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2009-11-28, 09:41 AM
The bustling capitol of Gravenswood teams with life, merchants, craftsmen, laborers all scurry about their daily tasks. The sun is warm for autumn, and the fishing has been good lately. Life is as it should be. Five adventurers, outcasts and respected citizens alike, wander the streets, unaware that destiny has woven their lives' together in a most peculiar way.

As you stroll through the merchant quarter past the two story stucco houses with wide storefronts and merchants shouting and bartering, you notice one burned out shop, still smoldering. A middle aged man is on his knees, weeping and wailing for help, but the townspeople step hurriedly by, feigning deafness. Perhaps the dragon talon hacked into the charred door deters people from rendering aid.

“My daughter, oh my daughter! Who will save her!?”

What do you do?

OOC Thread Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=133126)

2009-11-28, 11:13 AM
Janeth draws himself up to his full height, and gives the uncaring townspeople a angry glance, causing more than a few to look away in shame. Hurrying towards the middle-aged supplicant, he slips on a particularly slick cobblestone, tumbling to his knees and promptly ruining the righteous impression he had made.

Flushing slightly at the snickers that rose all around him, Janeth helps the man to his feet.

"Just ignore those people, I bet most of them wouldn't bat an eyelid even if it was their own mother crying for help in the street."

Helping the man brush dust off his clothes, Janeth continues, "My name is Janeth, Paladin of Freedom in the service of glorious Pelor. What manner of monster or calamity threatens your daughter, and how may I aid you?"

2009-11-28, 12:32 PM
Standing in a shadow across the street, Alwen watches the scene unfold. What a typical sight, except for the missing guards. Now why is that? Her gaze catches sight of the dragon talon. Well now, this should be interesting. The Paladin's speech catches her attention, even more so when he falls. She is content to stay in the shadows and see what develops. Perhaps if someone competent shows up, I may find some work today after all.

2009-11-28, 12:42 PM
Vindall slouches angrily. He closes his eyes for a second.
Maybe it'll be gone when I open my eyes...
Dang. I guess not. Why does this always happen to me? I came here to get away from all this, and now it followed me here?
Vindall walks towards the man, spitting and muttering epithets in Dwarven under his breath.
Vindall leans on the shaft of his axe and speaks to the man.

"I suppose you'd be wantin' my help, now? They always do."

Vindall all but ignores the paladin.

2009-11-28, 12:45 PM
While he waits for the man's response, Janeth attempts to divine the meaning of the dragon talon hacked on his door.

(OOC: Sorry for making a whole new post for this, but I can't fit dice rolls into edits. Janeth makes knowledge (religion) and knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks to find out the meaning of the dragon talon. Will take 10 if possible. If impossible, here are the rolls:

Knowledge (religion): [roll0]
Knowledge (nobility and royalty): [roll1])

2009-11-28, 12:50 PM
Verris smiles brightly at a young girl, his overlarge canines ruining his attempt at warmth and openness. She stumbles backwards, pulling at her mother's skirts for protection, and the half-orc turns away and sighs.

Seeing the man pleading for help, Verris nods and approaches, planting himself firmly beside the paladin. Men are far more willing to see a person's true value when desperate!

"What is it you need?"

2009-11-28, 01:03 PM
Startled at the response to his hopeless cries, the man looks up, and recoils at the scarred dwarf and ferocious half orc. Turning to the paladin, "She's gone! I returned from the library to find my shop and home burned as you see, and my daughter kidnapped. They left this..."

He produces a slip of parchment, written in poor hand: "Pay up, or your little girl gets it. Until dark...
~The Claw"

But you'll help, won't you? Any of you? He breaks down again, sobbing into his sleeve.

2009-11-28, 01:14 PM
The half-orc snatches the piece of paper and glares at it for a few moments, his lips twisting as he tries to make out the words. With a snarl, he holds it out for someone else.
"Okay, great. What's it say? Where's she at? I can't do much t'help if I don't know where she's at! And it's not like we'll be able to track her through this," he says, gesturing at the myriad of tracks through the road.

2009-11-28, 01:19 PM
"Don't worry, I'm pretty new at this, but I'll help as much as I can."

Gesturing at the dwarf and half-orc beside him, he adds, "As I am sure these fine gentlemen will... I hope."

Turning towards the dwarf and the half-orc, Janeth starts slightly as he recognizes the half-orc for what he is. There is no revulsion or disgust expressed in his face though, merely surprise and no small amount of compassion.

A half-orc? I didn't think there were any left in this day and age... Pelor bless him, I can only imagine how horrid life must be for someone in his position.

Recovering quickly, Janeth addresses the warriors. "Sorry for being so presumptious, but you will help, won't you?"

(OOC: Janeth is no fool though, he surreptitiously "pings" them for evil)

He puts on what he thinks is a charming smile, only to have the note snatched out of his hand by the half-orc.

Slightly discomfited, he nevertheless waits for the man's reply.

2009-11-28, 01:44 PM
Vindall takes the proffered note from the half orc and scans over it. He turns towards the man:
"Ah'll help ye, but I'm gonna need to know a little more. Who is this 'Claw?' And how did ye get mixed up wit'em?

2009-11-28, 01:47 PM
Well now, this is interesting. A Half-Orc, a Dwarf, and a Human. And here I thought that I would find a useful group. Just my luck. Alwen is reluctant to join them, but it doesn't appear that they will find the man's daughter on their own. Still, waiting just a bit longer couldn't hurt.

2009-11-28, 01:52 PM
"Yeah, I'll help. That's why I'm here, ain' it? I just need t'know what the dang note says. Where're we supposed to go, and what's this Claw you're talkin' about?"
Verris spits a thick glob of mucus-filled saliva into the street, then cracks his knuckles with a grin. "Don' worry, sir," he assures the shopkeep. "I'll get 'er back, no problem."

2009-11-29, 12:37 PM
Not far away from the group gathered around the distraught villager, a young man wakes up with an incredible headache. Sitting up and brushing some straw from his back, Dietrich Nestor rubs his eyes and feels for the bag of gold at his belt, which is luckily still there. He must have looked ragged enough as he slept on the pile of hay in the alley outside the inn (he had gone outside to relieve himself, passed out, and never made it back to the room he rented earlier) that no one bothered to rob him.

The bleating cries of the middle-aged man had woken him. Now as his eyes come into focus he takes a hard look at the scene, just twenty feet away. A group seems to be forming with the intent of helping the man and his kidnapped daughter. As the towns-person explains his plight, the young sorcerer thinks quickly.

Dietrich does some quick soul-searching and decides to try to help the man too. Maybe fate would lead him to some answers about why he was cursed with magic, or at least going into danger against this "Claw" would give St. Cuthbert an opportunity to smite him down.

Knowledge (Religion) [roll0]

Resolved, he stands and brushes off his dirty robes further, shaking the grass out of his long brown hair. He walks up, stumbling a bit, still a little woozy from the night of drinking.

"I'll join you as well."

2009-11-29, 01:07 PM
Dear gods why? A drunk is now offering his help. What did I do?With a final shake of her head, Alwen steps out from the shadows and crosses the street. After all, that girl won't rescue herself, nor will they for that matter without help.
"It appears that you are in need of some help. I'm curious, how does a merchant draw the ire of the Claw? And kidnapping, well this is a new one for him."

2009-11-29, 02:49 PM
Cheered at the sight of so many, helpful, albeit uncouth persons, the man calms himself. I am a simple scribe and scholar. However, the Claw claims to possess evidence that I have dabbled in witchcraft. He demands that I pay him a great sum, or he will report me to the Holy Paladin Protectors for inquisition. My research into things arcane is nothing similar to witchcraft, but I came under suspicion for undertaking it, so it would be easy for him to prove something others already suspect.

He pauses, shaking his head. I was a fool to refuse his demands. Now he has stolen my daughter Katya, demanding that I pay. If I don't, she will be killed, or sold, or worse, and I will be burned as a heretic and a witch.

Tears flood his eyes once more, but he breathes deeply and continues. As to where to find him, I do not know. Ask in the taverns, or ask the city guards, but oh, please find her, by Pelor's Mace, I beg you!

@DeitrichYou have never seen this symbol in any religious context, but you surmise it must be the Claw's calling card.

2009-11-29, 03:45 PM
Vindall Mordoct

Vindall scowls at the man and utters, barely audibly.
"That's what ye be getting when ye be mixing wi' dem voodoo magics. A wise man knows better than messin' wit' the laws of the world."

In a louder voice he says: "How did this "Claw" talk to ye in the first place? And how do ye know it's a he?"

2009-11-29, 09:37 PM
Quietly tapping Vindall on the shoulder, Janeth whispers, "Don't be so hard on the poor man, he has lost his daughter."

Turning to the rest of the motley group around him, Janeth addresses them,
"Uhm, now I'm no expert with lost children, but it seems like the logical course of action would to be split up and search for information. I'm new to the city, but I do have access to the town guards and local priests, and I'm sure the rest of you have contacts that could prove fruitful..."

"Oh wait that sounded pretty bad, didn't it? Sorry, I'm not saying you all are unlawful individuals or anything but uhm... ahh... sorry."

He flushes sheepishly.

"But yes, why don't we go search for information and meet back here tonight?"

2009-11-29, 10:07 PM
"Right. Sounds like a plan." Verris shrugs off his backpack and tosses it into the dirt by the merchant's feet with a dull thump. "Watch this for me, will ya? I'll pick it up when we meet here again t'night."

He turns, looking up and down the street, then shakes his head. "Where the hell would this Claw thing hang out, d'you think? The market? Where's that at?"

2009-11-29, 10:11 PM
"Very well then. I will stay here and look around." Alwen begins to search the ground for any signs of who came, such as number, race, etc.


If possible, I'll take 20. Otherwise I'd use these rolls.

Well that was a pleasant surprise. The paladin actually can think. Now if only he could figure out how to walk..."

2009-11-29, 11:20 PM
When he hears that the man's daughter was taken because of his arcane research, Dietrich's first thoughts go to serves him right. A look of disgust and contempt spreads over his face as he looks the sniveling scribe up and down. But his own condition flies to mind, like a bird in an open window. It causes him a great deal of confusion. Hesitant, he looks to Janeth.

"Your plan seems sound. I don't really have any contacts here though. The guards almost didn't let me into town yesterday when I showed up. I would rather not visit any priest either. That leaves me the taverns. Also, I think I may have a tab to pay."

Gather Information [roll0]

2009-11-29, 11:22 PM
Janeth almost asks the the hungover man why he has such an aversion to clerics, but holds his tongue. After all, everyone has secrets, and it is not the duty of a paladin to find them out.

Reassuring the man that he will be back shortly, he heads off to the local temple of Pelor to try and find out more information about "The Claw".

(OOC: Do I need to make a roll? Or can I just RP out the conversation?)

2009-11-30, 12:15 AM
The man stares off into space, barely hearing Vindall's further questions, then begins picking through the wreckage of his shop.

You are already in the merchant quarter, but a passerby gives you direction to the open air market square a few blocks away.

@Alwen:You've found a set of three footprints leaving the shop. One of them leaves a deeper impression on the left side, as if he were limping heavily, or carrying something. Even with the bustle of the street, you think you can follow them, if you go quickly.

@DietrichAfter a few hours, it becomes clear that no one wishes to discuss the Claw, either from lack of knowledge or fear. Someone did mention a bartender named Chubs in the docks that sometimes knows things.

@JanethBetter RP this one. Let's keep it in spoilers.

2009-11-30, 02:36 AM
Janeth heads towards the nearest temple of Pelor, and requests a meeting with the head priest. While waiting for his request to be granted, he asks the other paladins attached to the temple if they have heard about "The Claw".

2009-11-30, 02:36 AM
Dietrich makes his way down to the docks to look for this "Chubs."

Another Gather Information check to find this guy? [roll0]

2009-11-30, 08:37 AM
Verris thanks the passerby and heads to the open air market. Once there, he begins harassing people for information about the Claw, concentrating on the merchants.

If possible, take 20 on Gather Information (19 result). Otherwise:
Gather Information: [roll0]

2009-11-30, 08:55 AM
Alwen immediately sets off after the tracks she found. Three men shouldn't be too hard to track, especially since one appears to be carrying the girl.

2009-11-30, 08:13 PM
As the sun rises higher in the brisk autumn sky, the moisture from the rain the previous night slowly evaporates. The five adventurers scour the city for signs of the lost Katya, some finding their own path, others seeking aid the best way they know how.

@VindallThe man is muttering to himself as he sifts through the ashes. You make out snippets:
if only...went to magistrate...illegal...innocent. ...take her, she's just a girl...dungheap of a man...against me...

He trails off into incoherence. Alwen seems to have found some tracks, and is following them. The half orc cuts a wide swath through the gaping crowd as he sets off toward the market. Janeth said something about Pelor's temple, and the drunkard stumbled off to another tavern.

@JanethThe stained glass is exquisite, and as the sun climbs higher you watch scenes of bravery and honor performed in the name of the glorious Pelor dance across the marble walls. The local paladins are mostly members of the Protectors, the witch hunters. Aiding the city guard in mundane matters only occasionally, they have never heard of the Claw. After the morning service, and blessings of supplicating petitioners, the head priest, Father Archbow, approaches you.
My son, how may I aid in your mission for the glory of Pelor?

@DietrichYou find Chubs easily in the Broken Rudder, a seedy establishment near the trade docks. Full of sailors, crooks for hire, and pickpockets, the brew is strong and the bartender as tough as his clientèle. He notes you as you walk in, sizing up your purse and your brawn (or lack thereof). Grabbing a pint glass in one meaty hand, he shoots a stream of filthy spit neatly into a bucket before growling "What'll it be?"

@VerrisThe merchants don't do much but sputter at the sight of a half orc pushing them around. They don't admit to knowing much, one or two has threatened to set the guards on you.

@AlwenThe tracks lead generally toward the warehouses near the docks, but on the main road the heavy foot traffic has obscured them, and you lose the trail after only a few blocks. Another survival check [roll]1d20+8

2009-11-30, 08:15 PM
Alwen curses as she loses the trail. Why did it have to rain last night? First this group, now the rain obscuring her trail. Bah, why did I agree to this?

I'll wait another hour and try again and keep at it until it's time to return if I keep failing my checks. So I'm asking how many rolls should I make, if any?

2009-11-30, 08:24 PM
@Alwenactually, I rolled for you just now in OOC, and I have you succeeding in finding their tracks on one of the side roads. They leads to a broken down warehouse. On a spot check of ten or better, open this spoilertwo men are on watch, but they don't seem to notice you

2009-11-30, 08:27 PM
Dietrich slowly crosses the room and takes a seat at the bar.

"I hate to pass up a drink, but I'm trying to clear my head and I needed to get out of the fresh air, so to speak. You see, someone told me that a guy around here knows something about the girl who was kidnapped just a bit ago...but I can't remember his name. Biggs...no, no. Fats?"

2009-11-30, 08:34 PM
@DietrichNever eard of 'im, an I never eard of no stolen girl neither. If ya don't want the ale, what'll ya have? Ain't gonna jaw all day with ya. He smashes down the pint glass, rattling the jar's fellows.

2009-11-30, 08:37 PM
"Gah. This is worthless," the half-orc mutters to himself. He scans the market one last time, looking for clues, then heads back to the burnt-out shop. Hopefully one of the others found something. They seemed a lot more comfortable in the city. Hell, at the very least folks will *talk* to them...

2009-11-30, 08:37 PM
Alwen survey's her surroundings, looking for any trace of the kidnappers passing.


Noticing the men, she quickly takes cover.
Hide check in OOC

She looks around, seeing if there is any other place for her to examine the warehouse, if not she heads back to tell the others.

2009-11-30, 08:44 PM
@VerrisYou notice a surly looking, brawny human clumsily tailing you as you leave the market

DMhide for Alwen[roll0], spot for thugs(2)[roll1],[roll2] (the sudden dive for cover would be a bit suspicious

@AlwenAs you dive for cover, you escape their attention.

2009-11-30, 10:00 PM
Vindall Mordoct:
Vindall is intrigued by the man's strange words. He edges closer, trying to hear better.

2009-11-30, 10:02 PM
Bowing deeply in reply, Janeth addresses the elder priest, telling him of the fate that has befallen the man they are trying to help.

"I understand that you might find the situation a bit distasteful, Father, for the man has been dappling in arcane experiments, but I believe him when he says they were for academic purposes alone. Do you know any information that might help aid us in our quest? For example, who the Claw might be?"

Janeth also takes to opportunity to describe his companions, asking the priest if he knows anything about them.

2009-11-30, 10:48 PM
@VindallHis strange mutterings have taken on a distinct rhythm, even a melody. The language reminds you of mountains, rivers, and great heroic deeds, but you can't understand a single phrase.

@JanethFather Archbow heaves a sigh, pondering a moment. My son, he begins, word of this man has reached our temple. His plight is strange, and a sorry one, but this temple will not aid him. The Paladins here are tasked with protecting the city from witches and preserving law and order. Normally this case would be under our jurisdiction, and I wish we could intervene, if only for the girl's sake. I have been directed however, to lift no hand.

He massages his temples, searching what to say next.

However, I believe I can tell you that the Claw, however he may frighten others, does not frighten me. He is a petty criminal boss with high aspirations. I suspect, though I cannot prove, that he has several city guards in his pocket, though how far the corruption has spread I do not know. He doesn't stay in one place very long, but generally keeps to the docks district where the Guard is easily corrupted.

2009-11-30, 10:48 PM
Dietrich sighs, and slides a gold coin across the counter to the large barkeep.

"I think perhaps it was Chubbs. Anyways, apparently some minor group of thugs that goes by the sign of a dragon's claw kidnapped some scholar's daughter. The word is someone here might know where I could find said "Claw." "

2009-11-30, 10:59 PM
@DietrichChubs leans close over the bar, foul breath fumigating you. Last night's mutton is still in his stubby whiskers. Don't call me Fats. Ever. He slides the coin off the bar, bites it, and slides it into his pocket. Then in a low voice: You want to meet the Claw? He won't take kindly to that, lessen yo be lookin for work. If'en you want my advice, don't get in 'is way.

He quickly turns away as a greasy, thin man in a ragged cloak takes a seat at the bar next to you. Spreadin rumors agin, are ya Chubs? Nothin you ain't heard before Rip. Well ma friend, what can the Claw do for you?

2009-11-30, 11:09 PM

Dietrich hesitates then continues,

"I'm interested in knowing why the girl was kidnapped. I've heard it was because her old man is some kind of wizard, but then there is apparently a ransom involved as well. I'd heard the Claw was an upright man, justly opposed to those who dabble in damned witchcraft. This leads me to think otherwise..."

2009-11-30, 11:17 PM
DMDietrich's bluff[roll0], Rip's sense motive [roll1]

@DietrichHe seems to buy your story, at least the part about believing the Claw to be an upright man. He nods, then runs his hand through his ratty long hair. Right you are my friend, the Claw don't take no guff, and he don't take kindly to witches neither. The old man, he don't got no sense, see? He's a witch, right certain, and taking the girl, well, you don't let a rabbit into a room full of hungry dogs, do ya? Its fer her own safety, ya see. Nah, you'll see. The old man will pay up, then 'ol Claw will turn him over to the Paladins any road. He'll make a pretty penny sure, but ya gotta earn yer bread.

2009-11-30, 11:26 PM
Verris makes his way to the side of the street so he'll be out of the way of passersby and waves the man tailing him over. "Oi! Get over here. I wanna talk t'you for a bit."
He reaches back with his left hand to touch the axe resting on his back, but lets the arm fall back to his side and flexes his right hand, feeling his gauntlet stretch slightly, then hold firm. It'll hafta do. The axe might make too much of a scene...

2009-11-30, 11:29 PM
"Well, I'm not the only one looking for her, I'll have you know. And if the Claw is keeping her here in the docks, I don't think it will take long for them to find her. Or does he have another hideout elsewhere?"

2009-11-30, 11:46 PM
Janeth smiles.

"Perhaps the temple might not be able to help, but who could blame you, father, if a paladin took an interest in the affair of his own accord? Especially if the paladin was a paladin of freedom and notorious breaker of rules? Rest assured father, the mans' daughter will be returned."

Bowing, Janeth takes his leave, eager to share what he has learnt.

2009-12-01, 12:54 AM
Alwen glances around, looking to see if there is another way to the warehouse.


Looking to see if there is another way to a different door or maybe if there is some way to get on top of the warehouse, look for window, etc.

2009-12-01, 01:01 AM
Vindall Mordoct

Lot of good he is. It's what he deserves, messin' wit the likes of magicks. A fine bunch of adventurers we are. The only one who lookslike he has some sense is that half orc. Guess I'll tag along, he seems to have a plan. Plans. Those are always nice, I should get one of dem.

Knowledge Check: Local
Vindall has lived in Gravenwood for a little while now, has he heard of the Claw?

Vindall follows the swath Verris cut through the crowd. When Vindall sees the confrontation, he holds back, watching it unfold.

2009-12-01, 10:29 AM
@Verris and VindallThe man, clothed in breeches and a vest open, revealing a significant paunch and a large dgger, approaches closer. If yer looking fer a job, friend, that ain't the way ta go bout it. He hasn't noticed Vindall, but the crowd has parted a bit to give the toughs 'breathing room.'

@DietrichOh, he ain't stupid. Firstly, no one in their right mind would go lookin fer the girl. Second off, iffin they did find 'er, that warehouse gots cellar to hole up in. Anyone tries to break in, he'll just hold a knife on her til they back off. Hostages be useful, ya know. and nextly, he don't stay in one place long. He gots as many hidey holes as you got fingers.

@JanethFather Archbow bows, May Pelor guide you my son, then takes his leave to go about his duties.

@AlwenThe warehous is two stories high, with no windows, but a loft door over the large main doors. The roof is about thirty feet above the ground, and sloped only slightly outward. Besides the large main door for wagons, there is a man door to one side, You find somethng similar on the other side of the building. It appears that the guards are supposed to be on both doors, but one seems to have gotten bored and joined his comrade, but you have no doubt that the doors are locked from the inside.

2009-12-01, 10:54 AM
Janeth looks up at the sky, gauging the time.

If it is still early, he might just head down to the docks to find some information before heading back to the man's house.

2009-12-01, 11:39 AM
Noting this interesting information, Alwen decides that it is time for her to head back to the man's house. No sense hanging around and being noticed.

2009-12-01, 11:44 AM
"Of course, how silly of me. I'm sure the The Claw has thought of everything. Well I must thank you boys for the conversation, but I have a few errands to run.

He takes his hand off the gold coin on the counter.

"Buy a new bucket."

Dietrich stands, and turns to go.

2009-12-01, 11:57 AM
Verris eyes the man carefully for a few moments, then shrugs. "Yeah, well, I haven' got much experience in the matter, what with me generally bein' run out of town within a few hours just 'cause of my looks. How would you suggest?"

2009-12-01, 01:48 PM
@Janeth you guess its still and hour or two before noon

@AlwenAs you make your getaway, you notice a large wagon of textiles (fine imported fabric and the like) rolling down the street. Seems that's the business of the warehouses on this particular block.

@DietrichMake a diplomacy check, then a bluff

@Verris/VindallAskin politely is a good start, but askin folks as could use the muscle is another good idea. Iffin you did find the Claw, what you got to offer 'im?

2009-12-01, 02:05 PM
"Feh. Never did pay enough attention when my mom was tryin' t'teach me matters. Always seemed like a waste. As far as what I've got t'offer..." He reaches back and heaves his axe over his shoulder. "I guess that depends on how cooperative he is, but I'd be prepared to offer him a demonstration of my skills if needed." The half-orc grins and bounces the large axe easily in his hands.

2009-12-01, 02:31 PM
Diplomacy [roll0]
Bluff [roll1]

2009-12-01, 07:09 PM
@Verris/VindallWhoa there! I weren't tryin to find no argument. But looks ta me like ya got muscle. How do ya feel bout gaurdin warehouses?

@DietrichRip nods and tips his glass to you as you leave. Chubs just snorts and mumbles under his breath.

2009-12-01, 08:12 PM

Figuring that he still has a lot of time before dark, Janeth heads down to the docks. Remembering what Father Archbow told him about the city guards and their corruptibility, he figures the best way to get information about the Claw would be to pretend to be corruptible himself.

When he gets the chance, he will approach a guard that he knows to be corrupt, or if he does not know any of them, the guard that looks the most corrupt (e.g. one who has suspiciously good clothing or weapons/armor for a man of his pay).

Sidling up to the guard, he sighs audibly within the guard's earshot.

"Damnit, they aren't paying us enough for the sort of work we are doing," he mutters to himself, just loud enough for the guard to hear. "I can barely keep myself alive on the pittance they are giving us."

(OOC: If required, Bluff Check [roll0])
(Edit: *Facepalm*)

2009-12-01, 08:20 PM
DMSense motive check for the guard [roll0]
Edit: that's funny.

@JanethIt takes you a while to find a guard at all, but you eventually do. He's jawing with some sailors instead of walking his beat. He eyes you a bit suspiciously, but asks Streak o' hard luck finally caught up wit ya?

2009-12-01, 08:34 PM
"Yeah, yeah, no need t'get all scared. It's not like I'm gonna cleave ya in two for no reason. And guard duty seems like it'd get awful boring, though I'd have no issue doin' it for awhile. Just need to take care of one thing first. Any chance you could set me up with a meeting with the Claw?" He rests the axe on his shoulder in an attempt to appear less threatening.

2009-12-01, 08:43 PM
@Verris/VindallTain't no knowing. See, I hear he's got sum'in goin down tonight, and he wants a bit extra muscle. Iff in ya sign on fer one night, maybe you get regular job. It's a plum one too. Jus guard a warehouse, no questions, twenty gold.

2009-12-01, 08:47 PM
Vindall Mordoct

Seeing the situation wasn't as he had feared, Vindall walks over by Verris.
"I suppose I might be interested."
He speaks as if he had been part of the conversation all along.

2009-12-01, 08:56 PM
Verris narrows his eyes, looking the thug up and down, then nods to the dwarf in greeting."I'd want more details than just 'somethin's goin' down' before I'd agree to anything."

2009-12-01, 08:56 PM

Dietrich stops as soon as he exits the bar.

I'd better not head straight back to the scholar...I'm almost sure to be followed.

The sorcerer's head is clearing finally, and he decides to try to find any of the others who had volunteered and offer up the information he has learned. He will wander town, generally avoiding the area directly around the scholar's burnt out house, for a few hours or until he encounters someone he recognizes from earlier.

2009-12-01, 09:36 PM
@Verris/VindallSurprised to see two such uglies in such near proximity, the man does a bit of a double take. Well, now, here we have a smart one! See, my employeer has got somethin, an he don't want no one takin it. You jus gotta stand there, look tough, an if anyone tries to steal what ain't rightly his, ya whack 'em. Simple, eh?

2009-12-01, 09:51 PM
Well, I've gotta meet back with the folks about the girl tonight, but we never did say that we were actually taking care of it tonight, I don' think. 'Sides, this'll give me a chance to get in with the Claw, which'll be helpful...
Verris nods, returning the great axe to its resting place on his back. "Yeah, alright. I just have one thing to take care of first. When and where do I need t'be?"

2009-12-02, 02:23 AM

Janeth nods wearily.

"Yeah," he says, "Even paladins lose at cards sometimes. Stupid divine powers don't help us much there. I owe my cousin 300 gp and if I don't repay him in a month's time my uncle's going to take my inheritance as forfeit."

(OOC: Bluff check if needed [roll0])
(Edit: :smallfrown:)

2009-12-02, 06:45 PM
DMsense motive for guard [roll0]

@JanethThat'll do it, sure. Good luck, friend. Wish I could help. He returns to his conversation.

@Verris/VindallWell, if ya need a job, meet me at the Broken Rudder down near the docks long about sunset.

2009-12-02, 08:21 PM
Vindall Mordoct

Vindall turns towards Verris.
"Well, what do ye say? You look like a man of sense, someone with some brain in that skull of yores. Trap, ye thinK?"

2009-12-02, 09:00 PM

Seeing that the guard ignored his overtures, Janeth decides not to press the issue, for fear that he would arouse more suspicion. He decides to hang around at the docks for a while in the hopes of stumbling across more information. If nothing happens, Janeth will head back to the man's house.
(OOC: I take it the guard wasn't deceived or he just wasn't corrupt enough?)

2009-12-02, 09:56 PM
DMWe need hides and spots for Rip, Dietrich, and Janeth. Hide, moving full speed. [roll0], Spot for Dietrich, with -4 for distance. [roll1]. Spot for Janeth, with -4 for distance and -2 for distracted. [roll2].

As Janeth finishes his exchange with the guard, Dietrich goes walking by. Both notice the thin man with greasy long hair skulking along, obviously watching Dietrich with great interest.

2009-12-02, 10:13 PM
Janeth casually moves behind the man, blocking off his route of escape, not trying to hide himself, but not drawing attention either.

Casting "detect evil", he attempts to discern the man's alignment.

Sure would be useful to have that ranger with us now

"Hello there," he says pleasantly, clapping a mailed hand on the man's shoulder.

2009-12-02, 10:45 PM
The man jumps like he was stung, stepping forward and whipping around, hand digging into his overcoat. Seeing the Paladin, his eyes narrow, and he hisses WHAT!

@JanethDefinitely an evil aura coming from this guy.

2009-12-02, 11:02 PM
"Aww, you followed me Rip? I thought we were friends!"

Dietrich crosses his arms with an angry look on his face, but nods at Janeth.

2009-12-02, 11:03 PM
Keeping one wary eye on the man, Janeth addresses Dietrich.

"You know this man?" he asks.

2009-12-02, 11:06 PM
"Barely. Met him in a bar, dockside. Works for the Claw."

2009-12-02, 11:12 PM
"Ah, now that changes things."

Addressing the man, Janeth says, "I'm going to have to ask you to come with me. There are some things my companions and I would like to ask you."

As he says this, he casually unslings his greatsword, letting his fingers curl around its hilt.

(OOC: Rolling intimidation in the OOC thread, forgot to roll it when I first posted)

2009-12-02, 11:17 PM
"Yeah, I'll pro'ly be there," Verris tells the man. He nods to Vindall and continues back towards the burnt-out shop with him.
"Trap?" His brow furrows in confusion. "Why would ya think that? He's just offerin' us a job. I figure we meet up with the folks about the girl, then we head down t'meet up with the Claw. Do the guard job and get 'im to release the girl, all at once!"

2009-12-02, 11:25 PM
Vindall Mordoct

"Let's just say that I've had my share of trouble in the day. Now I just reckon they wants ta do me harm. Sounds like a good plan to me though. Numbers always help."

2009-12-03, 08:06 PM
Rip slowly brings his hand out of the coat. Now, no need to be hasty. Just, ya know, rough folks around here can surprise a fella.

2009-12-03, 08:55 PM
Janeth smiles, seeing that his veiled threat has made some effect.

"Don't worry, dear man," he says, "We have no intention of harming you just yet."

Drawing Dietrich to one side, Janeth scribbles a small note and hands it to him, all the while keeping a wary eye on Rip.

"Go to the temple of Pelor nearest the merchant's quarter and ask for Father Archbow. Tell him I sent you and show him the note and he should provide you with the resources we need."

Turning to Rip, he says, "Now, if you'd follow me?"

Janeth begins to escort his reluctant quandary back to the man's house.

The note contains a request for either a potion of truth, a scroll of zone of truth, or a cleric willing to cast the spell. It is signed by Janeth and explains that it is needed in connection with the Claw and the case of the missing girl.

2009-12-03, 09:39 PM

Dietrich nods and heads toward where he thought he saw the temple earlier. He goes to a priest and hands over the note, suddenly rather more conscious of his stained and ragged acolyte's robes.

"Ahem...a message from the paladin Janeth."

2009-12-04, 07:18 PM
@DietrichThe cleric looks Dietrich up and down, sniffs in disgust, and disappears through a door. After what seems like forever, but is really only minutes, what appears to be the head priest appears. This one is a bit more friendly. Father Archbow, he introduces himself. You, I understand, are an...associate of the Paladin Janeth? I appreciate and sympathize with his endeavors, but as I told him, I have been instructed to lift no hand in this matter. Regretfully, I cannot provide him the aid he requested. May Pelor guide his footsteps. And yours as well. Turning away so as to avoid any argument, Father Archbow returns to wherever he came from.

Rip, uncharacteristically docile, assents, and accompanies Janeth through the city.

2009-12-05, 12:41 AM
"Can't say I've ever had that problem." Verris makes his way back to the burnt-out shop and rummages through his backpack, pulling out a chunk of jerkied meat. He drops to the dirt road and rips a piece of the meat off with his powerful jaws and begins chewing it. "Alright, let's just hang out here 'til t'night."

2009-12-06, 01:22 AM
As you gather back to the burned out shop, each has something to report. Janeth brings a reluctant Rip in tow, while Alwen's tracking has been fruitful. The two bruisers are set up with what could be an in. Dietrich should be along any minute with a message from Father Archbow. The sun is past its zenith. A late afternoon breeze begins blowing, and as the storm gathers, people scurry around on last minute errands before closing shop for the day.

Cue the roleplay!

2009-12-06, 03:45 AM
Addressing the group, Janeth shows them his captive.

"I think the first thing we should do is learn the strength and disposition of The Claw's forces from Rip here, though we'll need to wait until Dietrich gets back with the magical materials I asked for first."

He also tells them what Father Archbow has told him about the Claw, namely that he operates around the docks and has some of the city guard in his pocket.

(OOC: Do we assume that everyone has told each other what happens and read the spoilers, or RP it out?)

2009-12-06, 12:10 PM
OOC: I'm assuming Cue the Roleplay! translates to RP.:smalltongue:

"Well, as long as were waiting, I've discovered where they are holding the girl. She's in a warehouse down by the docks. There were two guards outside, though they didn't look very attentive. They only ways that I could see in were one large main door and two smaller doors on each side of the building. There was also a loft door above the main door."

2009-12-06, 12:31 PM
"Interesting. Do you think you could sneak in? I'd try, but I'm so clumsy that I'd probably break my neck trying."

2009-12-06, 02:29 PM
Verris pushes himself to his feet, trying to rub some of the mud off his trousers. "Well, when were y'all planning on raiding this place? The dwarf an' I got an offer t'guard some warehouse for the Claw tonight. I figured it'd give me an opportunity t'maybe talk to him about the girl."

2009-12-06, 04:01 PM
Competence from the half-orc? Will wonders never cease. Not likely with the day I've been having.

Turning to address Verris, "Well, if you happen to get inside, I'd appreciate if you could unlock one of the side doors. From what I could tell they appeared barred or locked from the inside."

2009-12-06, 04:22 PM
The half-orc blinks and looks at Alwen for a few moments. "I said I'd be guardin' the place. I don't think goin' around and unlocking the doors would be the proper move to guard it."

2009-12-06, 04:47 PM
Narrowing her gaze, Alwen replies, "It would only be for a moment, just long enough for me to sneak in. No one would have any idea that I'd be there. Or, do you have a better idea for rescuing the girl?"

Calm down Alwen, let the Orc have his say. But he better have one good reason."

2009-12-06, 06:06 PM
Verris glares back at the elf. "Look," he growls. "I never said I'd be guardin' the girl. I said I was guarding a warehouse; been told I'm protecting what rightfully belongs to the Claw. So if the girl's there, I'll help you get in. If she ain't in the warehouse I'm guarding, though, you won't be gettin' in alive."

2009-12-06, 07:21 PM
"Very well then. What time will you be guarding the place?"

2009-12-06, 08:40 PM
Shrugging, Verris replies, "Dunno. Gotta meet the guy at sundown, so I would assume start around then."

2009-12-06, 09:04 PM
Janeth attempts to break up the confrontation between the two.

"Verris, I assure you we have no interest in the Claw apart from rescuing the girl. If the girl is not there we will leave him alone. And the presence of the girl can easily be corroborated by interrogation of this man here, or perhaps by information Dietrich can provide. Although, given what we know of the Claw so far, I might suggest that you would be better off finding an employer who stays on the right side of the law."

2009-12-06, 09:20 PM
Dietrich returns, explaining that the priest refused the request.

As the others inform him of the situation, he adds the information he learned.

"You needn't interrogate him too much. He already told me where the girl is; the basement of the warehouse you mentioned."

2009-12-06, 10:35 PM
(OOC: Is it okay to assume that Rip was not in earshot when we discussed this?)

Janeth is bemused by Father Archbow's refusal of his request, but a new plan slowly starts taking shape in his mind.

"I have an idea, but I'm going to need some information from Rip, and a map of the warehouse and the surrounding area. Alwen, could you draw us one?"

"As for Rip, we know we don't have the potion of truth, but he doesn't know that, does he?"

Janeth smiles wickedly and starts to pour some plain water into a cup.

2009-12-07, 10:22 AM
"Some beer would loosen his tongue better I figure, but hey, give it a try."

2009-12-07, 10:59 AM
Janeth approaches Rip with the cup of water.

"Now Rip," he says, "I'm going to give you a choice."

"In this cup is a potion of truth, which you are going to drink whether you like it or not. However, being a paladin and all that, I would much prefer it if we did not have to resort to this unsavory form of coercion."

"So I'm going to offer you this deal. You tell us what we want to know now, and we let you go after we've completed the operation."

"Or, if you feel like being stubborn, we could just force feed you the potion of truth and let you go after a few days. But not before telling the Claw all about how useful your information was in helping us derail his latest scheme."

"And don't even think about lying. Don't forget we can always corroborate it with the potion."

(OOC: What rolls do I make?)

2009-12-07, 11:33 AM
Not particularly caring how they interrogate the man or what they find, Alwen moves a short way off and begins to sketch a map of the warehouse area.

OOC: Thank you madtinker for working on a map

2009-12-07, 08:53 PM
Alwen scratches out a rough map:
The blue circles to the north are the guards that she saw, and barrels and piles of things are in brown. The one on the south end is about five feet high, and the barrels two or three. The warehouse is two stories, the thick black line representing doors, and the roof at its peak is about thirty feet off the ground, and twenty feet on the sides.

2009-12-07, 10:06 PM
Quaking, either from drink, anger, or fear, Rip goes pale. Fine! Whadda want ta know?

2009-12-08, 09:42 PM
"I want to know a few things."

"Firstly, how many men are guarding the warehouse? And how are they equipped."

"Secondly, what goods, other than the girl, are stored in the warehouse."

"Thirdly, how important is the girl to the Claw's schemes?"

2009-12-09, 05:57 PM
Golly...uh, well, ten maybe. Razors (daggers), clubs, a few gots reg'lar swords. Iz jus got some cloth, ya know wool, yarn, that sorta thang. Far as Ah know, she ain't very important. Ya'll will have to ask the Claw yerselves iff'in ya want ta know that!

2009-12-09, 07:18 PM
Janeth nods, and leaves Rip in the room, locking the door behind him.

"Alright guys," says Janeth.

"Here's my plan."

"As tempting as it is to run in and start bashing things, I fear that engaging the enemy on his own ground will be bad news for us. Not that I'm saying you can't handle them, I'm just saying that - well, you know, you get my drift."

"So what I propose is that we make us of the way in the Claw has so kindly provided us, by hiring our two friends here as his guards."

"Verris, Vindall, with you two on guard Alwen should easily be able to slip her way into the warehouse. Try and distract anyone who's on guard too, so that she has an easier time of it. I'd try sneaking in too, but with all this armor I'd only ruin things."

"Alwen, once you're inside I want you to set fire to the wool or yarn or whatever's inside. Then find someplace safe to wait."

"Here's where Dietrich and I come in. We'll be waiting around the vicinity of the warehouse, and will do one of two things, depending on the situation."

"If the Claw thinks the girl is important enough to evacuate her rather than risk her being exposed to the fire, then we'll all waylay the evacuation party. Verris, Vindall, in this case I'd be great if you could somehow work yourself into the evacuation party."

"If not, and the Claw prefers to fight the fire with the girl still inside, we'll run in pretending to 'the do-gooder paladin and his eager assistant', and spirit the girl away in the confusion. In this case we'll need everyone's help to add to the confusion, or fight the guards, if the situation turns ugly."

"Alwen, Verris, Vindall, one of you three will have to give us some sort of signal as to which scenario is taking place. Say perhaps a light signal of some kind."

"What do you guys think?"

2009-12-09, 07:55 PM
Dietrich scratches his head.

"Sounds like a pretty good plan. But what are we gonna do with Rip here? I doubt he'll sit by quietly while we ruin his boss's plans."

2009-12-09, 08:03 PM
Will wonders never cease, the paladin knows what he's doing. Though I suppose planning and walking aren't related.

"That is a sound plan. However, I lack anything that could signal you, short of shooting you. Does anyone have something I could use?

2009-12-09, 08:29 PM
Verris rummages through his pack for a few moments, then shrugs. "Sorry. Don't carry around stuff like that; don't exactly get cause for signaling very often. Would somethin' vocal work?"

2009-12-09, 10:36 PM
"Ah know some traditional Dwarven chants and songs. Ye think ye'd be able to recognize one of em from another if I started singing? A singing dwarf is never suspicious."

2009-12-10, 12:37 AM
"That sounds fine, if you use two distinct ones, say a drinking chant and a love song."

Janeth chuckles. "But knowing dwarfs I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same thing."

"Not that I meant it as an insult or anything!" he adds hastily. "But perhaps you should demonstrate first."

"As for Rip, I suggest we bind and gag him until we return. As distasteful as it sounds I believe it is nesscary if we are to successfully complete our task."

2009-12-10, 02:19 AM
"You seem to have things well thought out. And my dad ran a brewery. I've spent most of my life in and out of taverns. Delivering barrels of my dad's ale of course, I'm not a heavy drinker."

The young man gives mischievous smile.

"Point being, I know what a Dwarven drinking song sounds like. And I know what one of their love songs sounds like. The former are always happy; the latter are always depressing. I suppose maybe Dwarves prefer booze to Dwarven women. Can't say I blame them.

So I'll stick with you, paladin. Can't say I'll be too much help in a fight though, I don't even have a weapon."

2009-12-10, 02:56 AM
"Well, then, sounds like we've got a plan." The half-orc grabs a length of rope from his pack, then pulls a javelin free from his back and tosses it to Dietrich. "Here y'go, mate. Not the best of weapons, but it's better'n nothing." With that, he pushes Rip roughly down and begins to tie him.

Assuming I'm reading the rules correctly, I don't make the Use Rope check now. In case you play it otherwise... Take 20 if possible (+2 skill, +10 bonus in the check, 32 total. Otherwise:


2009-12-10, 02:25 PM
"Thanks...Verris was it? I had a little training in self-defense before I left the monastery, and I was alright at throwing the spear. A javelin can't be too different. I suppose I can always throw down fisticuffs as well, although in fights as a kid I usually took more than I gave."

Or I could blast flames and frost out of the palm of my hand...although I hate to admit it even to myself. Hopefully I can get through this without having to rely on that curse...

2009-12-11, 03:34 PM
"Yeah, Verris. Javelin's easy. You stick people with the pointy end. That knowledge won't make you an expert, but it's the basics. And, of course, they work well for throwin' if you need it, just that then you won' have it to stab with anymore."

He finishes tying Rip up, tugging on the ropes a few times to check tightness, then stands and shoulders his pack. "I'm gonna get down to the inn where I'm supposed to meet the guy. Should probably watch him as long as you can, but I think the ropes'll hold." With that, he turns and starts towards the docks, asking passers-by for directions to the Broken Rudder as needed.

2009-12-11, 03:40 PM
"Best of luck to you all." With that Alwen takes off for the warehouse district. She looks for a hiding place that also has a good view of the warehouse.

OOC: Ideally this would be on a roof. Do you need any rolls?

2009-12-11, 05:21 PM
Twilight creeps over the city, and thunderheads gather as each man (or woman) begins their respective missions.

@Verris/VindallYou find your way to the Broken Rudder, a small bar near the docks. If you weren't used to smoke, body odor, and oppressive heat, you might have vomited. The bartender, a large man with hairy arms, offers you some of the house's finest (strongest) brew. The vested man from the morning is sitting in the corner with another three fellows, equally rough in character.

@AlwenThe neighboring warehouse was easily climbed, and as the shadows lengthen no one notices the ranger quietly watching the growing twilight. The roofs are roughly equal heights, and about ten feet apart, covered with tarred pine shingles. The guards are more alert than they were in the morning, each at his own post, watching the streets intently. You don't see anyone going in or out.

@Janeth/DietrichThe man comes back to his shop after the others have left. Gravely he asks "What news have you of my daughter's fate?"

2009-12-11, 06:42 PM

"Sir, your daughter is currently being held in a warehouse by the Claw. Rest assured, though, that we have devised a plan to win her back by both guile and strength. With luck, she should be with you by tomorrow morning."

Janeth motions to Dietrich.

"Come, we'd best be going."

Pretending to be a paladin and his assistant doing their regular rounds, they use the excuse to loiter in the vicinity of the warehouse in question, waiting for the signal from the others.

2009-12-11, 11:03 PM

Dietrich follows the Paladin quietely, fingering the javelin hidden under his robes through the wool cloth, as they walk the streets and alleys near the warehouse. He ponders how he got himself into this mess, when he could be studying orisions in a quiet, safe monastery, or brewing beer back in St. Smyrna. That is, before his curse, magic, ruined his life.

Perhaps I can do some good with it though. The gods wouldn't have given me this power unless it was for a cause.

Confused and tired of thinking, Dietrich finally speaks.

"Well Janeth...I hope we win."

2009-12-12, 02:47 AM

Verris declines the drink with a wave and a smile to the bartender, then approaches the group in the corner and takes a seat without asking. "Alright. So what are the details on this job? What exactly are we guarding, and what's the pay?"

2009-12-12, 10:34 AM

Janeth nods, solemn for once.

"I hope we do too."

"But tell me more about yourself, while we wait. How did you come to be in the city - you told me you weren't from around these parts?"

2009-12-12, 06:38 PM
Vindall follows Veris' lead, approaching the table. He remains standing but leans heavily on the table.

2009-12-12, 06:42 PM

Alwen sits on the roof waiting for the other two to show up and help her enter.

I don't think this needs to be spoilered, in truth my character is bored.:smalltongue:

2009-12-12, 07:24 PM
@AlwenLong about dark, the paladin and the drunk appear down the street, trying to look nonchalant. At least they don't try to approach the warehouse: they stick out like sore thumbs. They don't see you, and they appear to be talking amongst themselves. When the last sliver of sun disappears, three large figures leave the warehouse and head back toward the merchant quarter. (Janeth doesn't see them: they use the entrance opposite him).

OOC: Sorry you have to be waiting so long, it'll be all you soon enough.

@Verris/VindallLike Ah said, the pay's twenty gold for the night. Its a warehouse nearby. Holds some fine...trade goods. Silk, wool, n'stuff. Plus a few other goodies. But alls you need to know is twenty gold, no questions. Deal?

@Janeth/DeitrichYou arrive at your post without incident. Gusts of wind force you to pull up your collars to avoid eating sand and dust.

2009-12-13, 01:03 AM

"Half payment now, half when the night is over. And I need to know everything that I'm guarding, though I understand if you don't want to discuss that here. You can wait and tell me once we're there." The half-orc glares at the man. "I don' see how that could be an issue; you're trustin' me to guard the junk, after all."

2009-12-13, 10:08 AM
@Verris/VindallThat sounds an awful lot like a question. Ya want the job or no?

2009-12-13, 11:46 AM

"It's a request," he growls. "An' yeah, I want the job. Just think I could guard better if I know what the heck I'm supposed t'be guardin'."

2009-12-13, 12:54 PM

"Eh, not much to tell I suppose. I'm from New Smyrna, a small town a few days from here. My pops was a brewer, never knew my ma. I was studying at the monastery there until a week ago. Why did I come? I guess you could say I'm looking for some answers to a very difficult religious question, the one that caused me to leave the monastic life, and the capital seemed as good a place as any.

What about you Janeth? Whats your story?"

2009-12-13, 11:07 PM

"A monk, you say? You should talk to my cousin sometime - he's our family's budding theologian and will spend ages trying to convince you that Pelor is the most virtuous god and that his paladins are his most virtuous servants."

Janeth shrugs.

"My story? Ah, it's pretty typical. Nothing special. I'm from one of those model families you read about in Holy Scriptures. All of us are paladins - my uncles and cousins are all in the service, although a few of the younger cousins are thinking of becoming clerics instead."

"My father was a paladin too, but a few months back we received a missive saying he had fallen in the line of duty. I'm just trying to live up to his memory I guess."

2009-12-14, 08:25 PM
@Verris/VindallHe throws each of you a bag that feels about like ten gold pieces weight. Follow me. The men drain their tankards. Put that on our tab Chubs! Chubs just glowers at their backs as they walk into the howling wind.

2009-12-16, 10:30 AM
@Verris/VindallAssuming you take the job and follow him, he leads you to a textile warehouse a few blocks from the Broken Rudder. He jerks his thumb at the two of the others. Raising his voice to be heard over the wind, This 'ere is Tobes, indicating the one with a shaved head and club shaped ear, and this is Trist, indicating the shortest of the three. They'll be with you a couple hours on watch. Alls ya got ta do is not let anyone in, an whack anyone who makes trouble. Simple enough? Good. Ah'll be inside. He turns on his heel, knocks tap...tap tap, on the door, and is let in by another guard. You are left in the street with Tobes and Trist, as the previous guards also retired.

@AlwenA little after dark, you see Verris and Vindall approaching the warehouse with four other men. After a short conversation, two of them and the previous guards disappear inside. The wind is starting to really howl, and its starting to smell like rain.

@Janeth/DietrichSometime after dark, you see Verris and another thug replace the guards outside the door closest to you.

2009-12-16, 03:41 PM

The half-orc snatches the bag out of the air and tosses it to the barkeep on the way out; they seemed about as likely to pay the man back as Verris was to actually keep everyone out of the warehouse.
At the warehouse, the half-orc grunts acknowledgement and pulls out his axe with a grin to his partner. "Nice day, eh?" His beady eyes scan the street, looking for anyone who might be trying to gain entry - most notably, his companions from earlier.

{[Spot checks in OOC]}

2009-12-16, 03:52 PM
@VerrisIts dark, and there are lots of places someone could be lurking. Make a spot check. No, make three spot checks.

@Janeth/DietrichAre you hiding or just trying to look nonchalant? If you are hiding, make a hide check (each).

@AlwenYou see Verris looking around, presumably for you. If you choose to remain concealed, make a hide check.

@DMIts dark, and they are far away, so it will be difficult for Verris to see anyone who is actually hiding. Hopefully, they don't try to hid for too long. Verris's spot checks will be against the hide checks in the order they respond.

2009-12-16, 04:07 PM

Cai draws her bow, notches an arrow, and creeps towards the edge of the roof. She's hopping that Verris spots her and can distract the guard. Otherwise, she plans on solving the problem with one feathered arrow.

2009-12-16, 09:41 PM
Janeth makes no attempt to hide himself, instead giving the guards a casual wave as Dietrich and him continue to make their "rounds".

2009-12-16, 10:58 PM
Verris -- (I'm assuming I see Janeth)

The half-orc snarls and jabs a finger at Janeth. "There's something off about that guy. He's already passed by two times now, and he keeps eying the warehouse." He looks at his partner, tightening his grip on his axe. "One of us should check him out, maybe threaten him a little bit. You mind doin' it? I figure someone's less likely to try to slip by a freak with a big axe than you, no offense."

I assume I need a bluff check, so... [roll0]

2009-12-16, 11:10 PM
@Janeth, Verris, and DietrichTobes grunts Aye, they're a bit too curious. Checking his shortsword for readiness, he accosts the Paladin. Not much of an evenin for a stroll. Hows about you just head on to where its dry?

@AlwenYou see the bald guard approach Janeth, easily fifty feet or more down the street in the opposite direction. With the dark and spattering of rain, Verris still doesn't see you, but he's still looking around, expecting something.

@VindallYour companion is a sullen one, and spends most of his time scowling in all directions. You get the feeling he doesn't really like being stuck with a dwarf, but that's better than orc spawn.

2009-12-16, 11:11 PM

Ready action: If the guard acts threatening or just plain doesn't leave I shoot. At the guard of course.


2009-12-16, 11:44 PM
Janeth holds up his hands non-threateningly.

"I'm just following orders. My friend and I here are supposed to be patrolling this district - the Church has heard rumors of arcane activity in this area supposedly."

Diplomacy check: [roll0]
Bluff Check: [roll1]
(OOC: Ah, the best laid plans of gods and men... Well time for some smacky-smacky)

2009-12-17, 10:22 AM
Tobes pulls a short sword from his belt, waving it in front of the paladin. At that moment, and arrow from somewhere nearby buries itself in the street, making up hi mind for him. He lunges at the tall paladin, brandishing his blade furiously. Verris! Get the archer!

Attack [roll0]

2009-12-17, 10:32 AM
Janeth draws his greatsword, swinging it in a vicious, wide arc.

"Take him down quickly! Don't give him a chance to alert the rest!"

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2009-12-17, 11:33 AM
Verris whirls around, snarling at Alwen. "Get down 'ere, you coward! Or else I'll come up there an' dice you!" He starts towards the ranger with a howl.

2009-12-17, 11:38 AM
Cai swears as her arrow misses the man. That many years of training and I can't hit a man. When Verris yells at her she jumps down from the roof and runs straight towards the door.

Tumble check in case of damage

2009-12-17, 11:57 AM
Verris grins as Alwen comes to him and pauses to knock on the door, trying to emulate the pattern from earlier. That done, he brandishes his axe and prepares to swing at the oncoming elf.

Ready action to swing at Alwen as she comes in range, purposely missing.

2009-12-17, 11:59 AM
You missed both the jump and tumble, so 1d6 non lethal, 1d6 lethal
L[roll]1d6/roll] = 2

Alwen lands roughly, twisting her ankle and ramming her head into the side of the warehouse. Rising, she staggers (1 move or standard action/round) towards the door.

2009-12-17, 12:11 PM
Cursing again, Cai keeps moving towards the door.

Move action

2009-12-17, 10:56 PM
Dietrich freezes. Oh no, a fight...what the hell do I do???

Suddenly, as swords begin to swing, the sorcerer finds himself drawing his borrowed javelin and lunging forward in an attempt to impale the guard with it.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-12-18, 10:11 AM
Easily dodging the wide swing and parrying the javelin thrust, Tobes presses forward furiously at the paladin.

2009-12-18, 10:13 AM
Critical Threat

@Vindall:You hear the sounds of a fight on the other side of the warehouse.

2009-12-18, 11:02 AM
Janeth gasps as the blade bites deeply into his flesh.

"Take this!" he shouts, smashing his blade downwards in a riposte.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-12-18, 11:23 AM
Janeth's vicious cut bashes aside the raised shortsword and bites deep into the man's right shoulder. Tobes doubles over, clutching at the spurting blood.

2009-12-18, 01:37 PM
Verris growls at Alwen. "Slow bugger, ain't'cha?"

He glances over at the skirmish with his partner and shakes his head at his two companions' apparent trouble, but stations himself directly in front of the door, facing Alwen with his axe brandished in front of him. Better get here b'fore they open the door, girl... How the hell am I supposed to convince them to keep it open otherwise? "Oh, hello! Please hold it open for my slowpoke friend over there to sneak in, thanks!" He shakes his head in disgust.

2009-12-19, 02:39 AM
Vindall gestures to his partner.
"I'm going to check out those sounds from across the warehouse.

He runs off towards the commotion.

2009-12-20, 09:56 PM
As Alwen reaches the door, head still swimming from the fall, it opens and three more men come outside. Seeing the wounded Tobes, the paladin, and the onrushing Alwen, one shouts "Get the girl!" before attempting to slam the door shut again.

2009-12-20, 11:42 PM
Verris tries to muscle his way into the doorway, bringing his axe down in an overhead blow at once of the newcomers.

Move into doorway, then attack one of the three men that just came out.
To-hit: [roll0]
Damage on hit: [roll1]

2009-12-21, 12:07 AM
"Verris!" Janeth growls."Protect Alwen! And don't die!"

Deciding to finish Tobes off before moving towards his comrades, Janeth brings his greatsword round for what (hopefully) is the finishing blow.

Attack roll: 1d20+4
Damage roll: [roll1]
(Edit: Huh, I think I messed up the thing somehow. The original roll was a 3 though, then it suddenly disappeared.)

2009-12-21, 02:55 AM
I have to do something. We're all going to die here if I don't. He begins to ready himself to charge with his javelin, then suddenly his body works on its own.

Dietrich steps forward and extends one arm towards the three men who have rushed out the door. His palm, outstretched, becomes a ball of fire, and flames fire out of hand at the onrushing enemies.

2009-12-21, 10:34 PM
The thugs jump back, avoiding most of the flames but still getting singed, then redouble their attempt to shut the door.

OOC: Holding the door provokes an AoO, if Verris chooses to take it.

2009-12-21, 10:53 PM
Cai notches another arrow and tries to shoot the guard in the door.


2009-12-22, 05:56 AM
As their combined strength is about to overpower the half orc, the foremost among them is felled by an arrow to the throat from Alwen. I ain't gettin paid enough for this! the second one shouts, and both flee into the warehouse.

2009-12-22, 09:55 AM
Janeth is taken aback by Dietrich's burst of arcane power.

Now I see why he had problems with the church. I'd best deal with this later - as evil as it may be we need his arcane energies right now to deal with the Claw.

Focusing on the task at hand, Janeth redoubles his attacks on Tobes.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

(Edit: Seriously? Meh.)

2009-12-22, 03:25 PM
Verris snarls and hurls the door open, stepping into the warehouse and quickly scanning the place. Guess our whole stealth idea is pretty much blown... Time to try a snatch-and-run. Just gotta find the girl...

2009-12-24, 12:00 AM
The young man looks completely bewildered. He hadn't particularly wanted to become a human-flamethrower today. He glances at the paladin sidelong, looking to see his reaction.

"Janeth, I...I'd best explain later."

Seeing Tobes struggling on the ground, the sorcerer takes a swift kick at his head, hoping to put him out without killing him.

"This is NOT going well."

The unarmed attack provokes an AoO from Tobes, but I assume he is disabled?

Unarmed attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-12-27, 01:54 AM
Cai lets a small smile grace her lips as the guard falls, gurgling at the arrow lodged in his neck. Still limping she follows Verris into the warehouse. As she gets behind him she says, "I'll try to find someplace to cover you from, see if you can find the girl."

2009-12-27, 03:52 AM
Janeth brushes past Dietrich and the fallen Tobes, following Alwen and Vindall into the warehouse.

"Dietrich, take care of the guy on the ground - knock him out or something. And trust me, you'll need to do a LOT of explaining later."

Handling Alwen a potion, he motions for her to drink it.

(OOC: Potion of cure light wounds)

2009-12-27, 10:48 PM
Dietrich frowns and looks down at the injured and helpless guard.

"Sorry about this..." he says to his oddly acquired enemy.

The young sorcerer tries once more to put boot to face.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-12-28, 01:27 AM
Tobes moans as the boot connects with his face, and drifts off to never land.

As the scoundrels let the door fly open, the adventurers peer inside. Wooden plank floors stretch into the darkness, with a main open section down the center and high stacks, in some places heaped to the ceiling, of silks and raw wool fleece. As you step over the still-twitching body, you see the thugs retreating towards the east middle section, where two more men have grabbed weapons (a club and a crossbow) and are preparing to make a committed defense.

2009-12-28, 01:48 AM
Janeth raises his sword above his head and unleashes a fearsome warcry.

Sprinting across the warehouse floor, he targets the club-wielding thug, bringing his greatsword down in a fearsome slash, aided by the impetus of his charge.

OOC: Charge action+Power Attack
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2009-12-30, 12:04 AM
With a feral roar which echoes through the warehouse, Verris charges beside the paladin. Froth forms along the edges of his mouth and veins bulge dangerously along his muscular arms as he brings his ax down towards the thug wielding the crossbow.

Barbarian Rage, then charge thug with crossbow
To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-12-30, 02:16 PM
Vindall enters the warehouse and charges towards the thug with the crossbow.


2009-12-30, 04:27 PM
Charging into the warehouse, our valiant heroes find four remaining thieves. Janeth, first in, is targeted by a crossbow [roll0] and if hit, [roll1]. Hit, and badly hurt, his swing is level and the man's bald head hits the floor with a thunk, before the body slowly drops to its knees. The crossbowman, seeing that he is unable to stop the oncoming mass of human, orc, and dwarf anger, drops his weapon and attempts to flee before his shoulders are split by the half-orc's ax. Vindall, seeing his intended target fall, instead swings at slim guard who, after failing to hold the door, was making for his sword and buckler.

After the initial charges, only one one guard is left standing, or rather, running, for his weapon; another club.

@JanethBy my count, you have 1 HP

2009-12-30, 04:40 PM
Alwen drinks the potion and sighs as the life rushes back into her. She scans the room and looks for a nice vantage point (preferably off the ground) to cover her allies while they search for the girl.

2009-12-30, 09:01 PM
Janeth holds his sword up wearily, the world swimming around him.

"Verris, Vindall. Take care of the last guy for me, will you? I can barely stand as it is. Too... much... blood loss."

2009-12-30, 09:10 PM
@AlwenYour spot check:[roll0]
You see a likely vantage point on top of a stack of wool.

2009-12-30, 09:17 PM
A wide grin splits the half-orc's face as he makes for the last thug, swinging his ax in a wide arch towards the man's stomach.

To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-12-30, 09:23 PM
With that, the last enemy appears vanquished. Steam rises from the pooling blood, and thunder booms outside.

The warehouse is dimly lit, with torch poles and a fire barrel with benches off to one side. Three cots are set up in the corner, and there is a table with the leftovers of their most recent meal and a keg of beer.

2009-12-30, 09:28 PM
Janeth relaxes, sitting down heavily on a keg of beer.

"Search the warehouse guys. I'm sure the girl is somewhere in here. I'll wait, I don't think I'd be that much use."

Coughing up blood, he closes his eyes and tries to shut out the searing pain he feels in his chest.

2009-12-30, 09:58 PM
Verris whirls around, hunting for more prey with a crazed gleam in his eyes. As his search fails, his wide eyes slowly return to normal. He scans the area, panting lightly.

"Right. Find the girl. On it," he mutters, and stalks off through the crates, searching for the girl or some sign of her.

2009-12-30, 10:22 PM
Alwen cast a worried gaze at the paladin. He looked like he was in pretty bad shape. "Don't die now. I'm going to climb that stack of wool and cover us." She runs over to the stack and begins to climb.
As she struggles up the stack, Alwen can't help but think that she should have thanked the paladin for the potion. But it had been so long since anyone helped her, it slipped her mind.

2009-12-31, 02:02 AM
Panting from the exertion, Vindall waits a few moments before joining Verris in his search of the warehouse. His darkvision should be able to help him out in finding any clues of the girl.

2009-12-31, 02:06 AM
Searches: Vindall searches the corner with the cots.

2009-12-31, 09:25 PM
Verris rummages through the things on the table, taking a swig of the beer as he hunts around.

Search the table/surrounding area: [roll0]

2010-01-02, 03:54 PM
The wool isn't so easy to climb as it looks; it keeps falling in as Alwen grabs fist fulls, attempting to pull herself up.

Verris and Vindall's searches reveal nothing of great value.

2010-01-02, 04:00 PM
Alwen just grits her teeth and keeps trying. She will not be defeated by wool.

Climb: [roll0]

2010-01-04, 12:40 PM
Dietrich, still frazzled by his own use of magic, stays at the door with it cracked open, looking out into the street for anyone approaching.

2010-01-06, 12:07 AM
Verris wanders back over to the paladin, chewing on a tough piece of bread.

"No sign o' the girl, least not that I saw. You doing alright?"

2010-01-06, 05:23 AM
Smiling weakly, Janeth replies.

"I've... felt better. But I'll be fine - hurry up and look for the girl."

2010-01-07, 09:03 PM
The empty warehouse flashes with light and a thunderclap fills the air. Rain beats down overhead.

@AlwenI rolled an amazing (reactive) listen check for you. You hear stifled sobbing, coming from under the floorboards.

2010-01-07, 09:18 PM
Alwen stops in surprise as she hears the cry. "Over here! There's sobs coming from under the floorboards." Alwen scans the ground looking for any clue on how to remove the floorboards.


2010-01-07, 09:43 PM
Using his greatsword as a club, Janeth hobbles over to Alwen.

"How can I help?"

(OOC: Aid Another)

2010-01-08, 02:29 AM
Verris spits out the last of the bread and walks alongside Janeth, hoisting his axe and grinning. "Where do I need t'chop?"

2010-01-10, 01:26 AM
Alwen doesn't see any particular opening, but the noise came from under the floor behind the cots.

2010-01-10, 01:44 AM
Cai moves closer to where the sound came from and says, "Over here."


2010-01-10, 02:02 AM
AS you search, you notice that the planks creak and shift like they aren't actually nailed down at all.

2010-01-10, 02:24 AM
Bending down, Cai tries to pull the planks off. "Right here, the planks are loose."

2010-01-10, 09:19 PM
With a slight sigh, Verris sets his axe aside and kneels next to the ranger, trying to slide his thick, blood-spattered hands between boards to pull them free.

2010-01-10, 11:51 PM
Using his greatsword as a lever, Janeth attempts to pry the boards free.

2010-01-11, 09:05 PM
As the rough planks lift from the floor, a dim ray of light reveals a young girl, about twelve years old, bound at the ankles and wrists, gagged, and a pock-scarred hand closed tightly around her chin, exposing a thin neck to a thin dagger. The arm holding the dagger leads upward to a thin face, with a scraggly beard and crooked teeth.

Back off! Or I'll slit her throat 'ere an now!

2010-01-11, 09:08 PM
Vindall growls menacingly but takes a few steps back.

2010-01-11, 09:57 PM
Alwen calmly knocks an arrow and says, "Try it, you die. If you let her go however, you can walk away unharmed."

2010-01-12, 01:22 AM
Janeth, still weak from blood loss, steps forward, letting his greatsword fall from his hands to indicate he means the man no harm.

"Let the girl go - our quarrel today is not with you. As my friend here has said, slit the girls throat and we most assuredly will kill you, but I swear upon my honor as a paladin that no harm will come to you if you release her."


2010-01-12, 12:39 PM
Verris's spiked knuckles gouge small trenches into the wooden floor as he picks up his axe with a smirk. He crouches by the edge of the pit, watching the man below intently.

2010-01-12, 08:41 PM
His eyeballs dart back and forth, sizing up the party. Keeping Katya between himself and the menacing elven archer, he stands up, still holding the knife to her fragile throat.

Just back away, nice and slow!

2010-01-12, 09:29 PM
Cai quickly judges how far back she can move while still having a angle on the man. She moves that far back and no farther. "No get out and let the girl go."

2010-01-13, 02:17 AM
Janeth backs off slowly, but keeps himself between the man and the door. He casts detect evil on the man for good measure.

2010-01-13, 09:20 AM
"Alright mate, look here. If you let her go, it's been promised you can walk out of here. Alive. That's a good deal, seems t'me."

The half-orc hefts his axe seriously. "If you don't release the girl within a minute or so, though, I'm gonna figure that you never will. Which means either way, she's gonna die. So I'll go ahead and kill you without waiting. There's a slim chance you'll react too slow an' the girl will be alright. Or she might die. But you'll be dead, an' it seems like that probably matters more to you."

Intimidate check, I suppose:

2010-01-13, 08:45 PM
@ Janeth: Definitely evil.

Confronted with the combined brawn of four obviously competent and driven warriors, and the especially large ax, the man's expression changes from defiance to fear. Throwing the girl down, he hops up out of the pit and makes for the door, attempting to dodge the paladin.

2010-01-13, 10:49 PM
Dietrich hears the muffled voices coming from the area near the pit, across the warehouse I'm guessing about exactly how far away he is from the rest of the party, feel free to correct me.

"Everything ok over there fellas?" he shouts to his new allies.

2010-01-13, 10:51 PM
Alwen tracks the man and let's her arrow fly.


Edit: removed due to Janeth's actions

2010-01-14, 12:37 AM
(OOC: Okay DM I'm not sure if this is possible but yeah just tell me if it isn't)

Even as Alwen draws her bow, Janeth sees the look in her eyes and knows that she intends to shoot the man. Throwing himself in front of her, he blocks her firing line, taking the arrow if need be.

"I gave my word."

2010-01-14, 01:51 AM
Verris straps his axe to his back and jumps down and holds his gauntleted hand out to her. "C'mon, li'l girl. Your father sent us. We're here to take you back to 'im."

2010-01-14, 09:09 PM
Alwen barely stops her release and releases her draw. She fixes Janeth with an icy glare and says, "I had him. Now he'll warn others and I'll have to kill him later." Without waiting for reply she brushes past him and checks on the girl.

2010-01-14, 09:32 PM
@DeitrichOh, you're close enough to hear and see most of what goes on. You also see as you're watching the street to very disturbed townsfolk find the beaten Tobes, still bleeding in the street.

The guy makes a break straight for Dietrich and the south door.

Katya is still tied up :smalltongue:, and her eyes cross as she focuses quizzically on the gauntleted hand extended to her.

Also in the pit you notice a small trapdoor, securely padlocked.

2010-01-14, 11:37 PM
A somewhat devious thought appears in Dietrich's head. As the man runs towards him, he steps aside, out of the doorway.

"Hey, I'm not stopping you." he says, holding up his hands.

Dietrich is planning on casting Enlarge Person on the guy running towards him, as soon as he gets outside. He will then close the door and run like hell for the other one.

2010-01-15, 12:11 AM
Janeth shrugs, understanding Alwen's frustration, but not regretting his actions. Picking up his greatsword, he uses the blade to cut Katya's bonds.

2010-01-15, 02:05 AM
((OOC: Ah. Right. Ropes...))

Verris lifts the girl, setting her on the floor, then climbs up next to her, glancing at his companions. "We've got her; let's get out of here."

2010-01-15, 08:05 PM
You'll be putting that back if you know what's good for you.

The north door bangs shut (not the door that Dietrich is watching). A very tall, very thin man glides into the light, with Rip following closely. A rapier hangs by his side, and instead of a hand, on the end of his right arm flashes a murderous sickle-like appendage. He surveys the remains of his thugs. Hhm...not much of a fight. Pity.

@DeitrichHe would be entitled to a fortitude save, but that is legal. I like it.

2010-01-15, 08:08 PM
"Guard the girl," Janeth whispers to Verris.

Stepping forward, he assumes a martial stance.

"Who are you?"

2010-01-15, 08:38 PM
Cai knocks an arrow but keeps it pointed at the ground. If he tries anything, she'll fire.

2010-01-15, 11:16 PM
"New plan," Verris growls to the girl, grabbing her and pulling her back into the pit. He wrests free a javelin and presses it into her hands, curling her fingers around it. "Someone other than me tries to grab you, go ahead an' stab 'em, and I'll be around momentarily to get 'em off you."

With that, he pulls himself up from the pit and yanks his ax out, glaring at the newcomer. "Claw. Terror and hatred aren't the way to live. We're goin' to return this girl to her father. I suggest you stay out of the way."

2010-01-16, 09:00 PM
Examining the sickle, then polishing it a bit on his sleeve, he comes a few steps closer.

Correct! I am the one they call the Claw. Rather unoriginal, but it works. And by all means, return the girl to her father...if you wish that the leadership of this fair city be be usurped by, shall we say, less inspired individuals.

The Claw is now about ten feet away. You are standing in an approximate semi circle around him. Rip, emboldened by his boss's swagger, is a little behind him and on Alwen's side of the semi-circle, farthest from Janeth.

2010-01-16, 09:02 PM
Janeth frowns as he considers the implication of the Claw's words.

"Explain, if you will?"

(OOC: Pinging him with detect evil. I feel like a human metal detector.)

2010-01-17, 03:36 PM
Oh, and the last guy is running out the door.

@Janeth Definitely evil

2010-01-17, 10:46 PM
You didn't know? Dartaxes deals with an underground rebel group of arcanists and witches. If they had their way, every child from when they're yea high would be throwing hexes right and left. Not good for business you know.

2010-01-17, 11:54 PM
"You may say so, but what proof do you have? Such accusations may easily be lies and slander."

"And in any case, the girl is innocent. Let her go, and then we'll talk."

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2010-01-18, 01:46 PM

"Yeah. Those are some pretty heady accusations you're making there. Words like that need something to back 'em up with."

2010-01-18, 09:43 PM
@JanethSomething just doesn't quite ring true here.

Glancing nervously about at the drawn weapons of a group that had reduced their small thug militia to shambles, Rip murmurs:
Hey boss, maybe it'd be smarter to jus let 'em go.

Stopping mid smirk, the Claw turns slowly to his minion. You think so? Smiling, he turns back to Janeth, then furiously drives his hooked sickle into Rip's throat, tearing it wide open.

Pity. Where were we? Ah, accusations. Very good. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe me really. By holding this girl I had hoped to extort a confession from Dartaxes and earn some...bargaining credit...with the Holy Father. If you try to stop me, I shall simply kill you.

A smile still curling on his lips, he seems to be daring you to try to fight him.

2010-01-19, 06:07 AM
"There's no point reasoning with this man. Cover me!"


With a howl, Janeth charges forward, greatsword glowing with holy light.

(OOC: Smite Evil power attack charge ftw!

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1])

2010-01-19, 07:52 AM
Verris glances back at the girl before moving in, axe high, to take down the Claw.

To-hit: [roll0] (Natural One)
Damage: [roll1]

2010-01-19, 01:05 PM
As the paliden and orc begin their charge, Alwen quickly raises her bow and fires.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

She quickly moves away as to not be drawn into the melee.

Move: 20 ft away from the fight.

2010-01-19, 09:54 PM
Janeth's cut catches the Claw full across the body, but he fights through he massive damage. Ah, blood! The orc monster dies first! Crouching cat-like, he jukes left, jukes right, avoids the mighty swinging ax and singing arrow, and pounces!

OOC:He is feinting you.

[roll0] (Opposed by sense motive+BAB)
If you fail the sense motive, this attack is against your FF AC, and adds

2010-01-20, 02:39 AM
The barbarian's eyes bulge as the strange scythe sweeps past his defenses and slides easily through his light armor and into his gut. As the Claw withdraws the blade, the half-orc stumbles and collapses, axe clattering from his hands.

d10's easier than d% for 10% chance. So, stabilize on a 10, else lose 1 hp:

2010-01-20, 03:00 AM
"Verris!" Janeth screams. "Alwen, Vindall! Someone help him!"

Pressing forward furiously, he attacks the Claw with redoubled rage.

Damage: [roll1]

2010-01-20, 07:47 AM
Alwen curses as the orc falls to the ground. This was not going well. She draws another arrow and carefully aims to not hit the paladin.

Attack: [roll[1d20+6[/roll] = 23
Damage: [roll0]

2010-01-20, 08:37 PM
As the Claw withdraws his wicked hook from the half-orc's stomach, he is struck in his upper bicep. Seeing he is outnumbered and over matched, the Claw turns tail for the north exit (the one where Dietrich is not). I shall kill the rest of you later!

OOC: He is withdrawing such that no AoO is provoked.

@DietrichYou make the touch attack to cast your spell. Stretching suddenly in every direction, the man trips over his own extending appendages and falls out the door. The peasants outside scream in terror at the appearance of a nine foot tall man flailing wildly, and they take off from whence they came, screaming Witchery!.

2010-01-20, 08:41 PM
That should keep them busy for a while

"Guys, I think we'd better skedaddle!" the sorcerer cries as he sprints towards the rest of the group and the other doorway, their only escape despite it also being that of the Claw.

2010-01-20, 08:50 PM
Assuming he's not out the door

Seeing the enemy fleeing, Alwen takes one last parting shot at him.

Turning towards Dietrich, she says pointing towards the opposite door, "Why not that door? Oh, and the Orc is hurt. Badly.

2010-01-20, 11:33 PM
Vindall runs for the door. He realizes he could not possibly get there in time, but he hopes to get outside quickly enough to see where the mysterious figure goes.

2010-01-21, 11:17 AM
Grunting, Janeth tries to lift Verris off the floor, aiming to sling his unconscious body over his back.

"Alwen, take the girl! We need to get Verris to a healer right now!"

2010-01-21, 07:34 PM
"Just trust me, archer. The other door!"

Dietrich hurries past Alwen, following the paladin and wounded half-orc as quickly as he can.

2010-01-21, 09:02 PM
The elf's arrow strikes true, and the Claw falls headlong, tumbling across the planks coming awkwardly to rest at the end of a bloody skid.

As Janeth strains awkwardly and without success to carry the half-orc, Katya begins to cry again, throwing her arms around his limp torso and softly moaning, "Don't die, oh please don't be dead!"

OOC: Considering that you don't have to chase the Claw, and Janeth cannot move Verris, action revisions may be appropriate.

2010-01-21, 11:56 PM
"Damnit! Verris! Give me a hand here, will you? And Alwen, great shot!"

Looking at Dietrich, he snaps, "Don't just stand there looking foolish! Get some rope and tie that Claw man up! And check Rip - if hes managed to survive he'll need healing too."

2010-01-22, 01:58 PM
OOC: Maybe a bluff check here...


"We don't really have time to worry about tying's up! One of the Claw's thugs just turned into a giant... and is, uh, terrorizing the peasants outside the other door. We have to get out of here!"

He runs over to the paladin and the wounded half-orc.

"Here, I'll give you a hand carrying him. Get his arms, I'll take his legs. Be careful with his head!"

2010-01-22, 06:18 PM
Alwen shrugs as Dietrich goes past. Seeing Vindal going towards the claw, she instead heads over towards Rip. She quickly checks to see if he still lives.

2010-01-22, 10:14 PM
Rip is dead as the proverbial doornail.

Together Janeth and Dietrich are able to half-carry, half drag Verris. Katya watches helplessly, but has stopped crying.

The storm continues, with the lightning mostly over, just raining in a steady, gloomy drizzle, the kind that goes on for hours without a break.

Someone should make a knowledge (local) check to see where the nearest healer can be found.

2010-01-22, 11:00 PM
(OOC: Knowledge (local):[roll0])

2010-01-23, 10:23 PM
You don't recall any healers closer than the temple of Pelor.

2010-01-24, 04:34 AM
"I'm bringing the half-orc to the temple for healing!"

"And someone do something about the Claw. We can't just leave him here!"

Struggling under Verris' heavy weight, Janeth makes for the Temple of Pelor.

2010-01-24, 10:41 PM
Alwen makes her way over to the claw to determine his current state of health. Also she wants her two arrows back.

2010-01-25, 09:40 AM
Vindall moves towards Janeth and Dietrich, helping to carry Verris if it helps them move any faster.

2010-01-25, 08:47 PM
The three of you carrying Verris makes the task much easier. You are able to proceed out into the rain and through the muddy streets.

The Claw is still alive, though only just barely.

2010-01-25, 09:00 PM
(OOC: May I just assume we've reached the temple of Pelor already?)

Knocking frantically at the door of the temple, Janeth cries out loudly.

"We need a healer, O fellow Servants of Pelor!"