View Full Version : DA:O help! Ban Tegan is MIA!!!

2009-11-28, 05:25 PM
i have searched the whole castle and no ban tegan!!!! i have nothing left to do it the game! im painting my nails while i blindly search for him. Wats wrong wit my game??????/:smallconfused:

Zen Master
2009-11-28, 05:38 PM
i have searched the whole castle and no ban tegan!!!! i have nothing left to do it the game! im painting my nails while i blindly search for him. Wats wrong wit my game??????/:smallconfused:

Hm - while I'm not too concerned, this is in the wrong forum. I think.

Ban Tegan, if I remember correctly, is in the main hall, where the kid has him doing a silly dance. You're at the right castle, and the right floor, right?

ex cathedra
2009-11-28, 05:40 PM
I'm sure that there are some low level divinatory methods that will solve this. What WBL are we working at? :smallwink:

2009-11-28, 07:32 PM
I'm sure that there are some low level divinatory methods that will solve this. What WBL are we working at? :smallwink:

Sounds like a job for Detect Obvious.

...which I could probably use as well. I have no idea what this thread is about.

2009-11-28, 08:00 PM
She's wanting help for Dragon Age: Origins and didn't see the "Gaming (Other)" forum, assuming that the Roleplaying Games forum included CRPGs, rather than being solely for discussion on pen and paper RPGs.

2009-11-29, 02:31 AM
You'll have to cut across the courtyard to get to that section of the castle.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-11-29, 08:40 PM
There's a main DA:O thread for this.
<Edit'd to avoid hurting feelings or sending the wrong message> please define - in spoiler blocks, if you will, what, exactly, you're trying to do and where exactly you are as well as when in the time-line, and we can answer.
If it's the part I suspect: (Redcliffe Spoilers herein:)
You took Teagen's ring into the secret passage into the castle and have fought your way out of the dungeons and are crawling around the castle. Look around for an alternate dungeon entrance, this portion of the dungeons will consist of one room. Take the exit to the courtyard, where you will fight a big battle (If you saved the town, open the gates to summon help) after the battle, you're ready to enter the castle proper through the large double doors. There you will find Teagen and exactly what's happening in Redcliffe.