem aware of that.
Werewolves. Or something to that effect.
* * * * *
Carlisle convulsed, digging against the floor, trying to get away from the cross. He was blinking rapidly, as though he was about to have a stroke.
"Budapest. Yes. I survived. By the time I got back to the castle, you were done. But I nursed my master back to health. I fed him. He survived because of me." He snarled at the cross, fangs protruding out of his gums. "You killed my family, and now you want to kill my new one."

2009-11-26, 09:55 PM
Realising that maybe bullets alone won't cut it, BJ decides to improvise. Though the pain brings him to the ground, he still reaches into his coat and pulles out something. He holds it for five seconds, then throws it over to her feet, a pineapple grenade, with the pin obviously pulled out.

2009-11-26, 10:00 PM
The girl catches it, and crushes it with a flex of her fingers. The charge goes off, and when the smoke clears she is missing an arm. She screams, a child-like, all to human scream, as she cradles the stump. The pain fades as all vestiges of concentration slip beyond her grip.

2009-11-26, 10:01 PM
Alucard lays in his black coffin as his military plane drifts over the sea like a over sized sea gull. The plane ride from England, London, to Forks, Michigan was a long and boring, when he could have crashed a plane at Mach 12 into the residence he was supposed to destroy, but this was a mission of tact, and a random explosion at the house of the.. he paused for thought inside his coffin. He couldn't remember the names of the people he was supposed to kill, but apparently some Werewolves, or some mockery there of, and something called a.... Vampire... how he detested to call these THINGS vampires... that apparently sparkled in the sun according to Satellite observations. He had not viewed the images of them sparkling in the sun, but their very act of calling themselves vampire, nay these beings who dared call themselves nosferatu, and these mockeries of true "Wehr Wolves" as "he" had encountered many years ago in Nazi Germany. Yes... He would have to show these disgraces what the true meaning of Nosferatu was!

Shortly there after, and his coffin, along with dozens of others from "Dead" soldiers who had died in the petty over seas conflicts that America so loved these days (IC statement only..), hours later, deep unto the night, "Alucard" awoken, pulling a long tommy gun from underneath "her" coat, and stood, the loyal SAS members standing in rows beside the coffin, rifles held at attention, and salutes on their brows.

A officer, obviously heavily medaled from the almost disgusting amount of medals on his chest, moved forward, a clip board shaking nervously in his hands as he addressed Hellsing's most powerful operative.

..Erm... Alucard Ma'm... We have landed in the designated meeting point, and are now directed to hunt down a Mr. Jacob Black, and his pack of "Were Wolves", there are also reports of a Dhyampir with them, but we have yet to have them confirmed due to heavy casualties! They my look like pups, but be wary of their bites.... Now with the briefing done Ma'm.... What are your orders?"

Alucard smiled darkly, exposing many of "her" characteristic fangs as "she" propped "her" tommy gun against "her" shoulder, the light now obscuring a single eye in shadow as "she" said.

Backups arrived. Let's go hunt some wolves. (http://img06.nj.us.mangafox.com/store/manga/665/004.0/compressed/dawn0416.jpg)

2009-11-26, 10:02 PM
"Maybe I shouldn't have killed that HAMMER agent. I could have used some better armaments." Morbious says as he flies into the air. Wait even Osborne isn't stupid enough to send an undercover operative into enemy territory not properly equipped but the corpse is on the other side of the club and it'd be too much of a risk to have his enemy chase him across the dance floor where the civilians are still panicking. No he has to finish this here somehow.

Employing his gliding ability Morbius readjusts his fall so that he lands on Emmete's back. One set of clawed fingers reaches for the jugular of his foe the other tries to free the splintering peice of wood in his chest.

2009-11-26, 10:05 PM
Standing up with the MP40 in hand, BJ shouts,"You've been a bad little girl, disrespecting your elders, now you shall learn why I am called Death Incarnate." He opens fire with his MP40, having a tight grip to minimise recoil, aiming at her neck/upper body and going full auto.

Moff Chumley
2009-11-26, 10:06 PM
((Sorry for the absence. Thanksgiving dinner can be a pain...))

Artemis immediately enters the Cathedral, without waiting for Butler. After briefly surveying the house of worship with the aura of a connoisseur, he turns to the bodyguard. "Beautiful building, isn't it? About as sightly as our friend here." Artemis approaches the figure without hesitation, and seats himself next to him. "Good morning."

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 10:07 PM
Hellboy's familiar with werewolves. He knows they're strong, almost as strong as him, and three of them in their prime and their own territory aren't something to be screwed around with. Vernon was right; this place is going crazy. For now, Hellboy stays hidden, deciding he'll watch them and see if they pose any threat.

2009-11-26, 10:07 PM
Kane, in a state of complete and utter calm merely states, "It would be best if we were to exit this building at once. Also, if you are curious, instead of weakening my resolve your powers have only reduced my nerves and made me even more resolute than before. With the Lord as my sheperd I have little to fear as it is and with your charm, I have precious little nervousness left within me." He whispered this as he placed his right hand firmly on Jasper's left and gazed sternly into his vampiric eyes. All while never taking his left from the Staff of Solomon.

2009-11-26, 10:10 PM
Your left hand free's the stake as you claw at his neck. The claws cut muscle and skin, but most of the damage they do seems to e superficial. The Vampire roars anyway and bludgeons his fist at the side of Mobius's head. The blow is clumsy, unscientific, but the vampire is obscenely strong. Anyone hit by the fist is going to suffer.
Again, you find yourself knocked off his back, as the vampire lumbers after you, unsteady due to the injuries received.
* * * * *
Alucard is driven to the main road in a military van, with the Hellsing crest on the side. the agent lets him out, then drives off, leaving him in the middle of a town, well armed and surrounded by victims. But he had more important things to do then mindless brutally, somewhere around was the biggest disgrace to his species, ever. They must be part of Abhartach's brood, nothing to do with his bloodline.
* * * * *
The girl's head is knocked bodily off in a pray of gore, leaving a pulpy mess.
* * * * *
The boy looks up. "Ah, I've been waiting for you. I trust you have what we agreed?"
(I don't know Artemis's plan, but I'm assuming he is taking advantage of these proceedings rather then going for the killcount. I suppose I'll have to point you based on some other system.)
* * * * *
Jasper's gaze flickered to the staff. He looked for a moment like he was going to swear, his eyes narrowing alarmingly, but instead stood up so abruptly his chair fell over. Leaving enough money on the table to make a generous deposit on a house he stood up abruptly and stalked out of the building, crossing his arms as he walked.
* * * * *
The wolves remain where they were for a few more minutes, then, at the prompt of some distant howl, flit away, lean shadows in the moonlight, gone from sight in a few more moments.
You can't help but wonder if not acting just killed some innocent.

2009-11-26, 10:16 PM
Deciding he better not risk it, even if she is legally and in all sense of the word, dead, BJ pulls out the flamethrower and torches her remains, don't want any chance of revival or regeneration or something. The he moves on through the door she led him to, but not before shooting the last four shots in the MP40 clip into her decapitated and scorched head so that he may reload, and seal the deal.

2009-11-26, 10:19 PM
Jane is dead. So dead that it is as though she never existed.

For killing Jane, member of the Volturri, you are awarded ten points. Combat and movement phases over. Unless you have any further actions, turn ends in the sewers, see you tomorrow.

2009-11-26, 10:21 PM
Okay I'm done, ending turn. Well that was interesting, and hooray for overkill.

2009-11-26, 10:24 PM
"How does Blade do this on his own?" Morbius asks rehtorically as he hits the group slightly disoriented. As the Emmete makes his charge Morbius aims the pole where the vampire's heart should be and lunges forward with the full force of his meager super strength.

2009-11-26, 10:29 PM
"You? You were the reason my Abraham had to go back in 1897 to finish the beast? Well then I have a question: Why did you leave him? Vlad had a way with his servants, why did you abandon him? Abraham did not mention you when I spoke to him about his dealings with Dracula. You must've left him before my son went to Transylvania" Gabriel asked, pushing the cross in closer, while Carlisle shrieked and hissed and tried to claw towards it, anything to escape the image of Christ. Quickly, Gabriel glanced back towards the doorway where Carlisle's bride should've come out of minutes ago.

"So, it seems like your bride has abandoned you. Odd, no? That your Master's three brides were more loyal to him than your one has been to you." Gabriel remarked, though he kept his pistol trained on the doorway just in case.

"Now tell me, under pain of the Rite, where in Italy will Edward and Bella be? I do not believe they will take up with the Volturi, that would be too obvious. Nor will the Volturi take them in, they do not want to bring the whole Order down on their heads." At that moment, Gabriel heard footsteps on the marble floors of the foyer below. He turned his head and, not quite to his surprise, he saw Harry Dresden standing there in the open doorway.

((I don't thinking I'm powerplaying, thorgrim did say he was heading to the Cullen house. I can edit this if you think otherwise))

2009-11-26, 10:30 PM
Solomon follows closely behind Jasper as he leaves in hopes of determining his place of habitation. At the same time he pays close attention to his staff in case of other supernatual evil. When no one can see him, Kane removes the pistols from his knapsack and replaces them in specially hidden holsters concealed within his coat. He then keeps walking.

2009-11-26, 10:30 PM
The poles goes through his chest, emerging out the other side in a spray of gore. The big vampires momentum carries him a few more steps before he collapses, still impaled. crudely, occasionally twitching. He's dead.
* * * * *

((I don't thinking I'm powerplaying, thorgrim did say he was heading to the Cullen house. I can edit this if you think otherwise))

((Oh, you're not, don't worry about that. I'm really enjoying this.))

"A disagreement over a women." Carlisle replied. "One Mina Harker. I left before it could turn violent." He ignored the barb about Esme, though he narrowed his eyes.
"They'll leave first thing tomorrow, with their daughter." He said, suddenly very helpful. "They're going to go..." At that moment Dresden walked in. Taking advantage of the sudden distraction, he sunk his fist into Van Helsing's right kidney, then bolted for the stairs with incredible speed.

* * * * *
Solomon Kane
Jasper is waiting for you at the corner. "I'm alone. I have no girlfriend, that was just to try to get you to leave. And I don't want to fight you." He says, holding his hands to his sides.
He sighs a long suffering sigh. "But if you make me, you will regret it I assure you."

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 10:39 PM
Hellboy goes to where the wolves were standing. He wonders if for a moment if maybe they were skinwalkers instead of actual lycans. Stupid thought, seeing as how they had no skins. Either way, it's a small comfort. He's got silver bullets, and he's got wolf's bane. He looks at the ground for paw/footprints, anything. Something that big should have left a trail. He's just gotta' follow that and go straight to the den, he thinks as he starts replaces his regular ammo with the silver in his gun.

2009-11-26, 10:40 PM
Morbius wanders over to the bar and grabs three bottles of different types of liquor and pours them on the vampire corpes.

"It shouldn't have to be like this but alas it wasn't meant to be." Morbius lights a match and throws it on the corpse. "Of course now I'm stuck with no leads and I don't even know who off of my list I killed."

2009-11-26, 10:41 PM
"Girlycard" as I will call "him" to avoid any gender confusion, looks around at the blindly ignorant masses around him, so stupidly blind they could not see the vomit inducing disgrace that lived in this very town.

Girlycard sniffed deeply, for a moment looking like someone enjoying a well cooked meal's aroma before digging in to it with much gutso. Yes... Girlycard could smell it on the air even now, a nausea inducing mixture of Juniper, and body glitter. Such a disgrace to the name of Nosferatu... The Wanna be Wher Wolves could wait.

Now... Girlycard was about to investigate those unworthy of the name Vampire.... Girlycard would have to show them what he did to those who he considered unworthy.

So, Girlycard sauntered towards the "Collins?", or was it "Cullens?" Girlycard didn't really care. They were dead anyway.

2009-11-26, 10:42 PM
Crap, superninjad, rewriting right now

2009-11-26, 10:43 PM
It's a trail any blind man could spot. Whatever they were, they didn't see the need in concealing their presence. They were confident.
The trail of crushed plants, paw prints and broken branches was leading towards the reservation, when it stopped, and instead went sharply right. No. It split. Two of the wolves went of towards the reservation, while the others continued right,. They had slowed their pace, and the trail was so fresh he almost felt he could smell them.
* * * * *
Congratulations. You are hereby awarded ten points for your first kill. Assuming no more actions, you end turn in this nightclub (well, actually you run from the police and camp in a hotel you had already rented under an alliance, but by rule purposes...)
* * * * *
The scent leads you towards a parked yellow ferrari, were a stunningly attractive, short, pixie-like girl with short hair, and a orange cocktail dress is anxiously going through her purse, looking for something. She is whispering silently. "Crap, crap, crap, any second now..." that you can hear easily even from almost a block away. Due to the overcast sky, she is not sparkling.
* * * * *

2009-11-26, 10:46 PM
With a sudden motion Solomon Kane thrust the shapr end of his staff towards Jasper undefended chest, then stopped, mere inches away and said, "Then tell me but one thing good sir, where are Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. I also pray thee to be honest and forthright, lest you should be forced into fighting me. Because if it were to come to that, you would not live to regret it. I have slain dozens of vampires before by myself. Do not try me."

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 10:48 PM
"Stupid... or very smart. My money's on the first."

Hellboy keeps his gun at the ready, and decides to follow the trail going right. If he could catch the lone one, maybe he could get some answers, or at least a new coat. He knows it's pointless, considering he's bright red, stinks like brimstone and cheap vodka, and is over six feet tall, but he occasionally ducks behind trees, ***** a pointed ear, and checks on his surroundings.

2009-11-26, 10:51 PM
Jasper blinks. He was fast, but time was constant, and Solomon Kane was just as fast. Swallowing, he took a step back. "Look, I am not going to betray anyone. Sorry, but I'm not that sort of person. So then I suppose we're going to have to fight. He raises his hands, singing his centre of balance, then suddenly turns and bolts, flying down the street.
* * * * *
Ahead, he see's a very attractive brunette getting dressed, looking for all the world like most deceptions of Jane from Tarzan. She has clearly noticed him, but is pointedly ignoring him, no doubt thinking he's one of her fellow wolves. How she can think that is anyone's guess, but needs must when the devil drives.

2009-11-26, 10:52 PM
As I arrived, prepared for trouble, I had the surprise of overhearing a conversation between two man, then a oof of surprised pain. A form came blurring down the stairs, and would have made it past me if I had not just activated my shield bracelet with a thought. The multicoloured shield that sprung up in a flat pane in front of me was able to stop most things, but mostly force. Seeing the speed of the thing, I angled the shield to catch it and send it into the ceiling. It fell down heavily, and when it looked up to me, hate and bloodlust in it's eyes, it saw my left hand pointing a two foot long, glowing piece of wood at it while I maintained the shield between us.

Do not move or I will burn your head off.

2009-11-26, 10:54 PM
First things first Morbius takes some of the so called "venom" off of his finger nails and puts it into a petri disk he was carrying in his belt. "No other leads perhaps I can develop a manner to detect these faux-vampires later."

He also loots the dead HAMMER agent of his sidearm which seems to be modified to shoot surplus BPRD general anti-paranormal rounds and his badge. "He won't be needing these anymore."

Then and only then does the living vampire flee into the night.

2009-11-26, 10:56 PM
Carlisle swore. He did it surprisingly well, glaring at Harry, though occasionally his gaze would flicker to the stake. "How many of you bastards are there?" He said between profanities, though he at least had the good sense to not move.
* * * * *
Well done, your turn is over. See you tomorrow.

Moff Chumley
2009-11-26, 10:59 PM
Artemis nods at the boy. "Of course. We're both professionals, aren't we? First, of course, I would like to ask a few questions. I'd love to learn your name, first of all. I'm sure you know me. All other questions are up to you: their quantity and quality determine the amount of gold in this briefcase, which shall be left at the location of your choosing this evening."

2009-11-26, 10:59 PM
((This happens 'before' Harry immobilizes Carlisle, since that was posted while I was typing this))

"Harry? Don't you remember me? Gabriel Van Helsing, from the Knights of the Holy Order... 1994? Burkittsville, Maryland? Spent a week in the woods up there, tracking those three stupid teenagers who had angered the spirit of a witch?" Gabriel said, surprised that Harry Dresden had forgotten the week they had gotten on each other's nerves royally while looking for the three teenagers. At that moment, Carlisle used Gabriel's distraction to drive his fist into his right kidney. Van Helsing breathed out sharply as the pain stabbed through the right side of his body.

"Agh, bastard!" He swore loudly, as he turned his pistol on the fleeing vampire. Shots rang out as he squeezed off three rounds in rapid succession. Holstering his pistol and putting away his cross, he quickly brought out the crossbow and held down the trigger. The crossbow made it's distinctive rattle as a rain of stakes was launched towards Carlisle at high speed. Gabriel led his target considerably, knowing that at vampiric speed, he'd have to aim where Carlisle was going to be, rather than where he was.

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 10:59 PM
Hellboy takes a shot at her leg with his gun, and keeps some powdered wolf's bane clutched in his stone fist.

2009-11-26, 11:04 PM
It's a trail any blind man could spot. Whatever they were, they didn't see the need in concealing their presence. They were confident.
The trail of crushed plants, paw prints and broken branches was leading towards the reservation, when it stopped, and instead went sharply right. No. It split. Two of the wolves went of towards the reservation, while the others continued right,. They had slowed their pace, and the trail was so fresh he almost felt he could smell them.
* * * * *
Congratulations. You are hereby awarded ten points for your first kill. Assuming no more actions, you end turn in this nightclub (well, actually you run from the police and camp in a hotel you had already rented under an alliance, but by rule purposes...)
* * * * *
The scent leads you towards a parked yellow ferrari, were a stunningly attractive, short, pixie-like girl with short hair, and a orange cocktail dress is anxiously going through her purse, looking for something. She is whispering silently. "Crap, crap, crap, any second now..." that you can hear easily even from almost a block away. Due to the overcast sky, she is not sparkling.
* * * * *

Girlycard moves with blinding speed even for a vampire, her industrial duster billowing with wind from the movement, the red tinted sun glasses glinting malicious intent as she aimed a line of fire low, silver bullets with HE tips and mercury cores aiming to cut her down at the knees.

Normally, Girlycard would have waited a bit longer, but the scent was unmistakable, and he needed to work quickly if he wanted to kill them before the others she smelled on the air decided to steal her kill, or to get those who would be next on her list.

2009-11-26, 11:08 PM
The shot punches into her upper thigh, shattering bone and boring through flesh, leaving a terrible wound. She screams and falls flat on her face, and for a moment it seems as though she's about to pass out. In the end she just lies face down in the dirt, moaning.
* * * * *
Carlisle pulls the two bolts out of his back, wincing as he did so. both were perilously close to his heart, and another had grazed his shoulder. His open white shirt was stained a deep red. He'd stopped swearing, but only because he seemed to have run out of words.
* * * * *
The vampire rubbed his hands. A tell, the poker player in Artemis thought. "My name, is Alec." He said, his voice quiet, a calculating expression on his face. "But you already know that, of course."
He moved over, making Artemis room. "And you know who I represent. What I don't know is what you want, so I'll be direct. What can we do for you, Artemis?"
* * * * *
The girl's legs were both blown off at the knee's. With a high pitched scream she fell face first onto the concrete. Her nails clawed at the stone, digging deep furrows, and she managed to force herself to look up at Girlycard's features. Girlycard was smiling like a psychopath on the wrong medication.
"You... you won't find them." She chokes, as her eyes rolled back and she went into shock, convulsing with the pain.
She couldn't even grow back her legs. Disgraceful.

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 11:18 PM
Cautiously, Hellboy sprints over. He puts a hoof on her neck and kneels down, his gun right next to her temple. "Alright, little lady. You're gonna' tell me what I want to know, or you're gonna' get a face full of wolf's bane. We clear? Good. First question. What the Hell is going on around here?"

2009-11-26, 11:20 PM
She manages a weak laugh that ends in the bastard offspring of a choke and a sob. "You're asking me? The big red demon is asking the girl he just shot what's strange?"

2009-11-26, 11:24 PM
The shot punches into her upper thigh, shattering bone and boring through flesh, leaving a terrible wound. She screams and falls flat on her face, and for a moment it seems as though she's about to pass out. In the end she just lies face down in the dirt, moaning.

Girlycard sighs, and attempts to grasp the sad attempt at Nosferatu by her hair, if sucessful, she will breathe a heavy cloud of breath into the Michigan air, and spoke, her voice a dark melody, tinkling like a ominous bell.

"I bet your thinking I'm going to question you, you filthy sack of disgusting puss. However, I'm not in the mood for waiting."

Then, if the previous acts were successful Girlycard will sink her teeth into the failure at the attempt of a mimicry of Nosferatu.

For you see, Girlycard didn't need to go through the bother some process of breaking someone, for he could simply devour their soul, and gain whatever knowledge they have.

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 11:25 PM
He sprinkles a little wolf's bane in her eyes. "No, I'm asking the -werewolf- I just shot what's strange, and now I'm asking again. Don't think I don't have more of this stuff."

((Yo, Surgeon, he was talkin' to me.))

2009-11-26, 11:27 PM
A curious blend of memories, what is, what has been and what will be sink into you. The girl is not fixed in time, somehow, and many of her memories are totally useless.
You feel her soul merge with yours, then laugh. You know where the rest of them are. (I'll PM you everyone's locations tomorrow. You can pick and choose.)
* * * * *
She screams, even more piercingly then when you shot her leg.
"Allright, allright. A whole bunch of strangers are coming into town, looking for vampires. And killing any they find. We were trying to find them, and get rid of them." Suddenly she looks up. "Ah, that's probably not the right thing to say to you... that is... look, we're harmless. We leave the town alone, OK? So do they. Bella wanted to be bitten. And I don't get the big deal about Renesmee, sure, she ages fast, but she wouldn't hurt anyone."

2009-11-26, 11:28 PM
((Oh that's not a stake, though it can so be used by one if one needs to "make like Buffy", it's a blasting rod))

Christ Gabriel, I was just a kid back then. Things happened since then you know, plus you wear that bandanna half the time. So no I didn't recognize you from 50 yards away in shadows. Come help me with that thing okay?

My sight had never left the vampire while I bantered with one of my old comrades in arms, nor had my concentration wavered. Important lesson kids, when dealing with things that can rip you heart off and beat you to death with it before you loose consciousness, it pays to be cocky. Perception is reality

Carlile Cullen I presume. I am Warden Harry Dresden of the White Council. If you agree, I propose a ten minute truce under the terms of the Unseelie Accords. We need to talk. If you do not agree, or try to escape, I will blow your head off, then on the off chance that doesn't kill you I will allow Gabriel to perform a very painful ritual on you. What say you?

((going to bed kids, will try to post in the morning, if not see you at midday))

2009-11-26, 11:33 PM
Carlile blinked. He opened his mouth, then closed it. At last he shook his head. "I've seen the cut of your negotiations. Gabriel just showed me. You're going to kill me anyway, might as well get it done now before you force me to betray my family." He snarled at last.
With that out of the way, he lunged at Harry.

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 11:39 PM
"Harmless, huh? So what was the last thing you ate? How'd you all get to be werewolves? What do the -vampires- eat, and where are they from? Better question; who? You telling me that everyone's hunky-dory here? That you're all just sitting around singing Koom-Ba-Yah? I don't buy it."

2009-11-26, 11:44 PM
"Look, I eat as a human. I'm only a wolf because my dad was, our tribe has this story, basically any of us with a certain bloodline can turn into wolves. I don't know what the vampires eat, but they got gold eyes, and they say that makes them vegetarians, you know, eat animals, and my Alpha believes them. I mean, sometimes they fight other vampires, but that's different, you know? Now will you get of me?

2009-11-26, 11:50 PM
"Girlycard" the disgusting taste of body glitter, entirely too much make up and, perfume still lingering in her mouth; and the memories of not only the past, and present, but also the future flooding through "her" mind... She began to laugh, not caring who heard, but pulling out a incienderary grenade, the aim was to erase the evidence of any sort of crime.

Smiling to "herself", "she" morphed back into the standard Alucard, drawing out the Jackal, and Cassul, waltzing lazily towards is next target.

2009-11-26, 11:53 PM
Nice work Nightsurgeon, you have completed your first turn.

The Tygre
2009-11-26, 11:53 PM
"...Fine. But you let the furballs that find you know; the moment, the living second, I find out that one of you decided to switch over to the other white meat, I'm coming back for a new rug. Clear?" No sense in hiding. Now he knows he's not the only hunter in town. "Oh, and one more thing; you, your dad, the other fleabags? Any of you get in my way, I'll drop you like a bag of bricks. Just a heads up." With that, Hellboy bounds off toward town. There's safety in numbers; time to meet the competition.

2009-11-26, 11:56 PM
Gabriel looked at Harry for a long moment, then shrugged, and slung his crossbow over his back again. From within an inner pocket of his long duster, he produced a small book. The words "The Holy Bible" were written on the front in gold lettering. He opened it to a page he was very familiar with, and then pulled out his bottle of holy water from his pocket. He made a slashing motion with his arm, sprinkling holy water against Carlisle as he lunged for his friend, which drove the beast back against the wall with it's holy force.

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen" Gabriel began, speaking from memory, his voice growing stronger and louder as he spoke. It was always good to begin an exorcism with a prayer, it strengthened the spirit against the unclean thing it had to contend with. Crossing himself, and then making the sign of the cross over Carlisle, who shrieked and convulsed in pain at the words.

"Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy, Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us, Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father in heaven, have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us! Holy Mary, pray for us! Holy Mother of God, pray for us! Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us!" He continued, and again he made the sign of the cross with his hand over Carlisle's body. The vampire spat at him, and began to swear in every tongue known to man and vampire alike.

"I command you, unclean spirit, whoever you are, along with all your minions now attacking this servant of God, by the mysteries of the incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, by the descent of the Holy Spirit, by the coming of our Lord for judgment, that you tell me by some sign your name, and the day and hour of your departure. I command you, moreover, to obey me to the letter, I who am a servant of God despite my unworthiness; nor shall you be emboldened to harm in any way this creature of God, or the bystanders, or any of their possessions." he continued, voice growing in strength and volume, the room shaking, the heavens thundering, as the will of Gabriel Van Helsing, who was the Archangel Gabriel in the beginning, and now walked the Earth doing God's will, contended with the will of the devil-creature cowering below him.

"I cast you out! Unclean spirit! In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! It is he who commands you! It is he who flung you from the gates of Heaven to the depths of Hell! Be gone from this creature of God! Be gone! In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!" he finished, sprinkling holy water in the sign of the cross onto Carlisle with each word. The vampiric shrieks intensified, crescendoed, and reaked a peak. They grew deeper, more demonic, angrier, roaring with hellfire and rage. And then, the beast went limp, and Gabriel knew this task was done.

He looked over at Harry, and nodded slowly towards him.

"Good to see you, and thank you. Bastard would've gotten away if it hadn't been for you"

((This isn't the 'complete' account of how Carlisle is killed. I expect Harry did something, but thorgrim went to bed, and I don't want to wait until tomorrow to kill a twipire :smallwink: This is just one half of what happened, thorgrim has the other half.

Also note, this isn't the entire Rite of Exorcism. This is just a shortened one, because the real one takes like hours to recite.))

Moff Chumley
2009-11-27, 12:08 AM
"Tell me everything. I want to know about Vampires. Who are you, where are you, and what are you. Remember. The more I learn here, the more you and your organization... receives."

2009-11-27, 12:17 AM
Seeing the cowardly abomination flee in terror, Kane walked away, confident that the foul creature, if not killed, would at the very least pose no threat towards the decent people of this city of Forks. Truly, he is miserable and pathetic, barely worth notice. To continue his hunt he walks along the streets, visiting the various shops and holding discourse with both customers and store clerks. When he finds this to be of no avail, the Puritan avenger stalks off down the road of this city to the Indian Reservation near by, on account of rumors he heard about werewolves in those parts.

P.S. May I keep a running tab of how many bullets he has? This includes the twelve in his .35 revolvers (six bullets each) and the other 60 he currently has.

2009-11-27, 12:55 AM
((Please do, that sort of realism makes it more fun.))

2009-11-27, 01:10 AM
((Good. I'll do just that.))

2009-11-27, 01:28 AM
((Maybe we should put the rest of the turn on hold until tomorow. It is getting late you know.))

The Tygre
2009-11-27, 01:36 AM
((Maybe we should put the rest of the turn on hold until tomorow. It is getting late you know.))

((I agree. Besides, I think I'm done with my turn for now.))

2009-11-27, 01:40 AM
((sorry, internet has been playing up.))
Executor, consider yourself granted an extra ten points for awesome roleplaying.
thorgrim29, you get the full points same as him.
Everyone else, great first turn, see you tomorrow.
* * * * *

"What is it to be a vampire? It is to be eternal. To be made perfect, closer to god then humans could ever be. Indeed, to our eyes, what are humans but their own form of cattle?" He chuckled. "You are beyond all worldly constraints, subject to no authority but your own. Strong enough to kill an entire army. You are eternal, youthful while around you all decays. If you punch a wall, it is damaged, not you. Even the greatest of rulers treat you as an equal, or a superior. As well they should."

"To be Human is to be bound by society, by culture. But it is not our place to follow rules of conduct, but to decide what is right and wrong." He gave a small smile, not revealing any of his teeth. "Does that answer you question?"

"As to my capabilities, well, bullets bounce off me, and stone is no more inconvenient then fog. I am unaffected by sickness or the wasting of age, and very little can harm me."

"As to our organization, well, vampires have existed a long time, but have rarely been organized. Why should we, when each of us could be a god among mortals?" He sighed. "The first major attempt was in Romania, two thousand years ago. They lasted a time as the self proclaimed lords of the night, until my master's threw them down, and took rulership for themselves, as was their right. Since then, there have been few challenges, and we have grown strong. Our only real threat was in Romania, when an obscenely powerful Nosferatu united the remains of the Romanian coven. It seemed he would be mighty enough to challenge us, but I doubt it, given he is now a human's pet."

"Now? Now, we make the laws the vampires must follow. We are the order that all others differentiate too. We are the Ruler's of the night." Standing up in a single, smooth movement, he took a low bow. "What can we do for you?"

The girl simply lay there, in a pool own her own blood, sobbing lightly as the demon left. She made no effort to pick herself up.

Solomon Kane
Awesome, but perhaps it would be wiser to wait until tomorrow for your next turn.

2009-11-27, 07:39 AM
Refusing my perfectly reasonable offer for parley was to be the last mistake the vampire would ever make. It ran into my shield, trying to overload it, but it was designed to take punches from much stronger creatures. As it was gathering itself for another lounge, I dropped the shield and unloaded one of my silver rings into it's midsection, hitting it with about as much force as a charging bull. The monster hit the wall with the sound of breaking bones and as it fell down a beam of fire about as thick as my neck bore into it's heart. Surprisingly, it was still alive, so I let Gabriel do his work. While he was doing that I searched the place, looking for clues and/or beer. To my delight, I found the beer first, a sixpack of brown bottles without labels, and yes, incredibly, MacAnnaly's seal on the caps. I put the beers into various pockets and opened one as I continued my search.

2009-11-27, 10:32 AM
Abel yawned and streched, pulling himself out of bed with the relucant drag that only the jet-lagged can.

"Another day, another mission," he sighed quietly, as he pulled on his AX robes, and wandered downstairs. The smell of freshly cooked bacon was almost too much for him, so he hurredly exited the hotel.

Standing on the pavement, he breated deeply of the moring air, and cast an apprehensive glance at the overcast sky above him. "I hope it doesn't rain," he muttered, attracting a curious stare from a passer-by. Giving the pedestrian a nervous smile, Abel unfolded the map Katerina had given him, and with some difficulty, worked out a route to the Cullen's last known address.

Shortly after..
As Abel arrived at the house, his breath caught in his throat. The tang of the supernatural was on the air, and the crossbow bolts that were embedded in the wall held a dark significance.
"Van Helsing," Abel whsipered, his previous lighthearted demenour vanishing, as he beheld the scene of combat.
Unholstering his revolver, Abel moved slowly forward, further into the house. A sudden noise caught his attention, and he lifted his revolver, hunting for the source. It could be just an animal, but then.....

2009-11-27, 11:16 AM
((...So... I assume by "turn" I must wait for everyone else to get a kill before I can commit another homicide against the sparkly ones, and or the man bear pigs who call themselves Wehr Wolves? )

Moff Chumley
2009-11-27, 12:33 PM
((Cracklord, I'm kind of at a loss. If my objective isn't to bump off all the vamps, what is it? Also, what kind of deal had I made with this gentleman before hand?))

2009-11-27, 01:59 PM
Turn Two

((I sort of suggested that as, while Artemis is capable of violence, it's not really his thing. What he wants is profit.
But that's a suggestion. If you'd rather kill, then lets kill))

As you approach, you see a figure leap from the roof to the ground. Despite the building being three stories, she is quite unharmed. shaking her head, she looks around, obviously missing you, then sprints in your general direction.
She's very attractive, curvy and beautiful in a cold way, with brown hair and skin so pale it is usually associated with things that crawl in the depths of the ocean that have never seen the sun.

You find an obscene amount of money, some of the worst crimes to fashion since Glam rock, and other trappings of the obscenely rich, but nothing occult, and no hints where the others might be.
Then you come to the phone, and find a series of phone numbers. Names are not listed, but just the same, seems like the jackpot.

2009-11-27, 02:13 PM
After hiding from the Police and HAMMER agents that are now on his tail for murdering the agent (HAMMER covered up the murder of the Twipire) for the rest of the night and a large chunk of the day Morbius sets out to begin his search a new.

Taking his own Superhuman Registration card, a pair of scissors and the HAMMER agent's badge he makes himself a poor forgery of a proper Hammer badge with his identification on it. Not enough to fool proper law enforcement but it should do for his purposes.

He makes his way to the nearby school and barges into the Principal's office flashing his fake badge "Michael Morbius. Licensed Superhuman and Agent of HAMMER. I require use of your science lab and records of all students with the family name "Cullen" "Swan" or "Black".

2009-11-27, 02:24 PM
Edit:Sorry thought one of the areas was titled 'theater'
Night club
Ash looks up at the large theater in front of him and mutters, "Why can't the undead ever live somewhere nice? The book only said that 'Vampires exist and their in Italy', I was hoping for a wineyard or something else nice, not some ****-house club." He proceeds to kick down the door and scream, "Today's show is titled, 'Death of a Vampire' would all cast members please line up?"

Moff Chumley
2009-11-27, 02:42 PM
((Okay. I haz a plan.))

Artemis is visibly less than impressed with what he's hearing, but he's intrigued. Everything matches up with the research he's done. I'll be honest: what I want is gold. Something I believe your people possess in abundance. With this in mind, I would like to share something with you that my butler, er, Butler, discovered. About a dozen of the worlds leading assassins have been contracted to, shall we say, test the limits of your people's immortality. I, personally, think it would be a shame if such a... noble race were driven to extinction before appropriate experimentation could be done. Artemis stands, and Butler quietly moves up behind the vampire, while unholstering a large, nasty looking gun. I'm telling you this, of course, because I have no intention of hindering the aforementioned assassins. My goal in coming here was to conduct said experimentation myself.
Noticing Artemis' subtle nod, Butler fires a dart into the vampire's neck.
That dart contains holy water. You'll be lucky to remember anything of this conversation, let alone stay awake long enough for me to...
The vampire, who's eyes bugged out the second the dart penetrated his skin, suddenly slumps down, onto the pew. Butler calmly wraps the vampire in the robe, slings the package over his shoulder, and takes off towards the rented BMW.
...finish this sentence. Artemis grins; there's nothing more fun than destroying an invincible opponent.

2009-11-27, 02:43 PM
The club, owing to the laws of irony, was all but empty, save for a few people sitting at one of the tables, who ducked and covered after seeing his gun, and a lone man sitting at a bar, tall, lean and hard as a poker
He had messy hair, red eyes and a deathly pallor that really didn't go with his olive complexion. Giving Ash a bored look, he said in a polite voice. "Can you come back in ten minutes? I'd like to finish my drink if it's all the same to you."
* * * * *
Suddenly the principle can't be helpful enough. He guides you right to the science lab and gives you the storage room key. He doesn't even ask for further identification. Either he was expecting you, or he was desperate for someone like you to come.
* * * * *
((I likey))
Butler, working efficiently, folds the undead into a shoulder sportsbag, that he hoists onto one shoulder, replacing the gun as he does so.
The cathedral, by the time of your transaction, was deserted, save for you and the vampire. Suddenly, the bells toll loudly. Midnight. (Turn change.)

As Butler hides the result of this farce, Artemis hears the faint scrape of a boot against stone. You turn, trying to see what had moved. But there was nothing but the murk.

Sighing, already half convinced you had imagined it, you give the area another quick glance.

Then you see it, a shadow in the shadows, sliding along, a man’s shape in mottled grays and a shapeless cloak, barely more than a vague hint of texture in the murk…

The figure of a tall, lean man peeled back the hood of his cloak and stops midstep. Another does the same beside him.
They don't say anything. There is nothing to say.

Moff Chumley
2009-11-27, 02:53 PM
Hello, gentelmen. May I be of service?
Butler returns from the BMW a moment later, and draws his handgun. He mutters to Artemis, "is this part of the plan?" I expected somthing like this, yes. Hold fire, please.

2009-11-27, 02:55 PM
Ash shoots the glass with his boomstick and says,"There, it's finished, now you can either tell me where the rest of you are or-" He revs up the chainsaw and continues,"This can get MESSY!"

2009-11-27, 03:05 PM
"Please remember that I need those student records. Those are almost more important then my work here." Morbius sets about working on his SCIENCE!TM He takes the petri dish of venom from last night and places it under a microscope to see if he can identify any unique markers in it.

((I only read the first book and haven't seen the movies but I don't think Myers ever really identified much of the qualities of the vampire venom. So unless you want to make up a pseudo-scientific explanation for the stuff, I can pull handwave something together and skip to his final goal with the science. Morbius is going to try developing a way to detect the Twipires without witnessing powers or the sun making them sparkle.))

2009-11-27, 03:19 PM
Following the philosophy of « waste not, want not », I grabbed around ten thousand dollars from a completely unconcealed (and open) safe I found in the master bedroom. It seemed enough to cover my expenses, my rent for the month (or year), and a few upgrades for Little Chicago. I noticed there were a lot of euros in the safe, and a spattering of other currency, but mostly USDs and Euros. Figuring that meant the coven was often in Europe, I added 2 thousand euros to my pile of loot, and then another ten thousand USD for Charlie Swan. It wouldn’t bring the poor man’s daughter back, but I figured he’d want to move after all this. Then, taking a long pull at my beer, I continued searching the house until I found a list of phone numbers. Hearing Gabriel finishing downstairs, I went back to join him.

-You might want to go upstairs, there are portraits of the rest of the bunch, plus piles of cash if you feel like taking any, I took around 20 thousand and it barely made a dent. Plus I found the good doctor’s little black book, no names, but it’s still a lead. What do you say we go to my hotel, I make a few calls, you can tell me what you’re doing here, and we swap war stories around a beer or two? Then tomorrow we can continue the hunt. I’ll take care of the evidence.

I dragged the surprisingly heavy corpse outside, and cremated it while I had Mouse dig a hole for the few bones left and the ashes.

2009-11-27, 05:36 PM
"In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" Gabriel muttered and crossed himself as he looked upon the fresh corpse of Carlisle Cullen. Not exactly fresh, he reminded himself, Carlisle Cullen had died hundreds of years ago. This was just the time that his body descended into the final death. It was an odd feeling, to know that the last vestige of Dracula's evil was gone from the world, the last member of the Count's coven killed. It was a good act, but it made him thoughtful, reflecting on how long he had lived, how long Gabriel had fought his secret war against the things that lurk in the dark corners of the world.

"I hope you enjoy the Seventh* Circle of Hell, Carlisle Cullen" he muttered, as he turned to see Harry coming back down from upstairs. His pockets seemed to have bulged considerably since when he went upstairs. Gabriel arched an eyebrow at Harry's suggestion about taking the Cullen's cash. However, the suggestion to rest a bit and share a beer sounded very good to the vampire slayer, who suddenly felt very old in the wake of killing Carlisle Cullen.

"I don't need any money, Harry, the Order sees to my needs. And a beer sounds great" Gabriel said as he gave the Cullen house once last look with narrowed eyes, and then closed his Bible and replaced the tools of his exorcism within the many pockets of his duster. Then, feeling every year of the 128 he had spent on Earth, he turned and walked slowly back out to his car, to meet Harry back at the hotel.

Gabriel Van Helsing heads to the hotel

((*The Seventh Circle of Hell was reserved for the violent, according to Dante. I suspect vampires would fall within this circle))

2009-11-27, 07:03 PM
Walking down the road to the near by reservation Solomon noticed a wounded woman lying by the road, her leg bleeding profusely. Almost instinctively he ran over to pick her up and carry her to the nearest hospital. Then Kane noticed the nature of the wound its self.

It was a rather large gaping bullet hole containing shaved silver, holy water, wolfsbane and numerous other rare reagents. He then realized who aws responsible. "Hellboy did this to you, did he not?" After hearing the girl's cries Kane decides to muffle the young woman before carrying her off for treatment. While Kane only knows this Hellboy through he does trust the devil-man's judgement. This young woman, while annoying enough to shoot is not wicked enough to warrant death.
Day Two

The next morning after awakening from his rest, Solomon quickly donned his normal attire and withdrew his knapsack before leaving his humble hotel room. While breakfasting at the local diner, he keeps studying his fellow patrons to divine which one of them could be another of these sparkling vampires. He pays close attention to attempts at concealment such as heavy amounts of make up and concealing clothing as well as readings from his staff.

At the same time he keeps an eye out for his fellow hunters, especially Gabriel van Helsing and Harry Dresden. He had fought along side Gabriel but a handful of times in the past and has seen him cut swathes through the wretched abominations that plague this world. Whatever theological disscussions they had mattered little, for they both know each other to be good men who served God and mankind. As for Dresden, Solomon knew little but what he heard from rumor and that alone convinced Kane that his to be trusted. One of the most powerful and responsible wizards of his age, this Harry Dresden is a force to be reckoned with and for that reason our enemies truly should be afraid.

two .35 revolvers
12/12 bullets loaded
60 bullets unloaded

2009-11-27, 07:18 PM
As the figure came rushing towards him, Abel sidestepped, and leveled his revolver.

"Stop, if you please."
Leaping unbidden to his mind, like a long-surpressed hunger, were the nanomachine limiters. He supressed them, for now. As the figure drew closer, Abel beheld a strangely alluring woman, her borwn hair flying behind her. However, it was her complexion that really caught Abel's attention: she was as pale and waxy, as only a Methusalah could be.

"Vampire," hissed Abel, through clenched teeth, tightening his grip on his revolver, and gesturing once more for the woman to stop.

2009-11-27, 07:24 PM
-Wardening pays surprisingly less then you'd think, and my income from detectiving has shrunk a lot, what with fighting a war and teaching an apprentice, so I hope you won't judge me harshly for taking the money, plus I'm giving half of that to Charlie Swan, I got the feeling from meeting him he'll want to rebuild his life somewhere else soon. I have an apprentice now by the way, you might know her father, Michael Carpenter? She's his oldest.

I buried the remains and followed Gabriel to his car

Can we stop by for doughnuts? I've grown pretty fond of them since one saved my life

((a few minutes later, they exit the car near the hotel))

So I asked him for a doughnut, fresh from the ovens. He left and the next morning, sure enough, there was a doughnut on the passenger seat of my car

2009-11-27, 08:55 PM
(Sorry, My internet is playing up. I won't be able to get on much today, and maybe tomorrow.)
* * * * *
One of the figures removes his cloak. He's almost as big as Butler, and looks dangerous, although he could never exude the sort of menace the bodyguard does naturally.
"I am choosing to ignore what just happened. I don't have to. I could kill you, but Alec will want revenge for himself. Now put the bag down, or I'll give this old place a red paint job." The thug snarls.
* * * * *
The propetier, acting on some collective, long buried, barman instinct, crouches behind the counter.
The vampire doesn't flinch. He puts down the fragments of the glass with an audible sigh and a look of dissapointment, then stands up. "Fine." He says, taking of his jacket. "It will be a shame to ruin this suit, but somehow I doubt your going to leave.
* * * * *
It's an acid based compound, but non-science based. Almost impossible to replicate in labratory conditions. Harvesting would be the only realistic means of procurement.
It reacts violently with any sort of living or once living matter, in a manner startling like that of antimater, only without the energy discharge.
Unatural. Very Unatural (Stephanie would be proud. Stupidest explanation I could come up with.)
* * * * *
The woman stared at him, an almost feral expression of rage and grief on her face. She looked like she wanted to cry, or kill. Baring her teeth, she leapt at him.
* * * * *
Solomon encountered Paul, a large, dark haired, well muscled Werewolf. His actions. The boy is polite, but pushy, and will attack at the first sign of provocation. He will not take his wolf form except to flee.

You all meet at the hotel diner.

The blond man who ran comes in after two minutes, his face flushed, sparkling in the sulight. "KANE!" he roars, mad with grief and rage. "You killed her! How dare you! I loved her!" Seeing Kane, he leeps across the table, inhumanly fast, baring his teeth, his hands curled into fists.

2009-11-27, 08:57 PM
John Taylor

Leaving the Nightside is always hard. It's a place of hardship, a place of corruption and vice and all manner of sin. It's always three in the morning in the Nightside, and absolutely anything is for sale there. But it was still my home. Still where all the monsters like myself belong. But I was hired by Walker himself to destroy this clan of vampires. Something about keeping the Nightside stable, acting preemptively. Walker. The closest thing to an copper the Nightside has.

Coming here from London was far easier when you don't fly coach. Thanks to a favor he owed me, a nice mouse provided a Door to this town. Sitting in some shop that sold donuts, I quickly concluded that Americans have to taste buds. I sat there for perhaps five minutes wolfing the confection down. You learn to eat fast, in the Nightside, or the food might come back to life and eat you. I must have presented a ridiculous sight, a tall man with salt and pepper hair in a white trenchcoat, eating a donut. On my way out, I bump into another man, taller than I am, looking like a reject from the set of El Dorado. Kids these days.

I head through town, looking by hand for the clan. I didn't use my gift, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Then I hear gunfire, coming from a nearby bar. I don't like guns; never used them, never needed to. I enter the establishment. It's a kid, with some form of shotgun. I don't recognize the model; my girlfriend probably has one. He's facing some sort of vampire.

Stepping forward, I catch the vampire's attention, and prey that my carefully crafted reputation extends this far. "My name is John Taylor. You might want to stand down."

EDIT: Mind if I team up with Ash?

2009-11-27, 09:07 PM
Ash fires off his boomstick at the vampire before yelling, "Sorry, but you bastards are yet another threat that isn't going away until I send you back to hell where you belong." He then runs to one of the tables, kicks it over, and shields behind it while still firing at the vampire.

2009-11-27, 09:29 PM
"Purely arcane not really my fortay. This subrace supposedly sparkles in the sunlight, perhaps..." Morbius bombards the sample with the full range of light within the visible spectrum as well as infrared and ultraviolet hoping one of them will cause a reaction of some sort.

Moff Chumley
2009-11-27, 09:30 PM
((The bag is already in the car.))

Artemis sighs theatrically. I'm afraid you'll have to put your decorating project on hold, then...

The speed at which Butler sinks darts into the thug's necks is stunning. Artemis chooses to leave the stunned bodies, after searching them for identification, or other personal effects.

2009-11-27, 09:33 PM
Ash turns to the man who arrived as he ducked behind the table and yells,"Get down this sumbitch is a blood drinker!" While in his head he's going over the situation, 'This guy walks in as I'm shooting a vampire and merely strikes up a conversation...he's either a hair-brained moron, another vamp which considering he's not pale isn't likely, or he's got some talent and if I'm going to find these volituri then I'm going to need him'

2009-11-27, 09:42 PM
Upon seeing the hate-maddened creature lunge at him Solomon realized that any attempts at negotiating with him would be futile, saying to his fellow hunters, "Brace your selves for battle my brothers. Let God and our own skill grant us victory." So the Puritan solemnly raised both pistols and fired into the vampire. Aiming for and hoping that they strike the monster in the chest, he fires. He then quickly replaces his guns and draws the Staff of Solomon, braces himself and then throw his full strength and weight behind the sharpened end. While thrusting with spear end of his staff Solomon Kane screams, "Die vile Hellspawn and return to the Pit from hence thou came!"

two .35 revolvers
8/12 loaded bullets
60 unloaded bullets

2009-11-27, 09:44 PM
Apparently, my reputation doesn't extend too far out of the Nightside. The vampire didn't even cower in fear at my name, like those back home usually do. I should educate the poor fellow. I raised my gift, and let the world stretch out behind me. My gift doesn't seem very harmful at first glance; I can find things. But that's exactly it. I can find...anything. An enemy's weakness, the precise moment to strike. And now, I've found the vampires'.

They sparkle in the sunlight. It's their skin; diamond-hard, it apparently refracts light as well as protects their bodies. Somehow, it remains flexible enough for them to move in. And now, it isn't. Reaching out with my gift, I activate the vampire's skin, and keep it from becoming flexible, causing the bar to look like a low-budget disco. His skin turns to diamond; he cannot move. A living statue for eternity. I smile. My one regret is that the vampire won't be able to spread my reputation.

2009-11-27, 09:52 PM
Ash turns to the man who turned the vampire to stone, whistles and says, "Thanks, but right now we know two things about where the volituri leaders are; Jack & **** and Jack left town, so unless you know where they are then you might want to undue that!"

2009-11-27, 09:55 PM
BJ opens the door that the little girl led him to, awaiting to see what lies beyond.

2009-11-27, 09:59 PM
I raise my eyebrow at the kid. Obviously an American. I swear, the whole bloody country has a problem with swearing. Still, the kid has some skill, and more than a little bravery. He and Shotgun Suzie would get along great. They'd probably compare shotguns, or something. And then I remember where I had seen that particular model before.

"Name's John Taylor. I find things. Somehow, I don't think the Volturi will be any harder to find. That's a Remington, isn't it? My girlfriend has one mounted over her bed, and two more on her bedside table."

2009-11-27, 10:07 PM
"She's got good taste then." Ash then walks over offering to shake the stranger's hand and proceeds to say, "Well my main goal is to take out the leadership, then wipe out what's left of the mooks, so do you know where the leaders hide out?"

2009-11-27, 10:19 PM
"I will soon enough. To find something, I need a starting point. A specific question, to which I get a specific answer; this vampire will do. Where have you been, little bloodsucker?"

I reach out once more with my private Eye, with only heritage my mother left me. I focus on the glimmering statue that was once some sort of vampire. I won't get the location of the Volturi from this. What I will get is a trail. Every place that the vampire has gone, he has left an imprint in the surrounding reality. I can track that imprint. He appears as a ghost, pale and translucent, walking backwards through time. I place my hand on the American's shoulder, and let him see the apparition as I do, see the faded image.

2009-11-27, 10:23 PM
"Well isn't that an interesting peace of information....which still leaves me in the position of finding them in some run down theater, which I can't find in this god-forsaken town!" He then looks at the man holding his shoulder and says," Would you happen to know where it is?"

2009-11-27, 10:44 PM
"No, I don't. But it doesn't matter. All we need to do is follow the vampire's trail. Every place that he has gone, we will go. I expect that the chap has met with the Volturi leaders at some point; retracing his steps is child's play."

2009-11-27, 10:45 PM
"No, I don't. But it doesn't matter. All we need to do is follow the vampire's trail. Every place that he has gone, we will go. I expect that the chap has met with the Volturi leaders at some point; retracing his steps is child's play."

"Groovy, let's do that and after we send the bloodsuckers to hell, you wanna get a drink?"

2009-11-27, 10:55 PM
"Not here. I know a place that's not far, though. It's called Strangefellows."

2009-11-27, 10:57 PM
"Not here. I know a place that's not far, though. It's called Strangefellows."

"Well then, let's show up, interrogate one of them, THEN turn him to stone. That okay with you, big guy?"

2009-11-27, 10:59 PM
"I see nothing wrong with that plan. I'm afraid I didn't get your name, though, Mr...?"

2009-11-27, 11:00 PM
Solomon Kane
The two bullets richochette of his chest due to his inhuman resistance and the unfortunate angle. With a leaping bound he throws himself at you.
The staff punches through the vampires diamond hard skin like wet paper. The vampires shudders, totally impaled through the heart, but his lips tightened. He was blood-mad, he wouldn't let himself die until he had his revenge.
Swinging a fist in a great arc he hits the side of your head, dazing you and sending you flying. knocked of your feet by the force of the blow. He opens his mouth, makes a terrible gurgling sound, and then collapses into ash around the staff, as though he had never been.
* * * * *
The figure reaches up and grabs Butler. It's skin is unbroken, and the contact leanses it wore are askew, revealing blood red eyes. He smiled, holding Butler's shovel side hand in one hand, the throws him aside with a too flexible twist. Butler hits a wall, dazed.
Vampire. Marbel hard skin. Right.
"Look kid, the Volturri look after their own. Your gorrila's big, but he's only human. I'm a vampire. Now co-operate, or I'll make you." He growl's advancing on the twelve year old. Behind him, his partner picks himself up, rubbing his neck were the dart had hit.
* * * * *
None of the light has any eff3ect. Clearly, the conditions are more exact then you expeceted. Eventually you find that a very precisely composed filter is needed to focus the beam, and even so the sparkle is barely noticeable.
You're doing something wrong, or your sample is not sufficient.
* * * * *
The door leads to a starecase, that eventually ends in a sealed off room in the cathedral. Apparently, a covenant used to live here or something, and died in a gory way, the sign's not very specific.
Anyway, it doesn't seem to be the vampire headquaters.

2009-11-27, 11:08 PM
"I see nothing wrong with that plan. I'm afraid I didn't get your name, though, Mr...?"

"The name's Ash. Housewares."

2009-11-27, 11:12 PM
"...I see. John Taylor. Lilith's only son. Yes, that Lilith."

2009-11-27, 11:17 PM
"Still nothing? Magic is always such a pain it almost never functions within the bounds of science. Perhaps a larger sample?" Giving up on the science for now, Michael goes back to the office.

"I have finished with your science lab for now. I may require to return here later though." Michael begins to explain to the Principal as he returns the keys.

"Also I still require record on any students with the family names Cullen, Swan and Black. It is most imperitive I have reason to believe the Swan girl is in terrible danger."

2009-11-27, 11:20 PM
The trail leads towards the cathedral, than turns off, eventually leading to an appartment, to all signs modest, simple, and chokingly middleclass.
(New area unlocked, Urban Residential sprawl).
He has few posessions. In one concealed drawer you find what seems to be pieces of vampire skin (enough to sew yourself a metrosexual glamrock coat) taken as trophies, and there is plenty of clothing, mostly black suits, and a shadowy cloak of mottled grey's that lets you fade into the background. The trail stops. You can recognize another power, blocking yours. It's not as strong as your, but it's had a very, very long time to entrench itself, and is all but unovercomable.
There are red packages in the fridge, labeled AB Positive and A Negative, and a microwave, but otherwise the appartment lacks even basic facilities, like a sink or oven. There is, however, a few bottles of scotch, brandy and whiskey, and four shot glasses.
* * * * *
The principle shrugs. "Swan? Oh, right, Charlie's girl. She graduated a few months back. Got married straight after to a local boy, and moved in with him. Can't tell you more then that, sorry. She barely even comes to town anymore. Try the Cullen residence. (He hands you a peice of paper, the words Edward Cullen on the top). "I could give you her father's adress too, he'd probably know."
At the name Black, he stops. "Here you go." He says, after rummaging around for a few moments, handing Michael ten sheets. "Sorry, common name, you know." Wisely, he doesn't ask for anymore information.
"Are these... things... after them next?" He asks unsteadily?

2009-11-27, 11:24 PM
"Don't know any Lilith." Ash mutters to his new friend as they leave, but as they arrive in the apartment he says,"I knew Vamp's shopped at Hot Topic, but this is just ridiculous." He then finds the scotch and the shot glasses, sits down and starts downing the scotch before offering another bottle to his big friend. "Willing to bet even he had good taste."

2009-11-27, 11:28 PM
The drink is rich, and strong enough to make even a hardened drinker like Ash splutter. Thick and syrupy. The drink of someone who needs to light his throat on fire with every sip to taste anything.

2009-11-27, 11:29 PM
Something is blocking my Private Eye. Not something stronger than I am, thankfully, but still potent all the same. In a way, I am glad of it. The longer and more often I use my gift, the greater the chance my enemies will send the Harrowing against me. The faceless goon haunted my nightmares, and plagued me when I was but a child growing up in the Nightside.

Still, there should be plenty to investigate by hand. The blood packets might have an address on them. I'm not that good of a PI, outside of the Nightside. The last time I had left there, swearing to never return, I ended up living in a small cramped office, living on month-old pizza. It took a trap, in the shape of a woman who needed help finding her daughter, to get me back where I belonged. There should be a desk of some sort; there might be clues there as well.

Caught in my reminiscences, I jerk my head up at Ash's voice. "Lilith was Adam's first wife, thrown out of Eden for refusing to accept any authority. She descended into Hell and lay down with demons, and gave birth to all the monsters that have ever plagued this world. Or so they say. And I'm good for drink." Reaching into one of my trenchcoat pockets, I pull out a bottle of wormwood brandy, liberated from Strangefellows without payment. The good stuff.

2009-11-27, 11:35 PM
Still partially dazed and confused by the blow Solomon picks himself up with great effort, wobbling and occasonally stumbling while walking towards Dresden and van Helsing. He placed his hands the diner's table to help guide himself and support his currently precarious weight.

Wiping his own blood off of his lip he nods towards his two fellow heroes and exclaims, "Mister Dresden, I have heard quite a lot about you, and Mister van Helsing, my good friend and ally against the forces of damnation. How fare the two of you today?" Then when he finally regained his footing he said, "And as fond as I am of our theological debates, Gabriel, we have far more pressing and vital matters at hand."

He then stretches his back, dusts off his clothes and then faces the pile ashes that was formerly his would be killer and contemptious remarkes, "I have faced off against common street thugs more competent and fearsome than you."

2009-11-27, 11:38 PM
"Yes the father's address would be helpful. I have reason to believe the Cullens and at least one group among these Blacks are those things. If you happen to see any of the Cullens in Town or any of the various Blacks acting strangely do hesitate to call the authorities." Morbius begins to explain as he searches for the name Jacob among the files passed to him.

"Although if it comes to that do not make mention of me. My presence here is um...classified." Morbius stutters a bit at that last part it is not easy being fugitive and trying to save the world at the same time.

2009-11-27, 11:38 PM
"Ah. I'm guessing you had an interesting childhood." Ash says, savoring the drink,"I'm just your ordinary guy with an ordinary life."

2009-11-27, 11:39 PM
There is no desk. Or computer. Or bed. Or television. Or phone. Or any of a million things a house should have. No fans, or air conditioning, bug zappers, anything. About the only furniture present was a couch, a table in the kitchen, and two chairs around it.

The blood packets had been relabeled, listing their composition in a neat, controled hand. It looked like the stuff you see in hospitals, and was written in english rather then Italian, as one would expect.
* * * * *
The principle drinks it all up. He wants to believe.
The Black's adress all don't seem right. Each is under fifteen, four are over-weight, and three have left the town in the last few years. None of them seem like the figure you are looking for. Home-schooled then. Or educated in another town or facility.

Mr Charlie Swan is apparently the police chief in this town. Interesting.

2009-11-27, 11:43 PM
"Until about a year ago, I didn't know who my mother was. And my father died early on. I lived on the streets in the worst neighborhood this side of Hell. The Nightside. Where demons and angels alike fear to tread. Where anything can be bought or sold, without consequence or conscience. No law, except for the Authorities whose only concern is the profit they make. No police, except for Walker, the great preserver of the status quo." I break off my monologue, knowing that I might be boring the kid. "If you're so ordinary, then how did you get into all of this?"

Noticing that the blood packets were carefully relabeled, I looked around for any sort of refrigeration. An ice box, a cooler, something to indicate that the blood was either local, or not.

2009-11-27, 11:44 PM
"Huh, if nothing of interest is here besides this great scotch, so what about we just show up and kill every vampire in that theater." He then looks up at him and says nostalgically,"Camping trip, me, a friend and his girl, and my girlfriend. It was suppose to be a nice trip...except that we found a book, an ancient book bound in human flesh. It was the necronomicon ex mortus."

2009-11-27, 11:45 PM
"I'll take your word on the scotch. Strangefellows has spoiled me, I'm afraid."

2009-11-27, 11:50 PM
There is nothing to be found. Secret agents have more identifying marks. All you can think is he probably orders it in rather then gets it himself. His clothes have no labels either. You do find a box in the bottom of the closset, but it's empty except for neatly stacked and ordered Euro's.

2009-11-27, 11:50 PM
"Actually none of these "Black" children match the profile of any of my targets. I think I shall go see Mr. Swan. Thank you for your time." Morbius returns the files and heads out into the night to the Swan residence.

((Does this end my turn? I haven't fought anyone but this will be my section location change.))

2009-11-27, 11:54 PM
((Nah, certain locations, like Swan residance, are acssesible from anywere. You are technicly at the school. However, you can go and see Charlie (if you know who he is) without using up an action. I'm thinking of doing the same for the hotel, though that might be needlessly complicated.))

2009-11-27, 11:55 PM
"Well enough droning on about the past we need to move onto some place and I suggest that theater...if no other reason than because these three seem like cliched vampires without Lugosi or Lee's amazing talents so they're probably chilling in some run down theater right now talking about their awesomeness."

2009-11-27, 11:59 PM
Good work. Doliest, your turn is complete, you may take any other actions or roleplay if you wish, but you do not get to the theatre until turn three.
You and industrious each get ten points, for dealing with Dmitri.

2009-11-27, 11:59 PM
"I wasn't aware that more than one copy existed. Nasty piece of work." My more mundane search hasn't turned anything up. While I could hit the theater with Ash, frontal assault was not my usual modus operandi. I'm not a fighter; I can dodge reasonably well, but against pure physical force, I'm just as mortal as the rest of them. Still, I hadn't any other leads. "Let's go."

2009-11-28, 12:02 AM
"Really nasty." Ash says while looking around and thinking, 'I could take any one of those Vampires in a fight, hell I could take the entire leadership, but if I meet the entire army then I could lose..but I do have my friend here.'

2009-11-28, 12:05 AM
((Nah, certain locations, like Swan residance, are acssesible from anywere. You are technicly at the school. However, you can go and see Charlie (if you know who he is) without using up an action. I'm thinking of doing the same for the hotel, though that might be needlessly complicated.))

((I think having the hotels be free zones would make sense, since people really aren't going to be hunting anything there and it gives a nice meeting spot for the different hunters in between turns.))

Michael approaches the Swan residence and knocks very hard on the door. "Mr. Swan! My name is Michael Morbius I am ugh an agent of HAMMER. I'm here to talk about your daughter."

Morbius is really beginning to regret his decision to go rouge on this but anything is better than working for Norman Osborne.

2009-11-28, 12:10 AM
If the doors are what are sealed this room, then BJ will kick down one of them.

2009-11-28, 12:49 AM
As we entered the hotel lobby, for myself munching on doughnuts, a struggle was underway. A man I vaguely recognized from a file I read in Edinburgh, Salomon something. The man looked typical for us monster hunting folk, weapons, long leather coat, and a sweet hat. Standing out was the stick he had just impaled a vampire with. Rumored, ironically, to be the the seal of Salomon. The man was probably as dangerous as Kincaid, and as mysterious, but had never been hostile to Council members outside of misunderstandings. Kane, his name was Kane.

Mister Kane is it? pleasure to meet you, Harry Dresden, Warden. Seems this town is positively crawling with do-gooders. Gabriel and yourself know each other? Excellent. It seems we three are after this subrace of vampires, who seem to be as strong and fast as black court and possessed of at least some of their mind powers, yet physically resemble the White Court and are not afraid of the sun, or, one would assume, garlic and running water. From your file I know you to be a relentless enemy of such creatures, and if you know of me then you probably know I started a war with the Red Court, decapitated the White Court and destroyed one of the few remaining Black Scourges. Also I cook a mean soufflet. I do not mean to boast, but I wanted to be sure you had no doubt on which side I'm on before I propose an alliance.

2009-11-28, 01:13 AM
"Solomon, it is good to see you again" Gabriel said with a smile, for he recognized the Puritan Warrior from several previous encounters. Always, Solomon had proven a stalwart ally, although the fanaticism of his Puritan faith was never to be underestimated. Like Gabriel and Harry, Solomon wore a long duster coat, and a slouch hat not unlike Gabriel's. However, he lacked the bandana that Van Helsing often tied around his face.

Gabriel listened carefully to Harry's suggestion, nodding as Harry spoke. The suggestion was certainly an intelligent one. Any individual one of them was more than a match for a Cullen, it seemed. All three of them could deal with the Cullen coven quicker and safer than any of them could alone.

"I agree with Harry, my Puritan friend. We should pool our resources to deal with this coven Now we have some catching up to do! Harry has beer! It's American and it tastes like half-frozen ghoul piss, but it does the job" he said, and then his face lost it's mirth for a split second, before returning to a smile. He had felt... something. Something elusive, but powerful, some miles away. A presence he had not felt for a long time.

"Michael?" he thought, keeping up the facade of normalcy on the outside, but now quite concerned. If the Lord had seen fit to send Michael into this, how dangerous were the Cullens, really?

2009-11-28, 01:32 AM
Upon hearing this request for an alliance Kane responded, "Of course Misters Dresden and van Helsing. Perhaps we should all find a more private room to dicuss the events of the previous days, as they were and formulate new strategies to combat these Cullens. Which mostly would amount to use of ambush and swarming tactics. It cannot be more difficult than that. I also have a theory about exactly what kind of creatures the vampires we face are."

2009-11-28, 01:33 AM
Show some respect my friend, this may be american, but it was brewed by a good friend of mine, who would be aghast that it found it's way into a vampire's fridge. It is an artisan brew, not some watered down horse urine like I see at the bar.

I fetches 3 beer glasses and a bottle opener at the bar, left the barmaid a 20, and poured the liquid amber of MacAnnaly's brown ale, heated to near perfect temperature by it'S time in my pockets

Edit: I don't think Michael's actually shown up yet. And I dare hope he'll appear a bit less conspicuous the a six winged titan.

2009-11-28, 01:35 AM
((Aggripa: Michael is several miles away, in the forests, I've not yet started to RP as him, and in fact who will be RPing him is in question at the moment. Could you edit, my friend?))

2009-11-28, 01:39 AM
((Okay its done.))

2009-11-28, 01:58 AM
((Silly Thorgrim. Michael doesn't do subtle. At all. He has never had to adapt. Besides, imagine Edward and Bella, indulging their fantasy, when St Michael swoops down, in his armor, gold wings and flaming sword, and says:
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.))

Charlie opens the door after almost a minute. His eyes are glazed, suggesting he's just woken up, and there are deep shadows beneath his eyes. He looks haggered and tired, worn with in an inch of his life. His curly brown hair is peppered with grey and silver, and he has a hunched, sick look about him.
"Can I help you?" He asks, his voice toneless and listless, but more then that hopeless.
* * * * *
A stone passage greets you, dark and shadowy, with light filtering in through long boarded up windows. Ahead, you can here the murmur of voices.

((I am considering relaxing the rules on inter-party conflict. Considering.))

2009-11-28, 02:05 AM
At this point Charlie will likely realize the man standing at his door looks like he just walked off the set of a Hammer-era Horror vampire flick. Considering the fact that Charlie has recently had contact with both Hellsing and Dresden he most likely won't be comfortable with an obvious vampire standing at his door. "I wish to help your daughter but I require your asistance."

2009-11-28, 02:09 AM
Shaking hands had already cocked a gun, and were pointing it unsteadily at Michael Mobius. "You... you're one of those... those things, that did this to my Bella!" He shouts, spit flying from his mouth.
"Get away!" He says, waving the gun vaguely, while backing away. You get the impression he's not actually ready to shoot you, but just the same, he's clearly a desperate man at the end of his sanity, and therefore far more dangerous then he would usually be expected to be...
"Why?" He says, impotent rage making him tremble. "Why did you..." His voice trails off. "What do you want with me?"

2009-11-28, 02:21 AM
The bullet flies into Morbius's shoulder and sends him reeling slightly.

"I apologize for my apearance but I can assure you I am not one of those monsters that took your daughter. I have only your best interests at heart. I wish to save her both from the coven of fiends that took her from you and from Norman Osborne who wishes to turn her into a weapon but I need your help."

2009-11-28, 02:24 AM
Gabriel took the glass, and looked at Harry dubiously. His eyebrow was raised. Everyone who knew him was familiar with the Van Helsing's 'single raised eyebrow' facial expression. He swilled the beer around in his glass a bit, and then took a sip. Then another. Finally, he took a long swig of the ale. His facial expression was a happy one as he aah'd after lowering his glass, vampire slaying was thirsty work.

"I'm pleasantly surprised, Harry. This American beer isn't quite horrible. Not quite Canadian or English beer, but it's not so bad" Gabriel said as the group, now a trio, headed upstairs for Harry's hotel room, where they would have some privacy to discuss the dark business of the coming days. As they ascended the stairs, Gabriel's face returned to an expression of deep thought, as it so often did these days. Thoughts on the past. It was at times like this that he missed Carl, the friar who had proven such a stalwart companion on so many hunts for these evil beasts. He had passed away peacefully many years, but that was the gift of Man, that they could eventually pass on when their time was done. Gabriel could not recall what he had done to anger God, if he had done so, but he was cursed to endure, to watch his friends grow old and die, for all the ages of Earth. And always, always would he hunt evil wherever he found it. Edward and Bella Cullen included.

2009-11-28, 02:26 AM
Charlie, noticing the lack of effect the gun has, lowers it slowly and reluctantly. He is still shaking, but seems a bit more composed. "It's too late for Bella." He sniffles. "Everyone says so, and they all seem to know what they're talking about." He looks around, then takes a step back. "Spose you can come in." He says, the invitation forced according to the ancient myth. "I already told the other guy everything."

2009-11-28, 02:44 AM
"She has been turned? That is most unfortunate but there might still be hope. Not very many but some strains of Necrosis Nosferatu better known as the vampire infliction are potentially curable. I would not get your hopes up too high. While I have developed cures for some lesser strains over the years I have been working since the 60s on curing myself." Morbius says as he enters the home of the poor tortured soul. He knows this pain all too well as he watched his own loved ones go through it himself all those many years ago.

"I'd need more information on this coven's traits and some fresh genetic samples before I even make any reasonable theories as to how it might be possible to cure her affliction." Morbius sighs. He knows this is most likely a fools errand but he can't let this man continue suffering as he is now, if there is any possibility to save his daughter, to save Charlie from the tragedy his family knew he had to do it. Then he realized something else.

"You mentioned others. Who?" Other hunters? Could they be in the employ of Norman Osborne?

2009-11-28, 02:57 AM
Charlie shrugs. "I dunno. The Cullens. Family who live a few miles north of town. You... you know what they are." He says. It was not a question. "I can't say I liked em, but I didn't let em bother me. Had bigger problems, and I can't say I knew what they were. Then one... Edward..." He spat the name. "Started hanging around her."
He sighed, rubbing his lined face. "I knew he was bad for her, not how bad of course, but she wouldn't listen to me. Well, every girl who's infatuated thinks she's in love, I know that as well as anyone, and better then most. I figured they'd be together a while, and she'd look past the pretty face. Then... Well, you can guess what happened, and now I've got a granddaughter who'll be my age in a few month's, she's growing so fast, and my Bella... My Bella's..." He stops and takes a few deep breaths. "Gone. That thing is not her. I'm her father, I know that for a fact."
He sighs. "Don't lie to me. There ain't no cure. She's gone, and nothing can change that. God have mercy on me, but I wed my daughter to a demon, and he's... perverted... her." he said, in a flat dead tone, seeming always on the verge of tears.

2009-11-28, 03:13 AM
"I will be honest with you sir. It is very unlikely a one in a million shot that it is possible to cure Bella but I will try. I am truly sorry for your loss. What the Cullens did to her is an unforgivable crime even amongst other monsters, they will be dealt with for it." Morbius sighs. He really doesn't like the way things are turning out here.

"I do need to know who else is looking for the Cullens though. I am sure you had the best intentions telling the others about them but there are some bad men out there who want to use Bella as a weapon. If one of the men you told is involved with them then there are bigger problems then the Cullens."

2009-11-28, 04:25 AM
At first, it looked like Charlie wasn’t going to answer. Then, he groaned torturously and fixed Michael a beady look. “Which one do I trust? Already met two. Both tall, grim men in coats, all promising the same thing. I don’t know anymore.”
He took a deep breath. "I may not look like much anymore, but i used to be a cop. I know what's right. I don't want vengeance,that won't help me or my Bella. But I do want to know that those... monsters... aren't going to do the same to anyone elses little girl. You understand me?"

2009-11-28, 06:20 AM
Tensing, Abel threw himself aside before the woman's lunge. Rolling up, he levelled his revolver, and faced the woman.

"By the authority vested in me by his holiness Pope Alessandro XVIII, I demand that you cease," All trace of whimsy was gone from the priest's voice now, his mind utterly focussed on the task at hand.

"If you will not comply, I will be forced to open fire."

2009-11-28, 12:30 PM
On the way to the theater, I reach into my pocket, and grasp a set of chaos dice. I had been using my gift far too often; there was a fairly good chance that the Harrowing would be coming the next time I opened my Private Eye. Idly, I wonder who else is hunting the vampire clan; nobody else from the Nightside, or I would have heard about them. Possibly the White Council, since the one Warden who had dared to enter had spoke of a war...before he was killed of course. You can't try to enforce a law in the Nightside, let alone seven. In my life, I've broken four of them already. You do what you have to, in the Nightside.

Moff Chumley
2009-11-28, 12:56 PM
((Sorry for the late response...))
Artemis remains unfazed. Well, I suppose we have a bit of a conundrum. Your friend is already in the car, on its way back to the airstrip. There's nothing you or I can do about that... It is, as they say, what it is. I'm a businessman. Make me an offer.
Butler quitely stands up and brushes himself off, not entirely surprised looking at this turn of events. Tact be damned; he slowly unholsters his modified Sig Sauer. The thing could put holes in an armored truck. Marble hard skin would pose as much of a challenge as rice paper.

2009-11-28, 01:16 PM
"Those men don't sound like anyone I know on Osborne's payroll so they likely trust worthy." Morbius sighs. He has no idea who the others are yet but Osborne wouldn't be sending men like that in he'd send in Ares or the Sentry someone at least more dangerous that Morbius.

"I wouldn't worry about those abomination's fate. Every single one of them will be reduced to dust soon enough." Morbius reassures the scared man. He only wishes his own family had someone to take their vengeance upon like Mr. Swan does, they had no one to blame but Michael himself.

"I'd suggest you get out of Town though. If Norman does send someone you will be on the new hit list and even between three separate hunters remantes of the coven might come for you before we deal with all of them. I have some powerful friends in New York who could help you get settled in and find work. Just tell them that Michael Morbius sent you and you need to get away from some vampires." Michael takes out a note pad and begins writing names, addresses and phone numbers on it. Upon inspection Mr. Swan may recognize some of the names as various famous figures: Peter Parker star photographer for the Daily Bugle, Tony Stark multimillionaire and the superhero Iron Man, Hank Pym successful scientist and founding member of the Avengers, the Fantastic Four and Matt Murdock a successful lawyer who is known for many high profile cases involving superhumans.

"At least give it some thought. Things are about to get very dangerous within Forks. I must return to my hunt. You do what you think is best."

2009-11-28, 01:37 PM
BJ creeps up to one of the boarded up windows and tries to look out the other side through the cracks.

2009-11-28, 02:57 PM
He's on a hill, overlooking the town. He can see what looks like the a stone staircase leading to the cathedral, turning round the hill in a basic spiral.
As he moves, the voices are getting louder. One is self-assured, adolescent, the other the self-assured drawl of a killer.
* * * * *
The woman stared at him. then dismissed his words. "Get the hell away from my family. Get away from my children." She hissed, arcing her back and baring her teeth.
* * * * *
Charlie took the paper uncertainly. He seemed more at ease, but that thin patina of composure shattered as he looked at the paper. At last he stuttered "Who the bloody hell are you?" Surprise seemed to have temporarily banished self-pity, though it would likely be back soon.
* * * * *
The two vampires ignore Butler. The big one takes a step forward. "This crap has gone on long enough. What are you going to do, cry at me little guy?"
"Don't kill him."
"Yeah, yeah." He said, making a fist and walking towards Artemis slowly. "But it will be my pleasure to break a few bones."
* * * * *
They click together like bones in your grip, radiating ominous potentiality. While they only have six sides, you can't escape the impression they have many more, an infinite number, large and random as chaos itself, some huge, some little more then a pin prick.

2009-11-28, 03:09 PM
As we head to the theater, I notice a young boy in an alley, standing across from a pair of vampires. Then I notice the big guy backing him up. The guy looks tough, but human. They're probably outclassed, but there's something...off about the boy. I don't make any move to help, though. The big guy probably sees me and my friend Ash. I'd like to think he's otherwise occupied, though. We keep walking.

2009-11-28, 03:09 PM
((Silly Thorgrim. Michael doesn't do subtle. At all. He has never had to adapt. Besides, imagine Edward and Bella, indulging their fantasy, when St Michael swoops down, in his armor, gold wings and flaming sword, and says:
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.))
(I don't think I'm that good, but by God I will try!) It has been all most 70 years sense I have been among Man, so know when I say its feels good to stretch my legs it feels relay good. That out of the way I get on to way I'm hear... The Twipires. My name for them mind you, thou it hardly matters as they'll all be routing in hell soon enough. This beings a personal mission of mine and one given by the Lord I am restricted in I can do, but I have my sword and the strength in my arms more then enough to deal with Thea's Abomination and their thralls. My wings folded around me like a cloak and my sword secure on my belt I begin too march to the home steed of my first target one Jacob Black of the Quilute(?) tribe I should reach there just before dawn.

(How was that?)

2009-11-28, 03:21 PM
"Now, now, dear lady. I at present have no idea who your are, let alone who your children might be. Although, logic does lead me in a certain direction. Given our location, might I have the pleasure of addressing a Miss Cullen?"

As he spoke, Abel lowered his gun, and endevoured to look as conciliatory as possible. He was not yet certain of this woman's identity, and did not wish for a fight that would force him to bring forth the Crusnik, if that could be avoided. Not with Van Helsing around, as he doubted that the fanatical killer would make exceptions for good Catholics.

"Now, ma'am, why don't you tell me who you are, and what you're doing here, then I'll tell you the same of me. How does that sound?"

2009-11-28, 03:42 PM
Now that was settled, I excused myself and moved up to my room, I had calls to make. First, I dialed Murphy's number. She answered groggily

-Murphy here

-Hiya Murph, it's me

-Dresden, what do you want at this hour?

-I need intelligence

-"chuckle", that's nothing new. What can I do for you?

-I'm hunting down a vampire coven in Washington, the state, and I need a few numbers checked. Who they belong to, that sort of thing. It's not important enough for you to get in trouble over, but any info would be appreciated.

-You need backup? I can call in sick and be there at daybreak

I've said it before, Murphy is good people

-No, it's ok, I've met some like minded friends here, and I've got Mouse with me, plus they're not nearly as dangerous as Mavra's clutch.

-I'll see what I can do

-Thanks, the numbers are ..... (gives her the numbers, plus his contact information, plus a number where to call the wardens if he's not at the hotel when she calls

-Harry, one last thing


-Be careful.

-I always am

Then, I dialed the Edinburgh, and asked for Captain Luccio. She answered after five minutes of password giving

-Dresden, what is it?

-Hello Anas..
I bit off the rest, things were not as... intimate as they had been between us

I mean Captain Luccio, I'm calling to report. I'm currently tracking down a vampire coven based in Forks, Washington. They seem like an hybrid of Blacks and Whites, but for all that, surprisingly easy to kill. I've joined forces with Solomon Kane and Gabriel Van Hellsing, so backup is unnecessary. However, I'd like to know if we have anything on a Cullen clan, and if there are Ways to Chicago or Europe near my position.

-Kane and Hellsing? You have powerful friends Dresden. I was going to send wardens there anyways, according to my contacts the Hellsing organization have sent their pet vampire to Forks, as a result Iscariot moved in, sent theyr number one man. Hellboy was also sighted driving to the town, and Wizard Rashid sent work that his wards and alarms have gone off, something big just crossed from the Nevernever.

-Hellsing and Iscariot? This is bad, the vampires have enthralled about half of a tribe of werewolves, the Quilute I think they're named, these maniacs will just slaughter them without asking questions, and I know I cant stand up to that monster. What do you want me to do?

Moff Chumley
2009-11-28, 03:58 PM
Artemis nods. Butler shoots. There are very few things on earth that can kill a vampire; one of them is a bullet the size of your thumb.

2009-11-28, 03:58 PM
"I am someone not entirely like you. I came into this form by accident when trying to cure myself of a rare blood disease. I lost my family, my practice, my life. You police the monsters amongst your fully human peoples, I police the monsters amongst the monsters." Morbius heads towards the door.

"If you meant how do I know all those famous and powerful people? Let us just say that one meets some truly colourful characters in my line of work." With that he dashes off into the night. If his turn isn't over yet then he continues down the road towards the Cullen residence. If it is returns to his hotel room, which coincidentally happens to be the same hotel Dresden is entertaining Kane and Hellsing at.

2009-11-28, 04:10 PM
"Harry, I think we have a problem" Gabriel said as he walked into his friend's room with a huge leatherbound book in his hands, the pages made of old and crinkled parchment. On the cover, gold lettering read: "Encyclopedia Vampirica, by A. Van Helsing" . He placed the old tome down carefully on a small table in the hotel room, and pointed to the page he had opened it to. He was in the E section. On the page, there was a picture of a vampire, with skin glistening like the sun, blinding several vampire slayers.

"This is our quarry, friend" Gabriel said "Edward Cullen. Born 1901. Died, 1918. Rose again, 1918. He is fast, faster than any of the other members of this coven, and my son calls him the best fighter as well. He can see into your mind, or hypnotize you with the sound of his voice. He may look young, but he is old, and cunning. He may try to trick us, as the last vampire did, and with his powers of hypnosis, we will have to be careful" the vampire slayer explained, moving his finger down the page as he did.

"My son encountered him several times, as he recounts here" Gabriel continued "He has tried all the old methods. Garlic, stake to the heart, holy water. Nothing seems to have worked. The crucifix drives him back, but does not kill him. Perhaps if we cut off his head, that would work, but getting through their skin is the tough part. And worse, he has a bride" At that juncture, Gabriel took a photo of a dark-haired young girl out of his inner coat pocket and threw it down on the page.

"Bella Cullen, his eager volunteer, his devoted disciple, his wanton followed. The Devil's concubine. It has been several years since she was turned, and his hold on her will be very strong. I do not think that we will be able to bring her back from the darkness, like my son did with Mina Harker" he finished, and then shook his head slowly. Taking off his hat, he ran a hand through his brown hair as he often did when stressed, and then rubbed his eyes.

"What do you propose we do, old friend?"

2009-11-28, 04:29 PM
BJ, upon hearing the voices, pulls out his Lee Enfield, and aims it in the direction of where the voices are coming from, crouching against the wall away from the light of the window.

2009-11-28, 04:46 PM
Alucard, having tarried far too long in dark alley's, and a smoke filled bar or two to grab a snack that didn't taste like drinking rubbing alcohol (and by snack I mean some poor drunkard who tasted like some sort of mixture between turkish delight, and Jack Daniel's. Which while not the most pleasing of combinations, manages to rinse the taste out of his mouth.)

He soon arrived at the site of the destined "meeting.", and promptly popped a squat on a near by bench to wait for them to arrive.

2009-11-28, 06:27 PM
(I don't think I'm that good, but by God I will try!) It has been all most 70 years sense I have been among Man, so know when I say its feels good to stretch my legs it feels relay good. That out of the way I get on to way I'm hear... The Twipires. My name for them mind you, thou it hardly matters as they'll all be routing in hell soon enough. This beings a personal mission of mine and one given by the Lord I am restricted in I can do, but I have my sword and the strength in my arms more then enough to deal with Thea's Abomination and their thralls. My wings folded around me like a cloak and my sword secure on my belt I begin too march to the home steed of my first target one Jacob Black of the Quilute(?) tribe I should reach there just before dawn.

(How was that?)
((Not bad. Could be a bit more descriptive, and tells rather then shows, but he's a huge, larger then life character.
Rmember, you are obscenely powerful in everything. For one thing, he can outrace the sun in Paradise Lost, and if you fly, you'd be there already. Remember, Michael doesn't do subtle.))
The reservation is a small plot of land, dusty between the trees, the buildings small, simple, or trailers. Most people had a tired or lost look about them.

The beach, at the second, was deserted. That would soon change, based on what you'd seen in the girls blood.
* * * * *
"When I kill you, they'll be safe." She replied, leaping at him again, her golden eyes flashing.

2009-11-28, 06:41 PM
((I'm assuming that no response means my turn is over and I'm back at the hotel now.))

2009-11-28, 06:41 PM
I arrive at Jacob's home 20 minuets before dawn. I march up to the front entrance and shout: "Jacob Black of the tribe Quilute(?), your judgment has come! Come forth and face it with what little honer you have left!" and now I wait and see what he dose now.

Moff Chumley
2009-11-28, 07:46 PM

((Oh, So I don't qualify for a response?)) :smallwink:

2009-11-28, 08:05 PM
((Actually, I wanted to give you all one, but as I said, I am having issues, and the fixer guy isn't here yet. I'm sorry, and I will answer you all as soon as I can. I am currently typing on a neighbors computer, who is being very generous.))

You return to your hotel room. As you enter, you notice three dangerous looking men, each dreesed in big coats, with the hard, craggy faces of soldiers who have never stopped fighting. Around they have enough weaponry to outfit a unit, from a variety of era's and cultures, all well honed and cared for.
They are discussing something in soft voices.
* * * * *
The vampire who was aproaching you get's three shots in the back, punching through his skin with enough force to punch through the other side and embed themselves in the stone wall before he has a chance to so much as react.
As Butler turns his gun on the second vampire, it is already gone, moving quickly to the side and through a door.
The vampire he shot begins to pull itself upright. The shots punched through it's lung, kidney and stomach (Butler is always accurate), but the Vampire doesn't need any of that.
* * * * *
A tall, lean man, pale as buttermilk with the face of a model and the build of an light weight boxer rounds the corner ahead of you. He is wearing the same cloak the little girl was dressed in, and a plain, black suit, the sort of black that doesn't show the stains.
He stops as he see's you.
"Quick, their's a maniac with a gun. Big as a house. I need help!"
* * * * *
The reactions are typical, a mix of awed, reverant, and outright terrified. No one can feel secure before an instrument of gods divine justice, and there can be no mistaking what you are.
Even the most holy, has doubts, and your pressence draws these doubts to the front of their mind. You get a few stuttered replies, but nothing you can use.
Then a big, serious looking boy (a werewolf, not by choice, but a bargain struck by his ancestors he has been forced to endure) steps forwad (his name is Sam. He loves a women named Emily as part of his ancestors bargain, and the other wolves consider him one of two alpha's). He blinks a few times as his eye's adjust to your radience, then stops, unsure of how to adress you. At last he clears his throat. "Perhaps I can help you...sir?" He says, unsure. He had been an aethist until moments ago, now the foundations of his life are crashing down. You feel sympathy, but also righteous fury.
* * * * *
"There is a few in Italy. But that's the least of our worries." He took a deep breath.
"Dresdan, this is getting crazy. As bad as the town was, now it's gone to hell. Michael has been seen. Yes, St Michael, from the bible. Flaming sword and six wings. There are pictures. There is a film on youtube. And that's not the worst of it.
Ten magicians we had monitoring the area around you just died. Their supervisor bit through his own tounge, clawed out his eyes and started babbling phrases we couldn't recognize, or even pronounce, without stopping to breathe, until he suffocated to death. I'm scared and confused, Dresdan. And I don't like to act when I'm scared and confused. Find out what's going on, and tell us so we can do something about it. But please, be careful."

2009-11-28, 08:12 PM
((Thank your kind neighbour on my behalf would you?))

Morbius saunders into the room. Unsure what to make of these men. He draws the gun he stole from the ever so kind HAMMER agent and calls out to them hoping that they aren't going to try killing him before he can recieve information from them. "May I help you gentlemen?"

((Are they Dresden, Hellsing, Kane team or Twipires wearing long coats?))

2009-11-28, 08:13 PM
The reactions are typical, a mix of awed, reverant, and outright terrified. No one can feel secure before an instrument of gods divine justice, and there can be no mistaking what you are.
Even the most holy, has doubts, and your pressence draws these doubts to the front of their mind. You get a few stuttered replies, but nothing you can use.
Then a big, serious looking boy (a werewolf, not by choice, but a bargain struck by his ancestors he has been forced to endure) steps forwad (his name is Sam. He loves a women named Emily as part of his ancestors bargain, and the other wolves consider him one of two alpha's). He blinks a few times as his eye's adjust to your radience, then stops, unsure of how to adress you. At last he clears his throat. "Perhaps I can help you...sir?" He says, unsure. He had been an aethist until moments ago, now the foundations of his life are crashing down. You feel sympathy, but also righteous fury. I look at this poor soul with soft eyes and say: "Do not be afraid. It is not yet your time. I search for the one you call Jacob Black. If you know ware he is please tell me now."

2009-11-28, 08:16 PM
((Kane team))
* * * * *
The man (Sam) blinks and steps back. "Sorry, but...why? What did Jacob do to you? Meaning no disrepect of course." He rushes the last statement. "Jacob's a good kid, just a bit messed up."

2009-11-28, 08:18 PM
BJ shouts," Put your hands up, and step into the light.Try anything funny and I shoot, both of you."

2009-11-28, 08:21 PM
The tall figure stands aside to give you a clearer shot, keeping himself out of your way.

2009-11-28, 08:22 PM
Alucard continues to wait, deciding to go to a near by book stand, and purchase something to read while he does so. Some two bit barely published soft cover novel about unrequited loved. What GARBAGE this town consisted of. Even it's mortals were unworthy of their lowly status.

Ah well... They would all see what posh, ignorant, nay unabashedly STUPID lives they had been living up until now. He still needed to handle the Cullens first though, the others would come later, but he was bound by Hellsing to do as the current descendant said, so he would follow Sir Integra's rather loose orders for now.

These were the thoughts that passed through his head, if Alucard could truly be defined as a 'he', waiting simply for the predestined encounter that the Cullens would find interupted. This "Jacob" character was merely a bonus!

2009-11-28, 08:31 PM
((What does the guy behind him look like?))

2009-11-28, 08:48 PM
The man (Sam) blinks and steps back. "Sorry, but...why? What did Jacob do to you? Meaning no disrepect of course." He rushes the last statement. "Jacob's a good kid, just a bit messed up."I look at my at my eye's hardening and with a bit of announce entering my voice: "We both know that it gone well past "just a bit messed up". now tell me ware Jacob Black is before I lose whats left of my peasants."

2009-11-28, 09:37 PM
(lol, honer, peasants. Sorry man but that's just funny)

-Right, I understand Anastasia, I'm on it.

I hung up and took a deep breath. Anastasia had a reputation as a cast iron bitch, and I had personally seen her keep her cool after being body swapped with the necromancer she was fighting while a dark god was being born over our head. This was bad with a capital B. Gabriel came in just after and started talking about Abraham Van Hellsing being his son and something about the Cullens

-Hells bells Gabriel. Slow down. I just got off the phone with the Warden headquarters, and we have more problems then the Cullens. Hellsing (the Protestant Knights), Iscariot and the BPRD are moving in on this place, each with their top agent. Not to mention the freaking Archangel Michael has been spotted here, and eleven wizards who were monitoring the Nevernever near here went insane and died, suggesting that something big followed him. You know captain Luccio right? She is scared out of her mind right now, and I have seen the woman keep her calm in extremely dangerous situations. And I'm starting to get pretty scared too, I consider myself one of the good guys and I helped God's agents more then a bit in the last few years, but I haven't exactly walked the straight and narrow either, and Michael has a reputation for smiting first and never asking question. What do you think he's going to do to a guy who makes deals with the Fae and various vampires, summons demons in his basement and had a Fallen living in his head for a few years?

Moff Chumley
2009-11-28, 09:54 PM
((Sorry... I must've missed that.))

Butler rolls his eyes imperceptibly; it's never that easy, is it? Slipping a large, titanium crowbar-like device out of his trouser leg, he eyes the damaged vampire. He'd fought opponents on all sorts of drugs, using all sorts of meditative technique. This "vampire" should be no different: if the brain can't send messages to the body, no matter how strong it is, you've won. The hard part, of course, was cutting off that flow...

With speed almost as blinding as his vampire counterpart, Butler barrels into the undead that disarmed him. Before he can wriggle away, the vampire receives several blows to the head and neck via crowbar. Apparently, otherwise lethal tactics only serve to stun the creature. But a brief stun is all it takes for Butler to put all of his considerable force into a blow to the filtrum. If vampire anatomy has anything in common with that of a human, there is now a two inch piece of bone through the undead's brain. Almost instinctively, Butler jumps out of the way just as the vampire's friend lunges at him. Rolling to his gun's location, he picks it up and empties the remainder of the clip into the vampire's face.

2009-11-28, 10:23 PM
Ash looks up at his traveling companion, thinking ,'Why is he here and why is he working with me? Can I even trust him not to stab me in the back?' and says,"So, any particular reason you want to kill these vampires? I mean obviously we're going to send them to hell one way or another, but I would like to know your reason for being involved in this."

2009-11-28, 10:40 PM
"I told you about the Nightside, right? London's dark secret, where anything can be bought or sold? Well, the Nightside has a street, the Street of Gods. It's evolution in action; all of the various religions and cults and churches in competition for the best spots, and the most followers. There was even one dedicated to me; though my friend Razor Eddie put a stop to them. One of the new churches that has sprung up worships this new brand of vampires: Cullenism, it's called. Walker, the closest thing to a copper in the Nightside, thinks that the cult is too disruptive of the status quo. He sent me to kill the cult at its source: its gods." I pause for a moment. "Walker. The grand puppetmaster of the Nightside. He once commanded a dead man to rise up to answer his questions, and the man did."

2009-11-28, 10:45 PM
"Sounds like a right tough SOB, but I didn't think any of the Volturi were named 'Cullen'? Where did the name come from?" Ash asks, looking around and wondering how far that theater could possibly be.

2009-11-28, 10:53 PM
"I asked around, and one of my informants mentioned the Volturi as a good starting point to locate the Cullens, the other being a small town in the western US. I don't particularly enjoy leaving the Nightside, let alone going across the pond, so Italy it was. I'd ask the same of you, though: Why are you hunting these creatures?"

2009-11-28, 11:42 PM
"Well I found out about the abominations in the Necronomicon and from what it mentioned one of their leaders, Aro, may be trying to use it. Obviously he's going to hell and all his minions with him."

2009-11-29, 12:15 AM
"That would be bad. I've dealt with books of power before, but nothing quite on that scale. Do you only have your shotgun and chainsaw, or do you have any other weapons?" I'm worried for the kid. Mundane weapons are decent, but against the supernatural, the mystic or futuretech is better. The only gun I've ever held is the Speaking Gun, and I don't think anyone should wield that. Mentally, I run over the contents of my trenchcoat. Sets of chaos dice, an exorcism charm that I picked up from a shaman, a mini-tape recorder, flashbang grenades, my card from Strangefellows, my cell phone, and of course, plenty of salt and pepper.

2009-11-29, 12:30 AM
"That's all you need, I've taken down honest demons with nothing but my boomstick and my own hands, I've burned the necronomicon, I can take down these guys." Ash says, looking at the gun and chainsaw with a smile.

2009-11-29, 02:39 AM
(Sorry, Night Surgeon, but I'm about to end turn.)
The beach is deserted. Nothing came of your guess, and as midnight comes you realize they were never here.
But how? The little seer didn't conceal anything. She couldn't. Clearly, she had limits. OF course, if she had any real power she would have been gone long before you had a chance to touch her...
You would have to look elsewhere.
* * * * *
A human would have lost their head on the first shot. The vampire however, was able to see the barrel of the gun, and rolled aside. Instead, the bullet passed through it's cheek, in a spray of gore and chips and bone, the other bullets missing altogether. He's a lot faster then the other one.
Giving you a final, hate filled glance, he leaps away, weaving to quickly for precise aiming, and disappears into the city.
* * * * *
Sam raises his hands defensively. "Don't get me wrong. I don't know where Jacob is. None of us do. He broke the pack, taking most of the wolves with him. Dogs I should say. They hang round the vampires house, but I don't see them much." (He is being honest, but he is bending the truth. He doesn't know, but he may suspect.)
He looks around, catching the glances of the rest of the tribe. who have all lowered their eyes, making him the informal spokesperson.
"Look, it's the vampires you want. Jacob hasn't hurt anyone." Meeting your impassive, golden gaze, his certainty falters. "Has he?"
* * * * *
The teenager and his pet shaved gorilla seemed to have the matter in hand, until they let the second one escape. The big guy is good, if not the best, but he clearly has no experience fighting the supernatural.
The kid seems self assured, talking in a quiet, soft voice that radiated competency and planning, like a chessmaster about to reveal his masterstroke.

2009-11-29, 03:14 AM
"Yes, I know about Michael. I felt him arrive. I remember him well, you forget that I am... was an archangel as well. Gabriel, who sat at the left hand of God" Van Helsing replied, raising his own left hand to accentuate his point. He sighed again, rubbed his eyes, and then pulled up a chair and sat down.

"I know what Michael's like. I don't remember much about those times, but I remember the War. It was like nothing you can comprehend, Harry. The light, and fire, and shadow of Lucifer's rebellion. I remember fighting the fallen angels, my former bretheren, and the tide turning against us. And then Michael came down, brandishing the blade he had taken from God's own armoury. In his glory, he was like the sun itself had come down to split through the tides of darkness. He cast Lucifer down, and crushed the dragon's head under his foot" Gabriel's voice seemed to take on a different tone, he seemed to gain a different voice entirely, as he spoke. His voice grew deeper... more authoritative... more powerful. A gleam in his eyes, a fire burning deep within his brown eyes. Almost unconciously, he opened and closed his hand near a certain point on his belt, as if his hand yearned for the hilt of a sword. And suddenly, Gabriel looked down, and the gleam in his eyes passed, and when he looked back up at Harry, there was just Gabriel van Helsing, the man again.

"Something is truly amiss about this whole thing. The vampire we slew at the Cullen House, he said he was a member of Dracula's coven. He survived both my purge of Dracula's coven in 1888, and my son's own assault on Transylvania in 1897. I think Edward Cullen is more than just a vampire with some unusual attributes. He has only gone to Italy at the moment, but if he continues East... then we will have to worry, my old friend. Now where is Solomon? He should really be privy to these discussions?" Gabriel said, and then looked at the door as if he expected the Puritan Warrior to walk through the door at that moment. Deep within van Helsing's mind, he knew there was something more sinister to Edward Cullen than just being a vampire. Gabriel knew that the power and will of Edward's evil desire knew no bounds. And he wished that he would have his son Abraham next to him when it would come time to face Edward and his demonic brood.

2009-11-29, 03:20 AM
Getting annoyed at how the long coated hunters were ignoring him, Morbius cleared his loudly cleared his thoat. "Would our three great white hunters care to notice the living vampire in the room?"

2009-11-29, 03:26 AM
So engrossed in the conversation, Gabriel had completely let his guard down. He sprang upward from his chair, setting hands on the butts of his two holstered revolvers. The 'living vampire' was an odd looking thing, appearing like something out of a comic book, extremely muscled and dressed all in spandex. A rather odd choice of apparel for a vampire, who usually went with subtle so as to blend in to a crowd. This one, however, went completely unsubtle. Gabriel was actually rather surprised no one had tried to take a stake to this vampire before, how could no one notice the thing? He knew that if he had seen a thing like that walking down the sidewalk, he'd know it was a vampire in an instant.

"...What can we do for you?" Gabriel said slowly and carefully, narrowing his eyes, but keeping both hands on his revolvers. He also kept a careful watch for Solomon, whose rather fanatical nature might cut talks with this 'living vampire' unfortunately short.

2009-11-29, 03:27 AM
After hearing what Dresden and Van Helsing have to say, Kane strolls into the room and says towards Dresden, "From what I have heard of you, none of the deals you have made with the fae or vampires were made of your volition. They were all either made under duress or out of sheer desperation in an attempt to save innocent lives. I expect much is the same for your well intended if ill advised demon summonings."

"Even in his own wisdom King Solomon also ventured into such folly." He then holds out his heiroglyph engraved staff, with a carved cat's head on one end and a sharp point on the other. This is the Staff of King Solomon. Preceeding this display Kane proclaims, "I do not believe that the Right Hand of God Himself would blame you for such behavior. Perhaps, he may even feel sorrow and pity for you. You also say that you had one of the Fallen attempting to corrupt you for a few years, did you not?"

Pausing for a minute to contemplate what that meant Solomon states, "You used to have a fallen angel about you, but it left. Does this not mean that you are indeed more resistant to corruption than others?" He allows Dresden to contemplate what he has said while sampling a glass of McAnally's brew. After a brief respite he says, "By the way Dresden, did the Fallen's influence come to you through a blackened denarius?"

Then turning to Van Helsing Kane comments, "I also have a theory about exactly what type of creature these vampires like the Cullens are. From what I gather they are neither demon nor undead, but an all together different, if no less horrifying and insidious class of being. One of which the esteemed Mister Dresden is well acquainted, much to his own grief. And for the most part forsaken and despised by their own queen."

two .35 revolvers
8/12 bullets loaded
60 bullets unloaded

2009-11-29, 03:29 AM
And then...
Fresh turn, fresh moves. Fresh fights, fresh events.
Now gentleman, let us kill, be killed, die, and make die! Let us give a toast, finally, at this moment, on this night, the party has begun!
- Major Montanna Max, the scariest ordinary human in any fictional universe. Ever. If only he was in the Twilight universe.

2009-11-29, 03:38 AM
"My name is Michael Morbius. I believe we are both after the same thing here, to extinguish the Cullen coven." Morbius says calmly despite the one with the bandanna reaching for his guns he's from New York after all team-ups usually only occur after long drawn out fights.

"I wouldn't worry too much of my appearance. I am not what you would call a 'true' vampire. My condition is the result of an unfortunate mutation. If anything I'd say I am least as human as any of you three." Morbius holsters the pistol and raises his hands to indicate he is not a threat.

"Feel free to test me with Holy water or garlic if it would convince you."

2009-11-29, 03:44 AM
Ash continues to walk towards the Theater and is forcing down the urge to yell about Vampires and their need to be so far away. He's also attempting to avoid conversation with his ally due to the fact that those usually end with a topic shift.

2009-11-29, 03:50 AM
Roland of Gilead

Roland clops through the National Park, on his search for the Twipyres and where they are.

2009-11-29, 04:29 AM
OK, done fixing things.
The lush, young evergreens and pines of the forest pressed at his sides, making the path a narrow, dark, green, walled route cut through the brush and branches. He could see little around him, the colors blending together and making it hard to gauge distances. It was scarcely more then a game track, no ones imagination of a trail, but it did the job well enough. Branches grasped at him and picked at his clothes, and the world was never level for more then a few steps, sloping up or down suddenly.

After a time, the ground started rising and becoming rockier, and the tree's thinned slightly, allowing a more open view. The trail twisted along deeply shaded cuts in the terrain and across leaf-strewn ravines. Dry leaves scatered as he passed. Pines and spruce gave way to hardwood trees, mostly white birch, and as the limbs swayed overhead to a silent breeze, tiny patches of sunlight danced on the forest floor.A howl sounded, chilling in it's intensity as it disturbed the serenity. Around him flitted lean gray shapes, and yellow eyes could be seen in the murk.

2009-11-29, 07:05 AM
Abel lept backwards, at the same time opening up with his revolver. Shot spranged off the floor, and without waiting to see if any had connected, he skittered to one side, reloading with supernatural grace.

As the last silver-coated bullet slammed into the gun, Abel leapt up, sumersaulting over the woman, and landed, looking completely unruffled, around 10 yards away.

"I am the Ressurection and the light, sayeth the Lord. He who believeth in me shall never die." Abel raised his gun once more.

"Your time here is done. Travel swiftly past the final gates. Do not look back."

2009-11-29, 08:55 AM
BJ shouts,"I will repeat this one more time, put your hands into the air, and step foreward into the light. Failure to comply means I will shoot both of you."

2009-11-29, 10:56 AM
-Yeah, Lasciel. I grabbed her coin to keep one of Michael Carpenter's kids from it. She was very.... human for a Fallen. Actually, it wasn't really her of course, more like a shadow living in my head, and over time she acquired free will and decided to help me. Free will, our greatest advantage, and our greatest curse, you would know that better then anyone Gabriel. She protected me from a Walker and died in the attempt. I kinda miss her, she was very sad near the end, and regretted what the true Lasciel's nature had forced her to do.

I could feel the beginning of a tear and rubbed my eyes

-Still, I would appreciate if this stayed in this room, I panicked when I heard Michael was here, and that's really not the kind of thing I like out in the open.

A strange character walked in, looking like Leifeld's version of a vampire, and said something about mutations and being on our side. I took out my paintball gun and shot him a few times. As he had said, it seemed the holy water and garlic were ineffective.

That was fun, now what?

2009-11-29, 11:28 AM
Sam raises his hands defensively. "Don't get me wrong. I don't know where Jacob is. None of us do. He broke the pack, taking most of the wolves with him. Dogs I should say. They hang round the vampires house, but I don't see them much." (He is being honest, but he is bending the truth. He doesn't know, but he may suspect.)
He looks around, catching the glances of the rest of the tribe. who have all lowered their eyes, making him the informal spokesperson.
"Look, it's the vampires you want. Jacob hasn't hurt anyone." Meeting your impassive, golden gaze, his certainty falters. "Has he?"I shake my head sadly as I look him in the eyes : "He is their willing thrall that is more then enough. Now do not lie to boy!" My wings un-fold and my eyes glow with Divine power as I say to him, "You may not KNOW ware he is, but you suspect! Now tell before I am forced find out I need to know by other means!

Moff Chumley
2009-11-29, 02:13 PM
Artemis turns to Butler. Well, that was exciting.

A day later, back at Fowl Manor, the captured vampire is strapped to a table in a dank basement room. Artemis enters the room: I'm very sorry about this. It was necessary, however, to make you understand that one way or another, I will find out what I need to know. So, once again, I will ask you some questions. Should you fail to answer, I'm afraid we'll have to resort to more barbaric means. Luckily for you, nothing we do will be fatal. I can't promise it won't be painful, however...

First of all: what gives a vampire its power? And more importantly, how does a human go about gaining that power? I refuse to believe that no vampire has explored this problem, scientifically, over the last two thousand years.

2009-11-29, 02:55 PM
(I assume you avoided BJ with unknown means.)
The vampire narrows it's eyes, but doesn't speak until you finish. It's learning.
"Our power is in our blood. We do not know how the original vampires come to be, but they are not, explainable. Ours is a lot less then their's, but enough.
Most of it is simply magic, but some things are explainable. For instance our skin, and our venom have explanations traceable in scientific origin. You'd have to ask someone like Caius to know more."
* * * * *
Sam takes the hint. "I think he's probably with Edward and his... spouse." He says the last word with a curious blend of emotion (annoyance, hate, resignation and reluctantcy). "I don't know where that is. If I did, I would tell you."
The last statement is a lie, but he has told you all he knows.
* * * * *
The woman didn't seem to hear him. She sprung at him again, bearing her teeth, twisting to make aiming hard as she did so.

2009-11-29, 03:16 PM
Morbius reels from the blow of the paint balls because those things hurt man. He bends forward clutching his chest. "Were the paint balls really necessary?"

As he stand up and removes his hands from his chest it should be seen that the garlic and holy water are dripping harmlessly off his chest.

"Is that enough to convince you or should I detail my dietary habits as well?"

2009-11-29, 03:23 PM
Ash continues walking with his partner, muttering constantly about the size of the city and 'annoying cliched vampires', before turning up to his partner and asking,"So what exactly are we going to do when we get there? I suggest bust down the door, kill the lot of them, and keep one alive to find out where Aro is, assuming he's not there"

2009-11-29, 03:29 PM
The kid is eager to fight, that's for sure. He's young and arrogant; the armor of youth surrounds him. Me, I've been beaten up and defeated more times than I'll ever admit. Caution is usually better. But I don't think that the kid will see it that way. "Sounds like a plan. I'll be able to cause some chaos and distraction, then hit the one guy we'll be questioning." I toss him one of my flashbangs. "For before we bust down the door."

2009-11-29, 03:30 PM
-Necessary? Not really. Funny? Yes it was, and I needed some funny in my day. Now, what can we do to help you?

2009-11-29, 03:33 PM
"Sounds like a plan, the only real problem comes with HOW many there are in the theater and if Aro IS there or not. If he is, then we need to interrogate him on both the book and this 'cullenism' and if he isn't we need to keep whoever looks most important alive. He has two flunkies and they might talk if we remove a leg or two." Ash says, wishing he had more of that scotch to shorten the length of this walk.

2009-11-29, 03:34 PM
The theater is locked up, the last production ended an hour ago. It is a big, impressive building, that was once a public baths, that has been converted into an auditorium.
The door is glass, a thin frame. It does not look sturdy.

2009-11-29, 03:36 PM
Slowly, Gabriel eased the tension of his muscles, and released the grip on his revolvers. He looked 'Morbius' up and down, and saw that the garlic and holy water seemed to have no effect. Hmm, most curious, he thought. Morbius looked like he'd draw a lot of attention though, and that isn't desirable for a vampire slayer.

"Very well, Mr. Morbius, we welcome you to our hunt. Though, perhaps you'd like to find clothes that draw a little less... attention. Perhaps a trench coat with slouch hat would be more to your liking?" Gabriel suggested, and then sat back down. He turned to address Solomon, shrugging off his own heavy duster onto the chair on which he sat.

"Solomon, I don't know what these vampires are. They recoil before the sign of the crucifix, and holy water burns them, but they are unlike any other vampire I have ever encountered. And something just doesn't feel right about this thing. After having hunted these creatures for as long as I have, you get a sense about these things" he said, turning his gaze back to the Encyclopedia Vampirica, and the sketching of Edward Cullen that Abraham had done. Even in a drawing, Edward's eyes looked cold and dead. Heartless. Soulless.

2009-11-29, 03:36 PM
Ash looks over to his partner and says,"So....break the glass, hurl the flashbang, and quickly kill everyone except the target?"

2009-11-29, 03:38 PM
"Wait a minute." Breaking down the door would be too much of a giveaway. They could be on either side of the door, just out of sight, and my new ally would be dead before the grenade went off. Deciding to risk it, I access my gift, and Find the location of the vampires inside the theater.

2009-11-29, 03:54 PM
There seem to be three of them. At first you get a feel for distance. Far, but not too far. No more then a few hundred meters. Distance never comes in terms of precise measurements.
They are milling around, a bit, there manner suggesting conversation. There features are impossible to make out.

2009-11-29, 03:59 PM
Ash looks up at his ally and asks, "So...how many and anyone important?", while thinking, 'What do I know about these things? They have super strength,speed, and endurance, they sparkle, they drink blood, they don't die if they're sho-;,"How do these things react to crosses and holy water?"

2009-11-29, 03:59 PM
Got one. He thinks, looking straight ahead, not giving away that he noticed yet. He slowly draws the gun that is on the opposite side of the pair of eyes.

2009-11-29, 04:04 PM
Seeing the two escape with the vampire, BJ chases them in vain, they escaped with it. He decides to search the Cathedral some more, looking for any other vampires that still dwell within.

2009-11-29, 04:06 PM
In your peripheral vision, you see the wolf begin circling, trying to get behind you, while you draw your gun. Sensible tactics. Sensible pack tactics. Ahead, you think you might see a deeper patch of shadow in the darkness, and the odd hint of movement. You don't know how may there are, but at least one.
When the wolf does not reappear, you realize it's directly behind you, getting ready to spring.
* * * * *
After searching the cathedral for a while, you find a small reliquary. Looking inside, you can't help but smile. Lot's of christian artifacts.
As you retrace your footsteps, you notice a few drops of the thick unholy stuff the vampires have in their veins. The one that got away. Injured and angry. He wouldn't have gone far.
(You won't find anyone else in the cathedral this turn. Jane meant to lead you to her brother and two pet thugs.)

2009-11-29, 04:13 PM
Roland jumps up, instantly drawing his guns and firing both at the wolf in miliseconds, pumping him with silver, and reloading. They were meant for the vampires, but the wolves would do as well. He stands next to the donkey, waiting to see if his tactic worked.

2009-11-29, 04:13 PM
"I don't know about garlic or holy water. Overwhelming force seems to work just as well. They're at most few hundred meters inside. Hold the flashbang until then." That said, I try to open the door, quietly. "Let's see if my reputation extends this far."

2009-11-29, 04:17 PM
The wolf drops, the bullet holes smoking as the shots hit the vitals, two between the eyes, the lung, the kidney, the neck, severing arteries. But they don't seem to have had the effect you'd hoped, simply penetrating a few inches then stopping. Just the same, trauma alone knocks it over, to lie on the ground whining. Another two leap from your left and right, 135 degree's from the wolf you just shot. You're impressed. You didn't even guess about the third one.
* * * * *
The door is locked, very securely. It could be broken down with ease, but that would alert them to your presence.