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Rogue 7
2009-11-29, 12:55 AM
The morning sun shone thinly through a clear autumn sky upon the quiet village of Sheepshead. It was late in the season, and a cold wind tugged the last of the leaves from the scattered trees around the village. The scattered shepherds had gathered their flocks in for winter, the pens filled with woolly sheep bleating and munching at their food. The harvest had been finished, the barns stuffed to the brim with hay, vegetables, and salted meat. A caravan had just finished passing through, bringing meat, salt, and other necessities, along with silks, trinkets, and other treasures for those who could afford them. By all accounts, it should have been a time for festivals and feasting in the village.

It was not. A chill had run through the village a week previously. Richter's Raiders. One of the most savage and violent of the marauding warbands, and yet one small enough that they had not attracted the attention of one of the metallic dragons that guarded villages and secured the safety of people across the land. They picked their targets carefully, seeking out villages such as this one that did not have the protection of a powerful good dragon, and striking quickly and savagely. And now shepherds had seen them no more than three days away.


The village's church of Pelor was small but well-kept. The building was solid stone, with hard, wood flooring and dark pews. The floor looked as though it was not only swept, but frequently scrubbed. Gathered in the church were five people, four humans and a gnome. The gnome, blonde-haired and chipper, was dressed in a bright robe, which sparkled and shined even in the dim light filtering through the windows. It seemed to catch the eyes of anyone who glanced her way, making them eagerly listen to what she had to say. Next to her was a brown-haired girl, a dour look on her face as she sat listening. A dark-haired young man with thinning hair sat alongside, a spellbook, pouches, and mysterious runes making it evident that this was a wizard, and one who took his craft far more seriously than the village charlatan. Youngest of them all was a very tall, fair man who carried himself in such a way that there could be no doubt that he was a warrior.

The four of them were seated in the first row of pews of the church, listening to the village priest. He was an elderly man, with long white hair and a short, well-trimmed beard. His build spoke of one who had previously been a fearsome warrior in a fight, as did several scars on his arms and a small one across his cheek, but the paunch he possessed and his general air of frailty made it clear that this was a man long past his prime. He spoke, sitting in a straight-backed wooden chair he had brought from the back in order to address the seated group.

"Warriors, I thank you for joining me. Our village, as I'm sure you can tell, is small and without its share of skilled warriors. We lack the friendship of even the youngest of dragons. We've existed safely by being small and out of the way, but it seems that these orcs just see that as a target. Were that I was twenty years younger, I would take up my mace and show these monsters the wrath of my God!"

Glancing up behind the altar, underneath the radiant symbol of the sun god of Pelor, you can see a stout mace, burnished to a shine. Simple in its construction, the numerous dings and nicks in it give evidence that it is as much a veteran as the priest before you.

But alas, age catches up with us all, even the great wyrms in the end. And we are fortunate that the merchant who just left was willing to part with such clearly excellent warriors and magicians, and that you were passing through, madame. We don't see a great deal of travel in these parts."

With this he first indicates Kathinda, Alasdair, and Alinnamara, then Erfavare.

"And because you have agreed to help us I would see it that you are compensated for your bravery. We are but a poor village, but I have build up savings from the village's donations for an occasion such as this. Most of them, blessed be, think the donation is for repairing the roof. But I think they'll appreciate the drips on the backs of their necks if they are still around to feel them.

Now, I take it you wish to know of the details of Richter's forces?"

Seeing the nods of assent from the party, he began, a faint gleam in his eye.

"They approach from the northwest- where we keep our flocks. Morton, one of the shepherds who was out rounding up his flock, was a bit late- he had a few lambs who strayed, and thank God he did, or we would have had no warning and you all would long since have vanished!

Morton knew the land better than they did and was able to get here to give us some warning, but we still only have two days- three, at the most, before we're up to our necks in fire and orcs. Fortunately, we know how they're coming- the only way to the village from that direction is the pass we use to herd our sheep. The hills nearby are just too steep otherwise.

In particular, there's a spot barely half a day's march from here where the path intersects the River Wyvern- it's not as narrow as some of those passes you get in the mountains, but it'll stop them from getting at your back, and if you knock anyone off the edge, the fall into the river will kill them, most like. That's where I'd intercept them, were I you.

Now, the orc bastard has about 12 men with him, but that's more than enough to put paid to the likes of us- half the men in this town can't even tell which end of a sword is which! Morton couldn't get a read on any of 'em aside to say that their leader- whom I will surmise is Richter, Pelor damn him- had a sword that looked like it could cleave any two of you in twain without so much as a "by your leave."

Now, are there any questions?"

He sits back in his chair, looking at you expectantly.

2009-11-29, 09:54 AM
"Aye, I have a question. This pass you referred to, uh, the one where it intersected the River Wyvern. Is it possible to see a map of the pass? It'd be helpful for planning tactics if we had a map to use."

Turning to the others, Alasdair inspects them and gauges their strength.

"Now, I may be wrong, but it doesn't seem like any of you three are used to standing on the front lines, trading blows face-to-face with the enemy. I know not what your strengths are, but it seems to me that we should base our tactics on using the pass to eliminate their advantage of numbers, and then letting me hold them while you harass and decimate their numbers. One-on-one I'm sure I can outfight any of the motherless dogs that marches on this village."

Rogue 7
2009-11-29, 12:06 PM
The priest nods and stands, and you can hear his bones creaking if you listen closely. He walks slowly through a door and you can hear paper rustling and the priest muttering to himself:

"Nine hells, where did I put it?"

Shortly thereafter, he comes back holding a rolled-up sheet of parchment, which he unrolls over the altar and beckons you close.

"This doesn't give much detail on the pass, but it's the best I can do."

The map is rather crude, the focus given to good pastures for sheep. The pass itself is a thin line, with "Steep!" written on either side. The river is barely separated from the line.

"I'm afraid the pass isn't so narrow that any one of you could hold it by yourselves- we herd sheep through this pass, if you'll recall. However, it's still the narrowest place I know of that you can intercept these rogues. It's approximately 30 feet wide or so, and climbing the hill surrounding it is very difficult."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-29, 12:33 PM
"I think that the river may be our biggest advantage. If we can send even one enemy into the river, that's many less blows any of us will receive. I know not what the rest of you are capable of, but through my training, I have mastered one or two techniques that would be excellent for maneuvering the bandits into the river. Unfortunately, these techniques are difficult to use, and one requires quite a bit of momentum to be of any use. I'll be able to affect at most two enemies, so these techniques would be best saved for the leader or other threats. Still, if I am able to land a good strike on one of the bandits, I might just be able to weaken them to the point where they become a non-threat.

Do any of you have any similar abilities?" Kathinda asks, turning to the rest of the group.

2009-11-29, 04:11 PM
After seeing the map he lets out a sigh and says: "Damn. I'd hoped this would be a walk in the park, tactically speaking. Ow, well. We'll have to come with some fancy tactics when we reach the river."

Giving out a short laugh at Kathinda's question, Alasdair answers: "Suffice to say, when I hit something, this something gets hurt. Usually quite badly. Other than that... Well, uh, I'm strong", and winks to Kathinda after the last comment.

"And oh, I'm Alasdair mac Lochlainn by the way."

Forever Curious
2009-11-29, 04:42 PM
Erfavarae giggled at the subtle exchange between the two warriors. "Glad to know we have muscle on our side," commented the gnome, standing to address the party. "My name is Erfavarae if you don't know me, a traveling healer and comedian. I'm not very strong, but my spells and jokes can aid you warrior types most effectively... A sly grin spread across Erfavarae's face. "...and give a special surprise to those ruffians." The gnome took a breath and cleared her head, trying to remember if she remembered hearing anything that could be useful against the impending horde.

Bardic Knowledge for Richter and his horde

Rogue 7
2009-11-29, 05:02 PM
Erfavare knows that they're a mixed group of orcs and humans, who have attacked several villages around the peak of the Bronze Dragon. They're brutal and cruel, but also intelligent- as there aren't very many of them, they must pick their targets carefully. If they attack too strong a village, or one protected by a metallic dragon, they'll be killed. They're consequently wanderers, striking quickly to take whatever they can. It's been very difficult to track any sort of pattern in their movements- they'll bypass some targets to hit others.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-29, 05:09 PM
"Call me Kathinda." Kathinda turns to Erfavarae. "However this battle turns out, it shall be an interesting experience. I have never before met anybody that could cast spells."

2009-11-30, 03:21 PM
Until now silent and completely motionless, the wizard was more of a ghost than anything else. He wave his hand for the first time, a sign to request the right to speak, when he does so his voice sounds tired and old, like an oak tree that had seen too many winters.

"I am Alinnamara Theoden, also known as Alin of Runes. You can guess why." He scratch his beard pondering.
"Obviously you do not consider the option of traps solemnly because of your farms. I wouldn't too. Even if a simple spell could bring down the entire group with one discharge, there could be backlashes." He stops once more to ponder.

"I had faced pirates before, some are smarter than we would think they could be. It would do us good to watch for their plans as well. The narrow path is disturbing more than it helps; While we can face than shoulder to shoulder, we are obviously outnumbered, they could even rain arrows at your shadow, out of your reach." He signs in Alasdair direction.

"Yes..." He obviously realize something, a plan perhaps. "Yes, that ought to work. If we place our warrior friend, cloacked by spells or in hiding, here" he points at the map "and the rest here" he places 3 fingers far back, at a 40 feet distance from where he previously placed Alasdair "we, or I, could create a barrage of spells, a harmful field, and turn them all against the revealed Alasdair's sword. A true meat grind."

"It is obviously risky... but otherwise we will be at the mercy of their arrows. Unless..." He stops to ponder for a third time. "Unless I would to enspell the four of us to turn their arrows against them. That would be more tiresome to me but it can be done. A simple yet not fail-proof plan." He falls silent once more, waiting for the others opinion.

Rogue 7
2009-11-30, 03:47 PM
The priest rolled up the map and handed it to Alasdair, whom he seemed to nominally consider the leader.

"Well, if you don't have any more questions, I would suggest you get going. We still don't know just how far these ruffians have come, so the further away from our village you intercept them, the better. If you need supplies, I can have them for you in a short time. When you get back, we'll throw you a feast the likes of which you've never seen!"

He lets out a hearty laugh, and then looks at you expectantly, his gaze encouraging you all to begin moving. Should anyone ask for supplies, he provides five days worth of rations and a waterskin to each of you, and two tents for the group upon request.

Stepping out into the village, the morning sun does little to warm the chill air of the village, despite there not being a cloud in the sky. From the church door, the entire village stands in front of you- about 20 houses and barns all together, scattered without pattern around a small central square upon which the church faced. A few children played in the square, banging sticks together in a childish imitation of swordplay, but it appeared half-hearted and nervous. A woman sweeping off her stoop would occasionally stop to look into the distance, as if expecting to see the marauders coming up the road any second.

Apologies for the bit of railroading, but I'd like to keep this moving as much as I can. Feel free to discuss things along the road.

Forever Curious
2009-11-30, 03:58 PM
Erfavarae sighed as she gazed around the village, shivering with the chill. "What a peaceful hamlet..." she said wistfully to know one in particular. Nevertheless, we must make haste...if our wizard knows that spell!" The gnome let out a giggle at her own pun, hoping to lighten the mood as much as possible.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-30, 04:10 PM
Kathinda nods. "As long as nobody has anything they need to do, it would indeed be best to leave as soon as possible." She turns to Alinnamara. "So... you also cast spells? This will truly be an experience..." She's smiling, it's easy to see a bit of excitement on her face.

2009-11-30, 04:17 PM
Alin was normally sheltered to himself in many levels, but he got quite a delight with the gnome lass. Always fond of innocent children, Alin can't help but to place her under the same hood, even if she would probably be older than him. He smile at her joke but remains grim.

When Kathinda to his person he turns to face her. "Do not think I would indulge anyone in simple displays of power. My magic is dangerous, it would be easy to kill all of us with the right word, as history had proven me. I only use it when needed." His gaze meets the young children playing and his semblance turn dread. "I would also prefer to end our sorry existence than to let this village suffer the coming threat. That's the only reason I am willing to use my knowledge for this." He pauses, feeling guilty about his harsh retort. "Sorry. But... you are right. We have to leave as quickly as possible."

Forever Curious
2009-11-30, 04:19 PM
Erfavarae looked at Kathinda quizzically. "I'm surprised," commented she offhandedly. "You strike me as a woman who has been through much travel across the world, and the abilities you spoke of simply can't be mundane. I'm surprised you are so unfamiliar with the art of magic." The gnome giggled softly again, not offensively, but almost as a reflex.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-30, 04:30 PM
Kathinda shakes her head, "My abilities are solely from training my body to be a weapon, and my inner energies." She thinks for a few seconds. "It is strange that I've not encountered those who wield the magical energies... perhaps I am simply unlucky though."

Forever Curious
2009-11-30, 04:36 PM
Erfavarae nodded at Kathinda, still grinning. "Then I suppose you're luck has changed my dear." She giggled impulsively again and looked up at the wizard. "And you, Mr. Alinnamara, are going to have to lighten up. My power is laughter, and I won't have a sour puss arcanist moping about. Smile!" The gnome smiled widely, trying to appear comical.

2009-11-30, 04:44 PM
Alin gaze meet with Erfavarae with tired distant eyes. "You do not know of what you speak." But her charm got the best of him, maybe the first time of thousands to come.

"Sigh. But I will try to smile to you here and there, I cross it." He makes a X sign over his heart. And open a light smile for the second time in months. "It can't kill me to travel north from time to time. Or maybe it will..." Now it is his turn to laugh, even if his voice sounded dusted and old.

2009-11-30, 05:29 PM
Smiling at the old wizard obvious comfort with the thought of his own death, Alasdair walks with the rest of the group, thinking back on what's been said. Then his eyes went wide.

Oh... No... Don't tell me.. No, she couldn't have, could she? I mean... I'm not good looking and... Just talk to her and fix it!

Clearing his throat slightly, Alasdair motions to Kathinda to join his side while they walk.

"Um, well, uh... You know, I, uh, said something back then. About, uh... Um, being strong? I just, ehh, realised that it may, um, perhaps been interpreted as me, uh... Oh, how should I say this.. As me coming onto you. And, uhm, that's not how I meant it. At all. I mean, not that you're not pretty, it's just that..." Alasdair stutters with an increasing shade of red in his face. His discomfort with the entire situation is evident in his every move. "I should just be quite, shouldn't I?"

One can see the embarrassment Alasdair is feeling right now like an almost palpable aura.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-30, 05:42 PM
Kathinda laughs lightly at Alasdair's embarrassment. "The thought hadn't crossed my mind, Alasdair."

2009-11-30, 05:46 PM
Relaxing visibly as Kathinda let's out a laugh, Alasdair can't help but join in.

"Good. Now I can at least focus on fighting without having to worry about other things."

Forever Curious
2009-11-30, 05:47 PM
The gnome laughed merrily at the exchange taking place. "What wonderful people..." she mused, looking back at the wizard. "So why so miserable, sir? Certainly you weren't just born grumpy man."

Rogue 7
2009-11-30, 05:50 PM
Movin' right along... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVn6Yz9W-ng)

Music! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHAP7NvBOU0)

Walking out of the town on the sheep road to the northwest, the land quickly becomes wild, and the only trace of civilization is the road on which you travel- and even that is crude and unkempt. To the east, the hills slope up higher and higher, becoming devoid of even the smallest of trees, until the teeth of the mountains rose up, black and massive, with snow-capped peaks. The road curls up and down the hills, sometimes in a valley, sometimes cresting a high hill, giving a phenomenal view of the land surrounding you, without even a trace of another person. The land is devoid of many animals that you can see. In the distance, a hawk screeches out a fierce cry, soaring higher and higher in the cloudless sky, and, on the edge of visibility, up above the mountains, you can make out the large, majestic shape of a dragon swooping down and around its domain, though it is too far away to determine the color. Behind you, receding into the distance, you can see the smoke from Sheepshead fading up into the sky, though that too is soon lost to your sight.

After about 4 hours of walking at a moderate pace, you can see the River Wyvern cutting southwest. It is rough and rapid, a shallow river full of foam and splashing spray. Continuing on, it runs closer and closer to your path before nearly intersecting, and turning along with the path to flow almost due west. As you come around a bend in the road, wrapping around the hill, you can see that it looks as though part of the hill has been chopped away with a rusty knife, forming a steep, jagged cliff scattered with debris and boulders. It continues up past the path, and indeed the cutaway of the path into the hillside leaves a wall about ten feet tall on the southern side of this westbound path. The path itself is, as the priest told you, about 30 feet wide, and relatively unchanging in its width. It extends along the hillside for about 300 feet, before turning south and down into the valley- the closest of the places where the shepherds keep their flocks. This is clearly your ambush point.

Feel free to roleplay as much as you want as you walk towards your objective, but I would like to try and keep things moving- I've been involved in too many PbP games that got bogged down and posted too slowly, so I want to try and keep this one moving.

And guess which of the two songs I posted I was listening to when I wrote this.:smallbiggrin:

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-30, 06:18 PM
Kathinda nods, before asking, "How exactly do you fight?"

2009-11-30, 06:53 PM
"I wouldn't tell this to anyone. But this far north I care very little..." Alin gaze down to his own feet, his eyes sad and distant.

"Some years ago I had a wife and daughters. I didn't pay attention to them, however, because I was too busy studying magic. I was blind. A fool. We just miss what we got when we lose it, and that's why I prefer to keep to myself. If I don't claim anything, I will lose nothing..." The last bit was spoken between his teeth and with a feeling that he didn't really wanted to believe in that.

His eyes shift and Alin stare at the river, down bellow. "We are here... We should hurry with preparations and battle plans."

Alinnamara take a good look at the landscape and asks the rest with a smile of dry wit. "Who here would have a plank? Or could find some wood? I have an idea..."

My field Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv5SkiRV_QQ). Yeah, I am that kind of wizard. hahaha.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-30, 07:04 PM
Kathinda pulls her Bag of Holding off her back and starts rooting through it. "I think I have two or three day's worth of wood in here..." After a few more seconds of rooting around, she pulls out a pile of wood, composed of sticks and logs of various sizes. "There you go!"

2009-11-30, 07:41 PM
Alin chose the longest and broadest of them, a sturd log, a quarter of a small tree. "This will do, thank you."

"Stay here for a momment, I don't want to put anyone in danger as I use my craft." The wizard walks directly toward the northwest side of the pass, to prepare a trap.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-30, 07:57 PM
Kathinda puts the rest of the wood back in her bag, and watches Alin. She even approaches slightly, to get a better view, but is careful to keep a safe distance, just in case something goes wrong.

Rogue 7
2009-11-30, 08:25 PM
The flat path, mostly dirt with larger rocks here and there, was unmarred as Alin made his approach, as if inviting his trap. To his left, the cliff rose, stern and foreboding, while to his right, quick and violent, the river felt as though it wanted to reach up the side of the hill and grab him, pulling him to his doom.

Narrative version of: Let's see the trap, then, boyo.

2009-11-30, 09:38 PM
The place was perfect.
Magical Trapmaking:

Alin makes a landmark on the ground with his foot and walk five feet straight. Where his feet stands he does another one. He sits on the ground, taking his pouch and rod, the rod he put down at his side, and from the pouch he removes five small stones with runes carved on them. With a free hand he reaches for his wand and touches the second landmark. BANG. A deaf explosion as a bit of ground erupts in a mist of dirt and dust.

After cleaning his robes of soil, he places the cog on the new formed hole using of stones and dirt to fix it in place, solid. On it, he writes in Common [Danger, do not trespass. Traps.] and let out a smile with a grim shadow of amusement. He also writes a part in Orc.

After that, Alin holds his runes, close his eyes and touch the Orc written text. He speaks words of arcana and weave a pattern, the magic obeys and the writing is enspelled. Shortly thereafter he uses another spell holding right to his runes, one that would shroud any trace of magic.
[Explosive Runes - Detonates upon reading, 6d6 of force damage, no save, and Ref for half on a 9 feet area. Magic Trap - DC 28 to disarm. To find the trap (Search DC 20) results in Explosion to whoever can reads Orc. And Nystul's Magical Aura. Read as Mundane with detect magic and alike.
Magical Aura have 8 days of duration, Explosive Runes are permanent until discharged.]
[In orc, he wrote: Also, explosive runes.]
He arranges all his stuff, and pack everything again. Alin returns to the camp-site with a tired expression. "No one. I am serious, absolutely no one, get closer than 9 feet to that plank. I will rest now, to study other spells and finish the trap. Again, don't get close to it."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-11-30, 09:50 PM
Kathinda frowns. "That's not quite as impressive as I thought it would be..." She returns to her original spot and sits down.

Forever Curious
2009-11-30, 10:40 PM
Erfavarae giggled, very amused by this display of magic. "Ah, what a delightful joke!" exclaimed the gnome, feeling genuinely giddy. "Let's hope the punch line is as good as the set up." Erfavarae looked around the area of the cliff as if searching for something. "I wonder if there are any good places for me to set up a joke of my own..."

Rogue 7
2009-12-01, 04:14 PM
There was nothing particularly special about the cliff- it was composed of dirt and rocks much like the rest of the area. A particularly large boulder embedded in the cliffside caught the cheerful gnome's eye, but there was nothing else of note there.

2009-12-01, 06:23 PM
Alin sat on a fair place, a comfortable sprout of grass, and opened his backpack. "Is anyone going to set up a campsite or are we to sleep hugging mother earth?" His voice was dripping sarcasm as he noticed the others lack of initiative.

Unmindful, he retrieves his spellbook and starts to study it, to memorize the last part of his trap.
Studying a spellbook to exchange spells takes one hour. To replenish my magic I just have to do nothing for eight hours. I will let Alinnamara study for the time be, so until tonight I forfeit my actions if something not really important happens.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-12-01, 09:23 PM
Kathinda digs out her bedroll, and her winter blanket from her Bag of Holding. She puts them down on the ground and, smiling, says "My camp's set up." She sits on her blanket and begins focusing, attempting to form a better connection with her inner energies. "If we should need a fire, there is wood, flint, and steel in my bag."

2009-12-02, 03:50 PM
Smiling at Kathinda and her "camp", Alasdair puts down his pack.

"That will not work. We need a fire and maybe a tent as well."

After having said that, Alasdair sets up his tent and lights a fire. Once that is done he picks up his sword and shield and starts practising forms and moves. Moving across the ground in pre-determined patterns, Alasdair is in control of almost every single movement he makes.

Rogue 7
2009-12-02, 08:15 PM
Out of Character Music: Wiping All Out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFaBYf4Iu0s)

About 100 yards back from the pass, there is sufficient space on the side of the road to pitch both tents- one for the females of the party, one for the males. The tents are little more than canvas held together on sticks with rope, but they serve to help block out the cold autumn night. Kathinda's supply of firewood that she pulls out of her small bag is sufficient to keep the fire burning through the night. It lights up the hillside like a beacon, showing its bright light to anyone in the valley behind you.

Alinnamara and Erfavarae rather quickly go to bed, muttering things about "spell slots" and "Vancian magic" that the two warriors in the party can make neither heads nor tails of. Alasdair and Kathinda trade off on the watches, Alasdair taking the first and Kathinda the second. The watch is boring, without so much as a peep.

The next day, the sun advances over the horizon without a sign of the raiding party. The morning passes uneventfully as the sun creeps across the sky.

Roll listen checks, please.

DM only:

Enemy spot for fire: DC 25

The Dark Fiddler
2009-12-02, 08:21 PM

Kathinda is stretching and exercising in the brisk air, a smile on her face as she goes from simple, easily-done stretches to more complex stretches that take time to work on. When she finishes, she sits and meditates, unless somebody approaches her.

2009-12-02, 08:35 PM

Alinnamara wakes up disturbed, he had overslept. He was to wake up at midnight and take on with duty, but all those days traveling and sleeping on the road had let him too numbed, too comfortable.
He bolted out, ruining with his backpack on his hands to the place of his trap to finish it before it was too late.

[Will just go there to finish the spells]

Forever Curious
2009-12-04, 03:26 PM
Listen [roll0]

Erfavarae slept peacefully on her bedroll, unperturbed by the lateness of the day or the commotion of her allies. She was a gnome who enjoyed her rest.

2009-12-04, 04:29 PM
Standing outside of the tent with arms crossed, Alasdair watches the pass, as if looking for something. It's obvious what it is.


Rogue 7
2009-12-04, 10:13 PM
DM Only

Scout Spot: [roll0]
Scout Listen: [roll1]

Scout Hide: [roll2]
Scout Move Silent [roll3]

Players Spot, Listen.
K S: [roll4]
K L:[roll5]

Alasdair S [roll6]
Alasdair L [roll7]

Alina S [roll8]
Alina L [roll9]

E S [roll10]
E L [roll11]

Scout Initiative- 23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2338864/)

Scout attack roll on Alasdair [roll12]
Damage- [roll13]

Minions Init- 17
Human Warblade Init-13
Orc Cleric Init- 12
Orc Warblade Init- 8

Cleric's cast Animalistic Whatever on Orc Warblade.

The morning passes slowly, the sun obscured behind a line of clouds that had rolled in during the night. Around midday, Kathinda could hear the faint sound of marching feet. She then spots an orc carrying a longbow glaring around the corner at the edge of the ambush point, but is too late to stop the orc from drawing back the bow and launching an arrow at Alasdair. It buries itself in the dirt at her feet. He barks out a series of harsh, orcish cries, and a large, mixed group of orcs and men pours around the corner, in nothing resembling a formation. Three figures in particular stand out- a Human, wielding a sword and shield like the rest of the humans, but in a more burnished suit of armor, and two orcs, walking close in step, towards the rear. One carries a towering falchion, wickedly keen and gleaming, while the other wears armor and carries a shield, a mace in his hand. The Orcs carry falchions and crude javelins, while the humans wield swords and shields. All told, there are 6 orcs and 4 humans, aside from those who clearly look like leaders.


As per her actions, Erfavare is going to need to take a full-round action to get out of her sleeping bag, though I'll let her have her armor. No weapons, though. Everyone else may act normally. The warband is approximately 350 feet away, in a mixed, loose formation, several of them still coming around the bend.

Battle Map: I realized we need this.


Green A is Alasdair
K is Kathinda
Red A is Alinnamara.
Erfavare is in front of the tent, 30 feet offscreen.

H and S are hill and slope respectively, and are impassible for our intents and purposes.

2009-12-05, 10:00 AM
Initiative - [roll0]

"Damnation!" Alin screams of frustration after seeing the first arrow. "That's why I hate bandits! They always lack punctuality!"
He curses a bunch of incomprehensible words and weave a pattern, speaking words of power. From his hand fly four magical bolts, all directed to the head scout of this intruding party.
Magic Missile - Target spell [roll1]

2009-12-05, 04:58 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

"Accursed fiends of the Nine Hells! We must not let them pass!" Alasdair yells and rushes forward, drawing blade and shield while moving and takes a very defensive position with his shield raised. "Kathinda! Stay behind me for now! Use whatever range attacks you posses, then unleash hell when they are within reach!"

Takes a move action to move to the middle square just behind the dashed line. Free action to draw weapon and shield while moving. Then takes a standard action to use Total Defence action, bringing AC up to 29.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-12-05, 07:14 PM
Kathinda scoffs. "I have no ranged attacks; my body is my only weapon." She strikes a pose and exhales sharply. "And it's the only one I need!" If one looks closely, they can see shadows emanating from her body as she utilizes her inner ki. "You only get one chance to retreat!" She shouts to the enemies, before saying so only her allies can hear, "We all know that won't happen, though." She bolts forward until she is standing next to Alasdair. As she runs, the shadows emanating from her grow in intensity and make it hard to focus on her.

[roll0] - Initiative

Kathinda enters the Child of Shadows stance as a Swift action, granting her concealment whenever she moves at least 10 feet, like now.

She moves 15 feet forward, to the dotted line, right next to Alasdair.

Knowing where the trap that Alin set up would be helpful, if that's okay.

AC: 18 (FF: 14) HP: 55
Fort: 6 Ref: 12 Wil: 12

Since Kathinda is in a Shadow Hand stance, she gains a +2 to all saves (already included in the numbers given above).

Rogue 7
2009-12-05, 11:46 PM
Fight! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoCCSB5cUro)

Scout- 23
Kathinda- 17++
Minions- 17+
Alinnamara- 17
Alasdair- 14
Boss-type Human- 13
Heavy-armored Orc- 12
Boss-type Orc- 8
Erfavare: [roll0] (rolling to keep things moving, assuming you spent the full-round getting out of bed.)

Alinnamara's magic missiles shoot forth with uncanny accuracy, striking the Orc archer. He spits a bit of blood in your general direction, and moves in, very light on his feet, you notice. Almost as if he was...skirmishing.* He glances at the two fighters standing there, snarls, and turns, loosing an arrow at the man that tormented him.
Arrow'd!- [roll1]
Damage- [roll2]
The mixed group of Orcs and Humans break out into roars- all of which you note are in orcish- and charge forward, running with reckless abandon. They pass in front of the archer, eager to get at their foes. As they step ahead of him, you see the archer's eyes suddenly widen, and he opens his mouth to utter a warning.

It's too late. Webs spring out from the ground in all directions, followed an instant later by two thunderous detonations.

Traps all trigger at the indicated area! Web engulfs everyone- DC 16
Scout Reflex save- [roll3]
Human Reflex save- [roll4]

Damage-Explosive Runes- [roll5] Glyph of Warding- [roll6] DC 18 and 17 for half, respectively.
Reflex saves- ER- [roll7], [roll8], [roll9]
Reflex saves- GoW- [roll10] [roll11]

When the smoke clears, a large portion of the webs have been blasted away, their edges still lit with smoking flames, and the two orcs and one human who charged in are in rather messy pieces. The other two look on in stunned shock, as do the orcs and humans now moving swiftly in to engage. The large orc, seemingly in charge, bellows something and adopts a more defensive posture, his great sword raised almost like a shield. All of the Orcs and Humans do the same, the humans with actual shields. The Orc in heavy armor moves over to a swordsman in burnished armor, muttering words and touching him. The man immediately seems to strain at his armor, and you can notice that the grip on his sword noticeably tightens.

Bam! Said the Lady! All the opponents barring the cleric adopt total defense. The Orc Cleric casts a spell on the Human. Spellcraft check, if you'd like. If you speak orcish, this is what the Chief said-

"Wait for the webs to burn away, then charge!"

No other orcs or humans appear to be following up.

* This is a turn of phrase I picked up from one of my DMs- in particular we were fighting Displacer Beasts. "Your attacks miss. The beast is flickering...almost as if...displaced."

Forever Curious
2009-12-06, 01:00 AM
((Thanks for the inititiative roll. Moving on...))

Watching the invading band fall into Allinimara's trap, Erfavarae rushed forward toward her allies, laughing up a storm. "Looks like those fools are in a sticky situation!" called the gnome, her joke infused with uplifting magical power.

Move Action: run 30 feet toward the action in a direct line.
Standard Action: Use Inspire Courage (all allies that can hear me gain +3 to attack rolls and saves against fear)

2009-12-06, 03:24 PM
"Seems that old kook knows how to perform when needed." Alasdair says with a grin.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-12-06, 03:41 PM
Kathinda runs up to the edge of the web, and the shadows continue to hide her from view.

Kathinda moves 10 feet to the north (or, assuming north) to keep her stance active.

AC: 18 (FF: 14, 25% miss chance) HP: 55
Fort: 6 Ref: 12 Wil: 12

Since Kathinda is in a Shadow Hand stance, she gains a +2 to all saves (already included in the numbers given above).

2009-12-06, 08:09 PM
Spellcraft check [roll0]

The retributive arrow fly true, penetrating on the target's shoulder trough cloth and flesh. "Argh!" he screams. Alinnamara removes the arrow from his left arm with haste, the wound was deep but not life threatening. With his good hand he waves another spell, and had only spoken faint words of magic in an attempt to regain his breath.
Reverse Arrows - 10 minutes/level (80 minutes). Damage Reduction of 10/magic, up to 100 points of damage of missile damage. If the damage is lesser than 10, the projectile is directed towards the one who shoot it. Use the original Attack but reroll the damage.

2009-12-07, 03:23 PM
Following Kathinda as she approached the enemy, Alasdair says "Kathinda, we'll keep defensive positions here where we've got magical support until the web wears off. When it does, charge!" as he catches up to her, all the while keeping his shield in front of himself.

Total Defence action. AC is 29. Taking a move action to move next to Kathinda.

Rogue 7
2009-12-07, 07:22 PM
Scout- 23
Kathinda- 17++
Minion 1- 17+
Alinnamara- 17
Erfavare- 16
Alasdair- 14
Boss-type Orc- 8
Everyone else- 7

The scout takes several steps, nocking an arrow back on his bow and taking aim at Kathinda, deciding that she would be the easier target even with the shadows flickering around her. He loosed the arrow at her, imbibed with what seemed to be a significant increase in force.
Scout attack-
Damage- [roll]1d8+1d6+4
Miss chance- [roll1] A 1 or a 2 misses.

The human alongside him, dodging through the flames licking at the edges of the webs, steps forward and takes a swing at Kathinda as well.

Attack roll- [roll2]
Damage- [roll3]
Miss chance- [roll4]. A 1 or a 2 misses.

The orc leader barks out a few more commands, and the rest of the warband stands at the ready, awaiting his word...


Barring the Human with the scout and the scout himself, all the enemies delay their actions until after the boss orc. That's both tactically sound for them, and easier for me, so that it's basically you guys-them. Take your actions, and I'll finish the round with everything in place.

Alasdair, I moved you such that you didn't hit the webs.

Edit: wowwww, 2 natural 1's. Crit fumble rolls- Scout- 19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2341286/) Minion- 20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2341287/). They both pass. Clearly, the forum roller hates them. 2 1's, a minimum damage roll, and a concealment miss? I'm laughing here.

2009-12-09, 07:47 PM
[I didn't wanted to be the first, because wizards work better as answers, but Kat is not moving too, so I better get myself spinning already.]

Alin is a bit of a fire mood, the hole in his arm is looking pretty gore he can't help but notice. "You, front line" he screams in the general direction of Kat and Alasdair "try to taunt them ahead, I will ready our runaway plan just in case."

His hands weaves patterns and, together with his rod, they shine in a splendid way. The bright light creates a force disk no bigger than 3 feet wide that levitates above the ground. Quickly, Alinnamara climbs on it, sitting all mighty at the very core of the force structure.

Cast Greater Tenser's Floating Disk with the rod Add-on and used the move action to climb in. The disk can fly around with a 20 feet speed if I concentrate on it (Concentration) and can carry 100 pounds/level. 16 hours of duration.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-12-11, 07:44 PM
Kathinda smirks, before deftly launching herself into a dash. She runs forward, before deftly slipping between both the human and the scout, bringing her foot up to the human's chest as she passes by.

Kathinda moves up and around the human, ending her turn in the space to the left of him. She kicks him, an unarmed strike.

[roll0] - Attack
[roll2] - Crit confirm

AC: 18 (FF: 14, 25% miss chance) HP: 55
Fort: 6 Ref: 12 Wil: 12

Since Kathinda is in a Shadow Hand stance, she gains a +2 to all saves (already included in the numbers given above).

Forever Curious
2009-12-11, 07:48 PM
Erfavarae continues her way toward the fray, laughing merrily. "Wow Kathinda, you really put your foot down on that one." chuckled the gnome, continuing her magical comedy.

Standard Action: continue Inspire Courage
Move Action: 30 feet toward the fighting in a straight line

Rogue 7
2009-12-15, 01:25 AM
The swordsman takes a swing at Kathinda as she moves around him, her stance open for that crucial moment.

Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]

As Kathinda punches him and barely connects, he staggers and looks almost ready to fall, but grits his teeth and glares at her.

Alasdair takes up Kathinda's former place and strikes out at the swordsman as well. (Taking an action for Greensleeves since he didn't post. 5-foot step, full attack.


The mercenary drops, bisected cleanly down the middle.

As the wizard rises up on his platform, and the gnome advances, the Orc barks out a few orders as his men began to move. The three leader sorts cluster around the edge of the gutting flames, getting ready to charge. Two orcs break into a pounding sprint and attack at Alasdair, bringing their falchions down with gutteral roars.

Damage- [roll7]

Attack 2! [roll8]
Damage- [roll9]

The other minions jump into better positions, getting ready to attack the two front-line fighters.

As the last of the webbing burns away, the scout darts back towards the cleric, looking for help, as he looses another arrow at Kathinda.

Damage- [roll11]+[roll12]
Miss chance- 1 or 2 misses- [roll13]


Basically as I described it- everyone moves except the 2 orcs who could charge, scout skirmishes and attacks. Kathinda doesn't get a miss chance on the AOO because she hasn't moved 10 feet when the attack happened.

Edit: Well, the dice gods do seem to like you guys.:smallsigh:

The Dark Fiddler
2009-12-16, 07:45 PM
Kathinda steps quickly to the side before bringing her fist up to the face of the Orc in front of her, and jabbing another at its gut. Her blows seem to seek out particularly vulnerable parts of the body.

5-foot step to the left, Swift Action to switch from Child of Shadows to Assassin's Stance. Full attack.

[roll0] - First Attack (Finally remembering Inspire Courage!)
[roll1] - Damage (+2d6 Sneak Attack included)
[roll2] - Second Attack
[roll3] - Damage
[roll4] - Crit Confirm (First)
[roll6] - Crit Confirm (Second)

AC: 18 (FF: 14) HP: 55
Fort: 6 Ref: 12 Wil: 12
+2d6 Sneak Attack from Assassin's Stance

Since Kathinda is in a Shadow Hand stance, she gains a +2 to all saves (already included in the numbers given above). She also gains a +3 bonus against fear affects from Inspire Courage, not included in the numbers above.

Forever Curious
2009-12-17, 07:52 PM
"A swing and a miss, my dear Kathinda!" called Erfavarae, inspiring the warrior to fight ever harder. The gnome continued toward the fray, muttering about what spells she could cast to help turn the tide of battle.

Standard Action: continues Inspire Courage
Move Action: 30 feet toward the fighting

2009-12-22, 06:54 PM
Alin doesn't have that much to do. His spells are nearly exhausted and so is he. The mind straining effort of casting so many power could open a person's head if such person wasn't prepared to deal with the stressful pressure of arcane power. [V.]

He floats, seated at his shimmering disk, watching the battlefield as a chess-player, ready to give any signal over to the others. He appears to notice Alasdair was to be overwhelmed if Kat wouldn't run to his aid soon. But for now, Alin watched.

Rogue 7
2009-12-29, 08:07 PM
The orc Kathinda attacked has his chest caved in by the force of her blow, as the orc chieftan lets out a bellow and charges straight at Alasdair, who is shuddering and hunched over, his features inexplicably changing, as do his weapons and armor (OOC: Pirateking is go! You unfortunately miss your turn, but after this you're in. Everyone else, just pretend that he was like this the whole time).

The charge-

The man next to him in armor also yells out and attacks Kathinda, moving and striking with uncanny accuracy.

[roll3]- against touch AC.
damage- [roll4]

The rest of the motley crew moves into position and attacks the two frontline fighters as well. Four orcs attacked the swordsman, while two more humans attacked the fist-wielding girl.

Minion attacks-







The scout moves and continues to attack, shifting his target to the most immediately available- the swordsman.


Pirateking is in, skipping his turn unfortunately. Everyone pretend he's been like this the whole time. Party is up.


Edit: oh for the love of...the guy who needs an attack roll gets a 2, the guy who doesn't rolls well. And the scout continues to suck, and then rolls max damage. And mooks continue to act like mooks.
Crit fail reflex save- 16- passed (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2357906/)
Crit confirm- 20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2357907/)
Damage-9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2357909/)
Next Crit fail- 7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2357912/). The orc drops his sword.

2009-12-30, 07:26 PM
Mattheiu winces from the two well struck blows, but manages to sidestep the other two. With a grin and a wink towards Kathinda, he drops into a fighting crouch and lunges first at the orc chieftain then flourishes his long blade into a position to impale the orc who had hurt him so badly. He finishes by dropping into a deceptively inviting stance that will allow him to use the orcs' blades to tangle up their neighbors.
"A little crowd control or a bit of healing wouldn't be remiss, my friends."

Crit range of 15+, so I'll go ahead and make the two extra attack rolls at the end.
Attack on orc chieftan: [roll0]
damage[roll1] physical + [roll2] frost

Attack on orc mook: [roll3]
damage[roll4] physical + [roll5] frost

crit chances [roll6], [roll7]

Used swift action to enter Pearl of Black Doubt. Every opponent's miss adds +2 to AC. Resets each round.
Edit: So the hit/miss of each relies on the initial attack. Also, +4 to each of those rolls for inspire courage. Maybe crit went through with bonus. I'll stop editing now

Forever Curious
2009-12-30, 07:47 PM
Erfavarea giggles madly as she approaches the fray, her hands flashing about in a show of complex somatics. "What an impressive trick, sir Mattheiu," she squeals happily. "Crowd control, you ask? I can supply in spades!" Channeling the power of Hlal into her spell, Erfavarea chants chaotically, calling forth a very realistic gold dragon into being. The dragon roars mightily, it's grandeur fueled by the power of the dragon god of trickery.

Casts a Minor Image spell in the shape of a Colossal gold dragon above my head. Uses my Infuse Figment class feature to spend a Turn Undead attempt and increase the Will save DC by 10.

DC to disbelieve if interacted with: Will 24

NOTE: Inspire Courage continues for 1 minute, still granting +4 to attack, damage, and saves against charm and fear

The Dark Fiddler
2010-01-01, 06:18 PM
Kathinda recoils slightly from the blow she receives, but uses her movement to bring her foot up in a wide arc, attempting to attack both of the humans next to her. She utilizes her momentum to step backwards, slightly out of the way.

Kathinda full attacks the humans to the right of and up from her, in that order.

[roll0] 1st Attack
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Sneak Attack, if applicable
[roll3] Crit Confirm
[roll4] Crit Damage
[roll5] 2nd Attack
[roll6] Damage
[roll7] Sneak Attack, if applicable
[roll8] Crit Confirm
[roll9] Crit Damage

AC: 18 (FF: 14) HP: 44
Fort: 6 Ref: 12 Wil: 12
+2d6 Sneak Attack from Assassin's Stance

Since Kathinda is in a Shadow Hand stance, she gains a +2 to all saves (already included in the numbers given above). She also gains a +3 bonus against fear affects from Inspire Courage, not included in the numbers above.

2010-01-01, 06:46 PM
Alinnamara gasp when he sees the gold dragon, clearly a figment, but yet amazingly real. She ought to tell me how... He stops musing when he understand the battleground configuration. He was still seated high above the battle and could see the enemy arrangement.

"Mattheiu, Kat, Erf! Get out of there! They are swarming around you!" The last part is full of concern. An air of dread is about it. The fools... His eyes catch again the bright illusion and he smiled convinced of a plan, than commands his magical platform to hoover in Erfavarae's direction. "Girl, listen to me" he speaks once close enough "The orcs are swarming around them, if we don't hold the beasts back they will be slaughtered. Have you another illusion, lets say, to make our beasty spit some fire?" A smile cross Alin's lip.

Rogue 7
2010-01-02, 11:33 PM
Most of the orcs and men still standing looked up at the dragon standing before them, which they had seen as sweeping down from the sky above them, getting ready to bathe them in fire. They hadn't signed up for this. The threw their weapons aside and dropped to their knees, begging for mercy. Their leaders looked at their minions, begging for mercy on the ground, and turned and ran as fast as their legs could carry them, running full tilt for the wilderness.

Everyone but the two warblades and cleric falls to their knees. Those three start running, full retreat or full withdraw. All of them move 40 feet back.

...Time to end the warmup, start on the real plot.

2010-01-03, 11:21 PM
Mattheiu taps one of the orcs with the flat of his blade, ensuring the creature stays on the ground before gathering the blades from all of the opponents in his area and throws them down the steep slope.
"Well done, my friends. Quite an amazing show of summoning. Look, the creature even knows not to attack me." Mattheiu says as he goes about his work.

"Now, you ugly, stinky lot." Mattheiu yells, hearkening back to his days as a private guard in command of a team of others, "You'll lay down with your oh-so-pretty faces pressed to the dirt with your hands on the back of your heads. Now!"

With that taken care of, Mattheiu bows to Kathinda.

"It was a pleasure fighting with you. Your style is truly amazing to observe."

The Dark Fiddler
2010-01-07, 08:13 PM
Kathinda bows back to Matthieu. "As I said before, my body is my weapon, and my technique. I have honed both to my limit and continue to train so I may raise my limit. Thank you, however. Your style was also interesting." She turns to the fleeing leaders. "You three! Get back here!"

Kathinda uses a Swift Action to switch to the Child of Shadows stance.

[roll0] - Intimidate

Since I'm not sure exactly what action this would be, I'll just say that she uses her remaining actions, if any, to run after the fleeing bandits.

AC: 18 (FF: 14) HP: 44
Fort: 6 Ref: 12 Wil: 12
25% Miss Chance from Child of Shadows if she moves 10 feet or more

Since Kathinda is in a Shadow Hand stance, she gains a +2 to all saves (already included in the numbers given above). She also gains a +3 bonus against fear affects from Inspire Courage, not included in the numbers above.

Forever Curious
2010-01-09, 03:07 PM
Erfavarae cackles madly as the 'dragon' circles overhead. "Now, now, you uglies," she calls to the orcs in a childish voice, "please strip yourself of your weapons and armor or be devoured by me pet!"

2010-01-09, 08:49 PM
"Let them run. These brutes respect strength and once rumor gets around that these 3 'supposedly' fearless leaders abandoned their... men facing only 2 warriors and 2 weaklings, they'll never again be able to assemble a force that can threaten anyone." Mattheiu says, droning off into a quiet mutter after Kathinda runs away, all while moving to better cover all the surrendering opponents.

2010-01-11, 11:36 AM
Alinnamara had fought invaders, stupid adventurers, raiders and pirates, thus making him one of the wisest (and angriest) wizards out there. His frown twist in a terrible grimace as, from his magical platform, he gaze upon the warriors' commemoration.

"I hope we are not making ourselves a regrettable choice here." he speaks in mild whisper. Alin's eyes are burning with strife as they set on the running leaders, almost with fiery hate.
"They better not come back, or I will reduce them to smoke in a earthshaking weave."

Rogue 7
2010-01-11, 09:55 PM
As Kathinda takes off in pursuit of the three ringleaders, the rest start blubbering for mercy. You smell something distinctly foul and realize one of the orcs has soiled himself. Most of their weapons have already gone sailing over the edge of the road, and the men and orcs hurry to take off their armor, leaving it in a pile.

The orc with the bow, nominally the most experienced of the lot, steps forward. He's clad in an undershirt that smells distinctly foul, and he's still bleeding slightly from several wounds.

"Wh...what 're yuh goin' ta' do wit us?"

His speech is grunting and halting, and you can tell common is not his first language.

The three ringleaders are still running as fast as they can. Not being so encumbered by armor, Kathinda is faster, but she notices the rest of the party isn't with her, and they've hung on to their weapons...

Forever Curious
2010-01-13, 05:20 PM
Erfavarae grinned widely at the now mostly naked band, sadism glinting in her eyes. "Oh, we shall deal with you in short order..." she replied giggly, shifting her attention toward the leaders. "You cowards!" she cried loudly, directing the "dragon" towards them. The beast roared and sailed above the retreating thugs, landing in front of them to block their path.

2010-01-13, 05:24 PM
Mattheiu grunts out in Orcish, doing his best to mimic the gutteral language.
"That depends on you, scum. If you put aside your weapons and decide to turn away from the realms of men, permenantly, we'll let you live with a minimum of pain. There will still be a price extracted from each of you, but it will be minor."
With that, Mattheiu raises his rapier and places it sharply at the orc's throat, "If you cannot vow that on your honor and to your gods, we will slay every one of you."

The Dark Fiddler
2010-01-13, 07:07 PM
Kathinda smirks as the dragon lands. "You are trapped, it seems. Simply surrender now, and we won't kill you."

"...For now..." Kathinda adds to herself in a thought.

[roll0] - Intimidate

Kathinda moves both enough to keep her ki flowing, keeping Child of Shadows active, and to be in range should she need to attack next round.

AC: 18 (FF: 14) HP: 44
Fort: 6 Ref: 12 Wil: 12
25% Miss Chance from Child of Shadows if she moves 10 feet or more

Since Kathinda is in a Shadow Hand stance, she gains a +2 to all saves (already included in the numbers given above). She also gains a +3 bonus against fear affects from Inspire Courage, not included in the numbers above.

2010-01-15, 10:53 AM
[OOC you guys are too much of happy triggers. I can't keep it up, dang it. xD]

The wizard stops his floating disk at a safe distance from the land and jumps out of it. His eyes are dark and mean no well. "We should kill them all while we can, they are surely to be more of a trouble later. I certainly could use one or two pieces of your carcass as an arcane component. Maybe even your souls." There is something with Alinnamara that betray his intentions, his voice for one is deeper and with a bass sound while his eyes and semblance appear mad with terror and anger.

Intimidate = [roll0] to change his attitude towards a favorable one. In this case, fear and regret of his own actions.

Rogue 7
2010-01-26, 11:10 AM
The orcs and men all immediately drop their weapons, as do the three who were running, who come crawling back to the group.

They all swear on their lives and honor that they will never pick up a weapon again, that they will go home and farm wheat, or whatever it is farmers do. Even the orcs, in orcish now that they know someone speaks it. You're not sure if they're absolutely trustworthy, though.

[Sense Motive Rolls]

A thousand, million pardons for the delay- I've been swamped with work and other things. Like Mass Effect.

2010-01-26, 04:12 PM
Mattheiu shoots a stern glare at them, grunting again in the strange contortions orcish requires of his mouth.
"I'm sparing your lives. You wouldn't possibly be foolish enough to lie to me, would you?"

Mattheiu points his blade at the group again, making sure he has their attention before continuing.

"Because, should you do so, I will personally hunt down each and every one of you and put this blade through your heart. I never forget faces and never fail to keep a promise. Is that understood?"

Sense motive: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]

Mass effect is a good reason to be busy. I'm personally still addicted to Assassin's Creed, but it's all fun.

Forever Curious
2010-01-26, 07:17 PM
Sense Motive:[roll0]

The "dragon" remains seated, blocking the path of any who would flee. "Hmm...I don't know..." muses the gnome, starting to pace around the band. "What do you think, my friends?"

The Dark Fiddler
2010-01-26, 08:35 PM
Kathinda walks the almost escapees back to the group, smirking. "That's what I thought..."

[roll0] - Sense Motive

Rogue 7
2010-01-29, 11:32 PM
The leaders, at the very least, seem to think that they can get away and rebuild a band somewhere else- it's really all they've ever done. Most of the minions look sincere about giving up a life of crime.

2010-02-02, 11:40 AM
Mattheiu turns around and walks back to his allies, finally slipping back into his native language.

"So, what do we do about the scum we've captured? I'm for taking their gear and making them run for 24 hours or so."

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-03, 06:27 PM
"I think we should bring the leaders in to face justice; I don't quite trust them myself."

2010-02-07, 11:18 PM
"I agree that they're too dangerous to allow them to go free. I don't feel comfortable killing them in cold blood, but we have no way to hold them permanently."

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-13, 09:21 PM
"Hmm... I have only a bed roll and a winter blanket. If need be, we could use that to restrain them, although something more permanent would be better."

((Sorry it took me so long to respond, I thought I already did but apparently it was just a strange dream.))

Rogue 7
2010-02-15, 12:05 PM
The orcs and men look at each other nervously, not daring to say anything as their fate is pondered. The leaders look quite a bit more apprehensive as they have been found out.