View Full Version : Ninja Assassin

2009-12-03, 12:43 PM
Well I think the old thread is dead, and frankly after reading the old thread that's probably a good thing.

Now that the movie is out we can discuss it rather than... you know what? I'll just stop there.

I actually had a lot of fun watching this movie with my brother and a friend. I'm not sure I would call this a good movie, but I was most definitely entertained. There were a few times where I was laughing in a sort of, wow I can't believe I just saw that, way.

Upon leaving the theater my brother compared it to a rambo movie and the only thing I could say was, "Yeah, except rambo usually only gets stabbed once."

Thoughts? Comments?

2009-12-03, 01:48 PM
Good action, nothing else. Still, you don't go to a movie called "Ninja Assassin" expecting Oscar Wilde.

It helped kill an afternoon, anyway.

2009-12-03, 01:50 PM
I still can't believe someone was paid money to come up with a title like "Ninja Assassin". :smallannoyed:

2009-12-03, 03:32 PM
I went and saw this.........Worst movie I've ever seen. Seriously. I went into it expecting a bad movie but a good action flick, and it failed to even get that far.
Shaky camera can only run for so long, and when 90% (pulled out of my butt) is shaky camera during action, it gets annoying.
Seriously, the movie was nearly impossible to see action broken up by utterly boring obligatory nonsense story. The action would have been good if, you know, I could see what was going on.
About half way into the movie I was ready to walk out because there was this crazy intense action scene, but for the life of me I spent the entire movie not knowing what's going on or who's winning.

Don't get me started on the story. Now, I know Japanese plots tend to revolve around honor and vengeance, but this was straight up bottom of the barrel.
"You done killed a girl I sort of might have liked!"
Seriously, he had the weakest connection at best to this girl, and he's going ape doody over it all. Let's not forget his Goku powers, where he is Gimpy-G weakest ninja ever. Then gets hit a couple of times and suddenly is top ninja numbah 1, BELIEVE IT!
Then we have the stupid "Ninjas exist I'm not crazy" story going on, and that's the majority of the utterly boring.

I just absolutely couldn't stand it. Terrible on every front in my opinion.

2009-12-03, 05:00 PM
I went and saw this.........Worst movie I've ever seen. Seriously.
I honestly find that hard to believe.

Shaky camera can only run for so long, and when 90% (pulled out of my butt) is shaky camera during action, it gets annoying.
Seriously, the movie was nearly impossible to see action broken up by utterly boring obligatory nonsense story. The action would have been good if, you know, I could see what was going on.
About half way into the movie I was ready to walk out because there was this crazy intense action scene, but for the life of me I spent the entire movie not knowing what's going on or who's winning.
Maybe I am that rare person that can actually see these movies, but I had no problem telling what was going on and this wasn't a shaky cam movie. The opening of Saving Private Ryan was shaky cam, this wasn't. Just like with Transformers, I didn't have any problems seeing what was happening. Either a lot of people are given to exaggeration on issues like this, or a lot of people need to get their eyes checked. Of course, there were parts that were difficult to see but they were rare. Then again it's a movie about ninjas, they "typically" don't fight in broad daylight.

I won't defend the plot though. It was as paper thin as I expected. Honestly, anyone who expected more out of the plot has only themselves to blame. The previews make it pretty clear this isn't a "plot" kind of movie. It's an excuse to see ninjas kill each other and potentially anyone else who wonders on screen. This is a B movie (at best) with marketing and some polish.

2009-12-11, 02:44 PM
I'll be honest with you...

I was expecting a cheesy action movie. I got a good cheesy action movie.

It was better than expected. The ending had a good wrap-up, the action scenes were very nice and diversified. The whole "Shadow Magic" was well done for ninjas. The movie surprised me from time to time (ex: the fight against the Mafia Beef), and the Soldiers Vs Ninja ending battle was... awesome. :smallbiggrin:

Don't go see that movie with any expectation. And you will be very satisfied.

2009-12-11, 02:58 PM
I still can't believe someone was paid money to come up with a title like "Ninja Assassin". :smallannoyed:

It does get the point across, though.

2009-12-11, 04:12 PM
It does get the point across, though.

Not really. I haven't read anything besides the title and I'm still confused about whether or not it's about a ninja who is also an assassin (redundant!) or an assassin who solely targets ninjas or a mix of the two. Like an assassin who is a ninja that kills ninjas only. Or even just other ninja assassins. Which would make him as overspecialized as Jefferson Twilight.

2009-12-11, 04:29 PM
Not really. I haven't read anything besides the title and I'm still confused about whether or not it's about a ninja who is also an assassin (redundant!) or an assassin who solely targets ninjas or a mix of the two. Like an assassin who is a ninja that kills ninjas only. Or even just other ninja assassins. Which would make him as overspecialized as Jefferson Twilight.

For whatever it's worth, you've basically got the gist of it in there.

2009-12-11, 05:01 PM
For whatever it's worth, you've basically got the gist of it in there.


So, it actually make sense as a title, doesn't it? :smallbiggrin: