View Full Version : Man, I love 1am

2009-11-29, 02:38 AM
Me and my brother are playing Cod MW2 and it's 1 am so we can't stop laughing. I am running around with scavenger (which resupplies you from the newly deceased) and stun grenades. We are laughing as i type this in between respawns.

just wondering... any more awesome 1 am experiences?

2009-11-29, 02:47 AM
Drinking tea in a dark closet-room, staring bleary-eyed at a computer screen and trying to re-imagine a dream scene while the film production major on the other side of the wall adds explosions and gunfire SFX to his current project.

Except it was 4 am and I had to be up at 6:30. Truly, I love it.

2009-11-29, 03:36 AM
Depends. Your 1am or my 1am? Because your 1 am is close to my 8 am, and by that time I'm usually on my way to school.

The greatest 1 am I've ever had must have been when I was visiting a friend a few years ago, and we sat up talking and playing video games. Then we decided to go out, in the middle of the night. It all ended with us climbing up a tree, me tearing my new jeans and us getting stuck behind a fence with barbed wire on the top. We had to wait until morning before someone came around and could get us out.

2009-11-29, 03:43 AM
i have wonderful experiences at 1am (and other early morning/late night hours)
eggnog, pumpkin pie, a good book, warm blankets, and the cutest dog ever :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-29, 03:51 AM
1am is good, but it can't beat 4am when you only have about 20 pages left of a book you've been reading all night, even though you should've been to sleep hours ago.

2009-11-29, 05:27 AM
I love 1am sometimes. It's that time of day/night whatever you want to call it at which your brain ceases to function in any coherent manner and instead decides that everything is extremely funny. I remember some years ago when my older brother had one of his good mates over for a sleepover, and we stayed up all night cracking jokes about mcdonalds opening a cheap and faulty airline called Mc-air. It involved launching "planes" (cardboard boxes with the word "pLaIn" written in crayon) out of catapults, and a driver named ted who, as he constantly assured his passengers right before a violent crash, was "not dead".

hehe, Fun times. (amazingly, no alcahol involved what-so-ever

2009-11-29, 05:41 AM
0100 sucks if you're on guard duty, but I'd have to second the 'brain finds everything hilarious' switchover.
My brain's doing that right now. Hee. I'd better stop trawling the boards before I start posting stuff that'll get me some infractions.

2009-11-29, 05:48 AM
I think it was more 2 am, but: late night, everyone is tired, spontaneous freeform roleplay with no setup or preparation. It ended up being a sort of ridiculous fantasy western, but it was really cool, and absolutely hilarious...

(I'll just say, I was a human gunslinger with a hint of dragon blood somewhere back in the line, equipped with a couple pistols, a shotgun, and a rocket launcher, with a good bit of plasma ammunition in addition to my regular shots. My nerves were sporadically switching out for plasma and back, giving me a crazy twitch but allowing me to spray it from my hands. I was the straight man of the party.)

2009-11-29, 06:11 AM
1am is shortly before my most productive time arrives. Seriously. All my good homebrew, writing, university papers, research ideas and so on are made at around 2am. I have all my best ideas at night, and no other time I can get that much writing done.

2009-11-29, 10:27 AM
I once had too much caffeine, started laughing, and then didn't stop until the chair I was in fell backwards and I ended up getting stuck in the corner...

2009-11-29, 12:54 PM
I read the title as "Man, I love Jam". I was going to post my own appreciation of strawberry preserve. This message brought to you by the "up all night with no sleep" foundation.

2009-11-30, 08:53 AM
I'm not sure what time it was - it was probably between 11 and 1, but it felt like at least 1 due to jetlag - but I had a great experience going through customs from Canada to the US a couple years back. Not only was I in everything-is-hilarious mode, but the security guard who was checking over my family's papers had the best sense of humor I have ever encountered. I was literally falling over laughing.

2009-11-30, 09:39 AM
I love 1am sometimes. It's that time of day/night whatever you want to call it at which your brain ceases to function in any coherent manner and instead decides that everything is extremely funny. I remember some years ago when my older brother had one of his good mates over for a sleepover, and we stayed up all night cracking jokes about mcdonalds opening a cheap and faulty airline called Mc-air. It involved launching "planes" (cardboard boxes with the word "pLaIn" written in crayon) out of catapults, and a driver named ted who, as he constantly assured his passengers right before a violent crash, was "not dead".

hehe, Fun times. (amazingly, no alcahol involved what-so-ever

That does not happen at 1am. Hell, that doesn't happen at any specific time, it's just a matter of how tired you are.
I agree on the funny though. It's an interesting experience to be sitting in a reception area at 4am, playing childish party games and finding that a repeated rude word has become the epitome of wit. And, thinking about it in retrospect, it's delightfully incongruous, since the kind of people you'd expect to be sort of going "[Rude word], hur hur hur..." would be chavs and other such uncultured yobs. You would not generally expect it from people who performed Handel's Messiah at the Proms about 9 hours previously.
Unless you knew them, that is.

2009-11-30, 03:19 PM
I usually spend my 1 ams wishing I had MW2... so I might just have to hunt you down now. :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-30, 05:52 PM
When I was at school, we used to get really bored in the middle of the night and several times decided to walk to Finland and back.

Ok, so it wasn't too impressive as the school was in a town that was right on the border between Sweden and Finland, so it usually only took us about 45-50 minutes before we were back at the school again, but still. :smallsmile:

2009-11-30, 06:07 PM
One in the morning is for lightweights.
FOr me the hours between three a.m. and seven a.m. are where it's at.
NOthing like finishing an essay at quarter to four, then having a long shower and then walking across the road to the twenty-four hour computer room to print out said essay before walking around an almost silent city feeling punch-drunk on sleep deprivation before going to bed at half seven and getting up at half nine.

Or there was that time at home when I went for a three a.m. paddle in the sea during the tail end of spring for no reason I can explain.

Or that time I was revising for my French GCSE oral exam, got bored and watched inane and freaky shows on the TV until four and then had a shower and breakfast before retiring at six.

Or the time I walked from home to the castle on the other side of the bay and back in the middle of the night. In the middle of winter. In the pitch black. I could hardly see my hand in front of my face.

2009-11-30, 06:14 PM
Me and my brother are playing Cod MW2 and it's 1 am so we can't stop laughing. I am running around with scavenger (which resupplies you from the newly deceased) and stun grenades. We are laughing as i type this in between respawns.

just wondering... any more awesome 1 am experiences?

This is pretty much me years ago, but with my friend not my brother and the first Halo co-op campaign instead of MW2.

*tank shell*

*hurt look*

"There was an Elite left. He was sneaking up on you."

"So you shot me?!"

Not all that funny, actually, but had us going the whole night. I think the Mountain Dew helped too.

2009-11-30, 06:15 PM
I work at 1 am, except on weekends, so for me it isn't any different. Than, say, 6 PM for those of you day walkers.

Fuzzie Fuzz
2009-11-30, 06:22 PM
1am is shortly before my most productive time arrives. Seriously. All my good homebrew, writing, university papers, research ideas and so on are made at around 2am. I have all my best ideas at night, and no other time I can get that much writing done.

Me too! It's amazing, I can't focus on anything during the day, it seems like, and then I go to bed, and I get all sorts of cool ideas for various things, and stay up painting minis or making a dungeon, and then I realize it's 4 in the morning and I have to get up in 2 hours. So I just finish the thing I'm working on real quick, and go to bed by 5:30. Wow, that sounds like something I write at 4 in the morning...

And I totally second the everything is hilarious when you're tired thing. The word "jujubees" still makes me laugh.

2009-11-30, 06:29 PM
On an average school night i go to bed at 2. An average weekend I got to bed from 4-7 depending on how drunk I am. There have been numerous times when I just didn't sleep until 3 in the afternoon. So 1 am isn't special to me at all. But I do enjoy it.

2009-11-30, 08:06 PM
The 9th consecutive hour of gaming in my school's big gaming/anime party, Lanime, occurs around 1 am. By that point everyone smells awful and doesn't care, people are hoarse from singing their hundreth rock band song, and some dogged players are actually finishing their third consecutive warhammer game.