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2009-11-27, 03:02 PM
Octodimensional Origami
Level: Wiz/Sor 9, Origami 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Medium
Target: 10' radius sphere
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex negates, Fort partial
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes the target area to be distorted fundamentally. Any creature within must make a Reflex save to escape. If this is failed, or for objects in any event, then a Fortitude save permits the creature or object to escape with only 6d10 damage and being ejected to the astral plane. If both saves are failed, then the creature is destroyed, and any ressurection will require that the caster succeeds on a caster level check against the caster of this spell. The area affected will force the same set of saves on any creature entering for the next ten minutes, after which it will become a permanent portal to the astral plane.

Origami Domain
Power: Whenever you have passed a Craft (Origami) check in the past hour, you gain an enhancement bonus to all concentration checks equal to half your class level.
1-Animate Origami Paper
2-Magic Paper Weapon
3-Origami Wall
5-Paper-thin Blade
6-I Know Origami
7-Paper or Death?
8-Origamify, Greater
9-Octodimensional Origami

2009-11-27, 03:56 PM
I like it! Especially the part about it becoming a permanent portal to the astral plane opening at the end.

Here's a thought though, maybe not go straight for destruction after the second save, but have them permanently insane from the inter dimensional shifting and then ejected onto the astral plane.

but I like it!

2009-11-27, 04:59 PM
Thanks! Is it the right power level? I wasn't sure, because I can't think of any precedent for damage combined with permanent utility, so I gave it two saves and hoped.

EDIT: I decided to try to make another Origami-themed spell, here is what I came up with.

Paper Creatures
Level: Wiz/Sor 0
Casting Time: Special
This spell functions as Monster Summoning I, with the following changes. Firstly, the casting time becomes one standard action per summoned monster, and you may summon up to 1/2 your caster level in monsters. Secondly, all summoned creatures have one hit point. Thirdly, all summoned creatures appear next to you. Fourthly, they may not attack, although they are permited to flank. Fifthly, they all have 1/2 normal AC. Finally, all summoned creatures die instantly if exposed to liquid water.

2009-11-27, 05:53 PM
I'll admit that I'm the kind of DM that looks at something new, figures out the power level, thinks about it and then says "BUT IT LOOKS LIKE SOOOO MUCH FUN!" besides, permanent portal to the astral plane isn't that powerful overall; especially because I'd make sure that things could come both in AND out

in fact, that would be hilarious- you cast the spell, the portal opens and an ENTIRE githyanki war party pops out, astral ship and all...

2009-11-27, 07:00 PM
Eh, SM1's main use is flanking, distractions and scouting, all things the spell does just as well.

2009-11-27, 07:02 PM
I'd give em all 1 hp and half AC, then unable to attack. But you have the potential for a very awesome cantrip, there.

2009-11-27, 07:49 PM
I'd give em all 1 hp and half AC, then unable to attack. But you have the potential for a very awesome cantrip, there.

I like this idea. That way, they can be your funny little "materialized prestidigitation." :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-27, 07:52 PM
in fact, that would be hilarious- you cast the spell, the portal opens and an ENTIRE githyanki war party pops out, astral ship and all...

I laughed my arse off when I read this and imagined it in my head. Then realized any party with a caster high enough level to cast this spell would soundly defeat the war party. It still makes a decent idea for any number of level-appropriate challenges, though.

2009-11-27, 08:06 PM
Having to summon the origami creature next to you might somewhat nerf it as far as setting up flanking goes, especially if you are hanging back.

I would like to see one that functions as Animate Rope but for origami instead of knot-tying.

2009-11-27, 10:13 PM
I have nerfed Paper Monsters somewhat, although I am worried that it is now too weak. I will post some more when I have finished my current forum trawl.

EDIT: Here is Animate Origami Paper.

Animate Origami Paper
Level: Bard 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Origami 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium
Target: One piece of origami paper per caster level, each one no more than 3"x3"
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You may animate a group of nonliving pieces of origami paper.

When animated, the paper must take the first round to take a form. All of the pieces animated by one use of this spell must perform the same action. The papers may be commanded to form shuriken, paper planes or paper tigers. It takes a move action to command a form change or an action.

In shuriken form, they have range as a normal shuriken thrown by the caster, but deal non-lethal damage unless there are at least three, in which case the caster may opt to form 1/3 the normal number of shuriken in exchange for each one gaining a +1 to hit and dealing lethal damage. After they have attacked, paper shuriken must be commanded to arise again before attacking again.

In paper plane form, the group gains a fly speed of 60 feet, with a poor maneuverability.

In paper tiger form, every five pieces of paper becomes one paper tiger. Each paper tiger has a move speed of 15 feet, is a Small creature, and may attack once per round at the caster's base attack bonus, using the caster's casting ability for to-hit and damage bonus with base damage of 1 piercing damage.

The paper itself is not magical.

This spell grants a +2 on any Craft (Origami) checks that you make with the transmuted paper, or allows the paper to be folded as by Lesser Animate Origami Paper.

This spell cannot animate paper carried or worn by an unwilling creature.

2009-11-27, 10:33 PM
It's not too weak. Compare it to the orb spells in the same level. 1d3 damage (seriously...d3?) vs. 1/2 monster damage. It could be about the same, or more. Plus, you have a very bad meat shield. Still, some damage could happen, maybe some flanking, and one attack could be stopped from hitting any of your allies or the caster.

2009-11-27, 10:51 PM
Fair enough. Incidentally, I can't find stats for origami paper, so here they are.

Origami Paper
Hardness 0, 1 hp.
Cost: 5 gp.
Weight: -

2009-11-28, 12:18 AM
5gp? Is it really that much different from normal paper?

2009-11-28, 12:28 AM
Depends where you are and how fancy it is...
To do good origami, the paper must be very thin compared to its size.... the average European paper would have to be a few feet on a side (they would use knives in place of erasers, to scrape off the surface of the paper that the ink had penetrated, if that tells you anything). The paper that I have seen in modern kits often has fancy patterns on it or metallic foil or whatever, but I doubt that is what he is referring to.

That having been said, I do think 5 gp is a bit much.

Also, that spell is much too powerful for what I was thinking of... what I was thinking of was something that would ONLY allow the paper to fold itself... no real motion, and certainly with it falling motionless when you are not fully concentrating on it. With "Animate Rope" you have to throw it at the target... well, this would be the same level of control...

2009-11-28, 12:32 AM
I laughed my arse off when I read this and imagined it in my head. Then realized any party with a caster high enough level to cast this spell would soundly defeat the war party. It still makes a decent idea for any number of level-appropriate challenges, though.

see, that depends upon what you think constitutes a Githyanki war party... They could be on the run from their Lich Queen leader, and therefore above 12th level... I personally stack the odds against my players and they need to use really clever tactics to get around stuff (it's the only time I think the phrase "why the **** is that seagull casting a lightning bolt?" has been uttered by an NPC)

besides, they'd still need to deal with the fact that the ship is moving AT SPEED coming out of the portal (most likely right towards them) with angry githyankis casting spells/shooting at the first thing they see.

What would the damage from being hit by a ship be anyways?

ALSO- oragami paper is pretty damn expensive...

2009-11-28, 01:05 AM
Right, if you want a weaker version, then here it comes.

Animate Origami Paper, Lesser
Level: Wiz/Sor 0, Bard 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium
Target: One piece of origami paper (3"x3") per caster level
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This permits the caster to control one piece of origami paper. The piece of paper may fold itself as if the caster were folding it, but it is treated as having a number of ranks in Craft (Origami) equal to the caster's caster level, and adds the caster's spellcasting ability modifier as a circumstance bonus.

EDIT: Thinking about it, I have decided that the first one is a bit powerful for first level. I will raise it to second.

2009-11-28, 03:52 PM
I am now working on an Origami domain for clerics. I have put it in the opening post, but I need ideas for spells.

2009-11-28, 04:06 PM
I've just see your post and I must say that I really like the concept, your two spell seem really nice.

For the domain do you want only homebrew spell ?

2009-11-28, 04:20 PM
Paper cut? :smallbiggrin: Constitution damage from severe bleeding.

2009-11-28, 04:37 PM
Any spells from the SRD are also welcome, but apart from that just homebrew. As to paper cut...

Magic Paper Weapon
Level: Wiz/Sor 3, Origami 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: touch
Target: One weapon folded out of paper.
Duration: 1 round/level
By means of this spell, a weapon folded out of paper may be made magical. To create a paper weapon requires a Craft (Origami) check with a DC of the normal weapon's Craft DC-5. By means of this spell, such a weapon becomes as effective as a standard steel weapon, obtains a paper-thin edge and additionally deals 1 point of Constitution damage on a successful hit if the target fails a Fortitude save.

2009-11-28, 04:50 PM
I like the concept, but I'm not sure I like the idea of forcing the player to invest skill point in an otherwise useless skill just to be able to use is domain spell.
Particulary since cleric only get 2 skill point per level.
It make choosing that domain, even for flavor reason a harder decision.

2009-11-28, 04:52 PM
Note that you are allowed to use the Animate Origami Paper spell to do the crafting, so that makes it a bit easier.

EDIT: Tweaked Paper Monsters a little, now it requires a standard action to make each monster, but ths of course means that you can produce multiple monsters.

2009-11-28, 05:09 PM
Ah, I forget about that.:smallredface:

Let's see if I can really help:

Origami wall

Conjuration (Creation) [Paper]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Origami 3
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Paper wall whose area is up to one 5-ft. square/level (S)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a wall of paper that repose on the ground. An origami is 1 inch thick per four caster levels and composed of up to one 5-foot square per level. You can double the wall’s area by halving its thickness. The wall cannot be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object.

Unlike a wall of iron, you can create an origami wall in almost any shape you desire. The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp, but being made of paper it woulnd't support anything heavier than 5lb. For this use, if the span is more than 20 feet, the wall must be arched and buttressed. This requirement reduces the spell’s area by half. The wall can be crudely shaped to allow crenellations, battlements, and so forth by likewise reducing the area.

Like any other wall, this one can be destroyed by a disintegrate spell or by normal means such as breaking and chipping. Each 5-foot square of the wall has 5 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 0. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 5 + 2 per inch of thickness.

It is possible, but difficult, to trap mobile opponents within or under an origami wall, provided the wall is shaped so it can hold the creatures. Creatures can avoid entrapment with successful Reflex saves.

Arcane Material Component: A small pieces of paper.

It's heavily base on wall of stone it's just way more fragil, but it block line of sight and can force some creature to wast a turn destroying it.
The thing I'm less sure about it's the hit point and strenght check, it look really low but it's paper.

2009-11-28, 05:47 PM
Cool idea, definitely. I would perhaps specify a weight so that you can carry it around, which might make it a bit more useful. At any rate, this is going into the domain.

2009-11-28, 07:42 PM
I would make it "Paper Thin".

Also, note that it has the same type of economic abuses as "Wall of Iron".

2009-11-28, 07:48 PM
Very true on the latter count. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way around that, unless you say that the whole is ruined if any part of it is removed or broken, and then becomes valueless. How many people are going to buy a **ing WALL of origami paper? Paper thin could work as well, definitely.

2009-11-28, 07:53 PM
Hooray! Paper cuts have been mechanically brought out! :smallbiggrin:

How about paper armor? Similar to mage armor, but not force. It would have to be magical, and maybe it could give a bonus to Charisma, just for fun. Hehe. Food for thought. :smalltongue:

2009-11-28, 08:05 PM
I'm pretty sure I've seen an Origami Golem on some other forum, actually. I'll see if I can find it.

This link might be relevant:
Origami DnD-creatures. (http://www.origami.as/gallery.php?gallery=26)

2009-11-28, 08:36 PM
OK, paper armour you think? How does this look?

Paper Armour
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Wiz/Sor 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell creates a suit of paper armor on the target. This provides a +4 armor bonus to AC. Alternatively, any armor that the target is wearing may be transmuted to paper, nullifying weight and movement speed penalties. If the target becomes wet, then the armor begins to deteriorate, with the duration being changed from hours to minutes for the remainder. If preexisting armor becomes wet while under the effects of this spell, the spell must be dispelled before the duration is up or the armor will be permanently destroyed. An artifact armor gains a saving throw to survive.

And another spell, the first straight-up attack spell so far.

Level: Wiz/Sor 4, Origami 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell converts a creature to articulated origami. If the target fails their save, then they suffer several effects. Firstly, their size for the purposes of wind effects reduces by two steps. Secondly, water has the same effect as strong acid on them. Finally, they take double damage from piercing or slashing damage.

2009-11-28, 08:37 PM
You should have a save or die spell called paper or death.

Paper or Death?
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Wiz/Sor 8, Origami 7
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

The caster forms a piece of paper into a miniature version of the target, essentially creating a voodoo piece of origami paper. The target is compelled to look at the paper and crush it, causing themselves to be crushed as well. Any crushed creature dies. A successful Will saving throw allows the target to brush the compulsion away, but even if successful, they still are too distracted to take any actions this round.

Arcane Material Component
A piece of origami paper.

For those of you who know Eddie Izzard, this is a nod to him. :smallsmile:

The armor spell looks good. I recommend changing it so artifact armors get saving throws.

2009-11-28, 08:39 PM
Make an improved version of the magic paper weapon called Paper-thin blade which makes an enormously sharp sword of paper. Perhaps a vorpal sword which fails after one hit, since the blood ruins it.

Or an origami crane which can deliver a message written on it like an animal messenger.

2009-11-28, 08:42 PM
That spell has now been added to the domain, and I have added a debuff spell.

EDIT: Ninja'd! Now, how does this look?

Paper-thin Blade
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Wiz/Sor 5, Origami 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell creates a special magic sword which only the caster can use. It functions as a longsword or greatsword (caster's choice), but has negligible weight, and the caster is considered proficient with it. While the caster wields this sword, they gain a bonus to attacks equal to 1/2 their caster level +2. If the sword leaves the caster's hands, then it is instantly destroyed. Whenever the caster scores a hit with this sword, there is a 50% chance that it will be a critical hit. Every critical hit scored with this sword reduces the remaining duration by one round. If a critical hit would be scored based on the attack roll anyway, then the critical multiplier is squared for that one attack 50% of the time.

2009-11-28, 08:47 PM
Fluff-wise Paper or Death should almost certainly allow SR. OTOH it has the two descriptors that are often immunities of creatures, so from a balance perspective...

Edit: Personally I would remove the [Death] descriptor, and allow a Fortitude save to only take 10d6 damage if you fail the Will save or something like that, add back in SR, and drop the level one or two.

2009-11-28, 09:02 PM
Fluff-wise Paper or Death should almost certainly allow SR. OTOH it has the two descriptors that are often immunities of creatures, so from a balance perspective...

Edit: Personally I would remove the [Death] descriptor, and allow a Fortitude save to only take 10d6 damage if you fail the Will save or something like that, add back in SR, and drop the level one or two.

Remove the [Death] descriptor? Your version makes sense, too...hmm. Perhaps...I will leave that decision up to the origami man.

2009-11-28, 09:07 PM
The origami man? I am honored! I shall put that in my signature!

To be honest, I would just remove the [Death] descriptor, allow SR, and call it a day. That would seem about right to me.

2009-11-28, 09:10 PM
The origami man? I am honored! I shall put that in my signature!

It's too bad you can't sing it like the Muffin Man song. Unless you horribly disfigure the chorus. :smallbiggrin:

To be honest, I would just remove the [Death] descriptor, allow SR, and call it a day. That would seem about right to me.


2009-11-28, 09:43 PM
Right, now we get a rather nasty one. I need something better to do than look at TVTropes.

I Know Origami
Level: Wiz/Sor 6, Origami 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes the caster to gain incredible fighting ability. Their Grapple modifier increases by 2/3 their caster level, and whenever they initiate a grapple they may elect to apply Origami. Doing so deals 1d6 Strength or Constitution or 1d8 Dexterity damage (caster's choice) combined with 1d6 damage/caster level (maximum 15d6), or half damage if a save is made. Any creature which has one of these scores reduced to zero by means of Origami is instantly killed and folded into a rather fetching sculpture.

2009-11-28, 09:50 PM
...half damage if a save is made.

There's no save in the spell summary. Make it say "see text" or something like that. Also, I'm thinking maybe you should make it full caster level grapple bonus. Or 1/2 + 2 or something. Casters have low Strength scores, which, at level 11 (when the spell becomes available), will only be supplemented by +5.

2009-11-28, 09:56 PM
Is that a bit better? Now it's 2/3, which scales with level slightly more than a fighter not actually focused on grapples. Does that seem about right?

2009-11-28, 10:05 PM
Why does it deal strength and dexterity damage? Since it's doing 1d6/caster level per round they're in the grapple, I might just scrap that and change it to 1d4 con damage or something like that from the profuse amounts of paper cuts happening during the grapple

2009-11-28, 10:07 PM
For the 8th level spell, maybe it could be a mind control spell? Like it turns a target's brain to origami paper, allowing the caster to control it, and thus, them. It would probably make intelligence 0.

Then again, this sounds kind of like dominate monster, except for the change in intelligence, which lowers potential spellcasting in dominated targets. Hmm...I'm not sure I like it. Hehe. :smallredface:

EDIT: I agree on the grappling. I like Constitution damage. :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-28, 10:08 PM
Because you are, if they are lucky, folding them in half! If they are unlucky, then you are making multiple folds wherever the specific sculpture calls for it, and they will end up as a bunny with their head at the tip of one ear. Or something.

EDIT: Ninja'd. It's a neat idea, but I don't particularly like it. Admittedly the connections to origami have been getting more and more tenuous, but I still feel like they all hang together. Nevertheless, feel free to throw it together if you like.

2009-11-28, 10:08 PM
I like your ideas better though.

2009-11-28, 10:11 PM
Thanks. I could just add that as another option, as it would make about as much sense without having much impact on the balance. How is it right now, power-wise?

EDIT: I added it as another option anyway. I am now considering statting up an origami golem, but that may take some thought.

EDIT 2: Here it is, in a rough draft form.

Origami Golem
Size/Type: Small Construct
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (37 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 18, touch 18, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +7 dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-2
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d6-1)
Full Attack: 2 slams +3 melee (1d6-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Papercut, paper shuriken
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/slashing, piercing or fire, immunity to magic
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +8, Will -3
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 25, Con —, Int -, Wis 3, Cha 5
Skills: -
Feats: -
Enviroment: Any
Organization: Gang (2-4) or swarm (5-30)
Challange Rating: ??
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-9 HD (Small); 10-18 HD (Medium); 19-20 HD (Large)
level Adjustment: -

Papercut (Su)
An origami golem may, once per two rounds, elect to cause papercuts. All attacks on that round cause the target to take a cumulative -1 penalty to all skill checks and attack rolls until healed by means of a Heal check requiring a full-round action with a DC of 15. This is cumulative.
Paper Shuriken (Ex)
Once every three rounds, an origami golem may replace their usual attacks with throwing paper shuriken. These have a range increment of 30 feet and deal 1d4 damage each, becoming useless after throwing. An origami golem may throw one such shuriken as an attack, or may throw three as a full attack.
Immunity to Magic (Ex)
An origami golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
Water Vulnerability
An origami golem takes 1d6 damage for every round in which it is in contact with water, or 10d6 if it is completely immersed.

An origami golem must be made from the finest origami paper, folded with the greatest of care into intricately articulated joints.

Assembling the body requires a DC 13 Craft (Origami) check, which cannot be made by means of animate origami paper or its lesser version. It requires 100 gp worth of origami paper as well.

CL 4th, Craft Construct, animate origami paper, magic paper weapon; Price 10000 gp; Cost 5000 gp+400 xp

2009-11-29, 05:27 AM
Whoah, I'm gone one night and the domain it nearly finnished already.

A lot of good spell so far. We're only missing the 8th level one and the domain power. I'll try to come up with an idea later.

For cleric power how about:(not sure on how to write it)
Once per day the character can turn into an origami golem with a number of HD equal to his cleric level (perhaps caster level would work better) as per the alter self spell expect that you do gain the extraordinary special attacks or special qualities and supernatural special attacks, special qualities, or spell-like abilities of the new form. This last for a number of round equal to 3 + his wisdome modifier.

Now that I think about it, its perhaps a little to powerful. Ah well I let you be judge on that.

2009-11-29, 12:42 PM
The domain power is a boost to concentration if you have succeeded on a Craft (Origami) check recently. That does seem like a cool idea, and I now have the urge to write a Druid prestige class that gets the ability to wildshape into an origami golem, among other things. Anyway, nice idea, but as you said, it is a bit powerful.

2009-11-29, 01:21 PM
For the origami golem:

papercuts: Papercuts are superficial injuries, while Con damage represents much more fundamental injuries, usually to internal organs. I'd change the effect to a stackable -1 penalty to attack/save/skill rolls, and note that creature that are immune to pain or otherwise insensate are immune to this effect.

Fire vulnerability: It should have this.

2009-11-29, 01:32 PM
The papercuts are there for comedy value, and so I will leave them as they are. As to fire, what more do you want? It already bypasses the DR. I could make it take double damage if you insist.

2009-11-29, 01:54 PM
Fire vulnerability is traditionally expressed as vulnerability to fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#vulnerabilitytoEnergy). Standard DR rules only cover physical (not energy) damage types. It's a stupid dichotomy that causes confusion, but that's the structure of the system.

If a treant has this kind of vulnerability, a golem made from paper certainly should.

2009-11-29, 02:24 PM
You could invent the "paper" subtype... double damage from fire. Then you could make paper elementals.

2009-11-29, 02:37 PM
This raises an interesting point...

Not all origami is paper to my thinking.

Aluminum foil (or silver or gold if one has the cash) can probably make for excellent origami for certain circumstances in real life I believe. While anything other than gold leaf would be very uncommon in a medieval setting, it would be possible with sufficient motivation, and golem creation is already a high cost business. While aluminum might be out of place, copper or lead sheeting would not be impossible, and even iron MIGHT be capable of being hammered out thin enough (or simply folded hot over a long, chisel-like edge with black-smithing techniques). Metal fatigue would be a problem for a golem perhaps, which would justify making it a feat or even a PrC to make copper sheeting origami since the it might take special magical measures to counteract the metal fatigue.

Sidenote of relevance to D&D: I also consider that any scrolls found on the elemental plane of fire, or created by creatures with a firey aura (such as Azers) would be metal plating/foil with very special inks (molten metal?).

Sidenote of uncertain relevance to D&D: as an artistic "joke" I have rolled out clay to about 1/4 to 1/8 inch thickness, cut a square out of it and done the minimum number of folds (IE measuring the fold locations, rather than locating them geometrically with other folds that are then undone, leaving only the creases). I then bisqued, and glazed them. It is difficult to prevent cracking at the folds and/or repair them, but I have managed a pinwheel, samurai helmet, cup, and cicada. The "joke" is that clay is heavy, and hard and brittle in its final state, which is in sharp contrast to the light, flexible nature of paper.

2009-11-29, 06:30 PM
This raises an interesting point...

Not all origami is paper to my thinking.

Aluminum foil (or silver or gold if one has the cash) can probably make for excellent origami for certain circumstances in real life I believe. While anything other than gold leaf would be very uncommon in a medieval setting, it would be possible with sufficient motivation, and golem creation is already a high cost business. While aluminum might be out of place, copper or lead sheeting would not be impossible, and even iron MIGHT be capable of being hammered out thin enough (or simply folded hot over a long, chisel-like edge with black-smithing techniques). Metal fatigue would be a problem for a golem perhaps, which would justify making it a feat or even a PrC to make copper sheeting origami since the it might take special magical measures to counteract the metal fatigue.

Sidenote of relevance to D&D: I also consider that any scrolls found on the elemental plane of fire, or created by creatures with a firey aura (such as Azers) would be metal plating/foil with very special inks (molten metal?).

Sidenote of uncertain relevance to D&D: as an artistic "joke" I have rolled out clay to about 1/4 to 1/8 inch thickness, cut a square out of it and done the minimum number of folds (IE measuring the fold locations, rather than locating them geometrically with other folds that are then undone, leaving only the creases). I then bisqued, and glazed them. It is difficult to prevent cracking at the folds and/or repair them, but I have managed a pinwheel, samurai helmet, cup, and cicada. The "joke" is that clay is heavy, and hard and brittle in its final state, which is in sharp contrast to the light, flexible nature of paper.

A feat would be cool. No more vulnerability to fire or water, plus better hardness and hit points. You could include it in the domain feat for the origami domain! :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-29, 11:14 PM
For the origami golem:
papercuts: Papercuts are superficial injuries, while Con damage represents much more fundamental injuries, usually to internal organs. I'd change the effect to a stackable -1 penalty to attack/save/skill rolls, and note that creature that are immune to pain or otherwise insensate are immune to this effect.

I have to agree, it would have similar mechanics to slash tongue from the BoVD, and i personally find the idea of brave warriors crying over tiny irritating paper-cuts more comical than the wounds gushing blood as con damage seems to suggest. Of course YMMV.

Also, awesome thread.

2009-11-29, 11:16 PM
I have to agree, it would have similar mechanics to slash tongue from the BoVD, and i personally find the idea of brave warriors crying over tiny irritating paper-cuts more comical than the wounds gushing blood as con damage seems to suggest. Of course YMMV.

Also, awesome thread.

Little did Thor know, he was a hemophiliac! 10 Constitution damage from action abuse! Rofcopterzorollollerskateslolzorz!!1!!! :smallbiggrin: Sorry. I had to.

2009-11-29, 11:24 PM
That spell has now been added to the domain, and I have added a debuff spell.

EDIT: Ninja'd! Now, how does this look?

Paper-thin Blade
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Wiz/Sor 5, Origami 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell creates a special magic sword which only the caster can use. It functions as a longsword or greatsword (caster's choice), but has negligible weight, and the caster is considered proficient with it. If the sword leaves the caster's hands, then it is instantly destroyed. Whenever the caster scores a hit with this sword, there is a 50% chance that it will be a critical hit. Every critical hit scored with this sword reduces the remaining duration by one round. If a critical hit would be scored based on the attack roll anyway, then the critical multiplier is squared for that one attack 50% of the time.

This spell is worth... a third level spell slot, maybe? Casters don't need to fight. It's only use is probably with crit specialist gishes, and it isn't worth a fifth level spell slot for that.

2009-11-29, 11:29 PM
Fine. You are all making compelling points. I am now going back and editing stuff.

2009-11-30, 01:28 PM
Alright, it is time to add something new to this thread. I present to you... yet another spell!

Origamify, Greater
Level: Origami 8, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell transforms the target into origami. If they fail their saving throw, then they become a life-sized origami structure. If they succeed on their saving throw, then they are affected as if by Origamify.

2009-11-30, 02:37 PM
You spelled "then" and "origamify" wrong.

2009-11-30, 03:26 PM
Yeah, seem nice. Now you just need to edit you're first post to add in spoiler the spell description. All in all a nice domain, that could be use either in serious campaign or in funny one. Good job.

Dante & Vergil
2009-11-30, 06:33 PM
You spelled "then" and "origamify" wrong.

How is Origaify spelled wrong?

I really like this thread, especially since I had origami as a hobby in my earlier years. *Subbscribed.*

2009-12-01, 02:09 AM
How is Origaify spelled wrong?

Did you read the spell name?

2009-12-01, 02:52 AM
Fixed those. How is it balance-wise?