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View Full Version : Crazy PC's

2009-12-02, 11:30 PM
i am currently running a Star Wars game with some friends, and I have one player who plays a bit crazy. He's a bounty hunter(Star Wars fighter basically) and he has got an odd need to collect guns. Gurrently he has 1 medium Repeating Blaster with added bayonet, Two Pistols, A stun net launcher, 2 knives, a Vibrosword, 3 Hold Out Blaster(Star Wars Derringer.)

Well in the last game he managed to talk his way into an black market armor shop and rather then look at everything the shop keeper had he simply bought the Durasteel plate suit that was the the most expensive thing in the shop and the first thing the shopkeeper offered him. I had the keeper ask several times if he'd like to look at anytghing else but nope he wanted the shiny metal set.

The irony is that he left a cheaper and actually better(stats wise) suit of armor in the shop because he did this. The keeper made a killing of course.

This player has a habit of complaining about said things and this is what worries me. The rest of the group knows about the shop now thanks to him and if any of them buys something there after looking at everything on the wall he's bound to find out about about the set he didn't buy.

How should I respond to him when he starts complaining about not getting the best armor in the shop?

2009-12-02, 11:34 PM
How should I respond to him when he starts complaining about not getting the best armor in the shop?
"You got what you wanted, why are you complaining?".

2009-12-02, 11:36 PM
I'll need more than that for him. The way he plays he'll try to get back in after the others come back with their stuff if they go there and the shop owner isn't going to let him in this time.

2009-12-02, 11:42 PM
Well if he tries to force it, just have the black market people react appropriately. He had his chance and several times the guy offered to show him other things and he refused, you can't make them take the shiny deal you have prepared for them.

2009-12-02, 11:45 PM
Then the blaster in the wall will pop out....if he forces it too much....:belkar:

2009-12-03, 12:09 AM
Think back to before 3rd Edition. You did Not MESS WITH SHOPKEEPERS!!

If he really forces the issue, turns out the shopkeeper is 10+levels higher than the player, with a dozen goons who can be there to help out inside 2 rounds.

Though if the player hasn't yet made an issue, why would the shopkeeper not let him in the second time? Usually it's more difficult to get in the first time.
Unless he's been an indiscreet fool, got caught by the storm troopers, then ratted out the shop where he bought his armor and equipment.

Hey, that's the Hapan Battlecruiser on the left of your sig, what's the black and white drawing of? I remember it from the old 'vehicles and ships book' but can't remember the name.

2009-12-03, 12:14 AM
Sadly his way is to try and mess with the shopkeepers. He can't get into the weapon shop now for this reason. To top it off he spent everything getting the suit so he has to try and talk the guy into buying back the set to get the better one.

So basically if he plays as usual....he's not going to get back in the place because he ticked off the shop owner.

Hapan Nova Class Battlecruiser

2009-12-03, 12:15 AM
Sadly his way is to try and mess with the shopkeepers. He can't get into the weapon shop now for this reason. To top it off he spent everything getting the suit so he has to try and talk the guy into buying back the set to get the better one.

So basically if he plays as usual....he's not going to get back in the place because he ticked off the shop owner.Shopkeepers never buy anything back at full price, particularly not black marketers, so he's gonna take a credit hit even in his "best circumstances".

2009-12-03, 01:57 AM
I really think this is going to be one of those cases where you have to be prepared for the possibility of him being amazingly stupid, and thereby he might even die. If someone was trying to break into my black market shop and I owned lots of armor/guns etc, then I figure it's my duty to remove that level of stupidity from the gene pool.

2009-12-03, 02:14 AM
You'll laugh at this. He almost didn't get in the place because he wasn't willing to pay the places door fee to enter and actually tried to talk the guy down on his entrance fee.

2009-12-03, 02:40 AM
Just make sure the shopkeeper tries to sell overpriced stuff to the next PC who walks in there, too. If the player watches another PC haggle the guy down and get better armour 30% cheaper, it might send a message to him.

If he does go mess with the shopkeeper, let him. You pull a gun in a black market weapon shop you better be ready to die. The shopkeeper him/herself doesn't have to be uber, but his/her 10-30 alien friends and competitors, and the 2 heavily armed cops who are bribed, and the trained attack [star wars monster of your choice] might not be in such a good mood. Oh and they all have security droids too, of course.

Other shopkeepers might pull out guns to help this guy even if they don't like him, just out of solidarity and to make sure people don't start messing with their shops next.

2009-12-03, 03:07 AM
Don't worry he'll act the same to anyone else. They are a gambler and a smuggler so wouldn't want the Durasteel plate armor anyway so wouldn't really want to buy the better suit anyway but they still might look it over. Bear in mind that he bought a suit made out of ship plate metal so when he got the final stats he wasn't happy about the weight(it's heavy) and perception(the helmet is made of metal) penalties that the armor had but still didn't look at anything else.

The better suit has that same protection stats but because it's made of Plastisteel(think Stormtrooper armor) it has half the weight penalty. And it costs less because the stuff it's made of is cheaper.

The shop keeper has in his back wall an automated E-Web(the huge gun in Empire on the tripod) so if he does mess with the guy the bounty hunter will not survive.

2009-12-03, 03:25 AM
This post is taking me back to the days I would pour over those old original weapon compendiums they had for starwars. I've still got those along with the ship, planet, and people versions. Good days pouring over those deciding what the perfect load out was.

2009-12-03, 08:30 AM
I just wanna second the idea that if the player wants to start something then the shopkeeper should be more than ready to finish it. Being on the black market and all, I'm sure he's been in this situation before and is ready for it.

2009-12-03, 08:42 AM
The first and most important rule of gun-running is: Never get shot with your own merchandise. -Yuri Orlov, "Lord of War"

Personal favorite: Trapdoor -the floor on the customer side in the shop, to a garbage chute or a holding cell.

2009-12-03, 09:42 AM
Personal favorite: Trapdoor -the floor on the customer side in the shop, to a garbage chute or a holding cell.

That gives me an idea. The group has fought Dianogas allot lately and this player has almost gotten eaten several times so a trap door to the sewer would be quite up his alley as a 'don't screw with the shopkeepers' message giver.

One thing to note, the player has already welded his net launcher into the gauntlets. On the net launcher, he had the gaul to complain about the stats of the thing not being UBER enough for him...basically it does x stun damage a round and has x strength needed to break out(if it doesn't stun the person in it they can try to break out.) Well it's meant for humans so he was quick to complain that a wookie might break out of the thing. :confused:

2009-12-03, 11:04 AM
Bear in mind that he bought a suit made out of ship plate metal so when he got the final stats he wasn't happy about the weight(it's heavy) and perception(the helmet is made of metal) penalties that the armor had but still didn't look at anything else.

The better suit has that same protection stats but because it's made of Plastisteel(think Stormtrooper armor) it has half the weight penalty. And it costs less because the stuff it's made of is cheaper.

Why does the metal armor exist if the Plasisteel armor is equivalent or better in every way?

2009-12-03, 11:08 AM
Why does the metal armor exist if the Plasisteel armor is equivalent or better in every way?

You can't attach weapons onto Plastisteel basically it's a trade off better dexterity vs more options. He likes looking up the stats for Boba Fett's suit and keeps wanting me to magic up one for him.

Edit: The shop keeper was willing to mix and match parts so if he had taken the time he could have bought the Plastisteel Armor but swapped out the gauntlets for the Durasteel ones. There is one other advantage to the Durasteel, if it takes a hit and saves his life it is more likely to be repairable then the Plastisteel would be. Once shot through you have to replace the armor piece damaged with the Plastisteel where you can patch the metal plate.

2009-12-03, 09:17 PM
On a final note, he doesn't like it when I do something bad to him when he rolls a natural 1 on the die.

He also grips every time a NPC, like the shopkeeper, beats him at a roll like bargain.

I sometimes think that he thinks because I'm a player I should get my way all of the time. A friend of his laughed last game every time he did this. He will grip when another member of the group finds money and he doesn't, etc.

2009-12-03, 09:26 PM
On a final note, he doesn't like it when I do something bad to him when he rolls a natural 1 on the die.

You do Critical fumbles?

He also grips every time a NPC, like the shopkeeper, beats him at a roll like bargain.

I sometimes think that he thinks because I'm a player I should get my way all of the time. A friend of his laughed last game every time he did this. He will grip when another member of the group finds money and he doesn't, etc.

Does this happen often? I would also not like an NPC beating me at a roll too. Especially if you purposely made the NPC win (by making NPc several levels higher for no reason).

2009-12-04, 12:39 AM
Search 'Critical Fumble'. We had a thread a few days ago on the topic that gave good opinions on why some people like them and some will quit games if the DM mentions he's using them.

2009-12-04, 03:07 PM
The problem isn't the character it's the player himself. He constantly questions my judgement calls and has actually forced me to be stricter on the rules then I'd usually be when I fudge them because they get in the way of fun, hence why I do a critical fumbles every natural 1 now(because that's the rule), and forces me to have to explain everything.


He catches a convict and rolls very badly on the roll to lock him up.

The convict gets out of the cuffs and gets away.

He demands how(I've tried you have no idea he just did).

I say he picked them. [or you didn't lock them(doesn't buy so I'm back to <--)]

Where did he get the pick? [or he found a paper clip etc (see above)]

But I searched him! Where did he hide it. and so on!

5 mins later

Frustrated: Out of his ass......

2009-12-04, 03:14 PM
Search 'Critical Fumble'. We had a thread a few days ago on the topic that gave good opinions on why some people like them and some will quit games if the DM mentions he's using them.

This. It sounds like he's frustrated by randomness, and likes a somewhat more predictable game. Now, what you do also depends on the preferences of other players...some like randomness.

But auto-fail on a 1 can be frustrating, especially when it's an easy task.

As for things like him not wanting to talk to the NPC, but shovel credits at the first thing he offers...well, tough cookies. Thats part of the game.