View Full Version : EGGNOG!!! YAY or NAY!!!!

2009-12-01, 01:13 AM

I got bored so I did some counting!

Yay: 19
Nay: 7
Undefined: 5

and counting


Lord Thurlvin
2009-12-01, 01:15 AM
YAY, but in small amounts. Any more than that, and you kill your gallbladder.

2009-12-01, 01:16 AM
Yay all the way. There's never enough eggnog.

2009-12-01, 01:18 AM
By the way, this includes eggnogg of any kind, regardless of alcohol content :D

2009-12-01, 01:18 AM
Eggnog is a sometimes food.

Yay, but tentatively.

2009-12-01, 01:26 AM
its eggs

its a chickens period

instant and eternal NAY

2009-12-01, 01:28 AM
its eggs

its a chickens period

instant and eternal NAY

It's eggs.

It's drowned in butter and other fatty goodness.

Instant and eternal YAY.

Lord Thurlvin
2009-12-01, 01:31 AM
its eggs

its a chickens period

instant and eternal NAY

Thank you so very much for that. I would say I'm never going to eat eggs again, but hey, I still eat hot dogs.

2009-12-01, 01:34 AM
[QUOTE=xPANCAKEx;7415536]its eggs

its a chickens period/QUOTE]

Wow, I never thought of it that way. True. Not going to stop me, because eggs are delicious and this kind of thing doesn't really matter, but that's hilarious...

Not sure I have an opinion on eggnog, really...

2009-12-01, 01:35 AM
Eggnog is a sometimes food.

Yes. I can't bring myself to drink an entire quart of it, but I do enjoy a small glass once a year.

This, to lay my cards on the table, is referring to the non-alcoholic product that the dairies sell in the United States, which is probably as far away in quality from "real" non-alcoholic eggnog as commercial mayonnaise is from the homemade sauce. But enough of it would kill you no matter how it's made.

2009-12-01, 02:05 AM
Yay. Eggnog is my official Christmas time indulgence whilst playing DnD. Has been for years. Good stuff but I gotta go easy on it. Lots of calories in it.

2009-12-01, 02:20 AM
It's drowned in butter and other fatty goodness.

No butter. Eggs, milk, cream, and sugar, optionally garnished with bourbon, brandy, and nutmeg.

2009-12-01, 02:24 AM
Very Yay (during christmastime, anyway).

Though I think I need to have more of the alcoholic kind.

Tiger Duck
2009-12-01, 02:27 AM
Nay. It doesn't sounds very tasty.

Zeb The Troll
2009-12-01, 02:30 AM
Categorically, YAY. It is indeed very tasty, especially with a nip of bourbon or (we learned this year) Amaretto in it.

2009-12-01, 02:59 AM
Yay. Very, very yay. If only egg nog and Christmas oranges weren't seasonal.

2009-12-01, 03:02 AM
BLECH! Can't stand the stuff. I'll pass with a resounding NAY(SAYER)!

2009-12-01, 09:22 AM
YAY !!!!!! Eggnog is the best holiday drink :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-01, 09:40 AM
I've only ever had the alcoholic kind. Which is very yummy in small quantities.

I didn't even know there's a non-alcoholic kind.

(Also, we can get it year-round)

2009-12-01, 09:40 AM
I find Eggnog to be made of delicious. Especially with rum in it. Or with not rum in it. Usually we dilute it a bit with milk to make it last longer and reduce the number of calories. Only rarely do we drink it straight. It's still delicious.

I want some now.

2009-12-01, 10:20 AM
Nay! Nasty, foul stuff!

2009-12-01, 10:20 AM
its eggs

its a chickens period

Actually, no, it isn't a chicken. And can never be a chicken.
Eggs as bought in stores are unfertilized, and thus would never develop into a chicken.

I haven't had eggnog for years and years.
I now got a sudden craving for it.

2009-12-01, 10:30 AM
Yay to exactly 1 cup per year. Nay to any more than that.

2009-12-01, 10:40 AM
Yay, definite yay, with my aunts dense, rich, alcohol soaked, dark, Christmas cake. Seriously, they go so wonderful together. I never have had an alcoholised 'nog, I will I have to try that this year.

2009-12-01, 10:43 AM
Never had any, always wanted to try it, though I would want mine with plenty of alcohol in it.

2009-12-01, 10:52 AM

hot, cold, alcoholic, non alcoholic, I'd always drink it if I could.

Deth Muncher
2009-12-01, 10:54 AM
Technically, it's "yea." But, anyway, nay.

2009-12-01, 11:20 AM
BLECH! Can't stand the stuff. I'll pass with a resounding NAY(SAYER)!

How dare you egg nog is a YAY of epic proportions. :smallbiggrin:

Jack Squat
2009-12-01, 11:21 AM
Actually, no, it isn't a chicken. And can never be a chicken.
Eggs as bought in stores are unfertilized, and thus would never develop into a chicken.

He didn't say eggs were chickens (though I will occasionally run across store-bought eggs that contain chick fetuses). He said eggs are the byproduct of a chicken's menstrual cycle.

I haven't had egg nog in a good few years, and don't really remember if I like it or not. Might have to give it another go this year.

2009-12-01, 11:24 AM
Yay. Very, very yay. If only egg nog and Christmas oranges weren't seasonal.

A guy I used to know, he and his family loved eggnog so much that they bought superfluous extra every christmas to keep in the freezer, just so they'd have it year round.

Not for me though. I like it homemade and full of rummm.

2009-12-01, 11:33 AM
Yay, but I'm glad it's a seasonal thing. I can have maybe three glasses a year before I swear "Never again!"

2009-12-01, 11:33 AM
Nay.. I don't like Eggnog...

*runs away*

2009-12-01, 11:39 AM
He didn't say eggs were chickens (though I will occasionally run across store-bought eggs that contain chick fetuses). He said eggs are the byproduct of a chicken's menstrual cycle.

I haven't had egg nog in a good few years, and don't really remember if I like it or not. Might have to give it another go this year.

D'Oh! Failed reading comprehension check. Somehow exchanged the s for a comma to make it "It's a chicken, period".

I need to get out of work. Brain turning to mush..

2009-12-01, 11:39 AM

it has to be one of the best seasonal drinks available, especially with a bit of nutmeg

Mystic Muse
2009-12-01, 11:39 AM

Death to Eggnog!

2009-12-01, 11:42 AM
I got bored so I did some counting!

Yay: 19
Nay: 7
Undefined: 5

and counting


2009-12-01, 11:45 AM
A guy I used to know, he and his family loved eggnog so much that they bought superfluous extra every christmas to keep in the freezer, just so they'd have it year round.

that's just silly considering how easy it is to make.

2009-12-01, 11:57 AM
Eggnog's ok. Not great, not horrid (unless in large quantities), just ok.

2009-12-01, 12:12 PM
Silly eggnog drinkers. Eggnog is a dessert served with french toast.

It is tasty though.

2009-12-01, 12:33 PM
Actually, no, it isn't a chicken. And can never be a chicken.
Eggs as bought in stores are unfertilized, and thus would never develop into a chicken.

either you've made a massive biology fail or didn't read the whole sentence :smallwink:

2009-12-01, 12:33 PM
that's just silly considering how easy it is to make.

I've been giggling through the morning after being reminded of this Alton Brown interview on NPR (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6597856) a few Decemberweens ago.

Andrea Seabrook: (drinks real eggnog for the first time) Mmmmm. How can this be so smooth?
Alton Brown: Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe the fact that ours is made of ... FOOD?

2009-12-01, 12:34 PM
Big ol' NAY

2009-12-01, 12:44 PM
Nay for me. I have no idea why, but my stomach turns whenever I try to drink it. I don't have any problem with the fact that there are eggs in it, or the texture of it. Just that unique eggnog smell that happens when the rum and eggs and nutmeg combines just does not agree with me at all.

2009-12-01, 01:12 PM
Can't do it. I've tried multiple times to drink it, both with and without, and I just gag every single time I try it. Eggnog is just not my friend. :smallyuk:

So, nay.

2009-12-01, 02:41 PM
Yay for me. I love the stuff. But I have to have a specific brand, some of them will upset my stomach or I just won't like it. Other brands I'll love.


2009-12-01, 02:43 PM

2009-12-01, 09:39 PM
A huge YAY! i aint had it in a LONG time, and I'm cravin' it

2009-12-01, 09:41 PM
Huge NAYYY. Eeewie. I want to gag at the thought of that stuff. :smallyuk:

although my grandma loves it.

2009-12-01, 09:49 PM
I've been giggling through the morning after being reminded of this Alton Brown interview on NPR (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6597856) a few Decemberweens ago.

Andrea Seabrook: (drinks real eggnog for the first time) Mmmmm. How can this be so smooth?
Alton Brown: Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe the fact that ours is made of ... FOOD?

Yep. This family was definitely not about making things themselves... you grow up drinking eggnog out of a carton, you're more likely to prefer it to something homemade.

It's like some vegetables -- from the garden, they have a much stronger planty flavour: somebody who is used to a supermarket's anemic produce might go "eew this tastes weird!" and throw it away. Celery and spinach are two good examples.

2009-12-01, 10:01 PM
I gotta say it depends.

My grandmother's homemade recipe (sans alcohol for me) is a definite, resounding YAY!

That store-bought crap on the other hand, makes me want to projectile vomit every time I drink it:smallannoyed:.
Actually, the Jack Daniels brand eggnog is pretty good, homemade is just so much better :)

2009-12-01, 10:19 PM
Nay! I dislike both homemade and carton eggnog. It's just...:smallyuk:

2009-12-01, 10:44 PM

Eggnog is great, but I usually mix it with a bit o' milk so it's not too heavy. I've never had it with booze.

2009-12-02, 12:35 AM
A most definite Yay!

I love horchata during the summer as well.

2009-12-02, 12:44 AM
There was eggnog. In a cup. Right there.

Now it's not in the cup. There is no more eggnog. Sadface.

2009-12-02, 01:20 AM
definite yay! actually....i have some eggnog in the fridge, and amaretto.... i think i may have a glass right now.

2009-12-02, 12:04 PM
YAY! YAY! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101011010101010

I like egg nog. Yes I do.

2009-12-04, 08:45 PM
i've never had it and i know this sound like a dumb question but...is it actually eggy? :smallconfused:

2009-12-05, 01:08 AM
Big yea!

With quite a bit more than a nip of rum and bourbon, however. Eggnog flavored rum, is probably a better way to describe my preferred version...

2009-12-05, 01:09 AM
a resounding YAY!

... but too much of it at ounce gives me a stomach ache

2009-12-05, 04:49 AM
i've never had it and i know this sound like a dumb question but...is it actually eggy? :smallconfused:

Eggs are a large part of the recipe, if that's what you mean. But, properly made, it's a custard-flavored milkshake with a meringue topping, and so I suppose it's up to whether you can taste all the egg yolks in custard or egg whites in meringue.

2009-12-05, 12:05 PM
I recently learned where the Nog came from.

Nog came from slang for grog, which meant rum.

So.. Eggrum... I'm a bigger fan of Redrum myself :smalltongue:

2009-12-05, 12:11 PM
I'm afraid I've Nay-ver had it.
Sorry about that >.>

2009-12-05, 12:28 PM
I recently learned where the Nog came from.

Nog came from slang for grog, which meant rum.

So.. Eggrum... I'm a bigger fan of Redrum myself :smalltongue:

Grog wasn't actually rum. It was a drink used to combat scurvy on long sea travels, which consisted mainly of lime juice and water, with rum added as a preservative (and an intoxicant). Grog is also a term used in Scandinavian countries to indicate any improvised cocktail made from strong spirits mixed with whatever soda or juice you happen to find in the fridge at the time.

2009-12-05, 01:03 PM
Grog wasn't actually rum. It was a drink used to combat scurvy on long sea travels, which consisted mainly of lime juice and water, with rum added as a preservative (and an intoxicant). Grog is also a term used in Scandinavian countries to indicate any improvised cocktail made from strong spirits mixed with whatever soda or juice you happen to find in the fridge at the time.
Okay then.. Eggrum/lime/water :smalltongue:

I just go by what the food network told me.

2009-12-05, 01:31 PM
Rum and lime juice came later, and the lime before anyone knew why or even that it did any good for scurvy -- since other people were busy drinking vinegar and vitriol. At first it was just cheap beer added to make the slimy barrel-water more palatable.

I think it would be great if people posted eggnog recipes they know and love for others to play with. Alas I don't have a known or loved one, but I did find this which I intend to make at least once. It doesn't have any actual eggs in it since I foreswear eggs for religious reasons.

One can of sweetened condensed milk
1/4 to 1/3 cup of good bourbon (or more :smallcool:)
One pint of whipping cream, whipped
Enough milk to top off a gallon container (probably a half gallon)
Freshly grated nutmeg

Whisk together the sweetened condensed milk and the bourbon in a medium sized bowl. Whisk in a cup or two of milk. Pour into the gallon jar. Add the whipped cream to the jar and fill it with milk. Close the lid and shake it. Like "real" eggnog this gets better with age and will keep in the refrigerator for several days. Shake (or stir) before serving and top each glass with freshly grated nutmeg.

I might add the nutmeg and possibly vanilla seeds, saffron, and cinnamon to the mixture in the jar.

2009-12-05, 10:31 PM

The Archbishop demands eggnog of his followers!

Mauve Shirt
2009-12-05, 10:35 PM
I like eggnog without the alcohol. Not enough to buy it, but it's good.

2009-12-05, 10:49 PM
Eggnog is definitely in my top 5 beverages anywhere for any time. Heck, top 3. I can't think of anything I like more but I'm sure there is one.


2009-12-05, 10:55 PM

So long as it isn't alcoholic.