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View Full Version : [3.5] Breakin' back into DMing with Eberron!!

2009-12-03, 01:40 PM
<crawls out of a recently-dug foxhole covered in mud>

Greetings once again. It's been well over a year since I've last run a game, and I've been itching to run one off-and-on for sometime. After a bit of hemming and head-scratching, I've asked myself “What have I got to lose but time and Guardsmen?” Nothing major, so I'm looking to run a game in my favorite campaign setting: Eberron!!

I own both the Eberron Campaign Setting and the Eberron Explorer's Handbook, so I'll be reading the Emperor-loving crap out of those to prepare. Probably a good idea considering the fact I've never played a single game in that setting in my life. I just love the fluff and crunch so much I'm willing to jump into the setting with no true experience and run a game in it. I might invest in one other Eberron book, but am perfectly open to suggestions as to which one.

Most of the gamers around here are fairly experienced in 3.5, but there are a fair few people who have recently joined our club (a gaming club run through the local college) who have little-to-no experience with the game at all. It's these newcomers I'm hoping to draw, so I'd like to take it easy on them at the start. I'm thinking one or two one-shot adventures should do the trick to begin with, then if they're interested we can dovetail into a full-blown campaign.

What I ask of the playground is advice for the following:

Ideas for simple one-shot adventures for low-level parties
Class concepts that are fairly easy newcomers to grasp aside from the obvious ones; I'll be writing these myself, and I don't want them getting bogged down with the bookkeeping that classes such as Wizards and Druids need
Would it be a wise idea to have a co-DM? It's been a long time since I've run anything, and I'm obviously unfamiliar with the setting. It might be a good idea to have someone do the on-the-fly looking-up when my attention is clearly needed for things like keeping the plot going

I can't think of anything else right now, and I have some things IRL to I need attend to. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, complaints, or constructive criticism, go ahead and post away. I'll post more as I think of it.


2009-12-03, 04:47 PM
1. Re: Book suggestion. Races of Eberron provides additional support for Eberron's unique races, and very good support, I might add. Heck, it even has a feat for Goblinoids. Magic of Eberron is also pretty good; some of its magic items were ported into Magic Item Compendium, but its PrCs are pretty interesting.

2. Many low-level Eberron adventures involve using its transportation systems. Duels on trains, airships, and the like are quite memorable. One generic hook could be a Dragonmarked house hiring the PCs to transport something (that everyone wants, naturally) across the continent. With all the factions in Eberron, it's possible to get caught in a situation where they have to choose one side just to survive. The Emerald Claw, the Chamber, the Lords of Dust, the Dreaming Dark, one of the Five Nations, ---you name it. Or it could be a simple dungeon delve in Xen'Drik. Lots of exploration to do there. Just make sure you don't send the low-level characters to the Mournland. o_o

3. I honestly don't get the difficulty people have with bookkeeping---if they're low-level characters it should be fine. My very first campaign started at Lv 5, and my players were all 12-15. We didn't have bookkeeping problems.
IMO, bookkeeping only becomes a hassle when you go past Lv 12 or so and took the Collegiate Wizard feat. By then you could literally have several dozen spells.
Eberron presents a decent alternative: Psionics. You only track one number instead of having a massive spell sheet. Unlike most settings, Eberron actually has a canonical space for Psionics, so you shouldn't have fluff problems with that.

4. Whatever helps. As long as he/she's on the same page with you and is trustworthy enough. It does take a massive amount of responsibility to DM effectively, and it might be helpful if someone can co-write the adventures with you.

Keld Denar
2009-12-03, 05:15 PM
Obligatory link is obligatory. (http://www.angelfire.com/dragon3/captainjarlot/index.html)

Read this, and then make an airship pirates swashbuckling adventure. YARRRRR!!!!!!