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2009-12-09, 12:32 AM
Jericus is about ready to fall over as he leans against the wall, head dizzy. One of his wings flaps idly, keeping him slightly steady.

2009-12-09, 12:40 AM
Zee lifts one finger in protest and opens her mouth to reply.

The closes it again.

Then gives the assassin a rather odd look.

"Eerr... Generally speaking 'helping' is the polar opposite of 'hurting'. At least it was where I'm from. I dunno about you guys. You might be from one of those grimdark Realms where killing someone quickly is the most merciful thing possible," she bounces on her heels in a generally peppy sort of way.

She takes a few steps forward, heading for the oddly pigmented fellow. "And no, I'm not going to hurt him. Feel free to shoot me if you disagree. Not that it would matter much if you kill me. I would get better pretty fast."

2009-12-09, 12:57 AM
Andromeda is only made more confused by Zee. She really didn't like being confused. No, she prefered to always know exactly where she stood. Her world was one of balck and white, but very quickly it was going, not only grey, but every color under the sun.

Scowling, she holsters the laspistol.

2009-12-09, 01:17 AM
Jericus really can't object to anything that is done to him right now.

2009-12-09, 01:25 AM
Zee is presently examining the wounds on the man's shoulder. Bullets. Actual bullets. The sort that need to be removed.

The hydra-girl wrinkles her nose at them.

Then reaches out to place hand on Jericus' shoulder. Her mere touch will deaden nerves. Which means what comes next isn't going to leave the man screaming in agony.

A pair of needle-nosed pliers are then pulled out of a pocket (why on earth does she have... never mind...).

The tool is then used for precisely the purpose one might expect.

Bullet removal.

2009-12-09, 01:40 AM
Andromeda stands back, unable to do much more than watch.

2009-12-09, 01:44 AM
The bullets from the shoulder should be easy to take out if enough force is applied. Jericus groan anyways. "Hand..."

2009-12-09, 01:47 AM
The rather unpleasant to watch process is repeated with the wound in the hand. Next up Zee will be commandeering the psyker's own metabolism and super-charging it with her own brand of Fey power. Should all go well the injury will begin to heal at a rather astounding rate.

2009-12-09, 02:04 AM
Jericus' metabolism is fast for a human's anyways, but gets kicked into gear by Zee. His wounds start to close and his color slowly begins to return, but he collapses against the wall anyways, tired and aching, though awake.

2009-12-09, 02:09 AM
"Jericus..." Andromeda reaches out to steady him, still looking concerned.

2009-12-09, 10:16 AM
Draken undeadtimes and stretches his full height, an imposing 7 feet. He retrieves his sword from the bar. Standing there in his death knight armor, sword in hand he is a menacing sight.
He glances at Jericus "Are you okay?" He takes a step towards him, "I have some talent with healing, can I help you?" He pauses, looks at the assassin, and thinks better of it. "If you want my help I'll be at the bar. Another Balfagor's Best please."

2009-12-09, 03:02 PM
Francis undeadtimes once more, and fairly sure nothing'll happen he reaches into his pocket and reveals a pipe, which he quickly lights.

2009-12-09, 04:11 PM
The death knight looks to Jericus, "If you want my help let me know, even if I'm in a deadtime." He then deadtimes.

Je dit Viola
2009-12-09, 04:18 PM
Marin, a plotcloned catgirl (who's waiting for Bill's mime to post in Inside) is still in here, looking back and forth at all the occupied patrons of this tavern, listening in on conversations with her feline ears.

2009-12-09, 04:20 PM
Hey life! The fellow with the pipe waves.

Je dit Viola
2009-12-09, 04:24 PM
Marin waves at the lowly non-catperson Francis with the pipe, after checking to make sure he was waving a her and not at somebody behind her.

2009-12-09, 04:25 PM
"Hello, don't believe we've met. I'm Francis, good a name as any."

Je dit Viola
2009-12-09, 04:30 PM
"Hi, you can call me Marin," she replies, swishing her tail around as she says this.

Marin has long, braided purple hair, tawny cat ears with black tuffs at the end, and a tawny tail. She also has feline vertical-slit eyes, and a metal collar around her neck.

2009-12-09, 04:32 PM
"Lovely name, you appear to have a collar round your neck. Might I inquire why?"

Je dit Viola
2009-12-09, 04:35 PM
"Thanks," she responds to the compliment.

Then, feeling the collar with one hand, she replies, "I got it...from a wizard." That little tidbit of information could have several different meanings - gift from a wizard? Forced on? And so on.

2009-12-09, 04:36 PM
"You're not a slave are you?"

There's a hint of concern in his voice.

Je dit Viola
2009-12-09, 04:41 PM
"Well...not any longer," she says after a pause.

"But aren't we all slaves to something? Power, necessity, or something else?" she says with a smile, trying to change the subject from her collar to something else.

2009-12-09, 04:42 PM
He smiles.

"Not me. I'm not a slave to anyone or anything."

He stops

"Although I'm not sure why..."

Je dit Viola
2009-12-09, 04:43 PM
"Not sure why what?" she asks, smile on her face.

And...I'm going to have to leave soon.

2009-12-09, 04:44 PM
As am I

"Why I said that...it just sort of came out..."

Je dit Viola
2009-12-09, 04:48 PM
"Oh, okay. So that's what you meant." Marin stands up, and walks towards the door out, passing Francis on the way. She runs her tail along his leg as she passes, and, with a wink, says, "See you later, Slave-to-Noone.

And, then, she walks out the door, into deadtime.

2009-12-09, 04:49 PM
"I look forward to it."

And with a smile he too deadtimes.

2009-12-09, 08:30 PM
Andromeda shakes off a bit of deadtime and offers a hand to Jericus. "Come on. Let's get you out of here."

2009-12-09, 08:33 PM
Jericus doesn't open his eyes but reaches up to take her hand. His grip is weak and he'll need to be pulled up.

2009-12-09, 08:44 PM
Andromeda hauls him to his feet and pulls his arm agross her shoulders. She whispers to him as she tries to all but drag him across the tavern. "Stay with me, Jericus. It isn't far now. We'll just get up these stairs and you can rest, okay?" She says, trying to reassure him.

2009-12-09, 08:58 PM
He nods. "Just... need to... rest" He sounds a bit loopy, but keeps with her.

2009-12-09, 09:48 PM
Foro comes out of his deadtime and notices his tail twitching. Enticed by this movement he starts to try and grab it but the tail always seems just out of reach. This soon degrades down into him chasing his own tail much akin to that of a dog chasing his tail or possibly somebody trying to see a spot on there back.

2009-12-10, 10:08 AM
Draken wakes up from his deadtime with a start, "Time to go." He rises gand gathers his belongings. "Could someone fill up my wine skin with some Balfegor's Best for the road?" After he fills his wine skin he exits the tavern. From outside his voice can be heard saying, "Plae Shift!" and then he is gone.

2009-12-10, 02:55 PM
Francis undeadtimes and heads up to the bar for a drink.

2009-12-10, 05:01 PM
The front door of the tavern is pushed open by a woman carrying a young girl in her arms. This event is made somewhat remarkable as both have feathered wings, a deep red in color. The girl's wings were still small and downy, not yet fully developed. The woman, likely her mother, also bore a set of small horns peeking out from under her hair line.

The two should be followed by a young boy, a twin to the girl, save for the fact that his wings were bat-like and not feathered.

2009-12-10, 05:17 PM
Soon after the woman with her two children come in another small woman walks inside. She stands just short of 5 feet and looks like she ways nothing more then 100 pounds maybe less. She is wearing clothes that look too big for her, the belt held up by a belt that barely fits her. She walks in looking around with a blank stare on her face and sits at the bar.

2009-12-10, 05:41 PM
The fiendish woman looks at her with a bit of concern, as she tries to find an open table and get her children settled in.

2009-12-10, 05:48 PM
The woman sits and orders a small glass of vodka for herself. She looks over the women and her two children. Her stare might be a bit unnerving, or seen as rude.

2009-12-10, 05:53 PM
The boy looks around. A tavern. Seriously? This is where we're gonna stay until Dad finds us a place to live? Wow. We've hit rock bottom. He spots Paige, and his tone immediately changes. I stand corrected. This is an awesome place to live.

2009-12-10, 05:57 PM
From the midst of a semi permanent deadtime pudding the size of Europe that's been occupying a corner booth for some time, some ghostly voices might be heard, if anyone was listening very, very, very carefully.

Good grief, is that cousin Iris ?

Cousin Iris is shorter than that.

No she isn't, she's the tall one

You mean she made it over 5 feet ?

Anyway, it's not her

2009-12-10, 06:00 PM
Well the woman, Jane, is listening very carefully. And glances over at the corner booth having thought the people there weren't going to move, but apparently she was wrong. She looks over the sisters there.

2009-12-10, 06:03 PM
Lillith doesn't react to being stared at. Rude or not, she was somewhat used to it, as her appearance was both unusual and quite striking. She busies herself setting her daughter in a chair, then realizes just why her son's additude had changed. "Arthur!"

2009-12-10, 06:05 PM
Nope, it's not cousin Iris

We'd have been on the end of a chain lightning by now

But that's because she's a total bitch.

I'll have you know that she said that about you 4 to her mother. She was less than impressed, as I am now.

But mum, she is a bitch.

Maybe, but you were out of order

Polymorphing my evil cousin into a goat for an hour was totally warranted.

Jane will see that obviously the sub 5 foot teeny tiny woman club of the town is out today. Just because.

2009-12-10, 06:07 PM
What? Arthur immediately gets defensive, visibly blushing. He takes the time to hide behind a chair.

2009-12-10, 06:11 PM
Jane can't help but smirk a bit. Maybe because of the sisters, maybe because of Arthur. But smirking none the less. She continues to sip her drink.

2009-12-10, 06:16 PM
If Jane looks really closely, she'll see that the resident family champion of disturbing / insane looks is giving her the eyeball.

I think she does look very like her...

Look, we don't have the time for your paranoia, like I said, we'd have been chain lightning'ed by now if it was the bitch queen of Rasalhauge.

Besides, where Iris goes...

...you know that... horrible Caitlin isn't far behind.

The very thought of her makes me shudder.

2009-12-10, 06:18 PM
Lillith laughs quietly and shakes her head. "Gods, you are my son, aren't you?" She asks, smiling at Arthur.

2009-12-10, 06:21 PM
Jane notices that she is being stared at now. And tries to make eye contact with the other woman, entering a staring contest with her.

2009-12-10, 06:23 PM
This is like challenging a centipede to an backside kicking contest...

As Jane's player will know, the starer is categorically insane and has nothing better to do than stare back blankly.

2009-12-10, 06:26 PM
Yes well Jane choose for awhile to live in a mental institute that she could escape any time she wanted to because she had no where better to go. And she practiced this stare with the psychologists who tried to get her to anwser their questions, and she always seemed to learn more about them then they did about her. So it might be awhile before this contest is over, as Jane tries to look in her eyes trying to figure anything about this other woman.

2009-12-10, 06:30 PM
Well, from looking into her eyes, there's not much going on in there...

This may be a horrendously evenly matched contest, in the opinion of this player, it'll come down to who gets bored first, largely because, yes, this stare was invented in a mental institution as well although for reasons that involved brain damage through conditioning. It's going to come down to who can keep their mind switched off longest and... well, there's a reason that Snowraven usually does the talking for the twins.

2009-12-10, 06:32 PM
Arthur pokes his head out. Can't see you chasing after that elf girl. He climbs into the chair after a minute, and looks around. Still, it's going to be hard to get used to this. It's so....small. After living on the Rock Estate for his entire life, anything would seem small by comparison.

2009-12-10, 06:33 PM
Well in the end, Jane breaks away looking away from the entire group and downs the rest of her drink and orders another one. It's very hard to tell, but someone very observant might see her as being uncomfortable now.

2009-12-10, 06:35 PM
"That's because I'm married to your father." Lillith explains, taking a seat herself. "And yes, it is small, but it's only temporary."

2009-12-10, 06:37 PM
Snowraven thwacks her sister round the head.

Have you been looking at her ?

Ow !

You know that makes the normals' skin crawl. How many times to I have to tell you ?

At least we've settled that it's not Cousin Iris.

Look, you've made her uncomfortable and this is the last bar that'll serve us drinks. I'd make you apologise, but it won't do any good, will it ?

2009-12-10, 06:41 PM
Jane doesn't even look back, just starts to sip her new drink. Her calm exterior still there.

2009-12-10, 06:43 PM
You know what, go, go and apologise, right now.

There's the sound of a chair being pushed back and shuffling footsteps across the bar and then a small voice from next to Jane

'm sorry for staring at you.

2009-12-10, 06:54 PM
No problem. Don't worry about it. Jane says not looking up at the woman.

2009-12-10, 06:55 PM
It'd better not be. Arthur's attention is drawn back to the waitresses, and he looks like he's getting an idea. Lillith might be able to tell what it is, just knowing what a half-fiend with sorcerous heritage is capable of.

2009-12-10, 06:57 PM
"Arthur Rock, don't you even think about it." Lillith warns.

2009-12-10, 07:01 PM
Think about what? Arthur tries to put on a look of innocence. It might almost be good enough to fool Lillith, if she was a complete idiot, which we all know she isn't.

2009-12-10, 07:02 PM
Sounds of shuffling feet retreat and...

Well that was rude.

Yes, but at least she's not started a fight, not like the time she stared down that orc.

That was understandable confusion, apparently it was all about dominance and the orc thought he had to serve her.

Some people just are rude, don't make an issue of it.

Who says I'm making an issue ?

I can see you bristling. You're about to go over there and smack her one because the only person allowed to be slightly mean to your twin is you.

And what is that supposed to mean ? That I look out for her and do the thinking for the pair of us ?

If you can call it that

Calm it down you 2. We'll upset her and everyone else in here, even if she does look like our necromancer cousin.

2009-12-10, 07:05 PM
Rude? How was she rude, was it not looking up. She had said she didn't mind. Jane shifts a bit in her seat. Maybe coming here was a mistake. Maybe she should just go back to the temple, but it was boring there. Maybe she should try to apologize, but as she thinks about doing that she figures she would probably just screw that up to. So she sits there sipping her drink.

2009-12-10, 07:11 PM
Pack it in all of you. I can't take you anywhere.

But she's the one who started on...

Because your sister was staring at her first.


Look, just because you've quite happily wandered into one of the Magistracy of Canopus' more... interesting shows and been perfectly socially at your ease does not mean that other people are. Look at this, she's wandered in, been compared to Cousin Iris, which, yes, is insulting if anyone here actually knew her, been stared at by your particularly unhinged twin and then had to deal with her trying to apologise.

Don't call her unhinged !

Well she is. And you call her barking mad all the time.

2009-12-10, 07:15 PM
"Sweetheart, don't play dumb with me. We both know what you were thinking." Lillith tells him.

2009-12-10, 07:15 PM
Jane closes her eyes and just sort of wishes that they would drop it. Hadn't she said not to worry about it? Oh well. She gets one more vodka. One more and then she would find some place else to be for awhile.

2009-12-10, 07:18 PM
Arthur raises an eyebrow. What, you can read minds now?

2009-12-10, 07:19 PM
The legendary quarrelsomeness of the family is unfortunately getting in the way.

However, the intervention of the matriarch, who has been glaring at her middle (sane - ish) daughter has led to a subsidence in arguing coming from the corner booth. Periodic muttering about lack of fairness and favoritism is rapidly ended when the chief mutterer is dispatched for some more drinks.

2009-12-10, 07:23 PM
Jane keeps drinking for a bit before finishing her last drink paying for it and getting up heading for the door.

2009-12-10, 07:24 PM
"No, dear, that's your father's trick. I read people. And I know you." Lillith explains.

2009-12-10, 07:27 PM
The family are sat down, still staring daggers at one another over their refreshed drinks.

2009-12-10, 07:34 PM
And out the door goes Jane.

2009-12-10, 07:36 PM
Arthur rolls his eyes. I've done it before, Mom, in school. It's not like I go too far with it. He begins looking at a menu, trying to see if he can get something to eat.

2009-12-10, 07:37 PM
And down comes the aforementioned deadtime pudding the size of europe.

2009-12-10, 07:43 PM
Lillith's eyes go wide. "You've what?!" The fiend asks, probably loud enough to make the whole tavern go quiet for a moment.

2009-12-10, 07:44 PM
Arthur winces. Probably should've kept that to myself...

2009-12-10, 07:58 PM
DC is standing by a window. What? She was totally already here. I just kept the plot clone deadtimed until WATCHTOWER's thing was over with thanks to Jericus and Andromeda being around. >.>

2009-12-10, 08:14 PM
Lillith leans closer to her son, trying hard not to be angry with him. "Arthur, we do not use magic to manipulate people. It is very, very wrong to do so. Do you understand me?" She asks slowly.

2009-12-10, 08:14 PM
Zee's here!

But then, isn't she always?

Pretty much regardless of the feeling of Continuity, too.

But then, since when has anyone been nice to Continuity around these parts?

She'll be more or less in NPC mode whilst Rebo is at dinner. Which means she'll still be fixing sammiches!


The Bushranger
2009-12-10, 08:18 PM
Shawna, the techincolor-haired white-garbed techno-paladin, undeadtimes, and yawns, before taking in the sights in the tavern.

2009-12-10, 08:26 PM
Shawna might see Jane leaving the bar. Why should she care about this, because if she is really observant she might notice Jane picking a random NPC's pocket as she leaves heading to the inside.

The Bushranger
2009-12-10, 08:31 PM
Indeed, Shawna does notice this, and raises an eyebrow...

...before slipping off her stool and slipping out the door after the thief!

2009-12-10, 08:34 PM
Sorry, Mom. It's in my blood, you know. Arthur frowns, probably knowing his mother won't take that as an appropriate excuse.

2009-12-10, 08:49 PM
"That's no excuse, Arthur. Blood might influence your actions, but it doesn't make the choice for you. I know it's hard to resist. Believe me. I have it far worse than you. But you have to try your best. Okay?"

2009-12-10, 08:57 PM
Alright, alright, fine. I haven't killed anyone yet, at least. I'll be fine. Just don't tell Dad. Arthur looks like he's more worried about what his father would do than what his mother thinks.

2009-12-10, 09:12 PM
Lillith shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Arthur, but I am certainly telling your father about this."

2009-12-10, 09:24 PM
Mom. Don't. I'm begging you. Arthur's tone indicates that he fears this almost as much as some of the other things he's had to deal with.

2009-12-10, 09:40 PM
She frowns, concerned. "What are you so afraid of?"

2009-12-10, 09:44 PM
DC leaves 'cause her player is bored. Whoo hoo.

2009-12-10, 09:48 PM
In case you haven't noticed, Dad seems a few fries short of a happy meal. He's just...He creeps me out, lately. He was just an average dad before. As average as you can get in this place, but lately, ever since that transformation he went through, he's...just given off 'bad vibes.' Arthur looks like he means every word he's saying.

Oh, hey, look, Lucas finally walks in. Despite the chilliness no doubt associated with the onset of winter, he seems completely fine, even without heavy clothing.

2009-12-10, 10:04 PM
Zee's here!


But now in more of a PC sort of capacity now that her player is present.

She seems to be rather busy making a mayo and wheat bread sammich for some guy dressed in nothing but beige. With equipment that's completely beige. He's currently busy droning at several other patrons in a tone of voice usually reserved for elderly history proffers. The kind that wear tweed vests and little spectacles and usually put half their class to sleep any given day.

Just hearing the guy talk might make anyone who happens to be nearby drowsy.

2009-12-10, 10:19 PM
Lillith considers what her son was saying and nods. "Alright." Spotting her husband she smiles at him and waves him over to the table.

Then probably gets sucked into his deadtime, yay?

2009-12-10, 10:20 PM
Yeah, probably, as Lucas and Arthur both deadtime.

2009-12-10, 10:36 PM


Looks like Zee is here all alone now.

Or at least alone as far as PCs who are presently in the time stream go.

She begins to carry on a conversation with a gnome (not Cosmo) at the bar.

2009-12-10, 10:40 PM
While one character drops into deadtime, another one enters the scene.

Raril walks through the Tavern's front door and pauses, taking a look around. The drow seemed tired, drawn.

2009-12-10, 10:52 PM
All the crazy nightmares that have been going around will do that to someone.

Zee isn't particularly immune to them either.

But for whatever reason even having her dreams haunted by terrifying visions doesn't seem to be enough to keep her down.

She waves at the drow cheerfully.

"Hiya Raril! Your eyes look kinda puffy. Did you just wake up?" ah, she has such a ways with words.

2009-12-10, 11:03 PM
Raril nods and walks over. "Yeah. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't." He flops down heavily onto a barstool.

2009-12-10, 11:09 PM
Zee wrinkles her nose at that reply. "Was it the nightmares again?"

And starts fixing something up for her husband. A rather special sammich!

A rothe burger, with sauteed mushrooms, roasted red onions, and Swiss cheese! She hasn't sprung the treat on him yet, but has been experimenting with the precise spices to use on the meat for a while now.

The patty is tossed onto the grill as he prehensile tail fetches several shakers filled with spice.

2009-12-10, 11:30 PM
Raril nods tiredly. "Yeah. Usually they don't shake me up so badly, but..." He shrugs it off. "What are you making? It smells good." He sits up a little straighter, trying to see the grill.

2009-12-10, 11:41 PM
"It's a surprise!" Zee laughs, sticking out that dark purple, forked tongue of hers at Raril. Then dicing of mushrooms begins! A bit of gravy is drizzled over them, along with some oil and water before a lid is clamped down with a *clomp!*

The drow should be able to hear them sizzling inside.

Next up, some cheese is tossed atop the rothe patty.

"We've had some interesting people in here recently," she comments, shifting the conversation to something a little less dark. "A pair of 'em got a room upstairs. Remember those two at that murder party? The woman in the skull mask and the guy with purple skin? Same two. They seemed pretty shook up."

Getting shot and surrounded by hostile aliens will do that to most.

2009-12-10, 11:55 PM
Raril chuckles when she sticks her tongue out at him. He then raises an eyebrow at the new subject. "Really? I wonder what happened to them."

2009-12-11, 12:03 AM
Bun is garnished and relished...

Patty scooped up and plopped atop it...

Mushrooms applied, the top bun set at the zenith of this confectionery delight...

And then set on a plate and pushed to Raril.

"It looked like the purple guy had been shot. Bullets, not those energy weapons the cat folk army had been using. Pulled 'em out and healed him up as best as I could," Zee relates. "They seemed really nervous about non-humans. Almost like they were threatened just by their presence. They even seemed a little spooked by me!"

She sounds surprised by this. Probably because she still thinks of herself as human despite the rather obvious anatomical additions. Zee also fails to mention that a gun was pointed at her.

"I dunno," the hydra-girl rubs the back of her head awkwardly. "They've ended up in a pretty bad place if they're xenophobic."

2009-12-11, 12:22 AM
Raril is practically drooling when the burger is set in front of him. He takes a deep breath, just enjoying the smell of it.

"I hope they don't get into too much trouble." the drow replies, before picking up the burger and taking a big bite. His red eyes go wide and he seems to just melt a little with happiness as he chews. "Dear gods, that's fantastic. Is this Rothe?"

2009-12-11, 12:25 AM
"Yep!" comes Zee's rather triumphant reply. She seems quite pleased with Raril's reaction. The sort of pleasure that one derives from pleasing a person one cares about very much.

Because that's exactly what Zee's doing!

"I've been working on getting it just right for a couple days now. Getting the ingredients from the market. It's amazing how quickly that place fills up even with all the crazy that has been going on. If nothing else those Inside Empire people are keeping the interior of the city safe."

2009-12-11, 12:49 AM
"Well, that's good." Raril says between bites of his sandwich. "I still don't like them, though. Need to go give them a piece of my mind." which could be taken any number of ways, since his mind was actually in pieces.

2009-12-11, 12:54 AM
Very true.

"Yeah... There seem to be quite a few people who don't trust them. Apparently their leader is the son of some tyrant from the same world Dee See hails from," Zee comments as she whips up some hot coco for herself. "I've got a bad feeling about them, but they just haven't done anything worthy of-"

She trails off.

"Wait... Weren't they the ones that took over that airship apartment?"

2009-12-11, 01:28 AM
Raril nods, then suddenly looks proud. "Hey, I actually remember that!" Today was looking up for the drow. "I tried to stop them and they shot me. I wasn't even being hostile." He didn't remember going all wolfy on the soldiers after that, though.

"We still have furniture and stuff in there. And the picture Destro gave us!" He remembers, growing angry.

2009-12-11, 02:50 AM
Zee doesn't seem to pleased upon hearing about that particular altercation. Because no one likes having their loved ones shot at and their stuff stolen. Especially stuff that can't be replaced.

"We should go down to their head quarters and tell them we want our furniture back!" the hydra-girl declares, sounding rather resolute.

2009-12-11, 03:17 AM
"Do you think they'll listen?" Raril wonders, thinking they weren't too keen on listening to reason, in his experience. Of course, that experience involved an attempted theft and blatant manipulation.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 03:23 AM
Clouds form at the ceiling. This is, as you might expect, unusual. They get very, very thick, and then begin to rain.

The rain isn't normal, either. It's a rain of sequin sized gold coins. NPCs in the bar utilize their glasses to catch the coins.

The rain gets heavier, and heavier, until there's a lightning bolt. A purple lightning bolt.

The lightning bolt, once everyone recovers from the bright light that hit their eyes, will have completely gone, with a woman standing in it's place.

She's an elf. Short, really. She's slender, with a massive smile on her face, a smile that seems to have no boundaries: this elf is quite happy to smile at everyone. Her hair is red, and down to her hips: it contrasts her bright green eyes.

She beams at Raril and Zee, and waves. "Hullo!"

2009-12-11, 03:43 AM
Rarl finishes the last of his sandwich just as the golden rain starts to fall. Hide your daughters, folks, it looks like Zeus might be in town...

Except the old greek god doesn't use purple lightning. In fact, the drow only knew one person who did that. he looks up from his plate, smiling. "Hello Sunn."

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 03:46 AM
Sunn beams at Raril and pulls up a chair, sitting at the side of the table, not next to Raril and Zee. She doesn't want too disturb the married couple over-much.

"Hello, Raril! It's good to see you! Do you like your pyjamas? Does she?"

Sunn nods at Zee happily, smiling widely at both Raril and Zee.

2009-12-11, 02:56 PM
Francis undeadtimes, to that it'll really matter.

2009-12-11, 06:42 PM
"The pea jays look cute, Sunn! Thanks for the gift!" Zee comments rather belatedly. She isn't aware of what said PJs do. Just that they're rather silly. And she's the sort to enjoy rather silly.

Seems like Zee has returned to the land of the temporally present.

2009-12-11, 07:01 PM
As far as I'm aware, they just stay clean and pressed all the time and are rather cozy. And covered in spiders. Though, that hasn't seemed to bothered Raril as much as it once might have. ^_^ Our drow is growing up.

"They are great." Raril agrees.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 07:05 PM
Sunn beams at them both, and gives Raril then Zee a hug.

"I'm glad you like them."

Sunn looks at the two of them, blinks, and then cups her chin with her hands, making a 'hmmmm' noise. She's evidently rather thoughtful at the moment.

"You know, I have to give you two a wedding gift."

2009-12-11, 07:12 PM


Hugs are always nice.

"Ooh. A gift, huh? Better late than never I guess?" Zee giggles as she begins working on well... sammiches. What else? "I don't suppose you want anything to eat, Sunn?"

2009-12-11, 07:22 PM
Raril chuckles a bit, accepting the hug. Seems he was getting used to those too.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 07:24 PM
"No, I'm fine, Zee. Thank you for offering, though!" Sunn smiles at Zee.

She then reaches a hand into one of her pockets, and pulls out a package far larger than her pocket should be able to hold, although, to be fair, in Town that's not that unusual. It's gift-wrapped.

"This isn't your wedding gift- it's something for Zee. I want her to have this first."

Sunn puts it onto the table, smiling at the couple again.

2009-12-11, 07:28 PM
Zee eyes the box bound up in pretty paper for a few moments.

Then grins wide.

"Thanks! I'm sure it'll be great!" and with that the opening begins! One might expect the exuberant woman to rend into the thing like a child on Christmas morning. But to the contrary, she's quite careful opening the package. Does her best not to rip the paper.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 07:30 PM
When Zee gets through the paper and the box, she'll find that what Sunn has given her is, in fact, a pair of pyjamas.

They're (currently) pink, with a pattern of sparrows, instead of spiders.

"I thought that it'd be nice for you to have matching pyjamas. They've got the same properties that Raril's has, AND they can change colour!"

2009-12-11, 07:42 PM
That grin of Zee's grows even wider at this point. She seems pleased. "They're great Sunn! Thanks!"

And now for more hugs!

Because more hugs are always nice.

2009-12-11, 07:45 PM
A single winged creation walks in and takes a seat at the bar.

"DLB, please." It mutters, directed at the closest person who actually works at Trog's.

As the creation looks round the room, Affidavit's mind starts to wander. This place hasn't changed much. The presence of KNAVES never did have much of an effect here, although I suppose that's because it's dead and unheard of now. Still further his mind wanders, drifting to some of the past events that occurred here, like when that annoying little git with the sombrero was created because that stupid overgrown crocodile got drunk!

"Should've made himself immune to its effects..."

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 07:55 PM
Sunn happily hugs Zee back, and then notices the construct. She gives it an eager wave- she remembers the constructs, you see.

2009-12-11, 08:03 PM
Raril was just sitting back, grinning. He thinks he recognizes the construct and waves a bit.

2009-12-11, 08:03 PM
Someone...waving at me? Affidavit pulls himself back to the real world and the construct not-construct looks round at Sunn. "Why are you waving at me?" The creation looks confused, if that person is who he thinks it is...then surely she should be causing some kind of trouble for him?

She was the one who helped launch several attacks against KNAVES, right?

And the other one, the dark one...he'd been part of KNAVES very briefly? The creation chuckles, remembering that time he sent a spider after Raril.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 08:07 PM
"Because you're an old friend?" Sunn smiles widely, quite happy to see someone she recognises.

She was indeed, but she's also not the kind of person to keep grudges. Really, she did it because she was bored.

2009-12-11, 08:15 PM
Bored beings of unfathomable power are really rather dangerious.

Probably a good thing then that Avatar is rather skilled at keeping himself occupied.



"I don't get it. Who is..." Zee trails off. Then blinks. "Wait... isn't that one of those KNAVES robot things?"

2009-12-11, 08:15 PM
"Friend?" The creation shakes its head. "Friends don't attack the castle. Friends don't prevent us from achieving greatness. Friends...would never have abandoned the castle either."

The creation frowns and gets out of its seat, glaring at Sunn, "You're no friend. If I had the power I'd kill you right now!"

...Affidavit doesn't make friends.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 08:19 PM
"No, no you wouldn't. And 'greatness'? The delusions of a dried up old husk? KNAVES was worse than attempting to herd cats."

Despite Affidavit's rather rude display, Sunn flips a gold coin over to him. "Buy yourself a drink, courtesy of a friend."

2009-12-11, 08:36 PM
"Heh, KNAVES worked perfectly. State was a genius. He kept us together and we worked towards a common goal. Without people like you running round insisting that you were gods, we'd have succeeded. Life isn't fair, I've heard it all before. I know I'm being pathetic, but, well, ultimately you and Aesa were that single problem that always got in our way. Always." The creation spits at her and throws the coin straight back at her, angrily.

Well, you know what? I don't care about KNAVES any more! I don't! I'm better than that!" The creation shouts in defiance and anger, daring Sunn to contradict Affidavit's view on the matter.

Truth be told, KNAVES pushed him further into the depths of insanity. But he'd never admit that. Never.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 08:45 PM
Sunn gets a coin to one cheek and a glob of spit on the other. Despite this, she doesn't seem all that bothered. "And if Aesa and I weren't here, you wouldn't have been resisted? What about Iames? What about the Police? Hell...with the way you managed to piss folks off, even the Gentleman would have been after you."

Sunn reclines back, putting her feet up on a spare chair. "Now, normally I'd be ready to rip you limb from limb, but there's no real point. I mean, not even being vaporised could make you any more impotent..."

2009-12-11, 08:52 PM
Raril winces a bit at Sunn's insult. That was a mean one. He watched the creation carefully for a reaction.

2009-12-11, 08:58 PM
"Vaporising me does NOTHING now!" The creation cackles triumphantly, "I already died. I had my throat slit open. Blood pouring everywhere..."

The creation chuckles, mocking Sunn in a way. Her godlike powers are useless now...

Not really. But it's not as simple any more, that's for sure.

"Iames and the police, neither of them would've been a challenge. The police, certainly, were useless, and if you remember, Sunn, we found a way around your powers. It was only because Aesa was there as well that you lived. Iames, without anyone to help him, would've been thwarted if he had tried something." The gentleman is ignored, of course. There is no way to stop him after all. But he never gets involved, never.

"Why did you insist on interfering anyway? We would've been quite happy to leave you alone, quite happy. You are not limited to this world. KNAVES was. If you'd simply taken what you wanted with you and left this world, we could've both got what we wanted..." Funny really, how much the Prof hates her. She helped him out at the lab briefly...

Such a shame that everyone had to get in the way, time and time again.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 09:07 PM
"A way to stop my powers? Really? I don't particularly believe it. But, you know, I'm not all that bothered."

Sunn conjures up a small towel, and wipes her face clean. She's not really bothered about the spit in any meaningful fashion, but she does rather prefer being clean.

"As for the police? They had people who could do things you couldn't dream of. You know that that badge was the only thing keeping Maph'tey from killing you all.

As for why I insisted on interfering? You probably don't remember it, but I was rather impartial about KNAVES. After that first attack? Why, I sent you food, sent you gifts, and everything. Hell, my daughter met one of her closest friends at KNAVES."

Sunn beams at Raril and nods at him affectionately.

"I interfered because, frankly, I like this place. I met the most important people of my life here. They were kind to me, and I thought it was worth it to be kind to them again. KNAVES had ideals, and I'll admit that wanting peace and no crime is a good one to have. But they went about it the wrong way. They tried to fight sickness with sickness, and just ended up as an infected canker on the face of this world. I'm proud to say I helped lance it."

2009-12-11, 09:14 PM
"Bah, you only kept it under control! You never made much of a dent, only preventing us from going too far." Every day, dozens of slum dwellers had been labelled criminals and slaughtered.

People were tortured, crimes were stamped out. That was never stopped. "You know, I never really agreed with State's idea of a perfect world either. Sometimes I wonder why I enjoyed my time there so much, or why I defend our actions."

Why lie about it? They were evil, heartless bastards! They attracted more heroes than any other force of evil that ever plagued the town. The constant presence of the castle ensured that on voting day everyone voted...or suffered.

"I did some great work there, but that's all. Heh, it was a great place to come up with new ideas...wait, your daughter?" The creation can't help but laugh about that. If he's thinking about the same person, then...

"She scared the **** out of us! We were all worried about what would happen if she was hurt. That, admittedly, was quite amusing in retrospect."

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 09:22 PM
Sunn grins. "Yes, she did. As far as I know, she liked the place. Thought the castle was very pretty. I think I gave you pizza after she wasn't hurt."

Sunn reclines back in her chair, stretching. "I'll admit, Affidavit: you're an evil sonofabitch, but at least you're self-aware. You KNEW you weren't exactly helping, you KNEW that you were just in it for the pain- State was so delusional that he thought he was helping.

KNAVES is gone- and Town is a bit more safe for those who can't fight back. I'm happy about that. I don't live here anymore- me and my husband have left to our own little pocket. But I'm glad that it's better here, now."

2009-12-11, 09:45 PM
Raril chuckles, remembering when he'd first met Kara. She'd shown up out of nowhere and had the entire castle in an uproar. He hadn't quite understood what the problem had been then, she was only one little girl after all. The drow knew better, now.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-11, 09:52 PM
Sunn turns to Raril and Zee, waving at the construct- she's said all she wants to say there.

"So! Time for the wedding presents!"

Despite the interjection, she's acting like nothing happened.

2009-12-11, 09:53 PM
((Argh, internet just exploded))

"KNAVES isn't completely gone, sadly. The castle is mine now, but, one or two traces of the old days remain. One particular figure has been encouraging me to rebuild KNAVES..." And as tempting as that would be, it'd also be wrong to do so. An insult to Clergyman State.

But as Sunn pointed out, he was an absolute nutcase. Delusional, insane!

But am I any more sane than he was?

The creation frowns, "Part of me still wants KNAVES back as well. I've been arguing with myself and myself for days."

2009-12-11, 09:53 PM

Akwardly, the upper half of a android-ish ceramic white torso flops in through the door, the thousand chrome gears sticking out at random from where a stretchy black polymer is ripped away from joints, only slowly reforming. The mirror-like eyes turn with the head, as it surveys the room.

Statisfied with... whatever it had seen, it begins dragging itself forward across the floor, with it's arms and many little talons extending from where it's cut off just above the midriff. It skitters to a chair, then with a strange show of force, pushes off with mechanical precision, and lands on the seat. "Hsh nariif jasf adsini marag." It twitters, with a neutral, femenine voice, not having picked up any local speach yet.

2009-12-11, 10:18 PM
Zee is presently standing at the robot's table, looking rather confused.

"Uumm... Hi? I'm afraid I don't speak Klingon. Sorry. Do you know any other languages?"

2009-12-11, 10:22 PM
"Dsa Noarr qr-at is "Kliggen?"" It asks, moving it's mouth as if in emulation, rather than a requirement to make sound. "Words?" It quiries, trying to get Zee to talk more.

2009-12-11, 10:24 PM
"Hmm, what do we have here?" His own mental troubles put to one side, Affidavit's creation gets up to investigate the robot. "Now, what do we have here?"

2009-12-11, 10:32 PM
"None of your business mister evil robot guy," Zee waves the tray she's holding in a 'shoo!' fashion. "I'm trying to make first contact here. Go bother someone else."


"I'm Zee!" she motions to herself. "This is Trog's Tavern!" she waves on hand at the tavern in general. "You look damaged. How can I help you?"

2009-12-11, 10:35 PM
It rotates freely, the head twisting a full one hundred and eighty degrees without pause, "Here. I A-663-Z33-V8. It twists the perfectly symmetrical line that serves as a mouth, trying on Zee's confused expression. It twists back to Zee, then goes back to a plain face. "Zee. Robot, I, damaged. Treiisi missing." It tries a smile on, before deciding that it doesn't like overtaxing it's facial servos so much.

2009-12-11, 10:39 PM
"We are not evil robots, creature. We simply serve our master faithfully."

"If anyone is evil, it is me, but curiousity means that I will always be attracted by events such as this. You can make first contact, sure, but I'm damn well going to observe!"

2009-12-11, 10:48 PM
Zee scowls at the various creations.

Zee scowls look scary!

Good thing she doesn't make them very often.

"That's quite the serial number you have there. For the sake of simplicity I'm going to be calling you Vee-Eight, after a tasty and nutritious vegetable drink!"


"So you're missing some components? Do you know where they are? Could you lead me to them?"

2009-12-11, 10:54 PM
"Parts. Collect self." She, technically it but with the newest piece that was crawling in the door on a thousand spindly little talons, it was fairly evident she had a 'female' chassis. "Help... Antonym. Yrreno. Good." It anwsers, fitting the chest plate on over the previously flat white plating. It seems to meld together, as in actuality the particles are intertwining atoms as surely as welding would to metal. "Vee-AtE?" It inquires to Zee.

2009-12-11, 11:04 PM
"Vee-Ate! It's part of your serial number, right? Easier to say than the whole thing and-" Zee pauses as the new components come crawling in. "Huh. I guess you can repair yourself, then? Do all your pieces know where the rest of you is at?"

Like the Iron Giant!

Except with mecha-boobies!

2009-12-11, 11:07 PM
The creation leans in to watch the repair process, fascinated. "This is absolutely fascinating!" There, what did I tell you?


2009-12-11, 11:17 PM
"Veete." It tries the word again, accidentally slurring it into one, then twitching slightly and losing a few blue sparks. It points out the door with the stump of a wrist. "Out." It says, simply, before looking at the creation, and returning the word to it. "Fascinating." It of course, doesn't fully understand that word yet, and is just parroting it back.

2009-12-11, 11:24 PM
"Veate! That's perfect!" Zee laughs as she sets her tray down on a nearby table. "Hey Cosmo? I'm going to need you to cover for me. I have to help the robot find all her missing robot pieces."

And with that she begins to head for the door.

Then stops.

"Eerr... Are you going to be able to come too?"

2009-12-11, 11:25 PM
"Yes, fascinating. It means that I find you very interesting. You are...unusual? Worthy of further study? How exactly do you define "interesting?" I'm not used to using a simplified language."

2009-12-11, 11:30 PM
It tries a smile, again. Logic circuits spit fire back at the emotion core. "Language, not full." It tries to explain, then looks over at the leaving Zee. "Coming, yes." It flops off the chair, and begins scuttle/flopping along after her. "Inefficient." It comments about it's locomotion.

2009-12-11, 11:35 PM
"Hmmm..." Zee hrrms thoughtfully. "I think I've got just the thing!"

And with that she begins fishing around in her pockets for....

An acorn!

Which is then tossed on the floor.

And then grows at a rather astounding pace into a wagon.

Not an ox-drawn wagon, mind you.

The sort you would put a small child in.

"Climb in and I'll pull you!"

2009-12-11, 11:41 PM
Veate climbs into the wagon, accepting this silliness for now. It would have to avoid this matter conversion sort of ability after gaining the rest of it's body back. "Ready." It states, just in case the biologicals require prompting.

2009-12-12, 12:11 AM
"Okay! Off we go!" Zee laughs. "You'll just have to point me in the right direction!"

Wagon ride ho!

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 01:06 AM
Sunn bursts out laughing after Zee has her little escapade with the robot and leaves, and turns to Raril, grinning.

"Is she always like that? Coz if so, you've got to check what's being put into her food."

2009-12-12, 01:15 AM
Raril looks rather confused and a little concerned by that remark. "She usually cooks, or I will. What? You don't think someone's poisoning her, do you?" The drow had been thrown into a mild state of panic. How in the nine hells had be missed that?

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 01:18 AM
Sunn gets serious for a moment, and says to Raril: "It was a joke- I was trying to say that I've never seen anyone that exuberant naturally. Don't worry- I think she's fine."

Then Sunn sits back, and bonks her head on the wall, turning to glare at it, and then laughing, before turning back to Raril.

...what was she saying about exuberance again? Never met anyone like that naturally?

2009-12-12, 01:23 AM
"Oh, right. 'Course." Raril felt a little silly for jumping to such dire conclusions, but after a moment he smiles. "She's really fantastic, isn't she?" He asks, a far-away look in his eyes.

2009-12-12, 01:30 AM
Thecla's eyes open but she remains under the table near the fire. She watches and listens and occasionally flicks an ear back.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 01:31 AM
"She's very nice. Very personable. I like her. Good on you both." Sunn beams at Raril, and then looks at his eyes, as if he might be a bit concussed. Raril does seem a bit out of it, to her.

2009-12-12, 01:41 AM
The drow did look a bit tired, but mostly, he was just happy and entirely in love. He grins back at Sunn, until he notices the way she's looking at him. "What? What is it?"

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 01:43 AM
"You seem...very out of it, basically. Hang on."

Sunn reaches out a hand and attempts to flick Raril lightly on the forehead. Should he let her, his tiredness will dissipate, at least for a while.

2009-12-12, 01:47 AM
Foro undeadtimes. Looks like he has finally grabbed his rebellious tail and he seems quite please with himself for doing so.

2009-12-12, 02:10 AM
Raril flinches a bit when he's flicked. He blinks and realizes he's not tired anymore. "Thanks Sunn. I really needed that. I had hardly any sleep at all last night." He explains, a somber expression crossing his face.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 02:12 AM
At that, Sunn grins. It's wide, suggestive, and lewd.


Still grinning at Raril, she moves her hands complicatedly, in preparation for something, it seems.

"Would you like something to eat?"

2009-12-12, 02:37 AM
Raril chuckles at Sunn's expression, knowing exactly what she was thinking. "No, no it's not that." Now had they been discussing a few nights prior... *ahem*

"And Zee just made me something, I'm not hungry. Thank you, though." He says politely, declining the offer for food.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 02:40 AM
Sunn grins and chuckles. "I wish I could introduce you too Gabe- I think you two would get along well.

At the moment, he and I are having a bath together."

Damn those tricksy multiple-places-at-once people!

"We're having a bath because we're, uh...'sweaty'."

Sunn, with no shame, isn't bothered at all about talking about this. She conjures herself an eggroll, and takes a bite.

2009-12-12, 03:02 AM
Raril bursts out laughing at that one. "Ah, I see." He wasn't the sort to be embarassed by it either.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 03:10 AM
"I'll wait until Zee is here to give you two the full gift, but I think that I can get away with giving you these."

As she says that, she waves her free hand (the other occupied with helping her eat the eggroll) and two magnum bottles of sparkling wine appear on the table besides Raril.

"Very, very good vintage. A sweet white wine for your sweet wife, and something a bit more hearty for you. Must both be, oh, over a century old?"

2009-12-12, 03:15 AM
Raril grins, picking up one of the bottles to examine it. "Almost as old as I am." He remarks, chuckling. "These are really great, but there is a small problem." The bottle is set down with a small *thunk* "Zee doesn't drink."

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 03:20 AM
Sunn's face falls. A lot. You could almost say she's pouting.

"Really? She doesn't? Do you mind me asking why she doesn't drink?"

She cups her chin in her hand, and puts on her thinking face.

2009-12-12, 03:33 AM
The drow thinks for a moment, remembering. "Mostly she just doesn't like to, I think. Clouds the mind. And I remember her telling me that some of her family members have had problems with it. So she just avoids it." His shoulders move up and down in a shrug. "I've never really questioned it. Some people just choose not to drink. My brother's like that, actually. Brie was too, but I don't think you know her. Besides she's, what do they say? 'Fallen off the wagon'?" He makes a face, not understanding the saying. "Not that I can blame her."

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 03:38 AM
"Oh, okay. Well, that's a problem. A big problem, in fact. I guess you get two bottles of wine then, Raril?"

Sunn makes a 'hmmm' noise in the back of her throat, scratches her head, and then enlightenment strikes.

"I know!"

And, with a wave of her hand (she still hasn't finished her eggroll) two enormous blocks of chocolate appear on the table.

"The very best money can't buy."

2009-12-12, 03:46 AM
A grin spreads across Raril's face when the smell of fine chocolate reaches his nose. "Now, that I think she'll enjoy more than the wine." And the wheels were turning in his mind, a bit of wine, a lot of chocolate, perhaps a few other ingredients. It was one romantic evening in the making.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 03:49 AM
"Good! I'm glad."

Sunn grins at him slyly- she can SEE what he's thinking, just from the look on his face.

"I hope you enjoy them together."

2009-12-12, 03:51 AM
The drow's grins broadens. "Oh, we will. We will."

But before that, deadtime strikes.

2009-12-12, 04:25 AM
James, (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5903091&postcount=184)who's character registry post is still surprisingly accurate, enters the Tavern, because I've been playing Mime a lot. He sits down at a table, looking around for anything interesting.

2009-12-12, 02:58 PM
There's a ginger haired fellow with a pipe, is that interesting?

2009-12-12, 03:50 PM
James looks over to him, nodding.
Morning. He says, rather pleasantly.

2009-12-12, 03:52 PM
Frowning, the creation comes out of deadtime and orders itself another drink.

DLBs, just like old-no! Enough crap about the past, dammit! Looks like Affidavit is still arguing away with himself. He does manage to shut himself up for long enough to actually pay for the drink before being distracted by himself once more.

2009-12-12, 03:55 PM
"Is it morning?"

He checks his none existent watch and grins.

"So it is."

2009-12-12, 06:27 PM
The small woman named Jane walks inside. She looks much the same as last time, except with a black eye this time. She goes to the bar and asks for some ice in a bag putting it on her eye.

2009-12-12, 06:30 PM
The midgets have... views on several things, including violence towards women and violence towards short people. Violence towards short women therefore tends to get their attention really well. However, after last time, they know they'll be invited to get bent so they keep schtum

2009-12-12, 06:35 PM
Jane doesn't even seem to notice the sisters as she looks over the bar as if searching for someone. She orders herself a vodka on the rocks and starts to sip it.

2009-12-12, 06:40 PM
Now this is interesting, very interesting. I wonder who did that.

Someone who needs an axe to the groin I have no doubt

Mummmm... could you take a peek ?


If you don't I will...

Not if I antimagic you first.

But mum !!

Enough, leave her in peace, especially after last time

Snowraven's curiosity is not to be sated though...

2009-12-12, 06:42 PM
There is very little indication that Jane heard any of that, but a look of intense concentration is on her face.

2009-12-12, 06:44 PM
Hey look! Midgets!

Talking midgets!

Well, the creation's thoughts aren't quite that rude, but it ends up staring at the little people anyway. They're a bit of an oddity after all.

2009-12-12, 06:47 PM
He'll find himself being stared back at something from a nightmare / horror film. A telepathic 4 year old. This one does an excellent impersonation of Wednesday Addams, having learned the art of the baleful stare from aunty.

Jane's not the only one with intense concentration... Snowraven hides it a lot better than her sister though.

2009-12-12, 06:51 PM
Jane's look of concentration will make it difficult for anyone to look into her mind. Anyone searching for her mentally will find that she isn't there. At least no more then the stool she is sitting on.

2009-12-12, 06:53 PM
No one's trying. Granny could try something magical, if she was willing, but she's not and her word is law. Jane is thoroughly ignored by 3 sisters, the 4th though is thinking furiously.

2009-12-12, 06:57 PM
Well slowly the ice starts to melt, and her drink slowly disappears. Jane starts to look bored as she sits there. She starts to stare out the window.

2009-12-12, 06:58 PM
Through Snowraven's mind is going

She's waiting for someone or something. And if it's the creep who did that...

2009-12-12, 07:02 PM
No one can outstare a creation! Not true, but at the same time it's certainly not going to back down...

2009-12-12, 07:02 PM
Raril shakes hismelf awake and glances around the common room. The drow finds that he feels oddly tall, for once, and also outnumbered. By women. He prays they aren't the angry sort.

2009-12-12, 07:03 PM
If Jane's mind is thinking anything she isn't showing it. She keeps drinking her vodka and sitting there.

2009-12-12, 07:08 PM
Neither's the 3ft tall terror, or at least not until she's made her point - I can heeeeaaarrrr you !!!

Raril's going to be disappointed. At least 5 of the 6 short women present have a reputation for extreme militancy in the face of those taller than them.

2009-12-12, 07:12 PM

The creation chuckles and turns to order another drink. "That's quite a mean stare you've got."

2009-12-12, 07:14 PM
Poor Raril. Even at his 5'4", there was a good chance he was still taller than them. But he was sitting down. Maybe they just wouldn't notice him.

But he does notice someone else. The little lady at the bar with a black eye. That didn't bode well.

The drow stands and walks over to the bar, and takes a seat one away from her. For now, he doesn't say anything.

2009-12-12, 07:18 PM
The little lady doesn't shift a bit, just continues to stare out the window. Though she does finish the last of her vodka and sets it down on the bar.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 07:22 PM
Sunn shakes herself clear of the deadtime, and picks up the gifts she'd given to Raril, before relocating herself away right next to Raril again.

"A bit more busy now, isn't it?"

Sunn is, herself, taller than all of the women, being the same height as Raril.

2009-12-12, 07:22 PM
Is that drow going to hit on her ?

Drow... drow are seldom good news.

Cool it all of you, just leave things be.

The 4 year old's corner of the mouth flickers. his is obviously as close to a smile as the creation will get before crawling onto her mother's, the shortest of all the women, lap

2009-12-12, 07:24 PM
Indeed, things are getting rather busy.

The creation is quite pleasantly surprised that no one has decided to attack it. Affidavit chalks that up as another reason to not bring back KNAVES.

2009-12-12, 07:25 PM
"Can I buy your next round?" Raril asks her, twirling a coin through his fingers with a flourish before setting it on the bartop between them. His tone was casual, but there was a hint of concern there. Inside, he really was worried for her, but feared that saying so too quickly might scare her off.

When Sunn sits next to him, he looks up and nods. "Yeah. It's good to see the old place in business again. It was rather creepy when it was empty."

2009-12-12, 07:29 PM
Why? I mean, sure I suppose. Thanks. Vodka on the rocks. She says breaking away from staring out the window to look at him. She is a young looking woman, in her early 20's, short and very skinny, her dark black hair cut in a short bob.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 07:32 PM
Sunn nods at Raril, and looks at the young woman a bit quizzically.

She shrugs, and then hands something to Raril. It's a small bottle.

"For later- with Zee."

Considering that she's winking as she says it...

2009-12-12, 07:43 PM
"Why?" Raril raises a white eyebrow. "Can't a man buy a lady a drink? Besides, you look like you could use someone to talk to." He passes the coin to Cosmo, ordering a cup of coffee for himself along with her vodka.

The drow then takes the small bottle from Sunn and reads the label. Both of his eyebrows shoot upward and he quickly slides it into his bag. "Thanks Sunn." He says with quiet chuckle.

2009-12-12, 07:44 PM
Speaking of Zee...

She just came in through the door!

Or more properly, tumbled in through the door. Or more specifically, an elephant sized nightmare just crashed through the general area the door used to be with Zee wrapped around it. Wrapped around it because she's presently quite a bit more hydra than she is human.

Still has her arms, though.

And armored head to tail.

How can you tell that it's her?

The yellow bow on her tail of course!

Anyway, Zee has constricted herself around the monster, fangs sunk in fast. It flails at her with an array of spiked tendrils in a bid to dislodge her.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 07:46 PM
Sunn grins at Raril, chuckling when Raril's eyebrows seem to fuse with his hairline.

Then, seeing Zee tumble into the room, she looks very surprised.

2009-12-12, 07:48 PM
I guess so. Sorry, and thanks. She glances back at Sunn though her look is less quizzical and more of a cold stare. Then in comes Zee and Jane's body tenses, she doesn't move yet but keeps an eye on the fight, her hand grasping the new glass of vodka hard.

2009-12-12, 07:49 PM
Oh good grief...

Random encounter folks...

Remember the booze golem ?

I had just about forgotten it, thankfully.

Huh, bunch of wusses.

Do not start experimenting, now is not the time.

Who do we want to win anyway ?

The hydra has a rather cute bow...

Then it's destruction is just and... what are you looking at me like that for ? Oh all right...

2009-12-12, 07:53 PM
Raril jumps a bit when Zee and the nightmare come crashing through the door. He looks over his shoulder and recognizes the bow, and the hydra it was attatched to. "And that'd be my wife. Excuse me."

The drow stands and makes his way across the room, drawing his icy shortswords as he goes. Zee had the thing grappled, so he goes in for a quick kill, stabbing with both blades at a vulnerable looking spot, all whilst avoiding hitting his wife, of course. He'd probably be in real trouble if he did that.

2009-12-12, 08:06 PM
A fellow by the name of Markus enters. He looks around twenty-five, as if looks are anything to go by in Town. On his back is a massive six-foot longbow made out of some kind of reddish material. At his hip is a quiver filled with white-plumed arrows.

He has a pair of curious white wings. They are only around four feet long, and appear stiff and almost artificial, standing rigidly upright from beneath Markus' shoulder blades.

He enters somewhat timidly and walks towards the bar, sticking more towards the wall on the way there.

2009-12-12, 08:13 PM
Probably so.

It's a good thing Zee has that bow to keep herself easily. But then, there aren't many other sapphire blue hydras around here. Aside from Thespian.

But he's a jerk.

And a guy.

...not that it's always easy to sex a hydra.

But what are you going to do?

Regardless, the monster takes several devastating wounds from Raril's blades, transfixing it clean through the heart. And in a rush of noxious vapor the beast is gone.

Which means there's now nothing supporting Zee.

Which means she may be falling on Raril right about...


Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 08:14 PM
Sunn grins widely as Zee falls on top of Raril. It's actually very cute, in her mind.

2009-12-12, 08:15 PM
Oh, look! Violence!

Markus sits down at a table and observes the combat from behind steepled fingers.

2009-12-12, 08:20 PM
Jane looks a bit confused as Raril runs off. If he was married why was he buying women in bar's drinks. Then she frowns her eye, probably. She sips her drink thinking about how she feels about that.

2009-12-12, 08:21 PM
"Aah!" Raril drops his swords and wraps his arms around Zee, catching her. Unfortunately, her momentum causes him to topple over backwards. He hits the ground with a thud, but at least he broke her fall.

"You've always got to make an enterance, don't you?" The drow asks, grinning.

2009-12-12, 08:33 PM
It's probably a good thing that she's more or less human sized...

Otherwise that probably would have been quite a bit more uncomfortable and less silly.

Zee grins inside her helm, the hood-like armor plates around her neck folding down with a sound of metal sliding against metal. She loops her coils behind herself a few times and clambers off of Raril. "I just try to make life a little more interesting for everyone! And I didn't expect that thing to head for the door, honest!"

It was probably trying to shake her off by running through walls.

Then her hands go to her hips as she glances about the tavern. Kind of odd that she still has hips at all, given the lack of legs at the moment. The hydra-girl glances down at herself appraisingly

Then back up at Raril.

"Does this armor make my thighs look big?"


Big snakish thing.

No thighs.

This may be a joke on her part.

It's hard to tell.

2009-12-12, 08:42 PM
"No, dear." The drow says, almost automatically. "In fact, it seems to have eliminated them entirely." He notes with a smirk as he props himself up on his elbows.

2009-12-12, 08:43 PM
Markus leans back in his seat in a pondering fashion.

The goings-on seem to be even more strange than they had told me.

2009-12-12, 08:54 PM
For about three seconds Zee manages to maintain a straight face. Not terribly difficult considering the fact that she has armor plates covering said face at the moment.

Then she snerks.

Then doubles over forward, hands on her gut as she busts up in a fit of hissing giggles.

"Ss ss ss sss! Heeeesssss... Oh, that's great! I should market this stuff. Guaranteed to make your thighs a non-issue!"

More laughter as her form begins to melt and flow, her coils splitting apart into a pair of human legs and a tail of more manageable size. Her helm shrinking down and folding away, revealing a quite human face behind it.

If those golden reptilian eyes are ignored.

She looks pretty normal at this point. Or at least as normal as people in the Nexus tend to be. "Well! That was an adventure! Have I missed anything important?"

2009-12-12, 08:56 PM
Jane sits and drinks.

2009-12-12, 09:09 PM
"Sunn's given us more gifts." Raril reports, pushing himself to his feet. "I think you'll rather like them."

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 09:12 PM
Sunn beams at both Raril and Zee, giving them a happy wave.]

"And I've still got the big one to go!"

2009-12-12, 09:12 PM
"Oooh, really? What now?" Zee inquires whilst heading behind the counter and tying on her Trog's Tavern apron. Because now that she's back it's time to serve drinks and make sammiches again!

Several newer patrons seem confused regarding the business as usual attitude despite the massive hole where the door used to be.

And thus the various PCs that haven't been served yet are flashed a cheerful grin. "Hiya! Can I get you anything?"

2009-12-12, 09:14 PM
Jane shakes her head when asked if she needs anything. No thanks. For reference she has a black eye, other then that I think Rebo knows what she looks like.

2009-12-12, 09:22 PM
"Are you sure?" Raril asks Jane as he retakes his seat at the bar. "She's a fantastic cook." He says, grinning broadly at his wife.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 09:24 PM
Sunn walks over to Raril and Zee, and smiles at them, very widely.

"Give me your hands, okay?"

2009-12-12, 09:28 PM
Zee gives Raril a playful shove on account of his compliment. Because that just seems to be the sort of thing she does.

But then Sunn makes her request.

Kind of weird. But why not?

The hydra-girl holds out one hand.

2009-12-12, 09:30 PM
Raril chuckles, then gives Sunn an odd look before complying.

2009-12-12, 09:31 PM
Jane just shrugs, maybe she should get something she thinks. She takes the time Sunn is using to do whatever she is doing to think about it.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 09:38 PM
Sunn takes both Raril and Zee by the wrist, smiling widely, as she closes her eyes.

At that moment, a lightning bolt hits her in the head, running down her arms into the couple. This does not have the expected effect: instead, it should just cause a bright, warm feeling in both of them, and they'll notice that their wedding bracelets are sparking slightly.

They'll both feel absolute knowledge and certainty of the love the other has for them. Complete knowledge of it- so strong in their minds that it could never be forgotten, never diminish.

"Sorry I took to long to give you your wedding gift."

2009-12-12, 09:50 PM
Zee jumps slightly as the bolt zaps Sunn, fully expecting it to cause her hair to stand on end or something. But it doesn't. Which is surprising.

As the bracelet begins to sparkle an eyebrow is raised ever so much.

The other effect, however, isn't noticed at all.

It's a subtle sort of thing, really. In a time when Raril is right there. Right after he had caught her in a moment of distress? Sharing a few good natured jokes and jabs? In those times there is little doubt. She probably won't realize what has been done until a time of great crisis arises.

"Thanks! It's really pretty!" the hydra-girl laughs cheerfully.

2009-12-12, 09:58 PM
Raril, too, jumps at the lightening bolt. Likewise he does not immediately notice the effect from the bracelet. He probably won't until he really needs to be reminded of his love for his wife.

"Yeah, thanks." He echoes.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 10:01 PM
Sunn smiles at them both.

"You'll understand later."

The sparkling is a nice side-effect, and something Sunn likes, but she's quite happy with what she's done.

Then, Sunn looks at Raril, and blinks.


2009-12-12, 10:03 PM
"What? What is it?" The drow asks, thoroughly confused.

2009-12-12, 10:05 PM
Jane just sits quietly watching the whole thing, occasionally sipping her vodka.

2009-12-12, 10:07 PM
Flaming hot human Reinholdt enters. For all those not keeping up with the merry-go-round of Reinholdt bodies, a basic description is here:

Merely a man. A really, really amazing man. Screw Jazirian, Harth, Fanboy, even... Wait. He's probably, in fact, the most attractive humanoid to have ever walked the universes, in an over-hyped, inhuman, Stephenie Meyer described, kinda way. Take Amour’s intrigue (without the weird loner, and lover, issues), Nomlas’ boldness (without the uncouth idiocy, and ignoring the occasional bouts of OMG-cowardice), Vespe’s flair (without the moral weakness – don’t try and deny it), Butler’s sexiness (without the overtones of rank easiness), Fanboy’s gothic impressiveness (without the tendency to get on your nerves), and everyone else good looking you can think of’s attractiveness (without that ugly stench of mortality). He has slightly pointed ears, pale, almost luminous skin, big, red-pink eyes, lacking pupils, and a wiry, muscular physique, that screams effortlessness. He's flaming hawt.

He takes a seat before looking around and seeing who is there.
He quickly regrets coming in here upon spotting Raril and shrinks in his seat, trying to not be seen, but staring at the drow anyways.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 10:08 PM
"I know someone who'd love so see you!"

And with that, Sunn opens her arms, and between them a person fades into existence- at first, she's invisible, insubstantial, then a mist, then a fully solid person.

She's short. Very short- another person who fits the general shortness in the room at the moment. She's got mousy brown hair, which looks very odd with her bright yellow eyes, very reminiscent of a hawk's. Also reminiscent of a hawk is her pair of large, dark, feathery wings. She's wearing pretty modest clothes- long pants, down to her ankles, and a baggy shirt that's been rigged to show off her tummy, which is impressively muscular- the girl has what is, effectively, a six pack.

She blinks, looking around, and then she spots Raril, and jumps at him, giving him a tight hug (considering her strength, it might be a little uncomfortable).


Zee will probably note that the girl looks much like a much smaller Aesa.

2009-12-12, 10:11 PM
Zee giggles a bit and gets to work on a fried egg sammich for the totally normal human sitting at the bar. Looks like a fighter-type. Scale-mail, battle axe, shield. Few scars to show off to the ladies...

He's already given Paige a few winks.

And similar treatment to Zee. Though as usual she's oblivious to the attention.

"Here you go! Enjoy!"

"Thanks m'lady," the food is accepted and a winning smile flashed back. "If it's half as stunning as you are I'll be quite the happy man."

Zee blinks a few times. "Eerr... Stunning? I don't think I've used stunning fist on anyone tonight..." she looks puzzled.

So does the fighter.

2009-12-12, 10:12 PM
Raril gives an odd little squeak when he's hugged.

"Hi Kara." He says, breathlessly.

And scarred-fighter-man is going to get a rather nasty look from the Drow.

2009-12-12, 10:15 PM
Hawt Reinhold gets stared at by Jane, a short women just under 5 feet, and shinny maybe 100 pounds at most. She has short black hair cut in a bob, and is wearing warm looking clothes that seem a bit two big for her, and she has a black eye at the moment. And despite his hawtness she shows no signs of attraction to him, just a blank stare.

Shadow of the Sun
2009-12-12, 10:15 PM
Kara smiles widely up at Raril, and then turns herself to see what he's glaring at.

Sunn runs her fingertips through Kara's hair, smiling widely.

2009-12-12, 10:19 PM
If Reinholdt notices Jane staring at him, he doesn't react. He's too busy rearranging the napkin holders and glasses and anything else he can find so that Raril might not see him.

Cause Raril is scaaaaaary. :smalleek:

2009-12-12, 10:20 PM
The fighter decides that now would be a good time to eat his meal in silence given all the Gaze Attacks being thrown at him right now.

Zee just shrugs, as oblivious as ever.

Then waves cheerfully at the Hawt Kitteh.

"Hiya! Welcome to Trog's Tavern! Can I get you anything?"

2009-12-12, 10:27 PM
Raril then notices Reinholdt. He doesn't recognize the man, hardly knowing the cat. He does think he's acting rather odd, though. Was he just afraid of Drow?

Of course, thanks to his bout of MPD, he doesn't remember at all torturing the poor kitty.