View Full Version : Odd Eccentricities

2009-11-30, 03:59 AM
So, sitting up here way later than I ought to be when I got PT in the morning, I just realized something.
Aside from that title there being redundant.
I'm kinda paranoid. I can't sleep in a room that I haven't secured. Before I go to bed, I have to do a walkthrough of the room. Every door to the room has to be securely locked, the windows have to be closed and latched, every closet/alcove (all the red-space, basically) has to be visually and physically cleared, if not locked and shut. I can't sleep without a weapon within reach (I'd prefer a firearm, but that's not authorized in the barracks so I'm stuck with my knife). I can't even sit here in front of my computer without locking the doors (they're to my back). Even with 'em locked, I still keep looking back.
I usually to keep a light on out of convenience and laziness, but if I'm expecting trouble (read: I get the willies) I turn the light off. I am the thing that goes bump in the night - I have significantly better night-vision than just about anybody else I know. I can read by starlight, for example. That's kinda odd, 'cause I used to be terrified of the dark. I guess spending seven months on night watch and night patrols in Iraq cleared up my fear of the dark. I still get spooked, if I go to my parent's house or another old house/building at night. I guess spooks don't hang out in new buildings. Whatever it is, I can walk through a brand-new apartment complex in the dark and not get my heart rate up (even if I do bark my shin every ten feet), but if I go past the stairwells in my parents' place at night I have to force myself to not go into flight mode.
There's more, too. When I'm out walking, I got my head on a swivel and every six-twenty paces I turn around and look behind me. I get more jumpy if there's nobody around - if I'm walking with someone, I'm not on lookout mode. It's not the people I can see that I distrust, it's the people I can't see. Not really PTSD (there wasn't any TS on my deployment, just S). More... habit, I guess. The swively-head thing I can understand, but needing the room to be secured is kinda weird.

So what're your little oddities, Playground?

Innis Cabal
2009-11-30, 04:15 AM
I to don't like sleeping in an unsecured room. I also have to set my clock ten times and make sure its set for the right day nine times before I can go to bed.

This may not be "odd" per say, but I can't sleep without a fan blowing, even in the dead of winter.

2009-11-30, 04:53 AM
I've next "odd" eccentricities: I can't be in places with lot of peoples without wanting to stab somebody repeatedly, paranoia (I must check atleast three times that door is locked).

Thanks quite good night vision so I can easily see darker than most of people (though this ability seems to run in family).

I also wear t-shirt around year no matter what tempature and/or weather is (may not seem to odd, expect when you understand that this is true even if tempature outside is "just" over -20 of celsius) I also keep jacket open around year (grandfather was similar to me in this thing).

2009-11-30, 04:55 AM
All my furniture is arranged so that I always face the door while working. No I'm not paranoid, but I happend to read the evil overlord list while renovating. And they advised to let your desk always face the door. Thought, hell why not? Can't hurt anyway. :smallcool:

Also I like stockpiling food with really long expiration dates... No nothing to do with paranoia. I'm just lazy and regulary can't bring myself to buy stuff so it's good to have emergency supplies.

Oh and I have to open my window wide to sleep. Yes I need cold, fresh air
(noises don't bother me, I happened to sleep for 9 years right next to a decent airport)

I always carry a lighter with me. Strangly, as I never smoked in my life.
Oh and a hip flask, no I'm not a alcoholic, it's filled with water usually. You never know when you're thirsty and buying drinks that don't come in 2l bottles is kind of expensive.

2009-11-30, 05:10 AM
I have to fall asleep with a movie on. If i don't have a movie it takes me forever to fall asleep unless i'm inebriated or otherwise out of my head.

2009-11-30, 05:11 AM
Five hundred. Sorry, that was a bit of hyperbole, but definitely greater than one.

Little horrible maths pun there for you.

The Extinguisher
2009-11-30, 05:49 AM
That was terrible. Mostly because that's an even eccentricity.

2009-11-30, 06:16 AM
I can't sleep without a fan on and all Doors and windows in the house locked and all lights off, it doesn't help when other people are just too lazy too...:smallfurious:

I can't leave home without my phone and at least 15 dollars for emergencies and I never, ever trust anybody who's house I haven't been too.

2009-11-30, 06:18 AM
I to don't like sleeping in an unsecured room. I also have to set my clock ten times and make sure its set for the right day nine times before I can go to bed.

This may not be "odd" per say, but I can't sleep without a fan blowing, even in the dead of winter.Never visit Korea. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_death)

2009-11-30, 06:23 AM
Never visit Korea. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_death)

Wow. People will believe anything.

...Just as I am believing wikipedia... Nice try internet. Nice try. But I believe nothing for no man!

2009-11-30, 06:24 AM
I overthink. When someone asks what I'm thinking about, I tell him. (Women don't ask me that question.) Most of my habits fall into the sad ambit of normal geek behavior, but the thinking, so far as I can judge from others' reactions, is unforgivable.

Solaris: How does a tent count, as a new or an occupied dwelling? They have the variant layout of thought that comes from not having modern conveniences but the structure itself is impermanence.

2009-11-30, 06:30 AM
I always have trouble sleeping without a fan, but unfortunitely, my room has no lock, abd in this summer heat (Australia, remember? :smalltongue:) i have to have my windows open. In any case, if there was an attacker determined to get to me, i doubt they'd be stopped by a lock on the door, as i have huge non-safety glass windows right above my bed. Yeah, that kinda scares me as well when there's a strong wind blowing.

Also, i have this immense fear whenver i'm out alone at night, even in my suburb and close to my house. It's one of those "i swear there's someone (or something :smalleek:) following me, and i think it's just ducked behind that tree" things, but it scares the crap out of me. Whats worse is that sometimes i'll wake up in the middle of the night with an absolutely gut wrenching fear that it's standing on the other side of the wall looking down at me through the window, and then i can't get to sleep for the rest of the night.

But remember children, just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me! :smallamused:

2009-11-30, 06:35 AM
But remember children, just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me! :smallamused:

Words to live by.

Never visit Korea. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_death)

:ticks off South Korea as a holiday destination:

2009-11-30, 06:49 AM
I am utterly convinced that every time someone within earshot laughs, they are laughing at me. Even people I'm in the middle of a conversation with.

I have to do things in set stages.
Cleaning my room: bed, floor 1, floor 2, bookshelf, tv area, floor 3. If I go in the wrong order I get really demotivated and can't finish it.

Essays: I have to reach 100 words before I stop at any point. Even if it's to check a book, I have to just put a star and come back to it later. This gets really annoying when I'm at the end and get annoyed that I have to keep stopping.

I ALWAYS have in my pockets, my old house key, an eternally full box of matches, two pens; one blue one black, and a little notebook that I've never wrote in. These are all "just in case" and bug the hell out of me because the notebook makes it awkward to reach my phone.

Good God I'm a lunatic :smallannoyed:

2009-11-30, 06:50 AM
I think I'm perfectly normal.

2009-11-30, 06:52 AM
I think I'm perfectly normal.

Now that's just weird.

2009-11-30, 07:28 AM
I think I'm perfectly normal.

Imagining this being said by someone making the exact face in that avatar makes this at least 300% better. Scientific Fact.

2009-11-30, 07:58 AM
I'm somewhat paranoid as well, I tend to check doors multiple times. Also, I'm very afraid of spiders, but only if they're inside my house.

2009-11-30, 08:04 AM
I don't like being in shoes I couldn't fight in. Also, I tend to pick up stick-like objects and spin them around and practice various sword/staff techniques, depending on length.

Sometimes I start doing various martial arts techniques or exercises as kind of a...meditation in motion. I'm not sure if doing it allows my mind to slip away and let my body do it as I think, or if it starts doing it automatically when I start to drift off thinking. Something between the two, I think.

Also, when I walk into a place I tend to analyse it for improvised weaponry, escape-methods, and the like. Likewise, when somebody new comes in, I automatically (and usually unpleasantly) run a brief hypothetical situation in my mind on what could happen should they pick a fight with me.

2009-11-30, 09:15 AM
I sit in chairs like L from deathnote, to the chagrin of my old teachers.

I'm actually very much at home in the dark, and apparently have some ranks in move silently. since no one ever hears me coming (i swear its unintentional)

2009-11-30, 09:51 AM
I'm actually very much at home in the dark, and apparently have some ranks in move silently. since no one ever hears me coming (i swear its unintentional)

I'm quite the same in this regard, same with an equal Hide modifier. "WAH-HOW did you get there? God you're creepy."

I also have random periods of time where I obsess over something, and the rage of things and periods of time are quite variable. Like say obsessing with Pazuzu(the demon prince) for... about a week. At one point I was obsessed with the very concept of chaos for roughly 2 months. Once I had a great and powerful obsession for a particular sword for exactly 2 and a half days. I think that's genetic and I have the lesser version. My brother obsesses over exactly one thing for years and years at a time, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to shut him up about it until he's moved onto his next thing. My dad says he was like a lesser version of that when he was young. I think I'm just the chaotic anomaly in that regard.

I can't not wear black. Usually it's mostly or all black attire, including a layer or two. Much of the time I just wear one or two items of black clothing, like pants and socks or pants and some wristband, but if I'm not wearing any black I feel quite uncomfortable. That's probably more common, but I can't make myself do anything else, the compulsion is more powerful for me than reasonable thought.

Many things that would make normal people cringe I usually don't mind and sometimes enjoy. I love blood, the look, the feel and the science behind it. Not the pain associated with it, but a lot of the rest of it. This is probably the most normal of the lot.

I have an intense phobia of horror movies. Even movies I know to not be that scary, if it was there intent, it would take divine will(or very good restraints) to get me to watch it. Though once I start watching it I can't help but make fun of the bad ones or enjoy the good ones. So far the only exception was The Ring.

Wow, all of these are probably really common...

2009-11-30, 10:10 AM
*takes notes* >.>

Also, yeah, black clothing, seconding that.

2009-11-30, 10:12 AM
I'm obsessed with cartoons. Which is fine because I'm a bit of an amateur animation expert, but sometimes it gets a bit weird. For instance, I put the intros of 107 cartoon shows I watch or used to watch on my video mp3 player. I watch them to relieve stress.

2009-11-30, 10:13 AM
black clothing

ohhh... that too... obviously.:smallwink:

2009-11-30, 10:23 AM
I like to organize mass magick sigils to disrupt complacency and put them under stranger's windshield wipers. That's about the weirdest I get.

2009-11-30, 10:31 AM
I see food and tools everywhere I go. That tree? You notice the pretty flowers? I see the edible Fungus. You see the Moss on the bark? I see the Tree limb which would make a good bow.

Bushcraft, live and breath it.

2009-11-30, 10:58 AM
I see food and tools everywhere I go. That tree? You notice the pretty flowers? I see the edible Fungus. You see the Moss on the bark? I see the Tree limb which would make a good bow.

Bushcraft, live and breath it.

Adlan; Our own resident Ray Mears (and Serenity RPG GM)

2009-11-30, 12:19 PM
Hmm, when I'm reading a good book I get completely and utterly absorbed in it. I block out the tv, people talking (even to me), etc. Once I was reading in class and everybody left the room and a few minutes later someone had to come back for me.
Another weird thing is that have the overwhelming need to stop doing things on even numbers. For example when I read I almost have to stop on a multiple of 10.

2009-11-30, 12:40 PM
but if I go past the stairwells in my parents' place at night I have to force myself to not go into flight mode.

I'm wondering if this is actually an old house thing or just a your parents house thing. I regress quite a bit when I'm in my parents house. I think it's just that when I'm in a childhood setting I act like I did as a child. Were you always so paranoid (and pardon me if the term paranoid offends you, but it was the only succinct description I could think of for the behavior you describe).

I think of myself as normal but am regularly reminded that I'm not. A couple weeks ago I was explaining to my fiancee that every time I enter a large room I try to find the best sniper perch and how to get to it. I figured this was something everybody did after playing enough first person shooters. She was seriously freaked out by this. I didn't even think it was the least bit quirky until she reacted this way.

2009-11-30, 01:20 PM
I think 'hypervigilance' is the word you wanted, valadil. :smallsmile:

On a tangent, if you want spatial disorientation, visit your old elementary school. The perspective from above is so odd!

Do we have other drinkers of pickle juice here? Folk who make eye contact without turning their head? People who thread the needle by fitting the eye of the needle over the stationary thread? (YOU people are just weird. Thread moves towards needle!)

2009-11-30, 01:24 PM
I think 'hypervigilance' is the word you wanted, valadil. :smallsmile:

On a tangent, if you want spatial disorientation, visit your old elementary school. The perspective from above is so odd!

Do we have other drinkers of pickle juice here? Folk who make eye contact without turning their head? People who thread the needle by fitting the eye of the needle over the stationary thread? (YOU people are just weird. Thread moves towards needle!)

Did that with my old primary school. Didn't like it. The toilets were ridiculously tiny. And what had once been a massive corridor was now traversable in about 5 steps.

2009-11-30, 01:31 PM
Did that with my old primary school. Didn't like it. The toilets were ridiculously tiny. And what had once been a massive corridor was now traversable in about 5 steps.

Ditto. It's kind of freaky, actually. Your memory and your senses suddenly don't agree with each other, and you get a little disoriented.

Even stranger, one of my old teachers has not aged in 15 years. I knew it, she's a lich! It explains everything.

2009-11-30, 01:38 PM
Ditto. It's kind of freaky, actually. Your memory and your senses suddenly don't agree with each other, and you get a little disoriented.

Even stranger, one of my old teachers has not aged in 15 years. I knew it, she's a lich! It explains everything.

All my old teachers were gone. Every last one. It sucked.

I also can't throw anything away if there's even the slightest possibility I'll use it. Very annoying because I'm a student and have to lug this crap from house to house each year.

2009-11-30, 02:09 PM
I can't get to sleep without a fan blowing on me or in the same room as me , since it's the first snow here in ottawa , it's cold .

I also have about 7 thick blankets on my bed year round to keep me warm .

2009-11-30, 02:27 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with my hands. One the one hand (haha), my palms are kind of long compared to my fingers; my hands resemble bear paws. They're thick, heavy, and muscular. I have a strong grip, and can do things with my fingertips that most people need their entire hand to do. My hands are strong, and that's, really kind of cool...

But on the other hand, if I stare at my hands for any considerable length of time, I can't stop hating them. Their size and appearance actually make me *angry*. I find myself blaming my hands for many and sundry things that have been said or done, or that have gone wrong, over the past few years. I can't stop thinking about how much my own two hands repulse me, until I am finally shaken from my reverie.

2009-11-30, 02:35 PM
I think 'hypervigilance' is the word you wanted, valadil. :smallsmile:

Tha'ts an awesome word and I intend to keep it.

2009-11-30, 06:36 PM
...explaining to my fiancee that every time I enter a large room I try to find the best sniper perch and how to get to it, I figured this was something everybody did after playing enough first person shooters. She was seriously freaked out by this. I didn't even think it was the least bit quirky until she reacted this way.

You mean this isn't normal?:smalleek:

2009-11-30, 06:44 PM
Not paranoia, really, but I like sitting with my back to a corner, or a wall. Even a window, if that means I face the doors.

I also do the head-swivel thing, but it's to look for interesting things or people. >.>

Grey Paladin
2009-11-30, 07:04 PM
I freak out when I pass in tactically disadvantageous spots. Every time I walk by the woods I can't get my mind off 'This is the perfect spot for an ambush!'. Waiting in ambush, walking the higher ground, or spotting choke points makes me giddy.

EDIT: Heh. I do the sniper thing but everywhere and on a larger scale, constantly considering how'd a battle go in here. It seems D&D breeds paranoid madmen.

2009-11-30, 07:31 PM
Oftentimes I count my steps to a number that is a multiple of two primes, my favourite number is thirty three for step counting.
Always step forward with the left foot leading.

Rather than sit facing my desk and laptop I've arranged two chairs to act as a kind of chaise longue or divan that runs parallel to my desk. I sit on my chairs so that I face away from the door, but can look out of the window.
That window must be open half an inch and the curtains are to be drawn shut at all times except for a two inch gap in the centre.

I have a compulsion to finish reading every book I can in one sitting no matter how far into the night it takes me. If I can't I have the following rules: when reading a book I must finish reading at the end of a chapter, or a page that is a multiple of five. Or the end of someone's POV. That's if I must.
All books and other kinds of entertainment are arranged as follows:
widest classification -> century -> genre -> alphabetised by surname of author. If anonymous or written as a part of a syndicate or part of a series they are arranged by original publication date. The shelves will run left to right for the topmost shelf, then reverse it for the next, the reverse again.
If in shops the books are out of my order I will rearrange the entire shops stock subtly over a long period of time to make it conform to my wishes.

No lights are to be allowed switched on until after eleven o'clock, and then only if necessary.

I also take to walking down the darkest streets and alleyways I can in the middle of the night.

2009-11-30, 07:34 PM
Solaris: How does a tent count, as a new or an occupied dwelling? They have the variant layout of thought that comes from not having modern conveniences but the structure itself is impermanence.

New. It's kinda weird, too, 'cause every time I sleep in a tent it's in bear/moose country and I'm way, way more screwed if a bear or moose decides it takes issue with me than I am if there's a human.

Also, i have this immense fear whenever i'm out alone at night, even in my suburb and close to my house. It's one of those "i swear there's someone (or something :smalleek:) following me, and i think it's just ducked behind that tree" things, but it scares the crap out of me. Whats worse is that sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night with an absolutely gut wrenching fear that it's standing on the other side of the wall looking down at me through the window, and then i can't get to sleep for the rest of the night.

But remember children, just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me! :smallamused:

Sorry. Thought I was doing a better job of sneaking.

I don't like being in shoes I couldn't fight in.

Also, when I walk into a place I tend to analyse it for improvised weaponry, escape-methods, and the like. Likewise, when somebody new comes in, I automatically (and usually unpleasantly) run a brief hypothetical situation in my mind on what could happen should they pick a fight with me.

I don't own any shoes I couldn't fight in. Several pairs of combat boots (I only wear two pairs - they keep issuing them to me), one pair of athletic/running shoes.

That reminds me - I talk to myself a lot. Mostly brainstorming out loud or mental (verbal) note-taking, but it does tend to attract some odd looks. I think that's kinda normal for us nerdy-types, though.

"Be polite, professional, and courteous but always have a plan to kill everyone you meet." - Some good words to live by, there.
And I do that too. Not exactly a thorough plan-through, but just a sort of "He does A, I do X" or "He does B, I do Y" type thing. I'll just prep for one or two instances, and that's it. Usually, it's pretty much me reacting to overt aggression with less-than-lethal force. I really only do it with civilians, though, but that's because I trust civilians about as far as I can throw them.

I'm wondering if this is actually an old house thing or just a your parents house thing. I regress quite a bit when I'm in my parents house. I think it's just that when I'm in a childhood setting I act like I did as a child. Were you always so paranoid (and pardon me if the term paranoid offends you, but it was the only succinct description I could think of for the behavior you describe).

I'd considered that, but I'll get spooked in old houses I've never been to before. I also get spooked if I had to do a night shift on Tower 4, but that was because it was way out away from the rest of the outpost and overlooking a cemetery. You wanna stay awake all night, watch a zombie movie and then go hang out in a cemetery alone. All I'm saying is, some dogs deeply regretted wandering into the perimeter that night.

Not... really, no. Watching Jurassic Park as a wee little anklebiter did instill a fear of a T. rex sticking its head through a window into me for the longest time, but I was never terribly vigilant growing up. Door open, windows open, didn't bother me a lick. I grew up in a very safe neighborhood. Hypervigilance is a better word for it, I think. Paranoia means you think there's someone/something out to get you. I'm just on the alert in case there actually is.

I think of myself as normal but am regularly reminded that I'm not. A couple weeks ago I was explaining to my fiancee that every time I enter a large room I try to find the best sniper perch and how to get to it. I figured this was something everybody did after playing enough first person shooters. She was seriously freaked out by this. I didn't even think it was the least bit quirky until she reacted this way.

Point of dominance, baby. It's an art. You gotta remember, a lot of folks aren't used to a world where it's kill or be killed. They can't wrap their minds around it, doubly so if it's carried over into reality from a video game. I'd, uh, keep that kind of thing to myself. It has bad implications. It's like when I meet someone, I'm talking to them, and considering how best to neutralize them if they decide they need it. You just don't tell people that kind of thing.

I freak out when I pass in tactically disadvantageous spots. Every time I walk by the woods I can't get my mind off 'This is the perfect spot for an ambush!'. Waiting in ambush, walking the higher ground, or spotting choke points makes me giddy.

EDIT: Heh. I do the sniper thing but everywhere and on a larger scale, constantly considering how'd a battle go in here. It seems D&D breeds paranoid madmen.

Paranoid, you say? Madman, you say? No, my friend. We are the ones who'll survive the zombiepocalypse.
... I think it comes from getting used to the simple fact that there is always a trap. When we're the only ones left alive after the apocalypse, we'll erect a monument to great DMs and Demi-Gygaxes everywhere for breeding the sense and vigilance into us to keep us alive.

2009-11-30, 07:39 PM
When going up or down a staircase, I have to finish on my right foot. Only exception is if I'm in a crowd moving slowly enough that I can't take two steps at once and I don't want to slow it down and I started the staircase on the wrong foot.

2009-11-30, 07:54 PM
Do we have other drinkers of pickle juice here?

Olive Juice. If nobody else will drink it, I will. *We actually have SEVERAL olive-juice drinkers in our family.*

Also, whenever I have two hard-boiled eggs, I have to bonk them together. We used to bonk eggs together every Easter. We even had contests to see who could shatter the other person's egg. I was never sure which side was the "winning" side though...to me, everyone's a winner. :smallbiggrin:

Oh, and I eat salad with my hands. o.o If there's a bowl of leftover salad, I will pick it up and eat the entire rest of the bowl with my hands. I also do this with the lettuce tomato and onions that come with most burgers, because I don't like to eat them on the bun.

Hmm...let's see what else...oh yes...an uncontrollable tendency to enact morbid scenes out in my head. Particularly moments where I might've said something nasty to someone, or what would happen if I were to die at that very moment through some horrible accident, or if I were to commit suicide...okay, stepping away from morbid things now...

I get songs in my head. Usually songs without words. And I will whistle them on and off. The song shifts occasionally, to other songs, similar or not at all. I started singing "Happy Birthday" while making pizza with my mom a little over an hour ago. This as well as the previous one stems from my tendency to overthink things very, very thoroughly, which also leads to my tendency to miss one obvious detail.

I also seem to crack my wrist after typing for a prolonged period, which I do often. o.o; This concerns me.

Oh, and I use a lot of text-based grinnies whenever I write things online. ^^; I'm not sure why. I think it's just a habit I've formed because I despise AIM-style grinnies. <.<; And because I've learned to do so many of them. =w=.

Not so much a habit, but an odd skin condition, where if I shower more than every other day, my skin starts to flake off more than it ought to, so I can only shower every other day.

Um...I like flannel pants? o.o

Oh, and my gaming style could be considered a bit odd. Most people will either go for all the secrets at once, or none of them and then go for them after they beat the game. I tend to do only a few of the side-quests during the game, the ones that I know I can do easily or that interest me, and I just ignore what isn't important to me. It gives me a sort of "middle-road" feeling, like I'm not forcing myself to have everything before the final boss, but I'm not depriving myself of tools that could come in handy towards the end.

And I guess it's somewhat of an oddity that at the age of 22, I still don't have a license to drive. :/ Like I've said before elsewhere, I really didn't have any motivation to get one for myself until recently, and even now the only motivation I have is "Well, I'm gonna need one eventually...", which really doesn't help me to want to drive, which really doesn't help me to learn to drive.

Oh, and confidence issues. Lots of those. Probably why I'm not doing so good with the driving. <.<; I know all the rules, but physically, I'm not "in" to it.

I'm also a terrible procrastinator...and I'm sure there's about a thousand other things different about me. o.o

2009-11-30, 08:37 PM
Hey, another one. I'm twenty-one (turning twenty-two... soon) and I still don't have a civilian driver's license. I just don't need one. Military licenses, on the other hand...
I seriously got a license to fly an aircraft (http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/raven.htm) before I got a license to drive. No joke.

2009-11-30, 08:45 PM
I seriously got a license to fly an aircraft (http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/raven.htm) before I got a license to drive. No joke.

...Man, my life is seriously lame compared to my peers. ;-; I need to do something about that.

2009-12-01, 07:01 AM
Normal in the U.S., eccentricity anywhere else: Knowing how to drive but not how to use a manual transmission.

Add to the list of buildings with a sense of wrongness those religious buildings surrounded by skyscrapers. When I first went to NYC, the Catholic church nearest the World Trade Center (sorry, the name of it's slipping my mind) gave me the heebie-jeebies. When I went back there earlier this year, I couldn't find it at first, because I was looking at the exterior of a church with its silhouette properly delineated by the sky. Once I put two and two together, the oddness vanished. Short skyscrapers surrounded by taller ones are merely sad; the lack of sky around the spire was what was wrong. More spatial disorientation.

2009-12-01, 07:13 AM
I have a general feeling of not being welcome when I enter any temple of any religion.
Sometimes such feelings evolve to convulsions. :smalleek:

Edit: And yes, I am a pickle juice drinker.

Jack Squat
2009-12-01, 08:27 AM
I'm always in the middle of designing/fiddling with something. This can range from a doodling project to creating electronic circuits to completely refurbing a room. Almost none of it is useful.

Related to the previous, I own waay too many NERF guns for my age. None of them are stock.

I always have at least one knife on my person. I also normally have a flashlight, duct tape, 550 cord, and various snacks. I never thought this odd until other people found out - to me they're just useful things to have around.

I have a bottle opener on my keys. I don't drink.

I'm sure there's more.

2009-12-01, 09:53 AM
I overthink. When someone asks what I'm thinking about, I tell him. (Women don't ask me that question.)
This is pretty much my only oddity.

2009-12-01, 11:39 AM
I came up with another one. I hate having skin exposed. So yes I wear a sweater in the middle of summer, unless its really hot. I always wear PJs to bed and dislike swimming and showering (although I still do). On the flip side I hate having my hands and face covered.