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2009-12-02, 12:46 AM
Link to OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7421803)

You find yourselves in Nimbortan, a rustic, rough and tumble boom-town on the frontiers of the loosely-allied collective of New Empyrean citadel states. Your recent employer, caravan master Muammar Hafiz, has discharged you until he reforms his caravan in a few weeks.
The Inn of Fourteen Virtues, no sleazier than any in Nimbortan, has become your temporary home. It offers comfortable, clean beds, solid meals and good drink- all at only moderately exorbitant prices.
At the inn, an old man in modest garb approaches one of your group and introduces himself as High Cleric MacKurian, member of the Northending Council of Elders. He arranges a night meeting at his residence near the church.

2009-12-02, 05:39 PM
The wizard is wearing a gray robe with a pipe in his mouth, Lester a human middle aged with a well dark beard on his chin seems to have seen quite a lot in his life.
"So what do you think the man is going to ask of us?"

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-02, 10:23 PM
Lyadin leaned back in his chair, his feet proped up on the table as he took a pull from the flagon of honey mead in his hand. Carefully he watched the Elder walk off, his eyes studying the retreating form as he listened to the wizard speak, "I know not... and I do not find comfort in his attempt at mystery and insistence merged into one another. Spooks me as an angler-fish does the unsuspecting in the dark depths on the water, especially for that man; if he is what he claims to be."

He took another small drink, nursing the sweet drink so as to not let it's succor blind him, "Will we meet with him? While I have enjoyed our work with the Caravan Master... I find myself bored with the steady days and unsurprising nights."

2009-12-04, 12:35 AM
"Boredom is one of the biggest problems, though I hate to give up a steady paycheck."
Will takes another drag from his pipe, releasing the smoke in neat little rings.
"I imagine this would definitely solve the boredom problem and, if its worth our time, will probably make up for the paycheck. I could be enticed into meeting him."
The little halfling hops out of his chair, letting the brown cloak he's wearing scrape against the ground as he gathers orders and goes to get another round of drinks.

2009-12-08, 02:32 AM
Galdoch, cleric of St. Cuthbert

Galdoch turns around in his stool to look at the halfling from where he had been gazing deeply into the fire.

He is a short and wiry man, with a sharp chin and pointy elbows. His hair is graying, although he cannot be more than thirty; the hairs in his goatee and mustache are mostly gray. He wears a robe of white over his shining, steel plate, and a long scarlet cape hangs from his shoulders, pinned with silver.

The fire had reminded him of a dream he had dreamed the night before.

"Surely the search for shiny coins isn't the only reason you continue to grace us with your presence, is it Will?"

2009-12-08, 06:06 AM
Lester, the Wizard

Lester puffs some smoke out and look down at his mug almost empty.
"Well, well Galdoch now our friend just meant that he is excited about helping the cleric and adventuring into dangerous places. Maybe that's enough drinking for today."

He rubs his beard at the same time and nods to Lyadin.

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-08, 11:48 AM
Lyadin shrugs slightly as he finishes off his flagon of honey mead, handing it to Will with a silver piece to get a refill, "We have some time before the Elder wished our presence... I think we should indulge the opportunity to find gainful, and exciting, work."

2009-12-08, 11:15 PM
Will, Halfling Adventurer

"I do enjoy money, but boredom is my ultimate enemy."
Returning with Lyadin's drink, Will shakes the curly brown hair out of his eyes before finishing his response to the cleric.
"You and your god are fantastic combatants in the continual war to stay interested in everyday life. Even without the shiny, I'd be happy to travel with you for years if you promise me more of the fun you've brought so far."
With that, Will leans back in his chair and props his stubby legs up on the table, wiggling his toes in the warm air.
"You might owe me couple silvers for making me scout into that swampwater though. You ruined my second best pair of boots."
With a wink at Galdoch to show he's jesting, Will flips a coin back to Lyadin as change.

Edit: Formatting

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-09, 10:23 AM
Lyadin - Ranger

Lyadin quirks a smile as he listens, lifting a hand and deftly catching the change... his hand snaking out and grabbing each copper piece individually with remarkable reflexes. "I kept telling you I would go... Gods above know I could walk through the swamps where you would be swimming." He barks a laugh and takes a pull from his flagon.

"We should enjoy the rest we have... but be ready soon to depart to the Elders house." Lyadin enjoys his flagon of honey mead, and spends his time flirting around the bar with various women and enjoying swamping tales with local woodsmen about trails and other forest lore.

2009-12-11, 08:27 PM
Will, Halfling Adventurer

Will finishes his drink, takes one last long drag off his pipe, then taps the ash out and stashes the pipe in his belt pouch.

"I'm ready to be away as soon as the rest of you are."

2009-12-15, 02:33 AM
As you make your way towards MacKurian's house, you are aware of being followed. Although you cannot place how or why, and you cannot spot your follower, you have a vague, uneasy sense of evil.
When you arrive at MacKurian's house, the aura seems to wash away as you cross the threshold. He invites you to sit in his living room, and stokes up the fire a little, before settling himself in a lotus position on a small stool.
"Thank you for coming. I apologise for my earlier mystery, but this problem is sufficiently large that I cannot trust anyone in town, and I had difficulty bringing myself to trust even new blood. At any rate, let us get down to business.
"As you are no doubt aware by now, this town is thriving. Many farmers have been made rich by the 'earthsblood' which they discovered in their fields. Unfortunately, the newly rich have found a way to display their wealth that I cannot in good conscience condone - slavery. Although it has been outlawed in New Empyrea for nearly a century, it has reappeared here, with many of the town elders approving and even joining the slave-holders. The prescence of slavery here has made the Elders suspicious, and I was sent as a representative to find out what is happening. Alas, my face is too well-known, and my efforts have been fore naught. The influential owners claim that the entire process is humane, and offer as evidence the fact that the slaves themselves are clean and apparently content, entirely happy to serve. These "slinks", as the owners call them, are entirely obedient, and we have yet to have an incident with them.
"All that my meagre efforts have been able to uncover is this: the slinks are, as far as we can tell, devoid of speech or harmful intent, and seem quite happy to be abused. There have been ordinances enacted to protect them. Nevertheless, I have a bad feeling about them, and I will offer you 5000 New Empyrean nobles for information on where they come from and who sells them."

2009-12-15, 01:40 PM
Will, Halfling Adventurer

Will takes his seat and lights his pipe, puffing merrily at first but gradually slowing as the old man's tale unwinds.

"Slaves? Completely devoid of freedom? What a bloody terrible life. If for no other reason, I feel the need to attempt to free the... uhhh... slinks. I won't turn down the coin though."

2009-12-15, 09:34 PM
Galdoch, cleric of St. Cuthbert

Galdoch's face flashes with anger.

"Slavery cannot be tolerated. If the "slinks" are apparently willing, then there is some enchantment of an evil nature that is not apparent. What is earthblood? And where can we find these slaving farmers?..I'd like a word with them."

2009-12-16, 12:00 AM
"Ah, I had forgotten that you are new in town. Earthsblood is a material which, as its name suggests, flows from certain areas of the ground as freely as blood from a wound. It is an incredible grease, and burns easily, but most importantly it is a novelty, and thus expensive. As to your second question, those farmers who have slinks tend to live in large mansions around the town. I can give you a list of them when you leave. Most of the farmers are still dirt-poor, and even scared that the slinks will take their jobs, so you may have allies there."

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-16, 10:02 AM
Lyadin - Ranger

Lyadin frowns slightly at the discussion, not ever one for someone being arrested from their free-will. "It sounds like a noble goal... and while the money will certainly aid us in endeavors; I believe it is something we all stand united in wanting to see removed from this green land." He crosses his arms, looking up at the ceiling, "You want us to go and speak to the Skiv-Owners; and find out who they have been buying the skivs from? I would think that anyone bartering in so many people, so freely, would be more apparent. Is there no economic or bureaucratic means by which to track this fellow down? Is there anything you would, officially, want us to do if we found this Skiv-trader?"

2009-12-16, 03:23 PM
"I, too, thought that this should be a relatively simple task, but every deal is made quietly, and the owners have no love for me. The slaves themselves never speak, so I get no help from them. As to your second question, I would simply request that you inform me, such that the proper wheels may be set in motion. And should you find out exactly who or what these slinks are, and where they are coming from, I will be extremely grateful.
"In order to aid you in your quest, I have acquired the aid of a member of my order, one who has learned the sword over the prayer, but no less devout for that. He should be arriving any minute now."

Roland St. Jude
2009-12-16, 10:54 PM
Teldin - Paladin

Ushered into the High Cleric's living room as if on cue, is a tall, blond holy man with broad shoulders, a strong build, and stunning smile.

"Greetings Father MacKurian," and spotting the assemblage he adds, "and friends!"

From the sparkle of his bright blue eyes to the just-right sheen of his armor poking out beneath a simple, sleeveless tabard, this was a young man who had been blessed.

"I was sent for," he says simply in the manner of man who took his duties and orders quite seriously, yet the joyful smile never leaves his face.

2009-12-17, 02:51 AM
"Welcome. Please, sit down - I was just informing our friends here of the reason for this investigation. I assume that you have been told already?"

Roland St. Jude
2009-12-17, 06:19 PM
"Yes. A worthy cause." He runs a hand through his short cropped blond hair, and the slightest look of being troubled flashed across his face. "I'm eager to begin."

As he takes a seat, he adds, "I'm Teldin. Pleasure to meet you all."

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-17, 08:50 PM
Lyadin - Ranger

Lyadin's head comes down as he looks to the newcomer, a slight frown marring his lips as he nods to the man politely, "A leaf on the wind." He doesn't expand on the statement as he looks to the Elder with a slightly upset tone.

"I must say I am rather embarrassed that you find us inadequate enough, to bring in another person without first asking our opinion. We have been working together for a while now, though we might be few in number, we are powerful in our coordination. I mean no offense sir," he looks to Teldin before turning his gaze back on the Elder, "but I don't know him, and I don't trust him to have my back in a fight. My compatriots have earned my respect in these matters. I am sure he is a good man, and that all help is appreciative in the matter of clearing up such filth as Slavers, but I am a bit offended by this blunt and rude course you have taken parallel to us, Elder."

2009-12-17, 09:26 PM
Will nods to the new fellow, then listens to Lyadin's speech, bursting out laughing at the end.
"Always so serious with the team cohesion this and bonds of trust that. If this fellow desires to help stop the slavers he's welcome. I may want him to find his own share of the reward, but we can deal with that if the time comes."

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-17, 09:48 PM
Lyadin - Ranger

He gives a withered look to Will, "Saved our life more then it's put it in danger, so far as I have been aware."

Roland St. Jude
2009-12-18, 12:43 AM

Teldin fixes his glare on Lyadin, though his good-natured aura never leaves him. "You, sir, are out of line to insult your host and would-be patron thus. If your patron, a great man of faith, puts his trust in me, it seems odd that you'd not do the same. Unless it is your ego more than your trust that's been threatened."

The paladin's gaze shifts from Lyadin to Galdoch, the fellow Cuthbertine of whom he'd been told, to High Cleric MacKurian and back again. He eyes them all skeptically.

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-18, 11:04 AM
Lyadin - Ranger

"His faith, is not mine. I am not out of line to question my employer. He is not my patron, my father, or my Priest. He's a man, hiring me for a job." The woodsmen didn't try and hide his ire for the new man, he already didn't like his bossy-tone and superior attitude.

"I don't know you, and I already don't like you. I see no reason for why I should want to work with you, or why I was insulted by having you come in without asking my thoughts on it first."

2009-12-18, 11:14 AM
Will, Halfling Adventurer

"Now, hold up there, mate. I said I'd be glad of your help, but I'm the only one allowed to put Lyadin in his place. More importantly, I do it with wit and hilarity. You, on the other hand, just insulted the fellow who will be single-handedly watching your back on this endeavor."
With that, Will lets the anger drains out of his eyes and the laughter returns.
"For punishment, you get to be first in the marching order."

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-18, 01:28 PM
Lyadin - Ranger

Lyadrin throws an appreciative, if not slightly wilted look Will's way. As much as they harped on eachother, they were companions in all of this.

2009-12-18, 03:05 PM
Galdoch, Cleric of St. Cuthbert

The cleric remains silent, a closed mouth smile on his face as he listens to the nearly heated exchange. He rather wonders if Lyadin was just testing the paladin. At any rate, he knew the ranger wouldn't allow any personal concerns with Teldin get in the way of the group's success.

"Ahem, well. You must excuse now some rudeness on our part. Introductions are in order. I am Galdoch, priest of St. Cuthbert."

He points to his companions in turn.

"Lester, master of the arcane arts. A wizard of some renown. Lyadin, our tracker and one of the finest archers in all the land, according to many. And finally Will the halfling..." He hesitates.

"Perhaps Will should elaborate on his job title."

2009-12-24, 11:50 AM
Will, Halfling Adventurer

"I am a master of all things requiring fast hands and a faster mind. That's all you really need to know for now."

2009-12-25, 03:32 AM
MacKurian cuts in.

"While I appreciate the difficulties involved in integrating a new member into such a closely-knit team as you obviously are, I am afraid that I must insist." He pauses for a moment, looking uncomfortable. "Teldin, if you would be so good as to step outside for a moment? There is a certain... matter which etiquette dictates I should not discuss in your presence."

Roland St. Jude
2009-12-25, 12:52 PM

"As you wish," he says sincerely without harshness or sarcasm.

With a slight bow, the big man rises and retreats to another room.

2009-12-25, 03:34 PM
MacKurian checks to make sure that Teldin has left the room, then turns back to the rest of you, lowering his voice.

"I am honestly sorry about this, but this decision at least is beyond my control. The remainder of the High Council, not to mention others highly placed within my own order, are not so trusting as I. I'm afraid that I was only able to convince them to bring in mercenary aid (begging your pardon, but that is how it seemed to them) if I agreed to add a sword of our own. We could not provide the entire force for two reasons: firstly, it would have been far too conspicuous, and secondly, the evil in Garythane is being particularly troublesome at the moment. Teldin was only sent here because certain groups on the council disapproved of his priorities regarding right and authorized. I was lucky to save him from being expelled from the order, and it took a great deal of maneuvering to publicly save my nephew's face."

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-27, 07:02 PM
Lyadin - Ranger

"What do you mean by that? His priorities involving right and authorized? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I was under the impression we were here to stop slavers, not be a political tool. If your nephew has a moral compass pointed constantly south, I don't want him with us."

2009-12-27, 10:55 PM
Galador, Cleric of St. Cuthbert

"I believe our good patron means that the council authorized him on account of his having a view of right that is aberrant to that of the rest of his order.

Political dealings aside, I would wish to know the nature of this discrepancy between his and the order's viewpoints."

Galador smiles, and bows slightly to Lyadin.

2009-12-28, 03:07 AM
MacKurian smiles wearily.

"I apologize for bringing politics into this, but I have no real choice in any part of this matter. Regarding his difference of opinion: I am given to understand that while on a critical mission to save certain people with key information about Garythane, he noticed the hundreds of other prisoners. Despite strict orders to the contrary, he returned the next night and attempted a mass jailbreak of the prisoners, many of whom he knew. This was frowned upon by certain of those who feel that law is more important than Good. As I said, it was all that I could do to prevent him from being expelled from the order. I sometimes wonder whether Garythane is really our worst problem when I look at the council's scheming and antics in the name of Good."

Forgotten T.S.
2009-12-28, 12:50 PM
Lyadin - Ranger

Casually he took a moment to playfully bite his thumb at the Cleric, before returning his attention to the Elder, "So... he's reckless and foolhardy when he believes he's doing the right thing? Excellent. I'm not going to argue about it anymore... obviously you won't let us perform the service without helping your families political standing at the same time. I would be remiss in my responsibilities and moral code if I turned this job away, due to something that doesn't truly stand in my way."

He looks around to his companions, "If any of you would like to continue against this on my behalf, I would be most appreciative. Or perhaps garner Will a few more coin for our drinks to bide our demurred feelings." With that the woodsmen collapsed into a chair gracefully, and pulled out a pipe which he proceeded to load and light. Casually he pulled his hood up, obscuring his face in shadow to keep his thoughts to himself. The light from the lit herb giving a red glow to the otherwise stoic features.

2009-12-28, 03:39 PM
"Thank you for your understanding. Teldin will likely have begun his evening devotion by now, and he hates being disturbed. Shall I arrange for him to meet you at your inn at, let us say, 7 of the morning clock tomorrow?"

2009-12-28, 09:42 PM
Will, Halfling Adventurer

"Meeting with us tomorrow will be sufficient. Be warned, though, that we have no stake in his survival. Should we decide that he is being too foolhardy or putting any of us in danger, we will not hesitate to put him squarely in harm's way to mitigate his failures. As well, we will need... an extra share of 500 for the religious nut and an extra 50 a piece for the risk to us. We all desire to do what's right, but these people's freedom is not necessarily worth my life."

2009-12-29, 12:00 AM
Galdoch, Cleric of St. Cuthbert

"Will's word on financial matters represents that of the party, as always," the Cleric puts in with a sober face. "We shall see you at 7."

With that, he moves over to pull up a chair beside the ranger, and nods to him to indicate that as usual he too wishes to partake in his friend's pipe, pulling out his own bag of herb and tossing it on the end-table.

The cleric smiles, taking pleasure in a brief reflection on the colloquial, religious concept that prayers rise with smoke to the gods.

2009-12-29, 01:07 AM
MacKurian nods.

"Very well. I suppose that my influence can extend that far, at least."

He stands.

"I'm afraid that I must cut our visit short. An old friend, who would prefer that his presence here was unknown, is visiting me in something under an hour. It was pleasant to meet you. Teldin will see you in the morning, and you know where to find me if need be."