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2009-11-29, 04:36 PM
This thread encompasses Quinsar's tower, and the land it is in, ask Quinsar if you want access.

2009-11-29, 04:40 PM
It reacts just like you think a sphere of water would react.

And it's wet.
QUinsar laughs.

After several hours, Erica, Renata, and Alice are riding through the mountains here. There is snow on the ground, and they are high up in a mountain. They have a view for miles around, beautiful lakes, trees, rivers, and plains. There seems to be no sign of humanity here. They're advancing up a large, snow capped mountain.

2009-11-29, 04:41 PM
Eri... my god, it's beautiful!

2009-11-29, 04:48 PM
It's nice here, huh?

2009-11-29, 04:54 PM
I know I'm glad I stopped at the eye doctor on the way back from the store.
She pulls out a nice new monocle and puts it on.
... Gods, it's even more wonderful when I can see it clearly!

2009-11-29, 04:55 PM
She rounds a bend on the mountain and there's the coast, and the huge ocean. It has slightly purple water.

2009-11-29, 04:58 PM
Is that a purple ocean?
... Forget space, this is stunning!

2009-11-29, 05:23 PM
I love it here.

2009-11-29, 06:24 PM
I understand why.

2009-11-29, 06:26 PM
Let's have a rest here. Maybe lunch?

2009-11-29, 06:28 PM
Okay, sure.
She smiles and dismounts, then gets Alice off Eri's back too.

2009-11-29, 06:30 PM
Erica kneels, tired from the long ride.

2009-11-29, 06:32 PM
She strokes Eri's back.
It's no surprise to me that a beautiful place produced such a beautiful person.

2009-11-29, 06:33 PM
Yeah. *Yawn*
She lies down on her side.

2009-11-29, 06:35 PM
She lies down next to her, rubbing Eri's horsey belly.

2009-11-29, 06:35 PM
I'm tired....

2009-11-29, 06:38 PM
You poor thing.
She smiles and begins to cover Eri's flank with soft little kisses.

2009-11-29, 06:41 PM
She's kissed, and closes her eyes.
I'm not used to carrying people...

2009-11-29, 06:47 PM
I'm sorry, honeybun.
Renata moves over to Erica's head and slips her lap under Eri's head.
She strokes the centaur's hair.
I'm just glad I travel light and I am relatively light.

2009-11-29, 06:49 PM
[B]I love you. Feel free to wander.
S/he kisses Renata's belly then drifts into sleep.

2009-11-29, 06:50 PM
She smiles and strokes Eri's sleepy head.

2009-11-29, 08:53 PM
Erica yawns and begins to wake again.

2009-11-29, 08:57 PM
Sleep well, honey?

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 08:59 PM
Alice undeadtimes. She looks around. Oh is this it?

2009-11-29, 09:00 PM
We're not there yet. *Yawn*
Description above. It beautful here.

2009-11-29, 09:02 PM
Renata looks over at Alice. Hey, Ren's wearing a new monocle. Yay eyesight!
Isn't it wonderful?

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:04 PM
Alice looks around again, her mouth slightly open. She smiles and for a second looks just like a little kid on Christmas morning. It's beautiful! Oh and Ren you got a monocle now! And we should just stay here forever. She sits down.

2009-11-29, 09:05 PM
We should get moving, huh? It'll be dark soon...

2009-11-29, 09:07 PM
Right, we'll need to find a nice place to stop... a nice place to sleep after having some fun. She giggles.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:09 PM
Alice smiles and gets back up. She rubs a hand along Erica's flank. Well if you feel up to it, I'm ready to go.

2009-11-29, 09:10 PM
Erica nods and gets up.
Everyone on the Erica express, next stop, paradise.

2009-11-29, 09:11 PM
QUinsar laughs.

Merna smiles. Then the water forms a heart.

2009-11-29, 09:12 PM
Renata gives a little salute and heel-click to Alice.
After you, milady.
And Eri, you are paradise. So's Ali.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:14 PM
Alice expertly mounts the waiting Erica. Huh. How's she so good at that? Oh well. She puts her arms around Erica's waist. Ready for you Renata.

2009-11-29, 09:16 PM
Renata gets on, arms around Ali's waist.
All aboard.

2009-11-29, 09:17 PM
Erica begins to ride, starting down the mountain now.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:20 PM
Over the river and through the woods to Erica's house we go. She sings. Then stops. She thinks for a second. Erica didn't you say that the people in your village were all taken away?

2009-11-29, 09:22 PM
Renata frowns, and one hand drops to Eri's flank to rub comfortingly.

2009-11-29, 09:23 PM
Merna smiles. Then the water forms a heart.

Love you.

We're not going to my village.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:24 PM
Alice gives Erica a quick squeeze. Okay. Sorry. Then where are we going? Just to another village?

2009-11-29, 09:25 PM
Love you.

Merna smiles. Love you, too.

2009-11-29, 09:26 PM
I think she said just into the wilderness. Right, Eri?

2009-11-29, 09:29 PM
He kisses her.

Yeah, the wilderness.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:30 PM
Alice smiles, content for now. It looks like the sun's starting to set. Okay. Sounds nice.

2009-11-29, 09:33 PM
He kisses her.

He is kissed back.

So...what do you want to do now?

2009-11-29, 09:38 PM
I think I see a good spot right there. What do you two think?
She points to a reasonably near spot that indeed looks favorable.

2009-11-29, 09:39 PM
We need to get off the mountain before we rest.

Whatever you do.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:41 PM
Alice rests her head on Erica's shoulder so she can see better. She also reaches back with one hand for Renata's hand. Wherever you guys want to stop is fine with me.

2009-11-29, 09:42 PM
Whatever you do.

Merna thinks for a moment, then shrugs. I can't think of anything.

2009-11-29, 09:42 PM
Eri's the boss.
She holds Ali's hand and strokes Eri with the other hand.

2009-11-29, 09:44 PM
Neither can I.

Erica keeps riding, the sun begins to dip below the horizon.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:46 PM
Alice yawns. She lightly kisses Erica's cheek. It's getting dark.

2009-11-29, 09:49 PM
Erica nods and speeds up.

2009-11-29, 09:49 PM
Mmm, finally, a night alone with you both.

2009-11-29, 09:51 PM
The sun is gone, and in the sky, where one would expect the moon, is instead another sun, but it is black, and cold, and seems to spread darkness and bitterness over the land. Erica is full speed now.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:51 PM
Alice smiles and squeezes Renata's hand. Just hold on til we get there cowgirl. She notices the new sun and shivers.

2009-11-29, 09:52 PM
Hey, I...
Is that a Black Sun? You can hear the capital letters outlined in awe and fear.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 09:59 PM
Alice holds on to Erica a little tighter. Why is it making me feel bad? She feels guilty for leaving Riki alone. Guilty for being with Wyatt. Guilty for not telling Erica about that.

2009-11-29, 10:03 PM
Renata feels afraid.
Afraid of all the people she knows would gladly take out their hatred for her on her loved ones.
Afraid that Riki doesn't think she's good enough for Alice.
Afraid that some ex-lover might swoop out of the sky and take away her Ali, her Eri...
She shivers and clings to Alice.
Oh gods.
I thought they were just ghost stories to tell around the radiator. I never knew they were real.
I prayed they weren't.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-29, 10:09 PM
Alice shivers as well and deadtimes.

2009-11-29, 10:10 PM
Erica is running still, near the bottom of the mountain, and edge of the forest.

2009-11-29, 10:38 PM
Neither can I.

Well that should make things fun. She smirks.

2009-11-29, 10:40 PM
Whatya mean?

2009-11-29, 10:44 PM
She thinks for a moment, then smiles and shrugs. You know, I don't know.

2009-11-29, 10:44 PM
Wanna head to bed? It's getting late, and tommorow's the last day...

2009-11-29, 10:47 PM
She nods. Yeah. Sounds good.

2009-11-29, 10:48 PM
He smiles and gives her a kiss, before leading them back to the room.

2009-11-29, 10:50 PM
She smiles and gets led.

Once in the room, she'll proceed to change to her jammies and climb into bed.

2009-11-29, 10:51 PM
He changes to, and climbs in next to her, giving her neck a kiss.

2009-11-29, 10:57 PM
Her neck is kissed, and she smiles.

And sleepy time hits. Yay sleepy!

2009-11-29, 11:00 PM
Sleep they do. Next morning, he shakes her to wake her up. The shades are pulled.

2009-11-29, 11:03 PM
She wakes. she yawns, and then stretches as she sits up. She looks around. Why're the shades drawn?

2009-11-29, 11:06 PM
I have a surprise.

2009-11-29, 11:08 PM
Surprise? She gets out of bed and walks over to him, still in her nightie. What kinda surprise?

2009-11-29, 11:21 PM
close your eyes please.

2009-11-29, 11:24 PM
She smiles a little, and closes her eyes.

2009-11-29, 11:28 PM
He opens the blinds and the patio door.
You'll see our location in a minute, keep 'em closed.

2009-11-29, 11:30 PM
She nods in agreement, still smiling.

2009-11-29, 11:31 PM
He walks forward, she should suddenly feel like they're falling.
Open 'em!

2009-11-29, 11:35 PM
The sheer shock of the falling feeling makes her open her eyes.

2009-11-29, 11:39 PM
They've just jumped off the patio. They are surrounded by three beautiful tropical islands, in the shape of a triangle. They're falling into beautiful clear blue water. Up about 100 feet.

2009-11-29, 11:41 PM
Initial shock over, Merna's face lights up with excitement. Wow! It's so beautiful!

2009-11-29, 11:47 PM
Laughing, he does a front flip.

2009-11-29, 11:50 PM
Merna laughs as well, and joins him in his flips.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-30, 10:40 AM
I don't like it here anymore Erica. It feels...souless. Being a cleric, this thing feels very weird to her whatever it is. She doesn't like it. She starts to shake.

2009-11-30, 05:43 PM
Sh, it's okay Alice. We're safe now.
She says as they enter the forest, this outer part of is cold, and empty, the trees do not help to shield the damned, the trees are far apart, and allow the black sun to shine it hideous rays. The forest seems to have no life, no animals. The girls might be able to see shapes of still creatures in the higher branches, but they look like no creature from home, and it's hard to tell if they're really, or the girl's minds tricking them.

2009-11-30, 05:48 PM
Renata's begun to quiver.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-30, 07:01 PM
Alice is still shaking.
I still don't like it.
She looks warily into the top branches of the trees.

2009-11-30, 07:02 PM
Renata seems to do more than just "not like it".
She holds tighter to Alice and buries her face in Alice's back.

2009-11-30, 07:38 PM
The forest begins to get deeper, and thicker, banishing the midnight sun from the sky, it's pitch dark, but the lack of black sun does a bit to ease the nerves. THere's still no sign of life.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-30, 07:39 PM
With the Black Sun gone, Alice relaxes a little bit. Well, she stops shaking at least. This is better Erica.

2009-11-30, 07:41 PM
Renata stops quivering, but still clings to Alice.

2009-11-30, 07:41 PM
Erica stops in a clearing, the sun still blocked, very close, pone can hear a stream, but it remains unseen. Erica kneels for them to get off.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-30, 07:43 PM
Alice slips off, again with practice, and brushes herself off. This place looks good.

2009-11-30, 07:44 PM
Renata slips off after Alice. She smiles and looks around.
Wow, it is nice. She still looks a little freaked out, but she tries to hide it for her darlings.

2009-11-30, 07:46 PM
Erica angrily shushes both of them.

Moofin Bard
2009-11-30, 07:48 PM
Alice instantly closes her mouth. She looks confused but will do whatever Erica asks her. It is, after all, her place.

2009-11-30, 07:49 PM
Renata follows suit, keeping her hands firmly at her sides so as not to fidget with them.

2009-11-30, 07:53 PM
After about a minute, a single, marble sized light appears above them, then, a few second later, the above canopy is illuminated by them, filling the clearing with a beautiful warm light, that brings to forest to life. The nearby stream begins to glow a briliant blue. The haunting image of the black sun is destroyed by the luminance of the lights above.

Alice should start to get thirsty now.
Erica smiles.

2009-11-30, 08:00 PM
Not sure if she can talk yet, Renata looks at the stream and then at Eri.

"Can I... ?" She mouths, pointing tentatively at the stream.

2009-11-30, 08:02 PM
Erica mutters something under her breath.
And, in a moment, shakes her head.
don't touch the stream.

2009-11-30, 08:04 PM
Renata nods and keeps her mouth shut.

2009-11-30, 08:06 PM
You can talk, dear.

2009-11-30, 08:08 PM
W-what's that light? She seems pretty awed.

2009-11-30, 08:15 PM
Spotlight bugs.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-01, 04:04 PM
Alice looks at the bugs then at Erica. Why can't we touch the stream? She swallows. She is getting pretty thirsty.

2009-12-01, 09:25 PM
Renata is thirsty too, but holds her ground.

2009-12-01, 09:34 PM
"Just can't want me to go get water?"

Moofin Bard
2009-12-01, 09:39 PM
Yes please Erica love.
She deadtimes again.

2009-12-01, 09:39 PM
"Just can't want me to go get water?"
... What?
I... sorry, but I honestly don't know what's going on here or what's being said.

2009-12-02, 09:19 AM
Sorry, that's me nad my computer's fault. Correction:
You just can't drink it, trust me.
If you want I'll go get some water.

Okay Alice, Renata, I'll be back soon...
She begins to walk into the forest.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 10:20 AM
Alice shivers. It's a little cold at night. She searches in her bag until she finds what she's looking for. Ta da! Sweatpants! Designer sweatpants. She starts to pull them on.

2009-12-02, 05:32 PM
Cute pants. Renata smiles.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 07:33 PM
Alice smiles as she finishes pulling them on. No more easy access. Oh well. Thanks! I figured I should have some sort of pants for cold days. This is one of my only pair. She giggles.

2009-12-02, 07:38 PM
Renata giggles too.
I've realized one of the bad things about being petite.
While I'm easily portable and can milk the cute-factor pretty well... small plus skinny equals "I can't deal all that well with the cold".

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 07:39 PM
Alice frowns and looks in her bag. What do you need? A jacket? I don't have any more pants. I'm sorry. I can find something though.

2009-12-02, 07:41 PM
Don't worry, I've got my jacket and my pants are warm enough. Warm enough for this climate anyway.
That and long stripey socks.
And anyway, I can always borrow some body heat from the people I love most.

((Elsewhere, Pesty and Grant are gearing up for some awkward, nervous secks.))

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 07:46 PM
Well in that case... Alice walks right over to Renata and puts an arm around her. Then she squishes herself up against her side.

2009-12-02, 07:48 PM
Renata smiles.
Mmm, warmth...
Oh, and speaking of stripety socks... She pulls up the leg of her rust-colored jeans to show knee-length, red-and-black stripey socks.
Like 'em?

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 07:49 PM
Alice looks down and giggles. Yes I love them. Almost as much as I love you. She kisses the tip of her nose.

2009-12-02, 07:51 PM
Yeah, well I love you more. She nestles against Alice, giggling playfully.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 07:52 PM
Alice smiles and snuggles back. Warm enough yet?

2009-12-02, 07:55 PM
When I first got shoved into an escape pod and jettisoned to a place called Town, I never thought I'd be glad it happened...
Now I know that I wouldn't have it any other way.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 07:58 PM
Alice leans her tall head on Renata's little shoulder. Aww you're gonna make me blush. I'm glad you came too. And please don't leave. Ever.

2009-12-02, 08:00 PM
I would never think of leaving my angels. She assures Alice.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 08:02 PM
Alice sighs happily and clears a spot of leaves and dirt. Lets sit down.

2009-12-02, 08:05 PM
Can I sit on your lap?

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 08:07 PM
Of course you can! Alice sits down on the ground and pats her lap...a little suggestively.

2009-12-02, 08:09 PM
Renata settles into Alice's lap.
And when Eri's back, you can sit on her lap... or... something equivalent.
Like a three-layer cake made of love and cuddles!
And lesbians!

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 08:10 PM
Alice giggles. (Hey not just lesbians. Alice goes both ways.)
That sounds wonderful.

2009-12-02, 08:14 PM
((Like House, I'm just rounding up from 50%.))
I found out, like I said earlier, that Eri loves having her flanks brushed.
Soooo... I went and got two brushes, 'long with that dress and necklace she's got.
Tonight, I'll take one side, you take the other, and... She trails off pleasantly.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 08:16 PM
Alice hugs Renata around the middle. Sounds like a plan. Whenever she gets back. ((I love Thirteen. I like when they went looking for dancers for that one guy's bachelor party.))

2009-12-02, 08:21 PM
((I need to get back into watching House again.
Lately all I've been watching is Midsomer Murders.))
Ever wondered what lovemaking would be like between two centaur girls? Like if I was a centaur too?

Moofin Bard
2009-12-02, 08:23 PM
I dunno. Deadtime.

2009-12-03, 06:22 PM
Renata sits on Alice's lap and awaits the return of Erica.

2009-12-03, 06:24 PM
Erica is soon back, a container of water in hand.

2009-12-03, 06:26 PM
Renata smiles.
Hey, honey.

2009-12-03, 06:29 PM
Hey babe.:smallamused:

2009-12-03, 06:31 PM
I was thinking of wearing these during our fun tonight, if you like 'em. She pulls up a pant leg to show her knee-high red-and-black stripety socks.
These and nothing else.

2009-12-03, 06:50 PM
That sounds great...
And we can uh... Test out the new me?:smallamused:

2009-12-03, 06:52 PM
New hardware always needs a test or two.
And you've got a couple of eager volunteers right here.

2009-12-03, 06:53 PM
She gives Renta a forehead kiss.

2009-12-03, 07:08 PM
Renata smiles and her cheeks color a bit.
Still BRB, sorry guise.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-03, 07:09 PM
Alice shivers. She's still trapped beneath Renata. Thanks for the water darling.

2009-12-03, 07:09 PM
Welcome, baby.

2009-12-03, 07:16 PM
Renata smiles.
So, what do my two angels want to do now?

2009-12-03, 07:34 PM
She purrs.

2009-12-03, 07:35 PM
Renata just grins a Han Solo grin...
((Grr, Moofin gones.))

2009-12-03, 09:46 PM
Erica smiles and goes to plant a huge, passionate kiss on each of them.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 10:24 AM
Alice is kissed and giggles. I think we all have the same thing in mind then? She thought she had it controlled but a couple sneaky tendrils of lust make their way to Erica and Renata. Not that they need it.

2009-12-04, 04:21 PM
Renata reaches to run her hands through both her lovers' hair.

2009-12-04, 08:15 PM
Erica nods eagerly, beginning to remover her top.

2009-12-04, 08:18 PM
Renata gets out the brushes of awesomeness, handing one to Alice.
She slips off her jacket and starts on her top.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 08:18 PM
Hmm not much I can do from down here. She giggles. She's still stuck under Renata and so can't remove clothing or anything.

2009-12-04, 08:25 PM
Oops. She giggles, sliding off Alice's lap.
She gives a little "to hell with it" shrug and totally de-tops, proudly presenting her B-cups to the world.

2009-12-04, 08:27 PM
Erica smiles and goes to give Renata kiss.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 08:34 PM
Alice quickly wriggles out of her sweatpants and starts to remove her dress. Aww she's wearing cute red undies and matching bra. Lacy. Wait up you guys.

2009-12-04, 08:34 PM
Kiss'd and she kisses back.
Waiting in progress, sexy.

2009-12-04, 08:36 PM
Erica giggles and goes to kiss Alice.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 08:38 PM
Alice kisses back and runs her brush over the part of Erica's flank that she can reach.

2009-12-04, 08:40 PM
Renata brushes the other side.
Such a beautiful, lovely body.
And even better, there's so much of you.

2009-12-04, 08:42 PM
Erica continues to kiss Alice, squirming happily.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 08:44 PM
Alice reaches with her non brushing hand and caresses Renata's side.

2009-12-04, 08:46 PM
Renata reaches over to stroke Alice's shoulder, breaking off briefly to unbutton and unzip her jeans, then continuing as she wriggles out of them.
She's only wearing those cute socks and her panties now as she brushes Eri and plants kisses on her back.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 09:00 PM
Well Alice's hand goes a place on her upper body where if I said what it was, I'd have to pull the curtain.

2009-12-04, 09:01 PM
I'm excited to test out Eri's new lovey bits...
But Ali, you want first dibs?

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 09:05 PM
Alice moves the hand that was on Renata back to herself a little guiltily. She blushes slightly. Would you mind terribly lover?

2009-12-04, 09:07 PM
Eruca watches the two, blushing happily.

2009-12-04, 09:08 PM
Renata grabs that hand and puts it right back where it was.
Sweetie, it's a pleasure to let you go first.
And I'll keep myself occupied by attending to both of you while you're at it. No inch of skin left unkissed.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 09:11 PM
Alice blushes even more and keeps brushing Erica's flank. Whatever you say Ren.

2009-12-04, 09:12 PM
I'll try to be gentle...

2009-12-04, 09:14 PM
I'll make up for that by kissing the hell out of you both then. She giggles, then plants a smooch on Alice's lips.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 09:17 PM
Alice kisses her back and runs a hand along Erica's side. Her human waist. Oh Erica, don't worry at all about being gentle.

2009-12-04, 09:25 PM
Y-you ready?

2009-12-04, 09:27 PM
Renata leaves off brushing and just caresses the other two.
Glorious lovemaking ahead, my angels.
Oh, and I'll give you each a little special something each time one of you calls out the other's name. Or mine. She giggles.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 09:28 PM
Alice quickly and efficiently disposes of her matching undergarments. She rubs both hands along Erica's flank and a little on her horse belly. Very.

2009-12-04, 09:29 PM
Erica whinnies with a giggle and pulls down the curtain.

2009-12-04, 09:41 PM
When the curtain rises, assuming that Renata got her turn within the timespace of that curtain...
Ren is snuggled against one both of her darlings, her angels.
She's still panting, her heart hammering away.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-04, 09:42 PM
Alice is back in her underclothes sitting on Erica's back.

2009-12-04, 09:45 PM
Ren's a little hoarse (heh, hoarse, horse, terrible joke, please kill me) from screaming out Eri and Ali's names over and over again.
That---*cough* that was...
I never thought anything could be so spectacular.

2009-12-05, 12:19 PM
That was...
Erica shivers in ecstasy

2009-12-05, 12:21 PM
You were... *cough* magnificent.
My head's still spinning.

2009-12-05, 12:33 PM
Erica goes to kiss Renata.

2009-12-05, 12:36 PM
She is kissed and giggles weakly.
Renata snuggles against Eri.
Did I hurt your ears earlier?
Y'know, when I *cough* was screaming out you and Alice's names? Her voice is still a little hoarse.

2009-12-05, 12:38 PM
No, not at all. I hope I didn't hurt either of you.

2009-12-05, 12:40 PM
I know I'm fine.
She's got clearly bruised elbows, but she hasn't noticed.
How's my darling Eri feeling?

2009-12-05, 12:41 PM
I feel better than great.

2009-12-05, 12:43 PM
Me too.
Lightheaded, giddy, but in a good way.
She tries to prop herself up on her elbows.
Ow---ooh, that's an interesting color. She observes her bruises.

2009-12-05, 12:43 PM
Oh, are you okay...?

2009-12-05, 12:45 PM
... Correction: I will be more okay if you kiss it better.
She scoots over to Eri's front and rolls face-up, presenting her owwie'd elbows.

2009-12-05, 12:47 PM
Erica smiles and gives her kisses oneach of her elbows.

2009-12-05, 12:50 PM
She smiles and hauls herself upright to huggle Eri.
I love you, you wonderful, heavenly centaur.

2009-12-05, 12:52 PM
And I love you, my beautiful little baby.

2009-12-05, 12:56 PM
Renata giggles and nuzzles against Eri.
At the precise moment she decides to look into the centaur's eyes adoringly... her eyepatch strap, loosened by the fun last night, slides off her head. With the patch hanging around her neck, Renata's giving Eri a great view of a clean, black hole where her eye had been. She hasn't realized the slip yet.

2009-12-05, 12:59 PM
Erica smiles back, not seeming to mind.
You're beautiful.

2009-12-05, 01:00 PM
Renata sighs happily, then realizes her eyepatch is off.
I---you don't mind the... missing... um... eye?

2009-12-05, 01:01 PM
No, why would I?
ZZYou don't mind I'm a centaur. You don't mind I have boy bits.

2009-12-05, 01:04 PM
... Yeah, you're right.
Rarr, I'm a pirate! She giggles.

2009-12-05, 01:05 PM
I actually kinda like it.
She giggles.

2009-12-05, 01:07 PM
And now is the time at which I tickle you!
Predictably, she tickles Eri's belly.

2009-12-05, 01:09 PM
Eruca giggles.
She tries to tickle Renata back.

2009-12-05, 01:14 PM
Renata giggles, but stays in control of herself enough to start nuzzling her face all over Erica's tummy.
Mmm, you're so smooth and... smoother.

2009-12-05, 01:14 PM
I love you Renata baby.

2009-12-05, 01:16 PM
I love you too, Li'l Miss Delicious.
She plants little kisses all over Eri's stomach.

2009-12-05, 01:17 PM
Erca giggles, oh so happy.

2009-12-05, 01:19 PM
And hey, Renata's decided to clean out Eri's navel. With her tongue, of course. Can't be too clean, can we?

2009-12-05, 01:20 PM
Erica groans, being navel kissed.

2009-12-05, 01:22 PM
Renata finishes her adventure in navel hygiene and looks up.
Wouldja do something for me?

2009-12-05, 01:23 PM
Anything, dear.

2009-12-05, 01:26 PM
She turns her back to Erica, showing a set of smooth-edged, sorta-parallel sorta-horizontal scars.
See those?
They're sensitive... do whatever you want with them.
As scars go, they're not horrific or disgusting.

2009-12-05, 01:27 PM
Erica smiles, and gently rubs one.

2009-12-05, 01:29 PM
That's nice... Her eye closes and she sighs dreamily.

2009-12-05, 01:30 PM
A second later, she's slowly running her tongue along one of them.

2009-12-05, 01:31 PM
Renata whimpers in ecstasy.
((BRB, ill-timed vacuuming.))

2009-12-05, 01:33 PM
She plants a gentle kiss on one of the scars, then fiercley runs her tongue down it, all the while rubbing her other scars.

2009-12-05, 01:34 PM
She yelps, then quivers a little.

2009-12-05, 01:38 PM
Sher continues happily.

2009-12-05, 01:45 PM
Renata is giving shuddering little cries.

2009-12-05, 01:49 PM
You like that?

2009-12-05, 01:51 PM
She tries to speak, fails, and just nods, taking quivering breaths.
Moofin's on, so... Alice will see Erica om nomming on Renata's back. Renata is clearly enjoying it.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 01:58 PM
Let's say during this Alice slipped off to go use a tree. She comes back. At first she is jealous but the jealousy is quickly replaced by longing...and love. Already guys? I thought you'd be tired.

2009-12-05, 02:00 PM
We're *gasp* not.
Wanna join the *mmh* fun, Ali? Renata looks at Alice. Her eyepatch is off.
Oh, and her elbows are bruised from last night.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:05 PM
Alice comes over and pinches Renata's cute little bottom softly. Then moves around and gives her a kiss. I don't know how I can compete.

2009-12-05, 02:05 PM
Hey Ali.:smallamused:

2009-12-05, 02:06 PM
Oh, you can.
And she tries to pull Alice close for a great big snog.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:10 PM
Hi Erica. She manages to get out before she is pulled close to Renata and is made out with.

2009-12-05, 02:15 PM
Renata pulls away after a while.
Eri, you can---ahhnn---t-that's enough, honey, that's perfect. She's quivering, and holds herself to Alice.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:20 PM
Alice pets her hair. Stroke stroke stroke. You okay Renata?

2009-12-05, 02:21 PM
Beep boop, disconnect error. Please reconnect brain to body.
Renata jokes to prove she's fine (just overstimulated) besides bruised elbows and a hoarse throat.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:22 PM
Alice takes Renata's arm and looks at her elbow. When did this happen? Sorry. Last night was sort of a blur of...well...everything.

2009-12-05, 02:25 PM
It was when I got my turn with Eri's new body.
I was propped up on my elbows, so they kinda bumped the ground a lot.
How was your experience last night, honey?
She snuggles, topless, against Alice.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:28 PM
Alice shivers and not from the cold. She runs her hand lightly down Renata's back and places it slightly above her bottom. It was...better than anything. Ever.

2009-12-05, 02:31 PM
Same for me.
I kinda wore my throat out, what with me screaming "Alice! Erica! Oh gods!" almost the whole time.
Didja like how I covered you and Eri in kisses while you were making heavenly love?

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:36 PM
Alice blushes and gets very warm remembering it. I liked that very much. I hope your voice gets better soon.

2009-12-05, 02:40 PM
Glad I was able to help.
Gah, it's cold. Mind if I get some clothes on?
Renata's certainly feeling the cold. As a quick look, er, down will tell you.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:44 PM
Alice does take a quick look down and quickly looks up. Anything else will put her on a quick course to a repeat of last night or a one woman curtain. Yeah of course. She starts pulling her sweatpants back on.

2009-12-05, 02:46 PM
Renata gets her pants, boots, tank top, and jacket on in quick order.
So, 'til Eri stops being all deadtimey, what do we do? Not suggestive.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:49 PM
I don't know. She's ruffling around in her bag, looking for a warm top. We can't really go anywhere without her. It might be dangerous.

2009-12-05, 02:50 PM
Well, we could just cuddle and talk then.
You can sit on my lap this time.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:53 PM
Sounds good. She finally finds a warm top. It's a cream colored cashmere sweater. So soft. I don't want to squish you though.

2009-12-05, 02:55 PM
Oh, don't worry. You're not that much bigger than me... or maybe you are. I'm like 5'1".
Now c'mere, beautiful.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 02:57 PM
Alice sits slowly on Renata's lap and wraps her arms around the girl's neck. She's sort of sitting bridal style. I'm 5' 6'' so I am a little bigger. Not to mention her curves.

2009-12-05, 03:00 PM
I love your sweater. She nuzzles Ali's shoulder.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 03:02 PM
It's my favorite too. She kisses the top of Renata's head.

2009-12-05, 03:03 PM
I see why...
So, whatcha wanna talk about?

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 03:11 PM
Alice snuggles against Renata. Mmm. How about how much I love you?

2009-12-05, 03:12 PM
Sounds great.
She still hasn't put her eyepatch back on.
You're so sweet.

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 03:14 PM
Alice doesn't care. She's not really looking at her face...Thank you. I love you and Erica and Riki. And that will never change.

2009-12-05, 03:16 PM
I know, baby...
Speaking of Riki... if I ever get a chance to take you and Eri to the Stardust Harbor, y'think I should invite Riki too?

Moofin Bard
2009-12-05, 03:18 PM
Alice grows rigid for a second. She hesitates before answering. I don't know. It might be a little hard on everyone. You seeing me with her. Her seeing me with you.