View Full Version : Hey guys, Rifftrax! (If the title means nothing, read thread!)

2009-11-26, 07:23 PM
I keep talking to people and mentioning these and they're like "What? What's that?"

So I thought I'd see if I can spread the WORD.

Rifftrax is like having paid comedians mock the movie you're watching, while you watch it. Because that's EXACTLY what it is. If you've ever heard of Mystery Science Theatre 3000, you'll be very familiar with this. Because Rifftrax is the same actors.

So yeah, you should go to their website, pick out a favorite (or most hated) movie, and then pay like two bucks for it.

For those of you questioning the sense of humor, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFSn5rs70Rc#t=1m28s

It made twilight an enjoyable and original experience.

The Linker
2009-11-26, 07:30 PM
Huzzah! I love these guys.

I should really actually get a full track one of these days, though. I've just been searching out 'best of' compilations on Youtube. Which are awesome, but fleeting.

Not that Youtube has a monopoly. (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x65ym5_rifftrax-burly-brawl_shortfilms). Matrix Reloaded's Burly Brawl. WATCH IT.

2009-11-26, 07:34 PM
I should really actually get a full track one of these days,]

You own l4d2. Clearly it is not impossible for you to acquire 50 bucks.

50 bucks would buy you like, 20 movies.

The Linker
2009-11-26, 07:47 PM
I didn't say I couldn't afford it. I just haven't gotten around to picking a movie I have, finding the best way to watch it synced with the track, and picking a payment method and going for it. :smalltongue:

Should go about figuring out them there paypal accounts...

2009-11-26, 08:32 PM
I love Rifftrax. Before they came out with it, I used to watch its previous incarnation. Mike Nelson FTW. My one regret is that they don't have a Rifftrack with Joel AND Mike together. Pure hilarity would ensue.

2009-11-26, 09:24 PM
I adore Rifftrax. I have about 30 of them (Just watched the new Star Trek one two nights ago).

Even movies I love can be improved by a good Riffing. The writing is as funny as it ever was on MST3K, and I love seeing that modern blockbusters aren't any less mockable than B-Movie Cheese.

2009-11-26, 10:56 PM
I didn't really find that funny. Liking what little I saw of MST3K, I suspect that's because it's a highlight video condensing a large movie I know rather little about beyond the vagaries.

2009-11-26, 11:12 PM
Oh, yes, Rifftrax. MST3K born again, and just as good as ever. I'm getting the Twilight Riff for my sister as a Christmas present.:smallcool:

2009-11-27, 07:49 AM
I didn't really find that funny. Liking what little I saw of MST3K, I suspect that's because it's a highlight video condensing a large movie I know rather little about beyond the vagaries.

Yes. That is it completely.

2009-11-27, 04:43 PM
Watched a few "Bests of" on YouTube (all Matrix and Casino Royale). Quite funny. Will watch more.

2009-11-28, 06:24 AM
Is there one for Twilight?

2009-11-28, 08:12 AM
That's the one linked in the OP.

2009-11-28, 12:28 PM
Yes, YES, your humour sustains me!

Oh god I love this stuff.
You've just wasted more of my time (watching "Best of"s on youtube and dailymotion) than if you'd linked me to TVTropes.

One day, namely when I have access to a real computer again (I'm currently on the Pentisaurus Mark IV), I will buy all the Rifftrax. ALL OF THEM! AHAHAHA

Until then I'll just continue making fun of movies as I watch them and wishing people payed me for it. Really it's worth it without the pay though.

On a side note I think Rifftrax just massively broadened Twilight's (the movie) viewership.
They actually give me a reason why I might one day rent to movie and watch the whole thing with the entire Rifftrax.
Of course Twilight will be one of the last, if not the last, Rifftrax that I buy, but once I do have all the other ones I know I'll need my fix bad enough that I'll get the Twilight one too.
Obviously I'll need to get a teenage girl to take my money and go into the video store to rent (boot) it for me...

2009-11-28, 12:48 PM
One day, namely when I have access to a real computer again (I'm currently on the Pentisaurus Mark IV), I will buy all the Rifftrax. ALL OF THEM! AHAHAHA

Don't really need a computer once you've downloaded them. They are sold as MP3s, so you could burn them on a CD or put them on an iPod.