View Full Version : Entering the Dreamscape

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-05, 05:56 AM
Running. You're running. From something? You feel terrified, as if something is chasing after you, at any rate. You can't make out your surroundings, as they're a bit of a blur, but you think you can make out trees rushing past you... As you run, you hear panting and snarling behind you - the sounds of some large animal giving chase.

As you run, you take a glance up at the sky. It's pink, as if some particularly magnificent sunset were going on right now, except that the entire sky is that colour, rather than just the western half. That's odd.

Suddenly, there's no ground under you to run on anymore - did you just run off a cliff?! As you're falling, you see a figure standing in the air above the, yes, cliff you just fell off of. She - definitely a she, she's wearing Eriol Academy's girls' uniform - is fighting against a black something with a sword shining with light.

As she strikes the final blow, you see another dark shape leap out of the forest, off the cliff, and towards her. You feel your heart ache for a moment - you want to warn her, but...

You're not falling anymore. More... floating, now. The girl is gone - as is the cliff, and the clouds. Just that pink sky remains, all around you. Walking towards you in the pink nothingness is another figure. A boy this time - he's wearing a school uniform as well, but certainly not the Eriol Academy one. He's holding a dagger, dripping with blood, as well as a nasty smirk on his face, half-covered by his long, black hair. He steps towards you, and suddenly transforms into a huge, towering black... thing!

You want to scream. But before that can happen, two more figures leap out from behind you. One resembles a cat... and a girl, at the same time, while the other is a boy around your own age, with a tattered Eriol Academy uniform. They both look startlingly familiar.

And then you wake up.

* * *

It's the first day of the new semester today. Remember, summer uniform - it's April now. The trip to school is quite uneventful - the dreams, or nightmares, from last night made you get up pretty early, so there aren't that many pedestrians on the streets yet.

As you arrive in the school grounds, there are already some students milling around - even though school doesn't start for a good half hour. Well, they do serve breakfast in the cafeteria... some people might get here early for that.

2009-12-05, 01:41 PM

Roy had just arrived at the school after performing his morning chores. He decided today would be a good day to arrive early, as he had to perform his seasonal inspection of the school grounds. With his notebook, a tape measure, and a small level, he checked out everything and anything that could be wrong.

Ok, mental review of written checklist.

First, check for any and all signs of vandalism. Broken windows, graffiti, litter, anything at all.
Next, check to see that all the plants (both grass and trees) are the proper colors for this time of the year.
Finally, use the tape measure and determine whether the distances between certain plants and the school has changed.

Roy checks his notebook to make sure his mental checklist is the same as his written checklist. Then he goes to work looking around the school and measuring various things.

2009-12-05, 02:51 PM

James awoke in a tangle of blankets on the floor. It wasn't that unusual. He usually thrashed about in his sleep. Some people would worry about it, but James had bigger problems. His alarm was going off. He'd been given a couple different Alarms that were capable of music, and occasionally he got asked why he didn't use them. The answer was simple of course. A Musical Alarm resulted in him just listening to the Music. Harsh blaring tones woke him up though.

No matter how much I hate them.

James quickly moved through out the house, taking care of everything he needed to, though a couple of times he caught himself staring into space. That was just how James life worked though. In a couple of minutes he was out the door, dressed in his uniform (he'd put on the Winter Uniform at first, changed out of it, put another Winter Uniform, before finally stopping himself and focusing on the Summer Uniform) and carrying his Violin Case, and a piece of Bread upon which he could have sworn he put butter, but it appeared like he had forgotten to. The boy just ate it anyways.


James shows up early to the School, but not really that early for him. He saw the people milling around, but didn't notice them. Nor did he notice the boy examining randomn things around the school. His mind was already focused on other things. He'd picked up a copy of the Berg Violin Concerto, and he was already going over it in his mind. The simple mysteries of students early for school, and a boy measuring the distance between the weeds in the flower pots and the school couldn't touch his focus. Instead, he just headed straight for the music room. Despite being early, he'd probably be late for first period, but he didn't much care.

2009-12-05, 04:22 PM
Jessica Calloway

Jessica was awake in a flash. She had once again anticipated her alarm. She reached over to her clock-radio and waited a moment. Her alarm began beeping. It was quickly silenced.

Sighing, Jessica stared at the ceiling. It was time to get ready for yet another day at Eriol. She threw her comforter aside and got out of bed. Opening her closet, she picked out a summer uniform, pink and black striped knee socks, and a particularly cute pair of what she referred to as hobo-gloves (for they possess no fingertips). It wouldn't likely be very cool, but she had an image to keep.

A quick shower later, Jessica stood in front of her mirror, applying her makeup. When she finished, she looked up, satisfied. Now there's our ersatz princess of darkness, she thought. A giggle escaped her lips. She headed downstairs.

Jessica's mother, Susan, greeted her when she reached the kitchen. She asked if she had slept well.

"Only if by well you mean that I was free from the pointless drudgery that is my life did I sleep well, mother." Jessica responded, curtly. Her mother tsk'd as always at her tone.

Upon arriving, she saw that the school was unusually popular this early this day, it seemed. Jessica looked around for her usual group. She saw none, and was momentarily glad until she realized she had no form of entertainment. They would show up, though. Until then, Jessica decided she would lurk about until first period drew near.

2009-12-07, 12:09 AM

He was sluggish while awake, so no wonder anything could set Adam's awake once deep slumbering. Not without a ruckus. When he woke this morning, however, he had a pleasant look on his face; A thin smile and a faint feeling of joy. He thought that maybe, only maybe, today would be a good day. That is, until he saw on his watch what time it was... "DAMN!" On its little plastic screen showed he was late. Dread late. Lecture-time late.

Storming around the room, he went running for his books and his backpack; as always, they were on the usual place. He didn't brush the censurable mess that was his hair and again storm the room after his clothes, to be found once more on the usual place. He went straight to the kitchen, but no food greeted him. True, his roomate had left... "No time! I eat later!" he hurried.

The last run should be the hardest, he realized. Down the building he greeted old grandma Mackenzie, his landlady, and ran for all he was worth. The buss was not there, as per usual, so he ran more. The school was just 2 miles away and he'd ran 4 if it meant to keep the teachers out of his back. He ran, he stopped for air, he tripped and felt and ran some more.

Once on Eriol's ground, he finally rested... for not that long, since he heard and saw his buss passing by, only stopping to deliver some students. Adam realized; His watch was broken. Had been for awhile. He screamed out of his lungs in rage and frustration, as loud as someone in sane mind would scream. Resumed it to sit down on a bench right in front of Eriol's and wait for his class to begin. Like that was Adam's life to the core. "Sigh. Oh well..."

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-07, 05:22 AM
The school, as one, turn to stare at Adam for a moment as he screams, and then quickly gets back to what it was doing before. Adam screaming because he was early wasn't that weird, after all.

For a moment, no one says anything to him. But then he gets tapped on the shoulder. "Oy." The voice is masculine and apparently not very pleased. If Adam stops to think he might recognise it as belonging to Hirogi Matsuda - second-year and local attitude problem. He's sitting right next to Adam, seemingly having just woken up. "You gonna keep it down? I have a hangover."

Jessica, however, gets a much more exuberant welcome this morning. A girl, a few years younger than her - she's in junior high - bounds up to her, grinning. "Calloway!" She's wearing a pink collar around her neck, a pink cowboy hat (it's against the dress code, but she doesn't care) and she has, startlingly, pink hair as well. It's easy to recognise Konoko Miyako - if it was possible to have an anti-goth, she would certainly be it. "Sempai! Good morning!" Say what you want about Miyako, she was at least pleasant. If loud.

She has a reputation as being something of a heartbreaker, but seeing how she acts it's hard to imagine that she does it deliberately.

Roy gets several odd looks. One girl, with long black hair, glasses, and a rather bookish appearance - judging from her uniform, she's the same age as Miyako - stares at him for a moment. "Uuh... Sempai, what are you doing...?" This girl... isn't very well known. She keeps to herself, usually. Startlingly, she's also the student council president, but no one recognises her - well, apart from the student council, of which there are three other members. Her name is Hirogi Jun - yes, Matsuda's sister.

* * *

James doesn't meet anyone on his way to the music room. He does hear piano music drifting from it, however - judging by the ocassional mistakes, it's probably one of the students playing, and not a teacher.

2009-12-07, 12:12 PM

James winces at every mistake. He didn't mind listening to others play, but he demanded from them the same level perfection he demanded from himself. That explained why he wasn't popular, even in the music problem.

...or it is at least one reason...

James shook his head, clearing out the thoughts that were running inside it. He wasn't here to listen to Piano. He was here for Berg. Exchange a few pleasantries, act distracted, should get him through it. James wasn't above using his lack of focus to get out of things... did they have to keep missing that note!?!


James burst into the Music room, shouting the note the student needed to finish the chord. He then realized what he had done.

...damn it.

2009-12-07, 12:22 PM

Adam stare at his new company and dig his face on his hands. "I am sorry, Matsuda-san." That kind of tail-between-his-legs behavior of Adam that allowed others to step on him ever since his childhood. In a fruits basket he was always the Onigiri.

Matsuda was a real trouble-maker and he normally didn't pick on Adam, there wasn't much fun in that. They hadn't talked in ages, and hadn't been friends since kindergarten. Adam also remembers about his sister... They used to play together when kids, but now they are both important students and ol' Adam is not.

Another voice, a sweet loud one, called to Adam's attention; Miyako-san, from the junior third year. Even if he was older than her, too older, Adam couldn't help but to have a crush on the flamboyant girl. But, what chance an otaku like him would have? He didn't even told anyone about it. "Sigh..." He digs his face on his hands once again.

ROOOUUGH, his stomach burst in a loud protest only to remember poor Adam about his non-existent breakfast. "Ahh... Damn, I am hungry."

2009-12-07, 12:30 PM

"I'm inspecting the school for vandalism and to check that the school's feng shui hasn't changed. The flow of energy in the school is already quite bad. I just want to make sure it doesn't become any worse."

Roy looks up from the flower box and looks at the girl.

"Hello, my name is Roy. I'd shake your hand, but I'm a little bit dusty at the moment."

Roy resumes his work, but stays close to the girl so as to provide an appearance of looking friendly.

"Do I know you from somewhere, by any chance? Are you one of my sister's friends?" He says this simply to keep the conversation going, but she did look familiar, even if she wasn't his sister's friend. Maybe he saw her in a school photo or something.

"Were you ever a member of the Interior Design & Architecture Club? If not, I'm always looking for more members."

"Wait, I'm sorry, I've annexed three or four more clubs since then. It's now the Interior Design, Flower Arrangement, Historical Tree Preservation, Bonzai, Manzai, Bird-Watching, & Architecture Alliance."

There is too much grey. I'm switching my character's font color to Olive.

2009-12-07, 06:58 PM
Jessica Calloway

Oh, great, here comes the Happygasm...

Jessica looked dryly at Miyako. "To what do I owe the disdain, She-Whose-Color-Harms-My-Eyes?" She didn't particularly dislike Miyako, but they didn't mesh well. Or at least, the mask of Jessica didn't mesh well with Miyako. Gothic princess of darkness and plucky bright-little-daisy don't mesh easily. Still, the girl was generally pleasant, even toward her, for which Jessica respected her.

Still, though, the hair was a bit much. Theming oneself in pink was fine, if that's your thing. But the hair was like... tiny stripes of bubblegum. She imagined for a moment chewing on Miyako's head, causing her almost to utter a giggle. Speaking of bubbles, like it or not, it was time for Jessica to burst hers.

Jessica looked at Miyako with mournful eyes. She spoke, softly, "What exactly about this morning do you classify as good? Certainly not the fact that we're wasting our time here at Eriol; certainly not my company. The only thing good about this morning is that I know it will, like life, eventually end."

She awaited Miyako's response, feeling a little bad about being so blunt and harsh. The girl was young, and didn't really deserve this kind of treatment. Young? Were you not once so young yourself? You turned out just fine.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-08, 05:36 AM
As James bursts into the room, there's the familiar discord of a pianist suddenly hitting far more notes than she intended. Everyone in the music room - of which there are only two - turns to stare at James. The Pianist is Rachel Johnson - second year in high school and acclaimed best pianist in the academy. Indeed, she doesn't usually play this badly. Maybe it's because of how much she's shaking - but that could be from the shock of James, of all people, yelling at her.

The other occupant is... in high school. Some high school, at any rate - he's not wearing the right uniform. He has black hair, which covers one of his eyes, and gives an air of utter disdain. He gives a sigh. "Must you be so loud...?"

* * *

Matsuda stares at Adam for a while, then sighs. "Jesus, even your stomach's being loud. Eat something, moron. The cafeteria's open." Matsuda never utters Adam's name, even though it's pretty clear that he does remember his old friend - and later, his sister's friend. He's just trying to distance himself, really.

Jun edges slightly away from Roy. "Uh... I'm on the student council, sempai. M-my name's Jun. H-hirogi Jun, I mean..." Either she's just shy, or Roy is freaking her out a little. "I'm not really a member of any clubs. I'm not allowed. It would create bias..."

Miyako - who is not a first year, she's a third year in junior high school - tilts her head to one side in a calculated display of weapons-grade Cute. "Well, it's not raining sempai. Doesn't that make it a better morning than most?" She pauses for a few seconds, then crosses her arms with a pout. "What's with all those difficult words anyway?" She siiighs melodramatically, looking up at the sky. "Oh well..." She then looks down and beams happily. "I like your hair!"

Oh no! Miyako's attacking Jessica with her Manic Pixie Dream Girl cliché!

Remember, in the waking world, only the highest result counts - and if there's a tie, the person with the least dice wins.

2009-12-08, 10:11 AM

James sighed, looking at the person he didn't recognize cooly. He had forced himself to admit sometime ago that people who weren't musicians had value. But still, they shouldn't be here. And even if they should be, they shouldn't be giving off that air of disdain, like they owned the place.

They can own the outside the Music room. Doesn't interest me.

"Isn't your place to complain. Now could you please leave? The Music Room is for those looking to practice. It isn't for loitering."

James was doing his best to pull himself back together. He turned to Rachel, giving the girl a curt nod.

"Apologies Rachel. Shouldn't have done that. Tristian Chord's are difficult."

Not that difficult. She should pay more attention.

James began looking around the Band Room, picking out a practice room. He'd already completely forgotten about the presence of the unamed High Schooler. He had been banished to somewhere outside the Music Room, and James didn't care where that was. As soon as he complied, he would no longer be James concern, and he would comply, because he wasn't James concern. Of course, there was a problem in that logic, but then again, James wasn't much of a logician.

2009-12-08, 12:14 PM

Adam stares at Matsuda for a while and answer, promptly to adopt his coward-dog behavior. "Y-yes Matsuda-san." The boy stands on his own two feet and walks toward the cafeteria without really understanding his goal.

At the open front of the establishment he dazes off right besides the bench. A sudden pink scream of 'I like your hair' wakes the boy up and he turns over his shoulders to see what was happening, which appears nothing too common. The goth girl, what's-her-name he didn't remember, was being harassed by Miyako-chan's Pink Power. Adam let a smirk out between his bared teeth, the engage was kinda ridiculous both participants trying to overwhelm the other with their strange fashion senses.

2009-12-08, 03:45 PM

"I understand, Hirogi-san."

Hirogi, where have I heard that name before?

"You seem a little tense. Should I get you some tea or something? I swear it doesn't have anything to do with what I'm doing now." he says as he checks that a windowsill is level.

2009-12-08, 07:05 PM
Jessica Calloway

C'mon, Jessica! Six! Six! Six!

Jessica looked darkly at the girl's attempt at cuteness. Two could play that game. But then... why fight fire with fire when fighting it with water is so much more effective? "Oh, dear silly girl... It may not be raining here, now, but can you not feel the imminence with which it approaches? There will come soft rains... then harder, and harder, washing the world away in despair. Weather is nothing about which to be joyous."
Miyako's cuteness was wearing her down. As she spoke, she felt her heart wasn't really in it. Normally, the act was easy. Jessica felt unsettled, as if her attempts were being defeated... she didn't like this feeling.

Jessica retaliates! I'm So Goth, I Bleed Rainbows:

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-09, 07:03 AM
The boy tilts his head slowly to one side, his black hair covering up his other eye for a moment before he brushes it quickly back over the other one. "...Very well." He smirks even though he's being exiled, standing slowly and heading for the door. "You shouldn't be too hard on miss Johnson. She's been having terrible nightmares lately." He says this in a way that almost hints that he finds it funny. As he leaves, he snaps his fingers... for some reason.

Suddenly, Rachel gives a quiet shriek and doubles over, causing a discordant clang of keys.

* * *

Miyako gives a little giggle, reaching out and patting Jessica on the arm. "I'm sure you tell yourself you really think that, too..." She mmms to herself, slowly circling jessica and looking at her quizically. "Y'know, I've always loved your fashion sense, but are you really sure it suits you? I bet some brighter colours would work great... maybe yellow, or a light blue..." The circling is somewhat unsettling, like being circled by a predator about to pounce.

Manic Pixie Dream Girl Attack! [roll0]

Hirogi Jun holds one hand to her head, as if she's just gotten a headache. "I... that would be nice, actually, sempai. I don't feel well all of a sudden..."

Roy! Roll against your most 'perceptive' cliché. Target number 10.

Also, Miyako is rolling well today. Ouch. But luckily you'll get a chance to get your own back on her when you've levelled up some more! NPCs don't get stronger unless the story demands it and I can't think of why Miyako would need to be more of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

2009-12-09, 09:47 AM

James had turned around, shocked that the fellow had still been in the Music Room. James really had to stop losing track of people so easily. He watched the fellow leave, still not sure what was going on.

She isn't the only one... was he in my dream last night?

James shook his head. It wasn't like it mattered. The kids was a student. If he had been, James must have just seen him around somewhere. Whatever that thought process might have turned up, it vanished in a moment when Rachel shrieked, and then slammed the keys. James instantly winced, managing to both almost drop his Violin Case, and hit himself in the face with it in a rush to cover his ears. It was an impressive accomplishment... almost.

"Can... can we not do that again?"

James looked up, looking around and seeing Rachel doubled over. He sighed at the sight.

I'm... not going to get to practice today... am I?

"Johnson, you alright? Shouldn't be so hard yourself. Tristian Chords are hard. Once you know where it is, I'm sure you will get it. Alright?"

James was almost 100% sure that such wasn't the problem at all, and he was entirely missing the point, but James wasn't really all that good with people. He half heartedly shifted toward her, unsure if he should walk toward her, or slip off to a practice room while he could.

2009-12-09, 10:24 AM

Roy takes out a thermos and cup and pours Jun some tea.

"I hope this helps you feel a bit better."

"Do you need to go to the nurse's office? I'll escort you there."

Most perceptive? I guess OCD.

2009-12-09, 11:13 AM
Rolling Jessica's result before I decide what happens... I predict a 33% chance of "victory" this round... c'mon...

Edit: Dammit!

I'm So Goth I Bleed Rainbows

"I... it's... color..." Jessica trailed off. What was wrong with her? Was she going to let Miyako affect her? Why? She felt like she was losing her grip, having a hard time staying in character... this wasn't good.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-09, 11:27 AM
Miyako giggles a little bit, taking Jessica's hand. "Hey! Want to go shopping after school today, sempai? I promise not to dress you up in anything that doesn't suit you!" The fact that she promised not to do that specifically is a bit worrying, really...

Jun takes the tea, smiles a little bit, and sips at it. Roy thinks he might have caught sight of something in her eyes, but it's gone before he can really take notice.

* * *

Rachel looks up at James. She looks... utterly terrified. "I... I feel..." She screams, and then passes out, while a black fog begins to leak from her body. That's probably not a good thing.

Of course, James doesn't have much time to contemplate this - he passes out almost as soon as she does. He didn't faint - he fell asleep!

* * *

Jun clutches her forehead and groans. "Nn... I don't think the tea is... doing any-" And then she promptly collapses, while students all throughout the school do as well! A black fog can be seen flowing out of some of the windows near the music room.

James, Adam and jessica actually manage to stay on their feet for a few moments before crumpling to the floor. Miyako seems to be entirely unaffected, and, as jessica loses consciousness, she pulls a pink, cat-themed cell phone from her pocket. "Aah... Jiji, we've got a problem here..."

* * *

Falling again. You seem to be having a lot of falling dreams lately. You can feel something around you, a sort of nameless dread that you can't quite place. But it's soon gone, as the world shatters around you.

* * *

Jessica, Adam, Roy and James awake to find themselves laying amongst the shattered remains of an odd, multicoloured crystal, laying not to far from each other. The ground seems to be bare earth - although it's greyish, not brown - and a glance at the sky will reveal that it's an orange-pink colour, like a particularly spectacular sunset.

All around them, dotting the gray landscape, are numerous man-sized, multicoloured crystals. Each one has a vague shape inside it, which seems to be vaguely humanoid, but tough to make out.

2009-12-09, 12:14 PM

"...And today was such a promising day." Adam said in a mild whisper. Looking around he saw the Goth girl and Roy. There was a third student, but Adam don't believe he actually knew him*. "What the heck is this place. Where is Miyako-chan and the others?" he is actually able to speak only that much, eyes set cold hard on the crystal stones around.

"Oh..." He took one step forward and dared not to go further. If those things were really what he though they were than it was starting to get creepy. Hidey creepy. Wait, yes, I could he thought, Hidey must know something I don't. But I can't summon the pesky puppet without a good explanation to these guys. And girl. Adam was, apparently, deep lost in thought, musing something only himself could see. He managed to keep track of it and ask a blunt, if redundant, question; "What do you guys know of this?"

[* Being a lousy student I bet Adam hadn't even seen a music genius like James around that much, much less in a proper meeting, so I bet he doesn't know his name]

2009-12-09, 01:09 PM
Jessica Calloway

Jessica took a moment to survey her surroundings. The human-shapes in the crystals... the crystal shards. Had they been... prisoners?

"...and here we thought the Matrix was just a movie... well... a movie and two sequels..."

She rubs her head. Miyako... shopping? That might've actually been tolerable. But it seemed it would have to wait. For now, she would assess her situation and decide on a course of action.

Jessica noticed she wasn't alone.

She had company. There was the guy she thought might fancy Miyako. Why, she hadn't a clue. To each his own, though... There was the weird kid with the checklist... and the musician. Her clique didn't really blend with any of theirs, so she was shaky on names.

"I don't know... this is all very strange to me. I feel like I just awoke from a dream. I don't like this place... it's eerie."

Jessica can't get her mind off of the Matrix films. They were fun! I wonder if this is anything like that...

2009-12-09, 03:36 PM

James sighed as the fog began to leak from Rachel's body. He definitely wasn't going to get to Berg today. Very sad. James managed to shift his body slightly as he fell, before sleep took him. Just enough to make sure the Violin Case landed on his nice soft body, rather then the floor. Even in the case, a fall could do damage to it.


James stood up, dusting himself off. He didn't know any of the other three students by name, just by their reputation. Idiot, Goth, and OCD Boy. Wasn't much more to it then that.

"Why the hell am I dreaming about you 3?"

James asked the assembled group, not sure quite what he expected in the way of answer. He had fallen asleep. Thusly, this was his dream.

Doesn't explain why they are here, though.

2009-12-09, 08:10 PM

Good thing I placed the cap on my thermos. I could have spilled something, heaven forbid.

Roy stands up and dusts himself off. He looks around at the landscape and voices his disapproval.

"There are far too many jagged lines here due to those crystals. It's a representation of swords and other sharp objects, it heavily restricts the flow of life energy."

He picks up a crystal and doesn't seem to notice the others until a full minute later.

"Hold on, who are you three and what happened to that shy girl I was talking to? I think she needs to go to the nurse."

He decides to use his crystal as a chisel to wear down some of the edges of the other crystals.

"The flow of life energy must be restored here or else we will all have bad luck."


Yuki Akuma
2009-12-10, 05:20 AM
One thing you can say about falling asleep in the middle of the day and waking up in a strange dream landscape... it is terribly refreshing. Like waking up from a good night's sleep, really.

Jessica, you can have your I'm So Goth... cliché back to full strength now. In case you need it for something.

As Roy begins to chip away at one of the crystals, there's a high-pitched shriek of horror from somewhere nearby. "Ack! No, don't do that! Bad idea, bad idea!" Roy is suddenly tackled at around chest-height by something that feels like an oversized bug.

On close inspection it appears to be... a fairy. A stereotypical Tinkerbellian fairy - although with antennae that reinforce the 'insect' vibe, to go along with those wings. Her skin is a pale orange colour, like a fake tan gone wrong. "What kind of Lucid are you?! Attacking someone's dream-casing... do you know what would happen if you broke that?!"

As the fairy berates Roy, something sticks out in your minds. Lucids? For some reason, the word feels familiar - and not just because you know what it means.

You have gained the Lucid Dreamer (1) cliché! This is a very special cliché that only functions in the Dreamscape. It can be used to do practically anything you can imagine - when you don't have the right clichés for something, you can fall back on Lucid Dreamer. Of course right now you only have one die...

You also gain 'dream shots'. They're like lucky shots, in that you can spend them to augment a single dice roll, but they only function in the Dreamscape - or in the waking world, but only to augment obvious "dream powers", such as Liquid Sorrow and the like.

You gain three dream shots for free, plus one for every die in your Lucid Dreamer cliché. So right now, you have four.

Note that you can only spend one dream shot on a single dice roll. When you do, you gain an extra die to play with, for that roll only.

2009-12-10, 08:06 AM

James watched the proceedings mildly amused. OCD Boy gets tackled by an Orange Fairy yelling some gibberish. One of the words did seem to click with him, but that made sense. Since this was a dream, it would have to.

I didn't think I had this much imagination...

"Nope. Mind explaining, little fairy?"

If it was a dream, he might as well play along. If only until he found something more interesting.

2009-12-10, 08:43 AM

Roy falls over in surprise upon being tackled.

"I don't know what a lucid is or what would happen if I broke anything."

"I think my own crystal-object was broken a few minutes ago, can I claim it on an insurance plan of some sort?"

Roy stands up and dusts himself off for the seventh or eighth time that day.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Roy Clark. Nice to meet you."

2009-12-10, 05:19 PM
Jessica Calloway

Jessica was very much surprised to see the strange boy with the shard tackled by the fairy. Roy. He said his name was Roy. Then again... given her current situation, Jessica wasn't sure she really was all that surprised.

"Lucid? Dream-casing... Dream?" She said, hearing Tink chastise Roy. Wait, then... she thought for a moment. Suddenly, with eyes wide and a huge smile, she burst out, girlishly, "Svapnaavasthaa!"

As she said it, she realized nobody would understand what she had just said.

Svapnaavasthaa - Sanskrit; "The state of mind in a dream."
...Jessica likes obscure things... like Sanskrit

2009-12-10, 06:11 PM
Adam is the one taking everything casually. He try to appear surprised when the fairy start harassing Roy, but in truth is not. He'd read hundreds of books, thousands even, about this kind of thing. The life of a Warlock is quite boring, really, one who can experiment with magic beyond the laws of schools is one cursed with a numbed mind.

His attention is caught with Jessica's reaction, however. Truly, that word was an amazing display that anyone here is more than meets the eye, and we are not autobots the thought came with a smirk directed to himself.

"No point in hiding anything, I presume. Damn. I thought my life would go more like a romantic comedy if I kept the act."

"Anyway, those crystals are probably their dream-space. If you break one, I presume, nothing short to madness or death would come. I would like to study it very much, maybe if I could dissect one..." you have the feeling that the last part wasn't meant to be spoken out loud. Suddenly, the stupid nerd from the room's corner seems to had given place to something else. Something not human. Warlocks are not human he amused in silence.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-11, 05:22 AM
The little fairy crosses her arms over her chest. "Well I don't know either! But it's probably not a good idea." She waves a hand vaguely. "Yours broke because you're Lucids. ... But shouldn't you already know that?" Now she looks confused.

When Jessica speaks, the fairy tilts her head. "No, no, that's not it. Your state of mind is just the same as when you're awake. That's the point. The dream-casings can't contain you because you're conscious."

There's a slight pause, and the fairy looks utterly horrified. "You're... you're all new, aren't you? You just catalysed? Oh, great." She glares towards Adam. "Don't touch the crystals, creepy boy."

Finally, she sighs, looking a little deflated. "...My name's Li. Pleased to meet you, I guess. Now why the heck did you all catalyse at the same time? What's going on in the waking world?"

2009-12-11, 01:47 PM
"Don't ask impossible questions, little girl." Adam looks kinda intrigued with the little fairy.

"My name is Adam Reed, my pleasure. But more importantly what are you? You are clearly not human, and not of the fabled ones; vampires, werewolves and such. And how do we know we can trust you?" His face is scratched in a puzzled smile, looking rather enthusiastic. Something about it make you remember of a child asking questions.

2009-12-11, 02:18 PM
James sighed. This dream was becoming less and less interesting. And maybe less and less of a dream... but that was beside the point.

"If this is a Lucid Dream... shouldn't I be in control of it? I'm sorry, but if I could pick my ideal environment, this would not be it."

James wasn't answering the Faeries question, but he didn't think she would mind. It was his dream, after all. He could do what he wanted.

2009-12-11, 03:14 PM

This place clearly isn't making enough sense. I suppose that if something is out of order, order must be imposed on it.

"I don't really know what's going on anywhere. All I know is that I was about to bring a girl over to the nurse's office and then I'm suddenly in the middle of a field with very little energy flow."

"Li-chan, can you give us a tour? I suppose we're all rather new to the area and I'm afraid I'll get lost."

2009-12-12, 12:50 AM
Jessica Calloway

"We're lucid dreamers? How can we all be here together? That doesn't make any sense. I sure wouldn't dream about these three..." Jessica sneers. This was quite far-fetched... though the fact that she was talking to a fairy did not help her case.

"I don't know what's happening in the "real world." I just remember Miyako, and then... falling... You guys?" This was all very baffling. She wondered idly why, if she were dreaming, she weren't dreaming something cooler than a fairy and three boys she barely knew. Then again, her imagination had never been one to... cooperate.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-12, 06:34 AM
Li hmmms and then sticks her tongue out at Adam. "I am not a little girl. And I'm a Dream Sprite. Like... um. You know how insects look really different when they're babies and when they're adults? We're kinda like that. I'm gonna grow up to be a Dream some day." She beams! "...Which I guess does make me a little girl..."

The little sprite pauses for a while, then slaps herself on the forehead. "I should stop assuming you know what i know. Okay." She spreads her arms wide. "This, my dear Adam-and-friends, is the Dreamscape. The Land of Dreams. It's where your kind come when they sleep, and the Dreams get to play out in their heads. What you call 'lucid dreamers' are really just people who manage to stay half-conscious while they dream. Conscious minds have much more effect on the Dreamscape, and Dreams, than unconscious minds do. But you are fully conscious, so we call you Lucid Dreamers. With capital letters and everything."

"...A tour?" She looks at Roy quizically. "There's not much to show you. It's not night time, so most of the place is pretty barren. I'll give you a tour tonight." She grins a little bit. "Now.. to business! You said you all just fell asleep in the middle of the day? ... That's probably the work of a Nightmare." She pauses. "Maybe a Dream. But most people don't summon Dreams for some reason. They want Nightmares so they can go destroy stuff and kill their enemies." She sounds utterly unconcerned.

2009-12-12, 09:09 AM
Adam looks concerned, but not worried. "Nightmares... Like that things that scare children? Uh, probably not. That is pretty neat, ojou-chan. Your knowledge, I mean." he answers the fairy with a wry witty smile, the kind that's based on fondness.
He turns to face everyone, obviously these are no small questions and everyone should at least hear them, or the warlock believes so. "So, what should we do? We are clearly trapped here and if someone is messing with our bodies we can't stay for long, that's for sure, so what? How do we wake up? And if we can't, how do we stop the bad guys? I mean, someone must be up to something... And it can't be nice."

The boy's eyes are shifting, uneasy to the alien landscape. "This appears to be an Edgar A. Poe movie, it gives me the chills." Adam adds with a bit of dry sarcasm in a completely unrelated topic.

2009-12-12, 10:30 PM

"Nothing to see? Well that's unfortunate. Is there any way out of here without dying or hurting myself in some fashion?"

Turning to the others, he says "You three still haven't introduced yourselves. I'm Roy Clark, I wish we could have met under less stressful circumstances."

2009-12-13, 09:14 PM
James shrugged at the introduction. He didn't much care. After all it was a dream.

"James Bilsmere."

James looked over at Li, still curious to see where this all was going.

"In my experience, few people want nightmares, and fewer still kill people with them."

2009-12-14, 11:45 AM
Jessica Calloway

"I guess you guys can call me 'Jessica.' Not Jess, not Jessie. Jae is okay. So is 'hey, you,' if you're one of... those people, who forgets names easily."

Jessica eagerly awaited Li explaining things, such as "Just why exactly are we here?" and "Does this happen... ever? Is it unheard of?"

"Strictly speaking, the ability to kill with a nightmare would be most, um, intriguing. But I think drams would be a more worthwhile endeavor... why bother with nightmares while asleep? The waking world is bad enough."

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-15, 05:05 AM
Li sighs a little bit to herself. "Well, nightmares that manifest in the waking world have a tendency to make people fall asleep. And most of them have claws and sharp teeth. What do you think happens when a nightmare gets close to a freeway?"

She waves a hand slightly. "You have to understand, dreams and nightmares aren't manifestations of your imagination. They're natives of this world, who, just like this world, are affected by the imaginations of humans. Specifically, sleeping humans, and mostly children. They enter people's unconscious minds... they have a sort of drive to play themselves out, you know? But when one gets summoned to the waking world, they tend to... react badly."

Li opens her mouth to continue, when a sudden shiver runs down everyone's spine. "...Oh, no. What sort of amatuer nightmare summoner are we dealing with here...?"

A dark figure has appeared on the horizon rapidly closing in on them. Close inspection reveals that it doesn't seem to be all there... some of its limbs just end in poorly-defined stumps. Even one of its legs, although that doesn't seem to keep it from running on it anyway.

"Uh, listen, do any of you know how to fight? We can't afford to just wait for the summon to wear off!"

2009-12-15, 11:56 AM
James looked at the thing quickly approaching them, making an easy decision. James was a musician, not some kind of Warrior.

"Nope. Whose up for running. Cause I sure as hell am."

2009-12-15, 01:15 PM
Jessica Calloway

Jessica giggled. The giggle grew, eventually ending after roughly five seconds in what could be described as a cackle.

"That *wheeze* thing is meant to scare us? Hehehehehe! My gods, what sort of drab imagination gave it that form?"

She looks down for a moment, then says softly, "Poor thing..."

Suddenly, she snaps back to... well, not reality, but the metaphor stands. "Um... I say we fight. Li... right? Dreams react to our imaginings... so... if we think it, can we do it? Is it more subtle than that?"

If it were less subtle than that she was going to seriously consider asking around for an Architect and an Oracle.

No offense intended, Yuki. The situation is just reminiscent of the Matrix... at least, to Jessica. Hehe.

2009-12-15, 03:12 PM

"Logically speaking, we would be best off somewhere else. Do you want me to carry you, Li-chan?"

If yes:

Roy scoops up Li in his arms and carries her as he prepares to escape the partially-formed beast.

If no:

"Maybe that is rather wise."

Roy runs in a path perpendicular to the one the beast is taking.

No, it does not.

I've now got Ana Ng stuck in my head. ♫Make a hole with a gun perpendicular, to the name of this town in a desktop globe, exit wound in a foreign nation, showing the home of the one this was written for♫

2009-12-15, 04:38 PM
Adam is shocked to see what appears to be a bull-rushing black monkey-thingy closing in. It is unfortunate that he didn't prepare a proper spell for defeating... black monkey-thingies. "Well, it will have to do, I guess."

"If we run away the others will be put in danger. I will not let harm come to innocents even if I don't care for them. I will stand here and do... something, you should go." He doesn't seems too confident in his abilities to hold the nightmare, and is clearly nervously shaking. Something in his voice have a sad ring to it. "Name is Adam, by the way. Don't forget it... You too, little pixie." he wanted to say more, but it might be too late to be all sentimental and stuff.

No matter. His eyes are distant now, unfocused, blindly reaching inside his memories for any piece of information against the beasty they are facing or a way out of this death trap. Anything, really.

Intensive Study (4d6)[4][4][2][6](16) ; Any information Will be used against da beasty. Adam will even sacrifice himself (by the act of pumping his lone 1 dice of his Warlock cliché) if the need arises, everything to make sure everyone will stay out of harm's way.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-16, 04:54 AM
Fear of Inadequacy - Nightmare of Rachel Johnson

Clichés: Partially-Real Shapeshifting Incarnation of Terror (2), Fear of Inadequacy (3)

"What? No! I can fly, thank you!" Li looks baffled at the offer to carry her.

The black monkey-thing charges towards the group, moving deceptively fast even though, ocassionally, it doesn't appear to have any legs. It leaps forward, taking a swipe at Roy with a paw that suddenly changes into a wicked-looking arrangement of claws, teeth and... piano wire?

That stuff can cut. [roll0]

[Roy loses one die. Ouch.]

Hahahah... useless! The voice rings in Roy's mind. It sounds disturbingly feminine and somewhat familiar...

Meanwhile, Adam's mind's eye comes across a scrap of information. Judging from the psychic fear leaking off the aparrition, it's a nightmare about fear - in this case, a fear of being inadequate. It'll probably try to get into the minds of anyone it fights and force them to think they simply can't win.

[Adam can spend his next action telling his companions this - in which case they all get a +1 to defenses against the beast for the rest of combat.]

Remember your Dream Shots, people. It shouldn't be hard to win if you use them.

2009-12-16, 05:25 AM
Jessica Calloway

C'mon, think of something! Express yourself vividly! Jessica's mind screamed at her. Think!

Wild Imagination: [roll0]
Dream Shot Augmentation: [roll1]
Total: 12

Jessica's eyes blanked for a moment. The air around her darkened, thickening, akin to fog. Tendrils of the darkness reached toward Jessica. Her mind took a dark, dreary turn. The tendrils snaked up above the charging beast, forming a small, dark rain cloud that followed the beast as it moved. Raining from the cloud were ninja stars. Pink ninja stars. Of all the colors...

"Honestly, I surprise myself sometimes..."

Oooh! Let's see that fiend beat that!

2009-12-16, 11:40 AM
James Bilsmere

When the creature transformed, James took more of an interest in it. Piano Wire? Really? Seemed a strange thing to have a Nightmare. He wasn't a Pianist in the main anymore, but Piano Wire was good. The Nightmare before had been a minor annoyance, something that he had just thought he was better off avoiding. But now...

"I think you need to go."

Pulling a Violin from thin air, James ran the bow across the Strings with a quick pull.

Sonic Control: [roll0]
Dream Shot: [roll1]

2009-12-16, 03:58 PM

Adam's eyes gleam with a stream of hope. "Block your minds everyone! It uses your fears against you!" he screams to the others general direction.

Once again his face lights up, a shiver of excitment runs down his spine. Adam lift his hand to the skies. "Believe in me who believe in you!" and than turns to face the beasty. "Who the hell do you think we are!?"

[Tegen Toppa quote. hehe. Just to be sure; Nerd Student cliché (1d6)[5]]

2009-12-16, 06:47 PM


Roy recoils from the pain and falls down onto the ground. He inspects the massive gash in his arm and finds, to his total and abject horror that his uniform has a rip in it. Panicking, he searches through his backpack for his sewing kit. After inspecting the designated sewing kit inner pocket twice, he can't find it.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I can't fix the rip right away!

"You ****ing bastard! Look what you've done! You will pay! YOU WILL PAY!"

Roy charges at the beast and starts fighting it with everything he's got.



Yuki Akuma
2009-12-17, 05:06 AM
The monster attempts to take another swipe at Roy, but it's suddenly distracted by something. It looks towards Jessica... and she can't help but imagine that it's grinning, heading towards her purposefully. That's right, little play-goth... try to fight it. It makes it so much more fun that way... The voice belongs to someone Jessica has met before.

Fear of Inadequacy: [roll0]

The moment of self-doubt the nightmare causes is just enough to make Jessica faulter, the pink ninja stars falling all around it. But, other than that, it doesn't seem to have caused any serious psychological damage.

Draw! Ouch.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-17, 05:09 AM
The nightmare glowers at James. I always thought your violin sounded awful, Bismere! Yep, that's definitely Rachel's voice he's hearing. Of course, she never actually sounds as venemous as that...

Fear of Inadequacy: [roll0]

Somehow, James' determination manages to burst through the nightmare's mental influence, the sonic waves overcoming the beast and sending it reeling!

The Nightmare just lost a die of Fear of Inadequacy.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-17, 05:11 AM
Roy's sudden turn and charge at the monster is quite a surprise! It brings up one wicked claw to defend itself - and counterattack.

Partially-Real Shapeshifting Incarnation of Terror: [roll0]

Roy's blow connects, and, miraculously, sends the beast reeling! How did he manage to gather up so much strength? OCD isn't exactly known for its bursts of super-strength.

The nightmare loses one die. Finally!

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-17, 05:14 AM
The nightmare glowers at Roy as it scrambles to its feet. That little... It reaches forward, tendrils of blackness swirling out and trying to engulf Roy! Oh no, what a shame. Your poor uniform got torn. No one cares, little man. Didn't you know that? You're the only person who cares about your special little flower arranging club.

Fear of Inadequacy: [roll0]

[Yeah, let's ignore that last die because I screwed up. It rolled a 4.]

Remember, Roy, you get a +1 bonus to defend against this.

2009-12-17, 12:57 PM

Now we will fight on the same grounds, beasty Adam amuses to himself. Using his knowledge of the creature's composition, he starts to formulate a emotional attack against it. He knows plenty about the beast already and it knows nothing of him, years being humiliated and verbally abused will be put to use now.

He starts by laughing forcefully and at full lungs. "HAHAHAHAHA! Amazing! What a stupid beast you are! Not only you can't stand for yourself, you actually attack people's emotions! What? Can't you fight with your own strength? Go hide in a hole and die, stupidly pathetic creature, you are not worth of my presence! HAHAHAHAHA!" and he finishes with the same full-lung laughter.

Putting my acquired knowledge earned by Intensive Study to practice, in a verbal combat. [roll0] In case of victory this is the song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GPHf3Y1BLA). In all cases, I think I am targeting his own Fear of Inadequacy. Haha. I made a joke.

2009-12-17, 02:45 PM
Jessica Calloway

That sounded... familiar... Jessica thought. No time to think too awfully hard about who, though.

"Fine! Ninjas not good enough? How 'bout pirates?!"

The Sorrow Cloud shifted slightly, and the ninja stars dissipated. The rain began again, but this time, miniature galleons fell, swirling around the beast, firing cannons toward it. Miniature Jolly Rogers were raised, and high pitched cries of "batten the hatches," "hoist the main brace," "yo ho ho," and, of course, "yaaaarrrrrr," could just barely be heard.

Wild Imagination: [roll0]
Another Dream Shot: [roll1]

2009-12-17, 04:41 PM


Roy stops to catch his breath.

Nobody is going to tell me my club isn't perfect. It has everything anyone could ever want. So what if I'm the only one who attends? It just means that the other members aren't as dedicated as I am. That's right, dedicated. More people will come. The school will give more money and we'll be able to do actual activities. And it will be perfect. It will be perfect. It will be perfect. It will be perfect. It will be perfect. It will be perfect. It will be perfect. It will be perfect. It will be perfect.


Whether or not Roy's OCD-fueled rage can block his own feelings of inadequacy isn't certain.


What do you mean by bonus? Bonus to the end number or additional dice?


Yuki Akuma
2009-12-18, 04:36 AM
The nightmare beast seems to falter for a moment at Roy's sudden outburst. If it had a face you'd be sure it would be looking concerned...

Suddenly, Adam begins his tirade! The nightmare stares at him in confusion - just long enough to be pounded by several miniature galleons. It's sent tumbling to the ground, its body seeming to fade in and out of existance rapidly.

[Yeah I'm not even bothering rolling to defend. it has one die. It can't win.]

Suddenly, a pink shape barrels out of nowhere. It's glowing, and looks vaguely catlike... it slams into the nightmare, which suddenly appears to be all there. And then the aparrition vanishes.

"...Huh. I didn't realise there was someone on the other side..." The Dream Sprite scratches the back of her head. "That makes this easier then!"

The little fairy emerges from her hiding place - inside Jessica's pocket - and flutters over to the convulsing beast. Crackles of energy surround it, tearing away at its body.

[color=orange]"Poor thing..." Li sighs, looking down at it. "Oh well." She holds her hands together, forming an orb of orange energy between them. "Let nameless dread melt away. May you become a Dream in the next life. Nightmare! Fade away!" She suddenly dives down, jamming the orange orb of energy into the nightmare...

The nightmare promptly explodes... and then implodes... and forms into a crystal, around fist-sized, floating in the air. It's quite hard to work out what colour the crystal is - it seems to be every colour at once.

"Woo!" The Dream Sprite punches the air.

2009-12-18, 06:15 AM
Jessica Calloway

The dark cloud faded back into tendrils, wrapping back around Jessica before dissipating entirely into her. The remaining galleons drifted off through the air, occasionally doing battle with one another. It was an odd sight. But then, what wasn't?

Go pirates. Always the winning team.

"Let me be the first to say: What the hell just happened?" Jessica said, in reaction to Li's celebration. "We just fought a nightmare... using... um... odd methods... and then, that there, what was that?"

Jessica was utterly amazed at what had transpired. She couldn't even bring herself to hold her typical demeanor; she was too awed.

2009-12-18, 11:00 AM

"I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen."

Roy looks in his backpack for tea and finds... his emergency sewing kit! The pocket he stored it in has a hole on the bottom.

I can fix my clothes! This has to be the happiest day in the history of happiness!

He immediately gets to work repairing any rips in his uniform and his backpack. He hums as he works, as if restoring the condition of his clothing is equivalent to repairing his soul. The scrawny boy doesn't seem to care that he had to be bare-chested as he works on the scratch on his shirt.

2009-12-18, 04:04 PM
James had clapped his hands over his ears when the burst of sound emerged from the Violin. The instrument itself had vanished when he let go of it. This didn't stop Rachel's voice, of course. He had to agree with her. That was awful. Not music. Something else, something he didn't like. But he wouldn't stop because of something like that.

I'll have to avoid that...

By the time he had straightened up, his comrades had pretty neatly demolished the creature.

"That... I suppose nightmare will do to describe it. It is supposed to represent someone, isn't it?"

James wasn't sure of the proper terminology. He wasn't sure of much, at all, to be frank.

"I recognized the voice."

2009-12-19, 01:10 PM

Li's display of Sakura Card Captor powers had allowed a little idiotic smile crept on the Adam's semblance. "That... actually was neat. Heh. If you said "revert to the humble form you deserve" I should be actually nose bleeding by now." That prhase was just meant to no one's ears, it was a mistake that he spoke it aloud as he did. "Eto... oh well." Adam tries to shift his atention and mask his embarrasment.

When Adam turns to listen's to James he seems really interested. "Interesting. Trully interesting. If you know of something, spill it out. It could help us, you know, to find how we get out of here. I don't like this place more than anyone do."

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-19, 01:14 PM
Even as they speak, the world seems to be getting fuzzier. "Um. You're... waking up now, aren't you? Hey, uh, could one of you grab the egg before you go? We can't just leave it here!" Her is slightly indistinct, as if heard through water.

She looks like she's panicking a bit. "Yeah, with the nightmare gone from your world your bodies won't be forced into sleeping anymore... so..." She eeks, and surges towards Adam and grabs at him before he vanishes. She doesn't want to get left behind!

2009-12-19, 01:24 PM
James grabs the crystal swiftly, holding it in his hand. He was pretty sure it belonged to someone he knew, so he might as well hang on to it. The he just stands and watches the word melt away.

I wonder how long I have been asleep?

2009-12-19, 01:27 PM

Roy is busy putting his shirt back on and drifts back into consciousness without being the slightest bit aware of the swirly colors surrounding him.

2009-12-19, 01:47 PM

A feeling of victory fills the boy. We actually won. I actually won. he understood only now. I never won anything before... His smile brights up and, suddenly, he find that he is very fond of this people. He pats Li's head and says in a mild whisper; "It will be okay now. So, smile..." his words melted as he begun to leave the world of dreams.

Aren't we a little happy-triggers today? Durkon would be glad. *Smirk*

2009-12-19, 04:53 PM
Jessica Calloway

"From fighting nightmares back to the waking nightmare that is life. Shame... I was beginning to enjoy this..." Jessica sighed as everything faded.

Her eyes opened to the waking world, and she rolled them. This is not fair at all...

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-20, 02:52 PM
The world fades around you...

"...idn't say there were five of them!" comes a voice. The voice belongs to a boy around your age, wearing a school uniform - but not any of the local ones. he has longish black hair that often covers his eyes.

The boy is standing in what appears to be an empty room. It's dark, and hard to make anything out, but suddenly there comes a voice. The room seems to tremble as it speaks. It's feminine, but also powerful. "Is that a problem, supplicant?"

"Uh, n-no, mistress, of course no-"

Your eyes open.

* * *

You're back at school! Everyone around you is getting up, looking groggy and stiff. You feel awful... but then, you did just fall asleep while standing up.

There are two people outside who don't seem to have fallen asleep. Miyako, who looks rather battered, and a much older man in quite a smart black suit, who is currently checking Miyako for injuries.

2009-12-20, 03:06 PM

What's going on here? Wait, remember Roy, none of what just happened actually happened. Get on with what you were doing.

Roy stands up and looks around a bit. He sees Jun passed out on the ground and ponders for a second.

She's probably too heavy for me to carry. I should get the nurse to help grab her.

He then walks over to the nurse's office, hoping that somebody there is still conscious.

"Nurse-san? Anybody here? I need help carrying a girl who passed out due to a headache."

2009-12-20, 03:20 PM
Jessica Calloway

Jessica stood up and rubbed her eyes for a moment. Seeing Miyako, she stormed over to her. "Miyako-san. I hate to interrupt whatever you're doing, but perhaps you'd care to shed some light on what just happened? You, unlike the rest of us, seem not to have fallen... asleep... or whatever..."

Jessica was... well, appalled to be asking the faux-pixie for information, but what else was she to do? She suddenly noticed that Miyako didn't look so hot. "And... um.. what happened to you?"

2009-12-20, 08:17 PM
James woke up, and immedietely started feeling around for his Violin case, realizing that he had apparently been moved only shortly after waking up.

"Umm, Nurse-San, do you know where my Violin is? I should really go put it away."

James looked about, and then looked down, to see if he was still holding that crystal. It was impossible, of course, but today was an impossible kind of day.

2009-12-22, 06:23 PM

The boy's eyes flash with anima once more. Back to reality... he thought. He dares not stand up or move, however. Maybe everything really was a dream, maybe there was no dream-land. And maybe there was no magic. He closed his eyes once more, concentrating in his addiction to spells. "Nops. It's there. Magic is real. The dreamland is real." he speaks to no one's ears.

But. There was... something on his leg? He could feel it, he remembered Li, but he dared not to gaze at it. Could a dream travel to the real realm?

[I am really sorry. My net went down yesterday because of a thunderstorm here in Brazil and I couldn't update. I am sorry.]

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-22, 06:59 PM
In the nurse's office, Roy and James find... the school nurse, passed out on her desk. but as they watch, she starts to come to with a groan. "Hnnn... What just... did I fall asleep?" She looks towards the doorway, blinking once. "Um. Can I help you two?"

All around the school, people are slowly starting to wake up. Well, most of them - some people hit their heads going over and don't seem to be waking up yet. Oddly, many of the injuries are pretty minor - and most of them have already been treated.

Even odder, James can feel... something... in his hand. When he looks to check there's nothing there, but even when he loosens his grip on the whatever-it-is, he can still feel it. It feels... mildly warm.

* * *

Miyako yelps a little bit as Jessica storms up, shying back a little bit. "U-um..." Her clothes have really suffered in whatever it was that just happened. The back of her dress has been ripped, and before she quickly turned around Jessica could swear she saw a pink flash of fur there...

Miyako wipes some hair away from her forehead - which reveals she has quite a nasty gash just above her eye. "I, um. Really shouldn't say anything with so many... people..." That hand she just used to brush away her hair is odd. Her nails seem to be incredibly long and sharp - much moreso than they were before.

"Miyako, would you collect the other three?" comes the voice of the older man, suddenly. Miyako blinks, then nods her head and rushes off towards the nurse's office, where she say James and Roy head.

* * *

"Oooo... the sky's a weird colour here..." The voice by Adam's leg sounds... distorted. None of the others waking up around him appear to hear it.

2009-12-22, 08:30 PM
James sighed, standing up quickly, ignoring the feeling of lightheadedness that overcame him, and brushing himself off.

"Probably not. I'll be going now."

James nodded to her, intending to head back to the Music Room. Partly because of his Violin, partly because of... well, whatever was in his hand. He ignored Miyako, considering her just part of the scenery of the school, like any other student, intending to slip around her.

2009-12-22, 08:54 PM
Jessica Calloway

Okay, fine, I guess I'll just stay here. Sure, don't ask me to come look for them with you. Be that way, Jessica thinks. Whatever was going on would hopefully be revealed to her shortly. A good thing too, because this was beginning to stress out the "unstressable" Jessica Calloway.

"So... what's your deal?" she asked the man who had sent Miyako off. In a hushed tone, she adds, "Do you know what just happened to 'the other three' and I?"

2009-12-22, 09:17 PM

"A girl fainted over in front of the school. I can't carry her here on my own."

Roy doesn't even consider that Jun might have woken up on her own. It was set in his mind that Jun had fainted, so he wasn't going to believe otherwise.

"Come on, follow me." he says as he walks back to the front of the school, not looking behind him to see if the nurse is going to follow him.

2009-12-22, 09:49 PM
For a moment there, Adam doesn't speak. Doesn't think, doesn't stare, doesn't even move. "Yeah. Nice. Good. I have an in-leg fairy." He ponders on such subject not too long before standing prone, casually he cleans his school uniform from the dirt that stuck on it.

He turns to see Miyako-chan talking to Jessica and a tall man in a black suit. He thinks of half a hundred jokes but speak of not even one.

Directing his words to his leg Adam asks the non-present fairy. "What am I going to do with you? Hidey will butcher me when I go home. If I go home. He completes after gazing Miyako-chan gathering the others lucid dreamers. He doesn't wait for her to call upon him, the warlock step forward to greet Jessica and the black suit guy. "How do you do?" He greets Jessica, quite rudely.

Yuki Akuma
2009-12-26, 07:38 AM
You can hear the sounds of sirens in the distance. Apparently, the entire school passing out hasn't gone unnoticed. Miyako reaches out to grab James by the neck in a headlock as he passes. "Where d'you think you're going?" She grins at him. She's friendly enough while nearly choking guys, at least... "I'm gonna take you to meet my Jiji." It's a nickname for a grandfather. Sort of like saying "grampa".

* * *

The nurse seems pretty out of it, but she nods and stands. "A girl fainted? Okay, we'd better bring her in here..." She follows after Roy, a little unsteadily! Meanwhile, all around them children are getting up, looking dazed and confused.

When they reach Jun... she is actually still unconscious! And her brother is trying desperately to wake her up. "Jun! C'm,on, wake up!"

* * *

The man - Miyako's 'Jiji' - nods his head, looking somewhat perplexed as Adam shows up. "...Young man, why do you have a Dream Sprite clinging to your leg?"

2009-12-26, 12:14 PM

"Excuse me, but could you help the nurse and I bring Hirogi-san to the nurse's office? I think she may need some medical attention."

"By the way, I'm Roy Clark. What's your name?"

Whether or not Matsuda agrees, Roy tries to get the nurse to help carry Jun the the nurse's office.

2009-12-26, 01:26 PM
Jessica Calloway

Why does this always happen to me? Gah...

Jessica looked fairly disinterested in Adam's general direction until the suited man spoke up. "Li? But we woke up!" she said, perhaps louder than she should have. She looked at Adam's leg, expecting to see the small pixielike creature. She crossed her arms and drew herself inward.This was getting all too strange.

2009-12-26, 03:41 PM
James grunted with suprise when Miyako put him in a headlock. It wasn't rally what you expected from Ms. Rainbows and Sunshine, even if you were paying attention to her. And James had nearly forgotten her.

"Why do you want me to meet with your Jiji?"

James realized that really wasn't the question to be asking. He didn't care why she did, after all.

"I need to go to the Music Room and find my Violin. Also..."

Jame's voice trailed off as he looked down at his hand. He wasn't sure how he could mention that without seeming crazy.

2009-12-27, 04:02 PM

"It's... Trying to show affection? Maybe I am that irresistible." His voice sounded as disinterested as he was, no bit of faith or confidence had come with that last part too.

"But the question here, good sir, is who are you? And how the freaking hell can you see it?" His voice was calm while inquisitive, showing a bit of ignorance and yet some understanding. Adam seemed so used to whatever was happening that it was quite unsettling.

2010-01-08, 12:28 AM

While he is helping to move the unconscious girl, Roy attempts to mentally re-plan his day due to the ten minutes of disruption caused by helping the girl out.

And I suppose if I ride my bike a bit faster, I can purchase my takoyaki before the rush and save a few minutes, and after that, I'll be on schedule.

That is, so long as I didn't fall asleep and enter a psychedelic dream world, thus losing a few more minutes than my schedule can bear. Fortunately, that didn't happen. Because if it did, it would disrupt my schedule further. And since my schedule isn't disrupted further, it must not have happened.

If Roy looked at any of the clocks, he would've known something was wrong. But his denial happened to trump his common sense.

Hello, is anybody in here?